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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  October 22, 2013 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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♪ good morning. it is tuesday, october 22nd 2013. welcome to "cbs this morning." he survived war in afghanistan but gave his life at a middle school. a teacher's heroic actions when a student opened fire. president obama says no one is madder than him about the house care headaches. florida senator marco rubio tells us why he wants to delay a key part of the obama care law. and closer to a cure for baldness, a scientist behind a potential breakthrough is here in studio 57. >> but we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds.
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>> i saw people running, i thought that was going to be my last day. >> a nightmare in nevada. a seventh grader opens fire at sparks middle school near reno. >> they have one victim in the cafeteria, one in the hall. >> 45-year-old former marine mike landsberry a math teacher being hailed as a hero. >> he said i will do anything for you guys. i guess that meant taking a bullet. san francisco b.a.r.t. workers have reached a deal with management putting an end to a four-day strike. passengers aboard a delta flight to atlanta are safe after a fire on their plane forced an emergency landing. >> there was smoke coming from a coffee pot. >> meanwhile, another delta flight made an emergency landing in eastern washington state. there's no excuse for the problems. >> there's an apology for the problems consumers have been having signing up.
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>> "the washington post" reports his administration may have known about early trouble days before it was rolled out. >> they've had four years to get ready. it's not fixable. investigators in greece are looking to find the biological mother of a little girl whose identity remains a mystery. a passenger ends up on the tracks in boston. she may have been sleepwalking. >> oh my god. >> number one in the seen! >> i finally said let me get all my lines out of the way because my fans are driving me nuts. >> put that cookie down now! >> and "all that mattered" -- >> while the president was speaking, a woman fainted. >> i got it. this happens when i talk too much. >> wow. >> you're dazed! >> you can get your questions answered, by real people the phone number or these call centers. >> it's 1-800-we didn't think
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this through. [ laughter ] >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" is presented by toyota. let's go places. ♪ captioning funded by cbs welcome. good morning to you, charlie. we begin with the story, a nevada school teacher is being hailed a hero. authorities say he gave his life when a classmate started shooting yesterday. >> trying to answer questions about the latest school shooting. john blackstone is in sparks nevada, just east of reno. john, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie and norah. just a few hours ago, this town was a scene of horror. a teacher shot to death two students wounded before a gunman killed himself. people remembered their friends and teacher michael landsberry. it was a somber gathering last night as students and their
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parents remember their friend and teacher michael landsberry. the sparks middle school math teacher was also the middle school soccer coach. fris say the 45-year-old military veteran was trying to stalk the school assailant when he himself was shot and killed. >> what kind of a teacher was he? >> he was an amazing teacher. he taught students like i've never seen. >> he was tough, but he had a really soft heart. that's why he became a teacher. >> reporter: at least one witness pointed to a possible motive revenge. >> he pointed to us and then he said, you ruined my life and i'm going to ruin yourself. >> reporter: after shooting landsberry and two other classmates, the student turned the semi-automatic handgun on himself and was killed. officials tell cbs news the gun was owned by his parents. police scanner audio described the chaotic scene. >> we're inside the cafeteria
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where the students are huddled. they're safe here. we're looking for the shooter now. >> i just thought it was just a joke. then i saw people running. >> reporter: two 12-year-old victims were rushed to local hospitals. >> one was shot through the shoulder, the other shot in the abdomen. both sustained nonlife threatening injuries. >> reporter: police say landsberry died trying to intervene. students took to to wit tore praise their fallen teacher. mr. landsberry was an amazing teacher with a good heart. landsberry forever my favorite coach. even senator harry reid chimed in michael landsberry veteran, wonderful math teacher, admired by students died a hero. police say that officers got to the school within three minutes of the first 911 call but by that time it was all over. the 13-year-old shooter was dead. now, this school and another nearby will be closed for the rest of the week.
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while the community grieves. charlie, norah. >> john thank you. and president obama is vowing that will be fixed. in a cbs news poll out this morning only 12% of americans say the government's efforts are going well. 49% believe it's not working. bill plante at the white house. good morning. >> good morning, we know there were signs of big trouble where the website opened for business three weeks ago but the administration launched health anyway. the site crashed where just a few hundred logged on.president monday admitted that things weren't going well. >> reporter: they were mr. obama's first extensive comments about the major technical hurdles facing users of the website. >> nobody is madder about the fact that the website isn't
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working as well as it should which means it's going to get fixed. >> reporter: that was in stark contrast than from what the president said when he promised purchasing health insurance would be easy. >> it's like booking a hotel or a plane ticket. >> reporter: mr. obama offered no information monday for the fact that over the past three weeks the site has been unusable. applicants have been unable to logon or have their applicationmidapplication. >> we are confident we will get all the problems fixed. >> reporter: but there's a deadline, under the new health care law, individuals who do not have insurance by march 31st next year must pay a $95 fine. some republicans are already calling for a delay of the individual mandate to purchase insurance because of the problems. white house press secretary jay carney calls that unnecessary, suggesting the administration would be flexible. >> the law makes clear that people who do not have access to frdable care due to a state of
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medicare will not be. >> reporter: kathleen sebelius will testify in front of a congressional panel next week where she's expected to be grilled on all inspects of the law. for some critics, that's not enough. >> i would say that she's got a lot of questions to answer. i think she should be fired. >> reporter: reince priebus is the chair of the national republican committee and he fired a freedom of information request to find out how many people have successfully signed under for health care so far. >> this is an answer to a very simple question that they know right now what the answer is and they're not telling us. >> the administration's biggest fear is the difficulty signing up will keep away young healthy people. the health care act needs them to offset the cost of insuring those who are older and sicker. norah, charlie. >> joining us is senator marco rubio of florida, he said he
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will introduce a bill until is fixed. senator, good morning. >> good morning. >> it was mandated, the last since legislation was considered by congress during the campaign it was debated. what do you think you can accomplish now? >> i think there are two separate issues. the first is whether obama care should even exist or function obviously i believe it should be repealed or replaced. that's a separate one that i'm raising with regards to the law that i intend to introduce. what i'm arguing is this the law says very clearly that at some point next year you don't have health insurance, you haven't bought it the irs like with a penalty, we talked about that in the past. the reality is it's unfair to punish people for not purchasing a product that they can't purchase right now because of the technology that's in place, the website they're supposed to buy it on by the president's own admission is not working. all i'm calling for is a delay on that requirement until the general accounting office of
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united states certifies that the website is work and has been functioning for six consecutive months. i think that's a prudent approach. >> do you think it has a chance of passing? >> well we hope so. every week that goes by it becomes inherent that the problems are significant. i think it's going to be difficult to reverse this in a number of weeks as we get closer and closer to that deadline. we had "consumer reports" advising people to stay off of the website. as days go on there's going to be a solution to the problem. it's not fair to punish people for buying something that's not available. >> senator, good to see you. i want to ask you what jeb bush said. he said that the republicans should let it play out and see it. do you disagree with jeb bush? >> i believe that the whole thing should be repealed and replaced. this bill doesn't do that. all it's calling for say limited delay on the individual mandate until the website is fixed.
