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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  August 19, 2013 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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a paid advertisement for armando montelongo live events. if you are ready to change your life and take immediate control of your finances... if you're tired of hearing about the negativity in the news, and now realize that the government is not going to bail you out... if your gut instinct tells you that in an economy like this, there is a tremendous opportunity to take advantage of the growing foreclosure market and create total financial freedom for you and your family, you're about to meet a man that can change your future now. he is america's top real estate investing expert, he has been featured on the number-one real estate hit reality show, flip this house, and is a best-selling author. he is the most sought-out real estate expert in the world, and has changed thousands of people's financial futures. you now have the opportunity
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to spend time learning armando's money-making real estate strategies at his live event coming to your area. >> i went to armando's live event, and aftesix weeks, i made $45,000. i did it. you can do it too. go to his live event. >> four months ago, i took armando's live event and have had two offers accepted since then and look to make about $60,000. >> prior to this, i was in the i.t. and construction industries as a project manager. armando's live event showed me how i can go without any credit or money of my own and get five houses under contract with $160,000 in profit. go to the live event. it will change your life. >> announcer: armando montelongo, star of a&e's hit tv show flip this house, and inc. 500's number one educational company in the country is bringing his armando live event series to your area this week. this is a rare opportunity to learn armando's millionaire real estate strategies that made him a household name. armando's team will take you by the hand and show you that
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you can eliminate debt and create cash now so you and your family can benefit from today's foreclosure market. at armando's live event, you will learn that you can help others out of foreclosure while making huge sums of cash in today's market and in your backyard; that now's the time to buy, renovate, and sell real estate with or without your money or your credit; that you can do this in your marketplace now; you can get pre-foreclosures and foreclosures the way armando does. you can change your family legacy by creating huge sums of cash and getting the financial freedom that you deserve. armando believes this is a phenomenal time in history to invest in real estate, and you can do this by taking action now. seating is first-come, first-served, and seats fill fast. when you register now, you will receive two tickets for you and a guest to attend armando's live event, but wait reserve your seat now and receive for absolutely free armando's flip for success dvd,
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armando's real estate 2013 audio cd, and a free mp3 player. this $500 package is yours when you register now and attend armando's live event. learn armando's techniques live and in person. admission is free, so seating is extremely limited. so make your reservation and gain the knowledge you need to be successful today. >> we're out in the real estate market. where your real real estate investor and where your mentor should be. listen i have tremendous amounts of successful students going out there and doing this. and making money in today's market because i'm not sitting up in some i'm studio, i'm out here showing people how to make money and i am going to do this with our live event.o there are only two ways you're going to know if you can do this or not. one, if your mentors and trainers is doing it and two, if i have other and successful students who are out there doing it now and making money in your backyard in today's your marketplace. listen if you are sick and tired of your boss telling
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you what to do, if youling are sick and tired of not having enough money ornot having bad credit or if you are sick and tiredf and knowing that the government is not going to bail you out or if you are a professional going looke i make some pretty decent money but i want to maket really big money and take the opportunity of today's marketplace you can do this now when you register for the live event. listen, i have students out there who are making so much money and you are about to meet these people but you can only do it ife you take action now and register forion now and the live event. call that little 800 or 877 number whatever it is call at the bottom of that thing right now and watch these amazing studentatch testimonials of people who are running ahead of youho making money in today's market because theyay's know how i do it. >> with armando's system, i have made over $300,000 in cash and equity in the last nine months. >> if you really want to be successful in real estate, i recommend that you take armando's live event, because he can teach you things that i truly believe no one else can. >> so i'm here with john, and john, how are you? >> i'm doing great, thank you. >> great, i hear you're doing fantastic, everybody has told me
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that you are tearing it up, that these are, this is one of the properties that you've purchased, right? >> absolutely. >> and how long ago did you purchase this property? >> purchased it about three weeks ago. >> and how much profit do you have on it? >> we have about 43,000 in profit. >> and how long ago did you go to one of my live events? >> it was just six weeks ago. >> six weeks ago. can you imagine what your life would be like making $43,000 right now in less than six weeks? now, i hear that's not the only property that you've purchased, that you have a couple of others that you've already purchased and profited from? >> that's correct, we have from the three properties that we've already purchased and profited from, about $133,000. >> $133,000, and you're sitting there on your couch going, "why am i sitting here on my couch just watching an infomercial?" why aren't you picking up the phone, taking action? call the phone number on the bottom of your screen, come to one of my live events, 'cause seating is limited. now, i've heard you'd done even more than that, that you have a bunch of other properties under contract right now. are these them? >> yeah, these are the contracts that we have right now, we have seven different contracts right now for houses with a profit of about $400,000.
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>> $400,000? >> 400,000. >> you're tearing it up. you're gonna pass me up one day. >> [laughs] >> you're doing great. now, let me ask you this, 'cause everybody out there's saying, "you know, armando, i got to have money to do this or i have to have credit." what did you learn at my live events? >> that was one of the best parts of the event, because you taught us how to find resources that i never would've thought of otherwise, so it really helped us find the money we needed to do the number of houses that we would like to do. >> how about the marketplace? how do you feel about the economy and the real estate marketplace today? >> i don't think there's a better time in history to buy property. right now is when i'm trying to buy as many as we can, because the profits are out there, and i don't see how you can lose. by following the road map that you put out there for us, like g.p.s., if you will, i don't see how you could fail. >> see, go out, take action, call the phone number at the bottom of your screen right now. come to the live event. it will be powerful, you will be our next testimonial, you'll be the next person. in six weeks, this man has done
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where he can profit up to $400,000... and he's already profited $133,000. call the phone number right now. seating is limited, i will take you by the hand, i will show you how to do it. we will give you the road map, the g.p.s.-- this is no b.s., all right, guys? i'm not here to blow smoke up your skirt, i'm here to show you how to become extremely wealthy, i'm a real real estate investor, i don't sit there with a suit and tie, i'm not a perfect person, but i will tell you this: if somebody can show you how to become completely wealthy in real estate, how to eliminate debt and create cash flow, i will show you how to do this, i am the man to do this, i will show you, but you have to do the first step, call, make your reservations immediately. >> announcer: armando montelongo, star of a&e's hit tv show flip this house, and inc. 500's number one educational company in the country is bringing his armando live event series to your area this week. this is a rare opportunity to learn armando's millionaire real estate strategies that made him a household name.
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armando's team will take you by the hand and show you that you can eliminate debt and create cash now so you and your family can benefit from today's foreclosure market. at armando's live event, you will learn that you can help others out of foreclosure while making huge sums of cash in today's market and in youbackyard; that now is the time to buy renovate, and sell real estate with or without your money or your credit; that you can do this in your marketplace now; you can get pre-foreclosures and foreclosures the way armando does you can change your family legacy by creating huge sums of cash and getting the financial freedom that you deserve. armando believes this is a phenomenal time in history to invest in real estate, and you can do this by taking action now. seating is first-come, first-served, and seats fill fast. when you register now, you will receive two tickets for you and a guest to attend armando's live event, but wait.
