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tv   Eyewitness News at 4  CBS  November 5, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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starts now. mayhem in a jerry mall engineer -- jersey mall. intlsz why the gunman was on a decide mission. i'm mary bubala >> i'm kai jackson. he did not plan to come out alive. a young man found dead inside a popular new jersey mall after opening fire. >> the family of 20-year-old rich and shoop said he was on a suicide mission and didn't hurt anyone else when he started shooting inside new jersey's largest shopping mall. >> this was something none of us saw coming. we're not sure what caused him to do this. we're all devastated. six gunshots were fired before closing time at the garden state plaza. >> out of nowhere the guy
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walked past the front door and shooting shots in the air. >> employees and customers ran for their lives, others hid for hours until swat teams helped them evacuate. >> this cell phone video shows people as they made their way to safety. >> police came, escorted us out. we had to run out with our hands out, guns aimed at us. they checked us. crazy. >> authorities found shoop's bn in the back section of the mall. shoop had a history of drug dealing and drug abuse. >> he was definitely -- it could have been perhaps because of legal troubles he thought was coming down or general depression. >> after the shooting stopped authorities say they are relieved shop did not take any other lives. >> prosecutors say shoop left a letter at his new jersey home that mentioned his depression and said he thought the end was
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coming. the latest on another shooting at a public place. the chaotic scene inside the las international airport. denise is live in the news room with more on the shooting. >> reporter: for the first time we are hearing from one of the men in fire. tony grisby was shot in the foot at the airport last friday. a tsa agent was killed. grisby was helping an elderly passenger when he was hit. he's mourning the loss of a colleague and a friend. >> it has hit me that i will never see him again. he was a wonderful person and a friend and i will miss him. >> reporter: they are investigating the ties of the gunman to a conspiracy theory
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that the u.s. government is planning to establish. now, that suspect, 23-year-old paul ciancia remains in critical condition. >> thank you. a third tsa agent who was shot s also out of the shot. a howard county man expected in the death of his twin brother is accidentally shot to death in georgia. he moved to georgia to start over. back in 2007 he had been accused in the death of her twin brother, who was found strangled near the columbia mall. he was charged but his case ended in a mistrial. he was showing off a gun to a family friend who accidently shot him in the neck. a guilty plea from the truck driver who hit a car on the bay bridge sending the car off the bridge and into the water below. 23-year-old morgan lake had to swim to safety, her car was
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totalled. 30-year-old gay lo vasz -- bay gor -- gabor pleaded guilty. members of congress are grilling the woman in charge of >> cms boss is under fire from lawmakers, questioning the security of >> consumers have to be absolutely certain when they go on and fill out that application and give all that information that this is secure. >> a cbs news analysis showed a final security test was never performed by the site went online. she told lawmakers the area containing personal information did get tested. >> we had taken additional steps to make sure that an individual application was secure. >> at least one application was not secure. a south carolina
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couple who registered on the website got their eligibility letters contains private information were sent to a man in north carolina. >> now thomas and his wife want nothing to do with the healthcare exchanges. >> my information is out there. i want it deleted from their we. >> the senators asked him to do that. >> we have reached out to him several times and we will find him and follow up on his question. >> i'm happy to give you his phone numbers. >> we have them. >> i don't think so. >> they said the mix up was a software glitch. >> his boss, kathleen sebelius will face more questions from congress tomorrow. crews at the department of public works are trying to fix a water main break downtown. the 6 inch pipe broke under saratoga street this morning. people will lose their water or have
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low water pressure. no word on how long repairs will take. a much milder november afternoon. it's been cloudy most of the day. will things warm up more as the week goes along? wjz is live with first warning weather coverage. meteorologist chelsea ingram is live at bell bell deveer kwar and-- square and bob turk is in the first warning weather. >> we're above average for this time of year in easton. 58 ocean city. the dew point is back up to 42. we are 13 degrees warmer right now than we were yesterday at this hour. 15 degrees warmer in easton and 12 over in dc. so it was a much, much milder day. it started off chilly, 34 at the airport, 12:00 over in dc. so it was a much, much milder day. it
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started off chilly, 34 at the airport, 40 in dc and even out to the west temperatures just around the freezing mark. yesterday we had upper to mid 20s. oakland it was only 23. let's check out meteorologist ch the mobile weather lab with a look ahead to more warm weather coming our way tomorrow. >> reporter: thanks. we're actually seeing a little f blue sky out here. it's a beautiful afternoon. mostly cloudy skies. let's take a look at our numbers with the mobile weather lab. temperatures sitting just under 57 degrees out here. so it is a bit cooler out here with our weather station on the wjz mobile weather lab. we're going to continue to see mild conditions creep on in as we head into wednesday and thursday as well. that's going to come at a price. we're going to see rainfall moving into the forecast. so we're talking as we head into your thursday that's when the rainfall is going to make it here. tomorrow it's going to be comfortable and mild but it's going to be much of the same of what we saw today with still plenty of cloud cover across the region and temperatures creeping up into the low 60s.
