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tv   Eyewitness Noon News  CBS  November 5, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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gunfire and chaos. an armed man opens fire at a busy new jersey mall. >> swat teams converge and panicked shoppers run for their
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lives. >> hello, again, i'm jessica kartalija. >> i'm don scott. >> here's what people are talking about -- in the mall minutes before closing a man walks in and starts firing. we report from the scene in paramus, new jersey. >> reporter: authorities say 20-year-old richard shoop was on a suicide mission, didn't plan on hurting anyone else when he started to shoot in new jersey's largest shopping mall. >> he could have really injured or killed many, many people but chose not to. >> reporter: six gunshots were fired shortly before closing time at the garden state plaza. >> out of nowhere the guy walked right past the front door and is shooting shots in the air. >> reporter: hundreds of officers arrived on scene quickly. some employees and customers ran for their lives. others hid for hours until swat teams helped them evacuate. >> get your hands up. >> reporter: cell phone video shows people as they made their way to safety.
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>> police came, escorted us. we had to run with our hands up. guns aimed at us, checked us. crazy. >> reporter: authorities found richard shoop's body and gun overnight in the back section of the mall that was closed off to public. authorities say shoop had had a history of drug dealing and drug abuse. >> he was definitely despondent in his life and it could have been the result of perhaps anticipated legal troubles that he thought was coming down or general depression. >> reporter: after friday's deadly shooting at the airport in los angeles authorities say they are relieved shoop didn't take any other lives. wjz, eyewitness news. >> prosecutors say shoop left a letter at his new jersey home he wrote a while ago, referencing his depression and said he felt the end was coming. for the first time one of the tsa agents wounded in last friday's shooting at los angeles international airport is going public. ron matz is in the newsroom with more on what he's saying. good afternoon. >> reporter: good afternoon. tsa behavioral detection
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officer tony griggsby was shot twice friday when a gunman opened fire at the security checkpoint area at l.a.x. griggsby was injured, while he was helping an elderly man get to a safe area. he said his concern was to make sure people were safe first, worry about himself later. >> i'm nobody special. i'm a regular special. i felt i had to do something at this time. other people would have done the same thing given this opportunity. >> reporter: he's grieving over his friend gerardo hernandez who was killed in the incident. >> paul cianica is in the hospital, facing murder charges. the motive is still unclear. in denver a school standoff. police arrest two armed 15-year-olds who broke into an empty middle school. cleaning employees saw the pair climbing through a window last night. neighbors were told to stay inside by swat teams. after five hours the boys
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surrendered to police who say some classrooms were ransacked. the weapons turned out bb guns, no one is hurt. pro bowler richie incognito is suspended. he's accused of aggressive bullying. >> reporter: miami dolphins guard incognito won't play pro football for a while. suspended for allegedly threatening teammate jonathan martin and his family using racial slurs. martin left after a lunchroom prank that was apparently the last straw. >> threats of "i'm going to get your mother." i'm going to find your mother, "i'm going to kill you." that is above and beyond what is accepted anywhere. >> reporter: the nfl will now conduct a workplace review. >> if the review shows that this is not a safe atmosphere i
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will take whatever measures are necessary to ensure that it is. >> reporter: incognito's record has not gone unnoticed. in his first four years he led the league in penalties for unnecessary roughness. nfl players voted him the league's dirtiest player in 2009. dolphins players said they didn't notice any locker room hostility. >> i didn't feel anybody was being bullied. none of that. i feel we were doing things that football teams do. playing with your brother. >> reporter: incognito tweeted sunday "three things cannot be long hidden, the sun, the moon, and the truth." theresa garcia, wjz eyewitness news. >> incognito went to the dolphins after he was released by the st. louis rams in 2009 after a verbal altercation with the rams' head coach. a broken watermain downtown is causing more than just a few problems. the six-inch diameter pipe broke at saratoga and st. paul streets this morning. the department of public works will be shutting down a