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reserve your seat now and receive for absolutely free armando's flip for success dvd, armando's real estate 2013 audio cd, and a free mp3 player. this $500 package is yours when you register now and attend armando's live event. learn armando's techniques live and in person. admission is free, so seating is extremely limited. so make your reservation and gain the knowledge you need to be successful today. >> listen, you can go out there and you can do this. at one point, i was just an average guy-- in fact, i was below average. i was living in a garage, literally living on food stamps, i was $50,000 in debt and now... i live in a freaking castle. check out our students who were average at one time and decided to stop being average. they decided to go out there, work hard, follow the program that i've laid out to the "t",
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go to the live event and become successful. the average person will sit on their butt and do nothing with their life. check out these people who decided to stop being average. >> we took several other real estate courses, but weren't able to make any money. we took armando's live event, and since then, within a week we bought two houses, we're gonna make $70,000 profit and we'll make $700 cash flow a month without our money or any credit. it was a great program, i would recommend it to everybody. before using our armando's techniques we were trying to flip for close to aing year and was unsuccessful and in that i wasccessful unemployed and unfortunately we lost our home and forced myself, my wife and my kids to movemy back into my in-laws. and after using armando's techniques we've now acquired five properties in a matter of 2 months. my situation is similar to marks i was actually in the same situation we lost our home as well and my wife is pregnant, i have a one year son and i remember being next to her when she was actually giving birth.was actually and in labor. and that completely changed my life and i said
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i so mark and i applied to armando's techniques and we've been very fortunate to acquire 5 properties so we just want to giveies so armando a message we just want to say thank you.ust thank you very much. it's changed our lives. and were hoping to help others with this message. thank you.h this message. thank armando. armando believes right now is a phenominal time to make money in real estate. call the number at the bottom of your screen and register for the free live event. coming to your area this week. >> look, i'm a real real estate investor, this is a house that i've bought and that i've owned, and literally, four weeks ago, this property, we're gonna put up a picture on screen right now, i owned this property, and this property was not in good shape. i bought it, i renovated it, i did none of the work myself, and here i am four weeks later in front of the property and $50,000 richer. listen, i actually do real estate, i don't sit in a studio and tell you that you should go out and do real estate, or one day i'm gonna teach you, i'm in the marketplace doing real estate, and guess what, because i do it, i have my pulse
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on the real estate marketplace. i know exactly how to do it, i know how to do it in your marketplace, and i'm known as america's number-one and top real estate investing expert. and why am i telling you this? because we'll show you and take you and lead you by the hand, and the benefit for you is this: if you're sitting on the other side of this camera going, "you know what, armando? i go, i've tried everything, i've tried other programs, i've tried other things and they didn't work out," this will work if you do exactly what i say and allow me to lead you by the hand. if you're a stay-at-home mom, or you know what, if you're a single mom and you've been left alone and you have children to support and you know that you deserve a better life and you need a better life and right now is the time to get a better life, and you know that you need to do better financially for your family, then real estate and my system, my live events can help get you there now. if you're a man who, literally, wife lost faith in him, if your wife lost faith in you and says, "you know what? he's a good man, but he's not successful and he's not providing for our family the way he should," check out
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the video testimonial of one of my students whose wife now supports him to the highest degree and has total and absolute faith because of the live events that he's gone to. listen, now it's time to get away from the pain and the fear of loss. imagine what your life's gonna be like five years from now if you don't do this, imagine what it's gonna be like five years from now if you don't take action right now, and then stop and think, "you know what, if i just pick up the phone and i go to armando's live event, imagine what it's gonna be like when i go and i learn from armando how to do real estate in today's market the way armando's out there and actually doing real estate." check out these testimonials and realize that these people at one time were sitting on the couch just like you, listening to an infomercial from me, just like this, but they picked up the phone, they attended the live event, and they've changed their life. you can be the next person who changes their life. >> before learning armando's techniques, i had a little bit of investment experience. after learning his techniques and strategies, i now have two properties; one i estimate to
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make 18k at the end of the month and the other one, after rehab, i will make around 20,000. thank you, armando, for everything. >> like many other women, i had my doubts. we've tried other seminars, my husband has, and it just didn't work out. and now he's done armando's seminar and we actually see the fruit of it, actually having two properties, making $90,000 with no money out of our pockets, and it's just been an amazing experience to know that it's turned into reality. >> listen, i'm not gonna spend a lot of time at this house because i literally flipped this house in less than 24 hours. i did something by what i call "flipping the paper." i can show you how to go out there and flip the paper with no money out of your pocket, with no credit, with no obligation whatsoever, and i did it in less than 24 hours. listen, money knows no time. whether you're fresh out of college and college just isn't paying the bills and you need a new lot on life, or if you're
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a senior citizen and you never quite reached that financial potential that you knew. look, you did great with your kids, your family, but you never reached that financial potential, now is the time, because money-- when taught the right way-- knows no boundaries. listen, ray kroc of mcdonald's didn't get started with a mcdonald's until he was 50 years old. now is the time to get started when you come to my live event. check out these people and put yourself in their shoes of what it's like just a few months after attending my live event. so i'm out here with mike and mike attended one of our live events.d one of how you doin' mike? hey armando how's it going? it's going great. now i hear it's going fantastic for you. absolutely.or you. i want to let everyone know out there what you've experienced since i've you've experienced attended a live event i was able to get all that information and come out here and makend come out deals happen. i can make a deal in my own back yard. you made a deal ind. your own backyard. and also across the country from what i learned from the live event my first deal i was
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able to secure $15, nice. and after that i was able to get deals that i'm probably going to make about $160,000 from those deals. so $15,000 from the first deals. deal, $160,000 on your total deals.00 on your right. now how much cash did you put in the bank since you attended the live event?u well since i attended the live event i was able to put $50,000i was able to into my account. so he's got $50'000 being able to put into his account. can you imagine what yourunt. life would be like from where you're sitting right now to be able to put $50,000 into your account. and how much total money do you have in mind that $50,000 will make?d that in the pipe line i'll probably have $180,000. $180,000 mike!$180,000. known as mike the man in this neighborhood. do you understand this. you can go out there and you can do it but you can only do it but you cancan only do it if you register for a live event. register register for a live event right now, take action. mike congratulation's.. thank you very much. get out there keep on going. you guys go register for a live event. while we're going to make more money now. >> i started this year off unemployment checks, and after
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six weeks i made $45,000, and i can make $45,000 every month. armando, you've changed my life. thank you. >> so, i am here with carol, and carol, how old are you? >> i'm 68 years young. >> she's 68 years young-- great answer-- and how long ago did you go to my live event? >> about three and a half months ago. >> three and a half months, and how many deals have you done since going to the live event? >> three of 'em. >> three deals. >> yes. >> three deals in three and a half months, and approximately how much profit do you have? >> on the average, between 35- to 45,000 per deal. >> $35- to $45,000, so you're saying-- let's go small. let's say that you only have $35,000 each, right? >> o.k. >> that's over $105,000 worth of profit in three and a half months? >> months, yes. >> all right, what would you tell the people out there, if they should go to the live event, what would you tell the people out there? >> that it's an opportunity that you should not miss no matter what your station in life is. take advantage of it and create a better life for yourself right now. >> but let me ask you one more
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question: is right now-- with everything they say about the economy-- is right now the right time to be in real estate? >> it is the best time ever. >> announcer: armando believes right now is a phenomenal time to make money in real estate and seats are filling fast. take action now. call the number at the bottom of your screen and register for the free live event coming to your area this week. >> announcer: armando montelongo, star of a&e's hit tv show flip this house, and inc. 500's number one educational company in the country is bringing his armando live event series to your area this week. this is a rare opportunity to learn armando's millionaire real estate strategies that made him a household name. armando's team will take you by the hand and show you that you can eliminate debt and create cash now so you and your family can benefit from today's foreclosure market. at armando's live event, you will learn that you can help others out of foreclosure while making huge sums of cash in today's market and in your backyard;
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that now is the time to buy renovate, and sell real estate with or without your money or your credit; that you can do this in your marketplace now; you can get pre-foreclosures and foreclosures the way armando does you can change your family legacy by creating huge sums of cash and getting the financial freedom that you deserve. armando believes this is a phenomenal time in history to invest in real estate, and you can do this by taking action now. seating is first-come, first-served, and seats fill fast. when you register now, you will receive two tickets for you and a guest to attend armando's live event, but wait. reserve your seat now and receive for absolutely free armando's flip for success dvd, armando's real estate 2013 audio cd, and a free mp3 player. this $500 package is yours when you register now and attend armando's live event. leararmando's techniques live and in person. admission is free, so seating is
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extremely limited. so make your reservation and gain the knowledge you need to be successful today. >> check out these students who went to the live event, they decided to stop being average. they decided to work hard and to follow my system to the "t". check out their amazing results. >> i have been a practicing real estate attorney in florida for the past 25 years, and being an attorney, i have a pretty analytical mind. so my daughter first brought this program to my attention and of course i analyzed the heck out of it, and kind of had a cross my arms in front of my chest "no, i don't think that i need to do that; i know everything there is to know about real estate because i'm a real estate attorney." so i agreed to come to the seminar this weekend, and i have got to tell you guys that it changed my life. i am out actually looking at real estate deals in
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your backyard dealing with today's marketplace it doesn't matter if yout have credit no credit bad credit listen i've takend people who have a 400 credit score make 400 absolutely no money and go into the live event and go go and some of them have chapter seven bankruptsies making up to thirty five thousand dollars withine weeks after the live event and i've taken doctors and lawyers and professionals to show them how they can take that money and take it to a whole new level of wealth and recession proof their lives forever. proof i do this step by step methodically and chronological order and the other best thing is you are going to have a tremendous amount of fun doing this.amount of fun look i'm out doing real estate because i love real estate and i want you real to check out some of my millionaire students they literally had nothing before going to the live event and they made a tremendousthey made a amount of money. the government is giving money away but not government grants people are buying houses this is the best real estateis is economy in the next 30 to 40 years but you've gotta reach the live event you gotta go now call theyou number at the bottom of your screen now check out some of my millionaire students. >> since learning armando'sents.
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techniques, my company not only has come away from a $500,000 deficit, but now we're sitting at 1.5 million. we're doing four or five houses per month, averaging 79,000 per deal, and i could not have done it without armando and using his techniques. we have been using armando's techniques to buy and sell properties. he has taught us how to determine the after repair value of the house. repair how much repair needs to be done. and through everything we learned through armando our first 2 propertieso have netted $53,000 profit. and has given us a futuret. to count on, we can do this for a living now. thanks to armando i'm a professional of 32 years we've been attending armanda's live we currently have 2 properties under contract the opportunity has given me for working with my son what i was doingith my son before this he wouldn't... and it's just fantastic... the environment that armondo creates for learing this stuff.
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he gave me the confidence to even believe that i could do this and hisi methodological approach to teaching is justpproach to fantastic, it's step by step. i'm one of those people step. that needs 99% of the information beforethe i think i can do it. and and act on it.t. and he provided all that. the teaching really does go back to the basics you know abcs, 123s it makesu it very easy to understand and very easy tounderstand progress quickly. before learning armando's techniques and strategies we hadn't had any realies estate experience except for buying our own home. from there we made our 1st deal and we thank armando and his techniquesarmando and strategies. any skeptism about it, the techniques are anything but and there's a program and his techniques lay it to rest because thisay it is the real deal. we had a great time. it'e been a blast. we've learned so much from the techniques like my wife was just sayin'my it's been wonderful. team ramando!derful. weboth sold this property, he walked away we got another property, you've got to go to the seminar.
