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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  January 21, 2016 3:07am-4:30am EST

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on day one -- they are so powerful. they hold the key to our success. i'm telling you guys, this isn't just an emotional ride for you. this is the real deal, 'cause i want you to understand there's more to this than just real estate. you need to plug in to us. we are gonna be here for you. >> [ voice breaking ] this means more to me than you realize, you know? i want to make money, yes, but really, i want to be able to give back to my family and to other soldiers. >> it can't even be said enough that just a few months ago, we'd never considered being associated with real estate and investing in it. because of your system, you have allowed us to release this cap that's been placed on society and their understanding of how to make money. we can't appreciate it enough that now our ceiling is the heavens and we can support our family and enjoy the time that we have with them through doing something that we like doing. it's just great.
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>> thank you. i would just say thank you to him. >> one of the most important things i could tell you during this show is this right now. the one thing that i can't provide is you taking action. 10 years ago, that's the one thing that i did that changed our lives. i took action. i made the call. and now we are living a life and leaving a legacy for our children that we never could have imagined. if you come to my two-hour free event, i promise you this -- you're gonna learn something, and you're gonna be given opportunity to change your life for the better, regardless if you're doing great or you're in a position where it has to work. we've created an environment where that can happen. so i'm looking forward to seeing you at this event. pick up the phone right now and call that number. >> thank you so much for inviting me into your beautiful home and sharing your inspiring story. >> well, it was our pleasure and it was great having you here. >> if you're out there right now
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watching this, this is your chance, so pick up the phone for this life-changing opportunity. this is a proven system that nick has developed for you. pick up that phone and call. take action and get started today, because i know i sure will. >> and i want people just like myself, the ordinary joe, to get out there and get a piece of this pie, the american dream. >> announcer: this was a paid presentation of the nick vertucci real estate academy's "fortunes in flipping"
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you just heard the apology of michigan's governor rick snyder. this afternoon, the governor told us there is extensive, ongoing testing of the lead levels and we thought the public would like to know what those tests are showing. is the water in flint safe today? >> we don't want to consider it safe, scott. i think we've seen progress in terms of improvements in the
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including third-party verification, we want people to assume that they should be using filters or bottled water in the interim measure. know what the lead content is in the water? >> well, again, we don't want people to believe it's safe. extensive testing is going on, has been going on for some time. and we are seeing improvements in the water supply, but we don't want people to believe it's appropriate to drink at this point in time, and that's why i am proud to have the national guard out there working hard. >> i don't understand why you can't give us the latest testing data and what it shows for the water in flint. what is the number? >> i don't have the number at the top of my head of the very latest data. and it varies by parts of the city. >> i would think that the governor of michigan would have those numbers at the top of his mind right now. >> until they're in a range that is considered safe, i don't actually want to get into the issue of, by zip code or by street, what the particulars are. >> do you know how many children have been injured? >> no, not specifically.
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blood lead levels, and in that range we're talking probably over 100 kids. there could be a number of others, many others, and so we're assuming there's a much broader universe and that's why we're working hard on making sure we're following up with good early childhood interventions, interventions during elementary school, and we'll be looking at care for years on this to make sure we're following through, to do what we can to really make sure these kids get issues addressed. >> let's be plain. what went wrong in the department of environmental quality? >> they were too technical. they followed-- literally-- the rules. they didn't use enough common sense, to say in a situation like this, there should be more measures, there should be more concern, and it has led to this terrible tragedy that i'm sorry for, but i'm going to fix. >> if the pipes throughout the city are corroded, how do you fix this problem? >> you can re-coat these pipes, in all likelihood, and that's why we're going through that process now. we've enhanced the corrosion
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safely used. because as you know, many places pipes but water comes out safely because of this coating process. >> in terms of the sick out in the detroit schools today, what is your message to the teachers? >> i would hope you would stop harming the children. i appreciate the fact that people have strong feelings on different issues, but to do it at the expense of affecting the school day for the children, i don't think that's appropriate. >> flint switched back to detroit's water system. many have called for governor snyder's resignation, but he told us that his responsibility is to stay and meet the crisis. one year from today, a new president will be inaugurated and a new poll shows donald trump is leading ted cruz 2-1 in new hampshire, less than three weeks before the primary. we have two campaign reports tonight. first we're going to go to major garrett on sarah palin, joining trump on the trail. major?
