tv Eyewitness News at 4 CBS October 17, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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>> ellen: thank you. thank you very much. have a seat. come on, now. thank you very much. no, no, no, no, thank you very much. all goes back to you. thanks for being here, everybody. and good news. out of washington, it looks like congress has finally agreed to end the shutdown. now, they can stop accomplishing nothing, and start accomplishing next to nothing. [cheering] [applause] >> ellen: i don't want to talk about politics today because
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i've got a great story for you. it's not only going to knock your socks off, it may be a so-so story but it's my show, i can do what i want. here is what i want to talk about. have you ever had that thing where you try something once and then you have a bad experience and you never want to try it again, it stays with you, it haunts you? of course, i'm talking about balsammic vinegar. [laughter] >> ellen: -- i'm talking about balsamic vinegar. [laughter] >> ellen: the word balsamic, it sounds italian and romantic but it's like anything romantic. it will burn you and make you cry. here is what happened. we were out to dinner the other night and we were having a salad to start, mixed greens with carrots, we were having a salad and she had the balsamic and dressing, and i looked away for a minute and i looked back and i see her going -- and right away
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i knew it was either the balsamic vinegar or she was doing that robert de niro impression she always does, i tried to warn her, "do not order the balsamic vinegar." that's i didn't never have it. you may call it salad dressing but i call it the devil a condiment. everyone has that. one bad experience and you are scarred for life. roller blading or opening your parents' room without knocking. you never do it again. it always surprises me what people are scared of. they have a bad experience with a massage. they don't like is it so they'll never do it again. they say it tickles and makes them uncomfortable. i say "relax and enjoy it," stranger in front of me at starbucks, relax. [laughter] >> ellen: i think you have to be open to everything. you can't let one bad experience
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ruin it. think of all the things you will be missing out on. like a lot of you here today, a long time ago you didn't like the taste of alcohol. you said, "no, alcohol, no" and look at you now. you have three kids and you're drunk. a lot of you. not everyone. [cheering] >> ellen: some of you. i'm going to make sure yr first time on my show is a good one, because right now, i'm going to dance with you. [applause] ♪ ♪
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awesome. >> ellen: hello, handsome. >> hi there, pretty lady. >> ellen: can i ask you a question? your hit song, "hey, porsche," is that about my wife? >> i guess i'm not d.j.'ing any more, huh? no, no, no, it was just a hell of a coincidence, ellen. >> ellen: yes. >> seriously. but no, after -- after i did the song i did kind of get that playback in my head, i was like, "wow, i think ellen would love this." >> ellen: we both did. we loved it. are you originally from st. louis? >> i am originally from st. louis. >> ellen: you stayed there, you have not left? i love that. >> i'm still there to this day. >> ellen: that's fantastic. >> thank you. [applause] >> ellen: on the c.d., i see you sing with correlle and he produced a song or two, and miley cyrus. she was here the other day, you probably know that and i think she's extremely talented.
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you do too? >> yes. >> ellen: what do you think about all the stuff going on with her? >> we have to remember, people must be able to express themselves. when you're talking about music, music is a art form, it's not made to be politically correct, it's made to be expression so you have to let people express themselves. i think she's very talented. i don't think that she's hurt anyone -- i mean, i've saw a 50-year-old kiss two girls on that same stage before and nobody said anything. [cheering] [applause] >> ellen: yes. >> i enjoyed it all. [laughter] >> ellen: you're not complaining about any of it. >> no. >> ellen: she's 20 years old, also, i think. >> i think that's the age to experience a lot of things and to get it out of your system. >> ellen: that's right. then we all watch. [laughter] >> ellen: speaking of watching. you are in such great shape. you are working out like crazy, aren't you? you're in amazing shape.
