tv Channel 3 News Today NBC March 4, 2016 6:00am-7:00am EST
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@ @this little guy has lied so @much here we go again. @things heated up in the gop @debate. @donald trump went on the attack @and defended more than just his @political view. @plus, the surprising @announcement from opponents @following the debate. @>> also, look what happens if @none of the candidates get @enough delegates before the rnc @in cleveland. @hollie is tracking our rain and @snow and the weekend forecast. @>> happy friday to you. @first things first, let me draw
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@the screen where there are @ialert delays. @these are mainly in rural @communities. @side streets are snow covered. @there's some delays. @most of the has already moved @out. @i'm going to show you in just a @second. @we're expecting to see sunshine @today. @temperatures in the 30s. @upper 20s to around 30-degrees @right now. @on radar, over the past couple @of hours, snows have really @faded quite a bit. @in fact, with the exception of @just a few flurries, most of @you are dry at this point. @but, that doesn't mean that @there aren't slick spots. @roads are still slushy and wet. @side streets are the biggest @issue this morning. @dani has been keeping an eye on @several accidents. @>> i almost got into one this @come to work. @we have a number of accidents @throughout the region. @we're going to fire up the
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@the left lane is blocked, as @you can see here from the @pictures. @scooch over to the right. @we're not seeing any delays in @that area because of that. @to the north, we have an @accident at lake shore @boulevard. @just north of the east @shoreway. @we're not seeing any delays in @that area. @no road closures. @for those of you headed @downtown, we're all green and @clean. @7790 and 71. @here's the picture just south @of the inner belt bridge. @everyone is getting by just @fine. @john, back to you. @>> there was a big crash we @were following. @three people are in the @hospital after a wrong-way @driver crashed into a u haul. @tiffany tarpley is live with an @update. @>> maybe you're on your way to
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@is coming at you in the wrong @way, the wrong direction. @well, that's exactly what @happened overnight. @let's go ahead and show you @video here. @it was around 3:00 this morning @just south of the 90-71 split @that a car was traveling north @in the southbound lanes. @it hit a u-haul truck, as you @said, and then a wall. @there was an odot truck driver @there keeping police informed @about this wrong-way driver, @telling police where this car @was, where it was headed. @as you know, we've seen other @crashes like this not end so @well. @two people were killed in a @wrong-way crash at west 140th @140th street. @one of those vehicles actually @overturned. @then a couple weeks later, a 20- @year-old woman died when a @wrong-way driver hit her head @on. @that happened on 480 west
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@the good news, if we can find @something this morning, no one @was killed. @again, three people taken to @metro in stable condition. @>> thank you, tiffany. @ let's talk politics now. @the final four candidates @slugged it out on the debate @stage in detroit. @this down. @will, boy, it didn't take long @for the insults to start. @>> not at all. @the 11th debate of the campaign @season. @the last slowdown before the @next string of crucial @primaries and caucuses. @one, full of fireworks. @>> i've given my answer, lying @ted. @>> throughout this campaign, @i've talked about issues. @i have never tried to go and @get into these kind of scrums @that we're seeing here on the @stage. @people say everywhere i go, you @seem to be the adult on the @stage. @>> it was an unruly debate full @of attacks at donald trump.
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@turned to name calling. @trump fought back by repeatedly @belittling his opponents and in @a surprise move, softened his @stance on immigration, saying @he's flexible on immigrants and @building a wall. @kasich refused to engage in the @mud slinging. @he said he would be the event @yule tom knee. @talking about how -- eventual @nominee. @five states will be voting this @weekend. @they will get to see if they @made headway in the poll, @especially against front runner @trump. @>> now we're 136 days away from @the biggest wrench could come @from within the party. @or contested convention. @it would happen if none of the @candidates get the 1,237 @nomination.