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i think that's a very prudent approach. quite frankly, i think that's where we're going to have to wind up anyway. you saw yesterday, the white house didn't rule out a delay. jay carney didn't rule it out because they understand that the problems that this website faces are significant. and are very difficult to fix in a number of weeks. >> does this also mean there won't be another government shutdown, that you would agree more with the republican leader mitch mcconnell that there won't be another shutdown, as opposed to senator cruz who said he's going to do anything to stop obama care? >> i never agree that we should shut down the government. we should keep the government open and funded. but just that we shouldn't be putting any money into this disastrous health care law. that remains my mission. one of the most powerful parts of congress is to fund things or not fund things. i certainly don't believe we should fund something. >> i don't quite understand
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that. how you can say, one, i don't want to defund it but i just don't think we should put any more money in it. what's the difference? >> that's exactly the point. >> you don't use the wordy fund that senator cruz used so much? >> i actually believe in repealing it. the defunding is the way to repeal it. the question was about a government shutdown. i never believed in a government shutdown. they had multiple opportunities to fund the entire government. i myself did not defund obama care. >> defunding obama care would mean shutting down the government again. what are you saying do not fund obama care? >> i actually don't think that's a fair way to represent it. i think the right way to present it is ask the democrats who control the senate are you willing to shut down the government simply to protect obama care. is obama care that important that you're willing to fund nothing unless obama care is funded. because that's the position they adopted. look, i made a motion on the
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floor to fully fund head start and they blocked that. >> what's your difference between your position and senator cruz? >> senator cruz will have to speak for himself about his position. >> you know what his position is. >> his position is we shouldn't fund obama care. i agree with that position. i will not vote for a budget that spends a penny more on the health care law. unless we fund obama care we will fund nothing, i don't think that's a reasonable position and yet that's the position they've adopted and seemed to have gotten away with in the eyes of some. >> senator marco rubio good to see you. the obama administration is dealing with another situation today. secretary of state john kerry met with the french foreign minister. it came with a french newspaper that recorded over 70 million phone calls. the foreign minister said that
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is unacceptable. president obama phoned french president hollande about the issue. concerns about flights on board two delta flights caused two to make emergency landings. the fire was quickly put out. and a flight from atlanta to seattle made an emergency landing in pasco, washington overnight. an indicator light of fire in the cargo bay. but after landing no flames were found. in florida, authorities are one step closer to helping those who helped in a prison escape. two escaped prisoners were captured after using fake document. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, norah. joseph jenkins and charles walker are now among the thousands of inmates at the bay county jail. they joined the inmates after
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captured saturday at a panama city beach motel. the florida department of law enforcement tell us they've identified suspects who may have helped the men create the forged documents and authorities are building the case against them. we've also learned that there may have been case of seven inmates trying use papers to get release. of those, three of those were successful. investigators are folk curvecusing on the paper trail that helped walker and jenkins elude authorities. dna and fingerprint testing is being done to help determine who prepared the fake documents which may have been purchased for thousands of dollars each. as this investigation goes on lawmakers are angry here. they're promising to hold hearings to get to the bottom of this. and try to make sure that the embarrassing escapes do not happen again in the state of florida. >> thank you. a suicide bombing attack on
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a bus in russia is raising concerns this morning about security at upcoming olympics. the russian city of sochi is preparing to host the games in february. mark phillips is in london. mark, good morning. >> good morning. this bombing was not the deadliest of the string of terrorist bombings in russia but they have three crucial elements that make it stand out, it killed six people and it was apparently carried out by a woman suicide bomber and it was captured on a video camera. >> reporter: watch the bus. a dashboard camera of the sort in common use in russia captured the explosion. it killed at least six people and wounded dozens. the attack took place in the southern city of volgograd, formerly stalingrad. close to the region there. a spokes for more the agency
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alexei mukhin identified the suicide bomber as a so-called black widow known to be involved in the militant movement. she's not the first black widow and the russians fear she won't be the last. the russians are calling the bombing a test shot ahead of the upcoming sochi winter olympics. militant groups they say, want to create an atmosphere of fear and panic. and the russians may have another reason to worry. blowback for the support of the assad regime. >> you have groups that have operated a number of years like we saw in the bus bombing. but we also see future threats where russia is playing the role of the lead militant where militants and jihadis around the world may decide they want to attack russia.
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>> sochi is shaping up as the tightest security operation ever. but attacks like this one, charlie, and norah, aren't going to make the atmosphere lighter. >> thanks mark. time for morning headlines around the globe. "the washington post" looking at drone strikes. unmanned aircraft are killing more civilians than the united states admits. investigating more than a dozen in pakistan and yemen since 2009. they found at least 87 civilians were killed. the u.n. takes up the debate on friday. "the new york times" says the tsa is screening passengers before they even arrive at the airport. the agency is searched a database of for risk assessments, that can include car information and employment information. the los angeles times says netflix now tops hbo in subscribers. the video streaming is used by viewers nationwide.
