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tv   Eyewitness News Morning Weekend  CBS  November 10, 2013 8:00am-9:00am EST

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>> good morning. up next, the death toll continues to rise after a massive typhoon slammed into the philippines. we will know where the storm is going next. and -- >> hospital fire takes the patient's wife. how did it start and why. that story is next. >> the ravens are back home and they want to get back in the win column. i'm mark viviano. a preview of the ravens and cincinnati bengals game coming up. >> a live look over baltimore. it's chilly enough you need a jacket. so what does the rest of the weekend have in store? meteorologist tim williams tells us in his first warning weather
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forecast. >> and you have a chance to be irish for the day for months before saint patty's day. i'm sharon gibala live at the state fairgrounds where it is the maryland irish festival. we will tell you about it coming up. eyewitness news is seconds away. >> this is wjz-tv. baltimore. >> from the city to the counties to your neighborhood. now it's complete coverage. it's wjz, maryland's news statio. >> good morning and welcome to eyewitness news. i'm gigi barnett. >> and i'm tim williams. this is the tenth day of the month. it is moving fast. we are a third of the way through already. it is a sunny day, a chilly day, and it's definitely going to be a very comfortable day overall.
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factors today, sunshine certainly, winds are going to be really a part of your forecast, the temperature is going to be up around 6 0 degrees. winds will feel more like the 50s. for a day in november, that's not bad. starting around 42 degrees. 45 in elkton, 37 out in oakland. we have that one spot about 52 degrees toward cumberland. our forecast high going to around 62 degrees. mostly sunny and breezy. tonight down around 33. it does get cold. breezy and chilly, otherwise clear tonight. for tomorrow and starting monday, 56 degrees. a storm system moving in by the middle of the week. >> thank you, tim. but first let's take a look the other stories people are talking about. as many as 10,000 people are believed dead after one of the worst, most powerful storms ever caused. homes, schools, and children's walked away. the latest on the death and destruction philippines.
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>> reporter: the typhoon produced entire neighborhoods to rubble. >> the devastation -- i don't have the words for it. it's really horrific. >> 150-mile per hour winds ripped through homes and snapped this tree like a twig. the storm surge reportedly up to 40 feet high in some places sent floodwaters into the streets. this woman says she is searching for her mother, father, and her child who was ripped from her hand. cleanup and rescue efforts are difficult because there is no power or phones in most places. people are sorting through what is left of their homes during the day then huddling together at night in the structures that are still standing. this image from space shows
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just how massive typhoon is, one of the most powerful storms ever recorded. if he'd in vietnam then it's forecast to head to china. on saturday a half-million vietnamese people in high risk areas will move to higher ground. they're hoping to avoid the direct hit that was seen in the philippines. wjz eyewitness news. >> and a mass burial is scheduled for later today. tim williams shows us just how powerful the storm is and how it formed later. two people are dead and dozens more injured after someone opened fire at a large house party in a suburb near houston overnight. the sheriffs office is looking for two suspects. more than 100 people were at the party. most of them were young adults. the injuries range from minor to critical and police say one person died at the scene. the second died at hospital. police are looking for a group of men who robbed two university of maryland students this weekend. the robbery happened early yesterday morning. two male students were walking on a path behind university
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departments when they were approached by a group of about eight to 10 men. police say the men to come up. a patient dies at a hospital fire that started in their room. how it all happened is still not clear this morning. the latest on the details. >> reporter: the fire department says it is unclear how this mysterious fire started as is the identity of the man who died in it. i'll hospital patient dies after baltimore city fire department says a fire ignites inside the university of maryland medical center. >> unfortunately, there was a victim who suffered as a result of a fire. >> the fire department says the flames ignited late friday evening on the 11th floor of the hospital inside a patient's room. >> when units a ride to the scene, the fire was already extinguished. >> as of saturday, the city fire department says it cannot confirm exactly how the fire started or why it started in that patient's
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room. a spokesperson for the university of maryland medical center says the flames were contained to one part of the hospital and no one else was impacted saying we can confirm that one patient has died, the fire was put out quickly, and is currently being investigated him. while the investigation continues, they pushed fire 50 no matter where you are. in baltimore, wjz eyewitness news. >> according to the hospital, it's not clear yet how much the repairs will cost. one northwest baltimore church may not have a place to worship this morning after a fast- moving fire ripped through their building. firefighters are investigating the blaze as a possible arson. it happened yesterday at the new fellowship church in the 2500 block of park heights avenue. witnesses say it looked like someone was trying to start a fire to keep warm in the blaze got out of control and spread.
