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tv   Eyewitness News at 4  CBS  November 11, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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>> honoring our nation's veterans on veterans day. eyewitness news at 4:00 starts now. desperate situation. no food, no water, no shelter, for millions of victims of the philippines typhoon. >> the soaring death toll, as help from around the world arrives. >> hi. i'm kai jackson. >> i'm mary bubala. here's what people are talking about. >> the situation is so bad on the ground in the philippines, there are not enough body bags for those who died. survivors are struggling to survive just another day. >> reporter: the typhoon hit the city of tacluban hardest. 170-mile-an-hour winds, and a huge storm surge, flattened
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palm trees and homes. >> every building is either significantly damaged or destroyed. >> reporter: survivors roamed the streets, looking for loved ones, while others searched for food, water, and medicine. authorities say 800,000 people were evacuated ahead of the storm. but many temporary shelters, like this church, were quickly overwhelmed. the recovery effort is just beginning. the u.s. military is bringing in generators, as well as food and water. >> reporter: here in los angeles, a group called team rubicon, made up of mostly military veterans has just sent a crew of 15 to help in the relief effort. this is their operations center, where they have also been mapping out the damage in the philippines, to determine to go. >> we'll likely work ourselves out into the rural area. >> reporter: jake wood is leading team rubicon's efforts. >> they'll begin doing search and rescue efforts, as well as local triage. >> reporter: the group is already planning to send in a second team to deal with the
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overwhelming devastation. teresa garcia, wjz eyewitness news. >> you can help the victims of the philippines typhoon. catholic relief services is taking your donations now. call them at 1-877--help-crs. or go to their website, here in maryland, we are getting ready for our first taste of real winter-like weather. a bitter blast of arctic air, along with a chance of snow showers. just over the horizon. wjz is live over the first warning weather coverage. meteorologist chelsea ingram and bob turk are tracking the system now. >> reporter: even though it's very mild out there now. pleasant afternoon. temperatures now in the mid- 50s. some areas getting close to 50. as you see, cumberland, 69. oakland, 45. but there's a big change coming. the dew point is 27. that's going to head down, along with the temperatures that are going to head down as well. if you look out to the west of us, we have very, very cold air, up across the northern central portion of the plains
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right now. only 28, minneapolis. chicago getting cold at 34. only 14 in winnipeg. but as you head to the east, pretty mild air. generally in the 50s, 60s, as you see, close to 70 in memphis. but we have cold air headed our way. looks like a major change coming our way. because of that change to the west of us, a winter weather advisory goes into effect late tonight, for garrett county, a little western allegheny county, primarily the frostburg area. and portions of west virginia. late tonight being through tomorrow, they'll be seeing some snow. how much snow. chelsea is in the outback with a look at what we can expect around here and what's going on the rest of the state. >> we'll get to estimated totals in just a minute. but first, take a look at this time line. this is what the models are expecting to happen. between about 4:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m., rain showers will be moving in. that's when we'll get the cold blast of arctic air moving into the region. we'll see some cold blast of air mixing in. and between 9:00 a.m.
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and 1:00 p.m., we'll taper to sprinkles and flurries in some spots. now, here we go with the amounts. we're looking at about 3 to 6 inches, where that winter weather advisory is in effect in portions of allegheny and cumberland. counties in maryland, we'll see a trace to a possible coating. for a portion of central maryland and northeastern maryland. but southern maryland and the eastern shore and lower eastern shore, we're looking at mainly rain, possibly mixing in with a few snowflakes. i'll have more coming up in your exclusive first warning forecast. back to you inside. >> all right, chelsea and bob. thank you both. check this with wjz for first warning weather coverage. we'll keep you updated on any threat of severe weather, along with any information on closings and delays. >> at the center of the firestorm over race and bullying, suspended miami dolphins' player, richie incognito is now speaking out, telling his side of the story. marlie hall reports for wjz, he
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admits sending offensive messages to a former teammate but says they are friend. >> reporter: itchy incognito said he is -- richie incognito said he is embarrassed by the language he has used with his teammate. he use the "n" word. >> i'm not a racist. and to judge me by that one word is not fair. >> he said it came from love. >> no matter how vulgar it sounds, that's how we communicate. that's how our friendship was. those are the facts and that's what i'm accountable for. >> he left the team -- martin left the team after alleging herselfment. martin -- incognito gave text messages sent by martin. it said, just know, i don't blame you guys at all. it's just the culture around the football and locker room got to me.
