tv CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley CBS November 7, 2013 7:00pm-7:30pm EST
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today, the food and drug administration said transfats are no longer recognized as safe, and the f.d.a. intends to ban them. chip reid caught up with the f.d.a. commissioner dr. margaret hamburg. >> transfats increase your risk for heart disease. it turns out that they elevate the so-called bad cholesterol, l.d.l.. >> reporter: will this save lives and avoid heart attacks? >> this action will save lives. the c.d.c. estimates that if we can reduce the levels of trans fat currently in the american diet, we can probably save about 7,000 people from preventible death and prevent about 20,000 heart attacks. >> reporter: trans fat is created by turning liquid vegetable oil into fat. processed food manufacturers use it because it extends the shelf life and improves the flavor of some foods, including snack foods, such as microwave popcorn, crackers, and cookies.
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packaged siewps, cakeses, pies, and biscuits, stick margarines and vegetable short ningz, and ready-to-use frostings. and some restaurants use transfats in fried foods. the food and restaurant industries are doing little so far to resist the ban, noting that they've been voluntarily reducing transfats for years inspect in 2003, americans consumed fourp.6 grams of transfats a day. by 2012, it had plummeted to one graham a day, but the f.d.a. says there is no safe level of consumption. new york city banned the use of transfats in restaurants seven years ago. more than a dozen other localities followed. in an interview for "cbs this morning" new york mayor michael bloomberg, who led the charge, said even the restaurants are better off. >> they did not do what some people feared and thaft to replace transfats with something that was even worse. they replaced it with something that was better. and their business is better than ever.
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>> reporter: this isn't the first time the f.d.a. has cracked down on transfats. you'll recall it was in 2006 that they first started requiring companies to include information on transfats on their nutrition labels. now this next step banning transfats, scott, could take some time. the f.d.a. commissioner sailed the companies would have to come up with new recipes but she wouldn't say how much time shea will get. chip, thanks very much. there was a feeding frenzy on wall street today for the initial public offering of twitter, the social media company that has changed the way the world communicate. the price shot through the roof at the opening bell. it gained 73% on its first day, closing at $44.90. elaine quijano was there. ( cheers ) >> reporter: the seven-year-old company took over the nearly 200-year-old new york stock exchange. there were 80 minutes of haggling between people, not
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computers, over what twitter's opening price should be. trader keith bliss expected it would open around $26. >> when it comes to discovering price, true price, you need the human involved to help in that negotiation. >> reporter: algorithm can't get you that? >> oolg rism can't feel what's going on inside of a trading crowd. >> reporter: demand for twitter stock was 30 times greater than the supply. >> all wall street has embraced the new economy. >> reporter: twitter allows users to post messages no longer than 140 characters. there are now 232 million users, including popes and presidents. it's also become an important place to learn about breaking news. twitter charges advertisers to insert ads in users' fees. but the company still hasn't made money. it lost almost $65 million last quarter and doesn't forecast a profit until 2015. brian weiser is a stock analyst. >> you're not buying because of
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what they've done in the past. if you are looking to buy twitter, you're looking to do so because of what they'll do in the future. >> 44! >> reporter: the two biggest winners were the company's founders, evan williams, whose stock is worth $2.6 billion, and jack dorsey. his shares are worth more than a billion. executives at twitter will have to wait 180 days before they can cash oit. some analysts are urging caution about investin investing in twi. scott, they point out, tech stocks often give up some gains in the weeks after their debut. >> pelley: elaine, thank you. a good day for twitter, and we learned today the u.s. economy had a good summer. the economy grew 2.8% from july through september. that was better than expected. thanks in part to americans buying more cars. the economy grew by 2.5% between april and june. today's good news got investors worried, though, that the fed might roll back its stimulus programs so the dow dropped 152
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points to close at 15,593. today, a historic antidiscrimination bill passed the u.s. senate. 10 republicans joined the democratic majority to outlaw workplace bias against gays and lesbians. supporters said it would allow workers to love whom they chose without the threat of being fired. opponents said it could force employers to violate their own religious beliefs. the bill now goes to the house where speaker john boehner says he opposes it. our nancy cordes has been talking to senators today about a surprising jump in sexual assault in the military. a new defense department report says assaults are up 46% this year. senators are considering several different approaches to this. >> reporter: according to the defense department study, 3,553 members of the military reported being sexually assaulted in the first three quarters of fiscal
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year 2013. the study called the near-50% jump over the previous year unprecedented but cast it in a positive light, arguing the rise may reflect a change in victim confidence in d.o.d. response systems. >> it is disgraceful that there were 3500 sexual assaults and rapes last year in the military. >> reporter: new york democrat kristen gillibrand, haze the numbers give a bill she wrote new momentum. the senator wants to take decisions about prosecuting sexual assaults away from military commanders and place them in the hands of experienced military lawyers instead. >> what we know from victims is that they don't see an opportunity for justice. they see that their command may be biased against them. they may favor the perpetrator. they may favor pushing it under the rug because it makes the commander look bad. >> reporter: gillibrand brand and colleagues from the left and right teared up yesterday as rape victim ariana clay, a former marine and iraq war vet, described how her commander told her she deserved it.
