tv Channel 3 News Sunrise NBC February 5, 2016 5:00am-6:00am EST
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@ @ right now at 5:00, we're @following breaking news out of @lake county, a sheriff's deputy @shoots and kills a stabbing @suspect outside a perry @township home. @coming up, what officers say @happened moments before those @shot were fired. @good morning, john and lynna. @>> good morning. @ that's several of the @stories we have this morning. @ hollie? @>> there's a little bit of snow @on the ground. @>> i drove in from the east @side. @there was a little coating on @my commute once i hit the city, @downtown, it was totally fine. @those in the eastern suburbs, @snow belt areas, you're waking @up to a fresh coating of it. @it is still flying in some @spots. @good news, it's going to end up @clearing out pretty fast. @the snows will fade.
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@this is what we have on radar. @we're seeing indications that @these snow showers are winding @down, the lake effect. @if we get closer in, those of @you that are extreme lake @county, geauga county, into @ashtabula county, they're all @light in intensity through the @overnight hours. @that's why you're waking up to @a fresh new coating in some @locations. @dani has the traffic. @ always be prepared if @you're traveling east, hollie. @no drive times, no accidents. @it looks like -- get my traffic @camera working here -- the @traffic camera is moving green. @no problems. @i just spoke to metro park @police. @they say valley parkway is back @open, so you're good to go @there there. @john and lynna, a okay on the @roads. @ we're following breaking @news out of lake county.
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@killed an armed man. @>> this happened on river road @in perry township. @this morning tiffany tarpley is @live at the sheriff's office. @tiffany, officers were called @to the home because a woman was @stabbed. @>> reporter: john and lynna, a @woman called, saying her aunt @had been stabbed multiple @times. @when they got to this home, @that's when they got a @confrontation with this @suspect. @deputies had been on this scene @for at least six hours trying @to piece all of this together. @they say it was last night when @the man was outside the home @with a gun. @he didn't drop the gun and they @shot him. @we're told the stabbing victim @is 55 years old. @she was taken to a local @hospital. @and then eventually she was @transported to metro hospital. @she was taken there overnight.
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@unphone. @investigators have also @released a name of the suspect @here. @54 years old. @he was later pronounced dead at @the hospital. @of course there are still a lot @of questions this morning about @this couple. @i reached out to the lake @county sheriff's office just to @see if they had been called to @this home before. @they have yet to call back. @coming up, i will let you know @what is next in this @investigation and what is @expected to have here today. @i'll send it back to you. @a brawl. @they had to use pepper spray to @control the crowd following @kenmore's win last night. @this is a picture. @a security guard is carrying a @cheerleader off the course. @players, coaches, and fans were @involved.
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@arrests were made. @ johnny manziel's girlfriend @says he threatened to kill him @and herself. @said he appeared to be on @crawly said she later ran out @away. @manziel denies the claims. @the browns have released a @record. @report. @this time. @the browns are waiting until @march 9th to make a decision @about his future. @that's when they can release @him and it won't hurt them and @their salary cap. @ a recently retired marietta @police officer gets to keep his @k9 partner after all. @all for the low price of $1. @city officials made the deal @yesterday. @they originally said ajax was @too young to retire and as @valuable city property had to
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@hinke said he's very grateful @he gets to keep ajax. @ an event called super @refund saturday. @they will off free tax @preparation for low income @earners. @third federal will offer help @from 9:00 to 2:00 at cleveland @central catholic high school. @you don't have to be one of @their bank customers. @they will help people find @their earned income credits @that go unclaimed each year. @ as many are preparing @parties the, these students are @ready to go. @>> they're ready to go up in @san francisco. @>> a group of 40 left here on @tuesday to begin their trip to @one of the biggest sports @events of the world. @with all the talk of how @expensive tickets really are @out there.