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>> reporter: sarah palin helps donald trump deflect attacks from ted cruz over trump's conservative credentials, but cruz and trump differ on several issues, including taxes, government surveillance, and immigration. >> our candidate is ballsy enough to get out there and put those issues on the table. >> reporter: like trying to ban muslims from entering the u.s. >> we're talking about security. >> i disagree with that proposal. >> reporter: cruz instead wants to halt immigration from countries where isis or al qaeda dominate. on taxes, cruz wants a 10% flat tax for individuals, 16% for businesses. >> there are more words right now in the irs code than there are in the bible. >> reporter: trump keeps much of the tax code, but cuts rates and creates just four income brackets. >> it will grow the american economy at a level that it hasn't seen for decades. >> reporter: cruz voted to curb government collection of phone and computer records to fight terror. trump wants to reinstate the
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surveillance, and told us u.s. security trumps privacy. >> i have always come down on the side of security. to me, it's the most important. >> reporter: even if it means doing something to encroach on the bill of rights? >> i hate it. i hate the concept of it, but we're dealing with some very, very bad dudes. >> reporter: i'm nancy cordes. with bernie sanders gaining steam, hillary clinton's top supporters are fanning out with this message: >> i think the term "socialist" doesn't make it easier to win. >> reporter: connecticut governor, dan malloy, argued a socialist nominee would hurt democrats down the ballot in a general election. new york congressman steve israel agreed. >> there's a place to carry the socialist banner. there's no question about it. i'm not so sure that, particularly in swing congressional districts, the most competitive districts in america, that's the banner you want to be parading. >> reporter: others brought up sanders' radical views from the 1970's when he pushed for public takeovers of the oil, gas, even television industries. >> hillary clinton, as i understand it, was a supporter
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of barry goldwater. who cares? that was a long, long time ago. >> reporter: sanders says his positions now are right in line with the base. 68% of democrats say they support a single payer health care system, or what he calls "medicare for all." and the socialist label doesn't seem to be a deal breaker. at least not in the primaries. in fact, scott, one recent poll in iowa found that 43% of democrats there would use the word "socialist" to define themselves. >> nancy cordes, thanks. in pakistan today, four islamic militants stormed a university and they shot and killed at least 20 people, mostly students. soldiers and police killed the attackers in a gun fight. a suicide bomber in kabul today targeted a mini-bus carrying employees of afghanistan's first 24-hour news channel. seven were killed. 25 were wounded. the taliban claimed
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responsibility, apparently making good on their threat to strike the network. what does the falling stock market mean for your retirement? when will they plug that runaway gas well in california? and, there may be a huge planet in our solar system that no one's ever seen. the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. olay regenerist renews from within, plumping surface cells for a dramatic transformation without the need for fillers your concert tee might show your age... your skin never will. olay regenerist. olay. ageless. today you can do everything in just one click, even keep your toilet clean and fresh. introducing lysol click gel. click it in to enjoy clean freshness with every flush.
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lysol. start healthing. yeah, click we were below the 88th southern parallel. we had traveled for over 850 miles. my men driven nearly mad from starvation and frostbite. today we make history. >>bienvenidos! welcome to the south pole! if you're dora the explorer, you explore. it's what you do. >>what took you so long? if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. >>you did it, yay! unlike ordinary diapers, pampers has 3 absorbent layers to stay up to 3 times dryer so your baby can sleepr soundly all night pampers it's not always as easy for me as it is for him... it's easy for me cause look at her. aw... so we use k-y ultragel. it enhances my body's natural moisture so i can get into the
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and when i know she's feeling like that, it makes me feel like we're both... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i enjoy it. feel the difference with k-y ultragel.
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today on wall street. the dow plunged more than 500 points, but recovered nearly half of that, closing with a loss today of 249. falling oil prices have investors rattled. our cbs news financial contributor melody hobson is with us. melody, oil closed today at $26.55 a barrel. what's happening? >> well, oil is basically getting hit by china's shrapnel. the real story is china, and the slowing growth in that country, which has affected all commodities, especially oil, caused a glut, which is out there, that has only been exacerbated by the fact that we've gotten pretty good at oil production in the united states as well. so that's really the story, the china slowdown is the story. >> you know, the dow is off a little over 8% from the beginning of the year. what does this mean for the average investor? >> well here, i want to be a voice of caution, because we're seeing these headlines that say,
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"$1 trillion in stock market value lost." but let's put it in perspective. the typical person is exposed to the stock market through their 401(k) plan. the average 401(k) plan balance in this country is about $91,000. two-thirds of it is in stocks, one-third in bonds. that means, on average, the typical person has lost about $6,000 this year. that sounds a lot better than a trillion. >> melody hobson, our financial contributor. thanks so much for your insight. >> thanks. stay or go? a tough choice for folks living near a leaking gas well.
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county health officials said today they don't believe there will be any long-term effects from the methane gas leak in the porter ranch neighborhood of los angeles. the gas has been spewing from a well since october. mireya villarreal is there. >> shut it all down!