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orange is the new black and house of cards. and starbucks is under fire state-run media reports the coffee powerhouse charges more there than it does in other countries. a starbucks executive said the price is based on local market conditions. ceo howard schultz will join us tomorrow in studio 57. a jets fan that punched a teen. two years ago, he was caught serving alcohol to a m
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>> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by nutella, breakfast never tasted this good. the word tries to solve the mystery of this 4-year-old girl. she's known only as maria. >> reporter: as the greek police hunt for the biological parents
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of maria, we're here in a gypsy community where he was discovered. i'm holly williams in farsala, greece. he did it for thrills. that is what the government says about a man charged with repeatedly pointing lasers at jetliners. captain sully sullenberger. and the new hope for baldness. we'll talk to scientists about the new way to grow here. the news is back here on "cbs this morning." stay tuned for your local news. google, what is glossophobia? glossophobia, is the fear of public speaking. ♪ ♪ the only thing we have to fear is... fear itself. ♪ ♪
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vo: it's that time of year again. medicare open enrollment. time to compare plans and costs. you don't have to make changes. but it never hurts to see if you can find better coverage, save money, or both. and check out the preventive benefits you get after the health care law. open enrollment ends december 7th. so now's the time. visit or call 1-800-medicare [ male announcer ] let the rich robust flavor and irresistible aroma of nescafe clasico stir what's inside of you. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] [ tires screech ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] that was bold. real bold. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪
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7:26. we have clouds around. sharon is watching traffic. marty with first warning weather. >> we want to look to the west. that was the east. look at first warning doppler weather radar, and that is rain. it's not moving our way real fast but nonetheless it is slowly but surely making itself across the state. look at the forecast. it's going to be later than earlier, say after lunchtime. variably cloudy skies, 66 the high, mid-40s now. here's sharon with traffic. good morning. a pretty standard morning commute. we have a couple of issues now including an accident in white marsh. one at 40 at allender road, wolf at orleans in the city. accident still there 175 at 32. another one on route 30 at frye
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road. on east joppa at seven courts road all lanes blocked in the eastbound direction for a watermain break. you can take silver spring road instead. speeds in the 20s on the top and west side outer loop to the beltway. there's a look at the speeds on 95, 32 wean white marsh and the beltway, that is a live look at the west side backing down to the left on the outer loop. there's a look at the top side backing down to the right on the outer loop at harford road. this traffic report brought to you by mcdonald's. back to you. malpractice suit against a once prominent local cardiologist is now in the hands of a jury. mike schuh live outside the courthouse in towson. >> reporter: good morning. later this morning the jury will go back to work to try to determine if a high-profile local developer had unnecessary surgery. glen weinberg was told his heart arteries were 90% blocked and had surgery to install the devices called stents to keep the arteries open. after word got out accusing dr. mark midei of unnecessary
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surgeries the patient found he hardly had any blockage but the surgery made him pull out of successful projects costing him $50 million. the doctor testified that the man would have died without the surgery. i'm mike schuh reporting live in towson. back to you. montgomery county 7-year-old is in critical condition after her mother hit her with their suv. police say 41-year-old wen ha song was backing up an suv like that one out of a driveway on potomac sunday night, struck the girl without nothing knowing it, went to the store. it's got a backup camera but police say it may have been turned off for a recent driving test. a copper thief strikes bge, a substation in anne arundel county. police looking for the man that cut through the fence on watch apple road in gambrills thursday. investigators say he stole various amounts of copper. bge has become a prime target for copper thieves with substations, even power poles being hit. stay with us, up next, new
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information on the mystery girl found in a gypsy camp in greece. the border battle over inexpensive prescription drugs.
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♪ our own john oliver has been trying to sign up for obama care. he joins us right now, john! please, john where are you? okay, okay here's what happened. i went to just like you asked. >> thanks. >> i gave them all my information. i pressed "enter," there was a giant sucking sound next thing i knew i was inside that website. oh no john. >> is that what i think it is? >> how long is this subway john? >> wow! that was unbelievable. >> very funny. >> welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour
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they are cheap and dangerous. lasers pointed at aircraft. now a man who alleged did it dozens of times is under arrest. we'll ask captain "sully" sullenberger about the growing threat. plus, work going none this lab could mean the end of baldness. a scientist leading a new study could be here. show us how it redefines hair placement. all of that is ahead. police are following up on thousands of tips this morning to unravel a mystery. they hope to identify the young girl known only as maria, found living with a gypsy family. holly williams is there in larissa, greece, this morning. holly, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie and norah. the little girl has blond hair and doctors believe she's around 6 years old. the couple raising her call her maria and say they adopted her. they are behind bars and police are hunting for the little girl's biological parents.
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police discovered the little girl in a camp romas or gypsies as they're often known. they noticed she bore no resemblance to the couple raising her. dna tests proved they were not her parents. and yesterday they were charged with child abduction. they say they got the little girl after her birth parents abandoned her. we hear the same thing from other members of the roma community where maria used to live. father dmitri and his wife told us the girl often visited the girl to play with their grandchildren. are there any abducted or traffic children living in the roma community here. no, they told me they believe the roma are being discriminated against. because in greece there are rumors that they steal children and send them to beg on the streets. the greek authorities say the woman they charged also falsified the identity documents of several other children. that's added to the fact that
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she was trafficking children. but father tells us the woman is simply confused. all she wants is for maria to come home. in athens the charity has taken thousands of calls and told us it's identified eight missing children from around the world who could be maria. international law enforcement groups are much more optimistic. an american official here in greece told us they're not pursuing any u.s. connections. and maria doesn't match up with any of the missing children listed by interpol. charlie, norah. a new fbi report shows a jump in cases of people aiming laser pointers at airplanes. an oregon man pleaded not guilty to pointing a beam at airliners this month. the prosecution said the man admits doing so at least 25 time. captain sullenberger is an
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aviation expert. he's in san francisco this morning. good morning. >> good morning. >> how big of a problem is this? >> it's a serious and a growing problem. it's increases 1100% since 2005. now we're at a level where 3600 of these laser strike events occur over year. that means ten them happen every night around the country. it's by no means a small problem. >> as a pilot, how zrablgting is this? >> well it can be very distracting. you have to imagine, these are high-powered lasers that have a very dazzling effect. they create flash blindness and can leave intense after-images on the pilot's retina. these distractions may last up to several minutes. they take one pilot out of the loop and have another pilot having to do all the flying and monitoring by himself for some period of time. close to landing or after takeoff it could lead to a critical situation. >> what can you do about it
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other than chasing down 00 each individual that you catch? >> well we certainly need to increase awareness among the general population about how risky these events. are but i think well publicized prosecutions and if these lead to significant jail time in large volumes as this one might, this gentleman in oregon is facing five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. hopefully, will discourage this kind of dangerous behavior. >> you talk about this new awareness. is there any training you can do for pilots? >> you know it's almost like the bird strike issue. the kind of guidance we've gotten so far has been general and not particularly useful. i look forward to getting better guide answer for crews in cases like this. >> captain sully sullenberger good to see you this morning. >> good to be with you. this month, maine became the first state to legalize buying transcription drugs aboard. it's not uncommon to cross canadian borders for a
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prescription. as don dahler reports some are wondering if a system meant to save money could actually become the cost of safety. >> reporter: for years, robert rosen chiefed his cholesterol medication that would get it for free. but he opted to order the drugs from canada. >> i never had any side effects so in my mind they were safe. >> reporter: it was a partnership between a canadian provider canarx. rosen was able to purchase from canadian pharmacies at significantly lower costs. the city of portland would cover the entire cost his medication. in september 2012 then maine attorney general william snyder halted the program amid grow ging positions.