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church members say they don't know where they will meet today. >> if you're driving in downtown baltimore today, be sure to pack your patience. ravens fans will run into roadblocks at warner street, which is permanent closed for the construction of the horseshoe casino. there are also closures on russell street between the stadium and bush street as crews relocate a gas main. and in just a few hours, ravens fans will be filling the stadium. >> good morning. the ravens got some of their wounded back for friday's practice. they had missed practice time earlier in the week. now, darrell and jimmy smith are listed as questionable with their injuries which means a 50/50 chance they play against the bengals today. the ravens want to get full strength given the potential of the bengals offense which does rank as one of the best in the nfl. since it's been developing a potent attack around andy dalton and the
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ravens know they'll have their hands full this afternoon. >> two great running backs, their offense of line is mulling people creating holes for the running backs. it will be a great chance for us. >> they always play tough. it's always a fight. but it's the afc north. we don't expect it any other way. >> the bengals do come to town as a slight favorite. the last thing they wanted baltimore was four years ago. the ravens trying to snap a three-game losing streak. they've never lost four straight in the time that harbaugh has been the coach. >> and don't miss all the actions when the ravens take on the cincinnati bengals. that accident happened here live at 1:00. >> i've got to say, clear day,
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fall leaves, a little chilly for me but nice. >> but you also have miami blood. >> 85 feels good to me. >> we are not getting that anymore. looking at a pretty foul like day. our normal high now is about 58 degrees. we will be up around 66. a bit of a chill in the air because of the wind but that even makes it feel like the 50s. tailgaters probably already heading down. >> i can smell the barbecue. >> i want to backtrack. we talked about the typhoon. of course, that the storm we've been watching. just want to give you a little bit of fact sheet to bring it in perspective. this is the storm from our satellite pictures. just give you an idea. first, a typhoon in the pacific basin is the same as a hurricane is in the atlantic. to keep them apart, consider typhoons in the pacific.
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their local name was yolanda. they kept track of it by calling it yolanda. they are about 13 hours ahead of us, about 9:00 in the evening there now. so when we talk about their local times, it's about 13 hours away. the storm has made it past the philippines moving in toward vietnam. it has already diminished. so that is what we are looking at now. at its height, winds gusting up to 230 miles per hour. this is a storm diminishing now. this state strong as long as it was out in the open water. it is now down to about 60 to 80 miles per hour moving fast vietnam and moving up into the china region. i said 230 miles per hour, category five storm. this storm was at 310 tight -- three times larger than katrina. with gusts up around 230 miles per hour. sustained around 195. this thing was literally off
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the charts. >> all i can say is wow. >> a lot of the instruments were registering the storm until the instruments died, so the stations registering the storm just kind of come out at a point because they couldn't sustain it. that is why we have been following the storm. it's really one of the largest if not the largest that has ever been reported on this planet to make landfall. we will continue to keep you posted in the aftermath. right now we are not dealing with anything quite that strong anywhere around us. we've had a quiet season. our season ends on november 30th, so we are about 20 days away from the atlantic hurricane season. right now looking at typical folly conditions. the barometer around the state, here is your range. 37 oakland, 51 ocean city, 44
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in elkton. temperatures ranging in that 45 to 50 degrees range. the winds will be a factor today. we are watching the pickup through the afternoon. that southwest full of continue to bring in the milder air. the culprit really is a bit of a disturbance moving from the great lakes over to new england. the front approaching behind it is going to help keep colder air in. this disturbance will keep the wind. it's kind of moving on through the region. high-pressure is building in. we are kind of in between the two. so we're feeling the impact. colder air settles in tomorrow. we've been talking about the potential of some showers and snow. the real issue here is not that we have a coastal storm now. the way this is forming is rain moving across the middle portion of the country in from the midwest . the best chances going to be four, basically, a mix of flakes north and west of the metro area. i will show you why the cap accumulations in just a second. here's your sunset time.