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learn how to do this.nar. armando can teach you. anybody can do this. armando believes right now is a phenomenal time to make money in real estate. call the number at the bottom of your screen and register for the free live event coming to your area this to your area we've been successfully investing with armando's system for almost a year and a half now using his teachniques and hisg his teachings we've been able to net over $73,000n able on our last 3 deals. and being a realtor he had some success investing and real estate and helpingand others and after using the techniques we learned from armando actually changed our lives and helped usd change the lives of other investors as well.f other what he cado for you and what he's done for myself and what i can pass on to my family is a legacy i'll have forever.a legacy i'll before going to armando's seminar i was a contractor and my wife was a nursetor we were able to take this system and techniques,his apply it to our home town, small home town, and ourn, first deal we made of a
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net profit of $30,000 and it set on the market less then 2 weeks. market less the next 2 deals we were able to net a profit of $47, a profit of this system and this education allowed us to have so much more freedom, so much more time. the ability to help our families, in just help in so many ways that it isin extremely and unbelievably life changing. >> look, you've seen the houses that i've done, you've seen the houses that my students are doing. now, there's only a few minutes left in this television infomercial. listen, you only have a few minutes to call and act right now, but you got to call the number, you got to get registered for the seminar. you can't just show up without registering, so call right now to be able to go to the seminar. what are you waiting for? there's only a few minutes left. here are the details. call the number right there at the bottom of that screen right there. see that little number? you actually have to take action and call it.
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get yourself off the couch, because listen, if you don't do it, somebody else will. everybody says, "armando, if it's such a good deal, why isn't somebody else doing it?" that's what the first negative person ever told me. and you know what it is? you are that somebody else. if i hadn't have taken that first deal, i would have never got the number-one hit reality real estate show in america, become america's number-one real estate mentor, leader, and trainer and investor, and ultimately i wouldn't be talking to you right now. if i can do it, you can do it. if my students can do it, you can do it. anybody can do it with the right training, but you got to call that number. >> announcer: armando montelongo, star of a&e's hit tv show flip this house, and inc. 500's number one educational company in the country is bringing his armando live event series to your area this week. this is a rare opportunity to learn armando's millionaire real estate strategies that made him a household name. armando's team will take you
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by the hand and show you that you can eliminate debt and create cash now so you and your family can benefit from today's foreclosure market. at armando's live event, you will learn that you can help others out of foreclosure while making huge sums of cash in today's market and in your backyard; that now is the time to buy renovate, and sell real estate with or without your money or your credit; that you can do this in your marketplace now; you can get pre-foreclosures and foreclosures the way armando does you can change your family legacy by creating huge sums of cash and getting the financial freedom that you deserve. armando believes this is a phenomenal time in history to invest in real estate, and you can do this by taking action now. seating is first-come, first-served, and seats fill fast. when you register now, you will receive two tickets for you and a guest to attend armando's live event, but wait. reserve your seat now and receive for absolutely free
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armando's flip for success dvd, armando's real estate 2013 audio cd, and a free mp3 player. this $500 package is yours when you register now and attend armando's live event. learn armando's techniques live and in person. admission is free, so seating is extremely limited. so make your reservation and gain the knowledge you need to be successful today. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare? that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company.
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i actually slept really well. that was exciting. that was phenomenal. >> the bad cholesterol, which was 290, went down to 190. >> the changes that i saw in myself and my family were just amazing. >> announcer: join these people and thousands just like them and discover a machine that finally has the power to take years off the way you look and feel. learn from nutrition expert and best-selling author david wolfe, who speaks to sold-out audiences around the world, why he calls this the most significant discovery of his lifetime. introducing the nutribullet-- the superfood nutrition extractor. the nutribullet is not a blender; it's not a juicer. it's a breakthrough in nutritional science that can change your life. the nutribullet's high-powered motor with bullet-exclusive cyclonic action breaks down and pulverizes food on a cellular level, opening up their hidden nutritional value that can reverse the effects of aging and supercharge your metabolism to fight off aches and pains, colds and flus and even improve vital heath markers like
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cholesterol levels and blood pressure. so take an exclusive seat at our nutribullet seminar workshop with longevity expert david wolfe as he shows us how to unleash the power of food to fight arthritic pain, balance hormones, supercharge your immune system, lose weight and turn back the hands of time five, 10, even 20 years, with this incredible machine: the nutribullet-- the superfood nutrition extractor. >> greetings, everybody, i'm david wolfe. welcome to my workshop. today we're gonna talk about nutrition. why? i'll tell you why. because over the last 30 years, we've become the most overfed yet undernourished nation in the entire world. this has created an epidemic of high blood pressure, obesity, depression, stress and a whole lot more. that's why i am so excited to bring you a machine that is going to change your life the way it changed my life.
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this is the nutribullet-- the world's first nutrition extractor. a nutrition extractor is not a blender, it's not juicer, it's completely different from anything else out there. this machine is designed to break down the cell walls of your food, releasing, unleashing the nutrients inside, transforming ordinary fresh foods into superfoods. now i'm going to show you the difference between smoothies from a traditional bender and what we can create with my nutribullet. let me show you what i'm taking about. o.k., we're going to put kale in for chlorophyll and fiber. we're going take some pineapple for the vitamin c and a little bit of flavor. we're going to put in some cucumbers-- great for hydration, great for the kidneys. put in some cashews for the creaminess and the protein and of course we're going to add
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some flax seeds in to get the omega-3 fatty acids. and then we're gonna add spring water. let's get the lid on there. put on the extractor blades onto our nutribullet. are you ready? >> audience: ready. [machines whirr] >> look, this blender is just mixing stuff around; it's not breaking anything down. but the nutribullet with its 600 watts of compact power and bullet-exclusive cyclonic action combined with the specially designed extractor blades turning at an amazing 10,000 r.p.m.s, pulverizing the cell walls, unlocking all that hidden nutrition so you body can actually absorb it and use it. i've got a strainer here. we're gonna pour our blended smoothie through and see what is
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left over. what's gonna make it through? we've got unbroken flax seeds, lots of fiber. here, let me show you this. this, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call a smoothie. now let's see what happened with the nutribullet. i take off the extractor blades, looks like we've got quite a beverage in here. let's bring it out and pour it through the strainer. it's completely liquefied. all that nutrition has been turned inside out. everything has been completely broken down. and when we pour it, we can see just how glowing it is, beautiful. the real test is always the flavor. let's give it a try.
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that, ladies and gentlemen, is what i call a nutriblast. we've taken all of those cells, pulverized, flipped them inside out, got all of that juice, all the nutrients, the vitamins, the minerals, the enzymes, the essential fatty acids, the protein, and now we can actually assimilate and utilize those nutrients. we've turned this into a superfood. listen, juicers makes juice and blenders make smoothies, but the nutribullet makes nutrient-packed nutriblasts. all i'm asking you to do is have one nutriblast a day and that will transform your life. >> about five years ago, the doctor told me, after taking my cholesterol numbers, that i was going to have to be on cholesterol medication and most likely for the rest of my life. we tried to address it with diet, we tried to address it with exercise and neither of
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them seemed to work. there is a history of heart disease in my family, there is a history of high cholesterol in my family, so, i felt this was the natural progression of things and was out of my control, that there was nothing that i could do-- until i went onto this nutribullet system and that's when things really started to change dramatically. when i make my nutriblasts incorporating the nutribullet, it emulsifies fruits and vegetables so well that i feel them go right into my system. i feel those ingredients immediately. and i started to see results actually within three or four days. six weeks ago, when i started this program, i weighed 182 pounds, and after six weeks on the nutribullet program, i believed i weighed in at 160. so, this weight loss over six weeks is just a byproduct. the reason that i involved myself in the nutribullet program was for cholesterol purposes, to reduce my cholesterol, to regain control of my life and to get rid of the acid reflux. my starting cholesterol was 263 and now i'm at 208 and within a normal range.