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@paid. @>> it's pretty cool to get paid @to go. @>> it marks eric's fourth @straight year. @this time it's 31 students all @set to get to work and get a @look at the sports management @side of the super bowl. @experience. @punt, pass, kicks, speed pros, @running those stations. @then sunday we're vip hosts. @i think the students see you @can do this same super bowl @type thing, but everybody has @different ways of organizing @it. @>> i want to see how an event @as big as the super bowl is @run, how it's planned, just @also the fan experience. @>> are the's so many -- there's @so many moves parts. @people getting paid to work, @the hugher ups, the coaches, @the players. @it all goes flawlessly. @>> if you start to feel bad,
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@the crew has had time to leave @their hearts in san francisco. @it's a once in a lifetime @experience for students. @>> i'm excited to go out there @and work. @>> or for some, four times. @>> i'm still getting jitters @from it. @people think, you've done it @before. @how can it get better in. @>> it does. @seeing the super bowl and san @francisco at the same time, it @doesn't get better than that. @>> she's obviously pulling for @the carolina panthers. @they're pulling for the denver @broncos. @they all agree no matter who @wins, they're going to come @home with an experience. @>> thanks, will. @ the class of 2016 will be @elected tomorrow for the hall @of fame. @they're planning to meet ahead @of super bowl sunday in san @francisco. @four to eight new members will @be selected to go into the hall @of fame in canton. @ time right now, almost @5:08. @when it comes to food for the
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@the internet for inspiration @and recipes. @coming up at 5:23, we'll have @the most googled super bowl @recipe. @ the sparks were flying last @night in new hampshire during @the first one on one democratic @debate. @they each had a goal. @we'll find out if they met it. @hi, lynna. @>> hi, hollie. @ we had a few scattered lake @effect showers in the east. @we're going to expect sunshine @and a nice looking day. @the snow showers have fizzled @out. @i'll tell you what, looking @ahead to next week, might get @we'll explain. @a live look right now. @our beautiful city at 5:08. @it's 24 degrees on hopkins. @this morning.
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@ @5:11 right now. @decision 2016, the democrats @are campaigning in new @hampshire today after their @first one on one debate last @night. @>> hillary clinton is way @behind in the polls but she @came out swinging. @>> good morning, tracy potts. @>> reporter: she went in trying @to prove she's the true @progressive. @there's been back and forth @about that with bernie sanders. @she also wanted to make sure it @was clear she wasn't controlled @by the big banks on wall @street. @>> enough is enough. @if you have something to say, @say it directly. @you will not find that i ever @changed a view or a vote @because of any donation that i @ever received. @>> what we need to do is to @stand up to the big money @interest.
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@candidate up here who does not @have a super pack. @who's not raising -- @>> they debated for campaign @and paying for free college and @health care. @>> i do not accept the belief @that the united states of @america can't do that. @>> the numbers just don't add @up from what senator sanders @has been proposing. @>> the democrats disagreed on @how quickly to normalize @relations with iran. @>> you don't rush in and say, @here i am. @let's talk about make a deal. @>> no. @those are exactly the people @you have to talk to and @negotiate with. @>> drawing distinctions on how @to get things done. @>> and that's not the last time @you will hear the two democrats @one on one. @they have another debate coming @up thursday in wisconsin. @>> thanks so much, tracy, @appreciate it. @>> here's hollie with a look at @your forecast. @>> are you ready? @>> it's super bowl weekend. @i know you are. @>> i'm not leaving the house.
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@>> change the batteries. @>> how many of you have changed @the batteries. @okay. @we're going to talk about the @forecast. @we're headed out to the bus @stop. @winds have eased. @it's 5-10 miles sustained. @it's go read day. @as you're making those @decisions of what to wear this @morning, it makes it a little @ease -- easy for you. @temperatures are in the 20s at @the bus stop, kids. @5:14. @it's 24 at hopkins. @most of you are low to middle @20s. @friday, we're going see @sunshine today and a pretty @seasonal day overall. @it's going to be mild this @super bowl weekend. @that's good for traveling to @friends and families.
