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tv   Channel 3 News Saturday  NBC  February 20, 2016 6:00am-7:00am EST

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@ @ it is 6:00 a.m. @saturday. @if you look outside, it feels @like spring. @open up a window, get outside @maybe this morning. @olga is here with a check of @the forecast and it really does @not feel like february 20th, @olga, it feels more like april @20th. @>> reporter: i like to think of @this as a gift. @i suspect a lot of folks are @going to be having morning @coffee out on the deck or @balcony and just enjoying the @fresh air. @we have kept our skies clear, @it has been a bit on the breezy @side, we will have a brisk wind @later on this afternoon, 15 to
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@but overall temperatures will @be mild. @already in the middle to upper @40s. @we are going to push the 60- @degree mark later on this @afternoon. @but again i expect it to stay @windy. @sunshine prevails, not only @through midday but into late @afternoon. @we'll bring in a little bit of @cloud cover overnight and i'm @tracking changes on the way @that will bring in cloud cover @into sunday morning, even @moisture coming our way by @sunday afternoon and yes, we @have to reintroduce that word. @snow. @>> oh, you had to say it. @all right olga, thank you so @much. @ it is a big day in the race @for the white house. @democrats hillary clinton and @bernie sanders face off in the @nevada caucuses. @republicans are battling in @south carolina's primary. @steve handlesman has a look @ahead. @>> reporter: from columbia, @south carolina as voters head
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@primary in the south what @should we watch? @who should we watch? @donald trump had enjoyed a big @lead in the polling in south @carolina but before trump @tangled with the pope, before @trump promised to clean up his @language and did for the. @ted cruz beat trump in iowa. @marco rubio, polling a strong @third hopes to not just beat @cruz but to do so well he @drives jeb bush and john kasich @from the race and emerges @tonight as the only mainstream @republican candidate. @in nevada where hillary clinton @lost to bernie sanders, even a @win by a few points in @tonight's caucuses would look @like a clinton loss. @with the democrats headed here @for their primary next @saturday.
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@funeral for the late supreme @court justice antonin scalia @will be held today at the @national basilica in @washington. @friday his body lay in repose @at the great hall of the u.s. @supreme court. @100 of his former law clerks @lined the stairs to the court. @his fellow justices, president @obama and the first lady were @among those who paid respects. @thousands lined up to get @inside. @ another warning this @morning about the ever popular @hoverboards, this time from the @federal government. @it is stepping in, saying all @hoverboards are unsafe. @hoverboards have been @implicated in at least 50 fires @in 24 states. @the consumer product safety @commission thinks the problem @is how the lithium ion battery @packs interact with the mother @boards. @any that don't meet safety
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@amazon has announced it will @give full refunds for @hoverboards purchased on its @site. @ he is a local legend @playing for the cleveland @indians before leaving toen @list in the u.s. navy for world @war ii. @there is a push to have bob @feller recognized. @>> reporter: his statue is @outside progressive field but @his legacy go far beyond @baseball. @just days after pearl harbor, @bob feller enlisted, even @though he didn't have to. @>> dropped everything to join @the navy. @>> reporter: you can see the @exhibit here the terrace club @at progressive field, a whole @list of accolades on his @timeline, starting when he came @into the league in 1936, all @the accolades for the next nine @seasons, before he enlisted in @the navy in 1941. @he served for four years before @coming back with the team in @1945.
