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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  March 23, 2016 3:07am-4:30am EDT

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interest on your money, supported by united states state law and backed by real estate. this is a little-known, passive real-estate-investment vehicle that's been around for over 100 years. we're also gonna show you how to use this strategy and other strategies to flip properties 100% tax-free. these are killer ways to invest in real estate and possibly build a retirement account for you and your family, because your money's gonna be growing so much faster in a tax-free or a tax-deferred environment. you see, working a job and just saving money alone may not get you to your long-term financial and retirement goals, and that's why it's so critical for you to learn these powerful, long-term wealth-building strategies. >> right now, we're working on houses number 14 and 15, and we have number 16 in contract. and on our last four deals,
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profits on each deal. >> after all the closing costs and all the expenses it took to do the rehab, we made approximately $110,000. >> this house behind me -- i got it under contract, and using the strategies that you taught me at your event, i was able to sell that contract, and i made over $9,000. >> it completely turned my life around from "a" to "z." that is, by far, the best thing that could have happened to me. >> as you're watching at home -- we only have a few seconds left, so pick up the phone and call the number right now to make your guaranteed reservation. this event is an opportunity many people will jump on in this area and change their lives forever. i really hope that you're one of them. if you want a better year this year, compared to last year, you have to do and learn something different. regardless of your financial situation or your background,
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real estate has changed my life, and i know it can change yours. i hope today is a day that you mark on your calendar, one where you can put a mark of an event where you and your financial future and your life took a giant leap forward. thanks for watching. i look forward to having you at
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[cheers and applause] >> announcer: today on rachael ray... >> rachael! >> announcer: ted allen says your pantry has the right to remain silent. >> you ready to man up and do this? >> announcer: and diy courtesy of "cousins" and for dessert -- >> rachael: that should be illegal. >> announcer: five decadent ways to blowup brownie mix. >> rachael: oh, boom! >> announcer: now, are you ready for rachael! [cheers and applause] >> rachael: oh -- [cheers and applause] >> rachael: with one of my favorite people, one of everybody's favorite foodies, also the host of the huge hit show "chopped." [cheers and applause]
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today. and instead of playing "chopped," we're going to play a game called pantry police. mean? >> rachael, i may not look like law enforcement, but in fact -- we all buy food that has expiration dates, sell-by dates and many of us overlook that. >> rachael: right. >> it is not always life-threatening, it is often cuisine threatening, may produce food that is not as good as it could be and could make you sick. >> rachael: the stuff in the cupboard, have you ever been at a friend's house helping them prepare dinner or something and read the bottom of something and it's like nine years old. >> yes. actually in the production of this segment, i learned baking soda was only good for six months. mine is 10 years old. no wonder my cakes don't work. >> rachael: i know. the orange box in the fridge, i think i changed in the '90s maybe. >> exactly.
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date and the expired date and these things are different. the sell-by date, the store can sell the chicken up to x date. >> rachael: right. >> if you buy something and don't use before the expire date, you are wasting food. >> rachael: we want you watching at home and the studio audience here feel like they are in the story, so ted got a project out of two viewers that are a couple. >> i did. it was lots of fun. >> let's watch. i don't want to ruun the story watch. >> i'm chris, thanks to my husband, joe, i have a kitchen full of expired food. don't take that out. >> you're going to eat that? >> there is nothing wrong with this. >> i am hoping whoever comes to help us out today can convince him a lot of stuff in my house can get ditched. >> i may not look like law enforcement, but i am in fact the pantry police.
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why you need to pay attention to expiration dates, give it up and throw the food away. all right, let's do this. [knocking] >> look who we have here. >> oh, my gosh. >> come on, guys. thank you, i appreciate it. how you doing? >> nice to meet you. >> chris, what seems to be the problem here? >> well, joe seems to think you can eat anything and everything in the fridge or pantry, expiration meevens nothing to joe. >> expiration dates are just suggestions. >> just suggestions, let's get the expired food out and go through piece by piece. >> this may take a few minutes. >> this expired in 2013. believe it or not, even lemon juice can go bad to the extent it can make you sick. i think what you want to watch for and sniff for is how is the aroma, you might want to squirt -- actually, the aroma is weird.
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when in doubt, throw it out. 2011. june of 2012. i remember june of 2012. joe, smell that. how does it smell? >> not bad. >> rotten eggs area very special smell. you want to look for the weird -- these look weird. no smell problems. look for pink or irdesent color. i want it to be clearer. when you crack an egg and see the egg white, it doesn't look >> not really. >> canned beans, sometimes when you open them, they can spray no. food with high acid level, such as tomato, concern there acidity can cause the lining of the can to get into the food and break down over time. all right, folks, a lot of really old food here that needs to go. this? >> yes.