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>> thank you very much, thank you very much. [cheering] [applause] >> ellen: i say that -- i think you are. i can't tell with the shirt on but it seems like you're in great shape. >> you got me wired up. i'm wired. i'm pretty wired. you got me wired up. >> ellen: we don't mind seeing wires on you. [cheering] >> ellen: all right. last week i mentioned something that always happens this time of year. pumpkin spice is popping up everywhere. i don't know why but there is pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin spice candles, pumpkin spice air fresheners and this is a brand new network called the pumpkin spice channel. >> you're watching the pumpkin spice channel.
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umm, ooh. ♪ >> pumpkin. ♪ [laughter] >> spice. [laughter] ♪ >> orange you excited for more pumpkins? stay tuned for gourds gone wild. [laughter] [applause] >> ellen: all right. let's move on to something less disturbing. if you saw the show last tuesday, lee and morty kaufman were here. they are the stars of the very funny swiffer commercials that everyone is enjoying, and i just loved them on the show, they're an adorable couple and i thought i would get their opinion on other topics. here are lee and morty on the
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movie "gravity." ♪ >> no, neither have i heard of it. i just finished 96 lectures on astronnomy by alex pinkel and he never mentioned anything like this. ♪ >> ellen: here is lee and morty on me hosting the oscars. >> excited. wonderful. i think you will do a fabulous job. she can conquer any audience with those blue eyes. >> very penetrating blue eyes. [laughter] >> ellen: finally, lee and morty
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on britney spears. ♪ >> never heard of her. >> never heard of her. [laughter] >> do you think we should? ♪ >> quite a bit. >> indistinguishable. >> you have to move fast to this. ♪ >> what's it called? >> it's called -- >> really. does her mother know? [applause] >> ellen: thank you, lee and morty. hey, if you see an adorable old couple in a commercial you think i should see, send them to me. we'll be right back. [cheering] >> ellen: you live with your ex-husband?
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>> best friends. >> ellen: best friends? >> yeah. >> ellen: last night i was watching tv. it wasn't turned on, i was staring at it. >> if you love great tv, you will love the next "ellen" from "how we met your mother" alyson hanigan. ellen. take a look at the light in this color. brilliant...sparkling... like a jewel. that's superior preference l'oreal.
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preference's light-reflecting color is never opaque. always brilliant. it shines and sparkles for weeks and weeks. l'oreal superior preference. ♪ [ male announcer ] experience new febreze sleep serenity and let the soothing scent of moonlit lavender lull you to sleep. an official product of the national sleep foundation. breathe happy. sleep happy. wow...look at you. i've always tried to give it my best shot. these days i'm living with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. at first, i took warfarin, but i wondered, "could i up my game?" my doctor told me about eliquis. and three important reasons to take eliquis instead. one, in a clinical trial, eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin.
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and three... unlike warfarin, there's no routine blood testing. [ male announcer ] don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i've got three important reasons to up my game with eliquis. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. [applause]
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>> ellen: that was very entertaining. and at first she was unfazed like "i'm dancing with nelly, it's ok." oh, boy. our first guest is the embodiment of blonds having more fun. please welcome my fellow international sex symbol -- [laughter] >> ellen: pamela anderson. [cheering] [applause] ♪ ♪ >> in westwood. >> ellen: did your parachute get tangled up on you again? >> a revolution. it's been on the runway. vivian westwood.
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>> ellen: it's fantastic. >> i love it. >> ellen: i didn't know what it was at first but it's good because it can act as a lot of different things. you can make them, when you get home, draperies. a bedspread. so many different things. is it keeping you warm? >> keeping me warm. >> ellen: hour you? >> great. how are you? >> ellen: good, thank you, haven't seen you in a little while but i saw pictures of you. >> oh, dear. >> ellen: you were at -- was it a nude beach that you were at? >> oh, dear. if i knew there was a photographer there i would have taken the bottoms off too. >> ellen: and you're obviously trying to cover yourself up. at what point did you see that they were -- where were you? where is that? >> france. >> ellen: very nice. >> yes. >> ellen: they're all naked in france, right? >> yes. nobody cares. >> ellen: a lot of news beaches there. but they got you? >> they got me. >> ellen: you were there with your ex-husband. >> well -- >> ellen: right? are you back together?
