tv Channel 3 News Sunday NBC February 28, 2016 9:00am-10:00am EST
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@ @ it was a second straight @primary lead for hillary @clinton. @>> we're also in store for a @beautiful sunday. @all that and the details on how @long those warm temperatures @will last. @>> and there are plenty things @to do here in northeast ohio. @we are going to take you inside @the flower show coming up. @ and now channel 3 news @today. @. @>> thanks for being with us @9:00 a.m. @on this last sunday in @february.
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@leap year. @so we have the 29th tomorrow. @it happens every four years. @we also have a lot going on so @you are not sure of things to do @today. @one of those things you might @want to do get outside and enjoy @weekend. @we have another one today. @>> overnight temperatures didn't @go down too low and already we @are pushing through the 40s this @morning. @you saw that beautiful skyline @view with the blue sky, lots of @sunshine headed into the @afternoon. @but as we move through the day @we're going to crank up our @winds and our wind advisory @kicks in covering some of our @western counties and that's @basically sustained winds. @we will see wind gusts upward of
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@quiet on satellite and radar for @now. @temperatures are in the 40s but @feeling much colder than that @because of those brisk southerly @winds. @it's going to get us out of the @fourth and into the 50s quickly @and i think you're going to like @how today wraps up. @you're going to see temperatures @pushing 60 degrees later on this @afternoon @ police continue to @investigate overnight shootings @in east cleveland that left one @person dead. @they stopped a car that was @believed to be involved and then @they found out it was stolen. @one man was arrested there. @then 30 minutes later officers @were call today that same area @again. @they found a man laying on a @sidewalk. @he was taken to university @hospital where he later died. @anyone with information on any @of these incidents is asked to @call police
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@beating but dominating beres in @the democratic primary. @13 states and one territory all @cast their primary ballots. @nbc's steve handleman has a full @recap. @>> reporter: it's hillary @clinton by a landslide as south @carolina sets her up on super @tuesday. @>> we are going to compete for @every vote in every state. @we are not taking anything and @we're not taking anyone for @granted. @. @>> reporter: only in beres's @home state of vermont is he @ahead in polls. @>> i believe that not only can @we win this democratic @nominating process but we can @defeat trump. @>> reporter: trump toured super @tuesday states. @>> we've got to win arkansas. @>> reporter: campaigning with @chris christie. @>> get ready now tennessee.
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@in texas where ted cruz takes a @stand. @>> pick a side and i'll tell you @this when it comes to picking a @side i've picked a side and i @stand against washington and @with the american people. @>> reporter: on paper cruz and @marco rubio can still beat trump @in their war as nuclear. @>> a con artist will never get @control of this party. @>> i actually thought that ted @worst. @>> we don't need to make america @great again america has never @stopped being great. @>> reporter: break down @barriers. @steve handles columbia south @carolina @ presidential candidate @donald trump is expected to stop @in ohio this week. @trump is scheduled to host a @realliy at the columbus national @airport on super tuesday. @ in other news hundreds of
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@michigan sky last night to honor @the victims of the last week's @deadly shooting ram package in @kalamazoo. @hundreds of people gathered to @honor richard and tyler smith. @jason dalton went on a five hour @shooting spree eight days ago. @the crowd also honored the four @other killed and two other @injured. @>> oh my god! @>> is somebody shot? @>> they said there's a body @laying on the side. @>> back here at home frightening @moments. @police say a double homicide in @cam don. @several shots fired. @two men both in their 40s were @shot and killed when police @arrived. @no word on any suspects and @anyone with information on this @is asked to call canton police
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@from pennsylvania made its way @to scrap facilities in stark @this past weekend. @in mans foold, canton, and @masslin. @radiation levels are relatively @low and the material properly @deposed of. @ohio health and epa officials @are investigating how the scrap @became contaminated @ coming up after the break we @roll back the clock a half @century of rocking at @cleveland's famed agora theater. @>> and melissa has been a super @hero for us this morning. @>> coming up we're going to let @you know which celebrities are @making guest appearances here @and guess what? @we're talking to one of these @two next.
