tv CBS This Morning CBS September 20, 2013 7:00am-9:00am EDT
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>> announcer: the following is a paid presentation for the amazing perfecter fusion styler, brought to you by tristar products. [♪...] what if there was finally one perfect styling tool... one that takes short, flat hair and adds instant lift and volume... >> oh, yeah, oh, yeah! >> announcer: ...brings dull, damaged hair back to beautiful life with incredible shine and body... >> we're just brushing in the shine, right? >> yeah! >> announcer: ...and even transforms frizzy, coarse hair to straight and smooth hair? >> audience: wow...! >> announcer: sound amazing? that's because it is. >> woman: look at that. >> announcer: it's called the perfecter fusion styler. stay tuned and we'll prove right before your eyes how you can get gorgeous salon results like this
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at home in just three minutes. and we'll prove that you can replace the results of these four styling tools with just one amazing multi-styling tool: the perfecter. it will actually change the way you style your hair forever. >> no more flat irons, no more curling irons. you can make your hair straight and sleek or you can make it curly and wavy. the perfecter is an amazing tool. >> announcer: finally, a hot styling tool that's safe. the perfecter is so unique and different, you can actually use both hands to effortlessly guide your style for complete control. and look at this: you can even place the perfecter right on your scalp for amazing lift and volume. >> see that lift? >> oh, look at that. [audience applauds] >> announcer: the perfecter works on every hair type. long, unfinished hair becomes full and bouncy. short, flat hair gets incredible lift and volume. frizzy hair is smooth and sleek. even fine hair gets incredible body and texture.
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if you can brush your hair, you can perfect it in just three minutes. the secret is a revolutionary new breakthrough called fusion styling. rapid-shining, hair-smoothing ceramic heat from the center of the barrel fuses with hydrating ion molecules that are released all around the perfecter's wide nylon bristles. so when you brush with the perfecter, you're actually fusion styling, combining gentle ceramic heat and healthy ionic moisture for incredible shine and style. no more singeing your hair with a flat iron, burning your hair with a curling iron or hassle and damage with a blow dryer and round brush. the perfecter is different, super-easy to use and it's actually healthy for your hair. coming up, even women who use the perfecter for the very first time are amazed at their results. >> [gasps] wow, oh my gosh, it's so great. it's so much shinier too. >> wow, i really feel like i am
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in a hair commercial. [laughter] >> announcer: the perfecter fusion styler was created by renowned international stylist and founder of calista tools, maria mccool. she was frustrated with her own frizzy hair and needed a faster, easier way to get beautiful results. and now she's done it with her incredible perfecter fusion styler, and she is committed to bringing you salon results at home. now let's join perfecter inventor maria mccool and beauty expert patti reilly and find out how the revolutionary, new perfecter fusion styler will forever change the way you style your hair. [♪...] >> so what is actually different about the perfecter fusion styler? how is it that you can get rid of all of these tools right here and replace it with one and get the same results? >> well, i'll tell you, this is a brand-new category. it's called fusion styling. we've taken the ionic technology that's going to give you the hydration, the healing on your
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hair and we've fused it with ceramic heat technology that actually makes the hair smoother and shinier. and guess what? >> what? >> we didn't stop there. >> oh, good. >> this is what i think is genius about the perfecter. i've actually developed it with this top-quality nylon bristle, right, that we perfectly aligned. and the reason why i did that is so i want to make sure it would glide through the hair, never getting tangled. and also it protects it from the skin. when this is hot, i can hold it just like that. i can touch my forehead, i can touch my ear and i can touch my neck, it doesn't matter, it's not going to burn. >> well, are you all ready to see the perfecter fusion styler in action? [applause] meet judy, phyllis and christi. you can easily see they all have very different hair lengths and textures, but it will take just three minutes and only one perfecter fusion styler to solve all their problems. this is judy. she has limp, lifeless hair that won't hold a curl. >> it's too fine. it's too thin.
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i have this horrible cowlick. >> look at this cowlick, guys. anybody can relate to that? >> all right, let's spin her back around. >> i'll show you how we're going to use this. and then we're going to let judy do it herself. i'm just going to take this section, i'm going to roll it down. do you notice how i'm touching it? >> can i feel this? >> you can touch it. >> oh, wow, so this is on? >> right. and how about you, judy, how does it feel? >> i feel no heat at all. >> so watch this. >> yeah. >> here we go. when this comes up, see that lift? >> oh, look at that. [audience applauds] >> that's the lift that you get from a blow dryer and a round brush, right? and also, i'm getting some curl like i would get from a curling iron, but i don't have to worry about the crimp. >> so what about that cowlick that she has? >> yeah, she's going to take control. and here's the great thing. when she gets it in that cowlick and gets rid of it, it's going to last all day. >> oh, good. o.k., so we're going to let judy go ahead and finish up her hair because we're confident she can do it, right? >> exactly, and she has no product in her hair. she's just going to use the perfecter only.
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>> all right, perfect. and now we're moving over to our lovely phyllis. ...phyllis has coarse, thick hair. it's so short, it's difficult to style. can a lot of you relate to having coarse hair, short hair, afraid to use a styling tool because your hair is short, so you don't want to get that hot, hot heat next to your scalp? so maria, how can the perfecter work for her? >> i have it right on her head, i don't have to worry. her hair is short and the reason why you can't use styling tools is because it would burn you. with short hair, if you're looking for a different look... do you notice how i'm just rolling it through, starting to get the lift and it's like she would be blow-drying her hair. she's going to roll that through just like i did, just like this, and we're just going to get some lift into her hair. >> wow, look at that. >> see that lift? >> instant results-- what do you think? >> look at that. [audience applauds] >> while phyllis gets started perfecting her hair, let's check back with judy. it's only been about a minute and look at how far her style has come already. she's using the perfecter to hide that cowlick, and even in
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the back, she has no problem using both of her hands to style her hair. and this is christi. her over-processed hair is sensitive, so hot tools can cause terrible damage, stripping the life right out of her hair. >> the fusion styling is really what's going to give her hair that hydration. the ions actually get pulled out of the-- moisture gets pulled out of the air into the hair and that's why it works so well, making all of the hair full and shiny. >> did you all know that, with ions? did you hear... moisture? right? so this is healthy for your hair, maria? >> right, exactly. >> let's hear it for healthy for your hair. [audience applauds] good. >> and one other really important thing is that with medium length or longer hair, the nylon bristles are perfectly aligned so this is just gliding through her hair. we're not going to get it caught, we're not going to get it stuck. she can use her two hands and what's great about it is, you know, you get that shine. >> audience: wow... >> you just literally take a
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section and it's like a section to perfection. you know, it's so simple. wrap that in and i can even get a little bouncy curl. that was in a second, right? >> right. so you can get curl, wave and smoothness from one tool. how does that sound? [audience applauds] good? ...phyllis is using maria's tip of rolling the perfecter through her very short hair for lift and she'll have her style complete in no time. but take a look at judy. she's already finished! in just three minutes with the perfecter, she was able to completely transform her style. just look at that incredible lift and volume. and remember her cowlick? it was out of control on the back of her head, but not anymore. [audience applauds] >> is that amazing? that's unbelievable. that's so great. the hardest part of your hair to do, right? the back. >> patti: and see how phyllis has also used the perfecter to completely change her style? in just three minutes, her very
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short, very coarse, very unmanageable hair now has beautiful lift and volume. >> what do you think? tell them. >> i feel young. >> oh, good. >> maria: i love it! >> patti: and remember christi's dry, brittle, color-treated hair problem? after the perfecter, it looks amazing-- smooth, healthy, full of bounce and shine-- and it only took three minutes. >> i just want to ask her to swing her hair because i think the body and the bounce is what really... just swing your hair. doesn't it feel lifted and light? >> it does. it feels healthy. >> do you see it moving? mine's doing the same thing. just moves, you know. [audience applauds] >> and in three minutes. because you've been sitting here, you've been watching, the ladies haven't left the stage. they've all done this in just about three minutes to get that salon-styled look. [applause] >> announcer: finally one single perfect styling tool. introducing the incredible perfecter fusion styler. it's simply the most revolutionary new hair care tool ever invented.