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>> i say we're best friends. >> ellen: best friends? >> with benefits. >> ellen: that's good that you are friends with your ex-husband. you keep going back to the same guys. you like you're married -- >> recycling. [laughter] >> ellen: it is. >> i'm very. he's happy. he's a great guy. >> ellen: how old are the boys? >> 17 and 15. >> ellen: that's crazy. >> i know. they're doing great. bret is surfing and winning contests and brandon is interning all over the world and he was in brazil last summer, going to london next summer. >> ellen: doing what? >> entering an -- >> interning for an advertising agency. he's doing really well. considering the gene pool, they are perfect gentlemen. >> ellen: she said, "considering the gene pool, they're perfect
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gentlemen." [laughter] >> very proud of them. >> ellen: you should be proud of them. >> and you are doing something pretty amazing. you're training to run the new york city marathon. >> yes. how long is that? >> ellen: it's, like -- [laughter] >> ellen: 26 -- >> kilometers? >> ellen: no. >> i know. i know. i'm in training. for six months. >> ellen: how -- like what kind of training? first of all, did you work out beforehand? >> no. no. i've never even run across the street. i started running and i hated it, of course, everyone hates running for the first mile, if you're running two miles or 20 miles it always hurts and now i love t. i look forward to it. it's good. it clears my head. >> ellen: it's great. if -- i have bad knees. i used to run all the time. now how far are you running? what is the furthest you have run? >> 12 miles. >> ellen: when is the marathon? >> two weeks. three weeks? but it's going to be so much fun and so much excitement.
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i'm going to get there. i think if my son was hurt i could run 26 miles to him. >> ellen: you think that, but no. [laughter] >> i'm doing it for haiti. i'm doing it for a good cause. >> ellen: you're doing it for a good cause, you're doing it for haiti and that's a good thing but honestly, you're not going to make it. you can walk. >> i'm doing it for charity. i'm not going to finish top 10, i'm doing it for haiti, i can walk, i can run, i can jump on someone's back, my brother is going to run with me and he talks a lot so i'll be running away from him. >> ellen: has he trained also? >> he's run his whole life. >> ellen: he's probably going to not be with you. >> now, he's not going to leave me, he promised me he's not going to leave me. >> ellen: anyway i saw also, we don't have it here but brazilian "vogue" and something is missing there. [laughter] >> ellen: you didn't -- is that as long as it goes? or did you not pull it down?
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is that what that shirt looks like? >> yeah. on most people. >> ellen: you look beautiful, though. look at that. that's great. >> thank you. >> ellen: beautiful. mario sestino? >> it was close to my house on the beach and i thought we were going to do beautiful glamour photos, he didn't put any make-up on me and pulled my hair back in a ponytail and i wanted to die. >> ellen: you look fantastic. >> it looks cool. >> ellen: do you always wear make-up? >> i don't. i don't. but i mean -- for pictures, it seems like the character -- but it was a really interesting -- >> ellen: i like it because it's a different way for people to see you like that. i think it's beautiful. >> thank you. >> ellen: you're welcome. we're going to take a break and i'm going to help you train for the marathon. i have some things to do that will -- if you can get through this, you will be able to make it. >> ok. good. i'll prove to you.
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[cheering] >> ellen: this is vivian westwood. i don't know if i'm wearing it right. am i wearing it right? >> do yourself. >> ellen: we want to help you prepare for the marathon and we also want to help you raise money for haiti, a beautiful cause, we thought we would see how you would do because there are lots of things going on in new york, there is weather, there are elements, there are different things so we're going to get you completely ready and for every obstacle you overcome our friends will donate $1,000 to the haiti fund.