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as to what you can expect for the rest of the week, bob will have those details coming up in your exclusive first warning weather. back to you guys on tv hill. >> thank you. it looks like we have a lot of accidents to start off with this afternoon. in anne arundel county watch for a wreck at spa road at hunt meadow drive, northbound 295 at the harbor tunnel. edison highway at east madison, north fulton at pennsylvania avenue. now, as far as your delays go, traveling on the west side inner loop it's slow from will kins avenue over to liberty road. stop and go from the jfx to harford road. from 83 to 95, 44 miles per hour average and 13 minute to get through.
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not too bad on the west side. that's a look at security boulevard. this traffic report is brought to you by michael and sons. call 800-948-mike. michael and sons baltimore. back to you. >> thank you. it's officil . you can help pick the name for the young panda cub at the national zoo washington. voting on the zoo's website began today at 2:00 and will continue until november 22nd. voters have five name to choose from. the winning name will be revealed on december 1st when the baby panda turns 100 days old. >> i'm going down to the zoo and going to get that panda and keep him as a pet. >> give him to your girls. >> right. >> have fun in jail for the rest of your life. >> i would be in jail but daddy of the year. >> that's true. still ahead on eyewitness n0 . >> super soldiers putting u.s.
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troops into iron-man like suits. how soon this could be a reality. i was thinking i'm going to die. >> a smash and grab in california. see what happens next. bullied in the locker room. shocking allegations against a pro football player. what he reportedly said to a teammate causing out rage. a gray fall night. stick around for the updated first warning weather forecast. ,, ♪ i woke up to a lightbulb
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it's mainly cloudy and 67 degrees. the complete first warning weather forecast is coming up. one person is dead after a house explodes in lake harmony in pennsylvania. fire investigators say a couple and worker were inside the home at
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the time. two people were hospitalized. rescue dogs are searching for any other victims. the cause of the explosion is under investigation. a frightening and violent robbery store after a jewelry store in hollywood california has the owner closing shop for good. this is surveillance video of the suspects. one store employee hit the panic button to call police. the store's owner was sprayed with mace and drug into a back room. the thieves got away with about $1 million worth of jewelry. a special naval operations commander is looking to hollywood. barbara star has the story. >> iron man's powered suit of armor helped him protect the world. that is exactly what america's top commander adam wants when his men have to kick down a door. >> you have to open that door
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not knowing what's on the other side. he has to be in a position to be protected. >> he has ordered up the tactical assault operator suit, better known as the iron man suit. the idea, armored protection possibly with battery power to give a soldier extraordinary ability to move faster and operate longer in battle. former navy seal chris heben said the suit can make commandos even better. >> it's going to take a super soldier, a seal, green baray and push him to a level. all these technologies exist already. they exist separately. so they're taking them all and putting them together and they're adding some pretty cool things like liquid armor that becomes hardened in a millisecond. >> there are plenty of ideas. imagine from drones or satellitt
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into the helmet visual display. boots that generate electricity with every step a soldier takes and flexible head to toe protection so troops can move closer to the enemy. >> he wants his first version of the iron man suit within a year. not a great day on wall street. news was mixed at the closing bell. the dow down 21. let's go to new york. >> fedel prosecutors now say they have effectively shut down sac capitol advisors. the u.s. attorney's office said the move proves that no financial institution is too big to jail.
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hyundai is expanding its recall of genesis sedans because of a brake malfunction. owners are being asked to take their vehicles back to have the brake fluid replaced. burger king is taking on the big mac but bringing back the big king. it will have the special sauce and all the rest. both chains now offer fruit shakes, chicken wraps and coffee drinks. that's your money watch. for all you business needs head to many people tailgate before monday night football. in green bay, wisconsin a couple cheese heads tied the knots. they exchanged wedding bells across the street. both packers fans spent their wedding day at the game hoping for a win against the bears. but it was...... >> the bears. >> 27-20 over the pack.