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@here before leaving the league @and retiring in 19 vi. @because of this the indians -- @in 1956. @because of this the indians @have launched a petition to @have him given the highest @civilian award in the united @states. @the name of it, medal of @freedom, signifies what bob @feller meant to us. @he was an ambassador for the @game of baseball, for the @country. @while it certainly means a lot @to us, i think it means more to @his family to his fans. @>> you can sign the petition on @our website or just learn more @about it. @ still ahead this morning, @haunting changes. @a master of special effects in @hollywood is taking on a big @project at the mansfield reform @friday. @good morning alyssa. @>> reporter: good morning. @the ice sculptures for the
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@didn't stand a chance. @coming up though, what is still @going on today, including an
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@ @ hundreds of people will be @taking the plunge today into @the portage lake for the polar @bear jump. @more than 500 people are @expected. @the money raised will go to the @ronald mcdonald house and camp @quality ohio. @organizers are hoping to raise @$100,000. @for more information, go to @ some frozen fun is planned @for there weekend. @the north coast harbor ice fest @is back for another year. @alyssa raymond joins us live
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@alyssa the ice sculptures have @melted. @>> reporter: they have an ice @sculpting competition happening @today. @they are planning to create six @new sculptures. @look at what we came to this @morning. @all the stands knocked over @because of the wind, and we are @left with puddles of water this @morning where the ice @sculptures had melted. @george, our photographer, saved @the day. @he picked up one of the stands @and created our very own @honorary channel 3 sculpture. @here is megan tinker, with the @downtown cleveland alliance. @what time is the competition @going on today? @>> reporter: 12:30, 1:30, and @2:30. @the experts will come back out @and do a performance of ice @sculpting for the audience. @the audience will decide which @one wins, and by the end we'll
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@the ones we lost last night. @>> reporter: who are the @sculptures made by? @>> aaron costic, he is @nationally award winning. @>> reporter: last year was the @first year you did this. @how long does it take them to @sculpt something? @>> 30 minutes with speed @carving today. @that is the least amount of @time, but they spend however @much time they need. @they'll add color and shapes @and make it look just like the @beautiful logos we had here @earlier today. @>> reporter: we have a lot @going on in downtown cleveland @right now and this weekend in @general. @>> it is also downtown @restaurant week. @it started yesterday the 19th @and will go all the way through @the 28th. @we have more than 50 @restaurants participating and @each one offers a menu special @to our chef's choice. @they will choose favorite @flavors and taste sensations
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@>> there is a lot going on in @downtown this weekend. @if you come down for ice fest, @check out restaurant week and @winter fest. @>> reporter: thank you so much. @tomorrow the ice fest continues @with the science sentter shows @going on at 12:30, 1:30, and @2:30. @>> so sad. @a lot of people spent a lot of @time on that. @>> we'll check back in with @you. @thanks alyssa. @ it is known for putting @fear in the hearts of many and @for being the filming location @for much of shawshank @redemption. @hillary goldston has the gory @details.
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@nightmare on elm street series. @>> quentin tarantino's vampire @flick from dust to dawn. @over 400 movies robert @curtisman has had a hand in. @now he can extend his talents @toward the mansfield reform @friday. @a place where the creepiness @and spook -- reform friday. @a place where the creepiness @and spookiness has delighted. @>> reporter: the man i like to @call channel 3's resident @horror expert, ryan hated, @writes a blood red poster @teases more monsters and scares @than ever before.
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@i think he will employ a big @role here. @>> reporter: the prison, @believed by many to be one of @our nation's most haunted @spots, could see torment taken @to another level. @hillary goldston. @ thank you hillary. @this is called the paranormal @penitentiary. @the haunting begins at the end @of september. @ just ahead, we are wrapping @up the week's top headlines @coming up in your week in @review. @ also money man matt granite @joins us with sharp savings @this morning. @ now here's olga with a look @at the forecast. @>> reporter: lots of sunshine @this morning, mild temperatures @and yes we are going to push 60 @degrees later on this @afternoon. @clouds will roll in and changes @are on the way.
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@ we want to get you caught @up on any headlines you may @have missed. @here's your week in review. @ a toddler, missing for @hours in lorraine is safe. @>> just to be the person that @found someone that was missing @and everyone was looking for, @for hours. @>> he normally doesn't even @drive that way. @he saw the story on facebook. @when he decided to leave his @sister's house to go home, @thought he would take a @different route home. @>> i am so thankful she was @found. @>> we have over $50 million of @increase in income tax revenues @coming into the city of @cleveland, which indicates @there is prosperity. @>> but the city has lost $18 @million from lower property tax @values, $30 million in state @budget cuts. @it can squeak by this year,
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@bond. @ punch in the wrong code 10 @times into an iphone and @everything on the phone is @deleted forever. @which is why the feds can't @just keep trying to get into @the phone belonging to san @bernardino terrorists. @a judge now saying apple has to @install software to defeat @that. @ rucker is accused of @misusing bank accounts from two @foundations as if they were his @own. @he had a huge gambling debt and @is accused of using the cash to @pay his mortgage, eat out and @for other personal items.
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@mistakes and he is committed to @cooperating with the government @. @ chelsea clinton. @>> she is an experienced @politician. @she knows government. @ for the first time an nbc @news wall street journal poll @shows donald trump trails ted @cruz. @ jim brown 80 years old and @his likeness will be erected @outside first energy stadium. @ the big story of the day is @weather. @here's a live look what is @going on right now in akron. @this is 77 north where snow has @been falling all morning. @ the westminister kennel @club dog show kicked off last @night and a new app launch is @called fetch. @>> you can upload a human @photo. @the app determines what breed @of dog you look like.
