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tv   Local 12 First Four  CBS  January 29, 2016 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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i mean about you inventing it. i invented the story, and isn't that what really matters? so... what else about me? >> good afternoon. we begin with a local breaking news alert in bond hill. >> cincinnati detectives on the city's 9th homicide of the year. officer tells us a man in his 20s was shot at least five times before collapsing on the street. it happened not far from a local school, put on lock-down at the time. andrea ingram is gathering information.
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help is on the way, for more than 1 thousand residents. and hamilton county judge, is going to report a receiver, hold five properties out of an out of town landlord. >> jeff hirsh is back in the courthouse for what it could mean for tenants. jeff? >> no question the receiver will be named. and the company preferred by some parties have submitted a laundry list of repairs, carried out, should make the problem plagued buildings better place to live. >> avondale, westwood, are all in buildings that judge meyers declared a nuisance, because conditions have deteriorated. city of cincinnati discovered 1800 building code violations. >> one example, burn avenue, when the roof came in on folks in the middle of the night.
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inspectors, trying to look, people, inhabitable. you have to create the line, in your head, well, what issues were there before the roof came down and what issues after j. banks holding the mortgages squared off in court with attorneys on who the independent receiver will be. else. judge meyer said it's her call? >> ultimately, it's the court's decision. i could get input from the parties and i could get input from the parties. the statutes puts the burden on the court. >> receiver will have a big job. documents indicate 1 million, control. why not close the building? that would create a whole new problem, finding affordable people. >> now the person you heard before talking about the
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homeless coalition. judge meyers, to continue it today or consider it on monday. >> coming up at local 12 news at 5:30. hear from the residents on her experience as a tenant and her hopes for the future. man shot overnight seeks help in an overnight apartment. just after 3:00 this morning. they believe he was shot somewhere else and went to the apartment for help. the 20-something year old is alert when he was taken to the hospital. we will bring you updates. police say he tried to set fire to an apartment building in the west end. now lamar bond faces even more charges. grand jury indicted bond on four counts of aggravated arson. court documents say, 54-year-old, tried to set fire on popular street earlier this month. people were able to use surveillance to identify bond.
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>> all we've heard about, bad water, you will find up setting. ohio epa, elementary school, has an unacceptable level of lead in the drinking water. the district superintendent, they have been looking into the potential for months. in november, the epa says the water was safe to drink. and district officials are frustrated on contradictory messages to the epa. it's due to the lack of usage over the summer. school will provide drinking water to students and staff and plans to shut off all drinking fountains. >> if it is as bad as it gets, i'll take it all week long. the weekend may be pretty special. scott dimmich with the no wake weather center. >> we picked up a decrease of cloud cover around lunchtime today, mix of sun and clouds this afternoon. we'll be partly cloudy for the next couple of hours.
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approaching the tri-state. that deck the clouds will be making apart. it's going to make us, with the sky mostly clear. high temperatures will be in the low 30s for most. by the start of local 12 news at 10:00 and 11:00. we'll keep a mostly clear sky overhead. we have no precipitation to track right now. live precision doppler hd. if we have precipitation in the network of radars, it will be in the form of rain. given the temperatures are above freezing area wide much wilmington at 36. lincoln international airport, up to 40. hamilton has made a run to 40. factor the window, wind shield, around 30 in wilmington, upper 30s. and coming up, much warmer air is on the way in the weekend. we soar in the 50s tomorrow and also for sunday. rain returns for the back in the weekend. we have that and risk for thunderstorms in the planning
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minutes. brad. >> crazy weather continues. . >> i'll take today to keep it like this. >> a raffle for a brand new
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breaking news alert in bond hill. >> local 12, angle ela ingram is gathering information. what you could tell us? >> brad i could tell you this is a residential area and quiet area with a lot of single family homes. there's a school, that's not too far from where the shooting took place. they say when they got here, they found the man dead in the street. take a look at the video. this happened shortly before 3:00 this afternoon. police are saying this man was shot at least five times on franklin avenue. this is off redding road in the bond hill neighborhood. investigators haven't found the gun. they say they have found several shell caseings in the street. police put a nearby school on lock-down. the lock-down since been lifted. investigators are trying to