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>> the humiliation of the retaliation of worse than the assault because it was sanctioned from the same leaders i once would have risked my life for. >> reporter: 47 senators have signed on to gillibrand's amendment, but military leaders argue the proposal would weaken the chain of command. missouri democrat claire mccaskill agrees. >> we let commanders off the hook, we have never solved a problem in the military without holding the commanders accountable. >> reporter: the senate is expected to vote on this amendment by the end of the month, along with a series of other reforms, including, scott, making it a crime to retaliate against victims of sexual assault in the military when they come forward. >> pelley: nancy cordes at the capitol. thank you, nancy. late today, president obama apologized for one of the biggest emerging problems with the affordable care act. more than three million americans have been told that they will lose their health insurance plans, even though the president has repeated for years that americans who liked their
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plans could keep them. here's what he said to nbc. >> i am sorry that they are finding themselveses in this situation based on assurances they've got from me. we've got to work hard niek sure they know we hear them, and that we're going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this. >> pelley: the plans are being canceled because they don't meet the minimum standards of the president's health insurance law. that's something that was always in the legislation. today, a former miami dolphin spoke to us about the turmoil in the locker room. the nfl is investigating. whether offensive lineman richie incognito harassed teammate jonathan martin. lydon murtha, a former lineman who played with both men, had this to say: >> there is instances, no question, where he was heckled by richie. it was trying to get him to open up and become, you know, a man
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in a men's game. and there would be some know-- some racially charged things that happened, but this is common throughout the whole entire nfl. every locker room has these things. i don't condone it. i don't partake in it, but it happens. >> pelley: james brown, host of the "nfl today" on cbs sports joins us now. j.b., the dolphins have suspended incognito, but what role does management have in all of this? >> you know, scott, as harry s. truman once said, the buck stops here. it stops with the head coach. the head coach sets the tone. he either selects or approves team leaders -- richie incognito was selected. they understood the rick given his track record, and you see how it's played out so far. >> reporter: when you hear lydon murtha say what he just said that this is common throughout the nfl what, do you think? >> you know what, scott, right and wrong, it's nonnenegotiable. there's no shade of gray here at all. no one has right to give someone else a license to use the "n"
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word for the alleged impact of trying to encourage someone. that is not encouragement at all. that word is despicable by any definition you want to use. and by the mere color of your skin-- black players who may have condoned that as well-- they're wrong for doing such. john wooden the great basketball coach at u.c.l.a. said the most effective four-letter word you can use it love. >> pelley: james brown in our washington newsroom, j.b. thanks. there was a first in the british parliament today. their top spies who are rarely ever seen came to a public hearing. they included the head of mi-5-- their version of the f.b.i.-- and mi-6-- their c.i.a. they stepped out of the shadows to sound a warning and mark phillips listened in. >> reporter: not that long ago, the public wouldn't have known the names of the people who head britain's foreign, domestic, and electronic eavesdropping services. but at an unprecedented hearing,
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they said the release of thousands of security documents by former n.s.a. contractor edward snowden had done serious damage. john sars is head of mi-6. >> our adversaries are rubbing their hands with glee. al qaeda is lapping it up. >> reporter: lain lobban runs the g.c.h.q., britain's version of the n.s.a. >> the cumulative effect of the media coverage-- global media coverage-- will make the job that we have far, far harder for years to come. >> reporter: the intelligence chiefs say since london's bus and subway terror attacks in 2005, their eavesdropping has foiled 34 other plots, but, they say, terror groups are now changing how they communicate over the internet. on a site we found, a jihadi group digramed just how the n.s.a. had been listening in to its chatter. "warn others," it said.
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"spread the word." scott, british security chiefs are now facing same sorts of allegations as those being faced by their counter of had parts in the u.s., that they've cast their security net too wide, that they're out of control, that the legal and political framework under which they're working simply hasn't kept pace with the technology that allows them to do what they now do. >> pelley: mark phillip at the houses of parliament for us tonight, mark, thanks very much. one of the strongest storms ever recorded is slamming into the philippines. did the united nations cause a cholera epidemic in haiti? and his honor the mayor takes off on a dishonorable rant when the cbs evening news continues. [ male announcer ] there will be more powerful storms. that's why there's new duracell quantum. only duracell quantum has a hi-density core. and that means more fuel, more power, more performance than the next leading brand. new duracell quantum. trusted everywhere.