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>> oh, true love can get over a loss like that. can it? i don't know. >> as long as your spouse doesn't cheer for the other team. that could be a problem. >> kai, that's very challengin. >> that would be challenging. >> you know that. >> i do. coming up on wjz eyewitnesst 4:00, on alert. two teens spotted with guns at a colorado school. what they were really doing. i'm mike schuh at the science center. new information shows that the likelihood of a planet just like earth somewhere in the galaxy has expanded tremendously. the story coming up next. will we see warmer temperatures later this week? stick around for the updated first warning weather forecast. wjz 13 is always on. for the top stories on, instant updates and first warning weather all the time click on ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> reporter: i'm meteorologist chelsea ingram live with the wjz mobile weather lab where it is 56 degrees. we have a little bit of rain in the forecast and warmer temperatures. let's go in to bob for a look at your
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updated first warning weather forecast. >> no gloves and no hats so it's a lot warmer today. >> reporter: that's right. >> you still got a sinus headache and a cold, we will try to work on it. we're at 57, 12, 13 degrees warmer than yesterday at this time. dew points were about 17, 20, now it's up to 42. humidity 57%. there's no wind at all. we're not dealing with any windchill out there. the barometer 30.54. 39 the cold spot in oakland and cloud cover there. 63 down in easton. locally 55 to 60 degrees. a lot warmer today. running a couple degrees below average. it will be dropping shortly. right now very light to no wind. the only place that has a breeze and it's cold is oakland at 14 miles per hour. ocean city a breeze off
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the ocean at 9 miles per hour. a little bit of rain continues over portions of oklahoma, missouri and arkansas. nebraska getting snow this afternoon. it's a wet snow. in the mountains aspen got snow. snow close to denver. that storm is moving across the great lakes. that will drag some of this moisture in our general direction for thursday. ahead of it mild air. temperatures running probably 6 or 7 degrees warmer than they are right now. tomorrow will be a nice mild day. the problem with these temperatures this time of year, you always get a lot of cloud cover. that's what we're dealing with over the next 24 hours. mild weather tonight compared to last night. front approaches on thursday, some rain activity with it and then it turns cooler after that. drying out and turning somewhat
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cooler for the weekend but not frigid. pretty nice temperatures actually. southeast winds on the bay at 5. tonight plenty of clouds around but milder than last night. 43 over night. that's above average. 63, a lot of clouds, some sun. not a whole lot but milder afternoon, a high of 63 tomorrow. >> that looks good. thanks. >> squirrels don't knh way to run. >> exactly. well, week 10 of the nfl season is almost here. the picks are coming in for the pro football challenge. jessica kartalija at to update the standings. >> reporter: after 9 weeks of the nfl season it's still a very tight race on our leader board. don scott remains on top with 87 points. behind him is sports director mark viviano with 86 points. tim williams and i tied with 85 points. then it's
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chelsea ingram and mary bubala with 84, followed by linh bui with 82. you can still sign up for the 2013 pro football challenge. to compete go to and click on the link. you must be over 18 to play. just one entry per person. you're competing with people nationally for prizes. go to and sign up now. >> thank you. the ravens are looking to er three game losing streak. watch the game against the bengals sunday at 1:00 live on wjz. don't miss the cbs prime time line up. at 10:00 it's a brand new episode of person of interest followed by eyewitness news at 11:00. still ahead on eyewitness news at 4:00. >> [screaming] >> wrong place, wrong time. two college girls reveal what ht the red sox won the world series. he told me before he left,
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i'm going to be here as a friend and that's it. i'll let you go on christmas. i never got that. >> more from the first woman held captive in a cleveland house of horrors. multimillion dollar lawsuit. multimillionand then whenit. you get up -- can i play? no! you don't even get football. [ male announcer ] when you've got 100% fiber optic fios,
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discover how we are advancing medicine at join us, and thrive. it is just before 4:30. mostly cloudy, 57 degrees. thanks for staying with witness news. i'm vic carter. >> i'm denise koch. troube ing allegations of harassment taken to the extreme inside an nfl locker room. a miami dolphins player accused of bullying a player so badly he left the team. >> miami dolphins guard richie
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ignacado has been suspended for threatening jonathan martin and his family using racial slurs. martin left the team after a prank that was the last straw. cbs sports analyst jason said he has seen text messages he send to martin. >> threats of i'm going to get your mother, find your mother, kill you. that's above and beyond the code. >> now the nfl will conduct a workplace review. >> if the review shows that this is not a safe atmosphere i will take whatever measures are necessary to ensure that it is. >> his record has not gone unnoticed. in his first 4 years he led the league in penalties for unnecessary roughness. nfl players voted him the league's dirtest player in 2009. dolphins players said they didn't notice. >> i don't feel like nobody was