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@>> cocker spaniel i guess. @>> i'm a doberman. @>> what an app. @>> i don't see it jimmy, just @going to put that out there. @we did it too and the first @round i went was english cocker @spaniel. @what did you get? @>> i am a poodle and i have @poodles. @so we match. @ awesome. @you can try it at home. @it is the fetch app. @ also a great day today to @get out and if you have a dog, @take it for a walk. @>> there will be people in the @dog runs and parks, all over @the town. @enjoy the clear, sunny weather. @the day will be mild, quite a @treat for the latter half of @february. @ overall, i think we are @going to keep things calm and @quiet, not expecting any cloud @cover, except into the late @afternoon. @then a few clouds will start to @filter on through, but it will @be dry. @and these warm temperatures are
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@the snow that has been @rangering around. @we are still dealing with a @little bit of a brisk wind @mainly out of the south and @southwest. @winds will average today around @15 to 20 miles per hour but we @are going to see gusts higher @than that. @we have dropped the wind @advisory, but it will be breezy @so take precautions if you are @going to be out and about. @i think you'll enjoy the @morning temperatures sitting @around the middle range 40s. @we are going to push the upper @40s over the next few hours and @slide right into the 50s. @overall clear skies will @prevail, not only toward @daytime but as we head into the @evening hours. @we'll have mild conditions @today, you'll definitely want @to step outside if you can. @mild temperatures later on this @afternoon, followed by a fairly @calm night tonight. @but i'm tracking moisture that @will start to move in overnight @into sunday morning and that
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@for today though, enjoy the @sunshine. @upper 50s to near 60 degrees @overall i think we hold off on @the cloud cover until 7:00 or @8:00 tonight. @certainly by tomorrow morning @when our temperatures drop into @the 30s, we'll be partly to @mostly cloudy to start you off @on sunday. @no problem getting to your @sunday services and other @activities, around 2:00 to 4:00 @we start to track moisture in. @whether this falls as all rain, @all snow or a mixture of the @two will depend upon the @temperatures and how quickly @they progress but for most of @us it will be light to no @accumulation. @then cold on monday morning, @back to work and school with @partly to mostly cloudy skies @and yes, back to winter. @so today 55 to 60 degrees will @be the norm. @i think our warmest @temperatures will be across @some of our southern zones and @tonight we'll cool back down @mainly around the freezing @mark. @overall i think we are going to @have the opportunity to see the
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@forecast, we hold on to fairly @moderate temperatures for @tomorrow, only into the 40s. @but by the time we get to @monday and tuesday, that is @when the coldest air starts to @pull back through, again @overnight lows will be dropping @back into the 20s and we'll @start seeing those day time @highs in the 30s once again. @ thank you so much olga. @ is it possible to make @delicious ice cream without @dairy? @ben and jerry's is trying. @a new line of vegan desserts @with almond milk and coconut @oil. @the company is replicating @chunky monkey and chocolate @fudge brownie. @and coffee caramel fudge and @peanut butter and cookies. @the goal is to take out dairy. @most stores should have it in @stock in two to four weeks. @ mcdonalds is giving a whole @new meaning to chicken and
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@will be a test state for its @new creation. @the menu item is called the @chicken mcgridal. @ today we deliver the @sharpest savings in town by @viewer request. @matt granite takes care of this @most wanted deal. @>> reporter: great to be with @you this weekend and i need a @little bit of help. @i wanted to find savings on @precisely the most requested @item in northeast ohio. @so last week this time i @reached out to you and here is @what you came up with. @number two dyson was the most @requested product and the most @requested product a great @knife. @i hunted down a deal on one,
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@hinkles prep knife i found at @under 40 bucks shipping is @something i found and had chef @put to the test. @>> i'm a huge fan of kitchen @cutlery. @i have french knives that cost @over a thousand dollars. @time and time again i find @myself going back to these @hubbell inc.les. @german quality. @these are one of my favorites. @flexible to use as a general @utility knife. @you saw the cuts i was able to @do with this. @you have to have a precision @knife in order to do that. @you already know it is a @mercedes, the rolex of knives. @i absolutely love this one. @>> and i love you chef thanks. @you did all my work. @>> reporter: basically, i @shouldn't get paid for this. @so, your deal, huge @savings. @we'll discuss more right here
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@back to you. @ never admit that matt. @i'm going to have a talk with @him. @ after the break, believe it @or not, construction season is @just around the corner. @an early look at the biggest @project for 2016. @ and alyssa, you are feeling @the warm up at the ice fest? @>> reporter: i am. @even though the weather isn't @cooperating, the north coast @harbor ice fest is still going @on today. @coming up, a look at today's
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@ @ good morning. @it is 6:30 on this saturday, @february 20th. @it is right now 46 degrees on @our temperature gauge and it is @only going up from here. @it is going to be a beautiful, @springlike day for february. @let's check in with olga @breese, who has been keeping an @eye on it. @good morning olga. @>> reporter: good morning. @i like the directions these @temperatures are taking.
