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tv   CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley  CBS  November 4, 2013 7:00pm-7:30pm EST

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ciancia is accused of shooting a t.s.a. officer to death and wounding two other officers and a passenger. terrified travelers fled the terminal friday. police shot ciancia four times, his condition has been upgraded to good today, though he remains sedated and under guard. who is ciancia? ben tracy is at l.a.x. for us tonight. ben? >> reporter: scott, the alleged shooter is something of a blank slate-- no criminal record and, for someone his age, 23, he's posted very little online. his family says they're shocked and investigators are trying to figure out why he targeted t.s.a. officers here in this terminal at l.a.x. today, f.b.i. agents were at the apartment where paul anthony ciancia has been living outside of los angeles. they escorted one of his roommates to his cartelling reporters they needed to interview him. armando basco is his neighbor. >> we never thought -- he's a very quiet guy.
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>> reporter: since being wheeled into the hospital friday, ciancia has been heavily sedated and unable to talk. this picture was taken moments after police shot him to end the rampage. that's when they say ciancia told them that he acted alone and was dropped off at the airport by a friend. police also found a hand-written letter in his bag. in its ciancia wrote he made the conscious decision to try to kill multiple t.s.a. employees in order to instill fear in your traitorous minds. he mentionedded a new world order and mocked former homeland security secretary janet napolitano. the assault rifle he allegedly used in the shooting was purchased legally in california. paul ciancia grew up in pensville, new jersey, classmates at his c.a.t. like high school say he was quiet and unremarkable. today ciancia's family issued a statement through their lawyer john jordan. >> we, like most americans, are shocked and numbed by the tragic events of last friday. we acknowledge the need to
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understand what happened and why it happened. >> reporter: alan couplingsings is the pensville police chief and a family friend. he said ciancia, a motorcycle mechanic, moved to los angeles a year and a half ago after his mother died. ciancia's family learned he was the alleged shooter from t.v. reports on friday. >> when i went over there later that afternoon with the f.b.i. he was -- the whole family was just a mess. i mean, it's unbelievable to them. to them he's a normal child and nothing's wrong with him and next thing you hear is this. can you imagine that happening to you? >> reporter: now, it turns out police nearly intercepted ciancia before the shooting. on friday, ciancia sent his younger brother a text saying he expected to die so police in new jersey asked los angeles police to go check on him. they went to his house, they knocked on his door, they talked to his roommates but, scott, while they were checking on his welfare he had already opened fire at the airport. >> pelley: ben tracy at l.a.x. thank you, ben. the attack was carefully planned. john miller is former head of
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counterterrorism for the l.a.p.d. john, what have you found out? >> investigators are telling us, scott, that paul ciancia had a plan to kill as many t.s.a. officers as he could. they say he expected resistance from police and carried more than a hundred rounds of ammunition loaded into five magazines. they also say he had a carefully devised plan to walk through the crowded term ball that a large assault weapon well hidden but easily accessible. ciancia modified his travel kit to stand a concealed rifle upright. he cut holes in the top of a roller board suitcase and the bottom of a backpack and stacked them. law enforcement sources say this allowed ciancia to lift the backpack and then pull the rifle through the suitcase and begin firing. he first shot t.s.a. officer gerardo hernandez who was checking documents and boarding passes at the bottom of the escalator leading to the t.s.a. checkpoint. a law enforcement source told cbs news after shooting hernandez, ciancia headed toward the escalator but saw hernandez was still moving so he doubled back and shot him again, killing
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him. at the top of the escalator, ciancia arrived at the t.s.a. checkpoint and entered the area behind security by taking the exit lane reserved for deplaning passengers. he then headed straight down the concourse. sources say he appeared to be hunting t.s.a. officers as he fired away. witness statements and a review of airport security video also indicates to investigators that t.s.a. employees were the gunman's only intended targets. police believe other passengers who were wounded either by gunfire or trying to escape were struck by rounds that ciancia fired at the t.s.a. officered but missed. >> pelley: john, some police departments put armed officers at the checkpoints. the t.s.a. officers aren't armed. why were there no armed l.a.p.d. officer there is? >> well, the airport has its own police department, the los angeles world airports police and for a number of years the practice was to have an armed officer and a partner behind every checkpoint. a year ago they started looking
