tv CBS This Morning CBS October 29, 2013 7:00am-9:00am EDT
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♪ good morning. it is tuesday, october 29th 2013. welcome to "cbs this morning." cbs news confirms more than 2 million americans are losing their current health care coverage because of obama care. jan crawford uncovers new information on what could be a broken promise. worldwide anger over nsa spying on foreign leaders. will the white house dump the program? and sandy, one year later. new jersey governor chris christie answers victims who claim they are forgotten. >> but we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds.
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>> obviously, you're going to want to know exactly what the president knew and when he knew it. >> the white house under fire for nsa spy secrets. >> president obama saying that he was not aware until recently of spying on heads of state. >> but the "los angeles times" reports the white house signed off on the program. but the president did not know that raises serious questions. >> i've been imprisoned by allegiant airlines or over eight hours. >> passenger aboard the allegiant 1032 had to be on three different flights because of mechanical problems at oakland international airport. >> yes, ma'am. the white house acknowledging there are some individual existing health care plans that do not qualify for obama care. >> what is the political fallout when the other guys committing suicide get out of the way. >> today marks one year since superstorm sandy ripped through the northeast.
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people still picking up the pieces. >> does not a day go by without thinking about it. big storm in colorado and portions of nevada. ten inches possible. >> you're watching a worldwide world of surfing a wave of 100 feet off the coast of portugal. >> all that -- >> and the red sox win game five! tremendous pressure, pushed it up not even close, ball game over. and the seahawks survivor. and "all that mattered" -- >> an army staff sergeant traveled quite the distance to make his daughter's birthday wish come true. >> daddy's home. >> really? >> yes. >> daddy! >> on "cbs this morning" -- >> there needs to be additional constraints on how we gather intelligence. >> there are english speaking countries we don't spy on? >> yes. >> because i can think of
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unenglish speaking country we do spy on and that's right here. >> announcer: this "cbs this morning" is brought to you by toyota. let's go places. captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." good morning norah. >> good morning, charlie. >> cbs confirms more than 2 million americans have been told they cannot renew their current health insurance policies. >> and that is triple the number of people said to be buying insurance under the affordable care act which the president himself calls obama care. jan craw frord isford is in washington. >> good morning. we reached out to insurance companies across the country to find out some real numbers. this is just the tip of the iceberg. and people opening these letters are shocked to learn they can't keep their current policies despite the president's assurances to the contrary. >> reporter: the white house is on the defensive, trying to explain how, when the president repeatedly said this --
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>> if you like your doctor or health care plan you can keep it. >> reporter: he really didn't mean it. >> well the president said what everybody said all along there are going to be changes brought about by the affordable care act to create minimum standards of coverage. >> reporter: it's an unexpected reality of obama care being told through ant thatna antidotes and media. cbs news has confirmed with insurance companies across the country that more than 2 million people are getting notices they no longer can keep their existing plan. in california 279,000. in michigan 140,000. florida, 300,000. and in new jersey 800,000. and those numbers are certain to go even higher. some companies tell us they've sent letters, but they won't tell us how many. >> what we're seeing now is the reality. coming into play. >> reporter: industry experts like larry levitt of the kaiser family foundation say the
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insurance companies have no choice. obama care forces them to drop many of their plans that don't meet the law's ten minimum standards, including maternity care, emergency visits mental health treatment and even pediatric dental care. that means consumers have to sign on to new plans even if they don't want or need the more generous coverage. industry experts say about half of the people getting these letters will pay more. half will pay less thanks to taxpayer subsidies. >> the winners outnumber the losers here. but because of all the website problems it's really hard to find out who all the winners are because they don't even know it themselves. >> now for people who have gotten the letters, that broken website say real problem. they don't know what to do, if they'll get subsidies. then there are other people who have very good insurance and they're being told they can't keep it. industry experts say for everyone, the best get to call your insurance companies to get
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information. the obama administration is thinking seriously this morning about ending surveillance programs that eavesdrops from dozens of foreign leaders. the allies are said they're furious the national security agency monitored their phone calls. >> and intelligence sources tell the "los angeles times" that the white house did approve many of those operations. margaret brennan, good morning. >> did morning. they're upset by the volume of information collected by the nsa. they want to know what was done with it. they'll have meetings at the white house and the state department today. a lot of these questions will be one answered. president obama said there should be additional constraints on how the u.s. gathers intelligence. he told cable channel fusion. >> what we've over the past few year their compat capacities
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continue to develop and expand. that's why i'm issuing a national review to what they're able to do doesn't necessarily mean that they should be doing. >> reporter: the president would not say he knew that the nsa has been monitoring german chancellor merkel since 2002. in a statement released on - monday dianne feinstein said it is clear to me that certain surveillance activities have been in effect for more than a decade. and that the senate intelligence committee was not satisfactory informed. therefore, our oversights need to be. elmar brok said he and his allies were not satisfied. >> if they spy on you, it's
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difficult to talk in an open way anymore, and i think they have to make a clear distinction between fighting terrorism, but not spying on friends. >> reporter: national security adviser susan rice acknowledged the uproar posting on twitter we must seek proper balance between security concerns of our citizens and allies and the privacy concerns that all people share. a white house review of all intelligence gathering is expected by the end of the year. european lawmakers will meet with senator feinstein who said she's totally opposed to spying on allies. she said the white house told her it will not. whether it will be will be a question for the director of national intelligence and the nsa chief when they testify on capitol hill today. vigils and prayer services will be held along the east coast today to mark one year from superstorm sandy.
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it first came ashore in snchnew jersey killing 71 people in that state. 26,000 people are still out their homes. in a conversation with new jersey governor chris christie we begin with elan quijano in seaside heights, new jersey. good morning. >> good morning to you, charlie and norah. sandy was the biggest storm ever to hit the state of new jersey costing new jersey $40 billion in damage. recovery has been slow and for many it's far from over. when superstorm sandy slam issed ashore last october, more than 100 miles of new jersey's coastline bore the brunt of it. communities sliced in half homes crushed. others simply washed away. in seaside heights, the boardwalk and heart of the shoreline's economy took a pounding. >> this is our lives. this is how we feed our families, this is how we support
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ourselves. >> reporter: mike carbone had to completely rebuild the first and second floors of his restaurant after the storm. almost a year later, tragedy struck again. fast-moving flames destroyed nearly 70 businesses along the boardwalk in september. authorities blamed the fire on electrical wiring damaged by sandy. >> totally on the road to recovery, and after this fire i think we took one step forward and about three steps backwards. >> reporter: in the days after the storm, new jersey governor chris christie promised a full recovery. >> we're going to work together to rebuild our state in a way that's going to make us even prouder already about where we live. >> reporter: before and after photos show however new jersey has come. roads broken up by storm surge are now patched up. neighborhoods reduced to rubble are in the midst of rebuilding. the reaction to christie's response has been mixed. a recent poll found to mention surveyed 61% were somewhat or very dissatisfied with the recovery efforts. only 7% were very satisfied.
