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tv   Eyewitness News at 5  CBS  November 1, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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shots fired at l.a.x. >> reporter: police and paramedics swarmed the terminal. police injured. what we're learning about the gunman. >> i'm kai jackson. >> and i'm mary bubala. >> a massive police sentence at los angeles international airport, after a gunman opens fire at a tsa checkpoint. hundreds evacuate a packed terminal. wjz is live. but first, teri okita live at the scene with more on exactly what happened. teri okita joins us now from los angeles international airport, with an update, following up on this tragic story. teri? >> reporter: on a normal day, on this road, outside of los angeles international airport, the road would be packed. not so today because of the shooting and the temporary closure. witnesses describe the scene as chaotic. they heard several pops, and took cover. >> reporter: police and
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paramedics swarmed terminal 3 at los angeles international airport. after someone opened fire this morning. >> he proceeded up into the screening area, where tsa screeners are, and continued shooting and went past the screeners, back into the airport itself. >> reporter: emergency crews loaded wounded tsa officers into ambulances. one tsa officer, a 40-year-old man, was killed. and three others were injured. passengers inside the terminal heard the gunshots. >> right when i heard the shots, i looked over my shoulder. and everybody was running towards me, saying, run, you know, run. >> reporter: other passengers saw the gunman. >> i noticed he had an assault rifle. a huge gun, strapped over his shoulder. >> reporter: airport police confronted a suspect who was wounded in a gunfire exchange. >> reporter: authorities evacuated the terminal and set up a triage area. >> we got out. and they told us to stand underneath the plane. >> reporter: six people were transported to area hospitals.
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at least one is in critical condition. >> reporter: now, we've just learned the name of the suspect. he is 23-year-old paul siancia, from pensville, new jersey. we do know he spent sometime in los angeles as well. as for the passengers, we saw a lot of them milling around outside the airport perimeter, inside, they're essentially on lockdown. l.a.x. is the third busiest airport in the u.s. so you can imagine what a logistical nightmare this has become. live from los angeles, i'm teri okita, back to you. >> our complete coverage of the l.a.x. shooting continues. demease is in the -- denise is in the newsroom with reaction from travelers. >> reporter: today's airport shootings sent travelers scrambling for safety, as you just heard. some who had already cleared security rushed onto the tarmac. while others were locked down in restaurants and lawnchs and trams. they reported passengers spilling from the terminal onto the tarmac, getting out as fast as they could.
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one witness describes the scene. >> it is probably the worst experience i've ever been in in my life. i mean, it was the most terrifying. you always kind of imagine what would you do? you hear about these horrible incidents, and you ask yourself, what would i do in a situation like that? and the only thing i could do was like keep my eye down the hallway to make sure he wasn't coming down and just keep calm. >> reporter: air traffic has, indeed, been affected nationwide, as the federal aviation administration grounded flights that had not yet departed for los angeles. mary? >> all right. thank you. and wjz now has the latest on the shooting at l.a.x. one tsa agent is dead. several are the people are injured, including the gunman, who is now in custody. he has been identified as 23- year-old paul siencia of new jersey. the associated press is reporting he was carrying a handwritten note that said he wanted to, quote, kill tsa and pigs, end quote.