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the first and only hot styling tool that gives you both hands to effortlessly guide your style, giving you the results of these four styling tools with just one perfecter fusion styler. >> the perfecter has replaced a curling iron, a straightener, a round brush. >> it's everything that you need in this one little magic wand, i mean, it really is a magic wand. >> announcer: the perfecter features two temperature settings: low for thin, fine hair and high for hair that's thick or coarse. the perfecter will give beautiful style, no matter what your hair type. if you can brush your hair, you can perfect it in just three minutes. and the best part? the perfecter is actually good for your hair! the secret is a revolutionary new hot styling breakthrough called fusion styling. rapid-shining, hair-smoothing ceramic heat from the center of the barrel fuses with hydrating healing and frizz-fighting ion molecules that are released all around the perfecter's wide nylon bristles. the barrel stays warm, but the
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bristles are cool to the touch. it's the biggest innovation in hair care ever-- a hot styler you can actually hold in both hands. >> so the perfecter, i can put my hand on it to help me guide it and it doesn't burn my hand, it doesn't burn my scalp. and for me to be able to see the shine with one brush stroke from the perfecter is amazing to me. >> announcer: you could pay up to $500 for a salon-quality dryer and brush, curling iron and straightener, but the perfecter fusion styler gives you the soft, silky, beautiful hair and style you've always dreamed of in less time for a fraction of the price. so you won't pay $500 or $400. you won't even pay half that. call or click now to, and through this exclusive television offer, you can have your very own perfecter fusion styler for just four easy payments of only $33.33. but hold everything! because you're buying direct, we'll drop an entire payment. that's right; order now and make just three payments of
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only $33.33. but it gets better! be one of the first 500 to order and receive this exclusive bonus package: the perfecter detangle brush with extra wide teeth and these amazing perfecter styling clips! they're designed to hold your hair in place while you perfect your style. it's a $20 combined value, yours absolutely free. and we're still not done! order now and we'll also send you this incredible thermal travel case-- another $20 value absolutely free. the perfecter fusion styler is not available in stores. this is an exclusive television offer and you must call or go online to order right now to receive your perfecter and free bonus gifts. but wait! every perfecter fusion styler also comes with our exclusive 60-day money-back guarantee. use the perfecter in your own home and if you don't love it, simply return it, but keep the bonuses as our gift to you. and there's even more! order your perfecter right now
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and we'll even include free shipping. supplies are limited on this amazing value, so what are you possibly waiting for? that's more than $130 value for just three easy payments of only $33.33. this offer won't last long. order your perfecter fusion styler right now! call or go online now. [♪...] [applause] >> so ladies, we've been talking about how the perfecter actually is something that you can use in place of four of your traditional styling tools. and we're going to take a look right now as maria puts those traditional tools to the test and utilizes the perfecter to give you those salon-styled results. maria? >> exactly. so, i actually have the four tools right here. >> o.k. >> and i do, i want to show you. you know, first, your blow dryer
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and your round brush. every time you go to the salon, i know we tell you, "oh, just round brush it, just blow dry and round brush it," but do you know how difficult that is? >> oh, it is. >> i mean, even for myself. look at how high i have to go with her hair. how i have two hands and two instruments. >> mm-hmm. >> that's difficult, right? >> well, and it takes forever too. i don't know about anybody else out there, but with a head of hair like mine and veronica and louann, that could take upwards of 30 to 45 minutes. >> exactly. now watch how i get that with the perfecter. all i have to do is bring it in and bring it out and get that bend and lift right into the hair-- the same body that you're going to get from that cumbersome blow dryer. same exact volume. >> how easy is that? >> with the perfecter, you have two hands, one instrument. it can't get any easier than that. >> so good. so next we move to the flat iron, which i own and i know a lot of people at home own this as well.
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>> let's see what we have. i have to tell you, if you're using a flat iron, please stop. it's not good for the hair. i mean, it's so simple to get a crimp because as soon as you move your hand one way or the other, immediately you're getting a mark in the hair. [audience exclaims] see that, everyone? i don't think there's anything attractive about that. >> not at all and i've done it many times. >> but instead, when you go to straighten with the perfecter, you're actually, again, i can go as close as i want. i don't have to worry about burning. i have it laying right on her skin and i can just come out smooth, not worrying about any crimping. there's nothing i can do right now to put that horrible crimp in her hair. >> nice. >> and the best thing is, i come to the end... if i just want that end to bend under, it's so simple. i have both my hands to do it. >> wow. >> now look at that-- smooth, shiny. >> there's a lot of shine. so you get that with one pass. >> so do you like the flat iron side here? or do you like
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the perfecter side? >> oh, definitely the perfecter side. [audience applauds] >> so then also, let's do the one other tool: the curling iron, right? so, the curling iron. again, biggest fear that i'm going to burn my dear self and even as a stylist, i get worried about burning my client. if i just move one second that way, look at that horrible crimp. >> oh, wow! oh, my gosh! >> and that's when i find people-- not to mention, when you get down to the end, i see people getting crimps and clamps down in there. it's kind of what i call a hot mess. >> half the time, i pull the curling iron away and out comes a clump of hair because it gets stuck in there. >> right, so with the perfecter, you've got these great teeth that are perfectly aligned that are going to grab that hair, don't have to worry about touching her at all. wind that around, curl it on out and i have a beautiful, gorgeous curl and i have both of my hands to do it. [applause]
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>> it did everything that i was using three or four different tools to do and i never really got the same results that i was able to get with the perfecter. >> perfecter really can give me a salon look in like, three to five minutes. >> it gives you body, it gives you shine and it curls your hair, it smooths your hair, it's just perfect. >> announcer: use the perfecter fusion styler just once and you get it. it really is the one and only styling tool you need and we can prove it. watch closely because the next 30 seconds are going to be amazing. see how the perfecter takes even the curliest hair and instantly smooths and straightens with every stroke? that's revolutionary fusion styling in action. just look at how the shine simply slides right in as the perfecter easily straightens and smooths out frizz. and with a side-by-side comparison, it's easy to see the incredible difference in texture.
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and just look at that healthy megawatt shine! but wait, there's even more, because the perfecter is the only hot styling tool that can both straighten and curl safely. so keep watching because now she'll use the perfecter to create a totally different look and see how she's able to safely touch the perfecter's barrel? you would never do that with a curling iron. but the perfecter's cool touch brush means she can use both hands for incredible control, adding shimmering bounce and these beautiful, soft curls. that's really incredible! it took just one perfecter fusion styler to take her hair from out-of-control frizzy to straight and shiny, and then to transform her style again with these beautiful beachy curls. the perfecter will truly change the way you style your hair forever. and that's why women everywhere are sharing and raving about their five-star results. even women who use the perfecter for the very first time are amazed at their fast and easy
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incredible results. >> i'm shocked. it's amazing. >> you know, i'm touching it now and it's um, not burning. >> [gasps] wow... oh, my gosh, it's so great. it's so much shinier too. >> so smooth. it's really smooth. >> this is perfect. >> wow, i really feel like i am in a hair commercial. [laughter] >> announcer: and now, through this exclusive television offer, you can use the revolutionary perfecter fusion styler in your home for just three easy payments of only $33.33 it gets better! order now and we'll also send you these free bonus gifts, a $40 value, absolutely free! hold everything! we'll even include free shipping. wait, there's more! every perfecter fusion styler also comes with our exclusive 60-day money-back guarantee. use the perfecter in your own home and if you don't love it, simply return it for your money back, no questions asked. supplies are limited on this
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amazing offer. what are you waiting for? that's more than $130 value for just three easy payments of only $33.33. this offer won't last long. order your perfecter fusion styler right now! call or go online now [♪...] >> patti: you might think perfecter inventor maria mccool would have no problem styling her own hair. not so. in fact, styling her own hair quickly and easily was one of the reasons maria developed the perfecter fusion styler. >> so my hair is frizzy. it's curly, it's fuzzy, it's color-treated. there's my hair, as you can see. [audience exclaims] uh, somebody laughed at me. [audience laughs] that's not very nice. that's my hair, guys, that's my hair. >> patti: but maria can use both hands to style her hair with the perfecter, and look at
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the results. smooth, shiny hair, full of frizz-free bounce. that's revolutionary fusion styling in action and it's easy to see how it works with thermal imaging. see how the barrel is hot, activating the ionic styler? but the teeth stay cool and the perfecter has an automatic shut-off feature that makes it so safe, even a young girl can use it. >> i actually happened to see that there was a young girl in the audience. would you mind coming down so i can show how easy it is? [applause] >> oh, how cute. >> oh, my god, adorable. >> what's your name? >> maddie. >> how old are you, maddie? >> i'm 10. >> patti: maria showed maddie how with just one stroke, you can easily put in a beautiful curl with amazing results. >> just roll that through and get that to bounce. >> look at that! ...our next volunteer is ally. frustrated with her long, unfinished hair, maria showed her how easy it was for her to brush in shine and give her volume.
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>> look at that. >> instantly, look at that. >> see how that's smooth? >> that's amazing. ...the perfecter will work on short hair as well, like cheryl's. even on coarse, frizzy hair like jessie has, with just one pass. >> look at that. perfectly straight from the scalp down. turn to the side. >> wow, look at that. >> perfectly straight. all that kink that's in here, perfectly straight. all right, honey, you are going to be amazed at the results. we're going to let you go and we're going to let you do it. >> all right, have fun. we'll see you soon. ...all of our volunteers went backstage to try the perfecter for just three minutes. it didn't matter the length or texture of their hair, the results were incredible. ally has very long hair that looked ratty and dull. then she used the perfecter. >> this is amazing. i can already see the shine, i can already see the shine. >> patti: now look at how smooth and beautiful it is, full of shine and style. >> hi, gorgeous.