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@it all happened last night. @the jump back ball. @a sold out affair drawing @hundreds to the state theater to @benefit state house square. @this year's theme was under the @big top. @it was a circus theme @ and here's a great story. @bario has won a major award. @the best restaurant in the city. @ch that's a huge honor @especially in its first year of @business in the gateway district @ one of cleveland's premier @events. @the agora as they celebrate 50 @years. @>> reporter: when your favorite @band comes to town you sing @along. @the agora has been hosting your
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@cleveland rock hall hoped in @cleveland february 27th, 1966, @in little italy. @>> trying to carry on the @legacy. @we want to make a real good @experience for all the customers @that come down. @>> reporter: they've since @moved into this building which @is more than 100 years old but @the name the agora has welcomed @over the years makes it a @legendary experience. @>> meat loaf. @>> i knew about nine inch nails. @>> reporter: and hunter sang @the 'cleveland rocks'. @>> this about to my eightth time @here. @it's always been a great time. @great shows. @great performance that i've @seen. @always great shows.
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@with u2, police, metallica. @>> keep going bring some big @names to cleveland and make sure @the customers, the bands all @have a great experience @ another big event going on @here. @if you see super heroes or @horror film characteristics @wanderering around downtown @cleveland wizard world offers @some explanations. @you've gotten a preview this @morning early. @you broke the bat mobile. @>> reporter: i did break the @bat mobile because i slammed the @door way too hard. @people dressed up as bat man. @now we're going to hollywood. @there's about 20 celebrities
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@one of those actors is larry @will cox and you have all of @these memories laid out before @you. @probably haven't thought about @them in a couple weeks or so. @but can you even begin to tell @us what your favorite moment @was. @>> it was a great time late 70s @early 80s there were only three @networks so chips was on every @week in somebody's house hold @and syndicated in 100 foreign @countries. @got to ride motorcycles every @day and be with the most @beautiful women in malibu @california, have a great time, @and make 6 figures a month. @>> so do you still ride? @>> i do once in awhile. @recently i had to do a non @profit organization and i @brought it home and my wife says @are you really going to ride
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@i says yeah. @she said you don't even have a @helmet. @i said i have my old chips @helmet. @so we went and road in the @parade and raised capital for @messo thiel yoem ma. @>> have you ever been pulled @over by a real california cop? @>> yes. @you try to smile and hope that @they're not too young. @but they have never given me a @ticket. @they've always been good and @thank you. @>> thank you so much. @we want to let everyone know @that the doors open today at @10:00 and there are a @question/answer @ well the orange barrels are @going up on one lorrain county @road this week.
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@has the details and detours @ i i'm danielle wiggins. @let me prepare you for a @construction project that may @slow you down this week. @parsons road is going to close @tuesday. @that gives you two days to @repair. @it's expected to open @april 30th. @if you need to head east of @parsons you just go parsons road @east to west boulevard. @hit south 0 on west. @to get to nickel plate road you @head east there. @or you can head north on @diagonal road where you hit @parsons again. @if you need to hit west all you @need to be is reverse that @eastbound detour. @i will be here tomorrow morning @to get you that green light on @your commute
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@rolled out. @the oscars are set for tonight. @we have a preview of the biggest @night in hollywood. @>> and if it's time to fix up @your home you're going to want @to check out the home and flower @show in akron. @>> this weekend's forecast is @definitely a winner. @mild temperatures yesterday and @today. @we'll feature a lot of sunshine @into the afternoon but the winds @will be a little bit more gusty @and i'm tracking some rain on @the way. @back in a few with your full @forecast.
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@ @ all right. @well we are going to get to our @second. @another beautiful day nor people @to get out and enjoy already. @we are at 44 degrees. @we are going to be pushing that @60-degree mark any second now. @um, all right. @well do we have ulga? @we're going to go to the oscars @ it's hollywood's big night. @this year's oscars are shaping @up to be a race between @hollywood veterans and @newcomers.