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small craft advisory in effect through this evening. 32 degrees tonight. the reasons there will be no real accumulation is because going into monday and tuesday, the overnight low around 38 degrees. we go right into 46 degrees on tuesday. that's the day the showers move through. no major event this time, but it is going to be another first for us. we start to see temperatures in the 20s. >> still to come on eyewitness news sunday morning, chaos when shots are fired at a popular ice skating rink. where this happened. we will tell you. >> plus, the pennies add up. how long since retired gas is cheap in maryland. >> and i'm sharon gibala live at the 40th annual maryland irish
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festival. and this is a much more than corn, beef, and cabbage. there are really cool demonstrations such as irish linen making. we will talk to them in just a few. >> but first, here's a look at yesterday's winning lottery numbers. good luck. we are back in just a few . ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> welcome back to eyewitness news on this sunday morning. the tenth day of november. ravens, of course, home with their division leading rival. cincinnati bengals in town. they can probably look around the corners of the stadium and see them somewhere close by. if you are looking at the forecast for today's game, the wind is a factor. kickoff 59 degrees. talking about a pretty comfortable day for november. it's going to be a pretty nice day. temperatures in the low 60s. if you are on the sunny side of the stadium, just know that it will warm up. 1:00 you see the action right here.
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we are at 45 degrees right now. 37 in oakland. a warm start on the map is in cumberland avenue 52. 51 in ocean city. our forecast high today, 5 2 degrees. overnight lows with clear skies looking at 33 degrees. your 5k first warning forecast is coming up. >> first, turning to some of the other headlines of the weekend. new york city police are searching for a gunman is open -- this morning that opened fire on a popular ice rink in midtown manhattan. witnesses say it was pandemonium as three shots rang out. more than 50 skaters drop to the ice and others huddled in the skate rink. two people were hit. dr. say they should survive their injuries. a grand jury indicts 10 bikers and an undercover new york city police detective in connection with a motorcycle road rage incident . prosecutors say the officer participated in the september 29th attack by shattering this suv's back window. police say the suv driver bumped the bike that had slowed down in front of him. motorcyclists closed in on the vehicle. as the driver was trying to get away, he ran over the biker. he pulled them out of his vehicle and then assaulted him.
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a frightening breach in airline security at lax in the same terminal where a tsa agent was shot and killed recently. airport police say and a passenger took out a gun in the baggage claim area causing panic. a witness saw the gun and called security right away. the browns squad even showed up to search the man's luggage. the gun was unloaded and it turns out the man has declared the weapon but he will still face charges. more good news at the gas pump. prices are at their lowest in two years. five states in the u.s. have average prices below $3 per gallon since labor day. the cost for a gallon of regular gas has fallen 38 cents. now, change to the winter fuel rates are two factors responsible for the decrease. >> here in maryland last month
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a gallon of regular last month cost $3.32. today that same gallon is going for 9 cents west at $3.23. 1 year ago we were paying $3.49 . >> i filled up yesterday. just because of that. >> you listen to your own report. >> yes, i did. >> something for everyone at the 40th annual irish festival. >> wjz is live at the fairgrounds. >> that's where we join sharon gibala. good morning, sharron. >> reporter: good morning, guys. good morning everyone. this is fun. you don't have to wait for months to be irish for the day. they have everything you could possibly imagine way beyond corned beef and cabbage. they have irish dancers, speakers, anything that you could possibly imagine that is irish. it is here in addition to fantastic kids area. they have a demonstration from some national irish weavers. they travel the country
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demonstrating their traits. good morning. tab key the weaver. >> good morning. it's good to be here. thank you so much. >> this is a really special craft here. you start with a plan. >> this is fox plant. it's the same plant from which you would get the health food flax that people eat. inside the stem of the plant are these fibers which are flax fibers which will then be taken to the spinning wheel where they are going to be turned into a thread and finally into linen. >> pretty cool. for people can come and they can really get a sense of what it takes to make the real irish linen and see the finished product. >> right. for instance, to make a man's shirt, it would take almost nine months to make just one shirt for a gentleman. >> okay. that's fantastic. makes you appreciate the things that you find at the irish
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festival or anywhere else. there's dozens of vendors here. as i mentioned, a big kids area as well as all the freshman you would imagine. 12:00 to 6:00 are the hours today. log onto irish for more information. more coming up in about 25 minutes. back to you guys. >> thank you very much. live at the fairgrounds this morning. did you do any of that when you studied in ireland quest wreck. >> no, i wasn't leaving anything . but i will leave you a shirt. >> i will be waiting nine months. >> coming up on eyewitness news sunday morning -- >> deadly diseases. coming back with defendants. wjz investigates this alarming trend and explains how the health of your children is at risk. [ male announcer ] want to upgrade your entertainment?