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check in with wjz for complete coverage on the shooting. we'll bring you the latest on the victims, the suspect and impact on travel. in a stunning development, wjz learns there may be as many as 9,000 victims of a johns hopkins gynecologist. dr. nikita levy kill himself, after allegations surfaced that he secretly videotaped his patients during his exams. wjz is live at the east baltimore medical center, where dr. levy practiced. investigator mike hellgren tells us, what else his victims claim he did to them. >> reporter: kai, they say he touched them inappropriately, even performing extra exams. now, a class-action settlement process is moving forward. and the lawyers behind it, are praising johns hopkins. >> reporter: investigators say gynecologist nikita levy used a pen camera, like this one, to record exams at johns hopkins east baltimore medical center. and the fbi is still sifting through thousands of images on levy's computers. there may be 9,000 victims and
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their lawyers are now working to settle the class-action case through a mediator. >> one victim of dr. levy said, i see dr. levy's face, as if he were still alive. i don't think i can come to terms with what he did. >> did he behave strangely? >> he always smiled. every time he was checking my private, he smiled. when i went for my appointment, it would never be another nurse in there. it would just be him. just me and him. >> reporter: and adding another dimension to this, the lawyers say, some of the victims were minors. they're unsure whether any of the recordings were sold or placed online. levy was well respected. wjz found his medical files showed no previous complaints. >> looks can be deceiving. he was very -- yeah, he was very nice. very, very nice. i actually recommended him. >> reporter: those representing the victims complimented johns hopkins for trying to move the case forward and provide closure for the many victims. >> i think that hopkins wants to do the right thing for the
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community. they certainly want to do the right thing for dr. levy's patients, who i reiterate are their patients and they want to do the right thing and end this. >> now, those lawyers would not say how much money they were asking for. the mediation process should start before the end of the year. live in east baltimore, mike hellgren, wjz eyewitness news. >> mike, thank you. now, the case came to light in february after one of dr. levy's coworkers noticed something suspicious and alerted security. a developing story just into wjz. baltimore county police arrest a teacher and youth group leader, on sex abuse charge little. 49-year-old raymond fernandez is accused of abusing two teenagers. police say at the time of the abuse, fernandez was the teacher and youth group leader at greater grace church on moravia park drive. fernandez was arrested this morning. he is being held at the baltimore county detention center. ray lewis is one of more than a dozen former nfl players
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filing a massive lawsuit against banking giant, bb&t. wjz is live. derek valcourt explains why the players say the bank owes them more than $60 million. >> reporter: this is about more than just bad investments. this lawsuit alleges tapeople connected with the bank litally forged the athletes' signatures and made millions in unauthorized withdrawals. >> reporter: ray lewis's work on the field. >> it's personal. it's personal now. >> reporter: made him one of the highest-earning ravens of all time. now, this $60 million lawsuit claims -- one of its banks lost nearly $throe.8 million -- $3.8 million of the legendary linebacker's money. and he isn't alone. others join him in saying they lost millions in the unauthorized bank transactions. the pro sports financial helped athletes pay bills and manage
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money. it alleges that the bank allowed ruben and employees to open accounts in the athletes' names. >> without power of attorney, clearly forged documents. they were using this to wire money in and out of different things that jeff wanted to. >> reporter: investments like this alabama entertainment complex, called center stage, which was later raided by attorney general for having illegal gambling machines. for its part, bb&t issued a statement, saying, while we have not had opportunity to review the allegations in detail, we understand this concerns taking actions by bank atlantic. because this is pending litigation, we cannot comment further. >> reporter: the financial adviser at the center of this case has been banned for life by securities, regulators, after some high-risk investments, lost millions for other nfl players, including
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terrell owens. >> all right, derek. thank you. and the case will now wind its way through the federal courts. police are investigating a serious accident in baltimore county. sky eye chopper 13 is over the scene in the 800 block of eastern boulevard in essex. at least three vehicles were involved. firefighters say there are multiple injuries. no word on how serious police are investigating. wild weather throughout the united states. in the nation's midsection. this late-season storm is causing severe damage. members of the national weather service are in caraway arkansas today, surveying the damage left behind from a possible tornado. emergency dispatchers say several people were taken to the hospital with injuries after the storms moved through that area. here at home, it was a soggy start to our friday, a strong line of storms rolled through the area during the morning rush hour. in roland park, you definitely needed a rain coat and an umbrella. and let's take a live look outside at the moment. we are drying out at this time. we're also cooling down. week has complete first warning
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weather coverage. meteorologist tims -- tim williams is in the outback. bob turk is in the first warning weather center. we're going to cool down. but not until the latter part of the welcome. first of all this morning. there you see it. clearly defined little squall line with gusty winds and brief, heavy downpours am but it moved so quickly, didn't last more than 5 or 10 minutes in any location. airport only picked up about a tenth of an inch of rain. can wind gusts to 25 to 30 miles an hour. we got off pretty easy around this local area. and temperature-wise, look at that. 71 degrees. 70, pax river. 58 in oakland. 68 in cumberland. right now, very light winds out of the south and southeast now. to the west of using a little breezy right now. but later on tonight, our winds will shift. and the winds will pick up a bit. so during the night tonight and tomorrow, we'll call it a breezy afternoon on your saturday. but it's still going to be pretty pleasantly warm. tim is in the outback with a look at the rainfall we had in