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@for tonight is not just about @the awards. @>> i'm looking forward to chris @rock's monologue. @i can't think of a better host @to host the oscars at this time. @>> reporter: likely keep it @from dominating the event. @>> you want it to feel sell @celebrateory. @>> if the revenant wins it will @be the first time ever that one @director has directed back to @back best picture winners. @>> how do you say no to god. @>> reporter: the revenant's @competition includes newspaper @drama hot line. @>> i don't know how over well am
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@>> more love for the star @leonardo decaprio. @. @>> just want him to connect with @something. @>> reporter: she's dominated @the best actress. @>> there's no other performance @in that category that goes @through the ringer like they are @character does and she portrayed @it beautifully. @>> reporter: kate win slet. @>> i kind of think it's going to @go to aleasia. @>> and i'm here. @>> reporter: he revisited his @rocky persona in creed. @>> he should of won an award 30 @years ago for playing rocky the @first time. @>> always such a fun night to @rock the red carpet @ all right.
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@all right well it's going to be @a beautiful day to get out. @>> yeah. @we definitely have that blue @skies. @temperatures are inching up but @things are changing. @you can see the green on the @regional map that's got warmer @air, that southerly flow. @right now our winds are @reasonable i'd say about 10-15 @miles per hour. @what's going to happen in the @next couple of hours those winds @are going to top 20 and 25 miles @per hour and that's going to @bring in more of a breeze and @actually a little bit of a wind @chill. @but still temperatures will @remain above average. @satellite and radar is quiet. @we're going to see an action in @the form of moisture. @the storm goes until late @tonight into tomorrow morning so @it's going to be brisk.
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@43 for woster and 43 in a kron. @we're getting there. @i'm tracking much warmer @temperatures today compared with @yesterday. @we will wrap up those winds @bring us some cloud cover later @on today and as this cloud cover @comes in tonight a few areas @could see light snow as we head @into the overnight. @we'll see temperatures topping @those lower 60s. @we could squeak in a 61, or 62. @notice the mix precipitation @across our northern and eastern @koubts early in the morning. @not expecting a lot of @accumulation. @then as we move into our monday @evening forecast we could see @showers beginning to move on @through. @not expecting much accumulation. @the winds will be the story.
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@time we get into tomorrow @morning. @you'll also see in our seven day @forecast the opportunity for @temperatures to remain fairly on @the mild side into tomorrow. @but once we get into tuesday and @monday we get into the real @cool-down and a return to winter @ well this might be a great @day to take the dog for a walk. @shaer rosenberger is here. @tell us about who we're meeting @today. @>> we're happy for you to meet @ellis. @he is a 3-year-old. @he's looking for his forevers @and we're hoping today we're @going to make him famous. @>> what kind of personality. @what kind of family would he fit @in with? @>> children as long as you super
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@he does well in the car and but @he might have a little puppy @left in him, too. @>> fantastic. @and if somebody wants to open @their home to ellis or maybe @even another dog or animal how @can they get things rolling? @>> well we do have a pet finder @page and we have a facebook page @you be you can always call us. @we're at 123 merit road. @we're @open 10:00-3:00 today and we'd @love to meet you. @>> thank you. @ and there's also a fun @event going on in submit county @if you're looking outside @thinking it's time to do some @spring make over to your yard. @wkyc joe crow is there now live.
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@garden beside and i'm counting @on you. @>> reporter: you know what i @will come through. @follow me. @we're going to do things for @your garage. @we are going into an area that's @called the home without walls. @jacob nice to see you. @>> good to see you joe. @>> reporter: this is great for @ideas. @>> that's the whole idea. @this isn't just about a @remodeler. @it's about your life style, your @health, your family, how you @live and that's what the home @without wall social security all @about. @>> reporter: we are going from @the garage to a wild bedroom. @>> i know there's a company @called architectural justice and @they've got all these fantastic @architecture details you can add @to your phone. @>> reporter: bring a camera, @bring a note pad and bring some @comfortable shoes. @>> that's right there's over 190
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@henry beer's company. @inspiration and ideas is what @it's all about. @>> reporter: and you get some @ideas and you think i don't want @to go that big or that small or @i want one of those. @. how about this? @check this out. @this is a home pet spa. @all right. @so think about your little puppy @dog or your bigger dog coming in @here. @>> it's crazy. @there's something for everyone. @>> reporter: and i'm going to @blow your mind. @we have a keurig. @this is built into a @refrigerator. @how cool is that. @and it's warm cafe mocha. @moe, your name is in this. @free parking. @>> free parking. @the city parking deck connected @right to the build. @11:00-5:00 today. @lots happening at the akron home @and flower show.