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>> it looks like he was shot -- there's some shell caseings in front of the brown apartment building. it looks like he ran away from the building and collapsed in the middle of the street. >> so far, they have not released the victim's name in the shooting. they don't have any suspect information. however, captain bronxman was able to tell us some witnesses saw someone leaving the scene of the accident in a bicycle. they are not sure if the shooter was himself or that person happened to be in the area at the time. and police are here still investigating and we will bring you the newest information as soon as we get it. reporting from bon hill, angela ingram. >> i know you are just on the scene. if you could help police, please call crimestoppers 352-3040. the western southern open donates 385 thousand to local
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gifts were presented to uc baric cancer center and tenants for city use. tickets go on sale really soon, march 1st coming up. kentucky police are selling raffle tickets to send under aged kids to summer camp. a chance to win 2015, 4 x 4 pickup. only 20 thousand tickets will be sold. the tickets will be drawn on august 28th. trooper island is a free summer camp for boys ages 10-12. >> good look at the truck >> land before time this weekend. >> jurassic, sometimes. >> jurassic. >> if you wish to go back where dinosaurs roamed the earth, that will be your chance. >> jurassic quest at the duke energy center. >> if you step here on jurassic
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what you see. you will also be amazed on what you learn. some of them had feathers. something i never knew. these are the little ones. of course, we have the giant dinosaurs as well. there's a lot to see and lot to hear. some are a little frightening when you walk past them. cool nonetheless. i'm here with daniel arnold with the exhibit. this has been going on for a little two years now? >> we started in september of 2013. >> awesome. talk about what people will experience when they come to the exhibit? >> you will see lifesize, life -like dinosaurs. the dinosaurs with skin on, is what i like to say. it's like a museum. it is about as life -like as you will see the dinosaurs. >> wonderful. >> so, of course, you see the dinosaurs. kids could dig and some other activities as well. >> you could ride the dinosaur.
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craft, science station and all do. well. >> we have to address the little one right here. >> you can't even ignore them. he's so cute. this is tina, t-rex. one of the baby dinosaurs we have. we have a trisartops. >> and this one. >> this is going on all weekend. we'll have ticket information on line. daniel? back to you guys. >> have to admit. tina got to me. that was cute. if you like to check out jurassic quest, find ticket information in our website, president obama announces new equal pay raise. >> having some fun with the box tops celebrity funny. >> area shows an area of cloud cover approaching cincinnati now.
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warm-up and a risk for . >> president obama says insuring equal pay for women may be a long haul. more has to be done to get women to high paying jobs. he's also call on businesses to insure women are not penalized for starting a family. men have a responsibility for parenting as well.
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step in the right direction. we're proposing to collect and report pay data by race, ethnicity. the goal is to trying to do things. to get a clear picture on how to make sure their employees are being treated equal. >> and they are marking the 7th anniversary of the signs lilly led nate better pay act. and we have a new face behind city rabbit, . and get out nearly 600 silly rabbits to be the honorary real tricks rabbit.
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three week contest. sinnabon is getting it. >> and it's cute rabbit. >> all rabbits is cute to. >> now i'm a grown-up adult, and i get to have sugary toast crunch and the sugary stuff. if i want to eat cer qual for dinner, i get to do that. >> not recently. >> knowing you can, is as important. >> maybe i'll go home tonight, when i go to get dinner. i will eat cereal. >> we've been waiting for the forecast; right? celebrity with sugar. we have ample sun.
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i've updated the hour-by-hour forecast and local 12 weather authority app you could see clouds around and mostly clear nearing midnight. temperatures will fall in the 30s 24 evening. start partly cloudy, finish the evening mostly clear. get the free app by searching wkrc in the app store or google play. in the short term, track clouds, and get updated hour-by-hour forecast. and also, streaming video, real-time weather conditions to the aid tree yum weather cams. temperature 38. and thanks to a wind sustained at 7 miles an hour. no precipitation today, hardly a cloud in the sky. some clouds early, back to mostly clear, breezy or warmer
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highs today, will center around 40 degrees. wind. clouds return. showers return. we'll keep some of the warmth around until some time next week. waves of rain and thunderstorms will roll through the tri-state. at last check, 37 in laurel. factor the wind, windchill is down in the low to mid 30s for many. we drop down to 30 late tonight. we're screaming all week long, the warm-up is coming and the forecast has not changed. when you wake up tomorrow morning, beginning at 5:00 a.m., temperatures around 30. mostly clear sky overhead. the batch of clouds near and south of chicago, it's weakening
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they will definitely not produce any rain or snow. we're mostly cloudy or mostly clear, once we get close to midnight. overnight, we'll be mostly clear and then start tomorrow with lots of sun. once we get into the afternoon disturbance in the day. showers will develop. tomorrow, we're dry. even though we pick up clouds in the afternoon and evening. that's a temporary increase in cloud cover. true cloud cover or showers await us on sunday. notice, lines of equal pressure in white are tightly packed. the wind will be up. not just tomorrow but sunday, as the stronger area of low pressure gets organized.