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switch to a fios triple play online for $89.99 per month guaranteed for the first year plus your choice of a $300 bonus with a 2 year agreement. last chance! this deal ends november 16th! fios is 100% fiber optic so you get america's fastest, most reliable internet, and unbeatable tv picture quality. so get fios now with your choice of bonus. this amazing deal is going fast! don't wait! offer ends november 16th! visit
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call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. let's get together for the holidays. ♪ come on, people, now ♪ smile on your brother [ female announcer ] rich, creamy, breyers legendary vanilla.
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making holidays more delicious for over 140 years. >> shows on tuesday and well west of the beltway. we are talking about maybe a mix of wet snowflakes on tuesday. 42 on wednesday, 50 and 57 on thursday and friday. >> deadly diseases. i once nearly wiped out making a frightening comeback in maryland and across the country. >> now doctors warn that parents who don't vaccinate their children are putting others at risk. >> in this morning's
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healthwatch, and alarming and controversial trend. >> reporter: good morning. these diseases are highly contagious, sometimes deadly among children. now anti-vaccination beliefs might play a role in bringing them back. >> reporter: measles, mumps, bullpen cost. deadly diseases. until recently, virtually eliminated thanks to vaccines that prevent kids from getting sick. but now doctors see an alarming trend, more and more children are coming down with these diseases . >> it's a serious issue that these diseases are coming back. >> kids die from measles on a regular basis. kids are in hospitals and can die from bullpen cough very commonly. these kids are at risk. >> here in maryland, cases of whooping cough are skyrocketing, tripling from 123 cases in 2011 to nearly 370 last year. outbreaks of measles and mumps
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have slept through states across the country. it just how serious a problem is that when a child gets sick? summer robinson experience it firsthand. her son was just three weeks old when whooping cough put him in intensive care for five days and nearly killed him. >> when you went to the hospital and he was diagnosed with whooping cough, what went through your mind? >> you worry about if you will start breathing again. how long have they not been breathing? it is just so scary. >> too young for the recommended vaccine, he was defenseless. he's living through. one contagious person can start an outbreak. >> if your 10-year-old has it and you are in walmart, you could essentially kill my three -week-old baby because you didn't want to vaccinate your child. >> if these diseases can be prevented, why is a growing number of parents not getting their children the shots? well, some fear the vaccine can do more harm than good.