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>> these are no good. >> we might need another bag. >> i think you might need a couple more bags. >> garbage. >> i have a present for you. >> folks, i think my work is done here. joe. all right. >> thank you. [cheers and applause] >> rachael: all right. so so -- >> throw him under the bus. >> rachael: man, we are joined by lovely chris and dr. joe. what i find most entertaining -- >> yes. >> rachael: about this story is he's a doctor and he's drinking curdled milk and old, out dated food from two years ago. >> joe, did you skip the chemistry classes or what? >> i may have been asleep that day. >> snoozing that day. >> rachael: heck of an immune system, joe. >> what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. >> rachael: we were chatting before, i really do respect trying to use everything, not wasting food.
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you have to have respect and get every nickel out of your dollar. but three or four years out of date, brother, i mean -- >> well -- >> brown ketchup. >> brown ketchup, what i didn't see in the tape, my favorite thing, the steak sauce. >> the steak sauce. >> what expiration date? >> 2010. it was way in the back. way back. >> the steak sauce was so old somebody had taken a piece of tape to hold the label on. it expired in 2010, probably purchased five years before 2010. >> rachael: before that; right. lead time is huge on those things. my god, you put them in different -- >> i didn't taste it, joe -- i'm not tasting that. >> rachael: let's get on to our tutorial. you have four different demos. where do we start? >> the baking soda. baking soda is 11ing agent that
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out of date or expired -- >> rachael: it won't do its job. >> you will have product not tasting the way you want it to be. the way to test the baking soda. we have expired baking -- one dry and one wet. if you put vinegar in water and put the expired in it, unimpressive reaction. >> rachael: nothing happens. >> duever make a volcano? >> rachael: everybody did in fourth grade. >> you didn't do that? >> rachael: seriously. >> you have something to show your kids. baking soda not expired and fresh and ready to go. when you add to vinegar, you get a really fun reaction. >> rachael: it volcanos up. that. >> rachael: here we go. here we go. >> okay, hold on. super not impressive enough. >> rachael: yeah! [cheers and applause]
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guys never made a paper mache volcano. >> red food coloring is the lava. >> rachael: they don't care. >> here is something i know you have never seen before, i know i haven't. leftover ice cream. >> rachael: rare in my house. >> so one thing that makes ice cream go bad, when it is exposed to air inside the -- >> rachael: gum and he ice crystals, gross. >> it is basically freezer burn happening to ice cream. things in the freezer, water molecules move through the food and express themselves onut outside. the ice crystals messes up the structure and taste. one way to respond to that, eat your way down a carton of ice cream, i usually hit the bottom and throw it out and i'm good. fu are one of the peep they'll shows restraint, you can cut the carton. they were laughing. >> rachael: i know, everybody is like, ha, ha, ha, leftover ice cream? this is very, very clever. [cheers and applause]
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crazy, but you don't want to do that, another technique is take plastic wrap and press it down -- >> rachael: press into the actual ice cream and you won't get crystals, longer life out it. [cheers and applause] >> exactly. >> rachael: we can use that. i was excite about that one. cool, right? >> good idea. >> i don't know about you, vinever finished a tub of sour cream. >> rachael: no, i use to make sauces primarily. added ingredient, i rarely use the entire container. >> this is a conspiracy, just like with hot dog buns, there are eight buns, 10 hot dogs what is with that? evil. >> exactly. i buy small containers of sour cream for that reason. leftover sour cream, some people believe if you invert it, turn it upside down in the fridge, it creates a vacuum. probably a safer technique for me would be to put in a smaller container, it is exposure to air that is the problem.
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>> same with dlft let over wine. >> rachael: that never happens at my house. >> speaking of booze. >> rachael: speaking of booze. >> so today. it's 5 o'clock somewhere, nut here, people. >> rachael: that's okay. >> some of the most regular guy beers sold on the market today are sold with born-on or use-by dates. beer, like most products, is better fresh. we have a couple beers, one of which is fresher than others. perfectly safe to drink, but volatile oils and aroma and flavors that go away over time. beer comes in amber-colored bottles or green bottles -- >> rachael: to protect from the light. >> exactly. it's a delicate product. shall we belly up to the bar? >> rachael: sure. >> one of these beer system fresh and one is not fresh. >> rachael: i'm so -- shi have cheated and looked before the segment. i guarantee you, i'm getting the old beer.
