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tv   Eyewitness 11PM News  CBS  October 31, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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this is wjz tv, baltimore. >> from the city to the counties to your neighborhood, now it's complete coverage. it's wjz, maryland's news station. passenger roles reversed. the faa clears the way for electronics use on planes, even during take off and landing. >> now airlines are in a race to offer it first. hello, everyone. >> here's what people are talking about tonight. >> airline passengers can now stay plugged in throughout their flights. the faa has deemed electronic devices safe during take offs and landings, changing its long- time policies. we explain why. >> we ask that you turn your electronics off. >> reporter: you may not hear this announcement the next time you fly.
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staying connected during take off and landing is about to get easier. >> airlines can safely expand passenger use of portable electronic devices during all phases of flight. >> reporter: as long as they're in airplane mode, they can read, listen to music, and watch videos. they still can't make calls or send texts. until now, mobile devices couldn't be used until planes rose above 10,000 feet. >> why have it serious for so long and loosen up now? >> reporter: they said it posed a safety threat and interfered with air traffic communication, so why the change of heart now? >> the committee determined that most commercial airplanes can tolerate radiointerference from electronic devices. >> reporter: in low visibility, you'll be asked to turn off your device. >> i've always believed that it was kind of silly we couldn't use our phones. it shouldn't interrupt communications with the pilot.
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i'm just happy to see someone else agrees with me. >> reporter: before the airlines lift the rules, it will have to show the faa planes can withstand the interference. and flight attendants won't be policing the aisles the make sure phones are in airplane mode, so passengers will have to do their part. halloween brings wicked weather to several parts of the country. snow made it dangerous for drivers just west of denver, colorado. the storms caused blizzard conditions in colorado and deadly flash floods in texas. crews used helicopters and boats to rescue dozens of people stranded in cars and stuck in trees after flash floods hit central texas. over half a foot of rain fell in austin overnight. flood victims carried their belongings and pets to safety.
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one resident said she's never seen flooding this bad. >> it's never got into the house before. >> storm warnings are in effect from houston to chicago. >> the potential for severe weather today including strong winds and isolated tornadoes. >> power was knocked out in parts of texas and utility companies are bracing for outrages as well. all of these storms have dumped more than a foot of rain across texas and they are being blamed for one man's death. ray lewis and dozens of nfl players are suing a bank for nearly $60 million. they allow add financial advising firm to open accounts in their names and make investments. wrongful death. the family of a man who died in
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custody of baltimore city police officers is suing the department. their lawsuit claims officers used excessive force on anthony anderson. >> reporter: according to this multi-million dollar lawsuit, anthony anderson died from police brutality. wjz spoke to his family lawyer. >> obviously more than anything else they want justice for their son, their father anthony anderson. >> reporter: officers say anderson refused to follow orders and put drugs in his mouth. they say an officer bear hugged anderson and tackled him to the ground. family members say they saw it happened. >> i saw them kick him. that's what happened. >> reporter: anderson died from blunt force injuries including a ruptured spleen and eight fractured ribs. in january the state's attorney decided not to file charges
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against the officers saying police did not use excessive force. anderson's family was outraged. >> we do not have a problem with the baltimore city police department. we have a problem with officers that take they job, think they're above the law. >> reporter: their lawsuit names the detectives involved in the arrest and the baltimore police department. it alleges officers handcuffs anderson, then kicked him in the rib, stomach, back, and chest maliciously and sadistically for the very purpose of causing harm. >> there's not discipline. there's no accountability. they fail to train, they fail to super vise. and as a result, the citizens are facing peril. >> anderson's death sparked rallies and marchs in the city. we are following breaking news. police are searching for a masked man who shot and killed
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another man tonight. it happened in the 7400 block of railroad avenue in harmon. police say a man in his 40s was killed and another person escaped during some kind of attempted robbery. they are still actively searching for the shooter right now. and in east baltimore, an investigation is under way after two men are shot and killed. it happened just after 1:00 this afternoon. both men were shot multiple times. so far, no arrests. if you have any information on either of these crimes, you're asked to call police. higher taxes in maryland may actually be saving lives. health advocates announced the state cigarette tax is stopping people from smoking and now they want to hike the tax even higher. >> reporter: the state already charges $2.00 in charges for each pack of cigarettes you buy. health advocates want that to be raised to $3.00 a pack to force more people to quit.