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and my triglycerides are almost cut in half. look at my results over six weeks. if i can enjoy these results, i have to think that everybody can. >> when we think of hormone imbalance, we think that's only something that happens to older people and that's nonsense. this can affect any of us at any age. in our teens, in our 20s, in our 70s, and hormone imbalance leads to mood swings, infertility, acne, fatigue, low sex drive, and those things can affect any of us. the emphasis here is on hormones and both men and women are affected by this. we're not built the same, so the approach has to be a little bit different. so what we have done here is create a nutriblast for the guys and a nutriblast for the gals. there are so many amazing hormone-building foods. foods like beets, grapes,
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blueberries, pumpkin seeds, broccoli to support the prostate, olive oil, which helps keep good hormones from becoming bad hormones. we need good hormones to keep us young. we've got to put in spring water. let's put on the extractor blades. we're set. over here we have a female nutriblast and this contains some key different ingredients. we've put in arugula-- sometimes called rocket. we've added raspberries for their volatile oils which help to support female reproductive health. we've added avocado and goji berries, one of the best antioxidants on the planet. are we ready to blast off? >> audience: ready. [machines whir] >> look at the power, look at
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the bullet-exclusive cyclonic action. the nutribullet is pulverizing these ingredients. [whirring stops] all right, let's see what we got. >> woman: mmm... love the color. >> remove the extractor blades. here it is coming down the counter. for the ladies, let's give that a try. if you have a nutriblast every day, you're gonna look better, you're gonna feel better. you can live longer and you will love longer. >> my hot flashes started when i was 35 years old, and through the years, they have just progressively gotten worse where there's times in the middle of the night you just feel like you're being microwaved. but after doing some nutriblasts for the first week, i slept better. i felt more rested. i didn't have a hot flash. i am thrilled to death by the
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change in my health and how i feel. it's the combination of the fruits, the vegetables and all the vitamins that are all being emulsified together. it works. >> the antidepressants, the sleeping pills and the blood pressure medication did help in the beginning, but as in long-term, it wasn't helping. well, within a week of drinking nutriblasts, i saw incredible changes. right now, i'm sleeping a solid eight hours, i am no longer taking my sleeping pills, and nutribullet has everything to do with that. >> i was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. it's extremely painful. you're in pain a lot of the time. when i started using the nutribullet, i was pleasantly surprised because the first night that i actually used the nutribullet, i actually slept really well. that was exciting. that was phenomenal. it's almost unbelievable, quite frankly, that just by using the nutribullet and just
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properly nourishing your body, that i got immediate results and a result that i was looking for. if i had to pick one kitchen appliance that i absolutely had to have, it would be the nutribullet. it is the only appliance out there that can give me exactly what my body needs in order to feel good, have the health and proper nutrition that is so important in order for us to be able to just live life. [emotionally] if the people were here that made the nutribullet, what i would say to them is, "thank you for giving me my life back. thank you for allowing me to enjoy my family more. thanks for taking away the pain. where have you been all my life?" [laughs] >> we all know how important the immune system is. it is the key. your immune system determines what belongs and what doesn't. when it finds something bad, it releases white blood cells and white blood cells detoxify our body. they also help us fight illness, pain, even disease.
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our ability to create and release white blood cells is affected by a lot of things. it's affected by a lack of sleep, stress; it's especially affected by a lack of nutrition. if we can increase our absorption from our food and nourish our immune system directly, then our bodies can handle practically anything. the nutribullet is designed to help us do just that. >> for the past two years, i haven't been very healthy. unfortunately i was diagnosed with cancer. so for the past two years, i haven't been very healthy and i've been feeling, overall, pretty crummy. lost every ounce of my hair, i lost every hair on my head and then i just covered my head up with wigs, but you know at the end of the day, when you're taking your wig off, you know, and you have to see the result of the chemotherapy, it's really hard, you know, on your psyche. i was amazed at how quickly i
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saw results from the nutribullet. i was so excited because to feel it after the second nutriblast was a miracle to me. i was so excited. one of the best things about the nutribullet is that it's not a blender. it's something that pulverizes everything that you put in it and you're extracting the nutrients out of these whole foods, so you're getting the maximum benefit by everything that you're putting in there. and probably about three weeks into the program, my hair just went through this growth spurt. and people were asking me, you know, what happened, because i didn't have a whole lot of hair before i started. i was just telling somebody i started this year off fighting for my life; i'm ending it feeling better then i've felt in years. totally given me hope. and i didn't have that and i just feel wonderful. i'm so grateful for everything you've done. thank you so much. from the bottom of my heart. you guys are awesome and i hope this can help other people.
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>> one of the greatest keys to bolstering your immune system is hidden inside the foods that we buy every day. what we have to do is unlock those valuable nutrients so that we can actually absorb them. this can help change your life, in fact it could actually help save your life. >> announcer: over the last 30 years, we have become the most overfed, yet undernourished nation on the planet, leading to a modern-day epidemic of obesity, high blood pressure, stress, depression and more. we're not getting healthier, we're getting sicker. and it comes down to one simple need: nutrient absorption. we need to increase the nutritional power of the foods we eat every day to dramatically change the way we look and feel, and the great news is now we can. from the makers of the original magic bullet, introducing the nutribullet-- the superfood nutrition extractor. with the nutribullet, you can turn ordinary food into superfood that now absorbs easily into your body's system so you can live a longer,
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healthier, more active life. all this food is loaded with essential nutrition and the only way to get all of it is to break down, pulverize and open up the food's hidden nutrition on a cellular level. this process is called nutrition extraction. look: even expensive blenders just mix things around, they don't break things down, and with juicing, most of the valuable nutrition and fiber is just thrown away. but the nutribullet is different. watch: start with some spinach for fiber, banana for potassium, add some berries for essential antioxidants, then almonds and flax seeds for omega-3 oils, add a little water and watch how the power of the nutribullet completely breaks everything down, extracting all the essential nutrition. look: even the almonds and flax seeds have been broken down to fit through this strainer unlike traditional blenders that leave everything behind. the secret of the nutribullet is its powerful 600-watt motor, combined with bullet-exclusive cyclonic action that forces everything through the turbo extractor blades turning at an incredible 10,000 r.p.m.
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to break down and pulverize the stems, seeds and skins where most of the essential nutrition lies, taking ordinary fresh foods and turning them into superfoods to give you the strength, energy and vitality for a full, active life whatever your age. juicers make juice; blenders make smoothies. but the nutribullet makes supercharged superfood nutriblasts and by drinking just one nutriblast a day, you can supercharge your body, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure and superboost your energy levels to feel better than you have in years, without taking prescription pills, without any side effects. just one a day can change your life. we've all bought expensive blenders and juicers and we all know the problem-- they're just too much trouble to put together and clean them once and you'll never want to clean them again. but the nutribullet takes seconds to use and seconds to clean. watch: just load your ingredients into the cup, twist on the extractor blade, pop it on to the power base and watch how the nutribullet blasts ordinary foods into superfoods
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in an instant. then just separate, give it a quick rinse and you're ready to go again in seconds. how easy is that? and with nearly twice the power of these other machines, the nutribullet is less than half the size. there's no other machine like it. the nutribullet comes with this supersized 24-ounce pitcher, with the same size and capacity of this full-sized blender, to make supercharged nutriblasts the whole family can share to kick-start their day. it also comes with two single- serve 18-ounce mugs, so everyone gets to enjoy their own personal favorite nutriblast. just twist on the customized handle lip ring and your nutriblast is ready to go when you are. you also get the superfood recipe book, packed full of delicious recipe combinations the whole family will love. you could spend up to $500 on these big, bulky machines that still don't have the nutribullet's exclusive cyclonic action. but call now and you won't pay $500, $300 or even $150. during this tv-only offer, you can have the complete
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nutribullet system rushed to your home for just six payments of only $19.99. but if you call right now, you'll also receive this amazing bonus: the nutribullet's natural healing foods book. this one-of-a-kind wealth of information will put you immediately on the path to health and vitality, with in-depth facts on how the body works, how we can use the power of food and nutrition to improve the overall performance of the body and even how to heal it. you'll also learn why a nutriblast is not a smoothie, giving you powerful facts on every ingredient, their health benefits and where you can find them. in this book, you'll also find our groundbreaking six-week transformation plan, where users have already had incredible results in their fight against diabetes, sleep loss, migraines, depression, fibromyalgia, cholesterol and blood pressure levels and a whole lot more. >> there is no doubt that you can reduce your cholesterol, reduce your blood pressure, reduce your sugar levels and reduce your symptoms from other
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things and inflammation from what we eat. >> announcer: with over 200 pages in hardback cover of life-changing information, this amazing book is a $40 value, yours free. but hold everything! if you call in the next 18 minutes, we'll ship the complete nutribullet system right to your door for free. that's right, folks, free shipping! this incredible offer is over a $220 value, but call right now and it can be yours today for just six payments of only $19.99. but remember to call in the next 18 minutes and we'll ship this life-changing system right to your door for free. that's right: for a limited time, free shipping! the nutribullet system is built to last, made from quality construction and is protected by a full one-year warranty. don't wait another minute! call or log on right now to get the complete nutribullet system for just six payments of only $19.99. plus, remember to call in the next 18 minutes and have the complete nutribullet system shipped right to your door for free. try the nutribullet risk-free for a full 30 days.