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@recipes coming up for super @bowl. @then we're forecasting cold and @snowy weather for next week. @stay tuned. @we'll talk. @in the meantime, a little bit @of lake effect snow, flurries @to the east right now. @that will feed and then we're @in for the -- will fade and @we're in for the sunshine. @on radar, you can see the snow @showers. @they're fizzling as we speak. @so long, it's friday. @we don't need any headache this @morning. @most of you are waking up to @dry weather. @if you're east, there has been @snow overnight while you've @been asleep. @you're waking up to a fresh @coating. @i had it on my way in. @it depends on where you're @located. @geauga, ashtabula. @fresh coating of snow from @overnight. @that may slow you down just a @wee bit. @i don't think it's going to be @a big deal. @and it's going to dry out quick @as we head throughout the day. @look at the beautiful clear
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@it will be a nice mix of clouds @and sunshine. @light winds and temperatures @where they should be. @as we get into this super bowl @weekend, we're planning on more @or less a mix of clouds and @sunshine. @tomorrow looks pretty fabulous. @i've got to say. @we're going to end up in the @40s with sunshine and just a @nice, mild temperature pattern @before things change again as @we get into next week. @so, all that being said, here @is a look at your window @nations 7-day forecast. @30s today. @lake effect snows to the east @wind down. @then some sunshine. @it looks like we're going to @keep sunshine around for super @bowl weekend. @42 for tomorrow. @46 on sunday. @that's great. @next week, monday, 40s falling, @rain to snow. @20s and snowy on wednesday. @we'll hold in the 20s for highs @into thursday. @5:16. @here is a check on your drive.
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@you by mike bass ford. @ good morning to you. @i hope you're having a great @start to your friday. @we start east. @hollie and i are keeping you @informed. @as you see in lake county and @ashtabula county, we're all @green, no accidents so far. @tiny bits of traffic headed @west on u.s. 20. @that's not adding too much time @to your commute. @here's a picture east. @you see the snow in the @picture, but it's not on the @highways. @we're seeing a clear dry @throughout the region. @so we're good to go at 5:17. @our next update is after 5:30. @>> that's how you want to start @a friday. @ a ruling by a united @nations panel may give @wikileaks founder julian @assange his freedom.
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@he's been held up in an @ecuadorian embassy to avoid @charges in britain and the u.s. @for spilling classified @government secrets. @ two people are under arrest @for the murder of a boy. @they're charged in the drug @related murder. @hall accused the teen of @stealing drugs from him. @the boy was found shot @execution style in an el paso @desert last month. @the soldiers are being held on @a million dollars bond. @ bmx rider dave mirra is @dade of an apparent suicide. @they found him inside a truck. @he suffered a self-inflicted @gunshot wound. @mirra was best known for @competing in the x game where
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@he was 41. @>> more sad news this morning, @maurice white, the founder of @earth, wind, and fire has @passed away. @the group sold more than 90 @million albums worldwide. @they won six grammies, @nominated 17 times, and was @inducted into the rock and roll @hall of fame. @he was 74. @he's the son of a doctor, but @his grandfather was a honky- @tonk piano player. @that's probably where he got a @lot of that musical talent. @big loss there. @>> totally. @ still ahead, greg brought @in some snacks to celebrate the @super bowl. @>> nice of him. @>> you made it yourself. @>> that's right. @we've got the folks coming on @sunday. @the big game. @we have the dipping apparatus, @but what are we going to dip @the celery and cookies and @crackers in?
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@ @the great big home and garden @show kicks off today. @besides the usual information, @some of the celebrity guest @this is year will be two chicks @and a hammer. @they will be on the main stage @today and tomorrow. @next weekend, you can see the @beakman boys from the cooking @channel, jason cameron. @tickets are $15 at the door. @$12 online. @wkyc a proud sponsor. @there. @>> when you have a do it @yourself show, you have to have @john and lynna.