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>> reporter: the pool of people affected by the porter ranch gas leak is swelling. officials have now doubled the impact zone, adding thousands who are eligible to relocate. mark morris is deciding whether to leave. >> it needs to stop, and it needs to be shut down, and it needs to be shut down forever. >> reporter: to stop the leak, the utility company, southern california gas, is drilling down 8,000 feet and using a relief well to intersect the leaking pipe and plug it up. crews are being very careful, drilling just 20 feet a day. still, so-cal gas announced, they expect to have the leak plugged by the end of february. congressman brad sherman toured the site. >> you've got to keep trying to seal this until either the field is empty or the leak is plugged. if it just keeps leaking, it goes for a year. >> welcome to our home. >> reporter: the eng family of eight is living out of suitcases in a hotel. >> the kids were experiencing
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nose bleeds and stomachaches. it was because of them that we actually decided to make the decision to move out and relocate out of porter ranch. >> reporter: state legislators want to immediately stop any new injection wells from being built near the one that is leaking in the hills that you see behind me. scott, they've also filed several bills that would tighten up these safety regulations for the entire industry and make sure that the cost of this gas leak, which could reach well over $1 billion, is not passed on to the customers. >> mireya villarreal for us tonight. mireya, thank you. it turns out there may be a ninth planet in our solar system after all. not pluto. that's considered a dwarf. this one is big, maybe 10 times more massive than earth, and at least 20 billion miles from the sun. astronomers at caltech said today they haven't actually seen it. but they have located six
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there, most likely planet nine. and a star had a shining moment.
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this is the "cbs overnight news." welcome to the overnight news. i'm elaine quijano. federal health officials are putting out a warning to people planning to take a winter vacation in the caribbean and south america. beware the zika virus. it's carried by mosquitos. it can cause fever, rash, joint pain and pink eye, but it's especially dangerous for pregnant women. their babies can be born with smaller than normal heads and suffer developmental issues their whole lives. sometimes the mother suffers a miscarriage.
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or the baby dies during birth. cases have been confirmed in florida, illinois, texas, and hawaii. all the victims traveled outside the country and tested positive once they got home. the zika virus is transmitted by a mosquito. it's been determined women can pass the virus to their babies causing birth defects. the cdc's warning to pregnant women is clear -- if you have symptoms see a doctor and get tested for an infection. all of the zika cases in the u.s. involved foreign travel. the florida victims traveled to colombia and venezuela. the two pregnant women in illinois visited central america and the caribbean. a baby was worn with birth defects in hawaii after his mother made a trip to brazil. and a texas man was diagnosed after he returned from el salvador in november. >> the two cases in illinois are in individuals who traveled and came back and were diagnosed. because the mosquito that transmits is not one that we have here in illinois, we believe the risk to people of
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>> reporter: the cdc has named 14 countries in latin america and the caribbean, including and are advising pregnant women to avoid travel there. brazil is claiming thousands of babies have been born with brain injuries. officials there are urging women who can wait to hold off on becoming pregnant until the crisis is under control. there is no vaccine and no course of treatment for the virus. in less than 200 days, ground zero for the virus, brazil, will be hosting millions for the 2016 olympic games. the poison water crisis in flint, michigan continues to make political waves all the way to washington. the flint mayor addressed the u.s. conference of mayors and said she doesn't think governor rick snyder should be forced to resign over his role. snyder is pressing the obama administration to declare flint a federal disaster area. the white house said no because
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the crisis is man made. adriana diaz is in flint with the latest. >> reporter: the governor said no one in flint would go without clean water. all of these cases you see here will be gone by midday. so far nearly 40,000 cases of clean water have been given out. that's nearly a million bottles. >> hey, hey, ho, ho, snyder's got to go. >> reporter: protesters endured below freezing temperatures as they called for the governor's resignation tuesday night. >> i'm sorry and i will fix it. >> reporter: inside, michigan governor rick snyder began his address with a renewed apology to the people of flint. >> government failed you. federal, state and local leaders. by breaking the trust you place in us. >> reporter: he also had a message to the agencies that he says contributed to the water disaster. >> let me be clear, in situations like this, they must come to my desk immediately, no
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period. roim he says the michigan department of environmental quality and the federal epa didn't properly address the problem of lead contaminated water when they learned about it last year. >> the governor didn't do his job. he's been lying. >> reporter: before protesting, tony and lea showed us their corroded pipes. >> it's almost like we're in a third world country. we've got filters that don't work. these filters, they do not work. >> reporter: the governor is now the target of several class action lawsuits. the latest filed tuesday aims to stop flint from all water shutoffs for people who haven't paid their bills. pediatrician mona hanna-attica helped identify the spiking lead levels. >> there is no safe level of lead in a child, none. sitter reverse potent neuro toxin. >> reporter: lead poisoning in children can cause developmental issues, learning disabilities and hearing loss. >> it was entirely preventable. these kids did nothing wrong. it was not their fault their
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this was a cost-cutting move. >> michigan governor rick snyder discussed the crisis with scott pelley. >> let's be plain. what went wrong in the department of environmental quality? >> they were too technical. they followed literally the rules. they didn't use enough common sense, to say in a situation like this, there should be more measures, there should be more concern, and it has led to this terrible tragedy that i'm sorry for, but i'm going to fix. that's the way i view it. i have to take responsibility for the state's role in this. these folk work for me. that was a failure. and we're doing everything possible to fix the problem, and that's why we've got all these measures in terms of everything from the national guard to the state police to additional medical care to really make sure we're taking care of the people of flint, because damage has been done, but they have my commitment to follow through to do everything possible to make this get corrected as quickly as possible and then do long-term care and strengthen the city of flint.