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still others say he's done a great job. >> from the moment sandy happened he has been all over us as far as trying to help us to help ourselves. we're hopeful that every day we're going to be better than we are today. >> later tonight, some jersey residents plan to mark the anniversary in an unique way. they'll gather along the shoreline shining flash lights a symbol of hope after what was a dark time. charlie, norah. >> elaine quijano, thank you. joining us from seaside park new jersey governor christie. good morning. >> good morning, charlie, how are you? >> fine, sir. it's good to talk with you this morning. are you satisfied with new jersey's recovery from sandy? >> well charlie, listen i think we've made tremendous progress in the last year. tens of thousands of people back in their homes, all the boardwalks rebuilt. so many businesses that have come back online. but i also know that we still have a lot more work to do. we still have a lot of people who are frustrated and are not back in their homes.
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and knew initiative is to get all of those people back in in their homes frpt beginning, charlieics i said this was an 18 to 24-month process. there are frustrations and challenges that remain and my job is to address those. >> why are there 26,000 people still homes? >> well there's a number of reasons. first, let's start off with of the fact that it took 92 days for the congress to act on aid for sandy victims. that's unprecedented. it was 10 days for katrina and 17 days for gustav. you remember me being pretty exercised about it at the time. the first dollars for new jersey didn't flow to new jersey until the end of may. >> governor it's true there were delays. and yet $60 billion in federal aid. and yet, so many people who lost their homes say they've barely seen a trickle of that. how you can explain that? >> well norah, first off, i don't know when you'd call $8
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billion a trickle but $8 billion has been distributed in new jersey. despite the challenges i just talked about, between aid from fema and the sandy package, $8 billion has been distributed $51 billion available, $9 billion went to the federal program. we're going continue to work to make that even better. you've got to work with your partners in the federal government. and as all you can tell from looking at washington, d.c., that's sometimes not the easiest thing in the world. >> let me ask you about washington, d.c. and the current problems with obama care. jan crawford just reported that 800,000 people in new jersey are getting notices that they can no longer keep their existing plans. do you wish you had set up a state-run insurance exchange so people could use that? >> no norah, it wouldn't have made any difference, in fact. because you can see all the problems with this. what the federal government wanted us to do in the states was to take on this burden ourselves without telling us how
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much it would cost or what authority we would have to actually run our exchanges. that's why myself and 33 other governor, both republican and democrat said no to a state-run exchange. the real problem is that people weren't told the truth. you can remember they were told that they would be able to keep their policies if they liked them. now, you hear hundreds of thousands of people across the country being told they couldn't. so the white house needs to square that with what was told to the american people. and told to the congress beforehand. and it doesn't seem to square at the moment. but we'll wait and see. let me turn to the nsa. as you know you have said that if people want to crack down on the nsa would regret it when the next attack came. do you want to suggest to america that nsa was -- should be doing everything it was doing, and it's necessary for america's national security? even if it involved tapping the cell phones of foreign leaders? >> i'll tell you, charlie, what the folks in washington should be doing is doing their job.
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and that means the folks at the white house and the folks in congress. >> i remember, as you well do when hurricane sandy hit and the president came to new jersey. you welcomed him with open arms and you believed in the cooperation with the ferg. but this morning, you seem to be attacking the ging the federal government at every level? >> charlie, all i ask that people do their jobs every day. i'm proud here in new jersey the state government has been working extraordinarily well with local groups and organizations and everyday citizens to help us recover from what is the worst natural disaster that's ever hit this state in its history. you know me, charlie. ask me a question i'm going to give you an answer. so it's about the questions you're asking this morning. not about my answers. >> all right governor well how about this you look great. how's your health and how's your weight loss going? >> my health is really good. we released a medical report on
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friday that laid all that out for the people of new jersey in the runup to the election. but they've also seen me do the job for the last four years. i don't think they're concerned that i can't. as my doctor noted in the report, my weight loss has been good and steady. i feel good. you know we're just going to continue on the program. >> governor good to see you. thanks for joining us. and we're thinking about everybody in new jersey and new york that's been affected still by superstorm sandy. thank you. >> norah, charlie thank you for having us on this morning. passengers outraiding over nearly 12 hours of delay on allegiant airlines. they faced a day of frustrations at oakland's airport. mark kelly at the station kpix looks at what went wrong. >> reporter: allegiant air's twice weekly flight from okdland to provo, utah is usually a quick 90 minutes. but at 9:30 on monday morning, shortly after flight 32 pushed back from the gate, a cable
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controlling the front landing gear snapped. >> flight 32 you pushed back into the gate? >> yes, ma'am. >> reporter: passengers were told a second airplane coming from las vegas. departure time, 3:00 p.m. plane number 2 arrived but had a problem. plane number 3 arrived sometime after 6:00. on board the third plane there was this -- >> we had to return back to the gate for some more fuel. and we'll probably be pushing back the gate 30, 35 minutes now. >> reporter: by then passengers had lost all patience. >> i've been imprisoned by allegiant airlines. >> i'm fed up. >> reporter: just before 9:00 p.m. flight 1032 finally took off, arriving in utah at 10:22, almost 13 hours after it was scheduled to leave. allegiant issued a statement saying in part every effort was made to keep the passengers as comfortable as possible.
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we never want to delay or inconvenience our passengers. but the safety of our passengers and crew is our number one priority. for "cbs this morning," mark kelly, san francisco. >> what a story. and this morning about a dozen texas abortion clinics remain open after a federal judge struck down parts of a new anti-abortion law. it was set to go in effect today. they've rallied against one key requirement, doctors performing procedures would need to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital. on monday a federal district judge lee yeakel ruled it's quote without a rational basis an places a substantial obstacle in the path of a woman seeking an abortion. former congressman jesse jackson jr. reported to federal prison in north carolina. he's serving a 2 1/2-year
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sentence for misuse of campaign funds. "the philadelphia inquirer" said penn state university will pay $60 million to sexual abuse victims. they were to men of assistant coach jerry sandusky. three toyota model, the camry, the prius z and the rav4. the move is based on results of a new crash test for highway safety. the honda accord v-6 and nissan altima are off the list. and "the wall street journal" said cookies tracking co
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here with us. >> norah and charlie, this is a story we brought a year and a half ago. a whistle-blower told us how a major tech company brought in workers to this company. why it may be a slap on the wrist. superstorm sandy's smallest survivors. newborns carried nine stories after a hospital lost power. our dr. jon lapook is there. plus is google trying to make a splash. the mystery barge some believe it signals an announcement from silicon valley. the news is back here on "cbs this morning." stay tuned for your local news. ♪ the only thing we have to fear is... fear itself. ♪
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our german cruise ship is back in port. if you are about to set sail, sharon will detail the way. forecast today 41. the sun is coming up. a crisp beautiful fall afternoon. partly sunny with a high of 59 degrees. here is sharon gibala, wjz tv traffic control. >> hi, marty. good morning, everyone. a bunch of problems on major roadways. one on 70. watch for debris 70 eastbound blocking the right lane and shoulder there. 95 northbound past eastern avenue an accident blocking the left lane. 83 southbound past free land another accident. on the outer loop we have an outer lane problem at security that is blocking the left lane.