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>> i love it! >> oh, my gosh. >> wow, look at that. >> it's beautiful. >> oh, my goodness gracious, i love it. what a transformation. >> i know. >> total transformation. >> patti: and jessie's problem was dry, frizzy hair. but after simply brushing with the perfecter, her hair is healthy, shiny and full of body and bounce. >> i want you to shake your hair 'cause i am-- look at that! it moves. it was not moving before. and the shine is unbelievable! >> patti: cheryl's hair is so short, she can't use a curling iron, but the perfecter lets her get close without burning. >> oh, yeah, oh, yeah! >> and just look at the result. incredible lift and style. what a transformation. ...she did this on her own in just under three minutes, so congratulations. >> and if i can do it, anybody can do it, truly. >> thank you, cheryl. enjoy! >> thank you, thank you. >> patti: and take a look at maddie. the perfecter's cool touch brush is so safe, she had no problems using both hands to create
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a fun, bouncy curl. ...look at this. >> look at your hair, what do you think? >> i love it and i didn't burn myself this time. >> very good, you look great. so adorable. >> so cute. >> thank you so much, maddie. >> thank you, honey. >> thank you so much. maria, you have nailed it with this invention. ...the perfecter is amazing. we've seen it! long, unfinished hair becomes full and bouncy. short, flat hair gets incredible lift and volume. frizzy hair is smooth and sleek. and the perfecter even transforms fine hair, giving it incredible body and texture. ...that is just a huge wow overall. remember, we're using one tool to achieve these salon-style looks. >> yep, you're always going to get those five results: smooth, shiny, volume, body, frizz-free hair, and it's going to last, it's really going to last. [applause...] >> announcer: don't wait another minute! now is your final opportunity to own the perfecter fusion styler: the most revolutionary new hair
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care tool ever invented. finally, a hot styling tool that's safe. now you can actually use both hands to style your hair for greater results than you'd get with these four styling tools with the perfecter fusion styler. the perfecter features two temperature settings: low for thin, fine hair and high for hair that's thick or coarse. no matter what your hair type-- long, short, coarse or fine-- the perfecter lets you style each section to perfection. all you do is brush in shimmering ionic shine, gorgeous lift and volume or twist in fun and flirty curls. it only takes three minutes to transform your hair, making it bouncy, full and more alive than it's ever been before. the secret is a revolutionary new hot styling breakthrough called fusion styling. rapid-shining, hair-smoothing ceramic heat from the center of the barrel fuses with hydrating, healing and frizz-fighting ion molecules that are released all
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around the perfecter's wide nylon bristles. the barrel stays warm, but the bristles are cool to the touch. it's the biggest innovation in hair care ever-- a hot styler you can actually hold in both hands. the perfecter fusion styler is absolutely the most revolutionary hair care tool ever invented and will change the way you style your hair forever. you could pay up to $500 for a salon-quality dryer and brush, curling iron and straightener, but the perfecter fusion styler gives you the soft, silky, beautiful hair and style you've always dreamed of, in less time, for a fraction of the price. so you won't pay $500 or $400. you won't even pay half that. call or click now to and through this exclusive television offer, you can have your very own perfecter fusion styler for just four easy payments of only $33.33. but hold everything! because you're buying direct, we'll drop an entire payment.
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that's right, order now and make just three payments of only $33.33. but it gets better! be one of the first 500 to order and receive this exclusive bonus package: the perfecter detangle brush with extra wide teeth and these amazing perfecter styling clips. they're designed to hold your hair in place while you perfect your style. it's a $20 combined value, yours absolutely free. and we're still not done. order now and we'll also send you this incredible thermal travel case, another $20 value, absolutely free. the perfecter fusion styler is not available in stores. this is an exclusive television offer and you must call or go online to order right now to receive your perfecter and free bonus gifts. but wait! every perfecter fusion styler also comes with our exclusive 60-day money-back guarantee. use the perfecter in your own home and if you don't love it, simply return it, but keep the bonuses as our gift to you. and there's even more!
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order your perfecter right now and we'll even include free shipping. supplies are limited on this amazing value, so what are you possibly waiting for? that's more than $130 value for just three easy payments of only $33.33. this offer won't last long. order your perfecter fusion styler right now! call or go online now. [♪...] what if there was finally one perfect styling tool... one that takes short, flat hair and adds instant lift and volume... >> oh, yeah, oh, yeah! >> announcer: ...brings dull, damaged hair back to beautiful life with incredible shine and body... >> we're just brushing in the shine, right? >> yeah! >> announcer: ...and even transforms frizzy, coarse hair to straight and smooth hair?
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>> audience: wow...! >> announcer: sound amazing? that's because it is. >> woman: look at that. >> announcer: it's called the perfecter fusion styler. stay tuned and we'll prove right before your eyes how you can get gorgeous salon results like this at home in just three minutes. and we'll prove that you can replace the results of these four styling tools with just one amazing multi-styling tool: the perfecter. it will actually change the way you style your hair forever. >> no more flat irons, no more curling irons. you can make your hair straight and sleek or you can make it curly and wavy. the perfecter is an amazing tool. >> announcer: finally, a hot styling tool that's safe. the perfecter is so unique and different, you can actually use both hands to effortlessly guide your style for complete control. and look at this: you can even place the perfecter right on your scalp for amazing lift and volume. >> see that lift? >> oh, look at that. [audience applauds] >> announcer: the perfecter
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works on every hair type. long, unfinished hair becomes full and bouncy. short, flat hair gets incredible lift and volume. frizzy hair is smooth and sleek. even fine hair gets incredible body and texture. if you can brush your hair, you can perfect it in just three minutes. the secret is a revolutionary new breakthrough called fusion styling. rapid-shining, hair-smoothing ceramic heat from the center of the barrel fuses with hydrating ion molecules that are released all around the perfecter's wide nylon bristles. so when you brush with the perfecter, you're actually fusion styling, combining gentle ceramic heat and healthy ionic moisture for incredible shine and style. no more singeing your hair with a flat iron, burning your hair with a curling iron or hassle and damage with a blow dryer and round brush. the perfecter is different, super-easy to use and it's actually healthy for your hair.
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coming up, even women who use the perfecter for the very first time are amazed at their results. >> [gasps] wow, oh my gosh, it's so great. it's so much shinier too. >> wow, i really feel like i am in a hair commercial. [laughter] >> announcer: the perfecter fusion styler was created by renowned international stylist and founder of calista tools, maria mccool. she was frustrated with her own frizzy hair and needed a faster, easier way to get beautiful results. and now she's done it with her incredible perfecter fusion styler, and she is committed to bringing you salon results at home. now let's join perfecter inventor maria mccool and beauty expert patti reilly and find out how the revolutionary, new perfecter fusion styler will forever change the way you style your hair. [♪...] >> so what is actually different about the perfecter fusion styler? how is it that you can get rid
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of all of these tools right here and replace it with one and get the same results? >> well, i'll tell you, this is a brand-new category. it's called fusion styling. we've taken the ionic technology that's going to give you the hydration, the healing on your hair and we've fused it with ceramic heat technology that actually makes the hair smoother and shinier. and guess what? >> what? >> we didn't stop there. >> oh, good. >> this is what i think is genius about the perfecter. i've actually developed it with this top-quality nylon bristle, right, that we perfectly aligned. and the reason why i did that is so i want to make sure it would glide through the hair, never getting tangled. and also it protects it from the skin. when this is hot, i can hold it just like that. i can touch my forehead, i can touch my ear and i can touch my neck, it doesn't matter, it's not going to burn. >> well, are you all ready to see the perfecter fusion styler in action? [applause] meet judy, phyllis and christi. you can easily see they all have very different hair lengths and textures, but it will take just
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three minutes and only one perfecter fusion styler to solve all their problems. this is judy. she has limp, lifeless hair that won't hold a curl. >> it's too fine. it's too thin. i have this horrible cowlick. >> look at this cowlick, guys. anybody can relate to that? >> all right, let's spin her back around. >> i'll show you how we're going to use this. and then we're going to let judy do it herself. i'm just going to take this section, i'm going to roll it down. do you notice how i'm touching it? >> can i feel this? >> you can touch it. >> oh, wow, so this is on? >> right. and how about you, judy, how does it feel? >> i feel no heat at all. >> so watch this. >> yeah. >> here we go. when this comes up, see that lift? >> oh, look at that. [audience applauds] >> that's the lift that you get from a blow dryer and a round brush, right? and also, i'm getting some curl like i would get from a curling iron, but i don't have to worry about the crimp. >> so what about that cowlick that she has? >> yeah, she's going to take control. and here's the great thing.