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no-no longer stated the practice, but they made it legal. >> it allows us to renight a program that's been successful in the city. >> reporter: portland mayor brennan has been a major proponent of the law. >> one of the most significant cost drivers within health care is the cost of pharmaceutical or 3ri7gs drugs. >> reporter: brennan said ordering drugs from abroad saved employees millions of dollars. the average american spends $900 a year on prescriptions. that's down from 2011 but according to canarx it may decrease it by half. still they're suing the state over the ruling. they claim it's not just about losing profits. arguing the law puts main residents at risk of serious harm. foreign drug companies are not monitored by the fda. though a prescription might be imported from canada production of that drug may have been
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outsourced by the canadian company to a country with few safety regulations. and buyers may end up with counterfeit or dangerous medications. safety has been an issue in the past. in 2003 canarx was warned twice bit fda for shipments of insulin that were not kept at proper temperature. they no longer distribute medications that need refrigerator. in a statement, canarx told cbs they've not heard from them since but kenneth mccall who opposes the bill believes this is a bargain with too many costs. >> there's never been any oversight, certainly, it's easy to claim that you're perfect when no one's watching. but that's a concern that say significant public concern. there's absolutely no accountability in this bill. no protection for people in maine. >> reporter: still, portland has already reinstated the program which could save the 1250e and its lows over $400,000 annually. for "cbs this morning,"don
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dahler, new york. and a new study finds a new way to grow hair. could it be the long-awaited baldness breakthrough? we're going to ask the study's author who is with us in the toyota green room. that's next on "cbs this morning." ♪ "...three cat toys two hamster wheels..." ♪ "...and a rawhide enough for three." ♪ (laughter) ho, ho, ho, ho... (female announcer) celebrate the season! save $7 on select natural choice® dog food, purchase qualifying nutro® bonus bucks products and receive a $5 coupon. at petsmart®. [ male announcer ] let the rich robust flavor of nescafe clasico stir what's inside of you. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] [ tires screech ] ♪ ♪
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[ male announcer ] this is jim, a man who doesn't stand still. but jim has afib atrial fibrillation -- an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. for years jim's medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but now, with once-a-day xarelto®, jim's on the move. jim's doctor recommended xarelto®. like warfarin xarelto® is proven effective to reduce afib-related stroke risk. but xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. that doesn't require routine blood monitoring. so jim's not tied to that monitoring routine. [ gps ] proceed to the designated route. not today. [ male announcer ] for patients currently well managed on warfarin there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. xarelto® is just one pill a day taken with the evening meal. plus, with no known dietary restrictions jim can eat the healthy foods he likes. do not stop taking xarelto® rivaroxaban, without talking
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[ female announcer ] now you can turn pillsbury crescents into an easy dinner with crescent dogs. just separate, add hot dogs, cheese, roll 'em up, and bake. lookin' hot, c-dog. pillsbury crescents. make dinner pop.
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♪ video shows a fishing vessel catching fire sunday morning in the barron seaering sea. they heard the call and saved the crew. no one was hurt. the boat called the "western venture" later sank. and a new way to grow hair. it's been tested in mice but the reports are promising.
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revealing healthy cells from the scalp. they would be grown in a dish before being put on the head. angela cristiano is the study's senior officer. he was head of the dermatology at columbia university. good morning. do you think this is a breakthrough? >> it's a significant finding. it's the first time we've been able to use a patient's own cells to induce new follicles. to relocate hairs from the back of the head to the front of the head. but there's actually no gain in the number of follicles. it's just a relocation. we have that opportunity to try to multiple the number of cells. >> for people who don't know i just learned about this too, people actually grow more hair in the back and they transplant that on the front of the head. this allows to you grow the follicles in a petri dish and replant them. how is that hair though what's
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the quality? >> for now, it's sort of rudimentary hear rudimentary hair. it's a cluster of cells that can induce a whole new hair. we hope overtime it will grow into thick hair in human skin. >> does the possibility of getting approved for this will take how many years? >> well it's interesting, the path charlie, it's not quite addressed. so they're called target uses for these. meaning you get them to the same thing they already do we're not doing anything to them. we hope this is a smooth path. >> this is interesting to me. we were talking about this when you first sat down before we were back on the air. if someone finds a way to grow hair naturally, they will become the richest person in the world if they can patent it. >> richer than the silicone valley giant. >> richer than everybody.
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so i question here i would assume with that kind of payoff tons of money would be directed to the effort. >> that would be wonderful. >> but it's not? >> not yet. >> is that because it's not possible? >> it's difficult to find research funding. >> it's so obvious. it's like a -- >> it's a good time for stem cell research. >> so stem cell might be the possibility? >> yes. research medicine is one of the hottest sciences in medicine. >> what do you think is possible in the next five years? >> we'd love to see this in clinical trials in the next five years. >> what is prevents clinical trials? >> nothing yet. this is new. it's a new way of doing things i think it's important that we dole it out slowly. and cautiously. >>
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this is true dogs can have their own personalities and quirks but do dogs feel emotions like humans? a researcher used a brain scan to find the answer. the results in a story you'll see only on "cbs this morning." that's ahead. ♪ you know i love the ladies love to have my fun i'm a hot night flyer and a rainbow rider
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a straight morning ♪ -- >> announcer: "cbs this morning" sponsored by bayer i am n regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i'll call you in a little bit. google... how do i get home? getting directions. want to give your family more vitamins, omega 3s and less saturated fat? it's eb. eggland's best eggs. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. it's eb.