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>> i had taken stuff too far. and i didn't know it was getting to him. >> reporter: both players are expected to discuss the case with the nfl's special investigator. marlie hall, wjz eyewitness news. >> teammates, both black and white, say incognito is not a racist. martin left the team and is in counseling. on alerting college park, two university students robed and beaten by a large group. jessica kartalija has more on what happened. jessica? >> reporter: mary, the stiewbtszs were walking be -- students were walking behind an off-campus apartment. they beat them and stole the items before fleeing on foot. both students had minor injuries. one was treated at a local hospital. police are now looking for those suspects. an alert was sent out to students, informing them about what happened. mary? >> all right, jessica. thank you. hear from concerned students coming up next on eyewitness news at 5:00. just in time for the holidays, amazon is teaming up with u.s. postal service to deliver packages on sunday. the seattle company says sunday
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delivery will be available this week to customers in the new york and los angeles metropolitan areas. amazon and the postal service, plan to roll out service to much of the rest of the nation next year. any problems on the roads, let's get our updated check on traffic with kristy breslin at wjz traffic control. hi, kristy. >> hi, kai. hi, everyone. a couple of minor delays out there. nothing too terrible. traveling on the top side inner loop, watch for a slowdown there, rice reisterstown road to the jones falls expressway. it will slow down a bit. just a couple minutes from charles street to perring parkway. as far as the west side of the inner loop goes, slows -- it does slow down as you make your way towards 70. and northbound 95, seeing some delays there, from 100 to 195. then again, from the beltway on the northeast corner, over to whitemarsh boulevard. as far as accidents go, at this point, we're watching one in the havre de grace area. darlington road at rock run. let's now take a live look. as you can see, everything
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moving very nicely there. 95 at 395. this traffic report is brought to you by erickson living. for fun, maintenance-free retirement living. beautiful new apartment homes now available. visit erickson >> kristy, thank you. president obama pays tribute to the millions of our nation's veterans. >> present arms! >> as he does every year, he laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown at arlington national cemetery. he used his mark -- remarks to remind the nation that thousands are still at war in afghanistan. and cities across the country honored veterans day. and as alex demetrick reports, baltimore was no exception. >> it looked much like any other parade. but on veterans day, it's different. and it couldn't be more personal for many, like the gold stars who carried pictures of children.
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>> we're representing our children, many of whom were killed in the iraqi and afghanistan war. >> bringing together people who might be strangers most of the year, but who gather each year at baltimore's war memorial plaza, under big flags and small. >> we are city of neighbors helping neighbors, to build a stronger community and a strong nation. today, we honor our veterans who have selflessly given everything to further that vision. >> reporter: while the calendar may call this a holiday, for veterans -- >> i've served in desert storm. and it's a chance to honor those who came and died in wars behind me. >> along -- a long chain linking back to vietnam and further, into korea. back to the total war, waged in world war ii. and the war that was supposed to end all wars, and its conclusion that was on the 11th