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we're breezy on saturday and sunday. also breezy tuesday and wednesday. for a different reason. strong area of low pressure in the area. some of the storms, tuesday evening, could be strong. and especially south of cincinnati. in january, receive a threat of severe weather. we have had severe weather and the opportunity is there.
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forecast, especially on sunday. >> a mysterious box turns out to be a sensor. the device is an air sampling unit, installed as the department of airline security super bowl. san fran and all of the residents were a little bit confused and concerned when the monitor appeared. the device is part of the bio watch program. taxpayers says they will spend more than a billion on the program. fight to protect the staff and customers. they are dressed in black running towards the parking lot so the manager grabs the door, getting into a tug-of-war.
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does eventually give up. button. police were there and under a minute to find the people inside the bank frazzled but safe. probably safe to say that seeing a man dance around in the speedo, it may be a bit of a distraction, depending on where you are. >> michael phelps, he did just that. it was his part on the arizona state current distraction on the basketball game. see him dance with the metals on his neck and towels on his neck. they missed both shots. and moment, too, a loud cheer from the crowd. went on to win it 86-88. unfair. it's fantastic
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it's part of being an athlete. you will have to know --
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>> presidential candidates crisscross in iowa, the state is the center of the political
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iowa caucus's monday, could decide the life and death of some campaigns. craig boswell is in iowa with details. ted cruz wants to remain a center of attention in iowa. >> we can save this exceptional nation, this shining city on a hill. >> he was in the spotlight in last night's debate after front-runner, donald trump was a no-show. most polls have cruz in second place >> i did something that's very risky. i think it turned out great. in the front page, i'm getting more publicity. >> and marco rubio, he's on the third trip to iowa and he's surging in the polls. >> if you nominate me, i win and i know it. >>nd a feels genuine. >> jl selzer says landing in the top three in iowa will give candidates staying power.
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the pack and do better than what we expect? >> in the democratic side, hillary clinton and sanders are in iowa >> and giant bank, and he was in grand view university in des moines moines. >> and what you say is a caucus? we will explain that coming up at 5:00. the national political correspondent is staying on top of the campaign in iowa as well. we spoke with full measure host on what to expect on sunday
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>> you could imagine with every candidate, focusing on intensely on the one stay. how much money with the campaign ads an the other parts of spending. >> you could see more, cheryl atkinson this sunday. it airs on local 12 poll. >> jury accused of sexually abusing a young girl. ronald king, sentenced to life in prison. his case has taken many twists and turns. one week after he set fire to a mobile home in may of 2013. young girl was asleep inside. she got out of the burning home safely. the testimony helped to convict king and in the sex abuse case >> i'm glad that we can achieve justice for her. i think this is a dangerous man who preys upon a vulnerable girl, came from a broken home. he's the worst of the worst kind of defender there.
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handed down the appropriate sentence. >> if he's going to be a victim of identity theft, general's office is ready to sort out the credit. mike dewian, the problem has gotten to big, he's dedicated four employees, to helping people recover. they will walk you through the process of repairing the standing with credit agencies and credit card companies among others and actually making the calls on your behalf. the crime has hit close to home for him. . >> we think last year, 17 million americans have their identity stolen. my daughter has had her identity stolen twice. into. another when her car was broken into. >> use common sense, have one more than one password.
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and to limit your liability, use credit cards, instead of debit cards. >> nice way to wind down january. >> we start the day with clouds and now we have sun. quick batch will come through early in the evening. then we're back to mainly clear nearing midnight. temperatures will be around freezing and then overnight, will drop a couple of degrees and we'll keep it to mostly clear skies overhead. we will start at 31 degrees. temperatures will be around 30. and if any clouds ahead. stream of snow showers and flurries coming off lake erie. at home, high pressure rules the radios. rolling through indiana and the prairie state of illinois. outside of the clouds, we have no significant moisture to track. certainly no rain or snow showing up on live precision doppler hd.
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mid 30s in hillsborough and wilmington to the low 40s in b.b. the international airport and in will con airport are at 40 degrees. wind chills range from 29 in wilmington to 43 in vivie. the feel like temperature, depends on where you live. it's higher to the west and to the southwest of cincinnati, lower to the northeast of cincinnati. warmer air is coming to the tradeoff. and showers return on sunday. and there's a possibility of stronger storms next week. we'll discuss the timing of sunday's showers and investigate this potential for stronger storms late tuesday in 10 minutes. brad. >> thanks very much. you like tina faye. >> i like tina faye. >> she's getting to review reviews.