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@your super bowl party, pizza, @wings, dips. @>> a lot of people turn to the @internet for inspiration and @ideas. @greg dee has more on what @people are looking for. @>> the folks at people magazine @put together a list of the most @googled super bowl recipes. @what's cool about this article @is -- i will tweet it right @after this segment -- they will @not only give you recipes but @they will tell you which places @these things are being googled @in the most. @for instance, meatball recipes @in colorado and new hampshire. @nachos, surprising, hawaii and @utah. @we can't make the list. @we're getting everything. @several stood out. @anything wrapped in bacon is a @winner. @if you don't have any ideas, @pull something out of the @fridge, wrap it in bacon, and @your friends will absolutely go @crazy over it. @another recipe that was @popular, that's the healthy 8th
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@for your super bowl. @it actually looks pretty @healthy healthy. @there's meat and cheese @underneath. @the spicy buffalo chicken dip. @it's from nick lashay's @restaurant. @go for it, hollie. @now, the recipe here calls for @ritz crackers. @let me tell you, professional @dippers do not do the ritz. @this dip has a little bit of @weight to it. @it has a little bit of spice @and cheesiness. @>> you're a good took. @>> you can't go wrong mixing @five different kinds of cheeses @with meat. @>> you're a pretend chef, like @me. @>> this is so impressive. @>> that's good. @>> so delicious. @>> a little buffalo chicken
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@bit of heat at the end. @i will tweet this out and try @some of these recipes. @how are you doing on this @travel recipe. @>> this is the beauty of this @segment. @>> let's talk about it for @today. @we've got snow coming in from @the east side today. @there was a little bit of snow @on the neighborhood roads. @big snow storm off the east @coast. @winter storm warnings from @southern new england and down @to the mid-atlantic. @if you're traveling through @d.c. and new york, there are @delays. @they're expecting as much as an @inch of snow. @out west, traveling toward the @super bowl, man, that's the @place to be. @60s and 70s. @>> the place to be is next to @you and your buffalo chicken @dip. @>> john and lynna, you guys @have to hurry up. @up. @hollie is going to finish this. @>> we have a commercial break @coming up, but we're not going @to make it with hollie. @>> she can eat.
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@do you know what, i can do it @too. @take it, john. @>> oh, we're going santa clara, @california. @all set and ready for super @bowl 50. @enjoy the snacks greg brought. @we're going to talk about @tickets, live report is coming @up. @tiffany. @>> reporter: we're following @breaking news here at lake @county, a deadly deputy- @involved shooting. @coming up, i will let you know @what is expected to have to @happen as the investigation
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@about a woman who had been @stabbed. @when deputies arrived, they say @a suspect was outside with a a @gun. @wouldn't put that gun down, so @a deputy shot him. @that suspect later died at the @hospital. @as far as the stabbing victim, @she was treated at a hospital @locally but then had to be @flown to cleveland. @her condition is unknown. @a sheriff is expected to brief @the media. @we'll be there and give you any @updates as we get them. @lynna. @>> thank you, tiffany. @ also, a fire destroyed a @building in akron. @while it was too dark to see @the extent of the damage, we @can tell you that the building @caught fire around 11:15 last @night. @it took nearly two hours to get @this one under control. @still not clear on what caused @this fire. @>> and in south euclid last @night, a standoff ended with a @suspect turning himself in. @it all started when officers @approached a suspicious car. @the driver took off to a nearby @home.
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@get the suspect out, he finally @surrendered. @while police did not release @the suspect's identity, we are @told he's has gang ties. @ switching gears little bit. @happy friday to you. @getting into super bowl @weekend. @we have a lot of great things @to talk about. @this morning, we still have @lake effect showers to the @east. @those will be ending pretty @fast. @by 9:00 a.m., i don't think @we're going to have much other @than a flurry leftover. @27 degrees at 9:00, 33 at noon. @partly sunny skies, more @sunshine through the afternoon, @we'll end up around 37 or so @for the high. @it's 5:32. @it's 27. @as we take a look at radar, you @can see showers that are still @happening, lake, geauga, @ashtabula county, still quite a
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@a lot of you are waking up, and @it is completely dry. @a fresh coating, though, to the @east and the snow belt. @we've been noticing those snow @snow showers overnight. @ good morning hollie, good @morning to all of you. @state road northbound near @hudson drive. @we have it on the camera. @your left two lanes are @blocked. @you see people are getting by @on your far right lane. @so far we take a look at the @drive time on state route. @the whole portion between 76 @akron interchange and 271 in @mass macedonia, 17 minutes @headed north and south. @those are normal drive times. @other than that, we're looking @great on those highways. @normal drive times throughout @the region. @even to the east. @don't forget, when you hit the @roads, tune into your partners, @they will have traffic for you