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@we are going to be pushing 50 @degrees in just the next hour @or two. @so for today, sunglasses, clear @skies, quiet on satellite and @radar. @we will see winds mainly from @the south and southwest. @talking about 15 to 20 miles @per hour winds. @that is breezy. @but the gusts could be 30, 35 @miles per hour. @temperatures though should hold @out of these 40s and into the @50s in no time. @and actually, today the warmest @day of the weekend, as we head @to the middle 50s, we'll push @60 degrees across some of our @southern zones. @things will be changing though @as we head into the overnight. @i'll detail it all for you in @the full forecast. @ olga, thank you so much. @ are you looking for @something to do outside? @since it is going to be so @nice? @you should consider checking @out the north coast harbor ice @festival. @channel 3's alyssa raymond @shows us how you can still have @winner fun without freezing.
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@interesting to say the least @alyssa. @>> reporter: exactly. @i'm enjoying the 50-degree @weather but these ice @sculptures are not. @such a big difference from last @year. @last year was the first year @for the north coast harbor ice @fest and it was freezing @outside. @this year a totally different @story. @we want everyone to know the @ice fest is still going on @today. @here with me this morning is @megan tinker, she is with the @downtown cleveland alliance. @megan, we can't tell what these @are now, but what were some of @the sculptures you had up this @year? @>> last night we had more than @20 ice scup want tures, we had @frozen, minions, the rolling @stones, and a mock-up of an @award -- sculptures, we had @frozen, minions, the rolling @stones, and a mock-up of a @smaller one, again we will have
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@a speed carving competition at @12:30, 1:30, and 2:30 and we'll @have those new sculptures out @here today and tomorrow. @again bring the family down, @get outside, it is not cold @outside, if you want to enjoy @the weather and donte will be @doing experiments from the @science show, i think you saw @some earlier today. @>> we did. @and what was the purpose of @creating the ice fest. @>> wentner cleveland you don't @time. @we are encouraging clevelanders @to get outside and enjoy @downtown in the winter. @come down, see the lake front. @a lot of people think it is @only beautiful in the summer @but the lake front is beautiful @from the winter too. @>> reporter: are you planning @to keep this as an annual @tradition? @i know this is only the second @year you have done this. @next year maybe the weather @will cooperate. @>> we have these two great
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@down here and have people @experience it, even in the @winter. @>> reporter: thank you so much. @the ice sculpting show today @12:30, 1:30, and 2:30. @ crews have been on snow @duty the past few weeks, and @construction is just around the @corner. @this morning tiffany tarpley @joins us with a rundown of the @six biggest projects this year. @>> reporter: for years we have @been dodging orange barrels and @squeezing through to make way @for a $173 million commute into @or out of downtown along the @inner belt bridge. @the biggest change that is @going to happen this year is @the entire bridge, both @directions, will be open in the @fall. @oh all of the construction you @have seen downtown over the @past five to six years is going @to start wrapping up a little @bit on the bridge projects. @but. @there is always a but.