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7:50 am
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7:51 am
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co-workers clapped and cheered. and a good time was had by all. >> that is wonderful. a great thing to hear isn't it? >> yeah. >> wonderful. all right, coming up. something you've never seen before. lee harvey oswald's wedding ring how it was found after decades. and the message from his widow. that's next on "cbs this morning." ♪ [ woman ] i've had it with my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... the frustration... covering up. so i talked with my doctor. he prescribed enbrel. enbrel is clinically proven to provide clearer skin. many people saw 75% clearance in 3 months. and enbrel helped keep skin clearer at 6 months. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel your doctor should test you for tuberculosis
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a mix of blue sky and clouds overhead. sharon will let you know what is happening down below with the rush. marty with weather. >> steam is rising straight up. wind are calm, that's important to notice. there's moisture to the west. really nothing pushing it now through the area. it's kind of meandering. we'll have a variably cloudy morning. a chance of a shower and that will linger on through the evening. 66 for the high. approaching 50 now. here's sharon with traffic control. a couple of new accidents. one in towson on west towson town boulevard, another one in randallstown. that one on rolling road. watch for an accident on 40 at allender road. another at north wolf street at
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orleans. 175 at 32 in the clearing stages. at fry as well. and eastbound lanes of joppa at 7courts road, you can take silver spring road instead. there's a look at the speeds on the beltway in the teens on the top side. that is a live look at the top side of the beltway there at harford road. this traffic report brought to you by disney on ice presents let's celebrate your favorite holidays. tickets start at $15, playing at the baltimore arena october 30th through november 3. a jury will return to the courthouse in towson today and deliberations in the malpractice suit of the former cardiologist mark midei. accused of giving patients unnecessary cardiac stents. a developer glean weinberg is suing after he was told he needed surgeries to keep his arteries open. after the surgery weinberg said he found out he had hardly any
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blockage and claims the surgery made him pull out of several since successful projects. stay with wjz. up next, inside
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♪ good morning. it is 8:00 a.m. welcome back to "cbs this morning." a new cbs news poll finds half of americans think is not working. officials say the white house should have known ahead of time. we'll have charles krauthammer what he believes the alternative. scientists scanning the brains of dogs for signs of love. how an mri can fetch the emotions of man's best friend. and author john grisham is right here in studio 57. he'll tell you why he waited so long to wait for a sequel to
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quite "time to kill." first today's "eye opener." >> i just saw people run pupg. >> less than 24 hours ago. this was a scene of horror. a teacher shot to death and two wounded before a gunman turned a gun on himself. >> the administration launched anyway. >> it becomes apparent that the problems inherent in the way the website operates is very signature. and i think it's going difficult to reverse this in a matter of weeks. >> the americans told us they're not pursuing any u.s. connections and maria does not match up to any missing children miss listed by interpol. >> there are any missing or trafficked children living here? >> investigators are closing in on potential accomplishes who may have helped the men forge the documents. a new study to grow hair.
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could it be the new awaited baldness breakthrough. >> some somebody finds a way to grow hair they will become the richest person in the world. it caused china to lower our credit rating to a-minus or as chinese parents call it an "f." [ laughter ] >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" at 8:00 is presented by benefiber. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and nora o'connell. programmers involved in developing said there were plenty of signs before it went online. >> one said it was tested shortly before opening day. the website crashed when too long people logged on at one time. as bill plante reports, president obama is promising all the flaws will be straightened out. they were mr. obama's first major comments about the problems facing users of
8:03 am >> the website is too slow. people have been getting stuck during the application process. i think it's fair to say nobody's more frustrated by that man i am. >> reporter: mr. obama offered no explanation monday that over the past three weeks, the site has been almost unusable. >> we are confident that we will get all the problems fixed. >> reporter: but there's a deadline. under the new health care law, individuals who do not have insurance by march 31st next year must pay a $95 fine. some republicans are already calling for a delay of the individual mandate to purchase health insurance because of the problems. white house press secretary jay carney calls that unnecessary, suggesting the administration would be flexible. >> the law makes clear that people who do not have access to affordable care due to eye astate not expanding medicare or other factors will not be penalized. >> reporter: reince priebus is the chair of the republican marble committee. >> president said he's mad but he's going to get this fixed. >> they had three years to do
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it. it's not working. the rollout is just one more thing that shows america that this program is a train wreck. >> syndicated political columnist charles krauthammer is here in studio 57. his new book is called "things that matter: three decades of passions pastimes and politics." welcome. >> good to be here. >> you said you were a credit of obama care but you said efforts to defund is nuts. do you think you've been proven right? >> unfortunately, yes, because it damaged republicans. for those who opposed obama care and who think it's a train wreck and will undermine american health care, here we've had an occasion where obama care was launched on october 1st. where that would have been the focus of the country. >> right. >> and instead, all we were looking at was the shutdown a distraction from the real issue. so if you really were an opponent of obama care, you step
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stepped on the story. >> but now senator cruz and senator rubio this morning said they're still in favor of defunding obama care. and it still has the same potential, does it not, to do damage to what you think is the best future for the republican party in its efforts against obama care? >> exactly. and it still has no chance whatsoever of being enacted into law, as long as we have a democratic president. and a democratic senate. it's a pipe dream. >> haw.uh-huh. >> and you don't conduct politics on a pipe dream. and the fact that if obama care is going to fail and it's going to be repealed, it will be as a result of the kinds of clam eye its s calamities that we're now seeing that are intrinsic to obama care that it kolcollapses on its own weight. i think it's a bad strategy. i don't disagree with the aim.
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i just think it's absolutely the wrong way to go about it. >> you talk about in your book the medical training in psychiatry and how powerful denial can be. do you think the gop party republicans are in denial? >> that's a good question? >> i try not to practice psychiatry anymore on a party. i used to do it on individuals and that was hard enough. >> do you think the party needs psychiatry? >> i'm actually a psychiatrist in remission right now. and i haven't had a relapse in 25 years. still licensed but i'm out of the business. and i think denial is what you do for yourself. >> yes. >> as a way to get through life. i'm not sure it's the way a party ought to get through politics. and the republicans right now ought to get out of that mode and look at the realities. >> do you think that you know the front page of "usa today" said republicans may risk control of congress over this fight. the poll numbers we've got a new cbs news poll that show republicans' approval rating has
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jumped since the shutdown. do you think that's hyperbole or do you think republicans risk losing the house? >> i think it's almost impossible for republicans to lose the house because there's so many secure seats. i think what might be the consequence is that republicans who had an excellent chance of winning the senate they're up five very vulnerable democratic senators up for relocation next year. and that may be forfeited. so the idea that republicans might be able to recapture control of the congress and in fact win after that 2014 to put pressure on obama care and try to bring it down that again, ironically, may have dissolved as a result of negative effects. >> is there one republican candidate do you think will be the best to turn no in 2016? >> i wouldn't say one, but i will say this the governors are the ones who derive the most
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benefit from the general disgust that people have with washington. so you start with a christy, a jindal in louisiana, a scott walker in wisconsin. if you come to any primary election or general election and you say i'm not from washington, you're already a leg up on the opposition. >> charles krauthammer, good to see you. >> let me say one things about your book, things that matter, the innocence of dogs manners and the use of the "f" word. on that note we'll leave it alone. >> that's my favorite column i wanted to start -- people at crown publishing thought -- >> they thought otherwise? >> they thought it was a rebellion. they didn't want to commit. >> charles krauthammer, good to see you. thank you. "things that matter" go on sale today. more than 43 million american families own a dog. love is unconditional.