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if you don't feel fitter, healthier and stronger with more energy and vitality than you ever imagined-- whatever your age-- simply return it for a full refund of the purchase price, no questions asked. so what have you got to lose? you owe it to yourself to try this incredible machine. call or go online now. [♪...] >> inflammation in our joints and in our bodies has become a huge problem. anyone who suffers from arthritis or joint pain knows exactly what i'm taking about. i bet most of you believe that once that pain starts, it just gets worse and worse, right? >> audience: right. >> wrong. there are foods that contain hidden nutrients that can give your body the tools it needs to help fight the effects of arthritis and joint pain. this nutriblast contains the vitamin c brothers: lemon and lime. the anti-inflammatory enzyme
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bromelain found in grapefruit and pineapple. apples with their malic acid, which cuts right into arthritis. the anti-inflammatory omega-3 inside the flax seeds. and my personal favorite: turmeric. turmeric is probably the most powerful anti-inflammatory food you can find in your local grocery store. you ready to try this? you just make and you drink. so easy. so let's give it a try. wow, that's powerful. i don't know if you guys know this, but both my parents are medical doctors. my mom told me that health is our greatest asset. so let's toast to the best health ever. cheers. >> audience: cheers. >> i've had migraines most of my life where there's times where just keeping my eyes open is
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very painful. basically being put in a dark room, laying in a bed with your eyes closed would be the only relief i would get from a migraine. once a week, i would suffer from a migraine. since incorporating the nutriblasts, i haven't had one headache, not one migraine. the nutribullet is different because it extracts all the nutrients from the fruits and vegetables and nuts. and i think everybody should do it because you just feel great. i've never felt this good in my life, never, never. >> ladies and gentleman, we all know that what we eat is important, but how we eat it may be even more important. if you're eating healthy, good-for-you salads, you might only be absorbing a fraction of the available nutrition. by making the amazing nutrition contained at the cellular level of these foods available to you, you'll absorb them and then you'll feel a huge difference in
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how you look and you'll feel a huge difference in your day-to-day energy. you can take everyday, ordinary foods and turn them into superfoods in literally seconds with the nutribullet. all i'm asking you to do is have just one nutriblast today and i promise you, it can change your life. thanks so much for being here. have the best day ever. cheers. all right! >> announcer: from the makers of the original magic bullet, introducing the nutribullet-- the superfood nutrition extractor. with the nutribullet, you can turn ordinary food into superfood that now absorbs easily into your body's system so you can live a longer, healthier, more active life. watch: start with some spinach for fiber, banana for potassium, add some berries for essential antioxidants, then almonds and flax seeds for omega-3 oils, add a little water and watch how the power of the nutribullet completely breaks everything
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down, extracting all the essential nutrition. look: even the almonds and flax seeds have been broken down to fit through this strainer unlike traditional blenders that leave everything behind. the secret of the nutribullet is its powerful 600-watt motor, combined with bullet-exclusive cyclonic action that forces everything through the turbo extractor blades turning at an incredible 10,000 r.p.m. to break down and pulverize the stems, seeds and skins where most of the essential nutrition lies. the nutribullet makes supercharged superfood nutriblasts and by drinking just one nutriblast a day, you can supercharge your body, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure and superboost your energy levels to feel better than you have in years. the nutribullet takes seconds to use and seconds to clean. watch: just load your ingredients into the cup, twist on the extractor blade, pop it on to the power base and watch how the nutribullet blasts ordinary foods into superfoods in an instant. then just separate, give it a quick rinse and you're ready to
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go again in seconds. how easy is that? and with nearly twice the power of these other machines, the nutribullet is less than half the size. there's no other machine like it. the nutribullet comes with this supersized 24-ounce pitcher, with the same size and capacity of this full-sized blender. it also comes with two single- serve 18-ounce mugs, so everyone gets to enjoy their own personal favorite nutriblast. you also get the superfood recipe book, packed full of delicious recipe combinations the whole family will love. you could spend up to $500 on these big, bulky machines that still don't have the nutribullet's exclusive cyclonic action. but call now and you won't pay $500, $300 or even $150. during this tv-only offer, you can have the complete nutribullet system rushed to your home for just six payments of only $19.99. but if you call right now, you'll also receive this amazing bonus: the nutribullet's natural healing foods book. this one-of-a-kind wealth of information will put you
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immediately on the path to health and vitality, with in-depth facts on how the body works, how we can use the power of food and nutrition to improve the overall performance of the body and even how to heal it. you'll also learn why a nutriblast is not a smoothie, giving you powerful facts on every ingredient, their health benefits and where you can find them. in this book, you'll also find our groundbreaking six-week transformation plan, where users have already had incredible results in their fight against diabetes, sleep loss, migraines, depression, fibromyalgia, cholesterol and blood pressure levels and a whole lot more. >> there is no doubt that you can reduce your cholesterol, reduce your blood pressure, reduce your sugar levels and reduce your symptoms from other things and inflammation from what we eat. >> announcer: with over 200 pages in hardback cover of life-changing information, this amazing book is a $40 value, yours free. but hold everything! if you call in the next 8 minutes, we'll ship the complete
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nutribullet system right to your door for free. that's right, folks, free shipping! this incredible offer is over a $220 value, but call right now and it can be yours today for just six payments of only $19.99. but remember to call in the next 8 minutes and we'll ship this life-changing system right to your door for free. that's right: for a limited time, free shipping! don't wait another minute! call or log on right now to get the complete nutribullet system for just six payments of only $19.99. plus, remember to call in the next 8 minutes and have the complete nutribullet system shipped right to your door for free. try the nutribullet risk-free for a full 30 days. if you don't feel fitter, healthier and stronger with more energy and vitality than you ever imagined-- whatever your age-- simply return it for a full refund of the purchase price, no questions asked. so what have you got to lose? you owe it to yourself to try this incredible machine. call or go online now. [♪...]
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the preceding was a paid presentation for the nutribullet, brought to you by nutribullet, l.l.c.
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announcer welcome to through the bible with les feldick, a thirty-minute walk through the scriptures, teaching in-depth bible truths that change people's lives. now here's your host les feldick. les feldick okay, good to see everybody. you've had your cup of coffee and we're ready for program number two this afternoon. and i guess i'd better remind you right off the bat before i forget, we are now in book number 62. so if you want to order anything in these present programs why keep aware of that number. we're in number 62 and we'll need four more programs after today to finish it. and then by that time we'll probably get into something other than isaiah. all right, again, we always like to thank our listening audience for all of your prayer support, your financial,
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everything. we couldn't do it without you. and whether your gifts are one dollar or more, doesn't matter, the lord uses the small as much as the great. and it causes enough that we can pay the bills and that's all that we're concerned about. when the girls come in and tell me the bills are all paid and we've got a little left in the checking account, that's all that matters. so keep praying and the lord is reaching a lot of hearts! my goodness, you ought to read our mail! all right, let's go right back where we left off in our last half-hour and we started off from isaiah 61 where jesus read from that portion, but he did something unusual by stopping in the middle of a verse, but we're picking up the reason of all of these various verses, how we can split them when they end with his first advent and then the rest is pushed out into the future. all right, so now instead of starting in isaiah 61, we're just going
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to go right back to psalms 2 where we left off in our last half-hour and we're showing how that psalms 2 is a beautiful outline of the whole old testament program. that's the best word i can put on it. it's just laid out. and all of the prophecies that came from the pen of the jewish writers concerned this whole line of prophecy. all right, we're going to go back and for just a little quick review we'll just start right with verse 1 of chapter 2 of psalms, remembering what we just said a few moments ago that here we have the bringing together of the gentile and the jewish authorities to bring about the crucifixion. all right, psalms chapter 2 verse 1, "why do the heathen (the non-jew)...why do they rage and the people (israel) imagine a vain thing. the kings of the earth (that was in that case, rome) set themselves and the rulers (that is of israel) take counsel together."
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and you know how they did, even as we reflect back on 'the movie.' "and they rejected the anointed saying (verse 3,) let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords." or god's leadership. they didn't want it. and then verse 4. god's response from heaven was that he sat and laughed a laugh of derision. then reading on in verse 4. "the lord shall have them (that is the human race, jew and gentile)...he will have them in derision." now verse 5, after they've rejected the messiah and they've put him to death this is the next step in the old testament prophetic program. "then (the next event)...then shall he speak unto them (jew and gentile) in his (what?) wrath." now that's the exact
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opposite from grace. so what are we talking about? well we're talking about that seven years of tribulation which was to follow. now we've got my timeline back up here and here we come, we're going to stay on this top line. and after his three years of ministry, he's crucified. he ascends back to glory. now according to all these references we're going to look at, the next thing to happen was the tribulation. they had no idea that there was going to be a two thousand year interruption. nobody had any idea of that, and so they were just looking for the tribulation to come, ended with the second coming and then would come in the kingdom. all right, now look at it here. after he's crucified then he would 'speak unto them in his wrath and vex them in his sore displeasure,' which was the tribulation. but it doesn't stop
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there, the next verse is the next segment of the prophetic program. and what is it? the kingdom. "yet i have set my king." see? when christ will return as king of kings and lord of lord's that's all according to prophecy. "yet have i set my king upon my holy hill of zion." now isn't that exactly what all of prophecy is talking about, that when christ would return and bring in a kingdom that would cover the whole planet, and you can just come on down through this little psalms 2 and it just makes reference to how that god the son, like in verse 8, "ask of me and i shall give thee (that is the son, i will give you) the heathen for thine inheritance." so he's not going to be just the ruler of israel, he's going to rule the whole world. now a verse is just coming to mind and i've got to turn to