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airlines are expected to report record profits for 2015. delta revealed a huge fourth quarter. earnings were up 42%, due in large part to the cost of fuel, which was down 40%. so why aren't air travelers seeing cheaper flights? kris van cleave has the story from reagan national airport. >> reporter: it's a great day to fly in you're an airline. fuel is cheap and that's not the only reason they're cashing in bigtime. but if you talk to flyers, you hear a lot of frustration. >> all these fees get tacked on after the price that's advertised. >> i would like for them to pass the savings back to the customer. >> reporter: despite the industry ranking near the bottom when it comes to customer satisfaction, u.s. airlines are having no problem finding customers. in the first three quarters last year they made almost $18 billion in profit. and during that time, were on pace to pass 2014's record of
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planes flew 85% full on average and the steep drop in oil prices helped fuel the big profits. tuesday, delta reported a record fourth quarter, an annual income of $5.9 billion. while just days earlier, delta and four other carriers raised fares. >> given the price of gas, i don't understand why the price of airfares is so high. >> reporter: united airlines will soon be back free snacks to passengers in coach. but as far as perks for most flyers, they're limited. first class? you'll have to pay up. one big complaint from passengers, leg room or the lack of it. want more space? you still have to pay for that, too. >> i think it's very hard for passengers to understand why fares respect going down when airlines are making so much money. but airlines are a business and the bottom line is the bottom line. >> reporter: the airline business is boom and bust. since 1990, the industry has landed in the red 11 times.
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in 2005, it lost nearly $29 billion. the airlines say they created 10,000 new jobs and took possession of one new airplane a day last year. they also say airfares dropped by about 3% in 2015. the "cbs overnight news"
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los angeles is arguably the center of the entertainment universe. but for all the fun you can have there, there's also danger in the hills outside the city. wildfires, mudslides, earthquakes, even mountain lions. l.a. and its suburbs are home to 19 million people. the only mega city in the world where people and mountain lions live side by side. bill whitaker has the story for "60 minutes." >> reporter: some view you have here. >> yeah. >> reporter: paula and jason's house is something of a local
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not just for the killer view of los angeles, but also for an encounter a workman had one day in the crawlspace under the house. he was doing some wiring when he saw something scary. >> he comes into my office terrified and he says, bro, you've got a mountain lion in your house, bro. so i said to him, a mountain lion? he says yeah, man, a mountain lion, face-to-face, eye-to-eye. he was terrified. >> reporter: he had been eye-to-eye with p-22, so named by the park service. number 22 out of 44 they've studied. photographed here with a small camera on a very long stick. p-22 wears a park service tracking collar that sends gps signals on his location. signals that were blocked this day because he was under the house. >> he was just laying there
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trying to snooze. completely just like we woke him from a nap. >> reporter: soon, the house was packed with cameras and reporters. p-22 was already a local celebrity because of this national geographic picture, taken by a remote camera a mile or two from their house. wildlife experts finally decided to shoo everybody out after the 11:00 news, hoping p-22 might head back into the hills nearby, which he did. so when did he leave, how did he leave? >> we don't know how. >> reporter: they call them ghost cats. >> yeah, right. >> there you go. >> reporter: and though they live in the shadows in much of southern california, they're never far away. a trail camera caught this one, a stone's throw from the roof tops of suburbia. >> these animals do their best to stay elusive and away from us.
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even a researcher who followed them almost daily, we hardly ever see them. >> reporter: jeff is a biologist and expert on big cats who sold -- holds something of a record. he's seen and captured p-22 four times now. this time he corners the animal and hits him with a tranquilizer dart. quickly it knocks p-22 out, with his eyes still open. the batteries on his gps collar were running low. replacing them gives them a chance for a checkup. p-22 is healthy, weighing in at 125 pounds. from experience, he knows that when the animal comes to, it's no threat. the instinct to get away from people kicks in. sure enough, a groggy p-22 wakes up. and stumbles back into the shadows.