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@contested, 1976 when president @ford fought off ronald reagan @in kansas city. @ a man put two big of logs @basement. @it happened on amhurst. @according to the elyria @telegram, he ran out after @noticing the smoke got much @firefighters battled the fire @for over an hour. @ in regional news, an alert @from ohio state, the university @department of public safety @says a female student was @assaulted on campus earlier @this week. @it happened tuesday night as @the student was walking to her @dorm. @the attacker grabbed the @student but she fought back and @was able to get away. @police are working to still @find that suspect. @now to cincinnati. @a woman faces charges for @making a false police report. @nicole benton called police and @said her car had been stolen @with her 18-day-old baby @inside. @this was a picture of the car
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@this set off a three-hour @search for the infant. @the baby had been with the @mother the entire time. @they're now working to figure @out why she made up this story. @>> maryland's highest court @hold as hearing in the freddy @gray case today. @can william porter be forced to @testify against the other @officers. @gray died after suffering a @spinal injury while in police @custody. @his death sparked protests @across the country. @the trials of the officers @charged in the case are on hold @until the court rules. @>> members of congress are @headed to flint, michigan @today. @they're listening to the @testimony regarding the water @crisis. @12 members of the house and 1 @senator will be there for 18
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@ a man apparently @disgruntled with the federal @government rammed the garage @door of a federal building in @california. @he had been circling the @building and driving @erratically before crashing @into the garage door. @details not being released at @this time about the suspect. @the orange county sheriff's @department continues to @investigate. @ forget about the blenders @and toasters. @more couples are asking for @cash to help pay for their @honeymoon. @couples getting married are @using them to collect money to @pay for the honeymoon. @more couples are living @together first so they already @have many of those traditional @gifts. @ 6:08. @my biggest winners and bigger @losers are coming up. @i've got double losers today @for you. @we're going to talk about this @golfer who was in the water. @speaking of water, i'm going to
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@very expensive yacht. @ that's coming up. @first, a real life polar @express. @anchorage, alaska needed to @borrow snow this year, so @they're bringing it in by @train. @how about that, hollie? @we'll tell you why it was so @important to get the snow right @now. @ and we'll tell you about @this commute that's improving. @we're seeing a few flurries, @maybe a light snow shower. @most of you have dried out from @overnight. @we're looking at upper 20s now. @30s for a high today. @that's chilly. @but, wait, we've got plenty of @warmer weather to talk about. @ialert with closings and @delays. @there are delays this morning @because of the snow that fell @overnight. @side roads slick and slushy. @these are more rural areas than @anything else. @follow us on twitter at @a live look this morning in bay @village. @you can see what did happen
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@ @money news. @6:13. @after hitting rock bottom by @chipotle standards, the mexican @grill is starting to win back @customers. @the eco lie scare has faded a @bit. @the free burrito promotion they @had last month is helping get @customers back in the @restaurant. @how about this one. @we're not the only ones with a @snow shortage this year. @there wasn't enough snow in
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@iditarod dog sled race. @so they had to bring it in from @fair banks by train. @they brought in enough to cover @a football field. @took crews hours to unload the @snow. @they've received 27 inches this @year when they normally have @over 60 inches. @>> such a bizarre year. @>> yee. @so the dogs are probably @saying, you know, what are you @doing? @can't we got a break once and @not have to run in the snow? @>> i envision frosty in the @boxcar. @>> great memory. @>> i know. @we've got -- it's within of my @favorites. @we have a bit of flurry @activity. @there are delays on ialert. @they're at the bottom of the @screen. @these are rural area where is @the side streets are snow @covered and slushy. @it's buses. @maybe a two-hour delay for some @of you. @it's kind of like a handful, @some of the more out lying @areas. @temperatures in the upper 20s @to around 30.