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october. and a look ahead, at what you must do saturday night. tim? >> definitely. we like to keep you up to date on how each month ends before we start the new one. as we look toward november, let's talk about how we ended october. we, in rainfall numbers, doubled the amount of normal rainfall for the mont. typically, we get about 3.33 inches in october alone we got just about 7.62. just about doubled it. now, as far as the year so far, 34.84 inches, heading toward rain. where did that place us? we're just about a third of an inch for the year. we're pretty close for being right on target for what we typically have in the amount of rainfall for this time in the year. now, as far as what we need to remind you of, for this season, for this weekend, this season, well, we're heading into standard time, eastern standard time, at 2:00 on sunday morning. set your clock back. we do fall back. it's the season when we all start to get that one extra
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hour of sleep. it will be a little dark, though, when you get up. but 2:00 in the morning. just remember to check all the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monautomobile accidentoid -- monoxide detectors. do that one hour before you go to sleep saturday night. bob turk will have more on what you can expect coming up. back to you for now. the ravens get hit by another injury, just three days before their game in cleveland. sports director mark viviano joins us with the latest on that, plus, predictions on the game. mark? >> mary, concerns all season long about the ravens' offensive line. today, they announced that starting left guard is going to need back surgery. he's probably out for the rest of the year. aq shipley will start in as starter. it is the latest shakeup to a team that needs a win to fight to get back into play-off contention. >> reporter: ravens go to cleveland, carrying a two-game losing streak. and with that, some concerns about how they have been playing on offense. >> they've had extra time to address those concerns during
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the bye week. and they begin to put those improvements to the test against the browns. >> we've got a long way toss go. we haven't been operating the way we want to. but we're heading in the right direction. i think we're starting to create an identity and go after something. you know, just excited about doing that. >> reporter: the ravens beat the browns here in baltimore in september. 11th straight time, they've beaten their division rivals. will they make it 12 in a row sunday? we ask our experts. >> ravens return from the bye week, hopefully refreshed as they go from the cleveland and look at the browns. i'm looking at ravens, 20. browns, 13. ravens really need a win. but a big one. they need to clobber these guys. i'm picking the ravens, though, 24-21. coming off the bye week, the ravens have the best record in the nfl since 2002. in fact, under john harbaugh, they've never lost after the bye week. that won't change in cleveland this week. ranks win it, 17-13. ravens steal their
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halloween candy. bullies make it again. ravens over the browns, 24-17. the ravens have held their last two opponents to fewer than 20 points. still, the ravens lost each of those games. i think they'll hold cleveland to about 13 points and score enough this time and beat the browns, 20-13. >> everybody is going that way, mark. we like it. a reminder, you can see the ravens battle the browns this sunday, 4:15, live here on wjz. still ahead on eyewitness news at 5:00. headaches. problems persist for those trying to sign up. why the number of people who need coverage could grow by the millions. i'm alex demetrick. coming up, final arguments in the stent doctor lawsuit. now, the jury will set the damages. that story as eyewitness news continues. the city's only dental program for high schoolers marks a major milestone. coming up, how these students are making the
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communities smile. i'm gigi barnett. that story is next in tonight's school watch. skies are clearing. -- will we stay dry this weekend? don't miss the updated first warning forecast with bob. mnever sleeping.g. ever saving. for him, her, and you. every day. but quality affordable health care seems forever out of reach -- until now. i'm doctor peter beilenson. with local doctors we've founded a new approach to health insurance -- evergreen health. neighborhood care, same day appointments, a team approach with doctors and nurses who get to know you. that's evergreen health. learn more at
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it is mostly sunny. 71 degrees in central maryland right now. the complete first warning weather forecast is coming up. millions of dollars are at stake. and now, it's all in the hand little of a baltimore county jury. it is the same jury that earlier found dr. mark medei performed an unnecessary stent procedure on a maryland businessman, glen weinberg. weesmg is live at the towson courthouse. alex demetrick, with the final stages on this case, alex? >> reporter: well, mary, closing arguments came earlier than expected and wrapped up just minutes ago. >> reporter: blocked arteries
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can cause heart attack and deaths. opening those vessels with stents can lessen that risk. but placing those stents when not needed has led to hundreds of lawsuits against former cardiologist, dr. mark medei. >> dr. medei said it was 90%. and after they investigated, it was 10%. >> reporter: they found he placed unnecessary stents in businessman glen weinberg's heart. fearing he had severe coronary heart disease, weinberg said he cut back, and it cost him a 4% stake in four cordish projects. but in an effort to streamline the case, the jury is only considering the maryland live casino and the damages in this case. medei says he saved weinberg's life and is not responsible for his subsequent decisions.