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a vehicle fire is at 95 northbound approaching mountain road. 100 westbound past 95 an accident there blocking the left lane. there is a look at the speeds. 27 on the top side. 32 the west side. 95 southbound slow between white marsh and the beltway. that is a jammed top side of the beltway. this traffic report is brought to you by mcdonald's thanking baltimore educators with free premium roast coffee every tuesday. thank you from baltimore mcdonald's family. don, back to you. >> thank you. penn state is paying millions to those abused by jerry sandusky. mike schuh is live with details. >> reporter: good morning, don. good morning, everyone. the number of known victims in the penn state jerry sandusky sex scandal jumped dramatically. in a nearly $60 million settlement it was disclosed that 26 additional young men were strong enough to -- enough
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to be included in the agreement. a local scholar says the settlement was the wisest role for the schools. the money is covered by the school's insurance. mike schuh reporting live. a local man is facing charges for selling drugs on the black market web site known as the silk road. jacob george the fourth is charged with selling heroin and other drugs on the site which the feds brought down earlier this month. police make arrests following the fatal shooting of a hotel worker in oxon hill. surveillance video captures the moment a man walks up to a pregnant clerk and demands money. the hotel restaurant manager jesse chavez was shot and killed confronting the thief. three men are facing first and second-degree murder charges in the case. ravens players trade in jerseys for halloween costumes. players attended the 14th annual gridiron halloween part
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at the mall. up next, the company reaches a settlement after employing illegal foreign workers. and a look at man: ever working. ever saving. never sleeping. for him, her, and you. every day. but quality affordable health care seems forever out of reach -- until now. i'm doctor peter beilenson. with local doctors we've founded a new approach to health insurance -- evergreen health. neighborhood care, same day appointments, a team approach with doctors and nurses who get to know you. that's evergreen health. learn more at
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♪ here now is an excerpt of former vice president dick cheney talking to sanjay gupta about his heart condition. >> four heart attacks, bypass surgery, in-planted eded ventricular heart. a back boom heart. did you worry about your physical heart? >> no. coming up in this half hour a mystery in the water off of san francisco. the idea is being floated about
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a massive barge, why some are searching for a link to google. plus a baby born premature faced his greatest challenge in superstorm sandy. our own dr. jon lapook was there. that story is ahead. sources tell cbs news about an anticipated announce from the justice department. tech giant infosys will pay the biggest fine in history. john miller is assistant cia director. john, good morning. >> good morning. this is about infosys. it's the second largest software exporter and has about 30,000 workers in the u.s. in 2012 we reported the result of a cbs news investigation. based on allegations from a whistle-blower. he blamed the company was involved in a massive fraud that may have put thousands of americans out of work, all in
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the name of profit. jay palmer was a principal consultant at infosys. after seeing what he described as systemic visa fraud to bring indian workers into the united states at lower wages, displacing american workers, he became a whistle-blower. what was the first thing that caught your attention? >> i had an employee over from india that had been over several times before he came up to me, he was literally in tears. he told me he was over here illegally. he didn't want to be here. he was worried that he would get caught. >> reporter: the scheme palmer says he uncovered involved bringing in indian workers to the u.s. under falsele pretenses, using visas claiming they had superb expertise that couldn't be found in the u.s. visas claiming they were just here for a meeting. and visas claiming they wouldn't work in the u.s. cbs news obtained these internal
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infosys documents that allegedly gave employees instructions on how to lie once they got to immigration. so then what's the motive to bring them in? you could hire an american who is trained in that particular discipline and do better. >> it's purely profit. >> reporter: and palmer says some of the workers who claim to have special expertise actually had to be trained by the same american workers whose jobs they were taking. did you find that they were all people who had some special expertise that we couldn't find here? >> absolutely not. not even close. >> reporter: palmer says infosys executives knew about the fraudulent practices and continued them to increase company profits. >> it's really about getting people over, no matter what the cost or whatever. i think that's the first time i heard the term you know americans are stupid. >> reporter: and they said that in reference to? >> the law. getting around the system. >> reporter: yeah. >> that's it. >> reporter: at the time of our report, info sissys denied any
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intentional fraudulent practices. when we contacted them last night, they said they had no comment on the upcoming settlement. this is $34 million fine. >> the question is is that a slap on the wrist and will the company look at that as the cost of doing business? >> i think when you're a $30 billion and you have $6 billion in sales every year $34 million is certainly the kind of hit you can take. and, charlie this is one of the larger discussion about settling with corporate america. is it the cost of doing business? or it's the thing that changes behavior when somebody actually gets arrested or goes to jail. we'll see how this unfolds with the announcement tomorrow and what the fallout is. and the search continues for two inmates who broke out of an oklahoma jail on sunday. but authorities are make something progress. two other convicts who escaped with the men are now back in custody. manuel bojorquez is outside the jail in anadarko.