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for seven years, she smoked a pack of cigarettes every other day. >> i get shortness of breath walking up the steps. >> reporter: it wasn't just her health that suffered, her bank account took a beating. >> and they keep going up. i don't know why people keep buying them. >> reporter: according to a new report, that high price may be causing people to quit. advocates say cigarette sales have been on a steady decline for the past few years ever since tobacco taxes started rising. smoking rates have fallen 32% from 1998 to 2010. >> tobacco tax increases save lives. >> reporter: that's why vincent demarco is lobbying for another dollar increase. >> we want a new tax to go to health care and to tobacco prevention programs and other public health needs. >> reporter: a $1.00 increase in 2008 raised $126 million in
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a year. but smokers who first heard about the proposals in november say it isn't fair. >> it's my choice to be a smoker, and i understand the health risk i'm taking. >> reporter: as for ericka, she's been smoke free for more than a year and supports the increase. >> it will help people quit. >> reporter: a move that could force more to snuff out the smoking habit. advocates want lawmakers to vote on that tax increase in the upcoming legislative session. >> thank you. the maryland association of retailers has spoken against a sales tax increase saying it would put an additional burden on business owners. trick or treating was in full force here in perry hall, baltimore county. children making sure they collect all the candy they request. halloween isn't all tricks and treats. halloween is now a multi-
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billion dollar industry. this year people are spending more on adult costumes, even costumes for their pets. we have more on this trend. you're scaring me. >> reporter: that's my goal. halloween is a day that children and adults love to celebrate. increasingly, it appears to be a day that businesses can rely on to make a profit. halloween rolls in, the trick or treaters roll out looking for sweets. candy isn't the only thing up for grabs on a day that's now big business across the country. >> lots of people celebrating at the houses and the market. >> i got gummies. >> reporter: halloween has become a one-day financial juggernaut in the united states. of that money, $2.6 goes toward costumes. and $300 million is spent on pets. and a business called doggy
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style on light street in federal hill, pets are best. from pet treats to every imaginable kind of costume, this is one of many businesses like bars and restaurants poised to make a killing on halloween. >> i think i sold more costumes this year than i have in the past. >> reporter: while kids are out with halloween bags, real treat may be businesses who make money during halloween. whether you're a meteorologist who thinks he's batman or a woman slightly dressed up as a cat, at the end of the day, it all adds up. >> how much candy did you get? >> a lot. >> are your parents going to let you eat all that candy? >> yes. >> reporter: even though $6.9 billion is a lot. actually, last year americans spent $8 billion on halloween. maybe the economy has something to do with that. i think i'll go home now and watch the pit and the pendulum or the original halloween with
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jamie lee curtis. >> estimated that 158 million americans celebrated halloween this year. >> i'll see if the children didn't eat any candy. bikini baristas. why some women are in trouble with the law. a teenager found dead inside a gym mat. was it an accident or murder? the new evidence in the case. and will the washington redskins change their name? the latest on the growing controversy as both sides meet. a warm, wet, and windy start to friday. i'll have the complete forecast coming up next. and then when you get up -- can i play?
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so switch to fios today. visit call the verizon center for customers with disabilities and get this deal before it's gone. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. offer ends november 16th. technology that lets you play with the big boys. that's powerful. ♪ it is mostly cloudy, 63 degrees in central maryland right now. the complete forecast is coming up next. a frightening situation outside an apartment building in china. a 2-year-old girl dangling outside an open window. you can see the child's sweater was the only thing preventing her from falling three stories. neighbors were propping her up, but it took 20 minutes for police to get into the apartment. they were able to pull the child inside. the u.s. attorney's office is reviewing the mysterious death of a georgia high school athlete. johnson's body was discovered on january 11th inside a
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wrestling mat. they ruled the death as accidental. his parents had the body exhumed and they got a second opinion. his report said the teen died from blunt force trauma. they're also seeking surveillance video from the cool covering the time their son was missing. a judge has ordered the release of that video. the imbattled mayor of toronto has an angry confrontation in front of his home. >> can you get off my property, please? can you get off my driveway, please? >> i'm leaving. >> get off my property. >> i'm leaving! >> they wanted answers about his alleged drug use. police say they have obtained video that appears to show the mayor using a crack pipe. they say it was uncovered during a drug raid. the mayor reiterated this afternoon he will not resign. for 80 years it has been their name. now the push is growing for the
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washington redskins to change that name. we have the latest on the controversy as members of the oneida indian nation meet with nfl officials. >> reporter: as the nfl season heats up, so does the push for the redskins to change their name. >> it's an insult, a slur, no matter how benign the present day intent. >> reporter: after a meeting with executives, members of the oneida indian nation want the team to? >> change the mascot from a dictionary defined offensive racial slur and have a legacy that's more representative of the ideals of this country. >> reporter: members of congress are listening. >> it's a damaging process and something that needs to be stopped. and i hope that the washington organization and the nfl hear this and they reconsider their decision and they change the mascot. >> reporter: some newspapers