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when she gets it in that cowlick and gets rid of it, it's going to last all day. >> oh, good. o.k., so we're going to let judy go ahead and finish up her hair because we're confident she can do it, right? >> exactly, and she has no product in her hair. she's just going to use the perfecter only. >> all right, perfect. and now we're moving over to our lovely phyllis. ...phyllis has coarse, thick hair. it's so short, it's difficult to style. can a lot of you relate to having coarse hair, short hair, afraid to use a styling tool because your hair is short, so you don't want to get that hot, hot heat next to your scalp? so maria, how can the perfecter work for her? >> i have it right on her head, i don't have to worry. her hair is short and the reason why you can't use styling tools is because it would burn you. with short hair, if you're looking for a different look... do you notice how i'm just rolling it through, starting to get the lift and it's like she would be blow-drying her hair. she's going to roll that through just like i did, just like this, and we're just going to get some lift into her hair. >> wow, look at that. >> see that lift? >> instant results--
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what do you think? >> look at that. [audience applauds] >> announcer: the perfecter will truly change the way you style your hair forever and that's why women everywhere are sharing and raving about their five-star results. even women who use the perfecter for the very first time are amazed at their fast and easy, incredible results. >> i'm shocked. it's amazing. >> you know, i'm touching it now and it's, um, it's not burning. >> [gasps] wow, oh my gosh, it's so great. it's so much shinier too. >> woman: so smooth. it's really smooth. >> this is perfect. >> wow. i really feel like i am in a hair commercial. [laughs] >> announcer: and now through this exclusive television offer, you can use the revolutionary perfecter fusion styler in your home for just three easy payments of only $33.33. it gets better! order now and we'll also send you these free bonus gifts-- a $40 value absolutely free. hold everything!
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we'll even include free shipping. wait, there's more! every perfecter fusion styler also comes with our exclusive 60-day money-back guarantee. use the perfecter in your own home and if you don't love it, simply return it for your money back, no questions asked. supplies are limited on this amazing offer. what are you waiting for? that's more than $130 value for just three easy payments of only $33.33. this offer won't last long. order your perfecter fusion styler right now. call or go online now. [♪...] >> patti: let's check back with judy. it's only been about a minute and look at how far her style has come already. she's using the perfecter to hide that cowlick, and even in the back, she has no problem using both of her hands to style her hair.
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and this is christi. her over-processed hair is sensitive, so hot tools can cause terrible damage, stripping the life right out of her hair. >> the fusion styling is really what's going to give her hair that hydration. the ions actually get pulled out of the-- moisture gets pulled out of the air into the hair and that's why it works so well, making all of the hair full and shiny. >> did you all know that, with ions? did you hear... moisture? right? so this is healthy for your hair, maria? >> right, exactly. >> let's hear it for healthy for your hair. [audience applauds] good. >> and one other really important thing is that with medium length or longer hair, the nylon bristles are perfectly aligned so this is just gliding through her hair. we're not going to get it caught, we're not going to get it stuck. she can use her two hands and what's great about it is, you know, you get that shine. >> audience: wow... >> you just literally take a section and it's like a section to perfection.
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you know, it's so simple. wrap that in and i can even get a little bouncy curl. that was in a second, right? >> right. so you can get curl, wave and smoothness from one tool. how does that sound? [audience applauds] good? ...phyllis is using maria's tip of rolling the perfecter through her very short hair for lift and she'll have her style complete in no time. but take a look at judy. she's already finished! in just three minutes with the perfecter, she was able to completely transform her style. just look at that incredible lift and volume. and remember her cowlick? it was out of control on the back of her head, but not anymore. [audience applauds] >> is that amazing? that's unbelievable. that's so great. the hardest part of your hair to do, right? the back. >> patti: and see how phyllis has also used the perfecter to completely change her style? in just three minutes, her very short, very coarse, very unmanageable hair now has
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beautiful lift and volume. >> what do you think? tell them. >> i feel young. >> oh, good. >> maria: i love it! >> patti: and remember christi's dry, brittle, color-treated hair problem? after the perfecter, it looks amazing-- smooth, healthy, full of bounce and shine-- and it only took three minutes. >> i just want to ask her to swing her hair because i think the body and the bounce is what really... just swing your hair. doesn't it feel lifted and light? >> it does. it feels healthy. >> do you see it moving? mine's doing the same thing. just moves, you know. [audience applauds] >> and in three minutes. because you've been sitting here, you've been watching, the ladies haven't left the stage. they've all done this in just about three minutes to get that salon-styled look. [applause] >> announcer: finally one single perfect styling tool. introducing the incredible perfecter fusion styler. it's simply the most revolutionary new hair care tool ever invented. the first and only hot styling tool that gives you both hands
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to effortlessly guide your style, giving you the results of these four styling tools with just one perfecter fusion styler. >> the perfecter has replaced a curling iron, a straightener, a round brush. >> it's everything that you need in this one little magic wand, i mean, it really is a magic wand. >> announcer: the perfecter features two temperature settings: low for thin, fine hair and high for hair that's thick or coarse. the perfecter will give beautiful style, no matter what your hair type. if you can brush your hair, you can perfect it in just three minutes. and the best part? the perfecter is actually good for your hair! the secret is a revolutionary new hot styling breakthrough called fusion styling. rapid-shining, hair-smoothing ceramic heat from the center of the barrel fuses with hydrating healing and frizz-fighting ion molecules that are released all around the perfecter's wide nylon bristles. the barrel stays warm, but the bristles are cool to the touch. it's the biggest innovation
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in hair care ever-- a hot styler you can actually hold in both hands. >> so the perfecter, i can put my hand on it to help me guide it and it doesn't burn my hand, it doesn't burn my scalp. and for me to be able to see the shine with one brush stroke from the perfecter is amazing to me. >> announcer: you could pay up to $500 for a salon-quality dryer and brush, curling iron and straightener, but the perfecter fusion styler gives you the soft, silky, beautiful hair and style you've always dreamed of in less time for a fraction of the price. so you won't pay $500 or $400. you won't even pay half that. call or click now to, and through this exclusive television offer, you can have your very own perfecter fusion styler for just four easy payments of only $33.33. but hold everything! because you're buying direct, we'll drop an entire payment. that's right; order now and make just three payments of only $33.33. but it gets better!
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be one of the first 500 to order and receive this exclusive bonus package: the perfecter detangle brush with extra wide teeth and these amazing perfecter styling clips! they're designed to hold your hair in place while you perfect your style. it's a $20 combined value, yours absolutely free. and we're still not done! order now and we'll also send you this incredible thermal travel case-- another $20 value absolutely free. the perfecter fusion styler is not available in stores. this is an exclusive television offer and you must call or go online to order right now to receive your perfecter and free bonus gifts. but wait! every perfecter fusion styler also comes with our exclusive 60-day money-back guarantee. use the perfecter in your own home and if you don't love it, simply return it, but keep the bonuses as our gift to you. and there's even more! order your perfecter right now and we'll even include free shipping. supplies are limited on this
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amazing value, so what are you possibly waiting for? that's more than $130 value for just three easy payments of only $33.33. this offer won't last long. order your perfecter fusion styler right now! call or go online now. [♪...] [applause] >> so ladies, we've been talking about how the perfecter actually is something that you can use in place of four of your traditional styling tools. and we're going to take a look right now as maria puts those traditional tools to the test and utilizes the perfecter to give you those salon-styled results. maria? >> exactly. so, i actually have the four tools right here. >> o.k. >> and i do, i want to show you. you know, first, your blow dryer and your round brush. every time you go to the salon,
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i know we tell you, "oh, just round brush it, just blow dry and round brush it," but do you know how difficult that is? >> oh, it is. >> i mean, even for myself. look at how high i have to go with her hair. how i have two hands and two instruments. >> mm-hmm. >> that's difficult, right? >> well, and it takes forever too. i don't know about anybody else out there, but with a head of hair like mine and veronica and louann, that could take upwards of 30 to 45 minutes. >> exactly. now watch how i get that with the perfecter. all i have to do is bring it in and bring it out and get that bend and lift right into the hair-- the same body that you're going to get from that cumbersome blow dryer. same exact volume. >> how easy is that? >> with the perfecter, you have two hands, one instrument. it can't get any easier than that. >> so good. so next we move to the flat iron, which i own and i know a lot of people at home own this as well. >> let's see what we have. i have to tell you, if you're using a flat iron, please stop.
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it's not good for the hair. i mean, it's so simple to get a crimp because as soon as you move your hand one way or the other, immediately you're getting a mark in the hair. [audience exclaims] see that, everyone? i don't think there's anything attractive about that. >> not at all and i've done it many times. >> but instead, when you go to straighten with the perfecter, you're actually, again, i can go as close as i want. i don't have to worry about burning. i have it laying right on her skin and i can just come out smooth, not worrying about any crimping. there's nothing i can do right now to put that horrible crimp in her hair. >> nice. >> and the best thing is, i come to the end... if i just want that end to bend under, it's so simple. i have both my hands to do it. >> wow. >> now look at that-- smooth, shiny. >> there's a lot of shine. so you get that with one pass. >> so do you like the flat iron side here? or do you like the perfecter side? >> oh, definitely the perfecter side.
