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tv   Eyewitness Noon News  CBS  September 19, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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and impaired judgment or motor skills. [ sally ] since adding abilify, i feel better. abilify and my antidepressant make a pretty good team. [ female announcer ] ask your doctor about a free trial of abilify and go to
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ensure the water you drink at home is truly clean for your family with the pur faucet filtration system. the multiple-layer filters are certified to reduce contaminants others could leave behind starting at just $20. try pur faucet filters today. shshshshshshshshshshshshshshshs. the way she come up again right behind us like that. out of nowhere, and right behind us. like that first time out of the fog. with our shot bouncing off her. captain's not called lucky jack for no reason. phantom or no, she's a privateer, and lucky jack'll have her. you need more than luck against a phantom. is she like a pirate? no, they're not pirates, lofty. davies: oh, no. if they were, we could hang them
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when we catch them. nagle: privateer gets a piece of paper from the frenchies, says they can hunt down anything that bears our flag. they go after rich merchantmen and the like. hey... but think on our share of the prize money. she'll be loaded with gold, and ambergris and all the gems of araby. slade: that's all very well, nagle. got to get home to spend it, but... never met a dead man who'd pour me a drink. and i've never met a live one that you've bought one for, neither. ( laughter ) killick: sitting up all night, catching your death of cold. that's the last of the coffee, too. thank you, killick. bonden. that's enough easting. set a course south-southwest. aye, sir. south-southwest. pullings: sail!
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two points off starboard bow! i told you. nagle: three cheers for lucky jack! men: huzzah! huzzah! huzzah! slade: she's ours, boys! nagle: that's an extra grog ration you owe me! ( jack laughing ) foul! foul! you got away before me! ( sighs ) set royals and courses. sir. have the idlers placed along the rails. sir. in all my years, i've never seen the like. it has to be more than a hundred sea miles, and he brings us up on his tail. that's seamanship, mr. pullings. my god, that's seamanship. calamy: i told you the plan wouldwork, will. thank god you're right. we'll have them by nightfall, i'd say. i think we've got m, sir. calamy: and the wind favors us this time. now, don't count your eggs before they're in the pudding, mr. calamy.
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still, if we can close this gap and get up behind her, she may well be ours. touch wood. scratch a stay. turn three times! all: may the lords and saints preserve us. ( laughs ) turn! move along, man! move along! we'll have lost him before you rig it up! hold! 12 knots, sir! that's 12 knots. that's good. i want more. have all the spare hands placed on the windward rail. mr. hollar! aye, sir! rouse up the off watch. all hands on starboard rail! allen: come up the larboard topsail sheets!
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we're crackin' on! we'll be crackin' off presently if he don't watch it! davies: no, captain knows this ship! he knows what she can take! ( yells ) mr. hollar! mr. hollar, i want lifelines fore and aft! mowett: no lounging, boy! lifelines fore and aft! jack: cape horn, doctor! hollar: secure the spare topmast there between the bolts! hollar: work together! ( grunts, groans ) davies: close the bloody lid.
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there's enough water in the grog as it is. yes, thank you for that, davies. do you reckon the captain'll keep following him around the horn, every stitch of canvas flying? aye. i reckon he'd follow him to the gates of hell if he had to. it's a devil ship, i tell you, and it's leading us right into a trap. she's making a run for the horn, sir! i'll not vouch for this mast, sir. not around the horn. thank you, mr. lamb-- your comments will be noted in the log. sail trimmers to their stations! get the sails off her, lads! she's over-pressed! to the braces! allen: give them a pull and belay! cast off your fore topsail sheets! mowett: mr. allen, don't let ... pass it! can't reach! allen: ease the main topmast aysail! hollar: haul away... we're closing on her, tom. i'll not give up now. come up on the wind, barret. set a course southwest by west.
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southwest by west, sir! mr. calamy! idlers and waisters below! hollar: we're for the horn, boys! we've taken in all the sails we can, sir! close reef topsails! that man there! seize hold! lively, lads! hollar: hold fast! get below, lad! lamb: batten down those hatches before we're on the bottom! ( coughing and retching ) ( retches ) johansen, truelove, to the mizzen! man: all secure!