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them when they come to mind. keep your hand in psalms and let's jump all the way up to zechariah. we'll be coming to it later but i want this verse right now. zechariah chapter 14. zechariah chapter 14 and we'll just take a real fast skimming here a minute, just so i can get to the verse that i want. and just start at verse 1. zechariah, now that's the next to the last book in your old testament. i always tell people, find matthew and back up to malachi and then the one ahead of malachi is zechariah. real easy to find. all right, zechariah 14 verse 1, "behold the day of the lord cometh (that's the tribulation, the seven years) and thy spoils shall be divided in the midst of thee." verse 2, here's armageddon. "i will gather all nations against jerusalem to battle." then verse 3, "then shall the lord go forth (his second coming) and fight against those
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nations." now verse 4, in perfect accord with acts chapter 1 when the angel told the eleven 'this same jesus as you've seen go into heaven in like manner will come again.' and you know how i always put that. how did he leave the mount of olives? head first. like a rocket! he just went up. now what does zechariah say? he's going to come back the same way he left. what does that mean? he's going to come back feet first! it's simple! he's going to return to the same place from which he left. all right, here in zechariah, so "his feet will stand in that day upon the mount of olives which is before jerusalem in the east." same mount of olives that's there today. all right, now then just for the sake of time, skip all the way over to verse 9. this is the verse that i want you to see. "and the lord, (god the son, jesus of nazareth) shall be (now this is prophecy. future.)...and the lord shall be king over (how much) all the
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earth." not just israel. it's going to be an earthly kingdom that will encompass the whole planet. but it's going to rule from jerusalem. okay, now then, back to psalms chapter 2, so here comes the old testament program. the messiah would come. he'd be rejected. then would come god's wrath, and vexation, the seven years of tribulation. now we don't pick up the seven year time table until you get to daniel chapter 9. then it's laid out. seven years divided in half. three and a half and three and a half. then you get to the book of revelation, same thing. three and a half. three and a half. three and a half. three and a half. over and over. and that's that compiled seven years of tribulation. all right, now then reading on, in verse 6 again, just like zechariah said, "yet have i set my king upon the holy hill of zion." verse 8, we just looked at, "i
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will give you the heathen (the non-jewish world) for your inheritance, the uttermost parts of the earth." see that? his rule is going to encompass the whole planet. and then "thou shalt break them (that is his opposers) with a rod of iron." and then come down to verse 11, "serve the lord with fear and rejoice with trembling. kiss the son." god the son. now hebrews. the book of hebrews, does the same thing, it just preeminates the son, how that unto him has now been given all power to rule and reign over this coming earthly kingdom. okay, now then, in order to show exactly what jesus did in isaiah 61. i'm going to go back there a minute. come up with me to isaiah 61 so that we can see without a shadow of doubt what he did. and then we'll come back to
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psalms and see how we can do the same thing, in fact i like to use that portion in luke to give me, this humble mortal, the authority to do what jesus did. and what did he do? he showed in the scriptures that part of it was fulfilled at his first coming, the rest is still future. and that's what we're going to do now in these next few moments. and so isaiah 61 again. verse 2. as all part of his first advent, he came "to proclaim the acceptable year of the lord." what does that mean? well, israel had every opportunity to believe who he was and accept him as their king and his glorious kingdom. it was their year of acceptance. but what'd they do? they rejected it in unbelief. see? but it was their opportunity. and so it's called the 'acceptable year of the lord.' now in
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isaiah chapter 61 verse 2, remember now that's where jesus stopped reading when he was in the synagogue in nazareth. why did he stop? because he knew that this part of the prophetic program was not going to be fulfilled according to what everybody thought. see now this is why all of this period of time from his first advent until you might say 'the end of the kingdom' in scripture is called what days? 'the last days.' because according to the old testament program, it was all to be wound up in a matter of a few years plus the thousand of course, with no hint of a two thousand year interval. now we'll come to this later. all we're looking at - what did the old testament foretell. the crucifixion and his death and burial of course, but not with any salvation significance. then he would go back to the father. then would come, now how does isaiah put it? 'the
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day of vengeance of our god.' see how plain that is? right according to psalms chapter 2. isaiah says the same thing, that after christ is rejected then would come wrath and vexation (the seven years of tribulation) all right, and then what would follow that? "the comforting of all that mourn." when's that going to happen? when the kingdom is set up. when that glorious kingdom comes on earth and there'll be no poor folk. there'll be no sorrow. there'll be no suffering. there'll be no death. it's going to be a glorious earthly kingdom. that's why it's called the gospel of the kingdom. and it's going to be heaven on earth. all of the old testament talks about it. and that's why israel was so remiss in rejecting it. all right, they rejected him at his first coming, it was to be
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followed with the wrath and vengeance of god and that in turn would be followed with his second coming and his glorious kingdom. all right, now then come back to psalms again from psalms chapter 2 we're going to jump up to psalms 118 and we can do this on every one of these portions you can just split what happened at his first coming and what is left to happen yet in the future. now psalms 118. a little different reference but it all ties in with the messiah's relationship with his earthly people. psalms 118 and we'll just drop down for sake of time to verse 22. now some of you have done this with me before. some of you may not have. same way on television, i'm sure way, way back i did this once before but it doesn't hurt to do it again. psalms 118 verse 22, "the stone
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which the builders refused." now all through scripture, what's that a reference to? christ's first coming and they rejected him. and we like to use the analogy that as they were building the temple here came the stone that they weren't ready for until it was almost ready to be completed. and so what'd they do with it? they threw it out in the weeds. it was rejected. they didn't know what to do with it. but, what did that stone become? a stone of stumbling. see? and that's what christ has been to israel ever since, he's the stone of stumbling. all right, back to verse 22, so "the stone which the builders refused (christ's first advent) is become the head of the corner." well now he's not the headstone of the corner for israel today. but when will he be? when he returns, when he sets
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up the kingdom. and then that glorious kingdom will be the finality of all of these promises. so can split that verse right after the word 'refused.' that's his first advent, they rejected him. the rest is still future. he's going to be the head of the corner, but he hasn't been as yet. all right, now let's just jump up to isaiah chapter 9, isaiah chapter 9 and we can do the same thing and this is what makes bible study interesting, how that it all fits. now it may not all say the same things. some may refer to part of the promise and other another part, but you tie them all together and it's a complete picture. all right, isaiah 9 and drop into verse 6. verses that you'll hear a lot of in the next couple, three weeks. isaiah 9 verse 6, all
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got it? "for unto us." and again i'm always a stickler for pronouns. who are the 'us'? israel. this isn't talking to gentiles. isaiah writes to israel. now we take benefit. don't tell me that i'm telling you to throw it out. no. no! we get all kinds of benefit from it, but it's not written to us. it's written to israel. "for unto us (the nation of israel) a child is born. a son is given. and the government (what government? this coming kingdom)...and the government of this coming kingdom shall be upon his shoulder." whose shoulder? the babe that's just mentioned. jesus of bethlehem, later on of nazareth. see? all right, it's the same one. "the government shall be upon his
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shoulder; and his name (along with all the other names of deity)...his name will be wonderful, counselor, the (what?)...the mighty god (and the next one really throws a curve at people. god the son is called what?) the everlasting father." see? and he's "the prince of peace." now verse 7, this is all a reference to his coming earthly kingdom. "of the increase of his government and his peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of david." now where did david rule from? jerusalem! mount zion. see? next march we're going to jerusalem if the lord tarries and everything goes well
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and we will be on mount zion. we'll be at david's tomb. those of you going with us, it's a thrilling experience. we're going to be there. lord willing. and his government is going to rule from the place of david's throne. "to order it, to establish it with judgment and justice from henceforth." all right, now where can we split it? verse 6, "unto us a son is given." that's his first advent, that's when he was born in bethlehem and grew up and began his earthly ministry. now the last part of this prophecy hasn't been fulfilled yet. it's still future. these names don't apply to him today. oh, he's worthy of them, but that's not his title today. he's not being called the counselor, the mighty god, the everlasting father so far as his title is concerned. but this is all part and parcel of his return and the establishing
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of his kingdom. so if you want to put a dash in there and a parenthesis in there to indicate first advent separated from the second advent, you just put it right after the word 'given.' that's the end of his first advent in this particular prophecy. all right, now let's just go on to the one that we looked at earlier, isaiah 61, just for a brief review now to see how all this fits. we've got the same thing. everything in verse 1 was associated with his first coming. he proclaimed the acceptable year of the lord, in verse 2 and then put a dash in there; the rest is all still future. it hasn't happened yet. we aren't in the day of vengeance. it may see like it to some people, but we're not in the tribulation, not by any stretch and so you can put a dash right after the 'year of the lord' and the rest is all as yet still future. all right, let's jump up to another one of
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the great prophets. let's go up to daniel. daniel chapter 9 and of course daniel speaks as well of this glorious coming kingdom, when the stone cut out without hands will crush the ruling nations of the world and will establish his own kingdom. all right, now in daniel chapter 9, beautiful example, daniel 9 and we'll drop down to verse 24 and this is one of the portions of scripture that i've always called the foundation of end-time prophecy. if you can't understand daniel 9 verse 24 to the end, then you can't understand prophecy. all right, verse 24, "seventy weeks (of years, that is 490 years) are determined upon thy people." well who were daniel's people? israel. had nothing to do with the
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gentiles. so a 490 year period of time are determined upon the nation of israel) and upon thy holy city (which of course, is jerusalem. and what's the whole end of it all?) to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make reconciliation for iniquity." now did that all happen? well of course. that was the work of the cross, to settle the sin problem. that's why he died. and so that happened at his first advent, but did he at that time bring in 'everlasting righteousness'? well, the world doesn't look like it to me! no it hasn't happened yet. that's still future, when the king and his kingdom, yes, that will be total righteousness. satan is gone. the curse is lifted and it's going to be glorious. so you can just put a little dash after the word 'iniquity.' that happened at his first advent, the rest hasn't happened yet. it's still future.