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at changing that policy by having roving patrols simply because they said a study of airport incidents showed most of the violence occurred in front of the security not behind the security checkpoints and this would give the officer it is ability to rome, be more flexibility in their patrols and less predict to believe the bad guys. >> pelley: and they did get there right away. john, thank you very much. today the federal health care web site went down again for about hour and a half. no one is sure why. it's being taken offline on purpose every morning in the wee hours from 1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. for repairs. millions are still having trouble buying insurance on it and it turns out that even when the web site works it may not be secure enough to protect privacy. sharyl attkisson has been digging into this. >> reporter: as was being developed, crucial tests to ensuring the security and privacy of customer information fell behind schedule. our analysis found that the deadline for final security plans slipped three times from
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may 6 to july 16. security assessments to be finished june 7 slid to august 16 then the 23rd. the final required top-to-bottom security tests never got done. the house oversight committee released an obama administration memo that shows four days before the launch the government took an unusual step. it granted itself a waiver to launch the web site with a level of uncertainty deemed as a high security risk. agency head marilyn tavener accepted the risk and mitigation measures like frequent testing and a dedicated security team. but three other officials signed a statement saying "that does not reduce the risk of launching october 1." georgetown law professor lawrence gostin is a big supporter of the affordable care act. he helped congress write the law to meet constitutional standards but he's critical of the launch without proper security. >> nothing can undermine public confidence more than the fear of
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a security and privacy breach. you could have somebody hack into the system, get your social security number, get your financial information. >> reporter: exchanges data through a massive hub that includes the i.r.s. and social security administration to verify income and identity and veterans affairs for military personnel who receive special benefits. last week at a congressional hearing, health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius told democrat g.k. butterfield that americans have no reason to worry. >> do you have confidence in these and other measures you are taking to protect the security of americans' personal information? >> i do, sir. >> reporter: while officials try to fix all the problems with the web site, internal notes released today from a government meeting last week reflect a new concern: that the media may begin to follow customer experiences and in some cases, c.m.s. fears, there are fewer health insurance options that would be desired and "relatively
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high-cost plans." >> pelley: sharyl attkisson in our washington newsroom. sharyl, that you can. a legal settlement worked out today the biggest ever involving wall street insider trading. the hedge fund s.a.c. capital has agreed to pay $1.8 billion, and it will plead guilty to criminal fraud charges. s.a.c. capital is owned by the billionaire steven a. cohen. he was not accused of wrongdoing. senior business correspondent anthony mason is joining us now. anthony, why is this such a big deal? >> reporter: scott, s.a.c. capital is the first major wall street firm to admit to criminal conduct since the late 1980s. it's evidence of a tougher stance by both the justice department and the s.e.c. which have started demanding admissions of wrongdoing in these settlements in addition to penalties. the f.b.i. says the case is part of the largest insider trading investigation in history and today, scott, it's produced more than 70 convictions. >> pelley: and what exactly
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was s.a.c. doing? >> scott, here's one example: in 2008, s.a.c. told more than $12 million in dell scott two days before the company reported disappointing earnings. they avoided $1.7 million in loss it is government says by using confidential inside information. six s.a.c. traders already pleaded guilty, scott, two more are under indictment. >> pelley: anthony, thanks very much. elsewhere on wall street, the dow added to friday's rally closing up more than 23 points to 15,639. now looking overseas, there was a raucous scene in cairo today as egypt's ousted president mohamed morsi went on trial. this was the first we'd seen of morsi since the military arrested him four months ago during a coupe. morsi refused to wear prison clothing, insisting he is still egypt's legitimate ruler. he and 14 prominent members of the muslim brotherhood political movement are accused of inciting murder after several protesters
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were killed in demonstrations. clarissa ward is in cairo for us tonight following the case. clarissa? >> reporter: well, scott, it was a scene of absolute chaos in that courtroom. half of the people were chanting "down with military rule." others were shouting "execute him." and morsi himself completely refused to acknowledge the courts. he just kept repeating over and over "i am the president of the republic." but in the wake of a major military crackdown on the muslim brotherhood and its leaders, the pro-morsi movement has really been driven deep underground. organizing a demonstration these days is dangerous work. after a week of negotiations, we were allowed to ataepbd meeting with a young activist called yaser. the other members of the group did not want their faces shown for fear of being arrested. plans for -r the protests included how to avoid checkpoints and what to do if the police turned up.