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day of the 11th month, became known as veterans day. >> it should be a tribute to celebrate their freedom that was given to those who served. >> reporter: alex demetrick, wjz eyewitness news. >> while veterans day now encompasses every conflict, the last living survivor of world war i died last year at the age of 110. >> wow. that's interesting. >> i love how they said, it's everyone's day, not veteran's day. that's pretty poignant. >> it is poignant. >> and selfless that they are willing to share it with us in that way. >> special. very special. still ahead at 4:00. gas pain relief. finally a break at the pump. what is driving prices down. modern-day bonnie and bonnie and clyde. they're accused of robbing more than a dozen banks in two states. how police track down the two suspects. a mother killed at an animal sanctuary. how did it happen? they are talking that there is a chance we could wake up to
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some snow possibly on the ground tomorrow. just a trace. stick around for the updated first warning weather forecast. ,
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it's mostly cloudy. 55 degrees in central maryland right now. the complete first warning weather forecast is coming up. a modern-day bonnie and clyde couple, arrested after a year- long bank robbery spree. fbi agents arrested a couple at their tampa, florida home. the two are accused of robbing 13 banks in floor, and two -- florida, and two in alabama. authorities say they used disguises and notes to demand money. surveillance video captured the license plate of a getaway car, leading to their arrests. the robberies netted a total of nearly $55,000. a young mother is fatally mauled by at least one big cat in an animal sanctuary in oregon. the 36-year-old victim devoted
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her life to helping animals. chris holstrom has more on what happened. >> reporter: thoughts and prayers for the facebook page for 36-year-old renee radzewine. family members say the caretaker leaves behind a husband and daughter. >> i'm still shaking and i don't even know what happened. >> reporter: sheriff's deputies say she was attacked and killed saturday night by a cougar. one of the many animal unless this no-kill, last-hope sanctuary. neighbors in the area say they never expected anything like to -- this to happen. >> we don't see them much. they're pretty vocal. being lower from the hill down there, you end up hearing them quite a bit. >> reporter: we tried to contact the wildhaven sanctuary to find out how this happened. we're still waiting to hear back. but police say finding this woman in the dark was a tough task. >> fortunately, when we did get here, there were some folks on
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the scene who worked here as well. they were able to get us to the area and make sure we were at least reasonably safe. >> reporter: folks aren't sure exactly what happened to this woman. but according to the oregon department of fish and wildlife say that problem animals who risk lives, will be humanely euthanize. ed. euthanized. >> you never wish that on anybody. >> the sanctuary says it has strict reg eulogies that two people be present at all times when with the animals. and it appears she was alone. a fire hydrant sheared off during morning rush hour, causing delays until the water was shut off. they are looking for the car that hit that hydrant. it's a good start to the week on wall street?
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all the markets are up at the closing bell. dow was up 21. s&p up. and nasdaq up as well. both a point. let's go to new york, where alison harmelin has tonight's cbs money watch update. >> reporter: stocks are mostly higher, with the dow jones heading into record-breaking territory. last week, encouraging news about u.s. hiring pushed the dow to an all-time high. wall street honored veterans day with a moment of silence. the bond markets are closed for the holiday. this week, investors will be looking for the big department stores for their earnings reports. macy's, kohl's and nordstrom were all expected to deliver their reports. amazon will begin local based services in new york. with other major cities to be added sometime next year. the new thanksgiving tradition may be shopping. target now says its stores will open earlier on thanksgiving.