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and that is "the everlasting righteous, sealing up the vision and the prophecy and to anoint the most holy" and then of course in this particular prophecy is where we get the seven years delineated. drop all the way down to verse 27, four hundred and eighty three years were fulfilled at the cross. then that left seven years of the 490. and here they come down in verse 27, "and he will confirm (that is this anti-christ, this prince that's coming)...he will make a covenant or a treaty with many for one week." now again, common sense tells us it will be a treaty between israel and the arab world. that's obvious. and this man is going to bring it about. supernaturally. all of a sudden the world will be aghast that there's peace in the middle east. but it's only a pseudo peace. it's only temporary. it's only going to be three and a half years. but the whole time period is seven. so read on, "and he'll make a covenant (or a treaty) with
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many for one week (seven years. those are the last seven years of the 490 year prophecy. all right,) and he will cause the sacrifice and the oblation to stop." well how can you stop something that hasn't started? so what does that tell you? the temple is going to be rebuilt. that'll be part of the peace treaty, that israel will have opportunity to rebuild their temple. they're going to reestablish temple worship, the sacrifices, the whole nine yards, and you know there's a group in jerusalem right now all ready. they've got everything on manikins. they've got all the tools for the sacrificial fire. and they're ready and waiting and we know that one day they're going to have it. but, at the end of three and a half years, the anti-christ will turn on israel and as jesus confirmed it in matthew 24 again, that he's going to defile the temple and he'll turn on israel and of course the rest of the world is going to fall under
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that wrath and vexation. but here we have then the final seven years as we depicted on both lines. see, this was supposed to come shortly after his ascension, according to prophecy. in would come these final seven years and then christ would return and then bring in the kingdom and you find this all the way through the old testament writings. all right, let's go a little further. we've got a couple of minutes left yet. go on past daniel and go into joel. go into the little prophet of joel right after hosea. daniel, hosea and joel. joel chapter 2 and here again a beautiful picture of the whole prophetic program and yet how easy it is to delineate where it stopped and where it'll pick up again in the future. joel chapter 2, drop in at
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verse 28. joel chapter 2 verse 28, "and it shall come to pass." that's what the word of god says. how do these men have the gall then to say that it's not going to? it's beyond me. i have to go back to what the apostle paul says, 'they're doing it to their own' what? 'destruction.' to their own doom. god said it's going to happen. and it's going to. "it shall yet come to pass afterward (that is after he's been rejected and crucified) that i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh." well now wait a minute, when did that happen? pentecost. when the holy spirit came down. all right, "and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions." now this is
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a prophecy concerning israel. "and also upon the servants and handmaids in those days, i will pour out my spirit." now that all happened at pentecost, on the day of pentecost, when they had the little tongues of fire sitting on their heads and they prophesied. all right, so that was all associated with his first coming, or his first advent. now verse 30. just like psalms 2. just like daniel 9. we go right on into the horrors of the tribulation, see? verse 30, "i will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, fire, pillar of smoke, the sun turned into darkness and the moon into blood." has that ever happened? no. that hasn't happened. is it going to? well, you'd better believe it! the world scoffs at it but it's coming. judgment is coming and all these things depicted are
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literally, physically going to happen. all right "and so the great and terrible of the days shall come." all right now then, verse 32 and unless you really know what the kingdom's going to be like, you won't catch it, but this is a reference to the kingdom where all of a sudden god's grace will be showered on the whole human race. not just on israel, it's going to be on the whole human race. verse 32, "and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the lord shall be delivered." that's when all the promises that jesus spoke of in the gospel accounts especially will become a reality. you remember when in john's gospel it said that 'whatsoever you ask it shall be done unto you'? this is when it's going to be - when the king and his kingdom become a reality. announcer thank you for watching through the bible
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with les feldick. through the bible is a partner-supported ministry. if this program has been a help to your study of the scriptures and you'd like to see others enjoy the teaching, your support would be greatly appreciated. write to us at: les feldick ministries, 30706 west lona valley road, kinta, ok 74552 or call 1-800-369-7856. remember all programs are available in printed form, audiocassette and videotape. be sure to tune in next time to through the bible with les feldick.
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bless those that bless you. i will bless those, bless those that bless you and in your seed all nations shall be blessed. >>eckstein: we jews believe deeply and more and more christians today believe deeply that those who bless israel will themselves be blessed. >>hagee: the bible says in genesis 12, "i will bless those who bless you and i will curse those who curse you." if you trace the pages of world history you will find that every man and every nation that blessed israel, god blessed that man god blessed that man and nation. >>eckstein: the bible teaches that the jewish people are an (hebrew). the jewish people are a people that dwelleth alone
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and are not considered and regarded by the nations of the world. only when we turned to america and we turned to christians. only when we turned their did we find friends. those who believe that when they bless israel they themselves are blessed. >>robertson: i believe a blessing has been ordained by god for those who bless abraham and the descendants of abraham through isaac and through jacob and all the way to the current way to the current nation of israel. >>eckstein: we have tried through this program to present to you ways in which you can partner with god. in which you can bless the jewish people and be blessed thereby. projects through which you can demonstrate in a meaningful and tangible way that you are friends of israel.
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that we are not alone here in this land. that we can count on christians in america for friendship, for prayer, for friendship, for prayer, for deeds, for blessing. in the next thirty minutes we're going to show you a variety of ways in which you can bless israel and the jewish people. as you watch the program you will see projects identified by name on your screen. i hope that you will take one or more of these projects into your heart and that you will call the operator and tell that operator which program, which project you wish to participate in. and every time a project is implemented the people in this land will know that it was christians who demonstrated in a tangible and meaningful way their love for israel and god's people. and you will in turn be blessed.
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>>robertson: we're looking for both of us to receive the blessing of god that was promised the patriarch abraham. >>hagee: i bless you as you >>hagee: i bless you as you bless israel. >>singing: i will bless those, bless those that bless you and in your seed all nations shall be all nations shall be blessed. >>eckstein: the shabbat as it is called in hebrew is the seminal event in all of jewish life. because the sabbath contains within it all the themes that are essential to jewish theology and jewish observance. the bible teaches us that when the jewish people walked through the desert after coming out of egypt, god brought them manna, food on friday, a double portion.
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he provided them with food so that on saturday, on the shabbat, they be able to rest. assured that they have that they have food for the sabbath. this is rabbi deutsch. who really is the man who runs this particular soup kitchen here in jerusalem. today is friday actually and instead of getting a meal they receive food to bring home for the sabbath. they receive two meals and challi which is bread and a little cake and soda. these people and others, thousands, like them if they would not have the food that we prepare and that we give to them, they literally have nowhere else to turn. and it's very interesting and god works in mysterious ways but this is an orthodox neighborhood and these orthodox jews are receiving help and blessing from christians in america.
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god indeed works in mysterious ways and gives us the opportunity to help our brothers and sisters. there are jews today in israel who do not have the money to afford the food to afford the food to celebrate the shabbat. i just walked out of the soup kitchen where we helped people prepare for the sabbath and this is actually called a challah. and i was thinking about it as i walked outside and thought about how these people feel in walking past this marketplace and not having the 50 cents to pay for a loaf of bread. and i realized how important our help is to these people. giving them the dignity to be able to have bread, challah, bread, challah, for the sabbath meal.
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your gift of $50 will help one person here in israel with two sabbath meals each week for a month. you, christians, can help the jewish people can help the jewish people rest on the sabbath. they're saying thank you. they're saying shabbat shalom. and they're going to have a good sabbath because we made it possible. you made it possible. a gift of $50 will provide two meals for the sabbath for friday night and for shabbat lunch, which is the traditional way of celebrating the sabbath. it will enable them to have the sabbath meals for four weeks. for a month. a gift of $50 will bless a jewish person with the sabbath with the shabbat assured that he is being fed
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and blessed and blessed by christians in america. >>eckstein: i must admit that i have my favorite projects too and this is one of my favorite. because the bible says so many times repeatedly, help the orphan. care for the orphan because the orphan has no one else to care has no one else to care for them. >>eckstein: there are those who believe that prophecy is something we study or we read about in the bible. they're wrong. prophecy is something we prophecy is something we participate in. i'm here at a very special place. i'm actually on the hills of mount carmel where elijah performed his miracles. at a very unique institution headed institution headed by dr. chaim perri.
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>>perri: this is one of the slopes of mount carmel where elijah the prophet has prophesied. we can not but marvel at god's greatness seeing his word coming true. everything the prophets have foreseen, have envisioned is happening here. what you see here is a haven for jewish children. homeless in this country who arrived just with one little suitcase at the ben-gurion airport. that's where we picked them up. they have no one to care for them. they're parents are either not in this country or not in this world. in this world. they are not alive. >>perri: it's a miracle that they arrive here. we marvel at it every time when it happens again. when you go to the airport and you pick up a four year old child or a ten year old child or a fourteen year old child who comes without nothing just one asset he knows i belong to the jewish people and this is my home this is my place, that's his only asset and we are here to embrace him. and we could never do it alone without friends who care.
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partners who feel like they want to share this great historical event that's happening unfolding here in front of our eyes, the ingathering of the jewish children. >>eckstein: god is calling us to be his partners in the fulfillment of prophecy. they're those who study such prophecies but those of us who are astute to what god is doing in the world know that god is calling us to be his partners in the fulfillment of those prophecies. helping support these children orphans, throughout life at places like this here on mount carmel,yemin orde. a place that is actually founded in memory of a christian who helped and blessed the state of israel and the jewish people. and that's what the drama of the prophecy is all about. god calling to all of us to
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fulfill our role in the fulfillment of that prophecy and to help bring jewish children home to israel. perry: every gift helps these abandoned children. the things that you see here. this calm environment and beautiful environment would have never been available without our friends gifts and help to make the difference for these needy children. and so with this project you can be a parent to an orphan who came from ethiopia from the former soviet union. someone so vulnerable they someone so vulnerable they have no one to help them. a gift of $240, roughly $20 a month will help one such child. and we have many such orphanages throughout israel that we help, that we support. and we provide them with food and with clothing and with staff to care for them. all of this for $240.