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[audience applauds] >> so then also, let's do the one other tool: the curling iron, right? so, the curling iron. again, biggest fear that i'm going to burn my dear self and even as a stylist, i get worried about burning my client. if i just move one second that way, look at that horrible crimp. >> oh, wow! oh, my gosh! >> and that's when i find people-- not to mention, when you get down to the end, i see people getting crimps and clamps down in there. it's kind of what i call a hot mess. >> half the time, i pull the curling iron away and out comes a clump of hair because it gets stuck in there. >> right, so with the perfecter, you've got these great teeth that are perfectly aligned that are going to grab that hair, don't have to worry about touching her at all. wind that around, curl it on out and i have a beautiful, gorgeous curl and i have both of my hands to do it. [applause] >> it did everything that i was
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using three or four different tools to do and i never really got the same results that i was able to get with the perfecter. >> perfecter really can give me a salon look in like, three to five minutes. >> it gives you body, it gives you shine and it curls your hair, it smooths your hair, it's just perfect. >> announcer: use the perfecter fusion styler just once and you get it. it really is the one and only styling tool you need and we can prove it. watch closely because the next 30 seconds are going to be amazing. see how the perfecter takes even the curliest hair and instantly smooths and straightens with every stroke? that's revolutionary fusion styling in action. just look at how the shine simply slides right in as the perfecter easily straightens and smooths out frizz. and with a side-by-side comparison, it's easy to see the incredible difference in texture. and just look at that healthy megawatt shine! but wait, there's even more,
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because the perfecter is the only hot styling tool that can both straighten and curl safely. so keep watching because now she'll use the perfecter to create a totally different look and see how she's able to safely touch the perfecter's barrel? you would never do that with a curling iron. but the perfecter's cool touch brush means she can use both hands for incredible control, adding shimmering bounce and these beautiful, soft curls. that's really incredible! it took just one perfecter fusion styler to take her hair from out-of-control frizzy to straight and shiny, and then to transform her style again with these beautiful beachy curls. the perfecter will truly change the way you style your hair forever. and that's why women everywhere are sharing and raving about their five-star results. even women who use the perfecter for the very first time are amazed at their fast and easy incredible results. >> i'm shocked.
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it's amazing. >> you know, i'm touching it now and it's um, not burning. >> [gasps] wow... oh, my gosh, it's so great. it's so much shinier too. >> so smooth. it's really smooth. >> this is perfect. >> wow, i really feel like i am in a hair commercial. [laughter] >> announcer: and now, through this exclusive television offer, you can use the revolutionary perfecter fusion styler in your home for just three easy payments of only $33.33 it gets better! order now and we'll also send you these free bonus gifts, a $40 value, absolutely free! hold everything! we'll even include free shipping. wait, there's more! every perfecter fusion styler also comes with our exclusive 60-day money-back guarantee. use the perfecter in your own home and if you don't love it, simply return it for your money back, no questions asked. supplies are limited on this amazing offer. what are you waiting for?
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that's more than $130 value for just three easy payments of only $33.33. this offer won't last long. order your perfecter fusion styler right now! call or go online now [♪...] >> patti: you might think perfecter inventor maria mccool would have no problem styling her own hair. not so. in fact, styling her own hair quickly and easily was one of the reasons maria developed the perfecter fusion styler. >> so my hair is frizzy. it's curly, it's fuzzy, it's color-treated. there's my hair, as you can see. [audience exclaims] uh, somebody laughed at me. [audience laughs] that's not very nice. that's my hair, guys, that's my hair. >> patti: but maria can use both hands to style her hair with the perfecter, and look at the results. smooth, shiny hair, full of frizz-free bounce.
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that's revolutionary fusion styling in action and it's easy to see how it works with thermal imaging. see how the barrel is hot, activating the ionic styler? but the teeth stay cool and the perfecter has an automatic shut-off feature that makes it so safe, even a young girl can use it. >> i actually happened to see that there was a young girl in the audience. would you mind coming down so i can show how easy it is? [applause] >> oh, how cute. >> oh, my god, adorable. >> what's your name? >> maddie. >> how old are you, maddie? >> i'm 10. >> patti: maria showed maddie how with just one stroke, you can easily put in a beautiful curl with amazing results. >> just roll that through and get that to bounce. >> look at that! ...our next volunteer is ally. frustrated with her long, unfinished hair, maria showed her how easy it was for her to brush in shine and give her volume. >> look at that. >> instantly, look at that. >> see how that's smooth? >> that's amazing.
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...the perfecter will work on short hair as well, like cheryl's. even on coarse, frizzy hair like jessie has, with just one pass. >> look at that. perfectly straight from the scalp down. turn to the side. >> wow, look at that. >> perfectly straight. all that kink that's in here, perfectly straight. all right, honey, you are going to be amazed at the results. we're going to let you go and we're going to let you do it. >> all right, have fun. we'll see you soon. ...all of our volunteers went backstage to try the perfecter for just three minutes. it didn't matter the length or texture of their hair, the results were incredible. ally has very long hair that looked ratty and dull. then she used the perfecter. >> this is amazing. i can already see the shine, i can already see the shine. >> patti: now look at how smooth and beautiful it is, full of shine and style. >> hi, gorgeous. >> i love it! >> oh, my gosh. >> wow, look at that. >> it's beautiful.
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>> oh, my goodness gracious, i love it. what a transformation. >> i know. >> total transformation. >> patti: and jessie's problem was dry, frizzy hair. but after simply brushing with the perfecter, her hair is healthy, shiny and full of body and bounce. >> i want you to shake your hair 'cause i am-- look at that! it moves. it was not moving before. and the shine is unbelievable! >> patti: cheryl's hair is so short, she can't use a curling iron, but the perfecter lets her get close without burning. >> oh, yeah, oh, yeah! >> and just look at the result. incredible lift and style. what a transformation. ...she did this on her own in just under three minutes, so congratulations. >> and if i can do it, anybody can do it, truly. >> thank you, cheryl. enjoy! >> thank you, thank you. >> patti: and take a look at maddie. the perfecter's cool touch brush is so safe, she had no problems using both hands to create a fun, bouncy curl. ...look at this. >> look at your hair, what do you think?
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>> i love it and i didn't burn myself this time. >> very good, you look great. so adorable. >> so cute. >> thank you so much, maddie. >> thank you, honey. >> thank you so much. maria, you have nailed it with this invention. ...the perfecter is amazing. we've seen it! long, unfinished hair becomes full and bouncy. short, flat hair gets incredible lift and volume. frizzy hair is smooth and sleek. and the perfecter even transforms fine hair, giving it incredible body and texture. ...that is just a huge wow overall. remember, we're using one tool to achieve these salon-style looks. >> yep, you're always going to get those five results: smooth, shiny, volume, body, frizz-free hair, and it's going to last, it's really going to last. [applause...] >> announcer: don't wait another minute! now is your final opportunity to own the perfecter fusion styler: the most revolutionary new hair care tool ever invented. finally, a hot styling tool
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that's safe. now you can actually use both hands to style your hair for greater results than you'd get with these four styling tools with the perfecter fusion styler. the perfecter features two temperature settings: low for thin, fine hair and high for hair that's thick or coarse. no matter what your hair type-- long, short, coarse or fine-- the perfecter lets you style each section to perfection. all you do is brush in shimmering ionic shine, gorgeous lift and volume or twist in fun and flirty curls. it only takes three minutes to transform your hair, making it bouncy, full and more alive than it's ever been before. the secret is a revolutionary new hot styling breakthrough called fusion styling. rapid-shining, hair-smoothing ceramic heat from the center of the barrel fuses with hydrating, healing and frizz-fighting ion molecules that are released all around the perfecter's wide nylon bristles. the barrel stays warm, but the
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bristles are cool to the touch. it's the biggest innovation in hair care ever-- a hot styler you can actually hold in both hands. the perfecter fusion styler is absolutely the most revolutionary hair care tool ever invented and will change the way you style your hair forever. you could pay up to $500 for a salon-quality dryer and brush, curling iron and straightener, but the perfecter fusion styler gives you the soft, silky, beautiful hair and style you've always dreamed of, in less time, for a fraction of the price. so you won't pay $500 or $400. you won't even pay half that. call or click now to and through this exclusive television offer, you can have your very own perfecter fusion styler for just four easy payments of only $33.33. but hold everything! because you're buying direct, we'll drop an entire payment. that's right, order now and make just three payments of only $33.33. but it gets better!