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we'll put it on our website as well. i offered to -- you should take those off but you said no. it's very windy in new york. >> very windy? >> ellen: run in place, you're just going to run in place. very windy. i said, it's very windy. very windy. [laughter] >> ellen: and it's fall so the leaves are going to be -- there's definitely a lot of leaves. who knows how windy it is, and there are leaves. there could be snow. you don't know. it could be snow. oh. there could be hail. you never know if there is hail. there is hail. it rains a lot there too. it rains a whole lot in new york. [laughter] [applause] >> ellen: oh, my god. >> i want more water.
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more rain. >> ellen: there is fog. there is smog. and then -- all right, that's it. [cheering] >> ellen: they celebrate. when you cross the finish line, they celebrate like crazy. there is confetti if you make it. [applause] >> ellen: we're going to round -- we're going to say $10,000 to the fund. >> thank you. >> ellen: the street. careful. there are cars. we have something for you to run because you need something nice to run in so you're going to use this to run in. we're going to show you what it looks like once you have it on. [laughter] >> ellen: then you're going to wear these pants.
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[laughter] >> thank you. thank you. >> ellen: if you want to help pam raise money for haiti relief, go to our website. jimmy buffett after this. [cheering] [applause] ♪ wasting away again in margaritaville ♪ >> ellen: can we pan out and see the living room? you have been there a year. you don't have to take time any more. we're going to fix that. >> ellen: ellen's all new with alyson hanigan from "how i met your mother."
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so, um, do you want to come up for a coffee? yeah. 'kay... uh... od. so... so, uh... you make yourself at home and i'll be... yeah. right back. sure. (gasp) oh, i th... i thought we were... (deep inhale) (coffee grinder whirring) ooh... with authentic, expertly crafted roasts and legendary brews, eight o'clock is the coffee for those who put coffee first. this is nice.
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on my front porch swing smell those shrimp, hey, they're beginning to boil waistin' away again in margaritaville wasting away again in margaritaville searching for my lost shaker of salt some people claim that there's woman to blame but i know it's nobody's fault i don't know the reason i stayed here all season nothing to show but this brand new tattoo but it's a real beauty
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♪ ♪ ♪ i blew out my flip-flop stepped on a pop-top and broke my leg twice, i had to limp on back home but there's booze in the blender and soon it will render that frozen concoction that helps me hang on hang on, hang on, hang on wastin' away again in margaritaville searching for my lost shaker of salt salt, salt, salt
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some people claim that there's a woman to blame but i know it's my own damn fault yeah, and some people claim that there's a woman to blame but i know it's my own damn fault ♪ olympic [cheering] [applause] >> ellen: i love it. i love it. we'll be right back. jimmy buffett. >> ellen: yous that your favorite part of the show is
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but all you notice is her beautiful, healthy skin. jergens ultra healing moisturizer makes even your driest skin look healthier, instantly. with beautiful skin from jergens, you'll always make an entrance. jergens®. the beautiful difference. [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, notll food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant >> "ellen" is all new with alyson hanigan from "how i met your mother.
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[applause] ♪ >> ellen: for 40 years, no other artist has made us want to drink tequila more than our next guest. his new c.d. is called "songs from saint somewhere." please welcome jimmy buffett. ♪ ♪ [cheering] >> ellen: hey, jimmy. >> hey, ellen. i'm well. how are you? >> ellen: it's always summer time for you. >> i'm ready to play. >> ellen: do you like cold weather? >> i can adjust to it occasionally. >> ellen: cu? >> yeah. >> ellen: you don't mind wearing
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long pants and shoes? >> i have a pair. i do. >> ellen: you're touring like crazy and you have the most loyal fans, i think, of any musician that i've ever seen. >> i am very grateful for that. yes. [applause] >> and it was like before there was social networking, it was like our fans kind of were the original -- there were deadheads and parrotheads, with the music, and i thank everybody who raises their children on this music literally every night because it regenerates that audience for four decades. >> ellen: they bring their kids. >> i never thought i would grow up to be family entertainment. >> ellen: i don't know why i forgot. do you want a drink? i know you like tequila. [cheering] >> is it 5:00? >> ellen: yeah.