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>> these vaccines and all of these doses also can be deadly. >> after talking with doctors, this mom decided not to vaccinate her young children. she asked wjz to hide her identity because other parents are angry her kids can put their kids in danger. >> what happened that led you to make this decision? >> it just didn't make sense to me. i didn't understand why a little human had to get so many drugs at one time. >> she believes her families healthy lifestyle will keep her children from getting sick, but most doctors insist that's not enough. >> it doesn't matter what vitamins there on, how healthy they are, everything organic, it's irrelevant. your child will get sick. >> you don't ever want to be in an icu unit not knowing if your child is going to live, especially over a disease that is supposed to be preventable. >> wjz eyewitness news. >> in maryland children must be immunized to attend school. >> but they can be exempt from
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medical or -- medical for religious reasons. >> still to come -- the philippines is still reeling from a catastrophic event. the typhoon that killed thousands and how people here in maryland are headed there to help. more when eyewitness news sunday morning returns. morning returns. >> the,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> complete coverage continues with gigi barnett and meteorologist tim williams. it's wjz, maryland's news statio. >> good morning welcome back to eyewitness news weekend edition. i'm gigi barnett. >> and i'm tim williams. a sunny start to the day. a bit chilly, but it's going to be a bit windy later in the day. >> need a light jacket. >> especially if you are going to the ravens game. temperatures up around 60 degrees, which is well above our normal high for this time of year. usually about 58. the wind chill, if you can call it that, will make it feel more like the 50s. starting up around 45 degrees in central maryland. 37 in far western maryland. our forecast high around 5 2
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degrees. mostly sunny and breezy with temperatures just around 32 degrees. we will talk about the week ahead coming up. >> first, here's a look at the stories we're keeping an ion. more than 10,000 people are believed dead in the philippines in what could be the worst storm in history. the massive typhoon was three times larger than hurricane katrina. wendy gillette reports for wjz. >> reporter: typhoon reducing entire neighborhoods to rubble. >> the devastation is -- i don't have words for it. it's really horrific. it's a great human tragedy. >> 150-mile per hour winds ripped through homes and snapped this tree like a twig. the storm surge reportedly up to 40 feet high in places, send floodwaters into the streets. this woman says she is searching for her mother, father, and her child was ripped from her hands
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. cleanup and rescue efforts are difficult, because there's no power or phones in most places. people are sorting through what is left of their homes during the day then huddling together at night in the structures that are still standing. this image from space shows just how massive the typhoon is. one of the most powerful storms ever recorded. it's hitting vietnam, then it's forecast to head to china. on saturday a half-million vietnamese people in high risk areas were moved to higher ground. they're hoping to avoid the direct hit that was seen in the philippines. wjz eyewitness news. >> and baltimore-based catholic relief services is sending supplies for those who lost their homes in the philippines. just ahead, meteorologist tim williams will give us a closer look of how this massive storm formed. two people dead and dozens injured after someone opened fire at a large house party in a
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suburb near houston overnight. the sheriffs office is looking for two suspects this morning. more than 100 people were at that party. most of them are young adults. the injuries ranged from minor to critical and police say one person died at the scene. the second person died at the hospital. it's justice 30 years later. today a maryland fugitive is back in police custody. detectives say back in 1980 anthony rackley broke out of prison and went to oklahoma and its and a new life. he called police using that new name to reported case of extortion against him. police say he then callback using his real name and told him who he was. he was serving time for robbery with a deadly weapon. he is awaiting extradition to maryland. new video this morning of a two alarm fire in baltimore county that injured two people in a firefighter. if writing a fire trap several people on balconies in the 1600 block. one person seriously injured
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and the firefighter was treated for smoke inhalation. several families are displaced this morning and the red cross is helping them find new homes. the cause of the fire is still a mystery. meanwhile, new fundraising within the baltimore county fire department is breaking a long-standing tradition. monique prieto explains what it is and how they are doing it. >> reporter: the middle river volunteer fire department is rolling around town. the now alongside its name and numbers are the local businesses locals. >> we wanted to make sure our advertising wasn't tacky. we just did it as tactful as possible. >> the department is the first to sell ad space on two of its trucks. it sticks to the right away color scheme. department leaders tell -- while they do receive funding, the majority of their budget comes through fundraising efforts. >> the returns from some of our
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fundraising hasn't been as good, so this was a good way of achieving that goal. >> baltimore-based cooling, heating, and plumbing will pay the department a monthly fee although specifics are being released. company leaders say for employees and more than a dozen customers currently volunteer for middle river fire. >> they take care of us. we live here. they take care of our customers . we appreciate their sacrifice because it is volunteer. >> unlike when the idea was proposed in baltimore city, so far they haven't received a lot of backlash. the funds from the ads will be used to buy a new power generator. >> have power for ourselves and operate under severe conditions outside. the community can also come to our firehouse for shelter and power from events. >> wjz eyewitness news.