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someone who is an expert on pallin's voice and mannerisms. jeanne moos. media heads are spinning. >> there's a critic that sounds a little bitter. >> right wing, bitter clinging for clingers of our guns. >> sarah palin's daughter is clinging proudly to her mother, writing in her blog, tina fey sounds nothing like my mom. to nail, chalkboard. >> and bristol thinks snl has been slurping off the gravy train, tina fey has been clinging to the impersonation a little too long. it's getting pathetic. >> rock 'n' rollers.
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with the abscess stroller. bristol said, she thought it's funny snl couldn't get a top her mom wore because it sold out. the department store, had to recreate it, which was less than a week. snl trump etted it. >> when bristol took a poll, who wore it better. it's fey all the way 87 percent. >> that's what sounds what bristol wants to do to jeannie. >> god bless some of the united states of america. >> cnn, new york. >> and on that fun note, nathan high school has it going on. this is passed on to me so i wanted to pass it to you.
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you take the one take, dubs in the internet >> take a look, mason did this during home coming. he has finished the edit. >> one take through the hall, through the entire high school and out to the stadium to finish this up. i threw on my facebook page if you're interested. to be able to do this with the entire high school. i think it's a great idea. if you would like to donate, put a link on as well. every 3 minutes, somebody comes up with blood cancer. if we do anything to fight it, nice job.
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coconcer >> nissan's recalling thousands of altima mid-size cars to fix a latch problem, that could lead to the lid flying open. the latest recall covers 846 thousand cars from 2014-2015. the automaker tries to fix the problem twice. it persists. nissan will notify owners and replace the latch for free starting in mid-february. >> why it's so difficult to get tickets to concert tickets and sporting events. the system is rigged against you. the three year investigation finds half of the tickets to many events are set aside for industry outsiders and promoters. they are unavailable to the
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brokers resale the tickets in sites like ticket hubs. you could get your hands on it for us? >> you're not an insider either. >> it's rigged. >> sometimes i think stocks are rigged, too. trading on wall street, good for the last day in trading. led by big gains after microsoft turned in a strong quarter. dow jones industrial jumped and nasdaq climbed 107. nasdaq, shot up 26 points. this does not make us. second worst january ever now. >> it's better. >> remember circuit city, electronic store may be making a comeback. new owners may buy back and planning today bu the first store in dallas this june. along with electronics, they will sell drones and 3-d printers.
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corporate owned stores by 2017. circuit city will file for bankruptcy in 2008. >> facebook, it may be looking into taking on uber and lift. patton information, social media giant may be getting into the ride-sharing business. the feature will help users share vehicles or find a travel buddy to get to events. also connect with someone in public transit like a subway. it comes weeks after it announces a partnership with ubar to allow to book cars from facebook messenger app. >> and i bet they will start doing b and b stuff. they are going to take over everybody. >> yes, they will.
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upcoming super bowl >> from the terrorism alert desk in washington, i'm jonathan elias. man will appear in court in alexandria for the first time this afternoon. he allegedly stole the personal information of service members and federal employees. the dutch government now announcing they will join the
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and syria. they balked at extending the mission to syria. progress from northern syria. control. from the terrorism newsdesk, i'm jonathan elias. this year's celebrities are driving it full force. first time adviser, amazon has hired alec bald winn. and as they will cost as much as estimated $5 million for a 30 second spot, 4.4 million last year. the game will be broadcast right here on local 12, february 7th. someone on facebook. i think you had it, too, cammy. what's february 7th. >> really? the super bowl.
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clydesdale family, this is matt, born tuesday and, he's the first clydesdale born in 2016 to join the an hiez er zzer -- an hizzer clydesdale >> and matt will be in one of the commercial. >> and born tuesday. >> look how cute he is already. >> that's cute. >> better than i am. >> owe. >> and take a look what we have. >> and guys, on monday, iowans are going to take part in the first part voting of the election season. what is a caucus? coming up at 5:00, wedgia jiang goes to an ap government class for a mock caucus. to learn how republicans and democrats pick their candidate.
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high-tech twist to the voting process. some animals took a break from their farm and headed to some higher learning. they were little horses. coming at 6:00 tonight, larry davis say why the students there went wild for the adorable animals. defense attorneys, prosecutors are gathering expert opinions for former police officer, ray tensing. tensing is charged with the shooting death of dubose. they are offering opinions on the videos that tensing is carrying. and in a story you will only see on local 12, deb will show us the interpretation of the video. rob and i will be back here at 5:00.
