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tv   Local 12 11 Saturday  CBS  January 16, 2016 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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>> reporter: dr. bulic says the cuts are all shallow in depth, and the cutter, he says, was careful about doing them. >> is there any evidence indicating that these wounds were inflicted upon her by another person? >> there is no evidence that any other person was involved. >> i think she panicked. anita smithey's story is that and what does she do towards that end? she gets a knife. she calculatedly places cuts to her cheek, cuts to her neck, and cuts her abdomen in such a way as to indicate that perhaps she had been harmed by him. >> reporter: and what about the bruising on anita's face and her chipped tooth? recoil, dr. bulic suspects. >> if the gun was held near... near the face, it's possible. >> reporter: but then, shirley
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who's been involved in more than 300 rape cases, takes the stand. she says after examining anita, it's her opinion anita was assaulted. >> at the time i did the exam, i thought of her as a victim of a sexual assault. >> and has anything changed your mind since that time? >> in my evidence, no. prosecutors questioned nurse rice... >> you're unable, from a professional standpoint, to ever say for sure whether or not the injury that you see during a sexual battery examination is either consensual or non- consensual, right? >> i cannot tell you whether consensual because i wasn't >> robert cline did not rape anita smithey. >> reporter: and to prove that point, prosecutors call this woman, anita's former friend, torina stewart, to the stand. >> did the defendant ever confide in you with regard to any sex practices that she and robert cline engaged in that stick out in your mind?
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was? >> playing date rape, role playing. >> did she tell you that they had engaged in that date rape or role play scenario on the night that robert cline was killed? >> yes. >> torina turned out to be a snake. >> reporter: did torina betray anita? >> she did in a way that she should've never betrayed her. >> reporter: prosecutors called the case detectives to testify anita told different versions of what happened the night she shot her husband. >> and she started to tell a second story, and i noticed the inconsistencies between that first story and that second story. i knew... >> reporter: detective mattingly tells the jury anita first said robert waved a knife at her, but in a second version she didn't even mention a knife. and there were other inconsistencies. but mattingly admits at the time he never took notes. both he and detective depanicis are grilled about their lack of
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>> isn't it a fact this is the first homicide case you ever investigated? >> yes, sir, that's true. >> did you ask her how long it had been before she'd slept? >> no. >> did you ask her how long it had been before she'd eaten? >> no. time she had anything to drink? >> no. >> reporter: jancha argues anita was so traumatized by the events of the evening, she should never grueling police interview so quickly. >> i speculate, ladies and gentlemen, that there is one piece of evidence. >> reporter: as the trial was wrapping up, many courtroom observers believed the defense had won its case. but jancha wanted to seal the deal, to show just how traumatized anita was with one last piece of evidence. >> and that's the 911 call of miss smithey. >> reporter: prosecutors don't object. >> reporter: for the first time, jurors hear the dramatic 911 call.
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also hear anita say robert stabbed her in the stomach with a knife. >> reporter: kelly jo hines and stacey salmons could not believe their good fortune. >> as we objectively listened to that 911 call that was just played to you, and before i start my closing argument to you, i'll address a few things just about that phone call alone. >> reporter: stacey, i'm sitting just behind you there in the gallery, and i hear you say, "i set the snare." >> reporter: by playing that moment where anita says robert stabbed her in the stomach, it opens the door for prosecutors to contradict her. the jury could now hear that previoususly forbidden part of the interrogation video where anita
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>> >> reporter: this is a big deal that you are now going to be allowed to present to this jury, correct? >> yes. >> reporter: he didn't open a door, he opened a vault. check this out, bro. what's that, broheim?