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>> and this year nearly $7 million in funding was split between 35 fire companies. the majority of that money comes from donations. >> if you're driving downtown today, be sure to pack your patience. ravens fans will run into roadblocks at warner street, which is permit closed for the construction of the horseshoe casino. there are also closures on russell street between the stadium and bush street as crews relocate a gas main. if you can, take the bus or light rail down to the stadium. and in a few hours, ravens fans will be filling and then t bank stadium. they're hoping the game will be the turning point of the season. the ravens have lost three straight and as sports director mark viviano reports, the ravens defense will be tested. >> good morning. well, the ravens got some of their walking wounded back for friday's practice.
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terrel suggs and darryl smith and jimmy smith and corey graham were all on the field. they had missed practice time earlier in the week. darrell and jimmy fischer listed as questionable with their injuries which means a 50/50 chance they play against the bengals today. the ravens want to be at full strength given the potential of the bengals offense which does rank as one of the best in the nfl. a potent attack developed around andy dalton, and the ravens know they will have their hands full this afternoon. >> they just have playmakers all over the field. receivers, quarterback, two great running backs. their offense of line is mulling people and creating holes for the running backs. it will be a great chance for us. >> they've always played us tough. it's always a fight, you know, with these guys. we don't expect it any other way. >> the bengals to come to town
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as a slight favorite. the last time they won here in baltimore was four years ago. the ravens try to snap a three- game losing streak. they've never lost four straight and a time that john harbaugh has been head coach. back to you. >> and don't miss all the action when the ravens take on the cincinnati bengals. skip the traffic and stay home. watch the game at 1:00 live right here on wjz-13. >> if you don't have tickets to the game, you can go shopping at the ravens -- shopping for ravens gear. >> our shop include jennifer is here. she knows all the cool stuff to get. >> and you need the new stuff now that it's starting to get cold. he was not had to dress for football yet. >> get the gear. >> there you go. purple palace sitting quietly right now. we've got to backtrack a little bit. just to give you a little bit of an idea just to put this in perspective, they are about 13
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hours ahead of us. local time there they are just around 9:30 or so their time sunday night. what we're dealing with is a storm that formed in the waters of the atlantic and kept getting bigger and bigger. it was about three times larger in size than katrina. the peak winds at its height were about 230 miles per hour, which is just really off the charts here. the sustained winds at that time were like 195 miles per hour, so the storm was really devastating. continue to move now, we will give you an idea of where it is moving. it's moved past vietnam. it's made landfall with winds down to about 60 to 80 miles per hour. we will show you. winds now are moving down. they are starting to degrade. the storm system is making landfall up toward china now. we talk about those winds, category five storm starts at 155 miles per hour and over. this storm is at 195 sustained with gusts up to 230. it was higher than that at times.
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it just could be registered. the instruments registering the storm kind of got destroyed as the storm moved across. i would venture to say that it probably was higher at certain times. that is why we have been keeping track of this. again, we talk about a typhoon, it's basically a specific version of a hurricane. hurricanes in the atlantic, typhoons in the pacific. our season here actually guys down. it has been calm. it's going to be ending here on the 30th of the month. we hope to keep it calm here. certainly, nothing like that today. west southwesterly wind at 5 miles per hour. barometer pretty high at 30.02. we have 37 in oakland, 54 in cumberland, 51 in ocean city, and 44 up toward elkton. we have 45 in bel air, 50 and rock hall, 45 annapolis, and i can island. you see the wind starting to pick up. will call called they are. starting to get closer toward the front is.
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20 miles per hour in cumberland and 20 out in oakland. so that is what we're dealing with. gusts could be as high as 35 degrees. it's all part of portions of the system. one moving across the great lakes into new england. there is a trailing cold front pushing into the region. cold air settling in, but without front moving in, we start see the winds picking up. so it will be gusty all the temperatures are too cold. not talking about a wind chill, but just know it's going to be pretty blustery. that cold air plays into our forecast monday night into tuesday. showers moving in will mix with that. we could see some wet snowflakes well north and west of the metro area, basically, around the 600 and 95 corridor. sunset today at 4:56. small craft advisory in effect through this evening. breezy with patchy clouds. otherwise clear tonight and temperatures down around freezing. then for tomorrow looking at
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temperatures up around 56 degrees. 46 on tuesday, 42 on wednesday, 50 m and 57 on thursday and friday. >> you know if you are a ravens maniac, you got to show it. >> still to come on eyewitness news sunday morning. you've got to know how to dress for the part. >> coming up, what's new. we show you and how you show team spirit coming up. >> and i'm sharon gibala live at the 40th annual maryland irish festival. you can immerse yourself all day in the traditions, and you can buy all of your irish gear. of your irish geand then when you get up -- can i play?