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we have at cut-in-hill. it's a little slow movement. no rain on the horizon, today and tomorrow. >> next chance for rain, will be on sunday. we'll have a second disturbance to track on tuesday. i know it's back to january, february. we have a list of thunderstorms tuesday night. i'm not going to spoil -- promising a warm-up all week long, for the weekend. cam. it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, as mr. rogers would say. that's if you like sun. promise decreasing clouds and we got it. in the star 64 transmitting tower. we have one cloud in the sky in the far right portion of the temperature 39. dew point 18. the numbers are far apart. even as some clouds try to sneak
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afternoon and this evening, 40 the temperature. and we'll stay clear to mostly clear, good chunk of the evening. much warmer tomorrow with highs in the 50s. we stay relatively warm early next week. chances of rain return on sunday, especially in the afternoon and evening. that system moves out very early monday. another one comes for tuesday, especially late tuesday afternoon, tuesday evening. there will be a risk for stronger storms there. more on that momentarily. windchill, in the international airport. nice and low this time of year, this time of the day. and westerly wind, around 10 miles an hour. we'll take 40 now in cincinnati, down to the 30s this evening and ultimately down to around 30 overnight.
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west and southwest, comes our way in a strong southwesterly wind tomorrow. the wind will be out of the southwest tonight and that will slow the cooling process. the bubble of warmth will push to the northeast and east in the next 12-18 hours. satellite radar shows, morning clouds are gone. and near chicago, fading away in a hurry. we'll pick up at least some clouds. much of the evening and overnight. no rain or snow to track. live precision doppler hd. 8:00, some clouds around, maintain a mostly clear sky at 10:00, midnight. when you wake up tomorrow morning, tune in to good morning. cincinnati. we're still mostly clear. notice, we start tomorrow with sun. we keep it sunny through the lunch hour. clouds rapidly increase during the afternoon.
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to saturday. clouds increase late. no rain or snow once we get in the back end of the afternoon or evening. clouds will be thickening up. also, ahead's up. storm prediction center put us in the weather center o on late tuesday. they don't put us on marginal, slight or chance. they'll give you a scale. we're a lower threat where severe weather is. areas east, some storms, late tuesday, especially late tuesday morning could be strong or severe with damaging straight line wind much the main concern at this point. no risk for rain or storms anything of that sort. same thing for tomorrow, clouds increasing dur the afternoon. 56 sunday. even with more clouds and showers developing. showers move out. tune in to good morning. cincinnati monday morning.
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bringing rain and scattered thunderstorms in the tri-state late tuesday. the weekend looks mild. slightly cooler on monday. much cooler weather comes by the time we kick on next weekend. >> the home after 6-year-old psycho killer up for sale. >> you knew this?
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>> animal rights group is takingm kkkkk . >> and the home is featured in the movie, silence of the lambs. it was once the home of movie sociopathic serial killer in the film "silence of the lamb." in reality, they have been the home of scott and barbara lloyd for 39 years and it's on the market." >> a few more. little been busy lately but nothing serious yet. >> one potential buyer, people from the ethical treatment of the animals, sent the e-mail with the agent, proposal. >> she thought it was spam. >> the president, tracy reman's letter, we are interested in the possibility of converting the home into an empathy museum for animals abused and killed so others, may wear their skin.
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fictional character, others undergo similar images. do you think a house could be turned into a museum with every piece of clothing they buy. >> at this point, i don't think it has any merit. >> on the market, scott lloyd says the house should stay a home. the neighbors to contend with. >> there's a lot of hunters and a lot of people around there, with the pita museum. and probably not going to happen. >> they did say, pita once offered them half million dollar for the place, they will be happy to sign on the dotted line. in layton, kdka tv news. >> it will come down to money. >> someone will offer them a bunch. >> we're back with rob and cammy. we begin with the latest local breaking news alert in bon
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a man was found dead in the middle of the street. >> shot around franklin avenue in bon hill. that's where we find angela ingram. what you could tell us? >> this is a very residential area. there's the school that's not too far from here. a lot of single family homes to set the scene for you. now people are coming home from work to find all of the police activity and body laying in the middle of the street. this started before 3:00, someone shooting the victim at least five times. he died right here and medics never had the opportunity to take him to the hospital. investigators have not found the gun, they do tell us, they have found multiple shell caseings, and it's nearby. that was a caution, this happened just as school was letting out. lot of community activists here and they are very concerned on the number of homicides so far in the city this year. >> between 8-9, affecting the
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