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>> she shot him. >> she inflicted those injuries to herself. >> reporter: prosecutors close their case against anita smithey with the best argument they've got, that interrogation tape. >> i don't remember where i stabbed myself. i know that i freaked out and i did it. >> reporter: it's proof, they say, that she was not acting in self-defense when she killed her
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us. >> miss smithey, please rise. >> reporter: within hours... >> we, the jury, find the defendant guilty of second- degree murder. >> completely outrageous, ridiculous, insane, ludicrous. she was being attacked, she was being raped, and she was terrified. 100% certain, she thought if she tried to flee, if she tried to do anything, he was going to kill her. >> reporter: drew watches, unable to do anything as his mother falls apart. >> i know exactly why she was so hysterical and why she collapsed. >> anything further from the state? >> it's because she didn't do it. >> reporter: and anita's supporters say they know exactly who to blame... >> there is one piece of evidence. >> reporter: ...anita's own attorney, rick jancha, for foolishly playing that 911 tape... >> he tried to stab me. >> reporter: ...opening the door
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admission she stabbed herself. >> i stabbed it, but he was there, too. >> it's not a mistake but a fatal error. >> not only did those statements get played, they got played right at the very end of the trial, the very last thing. >> reporter: anita's camp says the only reason why they lost that case is because of the playing of this 911 tape. what do you say? >> i say that that playing of the 911 tape was only one small piece of a much larger puzzle within a two-week trial. >> reporter: a trial that took four long years to begin had come to a dramatic conclusion. >> i finally couldn't wait to look at his parents and hug them. the same with his children. >> reporter: when you guys left the courtroom, you were still pretty stoic, wouldn't talk to reporters. but when you went into the
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closed, we could hear you. >> ( squealing ) >> and i'll go on record and say i'm the one who squealed in the elevator. and part of that is just the relief that comes with it, of knowing that you work so hard for an ultimate goal and that you succeeded. >> reporter: but their feelings of relief didn't last long. just before sentencing, anita's attorney suffers a heart attack and falls into a coma. attorney whitney boan steps in to represent anita. this verdict, justice or injustice? >> injustice. she was brutally beaten, and she was forcibly raped. >> reporter: and she was already planning anita's appeal, focusing on that interrogation. >> i don't have any reason to lie to you. >> i'm very optimistic that anita smithey did not receive a fair trial in compliance with
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another day in court. >> reporter: but first, anita will be sentenced for robert cline's murder. she's facing life in prison. her 13-year-old daughter is too upset to speak, but anita's son, drew, begs the judge to show mercy. >> my mom is just... she's... she's my everything, and i just want you to know how much i love her and that she's... she's not the person that people are making her out to be. >> reporter: drew tells the court he will continue in school with the hopes of becoming a doctor to make his mother proud. then, it was time for the man who gave up everything for his daughter to make one last effort to save her. >> i've always known anita as a very caring person, a person of
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lot to all of our lives. i... i just appeal to you today. >> reporter: jessica flores tells the judge that essentially anita is a victim of domestic violence, and locking her away is not the answer. >> she wants to help other victims out there. please help her to help other people. >> reporter: to robert cline's family, the repeated characterization of him as an abuser is repugnant. the reality is just the opposite, they say. >> anita was the abuser, mentally and physically. >> she shot my dad. she killed my dad. she deserves to get life in prison. a life for a life. >> with respect to the sentencing, 40 years total. >> reporter: 40 years. anita will likely be in prison until she's at least 80 years
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served in this case. >> i agree. robert cline can never come back. he can never hold his children. >> reporter: how important was this moment to you and for the memory of your father? >> it was the most important one yet, to know that my dad's name will not be dragged through the mud anymore, to let the real story show. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by
11:15 pm >> i usually have very strange dreams. i woke up, and it just startled me. i think kelly's hurt. >> i don't think she's clairvoyant. i think she's a killer. >> i was 19 years old. a guy came up. bam, he slammed a gun to my head, and he said, "i'm going to ( bleep ) kill you." i fought with everything i have in my soul to not have a toe tag at the end. >> we got him. >> it's you. you're going to go down. we are cloudily to mostly cloudy. a desperate plea for peace. a call for calm in the neighborhood where some say it
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we take you to and outreach event. good evening to you, more snow showers are on the way and we are in for another cold blast of area. >> we are cloudy to mostly cloudy. tomorrow morning we are focused on snow showers. unlike early in the week we are not expecting this to be a widespread issue and totals will be very low. likely a 1/4 to a half inch. wind chills will be in the 20s
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drop down to 23 overnight. flurries are a possibility. temperatures flb the upper 20s to around 30. we have no snow or rain to track on live precision doppler 12 hd, that view will change tomorrow. temperatures into the upper 20s and 30s. coming up, we will investigate snow showers for tomorrow and workweek. full weather authority forecast comes your way in ten minutes. we have new information about a homicide investigation. he was found along a trail in
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he was stale live when he was found, taken to the hospital where he was pro -- in less than 24 hours after another was shot death, they call for the violence to stop families are too scared to leave their homes. >> reporter: she stands just murdered. they listen to the latest call to end violence into the city. >> it is hard to keep this stuff from your kids, it is everywhere it is on the news and i'm always
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>> reporter: she knows what is happying around her. >> it was not like this when i was growing up, we used to be able to run outside ever play with our friends and now you can't. >> reporter: there is only five of them but it doesn't deafen their plea. >> we are not going stand by while people lose their lives. a 20-year-old was shot and killed in aparking lot just hours before a gathering. from his window, this 14-year-old chants along. >> what they were saying is true. i feel what they are saying. that's just crazy.