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@lane restrictions will remain. @next get ready for the west @shoreway to shut down. @>> this is a way for us to keep @the project on track and do the @work as safely as possible. @>> reporter: for approximately @30 days in late summer all @lanes from both directions will @be closed as they work to @create a $40 million scenic @boulevard. @the exact dates unknown, crews @are still working on the @detours. @okay the third thing on the @list. @the opportunity corridor. @creating a boulevard that will @connect 490 at east 55th to @university circle. @this year there will be more @restrictions and closures along @east 105th street between @quebec and chester. @the time lines for those are @still being worked out. @stephanie tarpley, channel 3 @news. @ rumors are swirling over @former cavalier anderson @varejao's future. @what team may be interested in
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@dave has the answer, coming up
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@ @ good morning, if you are @not a fan of the cavs trading @anderson varejao, brace @yourself. @according to a report by espn, @several teams are interested in @signing anderson varejao, @including the golden state @warriors. @can you imagine that? @golden state contemplating @making a run after he careers @waivers on sunday after the @trade and then release of andy @by portland. @the warriors have a need for an @extra big. @head coach steve kerr says it @makes perfect sense. @anderson varejao wrote a letter @to cleveland fans yesterday @saying it was an honor to @represent the city and the cavs @for the last 12 years, saying @cleveland fans are the best. @he said he wanted to retire @here, but at the end of the day @it is a business and quoted, so @with that i say goodbye. @but more importantly, i say
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@thank you for coming out every @night, and thank you for the @best 12 years of my life. @ amman injured his shoulder @two nights ago in that win over @the bull. @late in the fourth quarter he @pulled up after making a steal. @he said he was fine that night @but yesterday he was held out @of practice of the he is listed @as day-to-day. @the coach is unsure if he will @play tomorrow in oklahoma city. @it is the same shoulder that @same injury that caused him to @miss five weeks last season. @ college basketball. @huge game down in kent last @night. @the wagon wheel on the line. @it is the best rivalry in the @world. @the 100th anniversary of the @akron kent state rivalry. @akron early with the lead. @isaiah johnson. @the flashes come back thanks to @a hot shooting night by kellen @thomas. @he had 22.
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@move down low. @he had 22 points. @kent state wins 85-76. @now they trail by just a game @in the mack. @including the season finale in @act in chron, -- in akron, they @have four to play. @ yesterday a busy day for @the indians. @spring training here now. @seeing the visuals from it. @most tribe players out west. @yesterday was the first workout @for indians pitchers and @catchers. @corey anchors one of the best @rotation in baseball and on @opening day. @probably will see 1-5 in @baseball. @ let's talk now about juan, @indians bringing him on to play
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@he will sign once issues with @his visa are resolved. @gives shell more time to @develop. @juan has 15 years on his @resume, a career .256 hitter, @192 homers, and he is great in @the clubhouse. @ speaking of great news, how @about our special coming your @way next thursday here on @channel 3 at 7:00. @talking tribe. @i will be live from goodyear, @jim in studio, and i will be @there all week long bringing @you spring training action. @see you at 6:00 and 11:00, have @a great weekend everybody. @ dave thanks. @ just ahead it is a big @weekend at the box office. @we are going to look at what is @playing in theaters. @ and a major issue for @iphone users that may break @your smartphone. @what could happen if you set @your phone back in time. @you are going to want to see @this. @ now here's olga with a @check of the forecast. @>> reporter: with temperatures @like these, it is hard to @believe we are in the middle of
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@a lot of sunshine today, a @little bit on the breezy side @and already pushing toward the @60-degree mark. @there are changes coming on the @second half of our weekend ask @into the work week. @ill -- and into the work week.
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@ @ the next couple of weekends @a local nonprofit production of @you're in town. @raising money for the avon @lakes schools arts program. @this year's musical is you're @in town. @a tony award winning comedy. @the premise is after 20 years @of a drought people are forced @to pay to go to the bathroom. @will stars as officer lock @stock, you can see the show at @the avon lake high school @performing arts center. @curtain is 7:30 tonight and @2:00 on sunday.
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@there is so much to do around @town, it is one more thing you @can put on your list of things @to do. @there is a lot of ice @festivals, winter festivals @this weekend. @i think when they were planning @this, they looked at the @calendar and said february 20, @21, what do you expect for @winter? @>> we got a nice little treat @at least for today. @yesterday wasn't too bad on the @breezy side. @we are breezy this morning, but @look at daybreak in progress. @you can see the sky, beginning @to lighten just a little bit @off toward the south and we are @going to definitely see @sunshine as we head through @as well. @overall though, i think we have @kept things pretty much on the @quiet side as far as our @satellite and radar go. @let me pull that up for you in @just a second here. @overall it is going to be a @pretty quiet morning, @especially as you are headed on @out. @basically, the temperatures @starting out in the 40s with
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@but then as we head into the @afternoon, i'm suspecting that @many of us will make it up or @near that 60-degree mark. @it does seem that we are going @to have mainly clear skies into @the afternoon @ @so overall the clear skies are @going to stick with us. @let me go forward here. @we are sitting in the 40s. @then as the south southwest @winds move through, we will @begin to warm up. @downtown temperatures 46 @degrees, we will see the @opportunity for some snow to @move into the forecast but that @won't happen until late night @sunday into monday. @so if you are stepping out this @morning, it is on the breezy @side, although we are in the @40s, it is feeling like the @lower 40s with the sunshine @coming in, into the afternoon. @by the time we get to the 6:00 @hour, i think you are going to @be okay.