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@it is just shy of 9:30 and the @temperature right now 46 @degrees. @hopefully you have something @planned outside today. @if you don't have anything @planned yet definitely lace up @those sneakers or go for a walk @or jog. @hard to believe this is the last @weekend in february. @it feels a lot more like spring. @let's check in with ulga who has @the full forecast @ we have temperatures that @are quickly pushing the 40s. @i think they will be in the @middle 50s by moon and keep @ongoing. @the winds are okay right now. @15 miles per hour. @we're going to bump up those @winds to sustaining winds close @to 25 miles per hour. @therefore at 11:00 the wind @advisory kicks in. @all of us are going to feel a @bit of that breeze. @we'll keep a lot of that @sunshine. @overall i think it's going to be @a fantastic finish to this last @february weekend. @for planning purposes be
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@a lot of sunshine. @you'll want those sunglasses @with you as you're out and @about. @we should hit a high right @around 60 degrees. @i'll tell you the details about @how year going to get into the @rain event for tomorrow and @maybe snow in that extended @forecast @ wizard world comicon wraps @up today. @channel 3's alyssa raymond shows @us why people travel from far @distances to this event right @here in cleveland. @what do you have for us now @alyssa? @>> adams and he is responsible @for creating the batman that we @know today. @is that true? @>> this is true and here i am @competing with chris helmsworth
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@people out there and trying to @get you to come down to the @convention and say hello. @>> reporter: you're a writer, @artist, editor. @>> anything they pay me a buck @and a half more i will do it. @those writers they make an awful @lot of money. @they get almost as much money as @the artist. @so i started to do it and they @said yeah okay. @go ahead. @>> reporter: and you've been in @this for i don't --. @>> long time. @>> reporter: 50 years he told @me. @>> but everybody out there knows @you guys are being introduced to @this in your second year @economic book convention where @you look around you sort of get @the idea that we're taking over @the world. @they had thousands and thousands @people lined up to see chris @hemsworth. @we had hundreds of people by the @booth yesterday and we're going @to have hundreds of people today @and anybody who's out there i
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@joy this. @but essentially if you look @around we are taking over the @world. @comic books have television, @comic books have licensing. @you can't stop somebody in the @street. @and businessman i have a @superman tie. @my kids get these things for me @at christmas so they don't get @me these awful colognes and @stuff. @it started off when i started @nowhere. @they told me to get out of it. @they said kid do something else @for a living. @you're going to make a living @doing something and not comic @books because we're going to be @out of business in a year. @were they wrong. @>> they sure were because look @how many things he is @responsible. @comics he is responsible for @drawing, creating. @he did all of these. @we do want to let you know that
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@comic-con wizard world but it @returns next year. @february 24th, 25th, 26th it @will be back here in cleveland. @check it out. @thank you @ they say age is only a @number but for one local woman @it's actually two numbers. @elizabeth from painsville was @born on february 29th, 1916. @so to some she's turning 100. @but the 29th only comes every 4 @years. @so to some she's a youthful 25. @so the million dollar question @what is her secret to making it @to this milestone. @>> hard work. @and i read one time when you use
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@live longer. @and i've been using dental floss @every night. @>> on a serious note e business @leather credits most of her good @health to god, family and @friends. @she stays active by doing @puzzles and reading @ are you ready to hit the @ball park? @tickets go on sale tomorrow on @home opener is only 36 days away @now. @last year's game sold out in 11 @11 minutes. @monday april 4th at 4:10 they @take on the red sox @ still ahead this morning @ohio quarterback was looking to @make a slash at the combine @yesterday. @coming up next in sports.