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@today. @we're not going to warm up past @those low to mid-30s. @light snow ends. @most of it has done just that. @i'm going to show you a radar @in just a moment. @i'm tracking another clipper @system for tomorrow and then @the big warmup, are you ready. @in the meantime, planning out @your friday. @it's going to be a lot of @overcast at 9:00. @i think we'll see snow peaks @and really holding in the low @30s through the afternoon. @5:00 today should see a nice @amount of sunshine, at least @partly sunny skies. @take a look at radar. @what a difference. @we'll zoom in just so you can @see. @if you're not staring at your @television right now, packings @lunches for you kids, the snow @flurries are gone.
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@dry weather through the @morning. @still the cloud cover hanging @tough. @into the afternoon is when we @start to see some of the @sunshine. @now, let's track that next @clipper system. @as we get into tomorrow, we'll @have cloud cover. @could see a few scattered snow @showers early in the day. @the clipper really moves in @later in the day and the @afternoon and early evening, @most of it is going to be rain. @we're going to be upper 30s to @near 40 degrees. @that would be the extent of it. @accumulation would not be @anything major. @maybe up to an inch. @it's going to be really light. @and then we turn the big corner @on sunday. @here's your window nation 7-day @forecast. @sunday looks great. @highs mid-40s, partly sunny @skies. @and you want to talk great, @just get a little look at @monday, tuesday, and the rest @of next week. @monday we're in the upper 20s. @tuesday we're in the low 60s. @we're expecting sunshine both @days.
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@little cooler with highs close @to 50 degrees. @coming up on 6:17, here is a @look at your drive. @get a great deal and a great @deal more at mike bass ford. @ good morning to you. @those overnight snow showers @are fizzling out. @those accidents i've been @tracking throughout the morning @rush are starting to clear, but @we do have one left. @i-76 eastbound at market street @where the left lane remains @blocked because of that crash. @so if you're traveling past @market street on 76 east, make @sure that you move right. @we're not seeing any big delays @on 76 east because of that @crash between 77 and akron in @the brimfield area. @13 minutes headed east. @we still have normal drive @times. @in fact, when you hit the @roads, turn to our partners.
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@for you every 10 minutes. @>> it is almost 6:18. @time for my biggest winners and @lossers. @it's double biggest losers day @with the theme of getting wet @and trying to save yourself. @take a look at this. @we're going to look at golf. @he's standing in the water. @he's not taking a penalty @stroke. @he would rather hit it out of @here. @look at the geyser. @too bad the ball only went @about 3 feet. @it was stuck in the mud. @he had a tough time. @he got a double bogey on the @hole and got all wet too. @this is actually a better save. @we're on the boat. @i know you love this, hollie. @watch this. @guy on the left gets up because @they've got problems. @they're starting to tip. @the team oracle yacht, watch @this thing now. @you're not saving this. @when the wind takes over the @sail and they start to tip @over. @>> are you getting seasick?
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@i'm going to try to read this @with my eyes close. @the sailors escaped. @look how it flipped over. @they had to bring in a special @bode to bring in. @>> you don't like planes. @i don't like boats. @>> i'm happy sitting right here @in this chair. @now i can tell you about the @biggest winners. @here they are. @manchester fifth and sixth @grade basketball team. @they just won the gold division @tournament. @they go to the tournament as @the 7th seed with a 5-2 regular @season record, but they won @three tournament games to @within it all. @they win the championship game @in double overtime. @congratulations to coach mickey @and the team. @thanks for sending in the @picture. @always nice to hear from our @coaches. @if you would like to nominate @your champion or all-star, e-
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@at john wkyc. @it's almost 6:20. @the rnc will bring hundreds of @visitors to cleveland. @ride sharing services may be in @trouble when it comes to taking @people to and from the airport. @dani is going to have more on @this very important story and @what it means for you, coming @up. @hollie? @ take a look at this one @real closely. @we're calling it peekaboo. @right hand side of your tv. @see the tree, then you see the @deer. @>> i do. @that's quite a capture. @thank you so much for ending it @in. @6:20 your time.