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>> a sunny day in baltimore. 45 degrees. it is a 47:00. welcome back to eyewitness news weekend edition. >> well, you don't need to be irish to appreciate the culture it has to offer. >> the 40th annual maryland irish festival is taking place. >> there's lots to see and do. >> that's where we find sharon gibala. she is there was a sneak peak. good morning. >> good morning, guys. this is a fun day ahead. basically, we are at the state fairgrounds in timonium where they are all irish for the day. anything you could possibly imagine that is irish is here, whether
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it is food, music, dancing, and then all of those special products that you could possibly want, like this beautiful irish wool scarf. we have charlie. good morning. >> good morning, sharron. this is all stuff you can't find in the mall. >> it's hard to find irish items. the festival here this weekend is a great place to come and get all of those. start that early christmas shopping. there is about 60 different irish stores from all over the east coast here at this festival, so it's a huge selection of irish products. >> and this is all authentic, not stuff that has just been printed at the manufacturer. >> absolutely. you can see from some of the selected items here. this is butler's and chocolate. butler's is a manufacturer of fine irish chocolates. they work with the jameson whiskey company to make irish truffles.
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very unique product. here we have some of the authentic irish from ireland. a huge range of authentic products. >> so popular. i'm interested in trying those truffles. in the meantime, the great thing also about this festival is that it benefits maryland irish charities. 32 of them. they are selling this commemorative glass here as well to benefit those charities. to learn more, you can go to irish back to you guys. >> thank you. >> sharon gibala reporting live in timonium. >> nothing like chocolate in the morning. >> still to come on eyewitness news sunday morning. nothing like ravens in the morning. >> you will need your warmer close. jennifer is here to talk about what you can get and wh
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>> the next thing if you can go to the game, go shopping. >> jennifer quinn is here to talk about getting ready for the colder weather with dressing a little warmer. >> good morning. >> good morning. thanks for having us. gg is over here shopping. >> our producer has asked me several times, okay, what is that, where is located, how does it where? >> we've got a shopping buddy. >> we've got plenty for you. sports mvp and casual gear. they donated all of these things just to show you what we have. >> very cool. you have this kind of divided. men's stuff over there and women stuff over here. >> ladies first. >> the weather is getting
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colder. you notice in the mornings it is breast. today it's a little chilly. you want to layer up. these are the items in season. down there him and there is more food. we wanted to also bring in one of the regulation bags that you are allowed to bring into the stadium. they've been tough to find and now they are all back in stock. the clear bags. we have actually one of the featured bags. >> you want to put that on quest wreck. >> what that? >> a true fan. >> you have rain boots. people dress for all the gear. >> this is a brand-new jacket that just came out. it is also reversible. just a true purple on the inside. on the men's side over here, a nice warm vest. where your jersey underneath of
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it. again, just some of the newer half this season. this one just came in as well. but if you are tailgating, we've got a couple things if you are out there today. we've got a portable tailgate cooler. i don't know if you seen this. you can just carry it on your way wherever you are going. it has kind of a nice cooler in their. >> you've got to be a diehard. these are two replica rings, super bowl rings. these are heavy. one is platinum and gold. >> first super bowl and then last year's. when you are out in the cold, don't forget your chapstick. forget your chapand then when you get up -- can i play?
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>> look for chance of rain on tuesday. 46 on tuesday, and then back to the 50s thursday and friday. >> a really good thing is that if you have a ravens fan and want to do christmas shopping early, get busy now. >> we have our black friday coming up at the end of the month. you've got to get excited for that. our stores are opening at 8:00 p.m. on thanksgiving, which is insane. soft opening around 12:00. santa will be here this friday from 6:00 to ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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