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$20 a month. i hope that god will speak to your heart as i know he speaks to mine about the orphans about the orphans here in israel. >>eckstein: isaiah in chapter 58 reminds us from your flesh and blood you shall not avert your eyes. my friends we dare not avert our eyes from seeing the pain of the jews in the former soviet union and knowing that we could and knowing that we could do something about it. >>narrator: you're jewish. one of god's chosen people. a remnant of israel a remnant of israel isolated in a distant land. you've managed to survive the holocaust, survive communism, and now most of your $20 monthly pension must pay for medicine with only a few dollars left for food,
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or electricity, or heat, or clothes. you're old and you're alone. you're left with nothing but painful memories and you wonder and you wonder does anyone care? >>bela: i wish god would be merciful and take me because it is better to die than live like this. >>hoffman: from day to day the elderly don't have any idea what things are going to cost. they have to live on a fixed pension but prices keep changing prices keep rising. this takes a terrible toll on the health, on the morale of the general physical well of the general physical well being of the elderly. >>eckstein: i'm here with chava. chava has to make a decision that i wouldn't wish on anyone. and she has to make it and she has to make it almost every single day. >>chava: i must take my medicines
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but it takes the biggest part of my pension. i must pay for all of this medicine. for my lungs, my heart and my foot. >>eckstein: chava has to decide between these pills to help her breathe because she has bronchitis. between that and food. as you can see she is bedridden. and she has a very bad and she has a very bad heart condition. >>chava: after i pay for all of my medicines i have no money for food or for anything else. >>eckstein: we try to help people like chava not have to make that kind of decision. and so we bring her food. we try to provide people like chava a package once a month. jews together with christians joining together to help these people in desperate need. >>narrator: together we're fulfilling the divine call to provide aid and comfort to over five hundred thousand jews
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living in shocking poverty living in shocking poverty in the former soviet union. only $15 will provide a box of assorted food staples to augment the diet of an elderly jew who cannot afford to buy food. >>eckstein: these people have been waiting here all morning to receive their box of food. one box for $15 will provide sustaining food for these poor people for a month. it will augment their diet. most of us can provide a months of food for $15. a box like this to help people like this. won't you do that? won't you help these won't you help these poor jews? the bible says "those who bless his people israel will themselves receive god's blessing. >>supporter: he say's that we will be blessed when we bless them. and ohhh, we've been so blessed. >>eckstein: won't you now receive god's blessing? feed the hungry.
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clothe the naked. the jewish people who have suffered and endured so much in this century here in the former soviet union. won't you make the call? won't you help them now? and be blessed. >>narrator: for only $15 you can provide a food box of staple items which will supplement the meals of one person for a whole month. can there be any greater blessing you can give to one of god's chosen people? please, call the number on your call the number on your screen now. >>singing: i will make you a great nation. >>announcer: when you call, you can request a free dvd showing the projects you have seen on this program as well as others to bless israel. we hope that you will share them with your family, your church and your christian friends so that they can join you in blessing israel through the fellowship. >>eckstein: what we've tried
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to do in this program is give you a selection of ways. specific, meaningful, tangible ways in which you can help israel and bless the jewish people. perhaps you will wait till the end of the program and evaluate which program or programs speak to your heart in a special way. however you respond, know that the people of israel will know that it was christians and their love that made it possible. and that brought that healing and comfort to that healing and comfort to this people and this nation. >>singing: i will bless those, bless those that bless you. and in your seed all nations shall be blessed. >>eckstein: sitting on a airplane like this for you and me is something we're accustomed to. but for a jew coming
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on aliyah to israel from ethiopia or the land of the north, russia this is the fulfillment this is the fulfillment of a life-long dream. >>eckstein: today we have the opportunity to partner with god by helping bring his by helping bring his children home. >>eckstein: the truth of the matter is that not everyone in the world agrees with this jewish desire to return to their homeland israel. there are those who feel like that by coming from russia, from ethiopia, that they are exacerbating a tense political situation. well, you and i know differently. you and i believe
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in the promise that god made a long time ago made a long time ago to abraham. >>narrator: the mosaic of events we see happening today is like a gigantic jigsaw puzzle with the pieces beginning to form the exact picture foretold by the prophets foretold by the prophets in the bible. >>eckstein: you can see the pieces of the puzzle that are coming together. all of a sudden in the late 19th century, the rise of jewish nationalism. the desire to return to the land of israel and to set up a nation. continuing with the balfour declaration in the early 20th century where the world through britain gave the jewish people its first right to come to the land of israel.
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finally, in 1948 a miracle occurred. the state of israel was born. and jews began to immigrate to the biblical land of hope eretz yisrael. >>narrator: i will plant them on their land and they will never again be uprooted out from their land which i have given them given them says the lord your god. >>narrator: going to israel was an impossible dream for jews exiled in the former soviet union. and for the isolated and forgotten jews of ethiopia. but god's plan for them suddenly came together. the iron curtain fell. the jews of ethiopia were discovered. jews cried and prayed and waited for god to provide a way for them to return to their promised land. >>eckstein: many christians came to me and the international fellowship of christians and jews asking to partner with god in the fulfillment of these biblical prophecies. in helping gather the
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children of israel home. >>supporter: it is essential to christianity that you love israel and that you love the jewish people. >>supporter: it says that if we bless israel we will be blessed and not only do i want to bless them because i'm commanded but i want to be blessed also. >>eckstein: a ticket like this can make the difference in saving the life of a jew from the former soviet union from the former soviet union or ethiopia. a gift of $350 helps sponsor one such individual. gives them a seat on a plane like this bound for israel. helps them prepare for their aliyah and helps with some of their immediate needs once they get to israel. we can partner with god in changing lives, in fulfilling prophecy, by picking up our phone. i hope you will do that. i hope you will call the number on your screen now. a gift of $350
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helps sponsor one individual. it helps them with their ticket to israel. it enables one person to be trained in hebrew and the preparations necessary for their trip and provide for some of their basic immediate needs. all of this all of this for a gift of $350. >>eckstein: we're in the middle of the city of jerusalem. right in the downtown jerusalem. the part of jerusalem that every tourist walks through, everyday. this is the jerusalem at night night that people don't see. its two o'clock now and most of the people are asleep. the visitors, the tourists, the streets are pretty empty. but there is a part of jerusalem that most people haven't seen that i want you to see at two o'clock in the morning.
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this is the valley of the cross where according to tradition the wood that was used for jesus crucifix was taken from this area. in this park are dozens of homeless people. this is all that belongs to a young russian immigrant who is here and searching out for his dream coming to the holyland. he has a sleeping bag and a couple of pots. this was his dream to come to the holyland to come to the holyland and this is what it is. >>social worker: the people you see here are immigrants from russia. they came here with nothing. they were looking for a place to stay a place to stay and they found the ruins. we want very badly to build for them a shelter but since we don't have
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the budget for it don't have the money for as long as we won't have it won't have it they will remain here. >>eckstein: i must tell you that i don't understand this. i can't explain it. and all i know all i care to know at this moment is that they are being helped. and all i know is that if my children were in such a circumstance, such a situation i would thank god everyday that there were people who were helping them. who were helping meet their basic needs. food. water. clothing. and trying to put them and trying to put them on track. >>eckstein: i can't tell you how horrible it is to come here. to see this in the center of jerusalem. two minutes walk
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away from ben yehuda street. an abandoned school with dozens of people living in such conditions such horrible conditions. this is where the homeless gather cause they have no place else to go. this is not beyond any of us if the situation were such you lose your job who knows how deep we can sink? i talked with the people and asked them if they would be willing to come to a home and sleep there and they all responded sure. but there is no place that will deal with people as they are. the lowest levels of society. but i could not face myself. i could not face god if i didn't...
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open up... to you... christians our partners in the ingathering of the jewish people in the building of jerusalem. i couldn't face you if i didn't show you and give you the opportunity to help. to help. to meet these needs. for some people we attack the problem by providing food. for some people we provide job training or job placment. some we need to give clothes give clothes or medicine. $150 will help one person for three months which is the time that it usually takes to help get someone on their feet. many of these are immigrants who came from the former soviet union. from various parts of the world. they don't want to be
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dependent on anybody they want to work. many of them don't know the language and so we need to help them with language training. they want to be independent and self-sufficient and you and i can help them. won't you go to your phone now? and give a gift of $150 to help one person for three months get on for three months get on their feet. >>singing: i will make you a great nation. >>eckstein: during this half-hour we've tried to show you ways in which you can bless israel. specific projects, each one having a tremendous potential impact on this nation. and i hope that one or more of these projects spoke to your heart. and that you responded, and that you called the operator and said yes, this is the project for me, this is how i want to
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bless israel and the jewish people. i pray, i hope together with you, that by building this bridge between christians and jews, we will yet in our time see the drama unfold even more. we will see shalom, peace come to this land. from jerusalem, the holy city, in the holy land, this is rabbi yechiel eckstein wishing you shalom. >>announcer: all projects shown in today's program as well as others are available to you on a free dvd. when you call the number on your screen request your free copy of the blessing israel dvd. >>singing: i will bless those, bless those that bless you. and in your seed all nations shall be blessed.
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>>announcer: this program was made possible by the friends and supporters of the international fellowship the international fellowship of christians and jews.


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