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the two inmate who have been captured were brought through those gates back into the jail where the sheriff vows this time, they will not be able to use the pipe system as a way out. >> reporter: these are new mug shots of dylan ray "three irons" and prime brown after they were recaptured. their escape from the caddo county jail lasted nearly 30 hours and ended at this convenience store. surveillance photos show the last moments of freedom. >> they walked in. we watched them making sure they didn't steal anything. >> reporter: police were watching two. they had spotted the two going in. >> as soon as they walked out. the cops were there. that one dropped his stuff and just stood there like that. the other one took off running, went down the alley. the cops pulled their guns on him. >> reporter: the men were being held for burglary drug and
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weapons convictions. and were about to be transferred to a state prison when they escaped early sunday. they stacked two jail-issued foot lockers on the ground to access a ceiling panel above the shower. that led to a pipe access area which they followed until they reached a door to the outside. still at large, triston cheadle and anthony mendonca.chief cain said loosening the screws was not easy. do you think they worked through the night to loosen up the screws? >> probably so. you don't know who might be out there waiting to give them weapons or anything. anytime a prisoner gets out they're considered armed and dangerous until they're caught. >> deputies are checking the addresses of relatives and aquakeakwak
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acquaintances still on the loose. repairs are still under way at the jail welding those ceiling panels shut. after the america's cup something else is catching the attention on the san francisco bay. it's a huge barge. as john blackstone shows us the rumor mill is pointing to a web giant. >> reporter: san francisco bay has never kept a secret this big. four stories high this building made of cargo containers first appeared two months sit on a barge 250 feet long and 270 feet wide. on top flag poles or antennas. whatever it is it's off limits to the public and guarded by private security. >> what is it? it's big, boxy shipping containers. >> reporter: intrigued cnet reporter daniel terdiman began
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investigating and saw documents that google was involved. it cog a google data center. the tech company was granted a patent in 2009 for a water-based data center that could house storage systems. tour could be a floating google glass store, anticipating the launch of google's new high-profile product. as speculation builds google has remained silent. >> if you don't comment, at least you get to control the message to some extent. >> reporter: but the tech giant has a few hurdles to cross before anything can be revealed. according to the san francisco bay conservation and development commission, google currently does not have a permit to operate anything on the bay. >> we don't know if this vessel's purpose is truly maritime related or whether it's not maritime related. so that has to be discovered as part of the permit process. >> reporter: so perhaps google's latest attempt to literally barge its way into san francisco with a top-secret project might
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ultimately be sunk. for "cbs this morning," john blackstone, san francisco. >> what is google up to? >> i know. i'm looking forward to finding out more. >> we all need a barge. all right, 20 newborn babies trapped in the dark a year after they were saved from superstorm sandy. dr. jon lapook reunites with one of the families. we'll look at a moment of bravery in a new york city hospital. that's next on "cbs this morning." ♪
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water, the backup generators failed. dr. jon lapook was there that night. good morning. >> good morning, norah. it was unite a scene, doctors and nurses used sleds to move patients down the staircases. among the most vulnerable were the infants in the nic unit. jo-an tremblay shepherd and her son jackson were in the ward when the storm hit. jackson had for two months relied on machines to help him keep him alive. >> we saw it flickering. i think that's when the generator basically kicked in. shortly before that all of the monitors just went. >> reporter: the lights went out. respirators stopped pumping so doctors and nurses launched the complicated evacuation of 20
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fragile newborns down flights of stairs. >> by the time it was to go we had to go at the drop of a hat. >> reporter: jackson was the last one out. with the help of a flashflight, a nurse carefully carried jackson and his oxygen tank down the stairs. i happened to meet them in the lobby of the hospital. and i could see the look in your eyes was of a mother -- >> yeah i just wanted to get out. if i was going to evacuate i said let's do this. >> reporter: you were in protective mother mode? >> i was, yeah. >> reporter: jo-an was helped into an ambulance with a nurse. her name sandy. >> one vicious sandy and one loving sandy. >> yeah i've got her down as hero in my phone. >> reporter: jackson was taken to a nearby hospital for a few more weeks before going home. a year later, the shepherds are weathering happier challenges. >> good job! >> reporter: 14-month-old jackson took his first steps last week.
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and there's a new member of the family. jackson's sister roxanne was born on a sunny august day at the same hospital. >> and did you have any misgivings about going back to the same place? >> no we checked the weather forecast. but we didn't have any misgivings. >> it was fully answered. it's times like that when you see how amazing and trained and diligent some people can be. >> say bye-bye. >> of the 320 patients transferred that night, there were no fatalities. jackson is happy and healthy, so are his parents who could just use a little more sleep. >> i'm so glad you kept in touch with that family. how is the hospital doing? they're back up and running? >> oh yeah they're back up and running. it's been an amazing effort to bring it up to speed. doctors and nurses pulled together. >> great story. and another baby in less than a
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>> announcer: cbs morning rounds sponsored by airborne now with a new formula in gummi. [ kelly ] people say it's really hard to follow a healthy routine. guess what? you can do it. that it's almost impossible to eat healthy. but you can do it. that you can't improve your mouth's health with a toothpaste. with colgate total® you can. [ male announcer ] colgate total® does more than protect. it fights germs for 12 hours. in 24 hours starts to fortify enamel. and in 4 weeks helps improve gum health. you see? for better mouth health, use colgate total®. [ male announcer ] do more than protect. improve mouth health with colgate total®. you can do it!
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[ male announcer ] pepcid® presents: the burns family dinner. why would i take one pepcid® when i could take tums® throughout the day when my heartburn comes back? 'cause you only have to take one... [ male announcer ] don't be like the burns. just one pepcid® complete® works fast and lasts. i'll call you in a little bit. google... how do i get home? getting directions. [ male announcer ] progresso's so passionate about its new tomato florentine soup it took a little time to get it just right. [ ding ] ♪ ♪ but finally, it happened. perfection. at progresso,
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we've got a passion for quality, because you've got a passion for taste. when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals: help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger.
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nine months. with a lot of help he was able to surprise his daughter at school with a birthday hug. >> oh that's the best birthday present ever to have your daddy home safe. and a surfer takes on what may be a record-setting 100-foot wave. but he did something even bigger that day. we'll catch up with him in portugal. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." ♪ ♪ music ♪ it's so much more than coffee. brew the love. keurig. [ male announcer ] at scott, we don't
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need elaborate stunts just to tell you our products get the job done. instead, we give you $7.00 off disney's planes when you join scott shared values. ♪ ♪ sign up at [ male announcer ] when hair is this hydrated, it flooows... discover nexxus hydra-light. hydra-light's formulas with light, deep-sea minerals give up to 80% more moisturization that won't weigh hair down. nexxus hydra-light. raise your standard. across america people are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® is different than pills. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once-a-day, any time, and comes in a pen. and the needle is thin. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine
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that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza® is not insulin. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include: swelling of face, lips tongue, or throat, fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat, problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza® including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) which may be fatal. stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen
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or from your abdomen to your back with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it's covered by most health plans.