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@ a big break in the case of @a missing mansfield woman. @u.s. marshals caught the @neighbors of patsy hudson. @they were wanted for @questioning in connection with @hers the appearance. @they were found in tennessee. @they appeared to be living @inside a jeep wrangler. @there 'also evidence they used @hudson's card to withdraw her @social security payments. @ a man called 911 to say he @accidentally shot his roommate. @>> what is going on. @>> i have a gun. @i didn't know it was loaded. @i shot him. @>> 21-year-old michael @lancaster is charged with @reckless homicide for killing @his roommate, 18-year-old @olivia stoll. @it happened in the couple's @apartment on ridge road. @i spoke to lancaster's attorney @who said he accidentally fired
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@on suicide watch. @stoll was shot in the chest. @she later died in the hospital. @>> two suspects are on the run @after their getaway van dragged @a supermarket guard. @the police officer was working @security at the east 40th and @quincy avenue store when a man @and woman were being chased by @a something. @the officer was there and was @dragged as they drove off. @police believe the officer @fired several rounds while @being dragged. @no one was hit. @>> we learned two ohio epa @staff staffers are on leave. @they've been on leave since @last week. @almost all of the samples @collected in the village has @acceptable lead levels, but @more tests have been ordered as @a precaution. @the heatlh department is @offering lead screenings for @residents.
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@today from the northern @district of ohio, he submitted @his resignation last month to @president barack obama and @loretta lynch. @time is now 5:36. @now to the game everyone is @talking about, super bowl 50. @>> broncos and panthers go head @to head in santa clara on @sunday. @that's where we find nbc's jay @gray. @jay, i'm really jealous you're @there. @i can't wait for the day or @year or century when lynna and @i are going to join you when @the browns are in this game. @>> things are looking up for @the browns. @i think it could be within the @next decade or so. @i feel good about things, but @right now, we've got the @panthers and the broncos and @the big party. @it's officially super bowl @weekend. @early friday morning here in
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@hundreds of thousands making @their way into the region. @most of those coming here @without a ticket to the big @game. @>> everybody, welcome the host @of super bowl 50. @>> it's literally the golden @ticket. @as we get closer to kickoff, a @tough ticket for those who want @to be a part of football @history by the bay. @>> you just wonder if you're @ever going to get the @opportunity to go. @>> lifelong bronco fans, super @sunday will be personal. @>> that's all right. @>> they will celebrate inside @levi stadium at their first @super bowl ever with a romantic @dinner. @>> i will buy her a beer and a @hot dog. @>> for those who don't have a @seat, time and ticket supply @are running short. @>> this is an expensive ticket. @$5,000 more and climbing. @>> that's also a supply and
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@there's less supply we're @seeing in the secondary market, @so the prices are actually @higher. @>> if you're paying the price, @you will want to make sure it's @the real deal. @>> the nfl has done a @phenomenon job of building out @security features. @>> some you can't see, others @that are obvious. @>> there's a hologram here. @you don't need a light to see @that. @then there's the heat sensitive @ink. @>> on a ticket to a memory that @will last a lifetime. @>> again, the going rate for @those tickets, $5,000. @it's expected to climb as we @get closer to kickoff here. @compare that to a ticket for @super bowl 1 where the face @value was 10 bucks. @that's the latest in san @francisco. @john, tell lynna thanks. @she sent her credit card and @bought tickets for the whole @crew. @>> it's going to bounce. @whatever. @>> she says it will bounce. @jay, what i love about that @story is he's treating her to a
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@bowl sunday, that's about as @expensive as a fancy san @francisco tinner. @it's going to cost a lot of @money. @>> you're right. @you know, with the tickets @being so expensive, i will take @the hot dog and the beer. @>> well, don't worry. @it's on the house. @lynna is buying. @ 5:39. @it is prediction time for super @bowl 50. @denver's top rated defense with @carolina's unstoppable offense. @how i see the game playing out, @coming up next in my take. @>> and how about this @prediction? @puppies. @next, which team jimmy fallon's
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@ @. @>> 5:42 right now. @coming into the morning news @feed, martin shkreli, the man @who raised the price of an hiv @drug a while back is causing @controversy again. @when questioned about his @actions, he pleaded the fifth, @while smirking the entire time. @his attorney defended his @behavior, but later he took to @twitter calling the committee
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@ crews hoisted this man off @the side of a dam after he @spent days stuck on a @washington mountain. @the video shows responders @balancing on the side of a @helicopter hovering hundreds of @feet above the ground. @visitors to the area say they @first heard his screams on @sunday. @he's homeless. @he jumped fence and planned to @set up camp there. @ jimmy fallon used a parade @of puppies on the tonight show @last night to predict the @winner of this weekend's super @bowl. @fallon used the pack of puppies @to guess the winners of other @events like the kentucky derby @and the ncaa championship. @the puppies flocked to the @broncos bowl, predicting peyton @manning and his team will be @the winners, john. @>> sure. @i have to follow the puppies. @>> look at those eyes. @>> thanks a lot. @thanks a lot for setting me up @with that.