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>> here's the past eight months of where p-22 has traveled. >> reporter: the gps signals from their collars tell them where the animals roam. p-22 wanders the hills of griffith park, a small enclave in los angeles frequented by hikers and visitors to the park's famed observatory. >> we haven't, knock on wood, had any major conflicts with him and people. and it shows that even a large carnivore like a mountain lion can live right among people for many years. >> reporter: think they p-22 migrated east across the santa monica mountains for 20 miles or so. perhaps chased out by a bigger male. he somehow crossed the 405 freeway, one of the world's busiest, worked his way through bel-air and beverly hills and
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bowl amphitheater crossed a second busy freeway, the 101, to griffith park. >> he had it great, no competition, no other males in griffith park, seemed to be plenty of prey for him. >> reporter: he's been in griffith park for three years now, all alone, looking for love in all the wrong places. >> yeah, still hanging out there, which is surprising. i would have bet he would have left looking for a potential mate. >> reporter: if the mating urge overwhelms him, he could take his chances crossing the freeways again to find a female. a very risky business. why not move him? >> usually it doesn't work moving lions. we would just be moving this adult male into another adult male's territory. that usually results in the death of one of them. >> reporter: and in the mountains, a small range overlooking the san fernando valley, there's another lonely lion.
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>> i never thought one would come through our backyard and he was next to our bedroom window. and he continued up this way. >> reporter: nancy and eric moved here to be close to wildlife. and got their wish in the form of a mountain lion named p-41, who seems to love their backyard deck. so he's right out here where we are? >> exactly where we are. >> reporter: he's come to visit at least ten times, triggering security cameras taking both video and still pictures. the area is called cougar canyon. what else? >> and here he is just literally made a loop around our house for some reason. >> reporter: like proud parents, they show off their video scrapbook. >> then they point out how his paws are on the wood and not on the gravel so he can make as little noise as possible. they want to be silent at all times. >> reporter: camera technology
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has revolutionized the way mountain lions and other wild animals are studied. joanna turner is a sound effects editor for universal studios. on her own time, she's one of several citizen scientists, as they're called, who put remote cameras up in the wild, hoping to get that perfect shot. >> there he is. oh, come on, buddy. >> reporter: how do you know where to look? >> we'll look for tracks, we'll look for signs of them and we look for deer, because that's their food source. >> reporter: to lure the lions within camera range, she'll sprinkle catnip, vanilla extract, even men's cologne on a branch. and just like house cats, they love it. the holy grail is a shot like this one of p-41. but her cameras also catch bobcats, coyotes, foxes, and bears. troublemakers.
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>> you come and find that a bear has, you know, turned the camera sideways or licked the lens or something. that happens weekly. >> reporter: what's the most amazing thing you've seen? >> my favorite is a video of a female mountain lion and her two kittens and they're nursing on her. i still can't believe that that happened, that she decided to lay down right in front of the camera. >> you can see bill's full report on our website, the "overnight news" will be
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(cell phone rings) where are you? well the squirrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad won't call an exterminator... can i call you back, mom? he says it's personal this time... if you're a mom, you call at the worst time. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. r it's what you do. where are you?r it's very loud there. are you taking at zumba class? it's not always as easy for me as it is for him... it's easy for me cause look at her. aw... so we use k-y ultragel. it enhances my body's natural moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. and when i know she's feeling like that, it makes me feel like we're both... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i enjoy it. feel the difference with k-y
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you get a cold. you can't breathe through your nose. suddenly, you're a mouthbreather. a mouthbreather! how can anyone sleep like that? well, just put on a breathe right strip and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers.
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president obama continues to press congress to lift the decades old trade embargo on cuba. travel restrictions have been eased somewhat, but you still can't just book a flight. ben tracy reports from havana. between the u.s. and cuba in the past year. we've restored diplomatic relations, our embassy reopened for the first time in 54 years, and it's easier for americans to come here for so-called purposeful travel. and that has a lot of us heading south. the streets of havana have always had their own rhythm. it's the flow that's changing now that it's teeming with tourists. and when cubans look out their windows, the faces they see are increasingly american. >> i think most americans are
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very interested in coming here. >> reporter: betty and john cohen came with a tour group coordinated by boston's museum of fine arts to see art and architecture. >> we bring back to boston, wow, you have to go look at this. >> reporter: we met janet moore outside of the stately cathedral. she runs a travel company that's been bringing americans here for nearly 20 years. ironically, it's americans worried about changes on this very un-american island. >> i don't know what will happen when starbucks and mcdonald's comes. >> reporter: are you hearing from americans they want to come here before it changes? >> yes. i hear that 20 times a day. i want to go to cuba now. >> reporter: cuba is just 90 miles off the florida coast. in 2014, 91,000 americans traveled here. last year, that jumped 60% to 150,000. and if travel restrictions are eventually lifted, as many as 1.5 million americans are expected to land in cuba each
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tourists? >> no, they are absolutely not ready. if you came to me and said i need a hotel room tonight, i would have to say i can't give you one. there is not a hotel room to be had tonight in this city. >> reporter: prices at many hotels have doubled to more than $300 per night. the city is rushing to build enough supply to meet the new demand. there is also a lack of trained tour guides and not nearly enough places to eat. the few private restaurants in the city only recently allowed by the government, can be fully booked months in advance. for americans, just being allowed to come here is still the biggest obstacle. if all you want to do is see the classic cars, smoke cigars, and drink a dackarie by your pool, that's still not allowed under u.s. law. but coming here is easier than ever on so-called people-to-people trips. just expect to learn something and meet some actual cubans. planeloads of americans arrive
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flights. tours empty by the bus load in the neighborhoods. this group is touring the street art that's transformed the once gritty sidewalks and life for the cubans that call it home. and then the music starts. at first the americans sit quietly or record it for their facebook posts. but then the hands start to move, then the feet. this is what you call cultural immersion. and look closely, that drum set is made from recycled bike parts. it's the same ingenuity that keeps 60-year-old cars running in the streets and the same spirit that will need to solve the biggest problem brought on by the tourist revolution. p>> they need the jobs tourism will provide, but how do you preserve what makes cuba cuba and allow tourism to grow? >> reporter: a rising class of cuban business owners is banking on tourism.