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be one of the first 500 to order and receive this exclusive bonus package: the perfecter detangle brush with extra wide teeth and these amazing perfecter styling clips. they're designed to hold your hair in place while you perfect your style. it's a $20 combined value, yours absolutely free. and we're still not done. order now and we'll also send you this incredible thermal travel case, another $20 value, absolutely free. the perfecter fusion styler is not available in stores. this is an exclusive television offer and you must call or go online to order right now to receive your perfecter and free bonus gifts. but wait! every perfecter fusion styler also comes with our exclusive 60-day money-back guarantee. use the perfecter in your own home and if you don't love it, simply return it, but keep the bonuses as our gift to you. and there's even more! order your perfecter right now and we'll even include free shipping.
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supplies are limited on this amazing value, so what are you possibly waiting for? that's more than $130 value for just three easy payments of only $33.33. this offer won't last long. order your perfecter fusion styler right now! call or go online now. [♪...] the has been a paid presentation for the amazing perfecter fusion styler, brought to you by tristar products. this has been a production of script to screen, direct thinking for direct response.
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♪ where the planets do the hula ♪ ♪ spin and shout ♪ till you find yourself on zula ♪ ♪ let's take off, we're all ready to go ♪ ♪ it's fun to learn with the zula patrol ♪ ♪ wake up, gorga, it's time to play ♪ ♪ come on, captain bula ♪ let's welcome the day ♪ where's that zeeter? ♪ ready to go? ♪ ♪ wizzy and wigg are good to glow ♪ ♪ beaker's bubblin', turnin' blue ♪ ♪ multo's making somethin' new ♪ ♪ way, way out ♪ where the planets do the hula ♪ ♪ spin and shout ♪ till you find yourself on zula ♪ ♪ see you 'round, folks, at mission control ♪ ♪ it's fun to learn with the zula patrol ♪ ♪ way, way out
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♪ where the planets do the hula ♪ ♪ spin and shout ♪ till you find yourself on zula ♪ ♪ see you 'round, folks, at mission control ♪ ♪ it's fun to learn with the zula patrol ♪ announcer: the solar system. the planets circling the sun. round and round and round they go. venus: hey, saturn, want to race? i'll give you a 28-year head start! >> hmm! hmmph! announcer: meanwhile on zula, someone else is getting ready to race. >> zeeter, what's all this mess? >> hey, bula. just took the zula racer apart to give it a good scrubbing before the race. >> but look at what you've done to the kitchen. aa...aa...aah! whoops! we took a wrong turn... into the garage. oh, my stars! this is the kitchen!
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>> sorry, multo. i'll clean it up. right after i win this year's orbital 500 space race. bula: aah! >> how exciting. the fastest pilots in the galaxy will orbit around the planets in the solar system! >> great! uh, what does orbit mean? >> whoa! aah! aah! >> to orbit or revolve means to go around something... like bula here is going around that chair. >> aah! [crash] [chirping] >> i'm seeing tiny planets. unh! i need to lie down. >> oh, look! it's my childhood mobile. my very first toy. it used to hang over my crib. ahh, the hours i spent watching those wooden planets orbit, just like the real planets orbit or revolve around the sun. [cooing] ha ha! ha ha ha ha ha! >> unh!
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>> even as a baby, i had fun watching the planets go round and round. well, better get dinner started. time to fire up my big bang pressure cooker. >> this is just what i need to rev up my rockets! >> wha... >> package for mr. d. truder, ruler of the solar system, wannabe. >> that would be me. >> uh, the pen? >> it's mine now. >> whoa! hunph! villains! >> oh, ho! >> well, when this new plan of yours flops, you can always go back to your old job as a sponge diver. >> oh, but this plan cannot fail. the zula patrol will never again get in the way of my taking over the solar system. thanks to my new inflate-a-planet! [grunting] unh! unh! oh. [blowing] [blowing]
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traxie: finally that hot air comes in handy for something. [giggling] >> ack! [engine revs] >> hmm. it's got a lot of vroom, but not enough zoom. that's it! i'll borrow the zula warp enhancer from the spaceship! >> ahhn-n-n-n. >> hey, don't sweat it, gorga. they won't need it. it's really just for rare emergencies. >> ohh, hnnh! [still blowing] now, for phase two, i'll put my inflate-a-planet into orbit! >> and finally phase three... this glue will complete my villainous scheme!
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perfect! the trap is set. ha ha ha ha! >> buckle up, gorga. we're off to the races! >> ahh! >> wahoo! >> good luck! >> goodness, look at her go! oh, my! where did that new pink planet come from? >> wow! >> gee, you're right. >> what is it? >> i don't know. i've never seen that planet before. let's check the multopedia. >> the known planets of the solar system all orbit, or revolve, around the sun, all in the same direction. and look. none of them are pink. >> we need to investigate at once!
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this is a job for the zula patrol! [vroom, vroom, vroom] >> here we go! keep your arms and snout in the rocket at all times. >> orbit of mercury complete! venus, here we come! >> whoa! help! >> wow! this planet sure has a lot of boing! >> the ground might be soggy. we better put on our exploring galoshes. >> this can't be a real planet. it's too, uh...bouncy. and it seems to be covered in... glue! >> i'm stuck! >> ooh! me, too! [both grunting] >> aah! ooh!
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both: we'll unstick you! >> whoa! whoa! hmm! >> that does it for jupiter! on to saturn! [both grunting and groaning] >> oh! both: uh-oh! [pop] >> oh! whoa! >> waa-hoo! [both grunting] >> it's no use! hey, there's a ship! >> oh! >> help! >> over here! all: yay! >> whoa! >> it's dark truder! ruler of the solar system!
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>> wannabe. >> not anymore. you'll never get in my way again! the solar system is mine! all mine! >> hmmph! don't worry. we can blast off with our zula zoomer warp enhancer. we just have to get back to the ship. hey! multo, loosen your boots. both: whoo! ack! >> did you have a second helping of those pillbugs? >> why, yes. how did you know? >> all right! pluto, the last object to orbit! get ready to be a winner, gorga! activating the zula zoomer warp enhancer! bula: now! huh? >> no zoom. >> no zoomer.
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the warp enhancer is gone! >> what?! but where could it be? zeeter! bula: zula ship to zula rocket! zeeter, do you have our zula zoomer? >> sure do, and it's working great! bula: we need that zoomer. we're stuck in a dark truder trap! >> but i'm so close to winning the race! jus one more planet to orbit. >> hnnh hnnh hnnh. >> ok, ok, all right. oh! oh, well, there's always next year. hang on, gorga! [wrench turns] >> unh! unh! ok! it's back in! [engine starts]
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>> thanks, zeeter. sorry you had to give up the race. >> it's ok. >> huh? >> i was able to help all of you. that makes me a winner! >> a ruler of the solar system needs the right hat. which looks better? a crown, a helmet, a propeller beanie? ooh! oh, oh! ohh, what?! traxie and truder: aah! announcer: and so, thanks to zeeter, the zula patrol was saved! and together, they let the air out of dark truder's dastardly plan. >> watch it! >> stick to your lane! >> we're orbiting here. we're orbiting here! >> whoa! aah! >> all right, everyone, it's time for our multo moment. remember when wigg asked me that interesting question
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about orbits? >> what does an orbit mean? >> whoa! aah! aah! >> to orbit or revolve means to go around something, like bula here is going around that chair. >> whoa! [crash] >> the known planets of the solar system all orbit, or revolve, around the sun, all in the same direction. and look! none of them are pink! also, and this is important, none of them are balloons! [pop] ha ha ha ha! ta-ta! ha ha ha! ha ha ha ha.
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frank 1: announcer: hurry, hurry, around they go! planets, that is. circling around the sun, >> it's finished! at last, the ultimate machine, which i will use to take over the galaxy! >> ow! let me see! let me see. take off the hat! >> i present truder's go'er-slower machine! >> put the hat back on. >> observe. [whirring] >> now, watch the t... r... e... e!
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[birds chirping] >> gee, you made a tree grow fast. whoopee. >> no. the tree is growing at a normal speed. my go'er-slower machine is making us go super slow. >> oh! so that's what's making this orange glow. >> and that's why everything else seems to be moving fast. >> so let's see. your plan to take over the galaxy is to make us move slower than a space slug? [click] >> i didn't say us. ha ha ha ha ha! both: ahh! >> why so sad, wizzy, wig? >> our next birthday is almost a whole year away. >> why does a year have to take so long? >> because the planet has to travel all the way around the sun. >> ohh! >> i don't get it. >> well, uh... it's like a merry-go-round.
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thank you, gorga. see how the horses go around the center? they're just like planets going around the sun. understand? both: no. >> perhaps the multopedia can help. you see, all the planets in the solar system travel or revolve around the sun! wizzy: hey, some are moving slow and some are fast. >> that's right. and the time it takes for a planet to go around the sun one time is what we call a year. the farther a planet is from the sun, the bigger its circle is. zeeter: so the bigger the circle, the more time it takes to go around the sun. the smaller, the circle, the less time it takes. >> ha ha ha ha! that's right! let's take earth, for example. it takes earth 365 days to revolve or travel around the sun.