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the sun is shining brightly at harbor hospital. marty is in financier. >> -- first warning weather. partly sunny skies high of 596789 here is sharon. >> hi, marty. a lot to talk about this morning. plenty of problems including an accident on 100 westbound at 295 blocking the right lane. an accident 95 northbound past eastern blocking the left lane. 83 southbound past breland an accident blocking a lane. outer loop at security we have an accident blocking the left lane. a new problem on pulaski highway at cromwell bridge. speeds in the low 20s on the top and west side. 30s between white marsh and the beltway. that's the top side of the
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beltway. this traffic report is brought to you by disney on ice presents let's celebrate. your favorite holidays packed into one spectacular ice show. tickets start at $15. back to you. thank you. a settlement has been reached in the jersey sandusky sex scandal. mike schuh stays on the story. >> reporter: good morning, don and everyone. the number of victims in the sex scandal has jumped dramatically. nearly $60 million settlement was disclosed. the climbs of 26 additional young men were strong enough to be included in the agreement. all of men say they were abused by the former assistant coach. a local legal scholar says the settlement was the wisest course for the school. the money doesn't come from the state or students but covered by the school's insurance. i'm mike schuh reporting. back to you. >> thank you, mike. stay with wjz. up next the survey revealing investors are hanging on to
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♪ good morning to you. it's 8:00. welcome back to "cbs this morning." the obama care law is forcing more than 2 million americans to give up their old insurance policies. jan crawford shows us several other surprising numbers as the white house tries to explain itself. why would anyone retire without a real retirement plan? we'll ask the president of blackrock why so many of us are afraid to invest. and a surfer takes on what some are calling the biggest wave ever ridden. he says if you fall you hurt yourself or you die. that's one way to look at it. but first here's a look at
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today's "eye opener" at 8:00. we reached out to insurance companies across the country to find out some real number us. >> more than 2 million americans have been told they cannot renew their current health insurance policy. >> and that is more than triple the number of people said to be buying insurance under obama care. >> sandy was the biggest and fiercest storm ever to hit new jersey. recovery has been slow. >> you got to work with your partners in the federal government, as all you can tell from looking at washington, d.c., that's sometimes not the easiest thing in the world. european lawmakers will meet with senator feinstein who said she's totally opposed to spying on allies. she said the white house told her the sbieg stop. the two inmates have been captured were brought through those gates back into the jail where the sheriff vows this time they will not be able to use the pipe system as a way out. tech giant infosys will pay $30 million to settle the fraud. >> you can hire an american
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trained in that particular discipline and do better. >> truly profit. shipping container, nobody outside of google really knows what it is. >> the update is what folks in washington should be doing their job and that means the white house and folks in congress. >> obama is in so much trouble, he called hillary clinton and said, can you start early? >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" at 8:00 is presented by benefiber. ♪ i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. white house officials said they always knew that obama care would require policies to change. we have evidence on how big those changes will be. >> as jan crawford reports for every american who is getting health insurance under the new law, at least three are losing their current coverage. >> good morning. we've got some real number us and this is just the 2i7 of the iceberg. cbs news has confirmed with insurance companies across the
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country that more than 2 million people are getting notices they no longer can keep their existing plans. in california 279,000. in michigan 140,000. florida, 300,000. and in new jersey 800,000. and those numbers are certain to go even higher. some companies tell us they've sent letters but they won't tell us how many. obama care forces them to drop many of their plans that don't meet the law's ten minimum standards include magazine ternt care emergency visits mental health treatments and even pediatric dental care. that means consumers have to sign on to new plans even if they don't want or need the more generous coverage. now industry experts say about half of the people getting these letters will pay more. half will pay less thanks to taxpayer subsidies. for "cbs this morning," jan crawford, washington. this morning, new jersey governor chris christie responded to jan's report that 800,000 people in new jersey will no longer be able to keep
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their current health insurance plans. christie told us it would not have made a difference if he set up a state insurance exchange. >> you can see all the problems with this. what the federal government wanted to us do in the states whats to take on this burden ourselves without telling us how much it would cost or what authority we would actually have to run our exchanges. that's why myself and 33 other governors, both republican and democrat said no to a state exchange. the real problem that people weren't told the truth. you can remember they were told they would be able to keep their policies if they liked them. now you hear hundreds of thousands of people across the country being told they couldn't. the white house needs to square that. >> this morning, a senior obama official medicare chief marilyn tabbener will tace congress. she'll be faced with what happens to the health care website. the s&p opened at a record high this morning but millions of investors are not sharing in
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the gains. a nah new sur ray by the investment firm black rock that americans have $10 trillion in cash saved in low interest accounts. the president of blackrock one of the world's largest assessment management companies. welcome. >> thank you. >> why are people saving so much in this country? >> well people are not saving enough and they're not investing enough. so we have over $10 trillion as you said sitting in cash. unfortunately, more people are going to be turning 65 than ever in history over the next ten years. and on top of that they're going to live longer. so we did a survey because two-thirds of the assets at blackrock are retirement assets. what are people doing? they're not investing. you can't invest for the future in the future. so this was very surprising. the average person has less than $25,000 for retirement.
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that is not going to be enough. >> how much should we have? >> well it depends how old you are, of course. but if you're turning 65 the number is about $500,000. and in fact what we're trying to do is educate people around the world, and we created a website which you can get on determine actually what you need per month, once you're 65 or older. and it will tell you how much you need today. or, you can go in and put in how much you have today, and it will tell you how long that will last month by month. and this is very important that we get this message out. that people need to invest now. because in this survey the one thing we have found, and this is where wisdom comes in. is every one of these retirees said they wished they had saved more for the future. >> it is worth reminding because as your survey pointed out people are spending more time planning vacations and thinking about which smartphones to buy,
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which cars to buy than they are about their retirement. how often you should be thinking about your retirement? >> this is very important you that get invested today. the earlier the better because money will work four. earning zero over a 20-year period just over enflation, you will lose half that value. one of the other things interesting in the survey the people most concerned, 45 to 55 that's when people start to say, wait a second i better look at my bank account and think about retiring. earlier, they're not thinking about it. and even later, they've already taken care of it. >> well what about those people? i mean why are they keeping money in cash? because they don't trust wall street? >> well, one is over the last several year people have lost a lot of money in the market. however, waiting in cash is not the answer earning zero. the mark is up again this year. it's up last year. so you've missed two years. it's really hard to make that back especially in a very low
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interest rate environment. we need to bring that cash out in a less risky way where people can earn a better return than sitting in cash. >> people who are sitting on a lot of cash may not be sitting on it because they don't trust investments or what might happen to it. but you're arguing there's a better way than simply sitting on cash. they may believe sitting on cash is saving it and preserving it. >> yes. now, there is a better way in cash. there's certainly ways to invest in the equity markets with large cap companies that pay good dividends. even a company paying a full percent dif vidend. remember, you need to use longevity as a tool and investment for the long term. where people get confused, it's not timing the market. it's time in the market. they're not day traders. they shouldn't be looking at the
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markets dave but invest in good companies that pay a dividend over a long period of time. so there are many tools that you can limit the risk but at the same time, help yourself for the future. >> take your money out from underneath the mattress. >> exactly. >> thank you, good to see. you. this morning, a brazilian big wave surfer is waiting to learn if he conquered a big wave 100 feet high. it was one of the life changing moments for carlos burle. >> reporter: as mad as this may seem the tiney smudge on this wall of water say surfer. the monsters are generated off the coast portugal forced by an underwater canyon on to the beach. carlos burle is the man who rode the big one this week. all the energy goes to one place, burle says all of that power becomes science.