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i talked to one man who owns a restaurant. he said he's serving 300 people a day, 250 are americans and he's booked seven days a week. u.s. airlines are expected to start flying directly to cuba later this year. and that should bring a lot more
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misery in michigan. detroit teachers stage a massive walkout. and lead poisoning in flint. we have the governor. >> that shouldn't happen anywhere. also tonight, this weather system threatens to turn into a monster storm. palin stumps for trump. >> he is perfectly positioned to make america great again. and, the reviews are in on jamie foxx's turn as a real-life hero. >> the idea that someone would
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do that is so much more than i this is the "cbs overnight news." a tale of two crises in two michigan cities cried out for the nation's attention today and got it. the governor asked the president to declare a disaster in flint, where lead has contaminated the water. and detroit's public schools sick-out to protest what they first, omar villafranca in detroit. >> reporter: hundreds of detroit teachers who called in sick today, were instead protesting outside of the detroit auto show where president obama was a guest. >> i have to take a stand. >> reporter: monica tyson teaches elementary and junior high students. >> my mindset is always to be there for the children, to make sure they have the best education possible, but at the
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same time, we have to also stand up for their rights, because they can't speak for themselves. >> reporter: the planned sick-out affected nearly 45,000 students and shut down 91% of detroit public schools. >> stand up! >> fight back! >> reporter: teachers are upset about recent paycuts and what they are calling deplorable conditions at their schools. these photos show just some of the problems -- heavily damaged ceilings and roofs, maggots in the toilets, mice sharing rooms with students. and at one point, mushrooms were growing inside a classroom. nine-year-old julia murray says the furnace at her school is broken. >> one time, our teachers allowed us to wear our coats, but she wasn't supposed to but she did anyway because she was cold herself. >> reporter: because the district is $550 million in the red, schools are now run by a state-appointed emergency manager. in an interview with cbs news last week, darnell earley said sick-outs aren't the right approach. >> the frustration levels are
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high here, but at the end of the day we still have to focus what's in the best interest of the kids. >> reporter: detroit school administrators are asking a judge for a temporary injunction against the sick-outs, but, scott, teachers i spoke with today said they are planning more protests. >> omar villafranca, thank you very much, omar. in michigan today, president obama said he would be beside himself with worry, if he were a parent in flint where the city water is contaminated with lead. in an interview for this weekend's "sunday morning" program, he spoke with lee cowan. >> what is inexplicable and inexcusable is, once people figured out that there was a problem there and there was lead in the water, the notion that immediately families weren't down, that shouldn't happen anywhere. it's also an indication of sometimes we downplay the role
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to play in protecting the public health and safety of people. and, clearly, the system here broke down. >> that breakdown means that flint's 100,000 residents cannot use their tap water. the silent poisoning began in 2014 when, to save money, flint switched from detroit's water to the flint river. the river corroded the pipes, releasing the lead. lead can cause brain damage, especially in children. last night, the governor apologized, and adriana diaz has the latest. >> did you get a water tester? >> yes, i have a bottle. >> reporter: this is abbey carradine's new normal-- worrying about water. today, she bottled tap water for lead testing. the state water department says she may not know the results for weeks. >> every morning i wake up, i'm-- we've been going different places taking showers, and this is our life that we live every day. and, it's just been turned upside down.