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the question, did he lose an interest in maryland live. what was the amount he lost? not the lawyers throwing out but the jury's determination? and dr. midei's negligence must have been the cause for the claim. >> some big numbers have been thrown around. $50 million to $150 million in losses suffered by dr. weinberg. >> we will see then, alex. thank you. besides dr. midee, the former owners of st. joseph's medical center are also named in the lawsuit. let's check on the roads with kristy breslin at wjz traffic control. i know there were some accidents around the area at different times during the day. and we were wondering if that is still affecting traffic? >> absolutely. and 95 has been a big problem this afternoon. a couple of accidents still lingering out there. if you're traveling southbound 95, accident at the aberdeen exit, route 22.
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also watch for a crash, southbound 95 at riverside parkway. and northbound 95, the accident at northbound emerton road. still producing a pretty good delay. other accidents include eastern boulevard, at hartman avenue. westbound 95, at bwi airport. and some significant delays. the west side inner loop, just jammed from southwestern boulevard to liberty road. and on the top side inner loop, at least 30 minutes from greenspring avenue to harford road. let's take a live look. you can see the delay there, going from 895 past whitemarsh boulevard. this traffic report is brought to you by papa john's. monday is ravens day at papa john's. call or click online to find out about the monday, toppings for touchdowns special. back to you. >> kristy, thank you. warm and dry right now. and sunny. amazing. 71. light south/southeast breeze. the barometer holding steady. looks like a pretty darn nice weekend right after this. you got to love the weekend.
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it's like everyone came to, "if it's good, let's save it for the weekend." so here's to the kfc ten buck weekend bucket. ten pieces, ten bucks. any recipe. just ten bucks every saturday and sunday. today tastes so good.
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a lot sun out there. feels very, very warm out there. 71 here. 70 in elkton. 71 in hagerstown. 68, cumberland. up the hill there. up the mountains there. 58 at oakland.
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they're going to get cooler, obviously, before anybody else. especially with the elevation. but it's a very, very mild afternoon. early this morning, before the rain hit, it was around 72. right now, we're still in the low 70s, upper 60s. clouds, there they go. just some lingering clouds in delaware and the eastern shore. they'll be clearing out the next couple of hours. from here west. generally clear skies. just a few clouds, sitting up in the mountains. but for the most part, this front has moved off the east coast. we, however, do have a second area of, let's call it some clouds and a couple of sprinkles across portions of wisconsin. this is actually a second frontal system. a second cold front that is going to reenforce some air in our region. but not until saturday night and sunday. tomorrow, with it flows so gently out of the west and southwest. bit of a breeze. it will still be a mild day. you see the shower activity. up from ocean city to the atlantic ocean. and it continues to slowly move out. most of the region, quiet. to the north, that's where that next front is.