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if you fall you hurt yourself and you die. the waves are so powerful that the surfers have to be towed by jet skis to catch it to ride one. she fell and was pulled out of the sea unconscious by burle. she survived and he went back in the water. he said it was karma. at the end i asked to catch a wave when everyone else was leaving and picked up one. i think that was the reward. the record is held by garrett mcnamara. earlier he told us how he managed to break the fear barrier. >> everybody has their comfort zones. i won't jump out of a plane, i like riding big waves. >> reporter: mcnamara is waiting for confirmation he broke his own record by riding a 100-foot plus wave in january.
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challenging the pickbiggest waves in the world isn't a competitive sport. they win when they end the day together on the beach waiting for the next big one. for "cbs this morning," allen pizzey rome. >> there's something i wouldn't want to do. >> finally. >> norah, you're the daredevil, too. would you do that? >> absolutely. >> would you surf on it? >> no i don't know how to surf. i'd probably end up dead.
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>> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" at 8:00 is sponsored by benefiber. better it with benefiber. o add it to anything. and feel better about doing it. better it with benefiber. it's holiday time, and no fruit is as versatile as our ocean spray cranberries, which is why were declaring it the unofficial official fruit of the holidays! the fig's gonna be so bummed. [ laughs ] for holiday tips and recipes go to ♪ ♪ this week at kmart, get 50% off costumes. and, shop your way members get an additional 10% back in points. plus, fun size candy is 2 for $5. kmart. get in. get more halloween.
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vo: it's that time of year again. medicare open enrollment. time to compare plans and costs. you don't have to make changes. but it never hurts to see if you can find better coverage, save money, or both. and check out the preventive benefits you get after the health care law. open enrollment ends december 7th. so now's the time. visit or call 1-800-medicare ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] just about anywhere you use sugar, you can use splenda® no calorie sweetener. splenda® lets you experience the joy of sugar without all the calories. think sugar, say splenda™ [ both cheer ] got it! i...did not get it. [ female announcer ] you may not be the best with a smart phone but you know what's best for your kids. so we listened when you said gogurt should have only natural colors and flavors and no high fructose corn syrup. thanks, mom.
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>> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by international delight coffee kremer. delight in the season. discover card. i asked my husband to pay our bill, and he forgot. you have the it card and it's your first time missing a payment, so there's no late fee. really? yep! so is your husband off the hook? no. he went out for milk last week and came back with a puppy. hold it. hold it. hold it. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card with late payment forgiveness. [ male announcer ] playing in the nfl is tough. ♪ ♪ doing it with a cold just not going to happen. ♪ ♪ vicks dayquil powerful non-drowsy 6-symptom cold & flu relief. ♪ ♪ no matter what city you're playing tomorrow... [ coughs ] [ male announcer ] can't let a cold keep you up tonight. ♪ ♪ vicks nyquil powerful
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nighttime 6-symptom cold & flu relief. ♪ ♪ my customers can shop around. but it doesn't usually work that way with health care. with unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors, treatment options and cost estimates so we can make better health decisions. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. stoked about the new batman game? unlike you, i've already mastered all the new gadgets. one in particular. what was that? don't tell mom about this. rated t for teen. be game ready. get batman: arkham origins and exclusive batman legends skins at walmart.
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crafte avo: at volkswagen we believe everyone deserves a better car. and now, during the "sign then drive" sales event you're closer to yours than ever. like the turbocharged tiguan the midsize passat or the 34 highway mpg jetta. and every new 2014 volkswagen comes with no-charge scheduled maintenance... ...all for practically just your signature. the "sign then drive" sales event is back. ...and it's never been easier to get a new volkswagen. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on any new 2014 volkswagen. hurry, this offer ends october 31st.
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>> 15 years ago today john glenn became the oldest man to fly to space. he did so at age 77. you may not know his rocket launch was the result of newton's law of motion. explained in national geographic's new book "science of everything." david pogue, welcome. >> thank you so much. >> you argue there's a sense of anti-science? >> there is. the number of people in america who challenge, you know, evolution, series of global warming. and some huge percentage think that man and dinosaurs so exist. >> let me offer an alternative, i just think there's a great fascination with science, too. look at the brain and something else? >> i think there's all kinds. i would like to think there's greater than 50% believing in the scientific proof. i guess the gist of this book is
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everything is science. your washing machine, the tattoo, everything you cook everything is the fundamental of science. >> you said it doesn't have to be dry or scary it just has to be presented better. you think to read this book will make us wiser and amazed. so go ahead. >> i was reading the manuscript and read about the washing machine. it swirls around with soap and water. it turns out it's newton's first law which is an object in motion will stay in motion. in this case it's the water. as the drum is spinning the water flying out the little hole because the wall is not there to act on it to stop it. other than that, it's a 325-year-old principle. >> everything you say is exciting. you describe yourself as a creative vat of giant juices. you dropped a sizable surprise bomb earlier last week when you said you were going to yahoo!. wow, were you not allowed to exercise your creative juices at
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"the new york times." did you pick up the phone and they said come on over? >> i've been at the "the new york times" for 13 years. i love them. i thought i'd be there until i die. but their quote was, we want to be your playground. they were apps and interactive chats, video and audios all together that can do things with this gigantic reach of 800 million readers a month. i mean that's catnip for a creative guy. >> so you weren't worried about losing the reach of "the new york times"? >> it's a different audience. "the new york times" readers, of course, are very well educated. maybe a little older. but the size and the international scope of yahoo! is just crazy. >> what's the great vision for yahoo! to become? >> i think what marissa mayer, the new ceo, is aiming for is to move beyond the phase that yahoo! is just a repackager of others. to get people to write their own
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stuff. our launch tech site that launches next week is what i call not just gadgets to buy but how to use it. nobody ever talks about it. the trouble shooting tips and tricks. if one more person asks me how do i get the music from my phone to my computer is there a way to do that -- >> do they say thinks have changed already at yahoo! that there's a difference already in the culture? >> there is i'll be totally honest. i thought, yahoo! seriously, aren't they dead? >> like ooh. >> exactly. a couple days at their headquarters. unbelievable, they act like a startup company. the cars are in the parking lot until 9:00 p.m. friday night. 42% of the company. >> when you make a pointed decision like this does money play a role? >> everything plays a role. money, they hire me as staff. >> i love david, yes, money plays a role. >> why, does money not play a
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role for you? >> we're not knocking it. >> we're talking about the catnip. >> david pogue, thank you "the science of everything" goes on 25 minutes past 8:00. sharon is here to wrap up the rush after first warning weather. >> gorgeous morning. it will be a sunny afternoon with fair-weather clouds. high temperature around 59 degrees. right now it's approaching the mid-40s. here is sharon at wjz tv traffic control. >> marty, good morning, everyone. a busy morning on the roads. the new problem, the latest on the beltway at 70 an accident on the outbound blocking the right lane. also an accident 70 westbound at the beltway blocking as well. an accident on 83 southbound at free land roadblocking a lane and town son town boulevard at
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charles. one at cromwell and could pens avenue speed in the teens with the accident not helping things on the west side outer loop. that is 95. that is the west side at i-70. and a look at top side at bel air road. this traffic report is brought to you by sleep ease. penn state reached a settlement in the abuse scandal. mike schuh has the story. >> reporter: good morning. the number of victims in the penn state jerry sandusky sex scandal has jumped dramatically. nearly $60 million settlement was disclosed that the claims of 26 additional young men were strong enough to be included in the agreement. all of the men say they were abused by the former assistant coach. a local legal scholar says the settlement was the wise evidence course for the school. the money does not come from the state or students but is covered by the school's insurance. i'm mike schuh reporting. don, back to you.