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they will open at 8:00 p.m. on turkey day, an hour earlier than last year. they will remain open throughout the night and close at 11:00 p.m. on black friday. others have also planned to open their doors on the night of thanksgiving. that's your money watch. for more, log onto i'm alison harmelin. thanksgiving is just weeks away. and the balloons are getting a test run. this weekend, they were taken out for a flight at the meadowlands in rutherford, east rutherford, new jersey. snoopy and woodstock, right? >> yes. >> it will feature new floats, including takes from how to train your dragons and adventure time. and i think we just saw -- sponge bob square pants. mr. crabs. where is he? >> crabby patty? >> crabby patty. >> i've got to tell you something. >> i miss that. >> each without my -- even without my kids being present,
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i could sit and watch sponge bob and have a great time. it's just a classic cartoon. the best. >> somehow, in our house, it's always a rerun. and i'll be like, i've already seen this. the kids can watch it 50 times. but i need a fresh one. health care headaches for a rough few weeks for president obama. and it could get worse this week. find out why. 300 u.s. catholic bishops are meeting in baltimore this week, to try to lay out a plan to strengthen the church. i'm mike schuh, at the basilica. coming up next. get that heavy blanket ready. stick around for the cold, first-warning weather forecast. >> wjz 13 is always on. for the top stories on, instant updates and first warning weather all the time, click,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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i know we're going to focus on what is to come. but right now, and all day, it's been a nice day out there. it's really pretty mild. and some sun. but chelsea, we know it's changing. >> oh, it is. it is. but it has been a little seasonably cool out there, with temps sitting in the mid-50s. be normal this time of year,
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right around 58 degrees. take a look at our currents across the region. we're sitting now at 55 degrees at the airport. the cool spot on the map, that's oakland, as usual, around 49 degrees, locally, we're seeing temps ranging anywhere from about 53 degrees in westminster and kent island. to around 57 degrees in the d.c. metro. things are going to be changing, especially as far as the winds are concerned. the winds are going to be the vehicle for the changes in our forecast. right now, the commands over the south and southwest. they're going to be coming out of the north, as we head into your tuesday, to be associated with a cold front. all eyes right now are on the great lakes and the northern plains, as this next system starts to make this new venture into the mid-atlantic. right now, it's bringing a little snowfall to southern wisconsin, northern illinois. and also, rainfall to portions was great lakes. and mix of precipitation as well. now that cold front is going to drag a lot of this very chilly air, located in the northern plains, 23 degrees in bismarck.
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28 in minneapolis. we're going to drop down into the 20s. but we'll have to wait until about tuesday night and wednesday night for that to happen. but this cold air is certainly headed our way. you wouldn't be able to tell it, though, with the mild temperatures, across the midtributic. but things are about to change. as we head through the next couple of days, taking you through wednesday. high pressure that brought us sunshine throughout the day today. that's going to start slipping offshore. then that cold front is going to move through. bringing us a bit of rainfall as early as 4:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. and changing over to snow showers in some spots. between about 6:00 and 9:00 a.m. and some of us could see generally speaking, about a trace to a coating of snowfall and then in the mountains, we're looking at more with that winter weather advisory, about 3 to 6 inches. bay temperature, at 55 degrees. small craft advisory, in effect now through tuesday. tonight issue here's what you can expect. 39 degrees. we'll be mostly cloudy with a passing shower possible late. but better chances are going to move our way as we head into tomorrow morning, with morning
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rain showers. then as i mentioned, tapering two snow showers throughout the region. we'll dry out through the afternoon and bring sunshine back into the picture as well. >> all right. what will the schools do? >> 43 degrees. man, send the kids. >> they'll be okay. they'll be all right. don't miss the cbs primetime lineup, tonight at 10:00, it's an all-new episode of hostages. that's followed by eyewitness news at 11:00. now, the ravens look to get a winning streak going, when they traveled to chicago to take on the bears. don't miss the action sunday at 1:00 p.m., live on wjz. and make sure to stay tuned after the game for special wjz post game coverage. we will bring you analysis and reaction. it is a football live here on wjz. still to come on wjzune at -- wjz eyewitness news at 4:00. she lost a bet. >> are you videoing? >> yes! woo hoo! >> a husband shocks his own wife with a stun gun. what it has to do with football and how police got involved.