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>> you think? no stale beer in my fridge ever. >> rachael: pretty tasty actually. >> hard to tell? >> it's a matter of -- >> rachael: we'll be right back. [cheers and applause] >> i agree with you. >> rachael: i think this one tastes weird. >> this is tastier. >> rachael: see if we're right. new beer, new beer! >> new beer. we know our booze a lot. [cheers and applause] >> rachael: all right. now we were talking about this over the break, we should bring up that just like i tell -- remind people all the time, especially going into the holiday season, everybody is using their oven so much. checking the temperature of your oven to make sure the oven is reading right. you should do that with your refrigerator refrigerator; correct? >> exactly. i have a
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your freezer needs to be at zero. >> rachael: seriously, if your fridge is running warmer than 40, you are rotting your food way faster than the expiration date. >> yeah, every degree makes a difference. >> rachael: huge difference. >> don't set it so cold things freeze, has to be at least 40, mine is a couple notchs colder than that. >> rachael: thermometers are cheap, they sell them at every grocery store. safety tip. >> true. [cheers and applause] >> rachael: now to inspire chris and dr. joe to go out and rebuild pantry with all new numbers for dates ahead of us, we are giving you from our buddies at stop and shop, $1000 to go shopping. [cheers and applause] >> thank you. thank you so much. [cheers and applause] >> you need it. >> yes. >> rachael: thank you so much to my buddy, so clef sxer smart. up next, another buddy of mine, grant, he's going to show you
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out of one box mix, after this. [cheers and applause] >> rachael: tomorrow -- spring into spring clean withing help from problem solvers. >> it is time to throw away your loofah, cut the cord and never look back. >> rachael: make your space spiffier. >> all of the booths contain -- >> rachael: and rough spots. do you shave a lot? what are you? do you really? no. inside and out. >> when you eat them, they will work for you. it is that easy. >> rachael: when i'm around, you know din ser not going to be a problem. there you go, make your own takeout tonight. problem solvers, spring-cleaning edition, all new tomorrow.
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[cheers and applause] >> rachael: okay. we are back with one of my favorite people, my buddy, grant. grant works in our culinary department here at the show. grant is grant the cookie man in my telephone. he is the most wildly creative, inventive chef when it comes to all things sweet. that is his forte.
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for the audience, he does really simple fake-outs, you start with like a boxed cake mix or how to bake without measuring anything. today we're talking brownies. >> we're talking brownies today. [cheers and applause] >> rachael: grant is going to blow your mind with what you can do with a box of brownie mix. now the reason i love him so much, fu have been watching my show over the last decade or so, i am a lousy baker. i can bake, i choose not to, i'm not patient. i stink at baking and i know that. this makes me feel better. ki embrace everything you do. >> everything we're doing today, this is an ode to the box brownie. i love to bake and make things from scratch. one thing i don't normally make from scratch is the brownies. the box brownie is inexpensive, easy and comes out perfectly. today i came up with fies recipes that add step or two
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better. own. [cheers and applause] >> so we're going to start by making box brownie mix. rachael, if you don't mind, water, oil -- >> rachael: and eggs. >> two eggs over here. make one recipe of box brownie mix. why don't you stir that up and get started on the first one. coconut macaroon brownie. i know. he can do this all day. it is insane the talent he has. >> they are almost like a layered brownie. layer of fudgy brownie on the bottom and crispy coconut layer on top. >> rachael: mmm! >> i know, right? one egg white and put in sweetened condensed milk and whip that up. sweetened condensed milk make it nice and sticky. nice crunchy finish on top. >> rachael: ooh, you're doing layers of texture and flavor. showing off all over the place.
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>> rachael: want me to pour this in? >> yes. in the pan. nobody will believe -- this part, we are adding three ingredients. one egg white, sweetened condensed milk and sweetened coconut. >> rachael: got you. >> you mix that all tup just like that. nice and sticky. now form these in ball and put in the oven and you would have a macaroon. we're not doing that today, we're making brownies. >> rachael: he's showing off. it becoming annoying. first you are like, he's so cool, really, that is a lot of brain. >> then look how easy that is. that took what, two minute? >> rachael: fantastic. >> pop in the oven. >> rachael: got you. can i show them the voila? >> you can. >> rachael: voila. >> coconut brownie. >> rachael: gorgeous. [cheers and applause] >> rachael: adorable. i like the crispy parts like when the coconut gets crunchy and brown.
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>> rachael: yummy. >> next is smore brownie. >> rachael: yum. >> i shouldn't talk with my mouth full. >> rachael: i don't care. they don't care, they just want the brownies. >> i love smores, turn brown intoe a smore. >> rachael: brownie mix. >> that is brony mix made to the store recipe. break up that bar of chocolate. in the food processor -- >> rachael: throw it in here? >> yes. nice big chunks, you could use chocolate chips. >> rachael: i am breaking them into the bars, they are scored. >> what i'm going to make, graham cracker crust. so pulse this up until nice, fine, fine mixture. and then put it into a bowl. there you go. >> rachael: add the butter into that. melted butter.