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be being bullied, hazed. >> incognito tweeted three things cannot be hidden, the sun, the moon and the truth. >> he signed with the dolphins after being released by the rams in 2009. ravens legend ray lewis is part of a group of current and former nfl players suing a bank. kai is in the news room with the latest. >> reporter: 16 current and former football players are sue bbnt banks. it says jeff ruben was able to open accounts with players money with forged signatures. lewis and other players think the bank should be held responsible for the nearly $60 million taken from players without their consent. >> anybody can look at these signatures and tell they were forged. the problem was there was no checks and balances at
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the bank, under the bank's secrecy act and other banking regulations. >> reporter: the suit claims negligence by bank atlantic which was acquired by bbnt. bbnt released a statement pointing out they acquired them after the alleged wrong doing and declined to comment further. >> thank you. ray lewis said he lost nearly $n . it's a story that shocked america. for the first time we are hearing from the first of three victims held captive by ariel castro. her story is truly revealing. the first part of this interview just aired on dr. phil. jessica kartalija joins us now live with some of it. jessica. >> reporter: well, vic, michele scribes in graphic detail the torture and a abuse she suffered for more than a decade. >> one man is now being held responsible. >> michelle knight held captive in this cleveland house of horrors for 11 years.
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they're abductor and abuser ariel castro physically and sexually abused the women until they were finally free from the home in may. >> help me. i'm amanda berry. i've been kid ped and missing for 10 years and i'm here and free now. >> 6 months after being rescued. >> this is where i was abducted from. >> 32-year-old michelle knight talks with dr. phil. >> he took a pipe and held it like this over my said if you scream i will ram this down your throat and kill you. i didn't scream. i didn't make a noise. i just laid there. he took me to the basement and ties me up to a pole with chains wrapped around it. the chains were so big. he wrapped it around my neck. he sits me down on the floor and he said this is where you're going to stay until i can trust you. >> knight said she was raped.
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>> i was basically chained to d . >> becoming pregnant at least five times while in castro's home. >> he was like i'm going to do something about it. that's when he punched me in my stomach. >> how did he do that? >> i was standing up and he punched me with a barbell. >> reporter: in august castro was sentenced to life in prison plus 1,000 years after bleeding guilty to 937 counts, including murder and kidnapping. he died in prison in september. vic. >> thank you. you may see part two of dr. phil's exclusive interview with michelle knight tomorrow at 3:00 right here on wjz. the son of a college professor triggers a lock down at central connecticut state university. 21-year-old david kaem caused the alarm when he returned to campus still in his in ninja halloween costume. the
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campus was on lock down for 3 hours while swat team investigated. he's apologizing for the fear and chaos. two young women driving by fenway park the night the red sox won the world series got caught up in a dangerous situation. >> 19-year-old tess said she was frightened for her life and captured those moments on her cell phone. last wednesday night she and her roommate were stuck in traffic as the sox won the world series. suddenly they were surrounded by a mob banging and climbing on her car. >> the whole car was shaking. >> what were you and your room roommate thinking? >> we were screaming and terrified. my first thought was to get out of there. >> families said the car is brand new. the roof is dented
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and scratched. so is the front hood like someone was jumping on it and the headlight was kicked out. there was thousands of dollars in damage. >> what was your roommate's reaction? >> just screaming. we were freaking out the whole . >> she said at some point some guy tried to encourage the crowd to flip over the car. >> did they start to rock it? >> yeah, they were like shaking it. i wouldn't have been surprised if they flipped it. >> these pictures show the crowd moving down the street. she said boston police told her they believe the same mob is responsible for flipping over another car a few minutes later. >> what do you want boston police to do? >> to see the video and try to figure out who did it. >> boston police say they will look at her video to see if they can find suspects. tours at the white house
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resumed today. people lined up to get inside the east wing and the executive residence. budget woes suspended the tours in march. for now nay now -- they are limited to 3 days a week. not much sun to speak of today. it's warmer and still plenty of clouds around. wjz is live with first warning weather. meteorologist chelsea ingram is live with the mobile weather lab. we start with bob turk who is updated current conditions in the first warning weather center. bob. >> quite often this time of year when you get milder temperatures you deal with clouds coming off the ocean, the breezing bringing moisture. 57 now, 59 in dc, 63 the warm spot in easton. 52 in hagerstown, 58 ocean city. temperatures right now are running 7 to 15 degrees warmer than they were yesterday. that's a big warm up in one day.