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we'll watch that mild air. then it turns cooler saturday night. significantly cooler on sunday, monday, and probably not getting out of the upper 40s. compared to the upper 60s and low 70s today. so it will feel once again like november. gusty winds on the bay after 20 knots. small craft advisory, saturday afternoon. the bay temp now around 61. tonight, later on. a breeze picks up. under partly cloudy skies. it will dry things out. blow some leaves up around 48. tomorrow, still warm for this time of year. and normal is 62. tomorrow night, we'll be back in the 40s again. and chilly again finally back here on sunday. >> feeling like fall. all right, bob. thank you. still ahead at 5:00. >> she's doing miraculously well. unbelievably well. >> two frightening encounters. what cal ripken is saying about his mother vi. i'm jessica cartal yeah the story on -- kartalija, the
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story on wjz. thousands of workers information stolen. details on the breach. and if anyone was at risk. at the harford county community college. i'm mike schuh. the parents who lost their daughter to a texting and driving accident, helped to change maryland law. why they're now turn their attention to help this community college. when eyewitness news returns. >> and here's today's report from wall street. we will be right back. ,,,,,,,,,
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5:30. 71 degrees and mostly sunny. good evening. thank you for staying with wjz eyewitness news. here are some of the stories people are talking about tonight. police say a man stole the personal information of thousands of baltimore county workers. wjz is live. linh bui explains how he accessed that sensitive data. hi, linh. >> hey, kai. police have not yet identified the suspect. but we do know he worked for a contractor, hired by the county. >> reporter: the men worked on computers in baltimore county offices. but police say he stole personal information while on the job. >> there's the potential for misuse. and there's the potential to cause serious problems for the person whose identity has been stolen. >> reporter: misdiscovered this because they were already investigating him for printing false checks and using fake ids in 2012. >> while investigating that identity theft case, police reviewed the man's hard drive. and that's when they found the county employee data. >> he had the personal
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information of more than 12,000, current and former county workers. including social security numbers, home addresses, and salaries. >> it's a sad thing it happened. it does happen. and it just -- i wish it wouldn't have happened here in baltimore county. >> reporter: the county notified employees and made security changes. employees can no longer download sensitive information to their hard drive. >> to make sure none of that information is on the hard drives, we will now have our employees going through and scanning approximately 5,000 computers am. >> reporter: fortunately, police say no financial information was stolen. and it appears the personal data was not misused. >> it can wreak havoc with someone's life, if someone steals your personal information and uses it inappropriately. >> reporter: right now, the suspect is in custody, in another state, waiting to be extradited back to maryland. reporting live, linh bui, wjz eyewitness news remember. >> police say this is an open investigation and still reviewing the suspect's computers. >> we have an update to the breaking news we have been
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following all day. a gunman opens fire at los angeles international airport, killing a tsa agent, and injuring several others. police and paramedics swarmed terminal 3, at l.a.x. after a gunman, identified as 23-year-old paul siancia, opened fire this morning. sianceia was wounded in a shootout with police and is then taken into custody. two other people were wounded in the attack. and several others taken to the hospital. stay with wjz as we continue to bring you complete coverage of this still-developing story. well, new developments in the penn state sex abuse scandal. graced form -- disgraced former football coach, jerry sandusky is taking action. vic is in the newsroom with the latest. >> reporter: jerry sandusky wants pennsylvania's highest court to take up its appeal. in a petition just released today, sandusky said the trial judge should have instructed jurors. it also claims that sandusky's
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lawyers lack sufficient time to prepare for the trial. the former coach abused a number of boys over several decades. sandusky was convicted last year and is serving a 30- to 60- year state prison sentence. early ther week, penn state reached a settlement with 26 victims, agreeing to pay them nearly $60 million. first, a kidnapping. then an attempted carjacking, after his mother is involved in two frightening encounters. baseball hall-of-famer, cal ripken, jr., speaks about the incident. jessica kartalija joins us with the latest. >> reporter: tonight, cal ripken is calling the whole thing very bizarre. but he said he's leaving the investigating up to police. >> reporter: just last month, an attempted carjacking in broad daylight, 75-year-old vi ripken was leaving the nbrs financial bank on west bel air avenue, in aberdeen. >> ms. ripken had told them that she was approached in the parking lot, as she went to her vehicle by a man with a gun. >> reporter: a frightening
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ordeal for vi ripken, who just last year was abducted from gunpoint from her home, tied up, forced into her car, and driven around for 24 hours. >> it seems to be bizarre that a similar thing could happen to your mom in two times in a year. >> i am concerned. but at the same time, i take my concern from her. you know. when -- how she deals with it. she swears that we're all more worried than she s. >> reporter: hi, i'm cal ripken. >> the hall-of-famer, author, businessman, public speaker and ceo of ripken baseball said he was leaving the investigating up to police. >> part of dealing with this personally is you can get immersed into it, into the whole investigation, in the process, and to have that run your life. or you can kind of pull back and let the professionals do their job am. >> reporter: in both incidents, vi was physically unharmed. save it to the stress to her and her family.