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down you go, lads! ( wind whistling eerily ) mr. holl, help young warley on the mizn topgallant! ( grunting ) i'll need more men, sir! yes! go! ( loud grunting, panting ) ( grunts ) warley: mr. hollom, sir! help me! ( grunts and gasps ) trojer! ellers! to mr. allen! you men lay aloft! the mizzen topgallant! light along! ( gasps ) ( moans ) help! ( grunts )
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( yells ) help me! ( mast breaks, warley screams ) hollar: man overboard! allen: mizzen's gone! hands to the taffrail! seamen: aye, aye, sir. ( yelling ) ( warley screams and gasps ) he's over there, sir! warley: here! swim for the wreckage, man! swim, man! swim, bill! warley: over here! mr. allen, gratings and barrels-- anything that floats, overboard! bonden: she's broaching! we're losing her! sir! the wreckage is acting as a sea-anchor! we must cut it loose! it's going to sink us! nagle: sir, he's going to make it! he can do it! come on, will!
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davies: swim! come on! hand over hand! nagle: for god's sake, will, swim! swim for the wreckage, will! mowett: all right, over she goes. there's another. there you go. ( concerned muttering ) nagle: you can do it, will! davies: swim! come on! nagle: come on, will! swim! ( indistinct yells ) hollar: come on. come on! ( men yelling commands ) ( warley cries out ) ( grunting ) ( grunting ) ( distressed grunting continues ) nagle: oh, god... no, no. ( frantic grunting and gasping ) ( grunting )
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( frantic yelling and gasping ) ( gasping ) ( men cheering and laughing )
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( thunder cracks ) he's been at it again. who's that then? the jonah. what's that? ( thunder cracks )
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hollar: keep her head down! the deaths in actu battle are the easiest to bear. for my own part, those who die under my knife or from some... subsequent infection... i have to remind myself that it was the enemy that killed them, not me. that young man was a casualty of war. as you said yourself, you have to choose the lesser of two evils. weevils. the crew will take it badly. warley was popular. have they expressed any feelings on the matter to you?
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jack, before answering, i'm... compelled to ask, am i speaking with my old friend... or to the ship's captain? you see, to the ship's captain, i'd say there's little i detest more than an informer. now you're talking like an irishman. well, i am an irishman. well, as a friend then. as a friend... i would say that i have never once doubted your abilities as a captain. speak plainly, stephen. perhaps we should have turned back weeks ago. the men... of course, they would follow lucky jack anywhere, rightfully confident of victory. but therein lies the problem. you're not accustomed to defeat. and chasing this larger, faster ship with its long guns is beginning to smack of pride. it's not a question of pride or anything like. it is a question of duty. duty. right, yes. i believe i've heard it well spoken of. well, you can be as satiric as you like.
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viewing the world through your microscope is your prerogative. this is a ship of war, and i will grind whatever grist the mill requires in order to fulfill my duty. whatever the cost? whatever the cost. to follow orders with no regard for cost. can you really claim there's nothing personal in this call to duty? orders are subject to the requirement of the service. my orders were to follow him as far as brazil. i exceeded my orders a long time ago. got it. the wind's backing, sir! hollar: heave! sir, we just can't hold this westerly course any longer. if we can't sail through the damn wind, tom, we'll bloody well sail around it. due south. how far south, sir? as far as is necessary, mr. pullings. aye, sir. lively!
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due south, please, mr. bonden. due south, sir! hollar: heave! steady! ( men chattering and laughing ) ( wind whistling )
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thank you.ay ladies, whenever you'thank you. i got this. oh, no, i'll get it! let me get it. uh-uh-uh. i don't want you to pay for this. it's not happening, honey. let her get it. she got her safe driving bonus check from allstate last week.
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and it's her treat. what about a tip? oh, here's one... get an allstate agent. nice! [ female announcer ] switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. only from allstate. call 866-905-6500 now. here we go! hold on man. is that a leak up there? that's a drip. whoo. okay. aah. now that's a leak. that is a leak! and if you don't have allstate renters insurance... game over. [ female announcer ] protect your valuables from things like water damage for as low as $4 a month when you add renters insurance to your allstate auto policy. call 866-905-6500 now. plus, drivers who switched saved an average of $498 a year. just a few more ways allstate is changing car insurance for good. [ female announcer ] call an allstate agent and get a quote now. yes honey? dad told me that cheerios is good for your heart, is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol,
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and that's heart healthy. [ dad ] jan? ♪ married to morty kaufman. [ lee ] now that i'm getting older some things are harder to do. this is not a safe thing to do. be careful babe. there should be some way to make it easier [ doorbell rings ] let's open it up and see what's cookin'. oh i like that. look at this it's got a handle on it. i don't have to climb up. this yellow part up here really catches a lot of the dust. did you notice how clean it looks? morty are you listening? morty? [ morty ] i'm listening! i want you to know
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you did it right, and you went to the one place that helps you do it right. autozone. we have the advice, the instructions, we even loan tools. because parts is just part of what we do. get in the zone. autozone. men: ah...! all right! ( all laughing ) clearly something terribly nautical and fascinating just happened. i am at a loss. we have made our turn northward, my dear doctor. we're headed back toward the sun. to the sun! all: to the sun! oh, and by-by way of anticipation of... this event, i have asked killick to, uh... prepare something special. killick! kill-kill-killick there. see, i'm already here, ain't i? yes. quite right, quite right, mr. killick. gentlemen... i give you...