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13 degrees warmer here and 15 degrees warmer over in easton. this morning we started out at 34. we did have clearer skies for a while. the temperature did fall a bit but did recover very, very nicely. it looks like it's going to be a warmer day tomorrow. chelsea is live with a look ahead at a nice wednesday. chelsea. >> reporter: thanks. it feels great out here right now. even though it's comfortable there's still a little bit of a bite to the air out here. let's take a look another our numbers right now. we are looking at temperatures coming in right under 57 degrees with the humidity around 57%. now, as we head into tomorrow, just a few changes to talk about. other wise, cloud cover wise we're looking at a similar day into your wednesday. temperature wise we're going to be a couple of degrees warmer. so this warming trend is only going to continue as we head into the next few days. we're going to see rain in the forecast. for those details bob will have them coming up in your exclusive
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first warning weather forecast. back to you. >> thank you. let's check the roads with t wjz traffic control. >> hi, everyone. we're seeing brake lights arnoly at this hour. traveling around the topside of the inner loop watch for a slow down from greenspring to harford road with an average speed of 30 miles per hour. stop and go from 32 to liberty road. northbound 95 stop and go from 32 over to 100 on the howard county side. slowing down from 395 approaching the tunnel. as far as accidents go, still quite a few out there. spa road at hunter meadow drive, edison highway at east madison, north fulton at pennsylvania avenue. let's take a live look. you can see it's a little bit slow on the inner loop of the beltway west of york road. no problem
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on outer loop. get your 2013 navy football tickets by calling 800-u.s.-4-navy or visiting the idea that life exists outside of earth got a big boost as mike schuh reports. a nasa spacecraft is telling scientists that the possibility is stronger than ever. >> the kepelr is a marvel of human design. it's looking for one thing, planets the size of earth, planets that can support life. now the science team has 800 planets that could support life >> what it allows astromers to do is to realize there's more galaxies. >> there's about 10 the size of earth. the best chances of life lie not too close nor far away.
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maybe as close as 12 light years away. >> when you look up into the sky in the dark night with thousands of stars if one of those reflect the light years you can be looking at a star that has an earth like planet orbiting it. >> 12 years. it's 72 trillion miles. don't k ing a rocketship just yet. >> at the speeds we're currently able to fly through our galaxy it's going to take a long time. 12 light years is a long, long, long way off. >> at the science center jim said life doesn't mean intelligent beings. >> life as we know it forming intelligent life is hard to make. there's a lot of things on a planet that have to work just right. >> big discoveries from a spacecraft based on a simple idea. watch for the moon shadow cast upon a far away planet. one form of intelligent life looking for others.
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mike schuh, wjz eyewitness news. >> scientists say the next step is to develop a telescope that looks at a plant to harbor life. >> first we can search for intelligent life here on earth sometimes. >> its takes efforts sometimes. straight ahead. stunning at the mayor of toronto is saying about the video of him smoking crack. a pregnant woman stabbed while speaking to her husband who is a soldier half the world away. the first time she sees her baby. any major changes coming later this week in the weather? stick around for the updated first warning weather forecast when we come back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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five teenagers appear in a florida court accused of the brutal beating and rape of a 16-year-old girl. she was lure today a house in hollywood and
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attacked by five people. the attackers face charges of kidnapping, battery and sexual assault. a true bundle of joy. a texas woman gets to hole her dsh -- hold her baby. >> reporter: rachel pool was face time being her arm husband deployed. she recognized the attacker as 19-year-old cory moss who was waiting for her with a knife. pool screamed his name to her husband as she was stabbed several times. she managed to call 911 after the intruder fled. investigators say the suspect's motive involved money that he owed to pool for vehicle repairs. back to you. >> thank you. moss has been charged with atte. his bond is set at $60,000. two teenagers trigger a big scare at a denver pool.