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less than a stick of butter, just to combine -- >> rachael: just to make it stick together. >> hold everything together. then make nice crumb. this guy didn't crust up very well. >> rachael: that's okay. >> a little snack for you. >> rachael: i love graham crackers. >> me, too. >> rachael: they are so friendly. >> put them down in the bottom. >> rachael: graham crackers with butter is a great idea. >> a snack. >> rachael: delicious. >> then just put mixture on top, this brownie batter with chocolate in it. >> rachael: got you. >> yum. >> rachael: i know. you're not going to get out thf room, they're going to come after you when we go to break. they are going to be on you. [cheers and applause] >> so then you spread it out and pop in the oven. >> rachael: pop into the oven, look at that. >> look at that. >> rachael: yum. [cheers and applause] >> and -- smore brownie, right?
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stuff on it. yeah. >> yum. >> rachael: wow. >> we're not done yet. we're not done yet. >> rachael: we're not done? >> not until you have a toasted marshmallow. >> rachael: oh! boom. >> there we go. just toast that right on top. [cheers and applause] >> look at that. a smore brownie. >> rachael: awesome. cool. very cool. show off, i told you. >> so this next brown seone i think you will like a lot. >> rachael: you know i'm going to love this. >> you and i love sweet and salty. salted caramel crunch brownie. so what we have here is in this bag, vipotato chips and then i added corn cereal. we have -- >> rachael: crush them? >> yeah. use your hands just like that. >> rachael: rrr, yes. >> crunch that up.
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i have store-bought caramel. drizzle that over the top of the brownies. this is again one recipe of boxed brownie mix. >> rachael: i have no words. >> throw those on top just like that. spread them out a little bit. pop those into the oven. they get even more crunchy once you pop them in the oven. they look like this. >> rachael: i cannot look. look. look at that. [cheers and applause] >> look at those. >> rachael: wow. >> yum. [cheers and applause] >> all right. >> rachael: i got to say, that should be illegal and it's not. >> so this one is really cool. this one i like to call movie night popcorn. >> rachael: movie night. >> movie night popcorn. [cheers and applause] >> so we have again, recipe of box brownie mix and a bunch of my favorite movie snacks. we have chocolate covered raisins, those are --
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>> crunchy chocolate. >> rachael: raisinettes and my husband loves these, snow caps. adorable. >> put anything you like in here. my favorite movie snack is frozen peppermint patty. >> rachael: yeah, yeah, yeah. >> really good, too. >> rachael: the york peppermint patty, i love those, delicious. >> yeah. put that down in the casserole dish. spread it out and then it is not a movie unless we have popcorn. >> rachael: unless you have popcorn. >> right. put pickup popcorn on top of those. >> rachael: yeah! >> and then bake those. >> rachael: adorable. [cheers and applause] >> rachael: adorable. >> if you really want to feel like movie, put a bunch of butter on top. >> rachael: all right. what do we have now? >> this might be my favorite one of the bunch, trail mix brownie adding one extra ingredient and
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>> rachael: trail mix. >> put them all in, why not. that is all you do. your one ingredient you add to this. >> rachael: adorable. is he not amazing? [cheers and applause] >> rachael: unbelievable. grant, i love you. [cheers and applause] >> rachael: i could watch you all day. no, i'm giving them to them. give it back. >> they can have half. >> rachael: i'll pass these out and meet you back here in a couple. we have hgtv's "the cousins" up next.
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>> check this out. kitchen. >> my cousin, john and i have made a career turning bad kichens into amazing. >> get rid of this. stairs go. >> you made that sound easy. >> step up our game and asked you to show the most desperate kitchens in america. >> green. >>the glass doors. >> hopefully you see how desperate we are. [cheers and applause] >> rachael: i love these guys. i'm so thrilled they're back on our show. that, of course, was a clip from "america's most desperate kitchens," everybody loves them, hgtv stars "the cousins,"
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[cheers and applause] >> we are back here. >> rachael: we missed you guys. >> this is our favorite set on tv, so good. gorgeous. all the ambience. this is gorgeous. >> only one with a true kitchen. reeblth >> rachael: yes, i have a real kitchen. i am diy challenged, as you know. i am diy don't. >> sometimes that is the best advice. >> rachael: i know, i'm very limited, as you know. show. everything is accessible. even i could do that. you brought big prizes. >> big stuff. we're getting into it. the backsplash, something everybody asks about. counter tops and backsplashes, how can we get the most bang for our buck. a lot of kitchens we see are lacking in light. so to kind of handle that challenge, we go with mirrored backsplash. >> rachael: oh, cool.