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are even banning the team name from print. the campaign was briefly over shadows as an assemblywoman began heckling during a press conference saying he's not a legitimate member of the tribe. >> will you have her removed, please? >> reporter: overall, the oneida nation is calling their meeting with the nfl disappointing. now they're requesting a meeting with all 32 nfl team owners. >> mutual respect is not present when a football team markets across the world using billions of dollars and includes an ugly care dature of an entire ethnic group. >> reporter: back to you. >> the president has said that if he were the owner of the
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washington redskins and knew the name is offending a number of people, he would think about changing it. three bikini-clad baristas are arrested for serving more than just coffee. the sting operation was set up after residents complained about the hill billy hotties espresso stand. you would think count dracula is behind this latest trend in cosmetic procedures. 's called the vampire facial. separating the plasma out of his patient's blood. he then smears the plasma over their face. it's supposed to rejuvenate the skin for six months. the only problem is, your image doesn't show up in the mirror. >> okay. interesting procedure. >> even if it works, that's a
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little weird. >> speaking of weird. what people do for beauty these days. >> sports for you, bob. >> all right. let's look at temperatures right now. we had a little rain early on. it did dampen some spirits. 63 right now. it's a very warm night. south winds at 5. the barometer still falling a little bit. 54 oakland. 68 in easton. 67 ocean city and washington. and locally in the 60s this time of night is pretty amazing. this is the little batch of rain that came through between 7:30-9:00 this evening. it did dampen some folks. it's been pretty quiet since about 9:00 o'clock or so. west of us is a little bit more rain. overnight, don't expect to see a whole lot. we'll see more developing
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during the morning. i think between 8:30-11, we could see a heavy burst of showers and a lot of wind. the winds right now picking up a little bit particularly to our west. right now only 5 miles an hour. but to the west they could see wind gusts over 35, even 40 miles an hour as low pressure passes through the great lakes. rain overnight into the morning hours. that's when we expect to see the bulk of the rain. most of the heavy stuff has stayed well west of us. we'll see maybe, you know, a quarter of an inch. it will be windy in the morning across western maryland. eventually the front goes through and it gets a little cooler by friday night. colder air coming in for saturday night and into sunday. southwest winds gusting to 30 knots in the bay. the bay temperature around 50. a little rain from time to time
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overnight. breezy, mild, a low of 60. 74 early on. then a little clearing in the afternoon. showers in the morning. the heaviest between 6-9:00 a.m. tomorrow night we start clearing out. 66 saturday, but cooler on sunday, monday. another warm upcoming to tuesday. >> thank you. the ravens always beat the cleveland browns, right? >> it's not nearly as easy as it seems. we have the latest on what's ,,,
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the browns, mark is here with the sports report. >> if you learn anything about the nfl, never assume outcomes. that's for sure. for several years the cleveland browns have been a bad football team and the ravens get the play them twice a year. more times than not, the ravens beat them. baltimore has beaten the browns
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11 straight times. earlier this sea on the browns came to town and had the ravens down 6-0 at the half before a close win. most of the games have been closely contested and the ravens expect the same this sunday. >> every time we play them, it's a tough game. cxsgsufitis a physical game. they've run the ball on us. they play great defense against us over the years. their pass rushers are legitimate pass rushers. >> we didn't score a point until the second half. we had to play a tough game to pull one out. it's always a really good game. >> linebacker mcclain is hoping for a good game. he gets the starting nod on sunday. he continues his impressive comeback from a spinal cord contusion that threatened to end his career. sunday will be his second game back. ravens back from a bye week.
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coverage comes your way sunday at 4:15. as for the cleveland trip, the ravens have a home game against the bengals who are playing right now in miami. cincy going for a fifth straight win. college basketball in baltimore tonight, the greyhounds warming up. check out this burst from r.j . williams. takes it strong to the bucket. he's a graduate of st. francis high school. another local talent is cormere. he takes matters into his own hands and gets 2 of his 27 points. their season starts a week from friday. and 24 hours after winning the world series, the red sox take the trophy on tour. the guy on the right is sox president. he brings the hardware to a
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bruins hockey game. he was once president and ceo of the baltimore orioles. he's helped guide the sox to three titles in three years. >> a big party ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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he is very popular around halloween. putting dracula to work. they used him to put some teeth or fangs into their crosswalk law. this count, you see, is also a cop. if you did not stop for him, he pointed to his colleagues and you got pulled over. they say operation transylvania
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they say operation transylvania pu,,,,,,,,,,,,
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could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. mmmhmmm...everybody knows that. well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller? your word is...cow. cow. cow. c...o...w...
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...e...i...e...i...o. [buzzer] dangnabbit. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know.


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