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somewhere it is. >> oh, that is a nice little bottle of tequila. i'm not flying today. >> ellen: you can have that shot. that's yours. >> i have to sing later so it's kind of aiming fluid. >> ellen: exactly. it needs to warm up your throat. nothing like a little don julio. >> i feel better already. i will run that marathon if you want. [applause] >> ellen: keep pouring it, then. i should pour it now because this sunday was a tough one for our new orleans saints. >> oh, but -- always the optimist. ok. i know, but i can't delve on it the way everybody else does because we've come from a generation of decades of misery. i was at the very first game at tulane stadium -- i was 18 years old, working on bourbon street, john gilliam ran the first kickoff back for a touchdown and we thought this was going to be easy, and it wasn't, so flash
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back to the -- to last sunday, i'm still very happy being 5-1 and really not being chased as a 6-0 team because we've got a good team and we're going to be fine. >> ellen: we're going to do it? we're going to end up in the super bowl? >> nobody talked about us in the beginning, nobody cared about us, i know sean and i -- and we have parrothead coaches on that team >> ellen:. we do? >> we do. >> ellen: i thought it was a great game. the saints played well but that last five seconds -- >> it reminded me of old saints games but we're ok. >> ellen: good to hear it. let's talk about your wristbands. you always wear wristbands. that is your thing. tell us about that. >> well, in the old days it was like we played hot places and they were necessary because you sweat a lot up there, and we just -- we just played in a little club in paris called the trabindo, and it was a flash back to those days where sweatbands were totally necessary, but as a child of the
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mardi gras, i want to throw something. >> ellen: you're throwing the sweat bands? >> i want to use them, it's so hot in here i'm probably going to sweat a drop or two and then i'll hurl them into your audience. [cheering] >> ellen: they will love it. i made a special -- you can throw these to your audience too. i want to give you ours too. >> i'm going to give you these. >> ellen: all right. i'll wear these. >> mix and match? >> ellen: do one of each. that would be great. we need to make a bigger size. >> and one of those out there. see, it worked. >> ellen: she's calling for it. like dub loans. more than beads. >> i i -- like dubbloon s. jimmy is going to perform from
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his new c.d., "songs from st. somewhere" and everybody in the audience is going home with a copy. we'll be right back. ♪ >> ellen: can we pan out and see the living room? look at the living room. you have been there a year. you don't have to take your time any more. we're going to fix that. j.c. penney is going to give you -- [applause] [cheering]
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>> ellen: nelly's new song "get like me." i love that song. >> thank you, thank you. [applause] >> i had your girl on, there nicki minaj and ferrell. >> ellen: i love it, i love it. all right. we get thousands of emails from viewers at the show and one that we readas from a woman named selena green in philadelphia, pennsylvania, and selena wrote to our website saying she wished she lived in california so she could come to a taping so today we're going to bring the show to her. jeanie is outside her home right now and i'm going to call her. she does not know.
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hi, jeanie. >> how are you? >> ellen: are you that close that you have to whisper? [phone ringing] >> hello. >> ellen: is this selena? >> ellen: hi, selena, i'm calling from the ticket department from "the ellen degeneres show" how are you? we happen to have tickets to the taping in burbank. are you able to come tonight? >> no. no. >> ellen: oh. oh, that's a shame. >> no, oh, my god, oh, my god, no. >> ellen: no? >> we live in philadelphia. >> ellen: oh. that's too far. >> oh, my god. someone calling about tickets. i'm talking to my family.