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@middle range 50s as we head @down toward sunset though, @clouds start to move on in @overnight and sunday morning @starts out a little bit on the @cool side, but still above @freezing, most of us hanging @out into the 30s. @by late afternoon throw -- @though, more moisture has moved @in as winds shift from the @north and northwest. @for tomorrow's temperatures we @are going to only make it into @the lower range 40s before we @start to see a few sprinkles of @rain and as temperatures drop @through. @overall the 7-day forecast is @looking pretty good. @all right. @let's get some apple music news @here. @apple is quickly gaining on its @biggest rival spotify. @it now has 11 million @subscribers, which is more than @half of spotify's subscribers. @apple collected the subscribers @in less than a year, while
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@since twelve. @pandora announced its @subscriber base shrunk slightly @in the last quarter. @ whatever you do, don't go @back to 1970. @we mean specifically on your @iphone. @apple fans have discovered @going back to the year 1970 can @kill your iphone. @it turns out manually changing @an iphone, ipod or ipad date to @1970 or earlier can prevent the @device from turning on after a @restart. @apple has not provided a reason @for the bug but it says an @upcoming software update will @prevent the issue from @affecting devices. @ doc are you telling me you @built a time machine out of a @delorean? @>> one of the best movies of @all time. @and for the first time in three @decades, the delorean is back @in production.
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@in the mid 1970s, but the @original manufacturer went @bankrupt in 1982. @the company will build only @300. @the new replicas are expected @to cost around $100,000. @ some new movies are hitting @the big screen this weekend. @here's rafael seth with a look @at the box office preview. @>> reporter: an olympic god is @discovered in race. @jesse owens is an ohio athlete @blessed with immortal speed @that puts him on the path to @the olympics. @but the 1936 games are in the @heart of nazi germany and there @are many people of all colors @who do not want him to run. @race is rated pg-13. @ it is csi jerusalem in @risen. @this interpretation of the @biblical resurrection story,
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@it is rated pg-13. @ old superstitions rule the @new world in the witch. @this colonial chiller takes @place in 1600s new england when @a farmer is cast out of his @colony, he thinks he and his @family have found heaven on the @frontier but when the crops @turn against him the family @blames witchcraft within their @ranks. @it is rated r. @ we will be right back with @a check of your weather @forecast, and also we are going @to have a vote on one of the @best fresh water beaches. @we need one of our own to make @the list.
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you want to feel connected, informed, included, on every screen in your life. we are broadcasters; always here for you, wherever here may be. text washington. tell them local stations matter. @ @ one of the best freshwater @beaches is right here in ohio. @huntington beach is ranked in @the top 20. @now anyone can vote the top @beach on us atoday.
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@you there on @i don't know if we know what @place huntington beach is in, @but go and make sure it gets @voted to the top. @>> it is a beautiful view, if @you have never been there. @>> reporter: today is a good @day. @go down by the waterfront, @enjoy the view and the mild @temperatures. @it is not going to last too @long, our 7-day forecast @features gorgeous sunshine into @the afternoon. @we stay clear until after @sunset when the clouds move in, @but temperatures are going to @drop. @tonight we get down into the @30s. @i think we can hold onto the @lower range 40s until tomorrow. @but once the winds shift out of @the north, we are definitely @back in the chill later on in @the week. @>> i saw a lot of people @complaining about winds keeping @them up overnight. @ we are going to take a @break. @we'll be back here at 9:00 this @morning. @in the meantime check out for all of your news, @weather and sports.
6:57 am
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7:00 am
good morning. super saturday. high stakes presidential contests in south carolina and nevada today. donald trump poised to win south carolina while making yet another con row version statement at a rally. >> he took 50 bullets and he dipped them in pis blood. >> ted cruz slamming the frontrunner. >> easy to say let's make


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