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>> rachael: i know. right. >> wow. [cheers and applause] >> rachael: that is sexy. >> i love you guys. >> show them. >> so a good construction is all you need. you know, you can just be real liberal with it. you are using construction adhesive, fu don't have full tile backsplash. you need good adhe'sion. run a strip down the seam so you don't get water down there. you have double-sided tape, there are strong tapes on the market, they will not let go ever. >> rachael: amazing. >> there you go. tape to the wall. >> rachael: amazing. >> it fits just right. >> rachael: amazing. [cheers and applause] >> rachael: that is really good. >> what you're looking at, this is acrylic. acrylic is the most successful
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>> rachael: affordable and adding light. >> you can see the light refracting. >> rachael: right. >> first episode of kitchen cousins we did this, seven foot kitchen. >> rachael: my god, it make its look good. >> yes. that is the whole game. >> rachael: unbelievable. so easy and accessible and does so much for the homeowner. >> absolutely. >> rachael: yeah. where are we going now? >> over here. >> rachael: all right. >> all right. so -- [cheers and applause] >> if you watch our shows, anthony and i love to do crazy things, where we use things on the house you would never expect. >> rachael: repurposed. >> repurpose, reuse, make them cooler. something like this, a ladder. what will you use a ladder for? we'll use this to store your book. first things first, make sure you sand it down. you want to make sure the paint is going to adhere.
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>> the more advanced diyers can get a sander. >> rachael: i don't own that. >> feel free to get hand sandpaper, it will take more removed. the goal is to remove the finish and number two, mar the wood up. put striations. >> rachael: like when you get new shoes, ladies. >> you don't want to slip on the dance floor, no way. scuff it up and make sure the paint adheres. we have two colors, gray and red. cudo a base coat with the gray, if you want, that can be underneath. do the red on top of it. i will do the red for now so it goes fast. you can paint whatever you want. paint in the red and the cool part about this, we don't have here, but done it on the show. let it dry and take blow torch, it will bubble up. >> rachael: whoa! >> yes, crazy. >> rachael: we have those in the kitchen.
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>> creme brulee burner. >> rachael: crome brulee, ladder paint. so cool. >> then you can peel off and make it look like old -- >> rachael: antiqued. so great. >> antiqued. the other fun part about this -- [cheers and applause] >> rachael: fantastic. >> we ask you to help us, but, you know. >> rachael: really? i cooked for you and you're insulting me. >> sorry. sorry. the other fun thing, guys, it is exposed book shelf. it is an art piece, color block your books. color blocking is simple. color. put in the rungs and actually create a cool -- >> rachael: visual effect. real easy. >> rachael: brilliant. love that. >> i think the last piece to know with the ladder, the only other tool you need is a drill and a level. >> rachael: right.
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like this, not looking so good. >> everything has to be level. >> rachael: my drunk kitchen, my drunk diy. [cheers and applause] >> rachael: this is the most brilliant thing, i've been working with food all of my life, these are palettes, this is what food is delivered on. store. i mean -- everywhere. >> go dumpster diveing and find a palette. >> rachael: seriously, people throw these away, big pile. >> they are used for commercial work, super durable. you got to clean them before you use them. if they are used for dlifshies, make sure you take the power washer to them. >> rachael: right. >> real simply, depending what you have, apparently the rachael ray show is beverage friendly, which we enjoy. but you want to take the stem of your glass. this is what is going to hang like this. put it between one of the wood slats and mark with sharpie on
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mark a level line and take a saw and rip it. ripping simply means you set the blades the depth of the wood and run it down the face of it. open up the boards, but you don't disturb the structural member. >> rachael: very cool. isn't that cool? >> yes. once you open that up, find additional wood pieces you can nail into the existing palette and then you got -- >> rachael: isn't that awesome? >> rachael: welcome. >> right. i mean, we thought we have such a great vintage rustic style here, you know, we mixed opaque paint and water to create a white wash. >> rachael: so cool. grain. >> rachael: they are really so clef sxer hot. listen, i don't want to run out about your restaurant? >> yes. >> rachael: you designed a restaurant? >> two.
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>> corina provisions and asian american. >> nice. [cheers and applause] >> nice. >> and you will see a lot of rustic elements all over the place. if you want ideas, come to the restaurant, good food, good design, you'll love it. >> rachael: i'm in. i love you guys, thank you so much. don't stay away so long. >> i know, i know. >> rachael: thanks to anthony and john. up next, i'll meet you guys in the kitchen.
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[cheers and applause]
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so this is september issue of our "every day" magazine. every month i still write 30-minute meals like back in the day on food network. this with 30-mbt meals, i was cheeky. it was the september issue, back-to-school, i went back in my brain to everybody's favorites when i was a kid, like fried bologna sandwiches and -- i made grown-up versions of them. so thirty-twos there's -- >> rachael: fried bologna sandwich with olive. i highly recommend the mac and cheese, queso dip mac and cheese. everybody's favorite on my staff when they started testing these in the test kitchen and getting ready for the photo shoot. everybody freaked out for gartic bread chicken nuggets with
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>> rachael: what? [cheers and applause] >> rachael: okay. so the promise is it has to taste like a big loaf of garlic bread, right? set up the breading station really close to the stove so cugo flour, egg, breadcrumbs mixture into the olive oil. you want the olive oil, not evoo, just straight up olive oil for the pan, light yellow color to the oil. if you get too green, it will have a low smoking point. use vegetable oil, but olive oil tastes better, especially on garlic bread. yum. mix of olive oil and melt but intoer it for a buttery garlic flavor. i have this over moderate heat. i have it right between medium and meed atloaf meatloafium-high, getting hot. take the tenders and halved them to make the nuggets.