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"any time we stop we may be attacked by government thugs," the group leader warned. later yaser told us 26 of his friends have been killed and more than 100 arrested. what are some of the precautions you take in your daily life? "we change our phones every three or four days and we only meet in small groups," he said. "sometimes we don't sleep at home or we change which mosque we pray at." that has not stopped him from marching in the streets but he knows he could be rounded up any day. when we asked him what would happen if security forces found out about that day's meeting he laughed nervously. "they will arrest me and you both," he said. "and they will accuse us of spying." morsi's trial has now been adjourned until january 8 but his supporters are calling for more large-scale protests tomorrow. >> pelley: and worth remembering that morsi was the first democratically elected president of egypt.
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clarissa, thanks very much. hundreds of paintings stolen by the nazis have been found in an apartment. the virginia governor's election is a test of the tea party's power. and a case of alleged harassment. an n.f.l. lineman quits his team. a teammate is suspended when the "cbs evening news" continues. the new oxytrol for women patch. the first and only over the counter treatment for overactive bladder. put the control back in your go with new oxytrol for women. now in the feminine care aisle. his day of coaching begins with knee pain, when... [ man ] hey, brad, want to trade the all-day relief of two aleve for six tylenol? what's the catch? there's no catch. you want me to give up my two aleve for six tylenol? no. for my knee pain, nothing beats my aleve.
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been part of life in the n.f.l. but what went on in the miami dolphins locker room may have taken bullying to a new extreme. mark strassmann looks at the two players at the center of this. >> reporter: both richie incognito and jonathan martin played offensive line for the dolphins. martin left the team last week after a lunchroom incident. the dolphins have suspended incognito for conduct detrimental to the team. reportedly for bullying martin that included racial slurs and threats against him and his family. >> the n.f.l. is going to conduct the review of the workplace. >> reporter: dolphins head coach joe philbin. >> if the review shows this is not a safe atmosphere i will take whatever measures are necessary to ensuring that it is. >> reporter: the n.f.l. is investigating whether inco incoo was the rick leader in harassment of martin that began last year during his rookie season. jason laconfora is an n.f.l. analyst for cbs sports. >> doesn't matter that he's 6'
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5, 330, he was fearful of what richie incognito could do to him and he felt like he needed to get out of the situation. >> reporter: laconfora says he's seen text sent to martin. one of them referred to martin with a racial slur. >> threats of i'm going to get your mother, find your mother, kill you. that is above and beyond the code, above and beyond what's accepted anywhere. >> reporter: incognito tweeted yesterday that three things can not be long hidden, the sun, the moon, and the truth. but he has been in trouble before. in a 2012 poll, n.f.l. players voted him the league's second-dirtiest player. he dime the dolphins from the st. louis rams which released him after he had ae verbal con n confrontation with the head coach. >> reporter: we've learned when he first left the team he never mentioned it because he wanted his career to continue and was afraid of retribution. but when the dolphins put out a statement saying there was no misconduct martin's agent complained to the team and that
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began the bullying investigation. >> pelley: mark strassmann at the dolphins' practice field. mark, thanks very much. nasa scientists reported today there could be as many as 40 billion earth-sized planets in our galaxy alone, all of them orbiting stars like our sun and existing in what is called the goldilocks zone. not too hot, not to cold to support life. we'll be right back. you missed the meeting again last week! it doesn't affect my family. your coughing woke me up again. i wish you'd take me to the park. i don't use my rescue inhaler a lot... depends on what you mean by a lot. coping with asthma isn't controlling it. test your level of control at, then talk to your doctor. there may be more you could do for your asthma.