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@ @ good morning everybody. @the nfl combine in indianapolis @yesterday the quarterbacks took @the field and many brown and @buck eyes fans took the field. @carlos jones was ready to show @his stuff. @unfortunately for jones his day @was cut short. @hoping an impressive performance @this weekend would help him @start modifying up the dpraft @wards around the country. @but after running his first
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@lame on his second attempt. @he'll have another chance in @ohio states pro day coming up on @march 11th. @two other buck eyes guys makes @good impressions yesterday. @braxton miller. @miller. @receiver michael michael thomas. @ran a 4, 5, 740 and are moving @up draft wards. @now the top two quarterbacks @linked to the browns and @predraft discussions took the @field yesterday as well. @carson wents from north dakota @state. @and 9'10" in the broad jump. @all qb's in both categories. @wents showed a good quick @ease. @wents has been moving up after
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@bowl in january. @many reports say jared golf out @of kale had a big show on the @field as well. @g off running a . @ so baseball indian spring @arizona. @the indians suspension of out @fielder age yaen monofield. @well the top two prospects are @bradley zimmer and clint @frazier. @frazier was the indian's top @draft pick in 2015. @while zimmer was the top draft @pick in 2014. @and 49 games at aa akron last @year.
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@plans but they will not be @rushed to the majors too @quickly. @>> they're just not far enough @long in their progression. @for somebody to expect us to @give them a lift that's not fair @to the players. @i think at some point we think @both of them are going to help @us but that wouldn't be fair. @that's just the reaction and not @thinking it through @ let's go to college @basketball. @final game of the regular @season. @senior day for the viks. @bennie solo the only senior on @the team. @watch rob edwards. @he would not only drain the @triple he would get the foul. @got the vikings within 2 with @16 seconds left. @of the they would hold on to win @it 55-51.
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@plays either the nine seat or @the ten seat. @they will be in detroit next @weekend. @depends how illinois and chicago @do today. @they're playing next saturday @afternoon in detroit. @that's a look at college @basketball and sports this @morning. @thanks for watching. @ @ coming up we are helping you @fight the flu. @matt gram et joins us with a @deal that can help you fight pet @bacteria. @and it's time to get your home @ready for spring. @uga it is a spring-like day @today. @>> it is. @great day to get out in the @garden do a little work around @the house and you can have some @fun. @plenty of sunshine today.' @warming temperatures and rain on @the way: your full forecast @after the break.
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@find out more at @hall. @>> it will be a little breezy. @so be prepared for those @feels-like temperatures to be a @little bit cooler. @right now there's plenty of @sunshine. @definitely don't hold back. @we're going to keep things dry @until almost about 10:00, 11:00 @tonight before the sprinkles @start to roll on in. @we're already ramping up the @winds. @this wind advisory will kick off @at 11:00. @all of us affected. @right now sustained winds have @already reached 21 miles per @hour for the downtown area and @for the looeria reporting @stations. @although these temperatures are @solidly into the 40s, upper 40s, @lake side and then in the middle @and lower 40s for the interior. @it's feeling like the 30s still @outside.
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@we're going to see plenty of @sunshine. @up to those middle 40s we're @going to keep ongoing. @so the weekend's finishing with @a very nice, warm conditions. @the winds will kick up later @this afternoon and i am @tracking some rain later @tonight. @enjoy these temperatures as we @push up towards the 50s. @many of us will settle right @around 5960 as the norm. @also see wind gusts mainly close @to 40 miles per hour by late in @the day. @by the 6:00 hour your evening @plans should be just fine. @we bring in clouds after sunset. @but the the rains should hold @off until about that 10:00 hour. @then this system moves through. @so far the temperatures are too @warm for snow.