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>> she's doing miraculously well. unbelievably well. i don't know if each and every one of us would think about the things she's gone through, whether we would react in the same fashion. she's remarkable. >> a $100,000 reward is being offered for information leading to the arrest of a suspect in last year's abduction case. ripken says there have been several leads in the case. kai. >> jessic athank you. john-- jessica, thank you. john walsh, host of america's most wanted urged him to turn himself in, saying they are gog hunt you down. -- going to hunt you down. people signing up for insurance when the troubled government healthcare website launched. >> reporter: notes turned over to a congressional committee show in the 48 hours after healthcare.goff's launch, just 248 people, successfully signed up for insurance. the white house says those numbers aren't news. >> we know and acknowledge that
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the website has been a problem. >> reporter: the administration also says it expected low numbers in the beginning. and a surge closer to the march 31st deadline. but frustration with the affordable care act goes beyond the website for as many as 3 million americans, who are learning they will lose their current policy because it does not meet the standards of the new healthcare law. >> reporter: many consumers who have successfully signed up for new insurance policies in the last month, have done so, on state-run exchanges, where stream-lined operations allow for a quicker response to problems. >> reporter: washington, d.c. is running its own exchange with mila kaufman at the helm. >> we were able to design marketplaces that work for our citizens, for our businesses, for our consumers. >> reporter: kaufman says there have been no major problems with the d.c. site, where 1800 people were able to complete applications in the first three weeks. danielle nottingham, wjz eyewitness news.
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>> washington, d.c. and 16 states, including maryland, are running their own exchanges, which means the majority of americans live in places relying on the federal exchange and time for a quick look at some of the stories you'll find in tomorrow morning's edition of the baltimore sun. what's next for the harbor point, now that the epa and maryland department of the environment have rejected the developer's plans. coverage of a big weekend in area high school sports. a preview of tomorrow's annual meeting of the midshipmen and the fighting irish. for these stories and more, read tomorrow's baltimore sun. and remember to look for the updated forecast from wjz's first warning weather team. in tonight's school watch, a beautiful smile can be a costly thing. but for the city's only high school with a dental program, healthy smiles are free of charge. as gigi barnett explains, the school has a new lab to make students college and career- ready.
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would you like foam gel or rinls some. >> reporter: for most dental assistants, this kind of hands- on help comes after high school graduation. but for these students in baltimore, they're getting it now. >> to go to a career school and get this type of education, this would cost you $20,000 and extra 11 months after high school. >> reporter: the classroom hare is a brand-new, state of the art dental lab. after a year and a half of construction, school leaders unveiled it today. it has new lights, equipment and dental stations. there's no other public school program in baltimore like it. >> i just love everything about this school. there's so many opportunities here. i mean, like you can get certified. when you graduate. >> reporter: while the students will learn everything they need to know in this lab for their certifications, next year, they'll get internships. they'll go to real dental offices, and get real-world experience.
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>> now. -- wow if they could skip that step and go straight to school of dentistry, wouldn't that be wonderful for them? >> this community has a lot of people who might not be able to get healthcare somewhere else that would be the best thing about this. >> reporter: and that means healthy smiles for everyone. i'm gigi barnett, wjz eyewitness news. >> the vivian t. thomas medicalarts academy also celebrated its 10th anniversary this week. you know, i knew something was different about gigi today when i saw her. sparkling smile. she always had a gorgeous smile. sparkles a little more today. >> all right. still ahead on eyewitness news tonight. the school bus submerged. why officials are blaming bad weather for this terrifying accident in kansas. state vigilance. a new york marathon is this weekend. new york city marathon. the extra efforts to keep everybody safe. bob turk. the first warning weather center.
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cooler air coming in for the weekend. weekend. and then when you get up -- can i play?