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our destination. ( chairs scraping ) it's the galapagos islands. the galapagos islands! yes! ( laughing ) our whaling fleet is there. and their cargo would put a pretty penny into old bones-aparte's invasion purse. that's where the acheron will be. sure as there's carts to horses. hm? so, mr. pullings, if you'll permit me a... a slice of albemarle. ( men laughing ) and for you, doctor... redondo rock. perfect. jack: and the acheron... for me. ( boisterous laughter ) pullings: look, his eyes are like corks in the back of his head. allen: ♪ safe and sound at home again ♪ let the waters roar, jack ♪ safe and sound at home again
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♪ let the waters roar, jack ♪ long we tossed on the rolling main ♪ ♪ now we're safe ashore, jack ♪ don't forget your old shipmates ♪ ♪ folly-rolly-rolly-rolly- rye-eye-oh ♪ ♪ we have worked the self-same gun, quarterdeck division ♪ ♪ sponger, i, and loader, you ♪ through the whole commission ♪ long we tossed on the rolling main ♪ ♪ now we're safe ashore, jack ♪ don't forget your old shipmates ♪ ♪ folly-rolly-rolly-rolly- rye-eye-oh. ♪ ( laughter and chattering ) ( laughter fading ) ( violin and cello playing classical melody ) ♪
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( ship softly creaking ) las encantadas. the enchanted isles. they're said to be full of strange and wonderful beasts. when we get there, we'll have to stop for food and water. i promise you during that time-- several days at least-- you can wander at will, collecting bugs and beetles to your heart's content. you'll be the first naturalist to set foot on the islands, i'll wager. well, i would like that of all things. ( talking and laughter in distance ) is this an insect? yes. blakeney: doesn't look like one.
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i mean, it looks like a stick. yes, that's the whole point. it's disguised itself in order to rvive. ( turns pages) see, there's a spider that's disguised itself as an ant. and here's an insect that's taken on the shape of a thorn to save itself from the birds. did god make them change? does god make them change? yes, certainly. but do they also change themselves? well, that is a question, isn't it? ( low, excited chatter ) sir! sir, we've raised the galapagos! i'm coming! ( excited chatte ) ( ceo playing uplifting classical melody )
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♪ ( excited talking ) look! beyond the rock. yes, i see. what is it? curious, eh? some type of gull? there's an ugly devil. williamson: disgusting! it's got warts all over it. ( allen laughs ) ugh! allen: ugly devils, aren't they? well, i can't see any women. just lots of ducks and lizards. what? no women? it ain't natural. how extraordinary. what is, sir? those birds. they're a species of cormorant, but they appear... to be flightless. do you see their underdeveloped wings? by all that's holy, i think that's unknown to science.
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the dragons don't seem to bother them. stephen: no, they're a type of iguana, i should think, and therefore they're vegetarian. will you catch one? a pair of them, i should think. and then you can present one of their offspring to the king. ooh, look! there's one going for a swim. iguanas don't swim. they're land animals. these ones do. bonden: turtles, on the beach! they're good vittles, mate. ask old joe! sailor: ha! that's a big one! they keep for years on their backs. stephen: well, i'll be damned. two new species in as many minutes. that's remarkable. hey, look there! there! ( bird screeches ) ( indistinct talking )
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jack: all hands about ship! off tacks and sheets! prepare the mainsail to haul! go on, there you go, mate. that's it. go on. give us your hand. aubrey. hogg. i'm master of the albatross. god bless you, captain. god bless you all. ( grunting ) higgins, mr. calamy, food and water for these men. aye, sir. ( grunting ) mr. howard, stand your men down. royal marines, trail arms! we was coming back for fresh lines no more than a week ago. hid in that inlet yonder. burnt our bloody ship to the waterline. pirates! crew prisoner, captain dead. she were a big black three-master. break your heart, it would. 12,000 pounds sterling-- the finest grade oil they took. we been out more than two years, see? and her course? maybe a point south of west, followin' the rest of the fleet. mr. pullings! sir?


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