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[ applause ] state of the state address, governor rick snyder took responsibility. >> i am sorry, and i will fix it. >> reporter: and he thanked the danger that his own department of environmental quality missed. >> professor marc edwards from virginia tech, and dr. mona hanna-attica sounded an alarm. >> this is what was coming out of their tap. >> reporter: professor marc edwards, a water safety expert from virginia tech, alerted the public for the first time this fall, that flint's water contained high levels of lead. >> there is no safe level of lead in a child. none. >> reporter: after hearing about edwards' study, dr. mona hanna- attica, a flint pediatrician, discovered that the number of children with dangerous blood lead levels had doubled after flint tapped into its river water. >> for two years, for almost two years, they were told, you know, the water's safe. it's being tested. we meet all regulatory, you know, guidelines. you can drink the water. so there's a huge loss of trust. these are government agencies,
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whose only job is to ensure the water is safe. and they failed. they failed at every level. >> reporter: late today, the governor released e-mails showing how his office handled the flint crisis over the past two years. scott, several show that the governor was aware of residents' complaints about water quality as far back as february. >> adriana diaz, with some of there. adriana, thank you. in other news, kentucky and tennessee got a few inches of snow. there were accidents. there will be ice tonight. but a much bigger storm is in the forecast for the east. eric fisher, chief meteorologist at our cbs boston station wbz is joining us. eric, what do we have to expect? >> scott, we are all systems go tonight for a major east coast snowstorm. the weather service getting ready with winter storm watches from arkansas stretching over to
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new jersey, in that lime green shading, the epicenter for this storm, washington, d.c. and baltimore where blizzard watches are in effect. some severe weather is possible along the gulf coast. the storm then move just to the east of the chesapeake. as it intensifies, we get snow along the coast and moving inland. that will move up to southern new england and halt. big snow totals here. in the dark blue shading, one to two feet, local totals could exceed two feet of snowfall. there's a chance of severe pensacola. on friday, florida has a chance of these severe storms. >> eric fisher, thank you.
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you just heard the apology of michigan's governor rick snyder. this afternoon, the governor told us there is extensive, ongoing testing of the lead levels and we thought the public would like to know what those tests are showing. is the water in flint safe today? >> we don't want to consider it safe, scott. i think we've seen progress in terms of improvements in the water test, but until it's been thoroughly tested, including third-party verification, we
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want people to assume that they should be using filters or bottled waters in the interim measure. >> so, fair to say you don't know what the lead content is in the water? >> well, again, we don't want people to believe it's safe. extensive testing is going on, has been going on for some time. and we are seeing improvements in the water supply, but we don't want people to believe it's appropriate to drink at this point in time, and that's why i am proud to have the national guard out there working hard. >> i don't understand why you can't give us the latest testing data and what it shows for the water in flint. what is the number? >> i don't have the number at the top of my head of the very latest data. and it varies by parts of the city. >> i would think that the governor of michigan would have those numbers at the top of his mind right now. >> until they're in a range that is considered safe, i don't actually want to get into the issue of, by zip code or by street, what the particulars are. >> do you know how many children have been injured? >> no, not specifically.
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we do know how many have high blood lead levels, and in that range we're talking probably over 100 kids. there could be a number of others, many others, and so we're assuming there's a much broader universe and that's why we're working hard on making sure we're following up with good early childhood interventions, interventions during elementary school, and we'll be looking at care for years on this to make sure we're following through, to do what we can to really make sure these kids get issues addressed. >> let's be plain. what went wrong in the department of environmental quality? >> they were too technical. they followed-- literally-- the rules. they didn't use enough common sense, to say in a situation like this, there should be more measures, there should be more concern, and it has led to this terrible tragedy that i'm sorry for, but i'm going to fix. >> if the pipes throughout the city are corroded, how do you fix this problem? >> you can re-coat these pipes, in all likelihood, and that's why we're going through that process now. we've enhanced the corrosion controls to really put a coating back on the pipes so it can be
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safely used. because as you know, many places in this country do have lead pipes but water comes out safely because of this coating process. >> in terms of the sick out in the detroit schools today, what is your message to the teachers? >> i would hope you would stop harming the children. i appreciate the fact that people have strong feelings on different issues, but to do it at the expense of affecting the school day for the children, i don't think that's appropriate. >> flint switched back to detroit's water system. many have called for governor snyder's resignation, but he told us that his responsibility is to stay and meet the crisis. one year from today, a new president will be inaugurated and a new poll shows donald trump is leading ted cruz 2-1 in new hampshire, less than three weeks before the primary. we have two campaign reports tonight. first we're going to go to major
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garrett on sarah palin, joining trump on the trail. major? >> reporter: sarah palin helps donald trump deflect attacks from ted cruz over trump's conservative credentials, but cruz and trump differ on several issues, including taxes, government surveillance, and immigration. >> our candidate is ballsy enough to get out there and put those issues on the table. >> reporter: like trying to ban muslims from entering the u.s. >> we're talking about security. >> i disagree with that proposal. to halt immigration from countries where isis or al qaeda dominate. on taxes, cruz wants a 10% flat tax for individuals, 16% for businesses. >> there are more words right now in the irs code than there are in the bible. >> reporter: trump keeps much of the tax code, but cuts rates and creates just four income brackets. >> it will grow the american economy at a level that it hasn't seen for decades. >> reporter: cruz voted to curb government collection of phone and computer records to fight terror.