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@but we do see a mix across our @northern and eastern zones this @evening. @then into tomorrow morning could @see a few lingering sprinkles as @another band moves through. @there could be a little bit of a @wet paechlt by monday evening @and then just mainly cloudy @skies. @cooler temperatures as we slide @on into that midweek forecast. @lots of sunshine. @mainly clear skies by 5:00 and @then the clouds start to roll on @in as the temperatures move out @of the 50s and into the 60s. @the winds will be sustained. @and your window nation seven day @forecast looks like it's going @to be on the cooler side for @monday and tuesday into the 40s. @but once that next major system @comes through we're down to the @30s, 20s, the overnight teens @will be returning. @>> thank you @ there's also a fun event
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@the akron home and flower show. @wkyc joe kroener is live there @this morning. @joe, have you filled up on that @coffee? @straight from the fridge. @>> reporter: yeah i'm hungry @and look frg a sandwich now. @you can come here to the akron @home and flower show. @but here fresh flowers are @growing and it smells so good. @so it's an opportunity for us to @get out of our caves. @hibernation period's almost @over. @we're close. @hanging out in the garden with @us and you're used to this. @how many ears have you been in @the business? @>> 20 years. @>> reporter: so you know your @stuff. @>> i do. @>> reporter: and you're also @involved on the board as well. @>> i am. @the akron home and flower show @today. @>> reporter: it's a wonderful @opportunity to come out and get @some ideas. @it won't be too long. @you're already planning for the
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@>> we are. @the season is upon us. @>> reporter: night. @so now's the time to get ideas. @it goes until 5:00 today. @two words free parking and it's @something for the sights and @sound. @we have something very special @right now. @>> juliana glango. @you're going to find out how @beautiful she sounds. @you provide something for our @ears and hearts. @>> yes, some singing. @>> reporter: and how many years @have you been a singer? @>> probably since before i could @talk. @since i was 5. @>> reporter: well you're going @to sing for us. @let everyone know it happens @today downtown akron. @>> from jenny skooeky by but @chinoey. @>> reporter: and you think what @is that?
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@juliana take it away. @let her roll. @[ opera singing ] . @>> reporter: you've got to come @out and see this. @i'll send it back to you in the @studio. @>> joe, that is beautiful. @i cannot believe that. @how is that voice coming out of @that little thing? @amazing. @all right, joe. @thank you so much @ starbucks is changing the @way customers earn loyalty @rewards. @currently starbucks customer @earn one star per purchase and
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@or drink program. @under the new program starting @in april customers will get two @stars. @some say the change could spark @complaints from customers who @are used to accumulating points @with drip coffee and other lower @cost items @ and who says you can't get @anything for a penny anymore? @jc penny will now live up to its @name. @the new campaign is called get @your penny's worth. @the pro motion will last all @week long @ money man matt granite @fights tech bacteria with a @bargain. @>> reporter: great to be with @you this weekend. @many northeast ohio and doctors @office clinics seeing spikes in @the flu and cold. @my wife has been sick. @she works in many of those
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@today we fight the culprit with @a coupon. @take a look at the culprit that @a lot of us don't recognize @whether you're sharing pique @pictures @touching a warm surface quickly @becomes a bacteria. @pink eye. @things i won't even mention @while you possibly are eating @breakfast as well as even acne, @the best screen cleaner we've @ever used has no harmful @chemicals, removes fingerprints @and it also kills those germs. @now the return of this deal when @i featured last year couldn't @come at a better time. @it's basically a buy one get one @deal. @or if you look at it this way @you get one for the price of $12 @with free shipping and then you @get another one at the price of @$12. @the most effective product @cleaning demo you can find and
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@ @ look at this face. @a unique kitten is bringing a @lot of attention to a shelter in @fresno, california. @you'll see why it's called the @mustache kitten. @the kitten was left in a @donation bin in downtown fresno. @they say this cat is ready to be @adopted. @kitten? @that kitten is going to end up @having its own calendar like @grumpy cat or something.
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@of money off of a calendar @ well hopefully if you have @a pet you are going to take for @a walk you are lacing up your @sneakers right now. @>> yeah. @some extra runs in the sunshine @this afternoon.' @but be aware of the wind. @we have that wind advisory until @midnight tonight. @the extended forecast is going @to feature some warm @>> all right. @thank you. @and thanks so much for being @with us this morning.
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