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apartments have been home for five five years. >> kids should be able to come out and play. >> a despairing truth understood by too many children and too many families. >> they kill people. stop it. >> what would you tell them? >> stop it. >> stop the killing. if you know anything about this homicide you are asked to call crime stoppers. a man is run over by his own car. emergency crews were called to the speedway on hamilton avenue
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sheriffs deputies say a man left his car running to warmup. someone stole the car and somehow the man was run over. he was taken to hospital with broken bones. they are now looking for that car. the sheriff's office wants you to know about a phone scam. someone is calling and identifying himself as you deputy. horde. when this 17-year-old took her life, her death brought national teengs issues facing the transgender community.
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to honor her. >> her note that she left detailing her hers had and impack pocket around the world. >> i grou up in that krar. i drive fwha. this can't happen again. >>' dopt thissed stretch the highway where she took her life, named it in honor but going a step further. >> in addition to this we can do community outreach as well. >> whether damp enned opportunity to do a cleanup but much was learned. >> diversity is an important
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there is no such thing as too much education. >> breaking down transgender determine nolg and why it is important to be an ally. >> you might with the one person that that youth has to talk to. if they come to you, you need to be that safe sfas you are willing. >> they were hoping these public events will honor her wishes. >> the community outreach events are open to the public and the next one is set for this spring. >> prolife supports braved
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the march corresponds with the roe v ade rule. a prisoner swap is underway. the u.s. and other world powers also lifted crippling sanctions that had been imposed on iran. >> iranian state television announced the news saturday. the u.s. state department also dropped international arrest iranians. the four freed american are i reporter, a business man, and
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>> i just ran straight for my kids and then told my parents. >> they should be on their way home to their families before long. >> the prisoner swap was announced what haurs before iran was certified as having met its i commitments in the nuclear deal. >> iran has taken significant steps that many doubted would ever come to pass. >> reporter: president obama signed an executive order for lifting sanctions. that means iran can now sell oil and the open market. stle ak stows the global banking system. if it is discovered that iran is still moving ahead with its i nuclear plan, the sanctions will
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>> iran has also gleed grooed to investigate the where abouts of the retired fbi agent who disappeared in 2007
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tomorrow nights president obama is declaring an emergency in flint michigan, he signed the order today, is clears the way for federal aid to the city. crowsive water from the flint river has leeched lead in the city water supply.
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turkey farms have now tested positive for the bird flue. the indian state board of animal health says testing is underway to to determine the stain of the virus. 60,000 birds are expected to be put down. bird flu was found in 16 u.s. states last year. the gop presidential race is heating up. with the two front runners exchanges on the campaign frame >> who put donald trump in charge of the element elevator? >> the battle between cruz and donald trump is serious. >> today stle the story where he
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>> at an event, he is is accused cruz of hiding a loan from citi bank. trump also unleashed half a dozen tweet astacks cruz for his bit place and for slamming "city of new york values." the democratic debate is heating up too. i met hillary 40 years ago this march >> reporter: former president little clinton continue to speak for presidential runner hillary
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>> ahead of tomorrow nights debate, all three candidates are attending an wan r annual fish friday. they are eached booked on four sunday morning news shows. the northern kentucky firefighter firefighter firefighter firefighter association held a bang wet today. and foot wear was optional at the high school basketball game today for the keechs any which. the deer park high school girls varsity basketball team held their second annual barefoot game. they is for a charity that provides shoes for firn chirn.
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they are adopted after the telethon. the telethon also raised more than $64,000. many familiar faces were on hand. i think this theme this year scott was ski lodge or winter. >> i still wear occasion, my spca vest when we had the winter theme a few years ago. >> are you going to need that this weekend. >> we hope they continue to raise money through the night. the weather authority forecast
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mostly cloudy skies. temperatures gradually fall tonight and then gradually rise back up to where we are now tomorrow. snow shower ares part of tomorrow's forecast but not everyone is going to see a snow shower tomorrow if you do expect a big drop in visibility for a brief period of time. you can track showers tomorrow when the down load our weather authority a pp. >> dew point is 20 did degrees, wind out the northwest sustained around five miles an hour.
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snow showers tomorrowered scattered snow showers. overnight we are just cloudy and if you snow didn't get your attention perhaps overnight lows back the single digits will. temperatures now range from liberty at 29. 30 now in cincinnati down a few degrees to get to 23 year night. then, a piece of this colder air comes our way monday and tuesday. you are sick of snow and clouds monday and tuesday look bride bright and
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notice at least some drier air to the north and northwest. some of that air briefly moves in overnight. we will have some partial clearing by sunrise but mostly cloudy to cloudy. no snow shower toss track right now on live precision doppler 12 hd. at best, when you tune into good morning cincinnati at 8:00 some flurries, some snow showers meaning the possibility of accumulating snow. once we get past sunset, snow showers phase away. clouds decrease. clear sky will likely monday with the temperature into the


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