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night. and a great start to the weekend. tim is out back, pleasantly mild, with a look at your saturday forecast. tim? >> it really is comfortable out here. with temperatures around 60 degrees or so. that's where we start tomorrow. actually, 60 toward the city. and as we go down toward the sunrise hours, we'll hit the coldest part of the day. we'll be around 55 degrees. then start going gradually back up into the 60s. we'll top out tomorrow, around 66 degrees or so. then we'll drop off again. but remember to set your clock back again for the next week. >> get cooler here, particularly sunday. 66, 44. that is closer to the normal which is now down to 41. it will feel chilly and breezy. 29 sunday night. looks like a hard freeze west and north of the city. monday, 48. warming up again, 35, 57 tuesday. 68 again on wednesday, the next front comes through with some showers on thursday.
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then it gets cool again after that. a dramatic bus rescue, after a bus ends up in a rushing river in kansas. police say the bus crashed off a bridge, overturned and ended up half submerged in the water. 10 children were pulled safely from the water, after climbing out of the emergency exit. the bus driver was taken to the hospital for hypothermia. right now, no charges have been filed. starting today, millions of americans, including thousands here in maryland, who rely on food stamps, will see a change in benefits. right now, more than 47 million people receive food stamps. the average benefit per person is a little more than $133 a month. that amount will be reduced. the loss could range from $11 to $36 for a family of four. these cuts will save the government, $5 billion. they fought, side by side. and tonight, an american soldier is celebrating a victory after his afghan translator finally makes it to america. >> the last time they saw each
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other, matt zelar, and janice shinwari were in afghanistan, fighting, side by side, against the taliban. >> i had a brother here to fight for me. and i was thinking that i could make it. >> reporter: for zelar, it was a fight for shinwary's life. he became a marked man after the two were caught in a taliban ambush in eastern afghanistan. >> we saw their first truck was blown up by ied. and i saw that he was away from the other unit. and they kept shooting against the it taliban. >> reporter: zelar said that's when shinwary shot and killed two insurgents sneaking up behind him. >> he saved my life. >> and you saved my life. >> wow. we're even. >> he said he became like a brother to him, all of those years ago on the front line. >> he told me that one day he will bring me home. and the united states is my home. >> reporter: by all accounts, afghans who serve alongside u.s. forces, those like shinwary, would kill unsergents
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-- insurgents to save americans are under dire retribution. >> when i was in afghanistan, a huge part of my life, i thought i would get killed. >> afghans andafghans and iraqis followed alongside u.s. forces. but then the state department revoked the visas. those involved in the case believe the taliban called in a bogus anonymous tip, saying shin wary was a threat. after seven years as an interpreter for u.s. forces, there was no safe haven. >> these people used to send us the body parts of interpreters they captured as a warning message to our interpreters to quit now. >> reporter: they forced the state department to reconsider the family's visas were reissued. tens of thousands of visas were allocated for iraqis and afghanistans, who risk their lives to the military. but just a fraction of those visas have been issued, leave
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many in harm's way. shinwary and his family no longer have to fear the taliban. now they are in america, ready to start a new life, an american soldier by their side. >> it's your country now. welcome home. >> thank you. >> and again, shin wary is one of the lucky ones. there are still thousands of other interpreters, still waiting for their visas, and still in danger because of how they supported u.s. troops. a parent's worst nightmare comes true on halloween in suburban atlanta. a 5-year-old child dies trick- or-treating. police say the girl was with her mother when she ran into the street and was hit by a minivan. the little girl was taken to children's healthcare of atlanta where she died of her injuries. police say no charges will be filed. when a harford county couple lost their daughter caused by a truck driver who was texting, it spurred them to seek changes in the laws. they are turning their considerable skills to help a college loved by the one they
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lost. >> reporter: heather herd died five years ago. her crash, on this road, in florida, changed the law in maryland. a change brought about in part by her parents, kim and russ. >> we need to change this. we need to let people know that this is not the way we want to go. >> reporter: the truck driver was distracted. he was texting and never saw the car stopped at this light. >> no one should have to lose their life because someone was texting. >> reporter: they want to get it into the heart of all of us to take the dangers of texting and driving seriously. and as you heard, use her story to change laws. >> there's probably two tore three this morning that have been killed because. somebody's distraction behind the wheel of a car. >> reporter: heather graduated with a history degree from harford county community college. >> heather loved harford community. so we want to give back to the college, too. >> reporter: and while they