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singer chris -- has been released from jail. the judge reduced the felony charges to misdemeanor assault. brown and his bodyguard are accused of hitting a man outside of hotel washington. the singer is due back in court in d.c. next month. more problems for a contractor that operates suburban speed cameras. an investigation finds xerox was forced to void 1400 tickets in baltimore county after it failed to recalibrate a dozen cameras in january. the contractor paid the county as compensation. ravens players traded in jerseys for halloween costumes. players attended the 14th annual gridiron halloween party held at anne arundel mills mall. stay with wjz 13, maryland's news station. up next, a study explores if women are too aggressive when
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♪ welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour on this first anniversary of superstorm sandy, you'll see the firefighters answering a different kind of call. what it's doing for kids in hard hit areas. j.j. abrams on the big and small screen. now the director is on a new voyage writining a inga novel. that's ahead. right now, it's time to show you this morning's headlines from world the globe.
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"wall street journal" looks at new pediatrician guidelines parents are encouraged to band electronic media during meal time and bedtime. too much television are led to obesity and poor school performance. "the washington post" says the house and senate will start negotiations on the farm bill this week. if no agreement is reached on the $500 billion bill, nomilk prices are expected to skyrocket. that's because dairy subsidies are set to expire at the end of the year. milk could cost $8 a gallon. the independent said turkey would link two continents asia and europe. object was to connect istanbul. the underwater train line is just under a mile long. "usa today" confirms that men stare at women's bodies but so do women.
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more men gaze at a woman's chest and face. men may be drawn to shapely women for child bearing. women could be checking out the competition. that's important news to share. >> i'm definitely checking it out. what she's wearing and where she's going, i definitely am. spreading rumors and mocking somebody's behavior may steam like school girl behavior but one woman from "the devil wears prada." >> she held up this eyelash curler and said what is this? >> from the moment i saw her, she was going to be a complete and utter disaster. ♪ >> new research paper calls that indirect aggression. the study's author tracy
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vaillancourt is from the university of ottawa. and john tierney. this news flash, women can be bitchy. is that what this is? >> indeed. i'm going to get e-mails telling me i can't believe you just said that. >> what does that mean? >> we exclude people from the peer group. we give the silent treatment. the customary, i won't speak to you for three weeks then you have to figure out why i'm mad at you. >> or what's wrong? nothing. >> nothing. the appearance suggest that it's promiscuous. >> do men do this? >> they do this but we do it indirectly. will men do it against others a lot of times, it's direct. it's verbal. i didn't like what you did. with us we don't say it so directly. >> so how did you do this study? there's one study that we did
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where we had women come to the lab, and they thought they were going to be talking about how women deal with friendship. and in fact we had a sexy confederate interrupt their conversation. so somebody who was dressed in a sexual provocative outfit. we secretly videoed taped and audiotaped their reaction to this individual. almost everybody except for two were indirectly against her. >> why did you think it was important to do this study? >> most of what we know about women's aggression and competition is anecdotal. so we think we know and is that really the case. we needed to have science to support what our anecdotal evidence is. certainly, i can appreciate it's a little awkward to hear that women behave poorly, we don't like to be told the truth. but it's important, we have girls who take their lives over this about the way they're
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treated. recently in florida there was that young woman, i think she was about 14 that took her life because -- >> bullying. >> yeah she was being bullied but indirectly. they were starting rumors about her and calling her out on the internet. so you can't change what you don't acknowledge. >> why are men different? >> well, men basically have to compete in the status hierarchy for men. they're competing for resources. for women, it's traditionally been they have more of a social network. whereas, men have more direct confrontations. what i found interesting here men get blamed for pressuring women to be thin or for shaming people. you know with people it really shows this is intrasexual competition with women. men want women to be faithful. they want their partner to be faithful. but they don't have a big problem with someone else being promiscuous. that's not above, that's a
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feature. that's like a fantasy. so the shaming is much like that indirect regression that women go through. the same for thinness. men don't want women to be super thin. their ideal women is someone who is average weight or slightly above average. they want beyonce or jennifer lopez not ally mcbeal. >> indirect inaggression ever work? >> works. it's so effective. absolutely effective. because if you think about if you're compete for mates, let's say. you like a boy and somebody else likes a boy. you tell the boy that you think that person is a -- that person is less attractive that shows and debates that person's individual. so it works.
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when somebody gives us the silent treatment it really does hurt us when people call us names and say things behind our back, we become depressed and anxious and suicidal. >> we stop it how? >> by acknowledging it. by maybe actually being strong enough and competent enough -- i guess strong would be a better word to accept that conflict is part of life. that sometimes you're going to say something that somebody doesn't like and it's not the end of the world that they tell you. that sort of thing. we're so sensitive, and i think we need to toughen up a little bit. >> boyce are oblivious, it doesn't work with boys. it goes right over their head. they really respond to i'm going to challenge you on the playground. i'm going to do better than you on the team. >> and they nail it right then. boyce don't pout the way girls do. >> and it's done with. as soon as they say it right, it's dealt with. we do that three week pouting period.