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season every level. salt and pepper along the way, in the flour, in the egg tochlt make the garlic bread breadcrumbs, yum, which i would eat on pretty much anything. if you want to make a vegetarian nugget, cut planks of eggplant and salt them, press them, get the lirequested out and go through the same thing and you have eggplant nuggets. delicious. i know. i'm running my knife through parsley. you know, i love that garlic bread that used to come in the silver containersats the grocery store. so much cheese and parsley and on it. that was the flavor profile i was going for. so chop up the parsley. a combo of plain, fine breadcrumbs and giant panko breadcrumbs.
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and then a ton of grated parm ton. little sprinkle of dry oregano, powder. fat sprinkle of garlic powder. and your parsley. boom. mix that together, i swear it tastes like a giant loaf of garlic bread wrapped around your chicken. come on down here tochlt go along with this, i love haricots frites, french fries. put in super high temp oven, 450 degrees with shallot and garlic and let them cook until they are crunchy and dark at the edges. weville fun with ketchup. two ways. dipper for the chicken and toss haricots frites, oven fries, toss those in jazzed up ketchup. get these in the oven, so they get crunchy. get chicken in the olive oil and
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don't let bad odors escape. continuously neutralize them with glad with febreze. the only bag with the
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abdominal pain? bloating? you may have ibs. ask your doctor if non-prescription ibgard is right for you. ibgard calms the angry gut. available at cvs and walgreens. [cheers and applause] >> rachael: hey, guys. we are making some grown-up chicken nuggets. i have a rimmed baking sheet here and i have dropped in a metal rack that you cool cookies on and stuff. this is a great setup when you make cutlets or nuggets to keep the coating crisp on both sides. put on the sheet, one side gets soggy and the other side nice and crisp. put that in there, it can circulate around. i have this warm. batches of nuggets are done, throw them on this and keep hot
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cooking the garlic bread coated chicken nuggets in just olive oil. you could do a mix of olive oil and butter. they taste like garlic bread, tons of cheese, panko and fine breadcrumbs mixed with parsley. loaf of garlic bread hugging your chicken nuggee. green beans cook nothing high temp oven. i call these haricots frites, instead of french fry, a -- i make them out of green beans, so i don't feel guilty when i eat 50 handfuls of them. [cheers and applause] >> rachael: now i told you, we're going to have fun with ketchup two ways. for haricots frites, i want them nice and spicy. mix ketchup and sriracha hot sauce. i know. and then i toss the haricots frites with that and throw back in the oven and it becomes like
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them. it is so good. [cheers and applause] >> rachael: so good. mix them around in this, throw them back in there and that sticky, delicious, spicy coating will glue itself to the haricots frites. to skinny green beans. by the way, if the produce department does not have haricots frites, just buy green beans, not a big deal. they will be fatter french fry fakes. fake french fries. these guys go back in the oven a couple minutes. back. see you in a little while, fellows. let's check the nugers. hello, nuggets. you're adorable. look how deep golden. i'm telling ya, that's the magic zone between medium and medium oh!
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make a quadruple batch. and throw them in the freezer and you made homemade nuggets. heat them any time. gosh. oh, my god. okay. now what do we love about nuggets? the dippers. right? the dipping sauces. so for this -- [cheers and applause] >> rachael: couldn't be easier. you just take ketchup for these -- it's got garlic flavor going through it and tons of cheese. balsamic would be delicious with that. nice aged balsamic mixed into the ketchup. balsamic ketchup. that's the dipper. delicious. take a quick break, when we come
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[cheers and applause] >> rachael: yummy. mmm! roasting vegetables really, really brings out their guts, you know. i love roasting anything. cauliflower, asparagus, green beans, they just get all sugar and he crunchy at the edges. if your kids don't like green beans, try putting sriracha ketchup on them, they taste barbecued, everybody will freak for these. these are delicious. mix and match. today's recipe mix and match, serve with any sandwich or burger, mix and match meal. everybody is going to be fighting over the last chicken nugget. my chicken nuggets taste like garlic bread.