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@time to make my pick for super @bowl 50. @so many story lines, it looks @like it's going to be peyton's @last game. @carolina has stories too. @can the denver defense punish a @bigger, faster quarterback like @cam newton. @brady sat back in the pocket @and got picked off. @that will not work with cam. @he can take a hit and sit back @in the pocket. @the broncos demarcus ware knows @stopping him won't be easy. @>> i wouldn't say it's hard to @get to him. @it's hard to take him down. @he's fast. @he's one of those guys, you @have to take him down like a @runningback. @>> the broncos' defense has to @limit the panthers and keep it @close. @i don't think this peyton @manning can keep up in a @shootout. @when carolina hits 21, it will @signal denver is in trouble. @carolina's defense is not
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@they're ranked fifth, and they @make big plays on turnovers. @i would love to see peyton go @out with a win, but i don't @think he will. @carolina has too much fire @power. @as good as the denver defense @is, i think carolina will break @through and just keep going. @i will take the panthers 30-19. @tweet me your pick. @that's my pick. @i will take carolina. @the rest of the morning team, @hollie, including you, your @picks at the end of the show. @>> that's right. @we would love to hear from you. @it's going to be a fun weekend. @here is a look at what is @hopefully going to be a fun @weather day. @it appears that it should work @out for us. @we've got lake effect snow @flying to the east right now. @we're going to transition to @sunshine as those snow showers @feed. @finally friday, yes, you did @it. @it's going to be a milder super @bowl weekend for us. @we're forecasting more cold and @snow for next week.
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@a quarter until 6:00 right now. @as you're getting up and @getting ready. @if you're thinking about what @do i wear today, go red. @it's national red day for @hearts aware awareness. @snow showers feed. @those are to the east. @we're 37 at 5:00 today. @should see some nice, bright @skies as we get into the @afternoon especially. @in the meantime, there are snow @showers to the east within the @snow belt. @you've had fresh snow overnight @while you've been asleep, @waking up to a coating, maybe @up to a quarter or half an @inch. @it's still snowing in geauga @and ashtabula county. @the snow showers have @diminished even in these spots. @as we track through future @view, we continue to see the @trend. @>> look how beautiful.
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@clouds and season shine. @as you're grabbing your @sweethearts from school, your @friday evening plans, the @weather looks great for that @matter into the weekend. @we're going to start to feel a @nice little boost in our @temperatures as we get into the @weekend too. @tomorrow and sunday, @forecasting highs in the 40s, @which will bring us to above @normal for this time of year. @window nation 7-day forecast, @once we get past the weekend, @it's back to reality. @so the deal is this. @monday will be a transition @day. @we'll have a rain-snow mix and @then behind the front, it gets @cold. @30s and snow on tuesday. @20s and snow on wednesday. @it looks like we'll stay pretty @chilly for thursday of next @week as well. @time for doggone weather. @>> check out the eyes of these @kitty cats. @first, isabella.