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a man in new york accused of killing a his fellow band members. why investigators think he pulled the trigger. a black eye for the north navy. navy. the scandal that ,, you, uh, here for the interview? yeah... is that...? it is! (sigh) naomi, i take it? i'm tracey. your résumé is fantastic... (slurping) with authentic, expertly crafted roasts and legendary brews, eight o'clock is the coffee for those who put coffee first. (slurp) (whirring)
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it is just before 4:30. partly cloudy. 55 degrees. hello. thanks for staying with eyewitness news. i'm denise koch. >> and i'm vic carter. here's what people are talking about. >> another black eye for the world's most powerful navy. two more high-ranking officers are implicated in the bribery scheme. danielle nottingham has the latest. >> reporter: vice admiral, ted branch and bruce lovelace have had their access to classified
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information suspended and placed on leave from the jobs. the officers are suspected of receiving gifts from glenn marine. the while the -- while the two admirals have not been charged with a crime, three other navy officials, commander jose luis sanchez, commander michael michewitz were arrested earlier on charges to leaking information to the contractor, in return for cash, prostitutes prostitutes and luxury travel. >> reporter: the contractor allegedly used the insider information to overbill the navy for billions of dollars and keep tabs on the scheme. >> reporter: former staff member richard myer say the latest allegations make the scandal even bigger. >> looks to be a little more wide spread and involve more money just from what you can tell in the public record than
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in things gone before. >> reporter: they have been investigating dealings with contractors from 2010. >> danielle nottingham, wjz eyewitness news. >> now, the contractor has been held without bail since he was arrested in california in september. >> music and murder. new york police find a troubling scene inside an apartment in brooklyn. kai is live in the newsroom with more on what happened. kai? >> a man kicked out of an indy rock band, killed three former band mates and wounded a fourth before kilting himself. artists can rent cheaper space. the band members were all from iran and had come to the united states, seeking more musical freedom. police are trying to determine what made the former member snap. visk? >> thank you -- vic? >> thank you. the one band member who survived the shooting is in stable condition. three days after a super typhoon slammed into the philippines and crews are still trying to come to grips with the extentsz of the -- extent of the devastation.
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>> reporter: thousands of lives lost. families torn apart. homes have been reduced to rubble and hospitals are overrun. it's been more than three days since super typhoon hayan ripped through the country, followed by a massive storm surge that ripped through entire neighborhoods. local officials say as many as 10,000 people may be dead. so the red cross has ordered 10,000 body bags to prepare. in hard-hit tacloban, the three most critical needs are food, water and medical supplies for thousands of desperate survivors. emergency aid is coming in. but it's not arising quickly enough. c130 planes and helicopters have been bringing in supplies to the devastated areas, during daylight hours. but now, lights are being brought into the airptsz to make it a 24-hour operation. the philippine president on monday declared a state of national calamity, saying the
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typhoon caused widespread death, destruction, and incalculable damage. this authorizes the government to, among other i things, set price controls for goods. communications are also improving. the social network department says cell phone service has been restored and electricity is being provided. but for people in even more remote areas, only reachable by motor bike, the scope of the damage is still largely unknown. reporting from manila, i'm lisa cohen. >> now, you can help the victims of the philippines typhoon catholic relief service is taking donations now. you can call 1-877-help-crs or log onto their website, a quiet and calm monday evening here in maryland. a live look outside now. we could be in store for our first real brush with winter.
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wjz is live with first warning weather coverage. meteorologist chelsea ingram and bob turk are tracking the weather moving this way. >> did you say that word? yes, you did. let's take a look at temperatures. awfulawfully mild. we're at 55, 57, d.c. 52, ocean city. national temps showing quite a range. to the north west of us, 23. bismarck, only 16 in winnipeg. chicago, the front just went through there. they're getting snow showers. it's down to 33 there. but this part of the world, generally, 50s, 60s, even 70 in memphis am but because of the cold air coming and the risk, we'll see some snow. garrett county, a little west. the frostburg area west will see some snow developing late tonight into tomorrow morning. and that's why they issued a winter weather advisory. with more on what we can expect, chels sein the outback, has a look at what is coming, when and how much we can