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trump wants to reinstate the surveillance, and told us u.s. security trumps privacy. >> i have always come down on the side of security. to me, it's the most important. >> reporter: even if it means doing something to encroach on the bill of rights? >> i hate it. i hate the concept of it, but we're dealing with some very, very bad dudes. >> reporter: i'm nancy cordes. with bernie sanders gaining steam, hillary clinton's top supporters are fanning out with this message: >> i think the term "socialist" doesn't make it easier to win. >> reporter: connecticut governor, dan malloy, argued a socialist nominee would hurt democrats down the ballot in a general election. new york congressman steve israel agreed. >> there's a place to carry the socialist banner. there's no question about it. i'm not so sure that, particularly in swing congressional districts, the most competitive districts in america, that's the banner you want to be parading. >> reporter: others brought up sanders' radical views from the 1970's when he pushed for public takeovers of the oil, gas, even television industries.
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>> hillary clinton, as i understand it, was a supporter of barry goldwater. who cares? that was a long, long time ago. >> reporter: sanders says his positions now are right in line with the base. 68% of democrats say they support a single payer health care system, or what he calls "medicare for all." and the socialist label doesn't seem to be a deal breaker. at least not in the primaries. in fact, scott, one recent poll in iowa found that 43% of democrats there would use the word "socialist" to define themselves. >> nancy cordes, thanks. in pakistan today, four islamic militants stormed a university and they shot and killed at least 20 people, mostly students. soldiers and police killed the attackers in a gun fight. a suicide bomber in kabul today targeted a mini-bus carrying employees of afghanistan's first 24-hour news channel. seven were killed. 25 were wounded.
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responsibility, apparently making good on their threat to strike the network. what does the falling stock market mean for your retirement? when will they plug that runaway gas well in california? and, there may be a huge planet in our solar system that no it's not always as easy for me as it is for him... it's easy for me cause look at her. aw... so we use k-y ultragel. it enhances my body's natural moisture so i can get into the
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one pill lasts 12 hours. i'm good all day. wait! your loss. i was going to wear a sombrero. only mucinex has a bi-layer tablet that starts fast, and keeps working. not 4, not 6, but 12 full hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this.
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it was another wild ride today on wall street. the dow plunged more than 500 points, but recovered nearly half of that, closing with a loss today of 249. falling oil prices have investors rattled. our cbs news financial contributor melody hobson is with us. melody, oil closed today at $26.55 a barrel. what's happening? >> well, oil is basically getting hit by china's shrapnel. the real story is china, and the slowing growth in that country, which has affected all commodities, especially oil; caused a glut, which is out there, that has only been exacerbated by the fact that we've gotten pretty good at oil production in the united states as well. so that's really the story, the china slowdown is the story. >> you know, the dow is off a little over 8% from the beginning of the year. what does this mean for the average investor? >> well here, i want to be a
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voice of caution, because we're seeing these headlines that say, "$1 trillion in stock market value lost." but let's put it in perspective. the typical person is exposed to the stock market through their 401(k) plan. the average 401(k) plabalance in this country is about $91,000. two-thirds of it is in stocks, one-third in bonds. that means, on average, the typical person has lost about $6,000 this year. that sounds a lot better than a trillion. >> melody hobson, our financial contributor. thanks so much for your insight. >> thanks. stay or go? a tough choice for folks living near a leaking gas well.
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county health officials said today they don't believe there will be any long-term effects from the methane gas leak in the porter ranch neighborhood of los angeles. the gas has been spewing from a well since october.
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>> shut it all down! >> reporter: the pool of people affected by the porter ranch gas leak is swelling. officials have now doubled the impact zone, adding thousands who are eligible to relocate. mark morris is deciding whether to leave. >> it needs to stop, and it needs to be shut down, and it needs to be shut down forever. >> reporter: to stop the leak, the utility company, southern california gas, is drilling down 8,000 feet and using a relief well to intersect the leaking pipe and plug it up. crews are being very careful, drilling just 20 feet a day. still, so-cal gas announced, they expect to have the leak plugged by the end of february. congressman brad sherman toured the site. >> you've got to keep trying to seal this until either the field is empty or the leak is plugged. if it just keeps leaking, it goes for a year. >> welcome to our home. >> reporter: the eng family of eight is living out of suitcases in a hotel.
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>> the kids were experiencing nose bleeds and stomachaches. it was because of them that we actually decided to make the decision to move out and relocate out of porter ranch. >> reporter: state legislators want to immediately stop any new injection wells from being built near the one that is leaking in the hills that you see behind me. scott, they've also filed several bills that would tighten up these safety regulations for the entire industry and make sure that the cost of this gas leak, which could reach well over $1 billion, is not passed on to the customers. >> mireya villarreal for us tonight. mireya, thank you. it turns out there may be a ninth planet in our solar system after all. not pluto. that's considered a dwarf. this one is big, maybe 10 times more massive than earth, and at least 20 billion miles from the sun. astronomers at caltech said today they haven't actually seen it.
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but they have located six objects orbitting something out there, most likely planet nine. and a star had a shining moment.
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