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bigger main feeding into it. and customers nearby won't have water for a time. the area to the east side may see lower water pressure. the department of public works doesn't yet know how long the repair will take. carroll county may face a $10,000 a day fine for failing to implement the rain tax. the county was told by the state last week to impose the tax or risk a fine. maryland's nine largest counties and baltimore city are all required to collect fees for storm water management. the state says frederick and harford counties also have yet to impose that tax. clouds but no rain in this area today. it is still a few degrees obama or feels like it. take a look outside now a mix of clouds and sun but more clouds at the moment. wjz's live with first warning weather coverage. marty bass in the outback minus yesterday's scarf. and meteorologist chelsea ingram in the weather center. >> we'll see more cloud cover than we did yesterday
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throughout the day today. temperatures though will be on the mild side. right now 55 at the airport. we had a chilly start with temperatures bottoming out in the low and mid-30s. now they are on up. we are warmer than where we were this time yesterday. look at the 24-hour temperature change. anywhere from four degrees in cumberland to 12 degrees warmer in elkton. and in the metro. as i mentioned we've got a lot of cloud cover out there. don showed you the live picture. we'll see more throughout the day. also a few peaks of sunshine. the cloud cover is not going to prevent us from reaching up to the mid-30s before it's all said and -- mid-50s before it's all said and done. marty bass? >> 80 plus degrees. the speedo is on, in the 40s. in the 40s -- 80 plus degrees. the speedo is on. in the 40s, the scarf is on. we have mild air ahead of a cold front that will bring us showers on thursday. cooler temperatures for the
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weekend. but very sunny conditions for the weekend. mild air, just think back to last winter how mild it was but how gray it was. that's pretty much the scenario we're in, tomorrow and again thursday ahead of the front. meteorologist chelsea ingram has more details coming up. back to you. don't forget the ravens are back on the football field in cincinnati this weekend. you can see the game against the bengals sunday afternoon at 1:00, live here on wjz. still to come -- a university lockdown. who connecticut police have in custody and what he is saying about that incident. >> a very tight spot. latest on the nyu student that spent 36 hours trapped between two walls. >> pretty cloudy and cold. your forecast coming up.
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it's now mostly cloudy and 55 degrees in central maryland. your complete first warning weather forecast is still
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coming up. the son of a college professor is under arrest for yesterday's security alert at central connecticut state university where reports of an armed man locked down the campus for three hours. turns out it was 21-year-old david kayem who caused the alarm who returned to the campus still in his ninja halloween costume from the weekend. he's apologizing but will be charged with breaching the peace. new details today about the nyu student trapped between the wall of his dorm and a parking garage. 19-year-old asher vontau has several broken bones but is in good condition at the hospital. he somehow stumbled from a stairway, fell into the shaft which narrows to less than a foot and-a-half wide. the friends say they noticed he was missing, were looking for him for two days before someone heard his cries. his mother says he simply doesn't remember what happened. a month into the rollout of the health care reform act and the on-line problems still exit. the medicare chief marilyn taverner was involved in the day to day work of setting up
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the enrollment site. she'll answer questions today from a senate panel. the web site went down again yesterday and is being shut down for several hours overnight while glitches are fixed. an exciting discovery in deep space. astronomers say they found several possible planets. nasa says there are at least 833 new candidate planets orbiting stars throughout the galaxy. of those at least 10 are close enough that they could have water, potentially life and about the size of earth. >> do they look like us, though? still ahead -- it's a mostly cloudy day. will we be seeing rain before long? chelsea ingram is currently updating your first warning weather forecast. >> first, a look at the midday stocks and lottery numbers. ,,,,,,
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mnever sleeping.g. ever saving. for him, her, and you. every day. but quality affordable health care seems forever out of reach -- until now. i'm doctor peter beilenson.