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>> pelley: tomorrow two states will cast ballots for governor. in new jersey, chris christie is expected to win reelection. in virginia, the race is between a well-known democrat and a tea party challenger. chip reid has the story. >> are you willing to make your case every single hour? every single minute? >> reporter: campaigning for terry mcauliffe sunday, president obama said republican ken kaouf cuccinelli, a favoritf the tea party and a staunch opponent of abortion and gay rights is too conservative for virginia. it's an argument cuccinelli has been making in ads. >> he tried to ban the pill. >> even. >> ken kaoufp nellly is way too extreme. >> way too extreme. >> reporter: mcauliffe, a former chairman of the democratic party, told us a strategy will help defeat tea party candidates nationwide. so there is a message in this race beyond virginia? >> mainstream bipartisan
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pragmatic leadership. bringing folks together. >> reporter: cuccinelli gave us a different take on the race. why is he leading in the polls? >> he's spending millions more dollars beating the tar out of me. much of it untruthful. >> reporter: his campaign says cuccinelli can win while sticking to his conservative principles and his advisors say some credit goes to president obama. his visit here sunday, they say, firmly tied mcauliffe to the disastrous rollout of obamacare and fired up the tea party base. >> make no mistake about it, tuesday is a referendum on obamacare in virginia. let's go beat obamacare. let's beat higher taxes. let's protect our constitution and send terry mcauliffe back to the other side of the potomac where he belongs! >> reporter: overall turnout in this off-year election is expected to be low so, scott, if there is a big turnout among tea party supporters, this race could be closer than the polls would suggest. >> pelley: chip, thanks very much. in an apartment in munich,
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germany, customs officials reportedly have discovered a vast trove of modern art believed to have been stolen by the nazis from jewish collectors. included are works by picasso,s, matisse, chagall, all valued at over a billion dollars. the owner of the apartment is said to be the son of an art dealer who was known to the nazi leadership. world war ii had villains and heroes-- like these former p.o.w.s. why did the u.s. refuse to honor them? that's next. that's why there's boost® high protein nutritional drink. each delicious serving provides fifteen grams of protein to help maintain muscle and help meet expert recommended daily protein needs. plus it provides twenty-six essential vitamins and minerals and is gluten-free. help get the nutrition you need with a complete and balanced nutritional drink. try boost® high protein. also available in powder. this has been medifacts for boost®.
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>> pelley: we end tonight with a story of heroism and sacrifice that might never have been recognized if a grandson hadn't taken up the cause. here's elaine quijano. >> reporter: in the fight against hitler's forces during world war two thousands of u.s. planes were shot down as they carried out bombing runs over germany. lieutenant colonel james misuraca's b-24 bomber was among them. it was heavily damaged but landed in neutral switzerland. misuraca and his fellow crew members were detained by the swiss and held in a stripped-down hotel until the day he tried to escape, was caught and sent to a military prison camp as punishment.
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the camp was run by a nazi sympathizer. what was he like? >> he was not a nice man. this man had no heart. everyday all i could think of was escape. >> reporter: he spent 31 day there is starving and freezing until he tried escaping again and made it to safety. his lesson to others from that experience? >> never give up. >> reporter: 1,500 other u.s. airmen ended up in switzerland. over 160 were sent to that prison camp for attempting escape, including the grandfather of army major dwight mears. >> that's my grand fare there. >> reporter: mears discovered during the war there were rumors u.s. airmen held in switzerland were cowards who land there had to avoid fighting. >> some of them simply assumed these airmen had reached the breaking point and decided that faced with near death they would rather sit out the war in the neutral country and learn to ski or something.
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>> reporter: mears spent the next a 15 years documenting their treatment was equal to p.o.w.s in nazi germany. he also petitioned military leaders trying to set the record straight. >> at first at the very beginning this was about my grandfather but as i started interviewing other airmen i came to identify with them and i felt that they were worthy of recognition. >> reporter: the air force finally agreed. they recently approved the airmen's applications for p.o.w. medals-- recognition their actions were honorable. misuraca is one of 12 still alive. elaine quijano, cbs news, indialantic, florida. >> pelley: and that's the "cbs evening news" for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. captioning sponsored by cbs
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