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@waiting for a home at the @adoption center in treemont. @she loves to play, even at the @age of 8. isabella, you can see @her at treemont. @tiger loves belly rubs. @he's at the parma pet smart @store. @the apl does great work finding @homes for these kitty cats. @if you want to meet them this @weekend, it would be a great @time. @>> very valid point. @>> do you want us to rub your @belly, john? @>> time and place. @>> well, never mind. @>> today is the american heart @association's national wear red @day to raise awareness for @heart disease. @here is a live look outside @with terminal tower lit up for @the occasion. @signs of a heart attack in @women can be subtle, like @shortness of breath, pain in
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@in the spirit of things, we're @all dressed in red too. @>> get the word out. @that's the scary thing. @the symptoms are different and @can be hard to detect in women. @we also have these mugs. @thank you so much. @>> you notice everyone is in @red. @why are you in red? @and then it starts the @conversation. @>> all about awareness. @>> right. @ how about this. @one in ten women wear high @heels at least three days a @week and a third of them have @fallen while wearing them. @even though they may lead to @foot problems, we still wear @them. @try to stretch out your calfs. @avoid the narrow toe box. @it can lead to hammertoes.
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@opt for no more than a two-inch @heel. @>> don't know how you do it. @>> all right. @torture. @>> i don't know how you do it. @it's 5:50. @coming up, ways to safe. @>> matt, we don't know how you @do it every day. @>> i do it with the support @from my wonderful colleagues @and after the break, how to @heat your home for cheap with @the nfl. @super bowl savings coming your @way. @first, beautiful in red. @good morning, dani. @>> good morning, matt. @thank you very much. @we're here at hudson drive and @cuyahoga falls, waiting for @this accident to clear out. @you need to get over to the @right. @other than that, we're green @and clean on the highways. @channel 3 news today will
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@wal-mart fell out of the top @ten, down to 13th place. @amazon moved into the top ten. @>> i love this one. @if you're trying to be healthy @the next time you're at @mcdonald's, you may want to @skip the new kale salad and go @ahead and have a big mac. @this is according to c nbc @news. @the kale salad has more fat and @sodium than a double big mac. @the calorie killer is the @creamy cree soar dressing. @>> it has 53-grams of fat. @>> why do i want kale, then? @do you know what i want to do @-- i'm in my pick. @you're all going to make your @picks. @i want to heat up the super @bowl. @>> can we heat it up. @>> i want to give you a little @bit of vitamin .f that's for @frugality. @>> i have to watch the game @with you on sunday.
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@f is also for football. @for those of you looking to get @your fan gear on, look at it, @moment. @i'm a huge fan of these @infrared helmet heaters. @i will explain why i'm keeping @the browns in the box. @whether you're hosting or @attending a super bowl party, @on our website right now, your @key to more than 400 legit @coupons, all cure rated for @you. @that's on where you @will also find my favorite @super bowl pizza deal. @that's on our website. @and the nfl heaters are up to @88% off today. @it depends on which team you @choose, but they're anywhere @from 30 and $109. @so you're at least getting half @price. @love the heaters. @they're safe. @they're really nice. @they heat 600 to 800 square
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@this is the new york giants. @you can pick your team. @they're sanctioned and licensed @by the nfl. @they have a low-high mode. @we're keeping browns in the box @because i bought this to donate @to a local animal shelter drive @today. @i'm thinking they're going to @make about $7 on this browns @heater. @>> the browns helmet is going @for more than the other. @>> the browns helmet is $70. @it actually has to do with @demand. @again, the browns are going to @be winning the next super bowl, @so this is not even a question. @we love our browns. @>> here is how you sell this. @the reason you have new york is @because you have giant savings. @>> i'm going to use that at @6:40. @>> vitamin f. @>> you don't even have to tell @anyone where you got it. @>> hollie. @>> matt, thank you for the @donation. @that's super sweet of you. @going for a great cause. @the weather looks pretty great @today too.
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@showers and snow flurries this @morning. @we're up to 37. @super bowl weekend, we shall @chat. @we've got snow in our future @once again. @i will let you know when, guys. @>> all right. @hollie. @since we're talking super bowl, @coming up at 6:00, how about @your parties and how to make @them go smoothly. @greg dee will talk about party @gadgets like the one to help @you find your beer. @>> nice. @>> we also have a lot of @overnight breaking news to get @to. @a fire in akron. @a swat situation in euclid. @everything you need to know,
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