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but now scientists are helping us to learn if the feeling is mutual. terrell brown is with us. >> good morning. a team of researchers at emory university set off to find out what goes none a dog's head the first is to get a dog to sit still long enough. at a residence, their dog kady is one of the family. >> ready? >> reporter: kady appears to love the kings as much as they love her. but what's the real feeling behind these big eyes and wagging tail? >> you got to wonder do they just see the person that's going to feed them and walk them and give them what they want or do they truly love us? >> reporter: to find out owner patricia king volunteered kady for a research study at emroy university. led by biologist gregory berns to see if dogs feel emotion the same way as humans do. berns has spent his career using mri brain scans to study
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decision making in humans. but it had never been used on dogs. among the problems they need to be awake and remain still for the claustrophobic procedure. >> they're coffin-like spaces. they're incredibly loud. and they have to hold still in millimeters. >> reporter: that's where kady came in. to block out the noise, she learned how to wear special ear muffs. once in place, the team took brain scans of kady while given commands and shown food like hot dogs first by strangers and then her owners. >> we're trying to find out how she's given the significant floridas. >> reporter: what berns found out in the key part of the brain, dogs react to love and reaction the same way humans do. >> when you see kady's mri on the screen, what have we learned about her? >> it's clearly the most active when she is getting commands from pa trish yashgs her human.
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>> reporter: what do you get from that? >> it's more than hot dogs. >> reporter: in that kady loves patricia? >> sure why not? it's not unusual to have a dog version of that. >> reporter: berns has documented his findings in a new book called "how dogs love us." as for patricia king and her family the results confirm what they already knew. >> we all want to be loved. and just to know that our dog might have the same feeling it would enhance our bond. we just see them a little more like us. >> dr. berns hopes his findings will convince lawmakers to device existing laws that will give animals the same level of protection as children. >> we're all think doing they need a study for this? >> da? >> who was the person in washington that said if you want a friend get a dog. that's true. >> a dog, they don't talk back right? >> unconditional love. >> they just look at you, you're the greatest thing in the world. >> yes. >> and we need that.
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it is now
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we know almost everything about the jfk assassination. one amazing story has never been told. the mystery of lee harvey oswald's wedding ring. next on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" at 8:00 is sponsored by benefiber. better it with benefiber. completely. so you can feel free to add it to anything. and feel better about doing it. better it with benefiber. ♪ ♪
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♪ vo: it's that time of year again. medicare open enrollment. time to compare plans and costs. you don't have to make changes. but it never hurts to see if you can find better coverage, save money, or both. and check out the preventive benefits you get after the health care law. open enrollment ends december 7th. so now's the time. visit or call 1-800-medicare [ male announcer ] let the rich robust flavor of nescafe clasico stir what's inside of you. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] [ tires screech ] ♪ ♪
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[ male announcer ] if you can clear a crowd but not your nasal congestion you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec-d®. powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. zyrtec-d®. at the pharmacy counter. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ in boston today, an auction house will show artifacts connected to the assassination of president john f. kennedy. they include something never seen by out public the wedding ring own by lee harvey oswald. the 50th anniversary one from today. anna werner is at the site of the assassination at dealey plaza. good morning. >> reporter: good morning charlie and norah and gayle. some 200 items have been auctioned at the upcoming auction. one of them almost slipped through the cracks. >> so that's the ring. >> reporter: it's a simple gold
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band with a story to tell. lee harvey oswald's wedding ring up for sale this week. >> this is absolutely an amazing piece of history. >> reporter: the story is in the history of that ring. in 1961 after oswald defected to the soviet union, he bought the ring for his russian bride marina. he and his wife later moved to dallas and separated. the nice before the assassination, oswald came to stay with her in the nearby suburb of irving. the next morning, he left the ring and $175,000 in cash on her dresser. hours later, he shot and killed the president. >> this is the ring oswald takes off before he goes to work. the ring he left in his wife's night stand was taken by the secret service in 1963 and then seemingly disappeared. it might never have been found were it not for the efforts of a dallas area investigator dave perry. >> this is my kennedy cave.
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>> reporter: perry has spent four decades studying the kennedy assassination. in 2004 a dallas law firm asked him to take a look at a box of old documents. >> i keep going through the box and i find this little envelope. >> reporter: it was a treasury envelope. >> i open the envelope and out fell a wedding ring. this was, to me like finding pieces of a spanish galleon. if i could prove the providence. >> reporter: this was the proof. a steinytiny stamp. >> a hammer and sickle a makers mark from a russian government. telling us this was made russia. >> reporter: his widow wrote that take off a wedding ring was considered a bad omen. she had never before seen her husband do it. >> i only believe the reason he did that, he figured he was not coming home one way or the other. >> reporter: marina oswald now
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marina porter, isn't granting interviews. but in a five-page letter that will go to the buyer of the ring she explained why the ring is up for sale saying at this time in my life i don't wish to have lee's ring in my possession. because symbolically i want to let go of my past that is connecting with november 22nd, 1963. online bidding in that auction has already started. the ring is up to over $30,000 already. and another item an actual window from the texas book depository behind me is up to $150,000 already. the live auction takes place thursday. gayle, charlie norah, back to you. >> thank you anna. john grisham's first novel "a time to kill" is now a broadway play. he's written a sequel that we have chosen for this morning's read. guess what john grisham is here
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ahead on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this morning of "this morning" is sponsored by silk, try silk almond original with half the calories of skim milk. hungry for the best? it's eb. want to give your family the very best in taste, freshness and nutrition? it's eb. eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. it's eb. hey! are you the new colgate® slimsoft™? your bristles are so slim! [ slimsoft ] my floss-tip™ bristles are up to 17x slimmer than other toothbrushes. they easily clean between teeth and along the gumline. wow! so slim! [ male announcer ] colgate® slimsoft™. floss-tip™ bristles for a deep clean.