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>> rachael: so you keep them hot, i know. you keep them hot in the oven on wire rack, guys and that keeps coating crisp on bottom and top. if you don't use the wire rack, it will get soggy and you don't want to lose the breading. it is combo deal of panko, big snowflake looking breadcrumbs, mixed with fine breadcrumbs and a ton of grated parmigiano reggiano cheese, a little granulated garlic, a little bit of sprinkle of dried oregano and flat-leaf parsley. these are insanely good. i would invite friends over because otherwise you eat 24 of them. they are pretty figure friendly, not deep fat fried, cooked them in olive oil. all white meat chicken, cut tenders in half. might want to make an extra batch and pop in the freezer. put on baking sheet, put in freezer and they won't stick together and you can pull out a
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microwave or heat in the oven and you have your own homemade nuggets. they are so good. [cheers and applause] >> rachael: now what everybody loves about a nugget is the dipper. we have more fun with ketchup. i mixed two ingredients, ketchup and aged balsamic vinegar and you have balsamic ketchup dipper for the nugget. [cheers and applause] >> you guys are so going to go home and make these, right? okay. up next, i -- it's a picture you have to see to believe. it's adorable, don't miss it, it involves a puppy. [cheers and applause] since the beginning, have never gotten along. with the new lg twin wash,
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but washed at the same time. with the ability to do two loads of laundry at the same time, life's good. oh, look... ...another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair works... one week. with the... fastest retinol formula available. it's clinically proven to work on fine lines and... ...even deep wrinkles. "one week? that definitely works!" rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots, rapid tone repair. neutrogena .
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[cheers and applause] >> rachael: so -- you know, my little dog isaboo, it's funny in the summer watching her try to cool off.
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grass, especially after the sprinklers have been on and rolls herself around to cool down. dog dos not have sweat glands, of course. this one dog had a clever solution. every time sofia gets too hot, literally under her collar, here is how she chills out. check this out. >> awe. >> rachael: she literally hops in the refrigerator. look. [cheers and applause] >> rachael: so cute. and it's so clever, right, it cools her little belly. i wish i could fit in my refrigerator, that looks really cool. listen, we love our animals here at the show. if you have a funny photo of your pickup or kitty cat or lauma, whatever, send our way, we would love to see it. you might see it on the show.
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bye-bye. [cheers and applause] l [cheers and applause] l [cheers and applause] a [cheers and applause]
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union station. the largest rail terminal on the west coast. los angeles police chief charlie beck. visibility. we want to make sure that our critical infrastructure is safe. >> reporter: in chicago, police had canine units on the platform as trains arrived. and in washington, d.c., the metro police chief consulted with the fbi this morning to make sure her officers were doing all they could to protect passengers. mary battle and her family visiting from florida witnessed square. >> i'm hoping with the extra security here this is going to be one of the safest days. >> reporter: scott, while there is an armed presence here in times square, above ground, the
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up patrols whose sole purpose will be to guard the city's busy underground subway station. much. the man who runs counterterrorism and intelligence for the new york city police, deputy commissioner, jon miller, and a former senior correspondent here at cbs news. john is isis coming here? >> well, isis is already here. as isis has developed as an organization, scott, what we have seen is inspired attacks. they are basically advertising through social media, called on people to attack here. we have seen arrests in those cases. enabled attacks where they have actually chosen targets, and spoken to people directly, over, over closed social media channels where they have said "here's the target. go do it." what we haven't seen is directed attacks. that's what we saw in paris. that's what just saw in brussels. and that's what we have to be prepared for, obviously.
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tactics that were used today? >> i think we learned once again that you have rudimentary tactics. we are talking about fairly large bombs when you look at the damage, and assess the casualties. basically terrorism as we see it here, explosives, we saw in paris, explosives with active shooters. is a low-tech, low-cost, venture. >> since paris over the last four months, islamic extremists in brussels have been under withering scrutiny. intelligence officers have been raiding their homes, tapping their phones, how can this a happen with that much scrutiny? >> couple of ways. one there is an opposite argument that intelligence was pretty good. managed to find their way just a few days again to a secret safe house. hit that location. actually come up with a mastermind who was not just a
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western europe and brussels but attacks that happened in paris. that's very good intelligence. on the other hand. a shootout. officer wounded. couple individuals got away. so you look at that. but i think the real point here, scott, is that we are looking at going dark. which is, whether it is the telegram which you featured on 60 minutes this week, which was all encrypted. or the app, which comes out of san francisco, not russia. that is all encrypted. we are seeing not just iphones that can't be cracked, but entire communication systems that are designed to be impenetrable, we are seeing those become the primary tools of terrorists. stow when you ask a question like -- how could they miss this? technology is becoming a big enabler. >> jon miller, deputy commissioner of the nypd. jon, thank you. great to have you with us. >> four months since the isis assault on paris that killed 130. many of those terrorists came from that same brussels
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showed us. holly williams its in harris tonight. what are the connections between paris and brussels? >> reporter: scott, there are suspicions. at this point no confirmation the two are closely linked. just four days ago, salah abdeslam, the alleged logistical planner behind the paris attacks, was finally captured in belgium. and when the belgian police raided an apartment last week in brussels, they found ammunition, and isis flag, and abdeslam's finger prints. that raised suspicions that another attack could be imminent. >> but all of europe has been on alert since the paris attacks. ow could this happen today? how could this happen today? >> scott, we don't know if there were any intelligence failures. one criticism, leveled at european intelligence officials. they don't share enough information because they don't trust each other. that is a very big problem. because within europe, you have
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and visa-free travel between countries. some of the men involved in the paris attacks were able to go to syria, fight, or receive training from isis, and then return home, traveling through europe, apparently unnoticed. the big question now, especially after today's attacks, is how many more young men may have done the same thing. >> holly williams in paris for us tonight. thank you. how did isis succeed today with police hot on their trail? we'll have that next. the "cbs overnight news" will be (sounds of birds whistling) music introducing new k-y touch gel cr me. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes.