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so one year on earth is 365 days. but the planets aren't just revolving around the sun. they're also rotating or spinning, like tops. >> and one trip or revolution around the sun makes one year. >> that's right! wigg: i'm a spinning and revolving planet! dark truder: attention, zula patrol! all: ohh! both: dark truder! dark truder: i have an important announcement. >> truder! what's he up to? we'd better check it out. >> mmm! traxie they're after us, truder. happy now? dark truder: delighted! bula: we've got you, truder. slow down. >> slow down? what a lovely idea. [click] look o...u..t!
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>> now they're safe and sound in go-er-slower motion! hee hee hee hee! time for me to have some fast fun! >> wha--what's happening? >> look! >> it's truder! >> he's not in an orange glow like us. >> that's because my no-glow force field is keeping me normal! >> grab him! >> he's moving too fast! >> oh? >> huh? >> hee hee! >> how did he move that quickly? >> he's not the only thing moving fast. look what's happening on zula.
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>> everything's moving at super fast speed. >> hmm. correction. it's we who are moving at super slow speed! >> multo's right! according to the speedometer, the ship's going going .0000003 miles per hour! we're going as slow as a space slug. with the zuleans stuck in go-er-slower motion, there's no way they can catch up to me! zpers: over there! >> no, there he is! >> that way! >> he's too fast! >> i'll make every planet and every moon a tribute to me! and on those planets, every city and every town will be renamed... i'll turn zula patrol headquarters into my own private amusement park.
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truder's... no matter where people go, no matter where they look, they'll be reminded of who's in charge. >> this is terrible. he's taken over everything! the entire galaxy! >> and there's nothing we can do about it. at this speed, we couldn't catch a snoozing snail! [gorga crying] >> there must be some way. wizzy: bula! bula! wigg picked up truder and traxie's voices from their ship! listen! truder: don't worry, traxie. those zula pests are out of our hair for good. their only escape is by reversing my go-er-slower motion machine, which i've hidden. >> oh, dog biscuits! how are we ever going to find out where it is? traxie: you mean mount hooptooter on earth, right next to the burger stand? >> that'll help. >> ok, gang, this is a job for the zula patrol. next stop, earth! set landing coordinates for mount hooptooter.
8:22 am
>> check. >> look! >> missed again! earth's moving too fast for us. it's no use. as long as we're in go'er-slower motion, we'll never catch up. >> we don't have to. remember? earth revolves around the sun. >> if we wait in its path... both: the earth will come to us! >> great job, you two. >> according to my calculations, earth will meet us right here. >> and here it comes! all: wow! whoa! whoa! >> a perfect landing! there's truder's machine. >> now, to get out of go-er-slower motion.
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>> all right! >> we're back to normal! >> there's just one thing left to do, put the universe back the way it was. >> that's going to take forever! >> not necessarily. multo, can you put this thing in reverse? >> you mean, instead go-er-slower motion we would go faster? all: mm-hmm. [truder yawns] >> let's see what's happening in my universe today. what?! truder's chuckle world! it's been chucked! >> looks like the zula patrol. >> they're not in go-er-slower motion anymore. they're in faster-blaster motion! >> so you got a plan "b?" >> i'll just get the machine and put myself in master-faster-blaster motion.
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>> dark truder's empire is no more. >> i say we take this machine apart so that no one can ever use it again. >> good idea. dark truder: sorry, zula patrollers, i'm not done with it yet. all: oh, boy! dark truder: ha ha ha! all: ohh! >> ah! >> ha ha! heh heh! aah! ohh! [all laughing] traxie: what was that you were saying, trudie? oh, yeah, "ha ha! heh heh!" announcer: and so, once again, the zula patrol saved the galaxy. wait a minute. if they were going in go-er-slower motion time, and then they were going in faster-blaster motion time, then what time is it now?
8:25 am
did i miss dinner time? >> welcome to the multo moment. let's talk revolution. planets travel around the sun. do you remember another way to say "travel around"? >> ring around the rosy! >> ha ha ha! ring around--ha ha ha! ha. not quite. do you know? that's right, revolve. planets travel or revolve around the sun. and one complete revolution is a year. the farther a planet is from the sun, the bigger its circle is. but the bigger the circle, the more time it takes to go around the sun! let's take earth, for example. it takes earth 365 days to revolve or travel around the sun. but the planets aren't just revolving around the sun. they're also rotating or spinning,
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like tops. it's a good thing i'm not a planet, because i can't do that for very long. until next time, bye-bye! ohh! captioning made possible by u.s. department of education [knock] no one was at home, but on the kitchen table sat three insurance policies. the first had lots of coverage. the second, only a little. but the third was... just right! bear: hi! yeah, we love visitors. that's why we moved to a secluded house in the middle of the wilderness. just the right coverage at just the right price. coverage checker from progressive.
8:30 am
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i pearlie: ♪ la, la, la do, do, do ♪ man: pearlie is in the park. ♪ magic in the city ♪ now twinkle, now sparkle now glimmer-glitter shine ♪ ♪ swing your wings ♪ ring-a-ding ♪ magic in the city man: ♪ pearlie is in the park ♪ magic in the city ♪ magic in the city man: pearlie is in the park. ♪ magic in the city ♪ (snoring)
8:31 am
(engine starting) ah! opal, this desert-berry jam is fantastic! lash it on all you like, pearlie. we'll need the energy for the end of day clean up. don't mind if i do. kind of strange jasper hasn't turned up by now. he's usually like a fly to a horse's tail the moment anyone even says "jam." (wailing) strewth! jasper. you could knock! pearlie, sleeping and, umm, person, tree... gone. ah. oh, yum. slow down there, jasper. you might choke yourself if you're not careful. hey, swallow! swallow? a bird? in my shell? the elf is choking! hold on. thanks, opal. come and see! er, what happened to your tree jasper?
8:32 am
that's what i've been trying to tell you, the persons cut it down. (gasping) i don't get these city person's. why cut down a beautiful tree? that beautiful tree was my home! i'm homeless! jasper, you can stay in my shell. take the day off, you've had an awful experience. er, pearlie. jasper wasn't the only one who lived in that tree. they all need new homes! (grumbling) hurly burly! see you tomorrow. sweet dreams, olga! i hope the bed bugs bite, silky! (cheering) that's sixteen wood beetles, two possums, one owl... (yawning) everyone's sorted. we did good. yes. goodnight, opal! good news, jasper. everyone's got a new home ...
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(snoring) huh? except you, i guess. just until i find some new digs? one day or two tops. no worries! you're my right hand elf. memo to me. find guest bed. and ear plugs. morning, pearlie! i made you breakfast. thanks, dude, for letting me stay. oh, jasper, that's so sweet. but i'll get up. or maybe i won't. stay put there, pearlie. hope you like your toast well done. (gagging) no honey? i might have finished it. no problem, i know where there's more. (gasping) everything okay? jasper, why don't you take the morning off?
8:34 am
i'll look after things while you look for a new place to live. okay? okay. pearlie, that's simply dreadful. an elf, living in your shell? i do realize your shell is a chaotic mess, but an elf? oh saphira, i appreciate your concern, but jasper will find a new home. he's not the kind of elf to live indoors forever. i don't know, pearlie. i once had a free-loading gecko in my log back home in rainbow ridge. raymond. i practically had to boot the bloke out. jasper's not like that. (tsking) well, once he starts messing with your stuff, inviting pals back to party and dropping his skin everywhere, give me a hoy! hear that, ludwig? the elf has moved in with my curly cousin, pearlie. hah. they'll be at each other's throats in no time. er, why the negativity, mistress saphira? personally, i think long term friendship
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can survive many hurdles. you do, do you? care to make it interesting, bug-breath? a friendly wager, mistress? let me think. yes! ugh. what did you do to my shell!?! i rotated it. just a little. it's crazy having the sun come in so early in the morning. that crazy sun wakes me up, jasper. and if i don't wake up, then who wakes you up? my point exactly. whatever, jasper. i just need to clean myself up. huh? where's my wardrobe? why did you put it up there? elf shui. what? elf shui. it's a vibe only elves have, a balance between function and a sense of space. function? it's on the ceiling? exactly. you know what i love about living here? your tasty muffins, your bodacious bathtub
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and the way it always smells so sweet! what's up, dog? love the beat, yeah, yeah. don't mind us. we're just practicing. got any snacks for my buds? ooh! opal! pearlie, you okay? i'm giving you the "hoy" now, opal. i want jasper out of my shell right now! er, seeing you're having trouble finding somewhere to live, i put an advertisement in the morning myth. wanted home: must tolerate elf shui, put up with loud music and hair on the furniture? i get it. you want me out of here! it's just that... no problem, i can take a hint, okay? later, dude. yep. what did i tell you? friendships over. i win the bet! now drop, bat-breath, and give me fifty! yes, mistress.