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crafted in skyscrapers alone... but on the ground by those who cou
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you. >> just like me, i wake up at 3:00. 8:25. it's dry outside at the moment but apparently we're going to get wet later on. >> we're thinking after lunch in the afternoon. look at first warning doppler weather radar. it's sitting out there. winds calm now. a beautiful morning. it's going to be a pretty pleasant midday. we'll go for a high of 66, slide later -- variably cloudy skies later. if you're about to head out a new accident in taneytown, with a vehicle fire reported on 140 between park drive and baptist road. and reisterstown road in sudbrook. quinn oak essex road at windsor boulevard. and old mill road and brandon
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drive. that's a live look at the top side of the beltway at harford road. that is a look at the west side. this traffic report brought to you by bill's carpet. call 1-877-75-bills. the medical malpractice suit filed against a local cardiologist is now in the hands of a jury. here's mike schuh with the latest. >> reporter: later this morning a jury will go back to work here in towson to try to determine if a developer had unnecessary surgery. glen weinberg was told his heart arteries were 90% blocked and had surgery to install devices called stents to keep the arteries open. after word got out accusing dr. mark midei of unnecessary surgeries the patient found he hardly had any blockage but the surgery made him pull out of successful projects costing him
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$50 million. the doctor testified that the man would have died without the surgery. i'm mike schuh reporting in towson. back to you. city police made an arrest in a stabbing in northwest baltimore. 30-year-old gabrielle smith is charged with second degree murder. police say the stabbing was in the 4400 block of fairview avenue last saturday. it's still not clear what the motive was. a former hooters harborplace waitress says she was discriminated against because of her hair. she said white waitresses were allowed to have blonde highlights, black waitresses are not. the maryland commission on civil rights is investigating. johnson said she was fired after being told by her manager her hair color violated employee image standards. hooters declines comment pending litigation. >> up next, a nobodiette nobodiette -- nobel laureate for economics discusses the economy from his perspective.
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and conversation with the dali al -- dolly llama. that and more still coming up.
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♪ welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour the dalai lama makes a whirlwind visit to the u.s. only on "cbs this morning," a the man of peace tells norah what it's like to be thought of as a demon by one government. and he also talking about whether we'll see a woman become the dalai lama. plus best-selling author john grisham is in the green room. his new book "sycamore row" is one of the greatest. it's ahead. "usa today" said the woman who nearly painted during
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president obama's health care speech is doing just fine. karmel allison is pregnant and diabetic. she got a little wobbly in the rose garden yesterday. allison tweeted saying i just got a little light-headed. thanks barack obama for catching me. >> some people say that's the real obama care. >> real obama care. the salt lake tribune looking at two boy scout leaders. they took video of themselves toppling an ancient rock formation. they've been removed from their post. the organization calls the move reprehensible. and looking at the most valuable hollywood stars. based on things like box office and media twitter and reviews. robert downey jr. tops the list thanks to s tos to avengers.
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he's followed by leonardo dicaprio jennifer lawrence sandra bullock and brad pitt. and the unemployment rate to 7.2%. the robert shiller the yale professor of economics, just last week, he earned the nobel prize in economic science. we're pleased to have him here this morning. first, congratulations. >> thanks charlie. >> that's as good as it gets for economists, i think. >> yeah, i can relax now i don't have to work anymore. >> you got it for work you did how long ago? >> it goes back 30 years. >> that's the way they do it. looking at the job numbers, tell me what you think about, and what it says to us about economic recovery, job numbers where they are. >> well we've been improving since 2009 and we're just right on track. you watch the unemployment rate it just keeps going down. next month, it won't look so good because of the shutdown. this is on track for slowly covering --
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>> so buying a house is it a good time for the housing market to buy a house? >> that's an interesting question. right now, home prices are going up fast. they've slowed maybe a little bit on a seasonably-adjusted basis. still going up. so someone who is thinking about buying a home in a year might move it ahead and buy it now. but if you're long-term investor, i don't know. i mean where it's going to go over -- >> why don't you think home vest investing is a good investment? >> i don't think -- >> why don't you? >> i have data going back to 1990 in home prices. home prices in real inflation times according to my data did not go up in 100 years. people have this idea that homes will go up because land is scarce. land is scarce but it's only about 20% of home value. the rest is structure which goes out of style, depreciates.
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it just doesn't work. it's not generally a good investment. unless you want it. of course if you want a house -- >> well that's the reason they could sell all the securities that led to the recession and the crash. was because people believed it would continue to go up. >> right. and i've documented that with survey data. people began to think that home prices would go up a lot. this is a huge opportunity. >> yes i thought so. as someone trying to sell a house for four years. how do you think the shutdown affected the government long-term and short-term? >> well i think the shutdown is a reflection of division in our society. the big problem is we don't agree. and it's not just in congress. it goes beyond that. other than that i think we didn't default. i don't think we're ever going to default. >> you don't? >> i believe in -- our government to that extent. and it will be all right. >> and quickly, you predicted the mortgage and the tech bubbles of the last two decades.
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what's next? >> slow recovery. >> a slow recovery. >> many things can happen but best guess. >> here's the thing about the nobel prize, mr. fallma got one and you got one. the difference between the of you, he believes that the -- >> he's always been nice to me. he seemed like an open-minded person. there's something maybe about the university of chicago that kind of vexed his thinking. >> robert shiller, good to see you. the nobel peace prize was awarded to the dalai lama in 1989. he's the spiritual leader for many people and a symbol of others. but the dalai lama insists he's only a simple buddhist monk. we spoke to him yesterday only
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on an interview you'll see on "cbs this morning." >> beautiful right? >> he's the 14th dalai lama tenzin gyatso the only one who has visited america. the spiritual leader spoke six different times. >> physical list, mentally mentally emotionally. >> what is your message here in the united states? >> i always tell people anger, hate, fear. very bad. more and more scientists really showing interest of a mental system, a system of emotion. >> and also about finding happiness? >> it is how to become happy human being, happy human family and hopefully less divorce.
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or less -- >> the dalai lama is well-known for his humor, of course for his holiness holiness. tibetan tibetan buddhists believe that. gyatso was named the new dalai lama. he left for india. after 50 years in exile he continues to call for tibet's autonomy and hopes china will listen. >> have you talked at all with president xi? >> no doesn't do good. some of my chinese friends, they say, new leaders, real thinking. >> there's real thinking? >> real thinking more liberal. more open-minded. >> government of president xi? >> oh yes, chinese leaders. >> you are more optimistic now,
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with the new president of china, that tibet could gain autonomy? >> i can definitely answer but there are these kind of opinions among chinese friends. so, we'll see. >> but now china is telling world leaders not to meet with you? >> okay. from their own view. it is quite logical. some of the chinese officials consider me as demon. so it's really worth while to stop meeting with a demon. >> doesn't make you angry? >> no. >> after all, anger is just one of the temptations that have no place in this monk's life. >> no wine? no tobacco or anything like that? >> no. >> and you're celibate, right? >> oh, yes. >> what do you do for fun? >> fun, think.