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>> ellen: i see. selena. >> yes. >> ellen: yeah, this isn't rebecca. it's ellen, hi. [screaming] >> ellen: you know what? >> oh, my gosh. >> ellen: i got your email. >> i can't believe you're on my phone. >> ellen: i'm on my phone but you're on yours. listen. listen. i read your letter. you said that your favorite part of the show is when we surprise fans at home, right? >> yes, oh, my god, yes, oh, my god. >> ellen: is it crazy -- like all of a sudden if you heard a knock at the door right now it would be so crazy. >> [screaming] oh, my god. wait. >> ellen: then someone was knocking and ringing the door bell. they couldn't stop ringing the door bell. >> yes, hi, i'm sorry, i put the
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phone -- ellen. [cheering] >> ellen: hi, selena. >> [screaming] >> ell: she doesn't have to be on the phone any more. can you hear me? who is there with you? >> this is my daughter. my husband. >> ellen: hi, y'all. >> my god. >> ellen: i love your letter that you said you wanted to come to a taping and we learned you just moved into the house a year ago. can we pan out and see the living room? you have been there a year. [laughter] >> ellen: you have been there one year. so what are you waiting for? there is no furniture in there. >> no.
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we are -- i'm very picky and right now with the time and the money, it's just not there yet. i'm taking my time. >> ellen: you don't have to take your time any more. we're going to fix that because j.c. penney is going to give you $10,000. [cheering] >> thank you so much. >> ellen: you can use that like as a lounge chair until you get something. i want to meet your family. we're going to fly you here. put you up. i can't wait to meet you and
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your family. thanks for writing in. we'll see you soon. we'll be back with jimmy buffett. he's going to perform. [applause] [cheering] ♪ [ corbett ] if you haven't checked your medicare drug plan this year, you could be at the corner of "i'm throwing away money" and "i had no idea." well, walgreens has your back. our expert pharmacists can help you find a plan that could save you more with our free comparison report. so you can keep your money where it belongs. check your plan at walgreens. and you could save up to 75% on prescription copays. at the corner of happy and healthy. [ sniffs ] girl scout: [ clears throat ] hi. i just finished an energy audit of this building and started my own dog walking business. what did you do to deserve that thin mints flavor coffee-mate? it's only one of the most delicious girl scout cookie flavors ever.
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i changed the printer ink. really? it's actually tricky. you're lucky i like your tie. [ male announcer ] your favorite girl scout cookie flavors, out of the box and into your coffee-mate. nestle. good food, good life. out of the box and into your coffee-mate. l'oreal's revitalift anti-agitriple power. mine triple power! for the three dimensions of aging. one, repair wrinkles. two, refirm contours. three, replenish facial volume. revitalift triple power from l'oreal. another viva dare. our fans think there's a rule that a paper towel can't handle this. fans? now that's tough when wet. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules on all your tough messes. this is what they do for fun. for those nights when it's more than a bad dream, be ready. for the times you need to double-check the temperature on the thermometer, be ready. for high fever, nothing works faster or lasts longer. be ready with children's motrin.
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♪ somethin'' bout a about sitting on the sea out there in the wind sitting on the free take you around the world bring you back home gives a man hope something about a bout something about this old guitar and the way it still rings after all the smokey bars and the broken strings played a million songs broke a lot of hearts made some people stars somethin'' about this old guitar ain't it crazy how something seems like nothing at all take a big old room, make it seem so small
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ain't it crazy how something seems like nothing at all take this big old room you make it feel so small seeing windows where there are walls makes a whole lot of something out of nothing at all makes a whole lot of something out of nothing at all something about my dog something about this guitar something about a boat gives a man hope ♪ [applause] [cheering] life can take you almost anywhere, and that's exactly where american airlines flies. book your travel now on anyway.
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>> you are watching wbal-tv 11. at 5 >> getting back to normal. one of hundreds of federal sites reopen tonight after 16 long days of government gridlock. >> thanks for joining us. from coast-to-coast, a quarter of a million federal workers are back on and headed into work. began with team coverage of where things stand today. i look at how maryland is reacting. >> we begin with steve handelsman, outside the national mall. >> good evening from washington.
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