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>> yeah. >> tracy vaillancourt good to see you. john tierney. >> thank you. tomorrow we take a look at why women are entering the tech industry. jobs in that field can pay far more than other careers. that's tomorrow on "cbs this morning." only ahead on "cbs this morning," one of hollywood's hottest producers takes us inside his own twist. >> you probably know j.j. abrams for his hits like "star trek," one that is in love with the written word. so much so that he bought this vintage press and is now collaborating on a new book. a mystery within a hi, good morning. that's a pretty interesting shot. i will tell you why. we have a bit of a breeze. a frontal boundary came through quietly, a couple of clouds, no
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>> it's all true. everything he wrote. >> reporter: foreboding tantalizing. this trailer was not trying to lure you into a theater. it's part of a master plan by j.j. abrams inviting you to get lost between the pages of his book. >> everything that we read -- >> reporter: abrams may be best known for directing on screen spectrums like "mission impossible iii," super 8 and "star trek" into darkness. the time he was working on armageddon got abrams thinking about a book after this at l.a.x. >> it said whoever finds it, please read it and leave it for someone else to find it. it was this notion of a communication between two people. there was something about that that felt like it was the sea of something potentially exciting. >> you're watching -- >> reporter: the best seed of an
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idea that haunted abrams for more than a decade. all the while he was busy becoming one of the most prolific filmmakers in hollywood. in 2009 he met doug dorst. abrams laid out his tale and dorst brought it to life. a three-time "jeopardy!" champion went to work taking a novel approach to the story. it's a book within a book. a harrowing tale two students try to decipher while communicating in the margins. but then you, the reader become sucked in as mysterious postcards and notes tucked in between the pages actually fall into your hand. he comes to you with this idea you don't go that's just crazy? >> oh, i did say, that's just crazy. and i have no idea if i can do it. but i'm certainly not going to say no to this. >> reporter: abrams "bad robot" production company creating the
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trailers. his production becomes evident in his office where he surrounded himself with a collection of vintage typewriters. >> i'm old enough to have written many things before there were computers. so i would write on a typewriter. i loved it. bugs me when you go through offices there are no sounds of typewriters anytime. >> reporter: a work of a century print shop. >> it's a cool thing to see how many people have gotten into printing. >> reporter: abrams appreciation rounds him but at the same time his career is catapulting him into rarefied air. he was the producer of "star trek" and "star wars." a new "mission impossible" is also in the works. >> we have a number of projects at various stages. i try to be needed on all of these things. >> reporter: were you like the maestro? >> i'm more like a chicken with the head cut off. >> nobody nose the rules better
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than you but there's got to be an exception. >> reporter: abrams' film could boast $1.5 million worldwide. but he tells me he won't be making a movie out of the book. he simply had a story to tell. for "cbs this morning," bill whitaker, los angeles. >> he is such a good director. >> i was going to say, good director. very fascinating guy. >> yeah. >> "star wars," "star trek," "mission impossible," he's so prolific. >> i like it. today, we're also talking about rebuilding along the new jersey shore, it reaches all the way to newtown, connecticut. we'll show you how a determined firefighter is helping shape the future by remembering. that's next on "cbs this morning."
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♪ a new jersey firefighter is leading an unusual effort to help areas ravaged by superstorm sandy one year ago. the focus is on children. don dahler shows us how the movement finds inspiration from another tragedy. >> reporter: this is the sound that's been missing from this part of the jersey shore. kids. just having fun. on a newly opened playground that serves as a testament of resilience and lasting tribute. located across the shrewsbury river from the coast that bore the brunt of last year's superstorm. now it's part of a memorial project to honor another tragedy. the death of 26 children and
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teachers killed at sandy hook connecticut. other than the word sandy what do the tradition dishave in common? >> well a loss. the need for hope and recovery. >> reporter: bill lavin is a new jersey firefighter and founder of where angels play foundation. an organization that relies on community support and the volunteer efforts of mostly first responders to build playgrounds in devastated communities but firefighters and cops aren't the only ones doing the work. the parent fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters of people involved. >> we think it's certainly cathartic for us. and it has been very cathartic for them to give back. >> reporter: this year it's dedicated to daniel barden a 6-year-old who loved to draw. his art now part of a playground bearing his name. it's more than a memorial. you really tried to capture some of the essence of these
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children. their artwork? >> yeah there's no question that their spirit is reflected in every bit of this again from their favorite drawing. daniel wanted to be a firefighter. there's a fire truck here which is special to us obviously. >> reporter: 15 more playgrounds are planned in memory of the shooting victims each caught in the path of superstorm sandy. a final playground will then be built in newtown. that one dedicated to the first responders who spent the past year rebuilding communities united by separate tradition dis. why do you do it? >> well i do it because it makes me feel unbelievable. it's a privilege to know he's families and to watch the faith and the grace of which they're dealing with the worst possible tragedy. i do it because i wouldn't know what else to do. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," don dahler new jersey. >> we'll never forget sandy hook. it's nice to see the memory go
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five machines before 9:00. marty is at first warning weather. >> the forecast today, high temperature around 59 degrees. we are in the mid-40s now. overnight temperatures fall about 41. tomorrow up to 65. low to mid-90s thursday and friday. clearing out after a shower activity with a cold front friday afternoon with sunshine saturday and sunday. the weekend is looking good but seasonal then he -- then below. in the news a multimillion dollar settlement is reached in the jerry sandusky sex abuse scandal. >> reporter: good morning. the number of victims in the penn state jerry sandusky sex
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scandal jumped dramatically. nearly $60 million settlement. it was disclosed that the claims of 26 additional young men were strong enough to be included in the agreement. all of the men say they were abused by the former assistant coach. a local legal scholar says the settlement was the wisest course for the school. the money doesn't come from the state or schools but covered by the school's insurance. a local man is facing charges for selling drugs on the black market web site known as the silk road. jacob george the 4th is charged with selling heroin and other drugs on the site. the feds brought it down earlier this month as we reported. police make arrests following the fatal shooting of a hotel worker in oxon hill. surveillance video captures the moment the man held up a pregnant hotel clerk last week. the hotel manager was confronted while confronting the thief afterwards. three are facing charges. a local driver is facing charges of injuring a state
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trooper on the side of the beltway. christopher hallways inside his car investigating an accident near the 702 exit. his vehicle was struck. a 63-year-old driver is charged with violating the state's move over law. one year after superstorm sandy the federal government is giving millions to maryland towns hit the hardest by it. the department of housing and urban development is providing $19 million to the lower eastern shore. the funds will go to reconstruction, job creation and economic development. the ravens are welcoming a new addition to the team. bernard scott has traded the tiger stripes for purple. it has been more than a year since he last played in the game after suffering a knee injury. he was let go by the bengals but coaches are impressed what scott can bring to the team. you can see the game with the browns on sunday 4:15. and stay with wjz 13
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