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expect. chelsea? >> okay, thanks, bob. let's go through the time line first this. is what we expect as we head into tomorrow morning. between about 4:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. we'll see rain showers starting to move in, associated with that very potent cold front. between 6:00 and 9:00, once that blast of cold air works its way into the picture. we'll see rain mixing and/or changing over to snow. we'll see a couple of snow showers in between some spots. between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., we'll taper into sprinkles and flurries. but things will dry out as we head into the afternoon. now, as far as amounts are concerned, with that winter weather advisory, we're looking at anywhere from 3 to 6 inches of snowfall possible in western maryland. and central maryland, and yes, that includes, along the i-95 corridor, we could see a possible trace to even a coating. but keep in mind that the ground is very warm right now. and almost too warm to see much, if any, accumulation at all. particularly, we might see a little bit on grassy surfaces. but for southern maryland, and the lower eastern shore, we'll
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see rain possibly mixing in with a couple of snowflakes. bob will have more coming up this your exclusive -- >> thank you, chelsea and bob. check in with wjz first warning weather coverage. we'll keep you updated on any threat of severe weather, along with any information on any closings or delays. president obama's approval rating has suffered since the rollout of the federal healthcare enrollment website. and as aaron mcpike explains, a rough few weeks for the president could get even worse. >> reporter: president obama, taking a break on the golf course in florida, before what promises to be the most embarrassing week since the botched rollout of his signature walk. due out in the next few days are the initial enrollment numbers. americans who have actually been able to sign up for obama care, despite all of the problems with the website. >> i can tell you, our early ernrollment number -- enrollment numbers are going to be very low. >> if you like your healthcare
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plan, you can keep your healthcare plan. >> reporter: hasn't turned out to be the case. on monday, house republicans want to ensure that people who like their plan really won't want to switch. boehner [ inaudible ] mr. obama has promised his team will find a solution. telling nbc news -- sne. >> we did a good job. but it's it's something i regret, something we'll do everything we can to fix. >> but no fix has been announced. and by saturday afternoon, even the white house was saying if you like your plan, you can keep it and you won't have to change a thing, due to the healthcare law. >> looking ahead, conservative groups are pouring money into ad campaigns, reminding voters that democrats promised americans could keep their current insurance policies. major relief at the pump.
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gas prices dropped to lows not seen in years. they fell to their lowest level in years and are expected to continue dropping. triple a cited drops due to rise supply and weak be demand. and a relatively strong dollar against u.s. currency. right now, we are paying an average of $3.23. that's down from $3.32 last month. and $3.45 this time last year. is it a quiet rush hour ride home because of veterans day? let's check in with kristy breslin, wjz traffic control. >> hi, vic. hi, everyone. well, we do have a couple of accidents out there. let's start with the one in harford county. also, traveling on the outer loop of the beltway, an accident to watch out for. blocking the right-hand lane. another crash, old harford road at putty hill. as far as delay goes,
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northbound 95, very slow traffic there, from the 895 split over to whitemarsh boulevard. we have a quarter accident lingering on the shoulder at whitemarsh boulevard. as far as the beltway goes, the top side inner loop, you'll see slow traffic, on and off, beginning at greenspring avenue. people trying to get a peek on the accident. also watch for slowing traffic as well. northbound 95 to 100. 95 north of the beltway, with the report of the accident up ahead at whitemarsh boulevard. this traffic report is brought to you by ericson living. for fun, maintenance-free retirement living, visit charlestown in catonsville. visit erickson for the details. back to you. >> thank you, kristy. baltimore is home to the first catholic archdiocese in america. and now, as mike schuh reports, the 300 bishops who run the report are returning to the spiritual home. >> reporter: almost since the
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formation of the baltimore archdiocese, the leader of the church in his country have left the flocks to gather here at the basilica downtown. and they have returned. 300 in all. >> hi. good morning. hi. >> reporter: a time for reflection. prayer. and leadership. >> we're going to discuss the issues that we feel are very important as far as the church is concerned in the united states. >> reporter: leading the conference at 6'5," new york's archbishop, timothy dolan. he opens with an anecdote about his predecessor. placed upon his death, he will be entombed. >> cardinal william said pointed out three plots and said, tim, that's where i'm going to be buried. and the other two are for you. [ laughter ] >> a lighthearted opening. but serious work needs to be done, including, how to increase the number of people who come to comump, fill the
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pews and help the church grow. >> it's an opportunity to talk about things that are of concern to the whole country. things -- pastoral issues, evange liization. >> reporter: the church realizes it is but one problem. >> i was bored. the sermons didn't touch me. so there are more issues than just the scandals. >> reporter: these meetings here in baltimore lasted until wednesday. at the basilica, mike schuh, wjz eyewitness news. back to you on tv hill. >> and the bishops will also work on the saint hood of a catholic schoolteacher. and the board members. straight ahead on eyewitness news at 4:00. you may want to change part of your dinner routine. why washing dinner before you cook it could help your health. and trying to escape after someone opens fire.