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it's fun. >> you also said one of your weaknesses is beautiful women. >> of course as you're seeing beautiful women, oh so beautiful, but then as a monk think g thinking, many of my friends, american friends, also some european, saying i can in a few years' time meet new wife. second -- new wife third wife. so married people not necessarily very happy. a lot of wedding, a lot of cancer. and also i think the husband -- i think much important his money
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used by lady. >> out but know many married women also work so they don't need their husband's money? >> oh that's good. more independence. >> yeah. could the next dalai lama be a female? >> yes, of course. the circumstances are such female dalai lama can be more useful, and then why not. >> do you think you're the last dalai lama? >> it's possible. the tibetan people see dalaism is no longer needed then i will be last. >> that was a great interview. >> how about that, married people not necessarily happy. a lot of people at home are going, yes that's true. >> no sex, no wine but in here -- >> it's a lot of fun in here. >> i look at pretty girl and i say ooh. good thought.
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>> there are 400 million budist buddhists in china. the message of the dalai lama. he talks about people are too materialistic. they need to be focused on unbiased love. most is biased love. you're attracted by the way someone looks. and he's very concerned about the income gap between the rich and the poor. >> i would say you and the dalai lama -- clicked! >> we held hands, i talked spiritual. >> i saw it. i was feeling it. and back today, author john grisham, we're very excited about that in studio 57. there he is
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♪ nearly a quarter century after john grisham's 1989 debut with "a time to kill" he's bringing his readers back to mississippi in a new courtroom drama called "sycamore row." it's the latest pick for "cbs this morning." welcome. >> excited to be here. >> finally the sequel to this and your lovely wife renee was not kinsconvinced you should do it because she didn't think you
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could find the authenticity that you had back then. >> right. we talked about the idea of a sequel, because it's been talked about for 20 years. most people over the years if they get close enough to offer an opinion they'll say, nice thing, enjoy your books but the first one was my favorite. what are you doing again? how about another story from clanton, jake and all these wonderful characters. i've got to have a story first. >> you raised such a rich territory and so many people are afraid. you dive right in. let's set up the premise, does this man commit suicide from the very beginning. clearly he's wealthy. people don't know how wealthy he is. two kids estranged from his wife. leaves 90% to his black maid. that starts a whole steamroll. >> before the day he killed himself, had was dying of lung cancer in great pain right before he killed himself, he
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redid his will. he had a thick will done by lawyers. he shoved that aside. and hand wrote a will which you can virtually do in every state. he left everything to his black housekeeper, and that's the first chapter. i'm not going to tell you, got to read the book. >> down to the last page which is what you did -- >> you finally find out what happens. it turns into a huge will contest. that's the story jake is in the middle of it our hero. in clanton, same courtroom as "a time to kill" and all that. >> as you mentioned, there were doubts whether you could do a second book and people say it's maybe your best book. i want to read what "washington post" said if william faulkner were down there he would raise a glass and toast the younger writer for a job well done.
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that's very nice. >> do you think it is good? >> i can't judge these things. >> yes you can, john. you know the book is good. >> i got to have six months. i got it all planned. as it gets closer to the deadline i can't wait to get finished because i'm really tired of the characters. this book i could have written a thousand pages. there's so many wonderful antidotes and stories to tell. >> this is when the editor says so give us version 3. keep going. >> yeah. >> i like when the books come out at the same time that the play is opening on broadway. >> it was all carefully planned. >> the fact that it opened in washington a month and a year ago -- >> about a year ago, somebody got serious about the story. when the story all came together and it all worked out. we weren't sure if the play was going to open until back in the springtime. and i was already halfway through the book. so the play opened sunday night here.
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we saw it. the book -- i looked like a genius. perfect timing. >> but jake in the theater, and jake in "sycamore" is you? >> well jake started off 30 years ago as a very autobiographical story. because i was living that life. and i was a lawyer in a small town in mississippi, really struggling. dreaming of the big case the big trial. there's a lot of autobiography in it. that is why renee was afraid you may not be able to capture that voice 30 years later. i said let me write a few chapters and you read them. >> did she like it? >> well yeah. >> you turned the corner on e-books, you're a fan or in favor? >> i have a kindle. i'm not sure i'm reading more but i'm certainly ordering more. magazines and books and everything. owe so, yeah. >> we thank yo
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it's 8:55. blue skies. marty with weather. >> at first glance to the west it's like here comes the rain but in fact it's meandering. we're getting the more southern edge of this frontal boundary down there over, i would say over roaring oak and eastern kentucky. here's forecast day, we're in the mid-40s now, 45 tv hill. a high of 66 today. variably cloudy skies, showers linger through tonight. overnight low of 45. tomorrow breezy and 56, schoiz and spotty shower. hello fall. a broken watermain in perry hall is shutting down a portion
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of perry hall. eastbound lanes closed between seven courts and belair road. there are reports some people in the neighborhood are without water service but repairs are said to be underway. a jury will return to the courthouse in towson today to continue to deliberate in the malpractice suit of dr. mark midei. mike schuh has more. >> reporter: later this morning a jury will go back to work in towson to try to determine if a developer had unnecessary surgery. glen weinberg was told his heart arteries were 90% blocked and had surgery to install devices called stents to keep those arteries open. after word got out accusing dr. mark midei of unnecessary surgeries the patient found he hardly had any blockage but the surgery made him pull out of successful projects costing him $50 million. the doctor testified the man would have died without the surgery. i'm mike schuh reporting in towson. back to you. montgomery county 7-year-old remains in critical
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condition after being hit by her mother's suv in their driveway. police say the woman was leaving for the grocery on sunday night when she unknowingly struck her child later found unresponsive by paramedics. the entire incident is still under investigation. in this city police make an arrest after a stabbing in northwest baltimore, 30-year-old gabrielle smith is charged with second degree murder. police say the stabbing happened at 4400 block of fairview avenue last saturday. it's still unclear what a motive might have been. bge substation in gambrills has been hit by a copper thief. anne arundel county police are looking for that man they say cut through a fence last week. he stole copper. bge is now painting all its copper wiring green so scalp metal dealers will know it's been stolen from the utility. stay with wjz 13. complete news and first warning weather today at noon and as always, for any time, from
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anywhere, get updates at >> it's a little on the cool side but it's fall.
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