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now they've filed an unprecedented lawsuit seek billions. jeff glor went to hate tow have a look. >> reporter: nearly four years after a catastrophic earthquake, this is haiti with 10 million people and little access to clean water, the country was hardly prepared for a cholera epidemic. lizette paul's family has been torn apart by the disease. her daughter, brother, and father all died. "when i think about them," paul told us "i know the pain they had to go through before they passed away." paul is now one of those suing the united nations for bringing cholera to the country, an epidemic that began after u.n. peacekeepers arrived following the earthquake in 2010. nicole phillips is the attorney handling the case from port-au-prince. if the united nations wasn't here in haiti after the earthquake, would this outbreak have happened? >> no. the people thought that that water was still safe to drink, and they kept drinking it.
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and now, the cholera has spread so far into the river systems, that it would be impossible to eradicate. >> reporter: forensic studies have linked the spread of the disease to a flawed siewnl system at the u.n.'s base for soldiers from nepal. a u.n. test showed the culprit bacteria came from southeast asia. cholera, spread through human feeses, induces severe vomiting and diarrhea and can kill if not treated quickly. this is believed to be the source of the initial outbreak. it's a section of river about an hour's drive northeast of port-au-prince. haitians here use this water to drink, to cook with, to bathe with. and up until 2010, they said they never had a problem. more than 8,000 have died in the last three years. we went to a clinic that is still full today. it's run by oliver schultz. how bad is the problem right now? >> the problem in haiti is bad. it is the worst cholera epidemic in modern times. there are more numbers here than
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probably even worldwide, alone in this year. >> reporter: the u.n. says it has legal immunity and will not accept claims for compensation. you're a family in a small town in haiti. you're up against a huge organization. what makes you think you can win this? "we're getting a lot of help, "lizette paul told us. "and we hope to god we can win it." with her brother and father gone, the family has no breadwinner and no money for the surviving children to attend school. winning this case, paul believes, could give them a future. and while this lawsuit moves forward, the same strain of cholera also continues to spread. scott, it's already been found in the dominican republic, cube aand now mexico. >> pelley: jeff, thanks sprch we'll be right back. dicine. advil congestion relief. it delivers a one-two punch at pain and sinus pressure with the power of advil and a nasal decongestant
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foot mapping center at i'm a believer. ♪ [ male announcer ] laura's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. >> pelley: another day and another embarrassing video released spheeturing the mayor of toronto. mayor rob ford, who tuesday admitted he'd smoked crack cocaine after police said they had a video of it was seen in this new video unleashing an incoherent, profanity-laced diatribe in which he threatens to kill an unidentified person. we don't know when the video was made, but the mayor emerged today to say he was clearly
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inebriated. he admitted he is embarrassed but he will not resign. monday is veterans day. it's called remembrance day in great britain and prince william and kate surprised londoners this morning by riding a bus, wearing red poppies, the symbol of remembrance day which honored soldier whose died in all british wars. but it was an american professor, moina michael, who oridgeinated the idea of wearing a poppy after world war i. she began a campaign to make that the symbol of remembrance of the war dead after reading in flanders fields. in the poem poppies grew over the graves of fallen soldiers. a fireball lit up the western sky. why are we seeing so many meteors? that's next. charitable giving. really. i get bonuses even working part-time.
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media at nasa's jet propulsion lab. >> that was a football-sized asteroid, and something like that hit the earth fairly frequently, maybe every day or so somewhere on the earth. >> reporter: there seem to be more sightings lately. >> reporter: i think there's more awareness of the asteroid hazard than there was before. >> reporter: the asteroid hazard became all too apparent in february when a flash in the sky over northern russia was so powerful, the shockwaves shattered windows, knocked people to the ground, and injured more than 1,000. the asteroid, 60 feet across, was traveling at 40,000 miles an hour. >> it was brighter than the sun-- 30 times brighter than the sun. >> reporter: scientists say there are some 20 million space rocks like the one that exploded over russia. scientific papers published yesterday predicted one could come every 10 or 20 years, rather than once in a century, as previously believed. if you find one, coming this way, how do we deflect it? >> we could launch a mission of
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a spacecraft that would go and hit the asteroid, moving in the opposite direction. that that would be enough to move a massive asteroid just a little bit and that would make it miss the earth. >> reporter: while small asteroids are hard to spot, the enormous ones thought to have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs are, thought to be found well before they reach earth. the dinosaurs didn't have a space program. we do. john blackstone, cbs news, los angeles. >> pelley: before we go, we want to congratulate gary england. for 41 years he was the chief meteorologist for kw-tv in oklahoma city covering more than 2,000 twisters. tonight, gary will be inducted into oklahoma hall of fame. proud of you, gary. and that's the cbs evening news. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night.
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