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is it time to break out the winter clothes for good? not at all. stick around for the updated first warning weather forecast. ♪ i woke up to a lightbulb ♪ every little thing is possible ♪ [ female announcer ] here's a fresh take on what to do with that chicken kraft fresh take kraft natural cheese on one side expertly blended spices and breadcrumbs on the other transforms your chicken in just 30 minutes ♪ love is a bright idea ♪ life is amazing ♪ with the love that i've found ♪ [ female announcer ] fresh take from kraft. every flavor is amazing. ♪
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chaos breaks out at a house party over the weekend, leaving two people dead and injuring at least 19 others. mary is in the newsroom with the latest. >> harris county sheriff's deputies say more than 100 people were gathered for a birthday party, when someone began shooting inside. police have arrested and charged three suspects in the shooting. randy young and 18-year-old stewart. one person was pronounced dead at the scene. another at the hospital. many were hurt escaping from the chaotic scene, some jumping from windows of the two-story home. young is charged with deadly conduct. while stewart is charged with aggravated assault. back to you. >> grief counselors and boosted security has been provided today by the suburban houston school district, to help calm those affected by the shooting. one of the four suspects,
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accused of killing 67 people inside a mall in kenya, in september, has been identified. the suspect is identified as 23- year-old hassan abdi duwellu, a somali native, who once lived in a refugee camp in kenya. authorities are still working to identify all four of the attackers seen in the mall security camera footage. secretary of state john kerry is refuting claims that the u.s. and five negotiating partners are divided on a plan to eradicate the nuclear program. >> reporter: secretary of state john kerry says the u.s. and its five partners all agreed to a plan to curb iran's nuclear powers. but iran wouldn't sign off on the deal. >> there is a gap still between what language may be appropriate that they're prepared to accept. >> reporter: iran is negotiating to ease economic sanctions in exchange for some restraints on its nuclear
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program, including a freeze of its high-grade uranium production. israeli prime minister benjamin net netanyahu said the proposal was one-sided. >> iran retains the capability to enrich materials for a nuclear bomb. >> reporter: but keshi said it's too soon to criticize. >> the time to oppose it is when you see what it is. not to oppose the effort to find out what is possible. >> reporter: former secretary of defense leon pineta said the u.s. should remain leery of iranian intention. >> they've had a hidden enrichment facility that we had to find out about. so we've got to be skeptical and make sure that even with some kind of interim agreement, that we know what the next steps are going to be. >> reporter: monday, iran announced a separate deal with the united nations that will give u.n. inspectors broader access to nuclear facilities. marlie hall, wjz eyewitness
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news. >> secretary kerry said that negotiations are a work in progress. and he's determined there will be a good deal or no deal. >> rescue crews saved a stranded swimmer off the coast of massachusetts. and it was all caught on tape. the man was stranded. his friends called police when he didn't come back to shore. the man treaded water for about an hour, before rescue crews saved him. doctors at the hospital treated him for hypothermia. cooking chicken may not be enough to keep your family safe from salmonella. stephanie stall reports, what you do before you cook it could put your health in danger. >> reporter: fried, roasted or grilled, chicken is a popular dish. no matter how you cook it, this is usually what happens first. >> reporter: about 90% of americans wash chicken before cooking it. >> why? >> because it say you're supposed to. >> reporter: because of the salmonella. >> reporter: every year, people get food poisoning from salmonella and other food poisoning that can be deadly.