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will forever be advocates against distracted driving. >> we don't want you to feel pity, don't feel sorry for us, we want you to change your practices. >> they quoted their attention to the heather herd fund. >> we raise money for book scholarships in remembrance of everyone who has been killed on the highways. >> reporter: $47,000 has been given away so far. money to pay for books and fees in remembrance of everyone who has been killed on the highway. >> we thought it was a way to get back. help the students, honor our heather and bring awareness to what can happen. >> north of bel air, mike schuh, wjz eyewitness news. >> mike, thank you. and the cost to enter that run- walk is 20. we -- $20. we have posted a link to the registration page at 45,000 runners will race through new york city sunday, under the highest marathon security ever. in addition to police, scuba divers, helicopters, even bomb-
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sniffing dogs, and about 1500 surveillance cameras will be posted along the 26.2 mile route. police started wrapping up security plans the day after two bombs exploded at the boston marathon last april, killing two people, and injuring more than 260 others. the group that organized the marathon, doubled its security budget this year to $1 million. check in with eyewitness news at 6:00 for all new stories coming up, denise is in the newsroom with a preview for us. denise? >> of course, shooting rampage. a gunman opens fire inside an l.a.x. terminal. a tsa agent is killed, and people are sent scrambling for safety. wjz is live with complete coverage. thousands of potential victims. a massive lawsuit is filed, involving patients of gynecologist, nikita levy. the potential impact coming up. check in for these stories and all the breaking news coming up at 6:00. now, back to kai. an unexpected patron is
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caught on surveillance camera in new york city, destroying a restaurant. take a look. a young deer comes crashing through the front window of a restaurant during the early morning hours. the deer runs through the dining room, causing nearly $3,000 worth of damage. the deer was hurt and eventually sent back into the wild. pretty scary. >> you know i hate these stories. i don't like them. >> tough to see. >> glad the deer is okay. still to come. agents are calling it a super tunnel. a massive underground drug ring, stretching from the u.s. all the way to mexico. the incredible amount of drugs uncovered. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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there's been a major a bust in california. police found a drug tunnel, going to the united states, measuring six football fields. ed payne reports. >> federal officials announce said a drug tunnel. they call it a super tunnel. >> they're sophisticated. they're high-tech. >> so high-tech. this tunnel had an electric rail system, ventilation, and even hydraulic steel doors.
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investigators found the tunnel on wednesday. they say it went from tijuana to a warehouse in san diego, for the sole purpose of moving drugs into the united states. cartels, however, did not get the chance to do that. >> i think we're 100% confident as a group here, they did not move one gram of narcotics through that tunnel. >> reporter: in addition to shutting down the tunnel, police made three arrests, seized more than eight tons of marijuana, and a first for one of these drug tunnels, 325 pounds of cocaine. >> reporter: cartels spent millions of dollars digging the tunnels and a slight bust is considered a major setback. >> we are determined to make this a big waste of your dirty money. not only will we take your drug and shut down your tunnels, before you even get an opportunity to use them. but we're now in a position where we're going after your management. >> officials say the tunnel actually represents on the part of the drug runners.
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increasingly forced to move deep. >> officials say the drugs seized have an estimated street value of nearly $12 million. three suspects upon arrested in connection with this newest tunnel. charges are expected soon. airport shooting. police are still on the scene after a gunman opened fire inside the l.a.x. airport. the latest on the investigation coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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coming up at 6:00. a shooting triggers a massive response in the latest response to the scene in a live report. i'm derek valcourt. why this lawsuit claims banking giant, bb&t owes millions to legendary linebacker ray lewis and other nfl stars. that story when eyewitness news continues. gynecologist scandal. i'm mike hellgren in east baltimore. with new information about the class action lawsuit. the new and staggering number of the victims and why the allegations go beyond videotaping patients. clear skies. beautiful out there tonight, after a stormy start earlier this morning. what about the weekend. the updated first warning weather forecast is coming up. >> check in for these stories and all the day's breaking news. >> wjz eyewitness news at 6:00 starts now.


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