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bleach. lysol with hydrogen peroxide. for a tough clean with zero percent bleach. lysol that. (cell phone rings) where are you? well the squirrels are back in the attic. exterminator... can i call you back, mom? this time... if you're a mom, you call at the worst time. it's what you do. fifteen percent or more on car insurance, it's what you do. where are you?r it's very loud there. are you taking at zumba class?
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michael morrell was for three years number two at the cia. now our cbs news senior security contributor. michael, in the four months since paris, the authorities have been watching these neighborhood in brussels, they phones. today? >> scott, i think it is a combination of two things. one, a combination of how sophisticated these guys are. the investigative report on paris showed use of throwaway phones, sophisticated document forgery, the making of bombs in europe by bomb-making experts, the ability to move money around, use of encrypted apps that, that, intelligence services can't read, they're sophisticate
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one reason. the other is the very large numbers of individuals we are dealing with here. 5,000 people went from western europe to iraq and syria to fight. some are there. some died. some of them are coming home. the number is huge. put the two things together it is a very, very challenging problem. >> are you saying these guys are experts at what they're doing? >> they're very good from my perspective. trained in iraq and syria by pros. >> where are we now in the fight against isis? >> so i think you have to look, scott, at what they want to do which is conduct attacks against us. what we want to do is which is stop them by degrading that capability. in the last 4 1/2 months, scott they had four victories. they brought down an airliner in sinai, an affiliate, conduct add takes in paris, direct add take, san bernardino, an inspired attack, brussels inspired or directed. a pace of operations that al qaeda never dreamed of. the guys are doing very well in
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we are not degrading them >> what in your view should be done? >> scott, two things we have to look at. one is the defensive side. right. al qaeda went after symbolic targets on the far side of security. you had to got through security to bring down an airliner. the guys are going after soft targets. on the near side of security the we have to push that security perimeter out. and number two we need better intelligence. on the defensive side. on the offensive side, i only know two, two ways to fundamentally degrade an, terrorist organization. one is, to remove rapidly the leadership from the battlefield. the other is to take their safe haven away. pick up the pace on those two things. >> michael morrell, former thank you. the fbi took immediate action after at take tuesday. we'll have that next. the fbi took immediate action after the attacks today.
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late today the federal government said there is no specific credible intelligence of any plots against the united
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but homeland security correspondent jeff pegues reports that law enforcement is very concerned about what it doesn't know. >> within hours of the attacks in brussels -- the fbi stepped up surveillance of potential terrorism suspects in the united states. diego rodriguez assistant director of the fbi. >> we are going to ramp up on awful our seb -- all of our subjects. >> officials are concerned about potential for isis sympathizers to plot attacks in the u.s. there was a similar fear after the paris attacks in november. a former white house counterterrorism official. >> the concern is could there be copycats in the u.s. >> you always need to be worried about copycats.
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"terrorists are not innovators they're immay tore itators." >> reporter: more than one third of isis linked terror plots have been aimed at the united states or interests overseas. u.s. officials also estimate 30,000 foreign fighters have traveled to syria and iraq to join isis. including around 150 from the u.s. one intelligence consulting group believes about 40 have returned. those are the ones u.s. law enforcement officials are aware of. >> where are you from? >> the united states. >> reporter: just last week, american, mohammad jamal khweis surrendered to kurdish forces in northern iraq. he traveled from the washington, d.c. region to syria to join isis. and he was not known to the fbi. >> what you are seeing right now is, we are shaking every known bush. you are going to have a number that won't necessarily be on anyone's radar screen. that's something we need to be cognizant of. >> reporter: the couple behind december's san bernardino attack
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scott, today, homeland security sent a bulletin to law enforcement agency as cross the country warning of the potential threats from isis. >> jeff pegues in the washington newsroom. jeff, thank you very much.
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from the captioning funded by cbs it's wednesday, march 23rd, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." the hunt for a terrorist. belgium and the rest of europe are on alert after tuesday's bombings in brussels. this morning, the search is on for this man, believed to be one of the bombers who carried out the attacks. we should not be allowing anyone to come to this country that we cannot vet to make sure


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