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tv   Eyewitness Noon News  CBS  October 31, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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electronics in the air. today the faa changed the safety rules.
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>> what does it mean for your next flight? hello again. i'm jessica kartalija. >> i'm don scott. >> here's what people are talk talking about today. if you stay connected while you fly the skies are about to become friendlier. today the faa is loosening its rules on the use of portable electronic devices on planes. danielle nottingham reports for wjz from reagan national airport. >> the faa said announcements like this are going to be a thing of the past. >> with electronics we asked that you power them off and stow them. >> the agency is lifting its ban on the use of electronic devices during take offs and landings. >> airlines can safely expand passenger use of portable electronic devices during all phases of flight. >> individual airlines will have to do some additional interference testing then it will be up to them to decide when our if electronic devices still need to be turned off. >> in some instances of low
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visibility, about 1% of all flights, some landing systems may not be proven to tolerate the interference. >> during take off and landing passengers should be able to read e books or play games or watch movies on tablets. no phone calls, those are still off limits. >> an advisory panel recommended the changes last month. this announcement was delayed because a third of the faa's staff was furloughed during the partial government shutdown. some airlines start to implement the changes before the busy christmas travel season. >> danielle nottingham, wjz eyewitness news. >> heavier devices like laptops will have to be stowed away. travel industry groups welcome the changes, calling them common sense accommodations. the nsa spying scandal continues to grow. an magazine said they tapped the phones of the vatican and cardinals as they were preparing to elect a new pope.
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there's news today edward snowden is reportedly being hired to perform computer maintenance at one of russia's largest websites. there's apologies about the affordable care act website -- secretary sebelius said she's sorry about the problems. nearly a dozen students in y anne arundel county are in trouble accused of cyberbullying. mary is in the news room with more. >> reporter: it started when one student photographed another without their knowledge then texted that photo to other students with a negative comment. the picture was posted on the internet for all to see. all the students involved attend annapolis high school. a new law in maryland makes cyberbullying a misdemeanor offense. the new law is named in honor of grace mccomas who
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after being harassed online killed herself in april of 2012. back to you. >> thank you. the school is not saying how it will discipline the students involved. the punishment could be detention or being expelled. two students hailed heroes. the bus carrying 33 rising sun high school students crashed into some trees. police say two teens took notice that the bus was starting to leave the road. one got on to the floor and pushed the brake pedal with his hands. students used the emergency door to get out and stayed with the driver until arrived. of course we're not going to let you forget that it's halloween. this morning wjz was in middle river where people were putting on their costumes very early, including ron matz with the beards. he's willy from duck dynasty.
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he was thrilled with his costumes provided for him. the day started off pretty spooky. there was a lot of fog. a live look outside right now will show that it has lifted a bit but it's over cast. so what can we expect for trick-or-treaters? wjz is live with first warning weather coverage. marty bass is in the out back and meteorologist tim williams is over in the weather center. happy halloween, tim. >> happy halloween everyone. we're looking at a day where it's been very, very mild. we've been seeing all kinds of weather. we've seen fog, rain and just a little bit of mist moves through the region. that kind of gives that halloween feel. we have a good bit of rain moving in from the west and southwest. we see a few stray showers. the bulk of the heavy rain should hold off.
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stray showers could be around later into the evening. the later the better chance of those showers. right now 64 degrees at bwi, 61 elkton, 71 down on the shore and in easton and 61 in oak land. it's 5 degrees warmer in central maryland than yesterday. last night didn't get lower than 52 degrees, which is nice considering the normal is 41. how is this going to play out tomorrow? out to marty bass. >> reporter: hi, everybody. let's take a look at a cup ouple of graphics. tomorrow -- actually, beginning late tonight in the over night you will see shower activity and a frontal boundary start to come through the area. it is going to get pretty windy tomorrow. once skies start to clear in the late afternoon and the wind picks up you will know the new air mass is here. we're not going to see the 70s again for a while. for the weekend a dip in the jet stream. far
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south of us below hampton, beyond the mouth of the chesapeake bay there's a cold slot that's going to slide in out of central canada and the great lakes that will define our weather. how chilly is it going to get? tim williams is going to talk about what is going to be at one point 20 degrees colder than tomorrow over the extended out look. those details for you coming up shortly. now back inside. >> thank you. they partied like it was 19 19 -- 1918 in boston last night. >> it hasn't happened at fenway park for 95 years. >> malt carpenter is struck out for the final out. the red sox players rushed from the dugout and the bull pen to celebrate. the red sox win a world series at home for the first time in 95 years. it's boston's third world series win in the past 10
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years. baseball season is over but the football season is just heating up. don't miss the ravens as they take on the browns. you can see the game sunday at 4:15 live on wjz 13. of course we're all orioles fans here but it's nice to say boston celebrating. >> especially with the year they've had. still to come, new charges for the blade runner. what other charges oscar pistorius will be facing. why this woman attacks a tv news room with the camera rolling. the skies are grey and still foggy around the edges. what's coming up? your first warning weather forecast among other things. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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it is over cast and 64 degrees in central maryland right now. your complete first warning weather forecast is still coming up. one day before the deadline a watchdog group all of syria's equipment is destroyed to make chemical weapons. it's believed the country still has tons of chemicals including gas and the nerve agent serin. the inspectors said they were not
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able to visit two sites because of security concerns. oscar pistorius will be facing some additional charges when he goes on trial for murder. they talked on firing guns in public places. legal analysts said this is an attempt to characterize him as an irresponsible gun owner he shot and killed his girlfriend inside his home where he said he mistook her for an intruder. his trial is set for march. a crew covering the news becomes the story in washington dc. >> i will knock this camera down. >> please, please. >> you can't -- scomblsz no >> no. >> don't do that. >> don't touch me. >> bruce johnson and frach er photographer danielle gill were covering a story about a home invasion this washington dc. johns was on a public sidewalk talking to a mail carrier. she punches him and sprayed mace at