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they did a study that showed washing raw chicken doesn't get rid of bacteria. it actually spreads it. >> in the literature, they call it aerosolization. you have this spray that is splashing back. >> reporter: jennifer quinlan helped develop a new campaign called, don't wash your chicken. kathy davis helped us test what happens when chicken is washed. >> you can trace germ with s with this. >> she used a substance to trace where bacteria spreads. we have a roaster that we covered with glow germ that we rinse offend in the sink. >> after you wash chicken, the sink and counter might look clean. but watch what happens when the light goes off. >> a black light illumeinates the glow germ. >> even if i take my gloves off, i'm going to be spreading
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bacteria. >> these are all the places that salmonella can be lurking that you can't see to clean up. bacteria that could be dangerous to your health. >> the centers for disease control has not gotten any reports of salmonella poisoning from foster farms chicken so far in maryland. a husband told police that he shocked his wife with a stun gun because she lost a bet. >> are we videoing? >> yes. [ laughter ] >> the husband is a chicago bears fan. his wife is a packers fan. the husband told officers she agreed to let him use his stun gun on her, if his team won. but when they went outside a bar in wisconsin to settle the bet, someone called police. the husband is now charged with felony possession of an electronic weapon. >> okay. don't try this at home. don't get any ideas from this video. this is a bad thing. >> yeah. >> charge him with idiosy. get ready for arctic cold.
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maybe a little snow for good measure. >> bob turk has the first warning weather coming up next. ,,,,,,,,
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all right. we've got big changes headed our way. pretty pleasant conditions. mild conditions. that's going to change radally ceal by tomorrow. 55. humidity is very low. this is actually very dry air. 24 degree dew point. and 29% humidity. very dry. south/southwest winds at 10. the barometer is going to start falling later on. 30.12 inches. currently, 45. that's the cool spot in oakland. 59 in cumberland. 57 in d.c. and low to mid-50s everywhere else. we have clouds moving in. they'll be with us tonight. 53, annapolis. 54 in westminster. and also in bel air. white rite now, we have southerly and southwesterly winds. tomorrow morning, they'll be changing to the west/northwest. and that will usher in the coldest air we've had so far this fall season. big, big changes. there's the front. detroit now, getting a little snow, just north of detroit. a little snow now in chicago.
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that's where the cold air is. ahead of it, milder conditions and light rain showers. now, across portions of western pennsylvania seeing that. take a look at the actual front. there it is. detroit now, just beginning to drop. up in flint, it's 32. that's where a little band of snow is. chicago getting ahead of it. ahead of it, milder temps with moderate rain. front approaches. we'll get some rain showers that will probably more than likely hit the mountains, turn to snow for a little while. and it cuts off. the sun comes back out as you mentioned. we could see a trace to a coating of snow perhaps. west of us, couple of inches from the mountains west. garrett county could see 3, 4, 5 to 6 inches of snow. that will be their second big snow of the year. much colder temperatures tomorrow night, as the north winds bring in the colder air. small craft advisory. gusts up to 25 out on the bay. overnight tonight, clouds building. and maybe a shower later on. stays well above freezing.
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in the low 40s. but it can get cold enough aloft that we might see some of those snowflakes coming down during the morning. don't get too excited. you might even see your first snowflakes in the morning. maybe on your way to work. maybe on the way to school. >> maybe not. still to come on eyewitness news tonight. typhoon ,,,,,,,,,,
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and though they are all different, they work together on a single mission: saving lives. discover how we are advancing medicine at join us, and thrive. coming up next on wjz eyewitness news at 5:00. one of the strongest storms ever. the death toll rises from
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typhoon hayan. the massive recovery next. a popular trail through the university of maryland college campus. i'm derek valcourt, with details, when eyewitness news continues. the ravens breathe a sigh of relief, after an overtime victory. i'm mark viviano, in owings mills. the latest from coach john harbaugh and the team coming up. very cold air heading our way, with possibly our first taste of winter weather. first warning weather team is tracking what to expect and when. >> check in for there more on these stories and all the day's breaking news. >> eyewitness news at 5:00 starts now. hi. i'm kai jackson. >> i'm mary bubala. here's what people are talking about. >> it may only be the second of november -- second


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