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with local doctors we've founded a new approach to health insurance -- evergreen health. neighborhood care, same day appointments, a team approach with doctors and nurses who get to know you. that's evergreen health. learn more at
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welcome back. we do have a little bit of sunshine but more clouds. that is the case throughout the bulk of the day today and for tomorrow as well. currently across the region, we've got a major difference. we're sitting anywhere from 39 degrees in oakland all the way to 63 in easton. a lot of us are in the
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mid-50s. that includes bwi marshall. rock hall is 52. and 57 bel air. that is locally the warm spot. winds are generally speaking on the calm side to the light side but eventually we'll see the winds continue to shift out of the south and east. that is going to help to filter in warmer air throughout the day today. and we'll continue to see warmer air being pooled into the region even as we head into tomorrow and thursday. visible satellite showing a lot of clouds but we'll see a few peaks of sunshine as we head into the afternoon. those clouds associated with an area of low pressure located in the tennessee valley. that is not going to bring us any rainfall the next couple of days. we're talking about today and wednesday but will into thursday, in the frorm of drizzle in the morning and off and on chances on thursday for rainfall. we'll see from a 10th inch to quarter inch of rainfall as we head into thursday. then we'll cool down behind that cold front for the weekend. your bay temperatures, 57 now, winds out of the southeast at 5 to 10 knots on the bay.
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for the rest of the day, 57 degrees, not as cool as we were yesterday, mix of clouds and sun. we'll see 43 tonight. the average for this time of year is around 39. so we'll be a couple of degrees above that. increasing clouds as we head into tomorrow. mild conditions, looking at temperatures around 63 degrees. then even as we head into thursday we originally thought we would see close to 70 but looks like we'll be sticking with mid-60s for thursday as well. still to come on wjz eyewitness news at non -- she's ariel castro's first victim. she breaks her silence. what is she telling dr. phil?
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one of the three young women kidnapped and held hostage for years in cleveland is breaking her silence with dr. phil today. i spoke with dr. phil about the dramatic interview just a short time ago. >> jessica, i have to tell you, i am so proud that i had
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the opportunity to sit down and do this worldwide exclusive and in-depth interview with michelle knight. i can tell you right off the bat she is going to blow up some myths that the media has said about her at the very beginning. for example, she's been characterized as being intel -- intellectually disabled, having impairments that really limited her ability to function. and nothing could be further from the truth. this woman is intelligent, she's articulate. her attention and recall of detail is amazing. and what a story teller. her ability to let us know what was going on during that 11 years makes you feel like you are in the room with this monster that held her captive.
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>> anything especially shocking that you were surprised to hear from her? >> he played amazing mind games with her. for example, he would create false opportunities for her to escape. and then he would pretend to leave the house and sneak back in. if he caught her trying to seize that opportunity the punishment was swift, it was brutal and it lasted for days at a time. >> you don't want to miss this emotional dr. phil interview, today at 3:00 right here on wjz. check back in with eyewitness news at 4:00, 5:00, and 6:00. on the hot seat again, the woman in charge of grilled over new concerns about the web site's security. >> super soldiers putting u.s. troops
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into iron man like suits. what one special ops commander is planning. join us for these stories and breaking news at 4:00 after dr. phil's exclusive interview. ,,,,,,,,,,
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it feels better out there today than it
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did this time yesterday. what can we expect the next couple of days? >> even with a little breeze there's still a touch of fall with a capital f-a-l-l. tomorrow though we shoot up to 63. 64 thursday. once that front comes through in the mid-50s to almost 60 again sunday. what is important there is friday, saturday and sunday just a tremendous amount of sun. it's going to be a beautiful early november fall weekend. back to you. do not his cbs's primetime line-up tonight. in colorado a backyard trampoline baffles a bouncing elk. a couple in evergreen spotted it poke its head in the entrance of the trampoline. he decides to take a few bounces and getting out seems to be a little harder than getting in. other large deer gather around the trampoline and offer assistance. >> or watch? >> or try to join?
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the animal was eventually able to find its way out. poor thing. you know that -- they are making fun of them. thank you for watching. ,, ♪ i woke up to a lightbulb ♪ every little thing is possible ♪ [ female announcer ] here's a fresh take on what to do with that chicken kraft fresh take kraft natural cheese on one side expertly blended spices and breadcrumbs on the other transforms your chicken in just 30 minutes ♪ love is a bright idea
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♪ life is amazing ♪ with the love that i've found ♪ [ female announcer ] fresh take from kraft. every flavor is amazing. ♪
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mnever sleeping.g. ever saving. for him, her, and you. every day. but quality affordable health care seems forever out of reach -- until now. i'm doctor peter beilenson. with local doctors we've founded a new approach to health insurance -- evergreen health.


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