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the reporter and photographer. despite the video evidence the tv station does not plan to press any charges. a delta airplane is forced to make an emergency landing in a very small town in alaska. flight 208 from tokyo so fran san francisco makes a stop because of a mechanical problem on board. passengers waited for another plane to arrive, they took in the town. 20 hours after they started their journey they finally made it to san francisco. in austin, texas flash flooding causes evacuations. firefighters are used rafts to rescue people. a heavy downpour dumped 9 inches of rain and caught many people by surprise. several drivers got stuck in their cars and tree limbs topped onto power lines knocking out electricity. no one is
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seriously hurt. still ahead on wjz eyewitness news at noon, the skies are cloudy. will the rain hold off for trick-or-treating. your first warning weather forecast is coming up. first a look at today's midday stocks and last night's powerball numbers. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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welcome back, everyone on this last day of october. temperatures on the mild side at 64 degrees right now. our normal high is just around 64 actually so we're right on
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target. our over night low is going to be on the mild side. normal low now is 41. we will be in the 50s. in some places the 60s also because of the cloud cover. it's going to lock in the warm temperatures and really act like a blanket an insulator and keep it on the mild side. south, south westerly wind is the culprit right now. 71 down on the shore, east coming in at 72. we see temperatures from 63 in westminster, rock hall and kent island to 64 in columbia and bel air. southwest wind is ushering in that mild air flow. down towards easton and ocean city the winds are in the double digits at 12 miles per hour. you can see atlanta, memphis all their air is coming our direction. they are closer to 70. that's the air coming our way. also coming our way is a front. along with that front comes the chance for a pretty good batch of rain.
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the largest amount, the most steady rain should be holding off a little bit later tonight. we cannot rule out that there could be some showers early today as we've already seen. we've already seen the fog in the cloud cover and potentially some drizzle as the young ones are going out and about. the temperatures will be comfortable. they will not need the heavy jackets but may need something to keep the rain off if it a starts to get into the afternoon and evening. cooler temperatures will be in here tomorrow. it's going to get breezy. 6:06 your sunset time today. 69 degrees today, variably clouds and warm. here's your forecast for the trick-or-treaters, going to be cloudy. sunset is at 6:06. >> that's what it's going to sound like when we get on the scale tomorrow morning after eating all that candy. lots more ahead on eyewitness news at noon. >> don't put away that music just yet. it's halloween. we asked to see your favorite hl
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halloween related photos. here's some of the ones you up loaded to us. to check out the complete slide show go to our website, ,,,,,,
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mnever sleeping.g. ever saving. for him, her, and you. every day. but quality affordable health care seems forever out of reach -- until now. i'm doctor peter beilenson. with local doctors we've founded a new approach to health insurance -- evergreen health. neighborhood care, same day appointments, a team approach with doctors and nurses who get to know you. that's evergreen health. learn more at
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it's open enroll. for medment for medicare and medicare changes. mary is live with maryland lieu tenant governor anthony brown. >> reporter: thank you. i have two exexperts. i have the secretary of health gloria. thank you for joining us. tell me a little bit about -- we know it's open enrollment for medicare now. what should seniors expect? >> their circumstances may have changed and maybe plans. call the number on the screen and speak with a counselor. under the affordable care act and and health care reform they have access to free prevention care. we want to make sure that our
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seniors have access to that. they should check in a counselor to make sure they have the right plan. >> reporter: we have all these people manning the phones behind us. secretary, this is the fourth year that you've done this. what do you want viewers to know today? >> well, we want them to check those options out very carefully and remember december 7th is the deadline date. >> reporter: okay. that's good. there are many che s. >> many changes. >> reporter: the people behind us will be able to give them specific information today? >> absolutely. >> reporter: okay. that's great. anything else? >> for example, there's a more generous benefit for prescription drugs. you want to know how much you will be paying and what are the savings going forward. there's a lot of changes benefitting seniors and marylanders generally. get on the phone to make sure you know what you're eligible for. >> reporter: thank you so much. jessica back to you. you're going to give the phone number to everybody. >> yes. thank you. the phone lines are
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now open. please call 466-1313. area roa4 code 410. talk with one of our experts. check back in with wjz eyewitness news today at 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00. revisiting the massacre at the washington navy yard. how did the gunman get a security clearance? the nsa reacts to allegations it eves dropped on the vatican. join us for these stories today at 4:00 right after dr. phil. stay with us, your halloween and five day forecast is next. they say no good deed goes unpunished. and some days it seems true. but we keep on doing the things that matter& like buying new raspberry 5 hour energy. from now to the end of the year, a portion of each sale... benefits living beyond breast cancer, to empower women affected by breast cancer.
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new raspberry 5 hour energy. it's one good deed that will go just right.
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marty, it looks like our weather system has a trick or treat for you. >> reporter: it's nice out here. i was thinking it's like last winter. remember how it stayed gray but mild? >> right. >> reporter: that's what it looks like right now. it's getting ready to change. we're getting ready to get the clear sky with the big canada high dropping out of the great lakes. that's going to power our weather saturday, sunday, monday and tuesday. from the low 70s to mid 70s tomorrow. 66, 56, 52 and back to 60 on tuesday. the fall chill is on the way. back inside. >> thank you. don't forget cbs's prime tie up on wjz. at 10:00 it's elementary followy eyewitness news at 11:00. many houses are decked out with halloween decorations,
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including the president's house. the erie lights at the white house can be seen from pennsylvania avenue. they are welcoming local children and military team families to trick-or-treat tonight. thank you for watching eyewitness news on wjz 13, maryland's news station. i'm jessica kartalija. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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