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ah! one. well, looky looky, over there. it's the homeless elf, jasper. how do you know that? i read it in the morning myth! isn't that for fairies? i eat it for the articles. ah. now's not a good time bro. i'm not in the mood for company. we happen to know you're looking for a place to call home. and we have it. airy, wouldn't you say, mr. flea? oh indeedy, and aromatic! aromatic is good. did i a mention water view? you got it. water! water is good. but what we's is offerin' is a place all to yourself, no strings attached. all we are asking for this amazing residential opportunity is a one time deposit.
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my own place, away from picky pearlie, sounds good. i'll take it! let me get you the key! uh-oh, the elf's hanging with some shonky types. i best tell pearlie! not quite what i was expecting from your lowdown, scrag. look, i'll throw in a set of bed sheets, on the house. mr. flea? (cheering) the lice say "welcome!" thanks for telling me, opal. the thought of jasper living in the drain with those rats, ugh! persons! okay, frank, rev up the electric eel and we'll finish off the tree roots. tree roots? what are they up to? jasper! not that green sleeves tune! jasper? jasper! what are you doing here? i live here now. me and my buds. hi! oh, hi, lice.
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but why the drain? you love the outdoors! i have nowhere else to go. you don't want me. jasper, you're my best friend, but i need my own space. the bongos, the ants, the crumbs in my bed, the... i guess i did kind of overstay my welcome. i'm sure i do things that annoy you. like the non-stop lists, early wake-up calls, obsessive cleaning, endless chores. okay, i get your point. let's agree to never live together again. oh yeah. (engine revving) jasper! quick. help me with-- pearlie! wait! off, lice! lickety-split! whoa, that's some serious rootage! pearlie! hurly burly! quick! over here. oof! you're okay. we made it! oh, jasper.
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here it is! here is what? my new home! solid! the person's won't be cutting this house down. love what you've done with the place, jasper. it's very.... elf shui. (giggling) you see, mistress! true friendship will always win out! now, as to our wager, i would like... (shrieking) pearlie: ♪ la, la, la, do, do, do ♪ ♪ pearlie's pearls of wisdom ♪ jasper is a super spectacular friend, but that didn't make him a super spectacular roommate. it was simply unfairiable living with jasper. i tried everything to avoid telling him. now i know that when something is bothering you it's best to be honest about it. not only i got my shell back, i got back my friend jasper too. if you can't stop by the park, you can always hang with my friends and me at!
8:44 am
8:45 am
saphira. there's so much to do. i need a rest. tsk, tsk. pearlie, you look a fright. given that you haven't spent any time on your appearance, i do hope the park is in good order. actually, i am a little behind. i could use some help. i'd love to help. terrific! but sadly, i can't. my toenail polish isn't dry. i just hope you manage to get things ship-shape before gobsmack gets wind of this. thanks. but not to worry! jasper will pitch in! jasper! jasper. wake up! (yelling) i'm with it! i was just meditating. (snoring) i need your help. there's so much to do: there's the cockroach race to organize, the tadpoles need their lullaby, the lizards need their sun screen. it would be a piece of carrot cake if you were an elf. what do you mean? oops. um, no.
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i'm not allowed to tell. it's elf law. if i tell, headquarters will, like, cut off my dreadlocks! tell me! no, dude. breaking the code would be majorly bad karma. nothing you say could ever make me tell you that elves can throw their voices. oh, my! jasper? you can throw your voice? show me! i could never show you how to do it. never ever, ever. really? but what if i said: please, please, please, please, please, please... please, please, please, please, please, please. please, please, please, please. please, please please, please. please, please, please? all right, all right. but just this once, okay? here it is. it's just a bush. don't listen to her, she doesn't know what she's talking about. sorry, bush. okay. now, if i show you this, you have to promise to totally forget what you've seen, right?
8:47 am
you promise? i promise. that's just a leaf. not now. it is a voice chucker! go over to the desert garden, and i'll show you how it works. sweet. jasper's voice: sweet! (quacking) (yelling) wow! epic! and you can use it for loads of things. like playing golf. jasper's voice: fore! with my own voice-chucker, i could be everywhere at once! whoa, that's, like, a no-go zone! remember? you totally promised to forget what you saw. yes, but-- uh-uh-uh. not another word. but don't worry, i'll help out.
8:48 am
i'll go and sing to the tadpoles. it's a shame to just throw it away. i know it's wrong. but there's no other way to get everything done. it's for the good of all park-kind! oh, good job. ♪ little tadpoles if you sleep tight ♪ ♪ your tails will drop off in the night ♪ oh, good job. (crying) i wonder, if i try it louder, whether i can throw my voice all the way around the park? look both ways before taking flight. start the day with a smile. (incoherent pearlie speaking) oh, good job. gold star for you. (squeaking) look before you leap! dude! what have you done?
8:49 am
your voice is bouncing around in my brain like a pinball game! fresh is always best. (gasping) are you telling me that you, like, totally used the voice-chucker? (ribbiting) (inaudible whispering) oh, this is bad! you've thrown your voice away! and-and! if headquarters finds out you did elf magic, i'm gonna be one bald dude, dude! on your marks, get set, curl, set, spray! fresh is always best. attention, lizards, re-apply sunscreen every 2 hours. shampoo twice before conditioning. --never done. we've got to do something. tell me about it. she really can't yodel. no, i mean, we can't let it keep bouncing all over the park. what if the persons hear it? easy on the 'do. don't 'over do' it. look before you leap. or worse! what if the elf council finds out?
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the last elf to reveal a trick had to work in santa's factory. oh, i don't want to go to the north pole, pearlie. oh, it's cold up there! (inaudible whispering) i think pearlie is trying to tell us something. i'm stumped. jasper? that's easy, she's saying she can't think on an empty stomach. me neither. i'll be in the kitchen! you can do it. happy, happy. (screaming) that infernal voice, ludwig! make it stop! but mistress, it means we've got pearlie now! do i look like a fairy who wants to see pictures of bald elves? dingbat! uh, uh, mistress? (inaudible whispering) i've just had a brilliant idea. we'll trap a piece of pearlie's voice and show it to gobsmack,
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and prove that pearlie is incompetent. then a new fairy will be in charge around here: me! (pearlie singing) yes! easy on the 'do. man, i am in big trouble. the elf council already has me on probation for impersonating a garden gnome. you've baked some fairy cake? awesome! jasper, wait. there's no cake. pearlie's apologizing to you. ah. that's alright. elf tricks are hard to resist. hey! that gives me an idea. we can use another elf trick. now she's saying, "that's a really terrific idea!" come on, jasper, what's your idea? i'm sure pearlie would like to hear it too. hurry! it's getting away!
8:52 am
behind you! a fairy's work is never done! keep up the good work, guys! sorry bush dude, again. time for a little elf hand-jive. crikey! how do you elves do that? check it out, man. a voice catcher! start the day with a smile. what? (yelling) awesome. that's one piece caught, and a whole lot more to go. good job, let's try that again. don't forget to floss! i've got it, i've got it, i've got it. uh, uh, mistress... i got it! oh, she got it. (groaning) shampoo twice before conditioning! lather, rinse, repeat. gotcha! don't forget to fertilize, for that extra 'vavoom' in your bloom. (screaming)
8:53 am
ripper. awesome. at last, mistress. you've caught pearlie's voice! now i can prove she threw it away. my lame-brained cousin will lose her job forever! got it! thanks, mate! now we'll never be able to prove pearlie threw away her voice. uh, mistress... all we needed was one little piece of voice, and she'd be gone forever. uh, mistress. what? uh-- oh... (laughing) super. got 'em all, at last. now what? ribbit. now this. jasper! not the voice chucker. that's what got us into this mess. if you don't do this, you will be silent forever.
8:54 am
okay, opal, the voice. pearlie, down the hatch. (inhaling) (coughing) (singing) hurly burly, i've got my voice back! (singing) (sighing) pearlie, really! gobsmack. what are you doing...? don't think the fairy headquarters wouldn't hear about unauthorized voice-throwing. really? i don't hear anything. then, what's this? it's a piece of my voice. if this is your voice, pearlie, then you, your tiny elf accomplice and outback opal will be transferred to the stinkiest garbage tip i can find. ribbit! doesn't sound like pearlie to me, mate. saphira! we'll talk later. thank you!
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ludwig! fancy tattle-tailing on pearlie like that. what were you thinking! oh, uh, lizard! didn't you listen to pearlie and, uh, put your sunscreen on? no. i didn't think so. really! goodbye! ya know, pearlie, there's an old elf-trick for putting ointment on lizards. all you do is-- stop! we don't want to hear about it! pearlie: ♪ la, la, la, do, do, do ♪ ♪ pearlie's pearls of wisdom ♪ it's no picnic taking care of the whole park. i was just way to tired today. when i found about jasper's magical voice chucker, i wanted to use it to trick people into helping me. i did learn one thing. you can't use tricks to get your work done, just be honest and do the work. you're bound to achieve fairytastic results. if you can't stop by the park, you can always hang with my friends and me at!
8:57 am
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