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two people saw two people entering with what looked like long rifles. >> students arrived for class as usual at knoll middle school in denver. it was quite a different scene over night. the police bomb squad converged on the school after janitors spotted two teenagers entering with rifles and backpacks. after a 3-hour stand off two 15-year-olds were arrested. >> we also recovered what appeared to be long rifles but more than likely they were probably bb guns. >> police say the teens broke a ground floor window to get in and ransacked several rooms before officers arrested them. parents arrived this morning watching their children a little closer than usual. >> sandra is glad school is open. >> it happens everywhere. i can't really freak out about . i don't feel like there's a threat. they got the kids
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under arrest. >> what did you say to her as she got out of the car and went to class? >> be careful and call me if something happens. >> officers found a computer in one of the teenager's bags. they have not yet said what was in the other backpack. kelly worthman for cbs news denver. >> denver police said the district attorney will determine charges. days after denying drug use toronto mayor rob ford admits he smoked crack cocaine one year ago. he said he's made many mistakes. police have video evidence of ford using drugs despite that the mayor said he will not resign and he wants to finish the 4-year term he began in 2010. in oklahoma one person is hospitalized and three are in custody after hunting in the woods for big foot. police say while looking for mythical
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creatures one man shot his friend in the back after hearing a noise. he was taken to the hospital and expected to be okay. his friends are facing charges of reckless conduct with a firearm and obstructing an officer. the late singer janis joplin gets a star on the hall of fame. a ceremony featured an appearance of clyde davis and the performance of me and bobby mcgee. >> i'm waiting to hear it. darn, in my head i hear it. it's certainly warmer than yesterday. will we see near spring-like temperatures? >> bob has the updated first warning weather forecast coming up next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> reporter: i'm meteorologist chelsea ingram live with the wjz mobile weather lab here where temperatures are around 56. we have a little rain in the
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forecast. bob has those details now in your exclusive first warning weather forecast >> a big warm up compared to yesterday. this time yesterday we were in the low to mid 40s. right now we're in the mid to upper 50s. it looks like it's going to get warmer tomorrow. 57 right now at the airport. there is apparently no wind. dew point 57%. dew points way up. very dry air came in yesterday. the barometer at 30.54. currently 50 cumberland, 58 ocean city and a mild 63 in easton. there was some more areas of sunshine east of us for a little bit. so the temperatures did respond. 59 dc. the chilly spot oakland, sort like an inversion right now, cold air holding in that region at 37 degrees. warmer air aloft. colder air right at the surface. 57 annapolis, kent
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island. here and up in bel air and columbia that's a popular number also. very light winds here. the only place that has a breeze, oakland, off the southeast at 9 miles per hour. rain in portions of southern missouri where they saw shower activity. further west there's cold air that's the dividing line. they could see a couple of inches in new york. in the mountains of colorado pretty cold. they're getting snow, ready for the ski season in aspen. you can see snow over portions of nebraska. that will bring us milder air tomorrow ahead of that front. the front really won't get here until late in the day on thursday. ahead
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of it mild air and then showers. most of the rain will be done by early afternoon and then clearing. it turns cooler for friday and the weekend. nothing that cold, just slightly below for the weekend. sunrise at 6:40 now, sunset at 5:00 p.m. yeah. in a couple of weeks it will be around 4:40 in the afternoon. that will be the shortest day in december. 57 is your bay temperature. tonight a lot of clouds, down around 43. so a lot milder than last night. more clouds and then some sun hopefully. >> thank you. still to come on eyewitnesst . >> real or forgery. the signatures at the heart of a massive lawsuit against the bank by,,,,,,
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it's the little things in life that make me smile. spending the day with my niece. i don't use super poligrip for hold because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles.
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super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it's clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip. . >> reporter: coming up next, details of one of the women held captive by arial castro. her horrifying story of torture and recovery. >> reporter: the guilty plea for the trucker whose collision caused a woman to go over the edge. . >> reporter: bullying, hazing, and harassment. the investigation of an nfl player. news at 5:00 starts now.
4:59 pm
. >> reporter: breaking the silence. the first of three women held captive by arial castro speaks. life inside this house of horrors. this is what people are talking about. inside the cleveland house of horrors, one of the women is telling her emotional story. jessica has more. >> reporter: today michelle knight describes in graphic detail the torture and suffering that she endured. the three women were held captive in these


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