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@welcome back. dani is finding @out there's new legislation @here that could make this @tougher. @>> in full disclosure, the @story came about because we in @the newsroom were confused if @uber drivers were allowed at @local airports. @so we went to find the answer. @while one airport has the @policy in place, the other is @waiting to make the call. @>> no matter the trip -- @>> we're flying to disney @world. @where are we going, molly. @>> we were in florida for the @week -- the journey doesn't @stop. @travelers have more options to @get to and from the airport. @shuttles, taxis, and now apps @like uber and lift can get you @where you want to go. @tap for a driver and pressto, @you have a ride.
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@>> they just can't come in. @they also are not allowed to @wait in our taxi lane. @>> at cleveland hopkins, @they're still developing their @policy on uber and lift @drivers. @the legislation creates a set @of statewide regulations for @ride sharing services. @including minimal levels of @auto insurance, fare @disclosures, and permits. @the legislation also gives @public use airports the right @to implement rules and fees for @ride sharing companies. @>> now, as mentioned in that @story, hopkins is still @developing the policy. @one of the things they're @waiting on is the city to @provide clarity on how they @impact local operations. @it's still under administrative @review. @they will follow up with us. @john, it looks like they're @really pushing this to the last @minute. @>> customers, though, they say @those experts will figure that @out.
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@going to cost me more. @>> well, i did the @calculations. @from akron to downtown @cleveland or hopkins to @downtown cleveland, uber ride @is about half the cost of a @taxi ride, but, again, that can @change because airports can now @charge fees starting march 23rd @for a ride sharing company. @>> we'll see how much they @take. @>> pass on to us. @>> exactly. @ happy friday. @we're forecasting chilly @weather, but it's going to get @brighter throughout the day. @cloud cover transitioning to @sunshine. @highs only in the low 30s. @we're upper 20s to near 30 most @of the light snows from @overnight have faded already on @the travel map. @we have a few delays on ialert, @mainly rural area where is side @streets are slushy in some @spots. @we're tracking another one for @the weekend.
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@ @ good morning, everyone. @right now it is 6:30. @hollie has your forecast. @we have fresh snow overnight, @forecast. @stay tuned for that. @first, here's a look at some of @the stories we're following for @three people are in the @hospital after a wrong-way @driver crashed into a u-haul on @71. @this is a look at a crash on
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@inner belt bridge just before @3:00 this morning. @three people were in the car @who crashed. @we're getting an update on @their condition and the @condition of the u-haul driver. @ the man accused of shooting @and killing police dog jethro @will be in court today. @the three-year-old german @shepherd was shot three times @while responding to a robbery @at fisher foods in january. @ full time professors will @take a strike authorization @vote on monday. @this doesn't mean the @professors will strike. @the latest contract proposal @does not include any raises, @but it includes decreases in @health care and retirement @benefits. @let's bring in hollie. @talk about the forecast and @what the rest of the day is @like. @>> okay. @john. @sounds good. @tgif. @you did it. @we're looking forward to a half
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@a few flurries leftover this @morning. @ialerts at the bottom of the @screen. @we have delays in rural areas @where side streets streets are @a bit slushy. @it's dry for most of you at @this point. @30 degrees, 32 at noon. @we're going to make that @transition to partly sunny @skies. @zooming this here, look at the @snows that have faded fast. @that was the plan we said at @the beginning of the show @before the show is threw, most @of you would be done with the @snow. @slick spots around your @neighborhood. @make sure you bundle them up. @it is going to remain chilly @throughout the day. @dani has a look at your road @conditions. @>> slick roads. @i've been tracking accidents @all morning. @another one has popped up in @the macedonia area. @causing slow traffic between 82 @and 480. @here's what happened.
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@blocked at ledge road or just @shortly after ledge road. @remember, that's a construction @area. @so we're already seeing stop- @and-go traffic in this area. @at last check, it was a 5-- @minute delay. @if they don't clear this out @very soon, you can expect @delays to increase. @we already have slow traffic on @271 on a normal day through @that area. @we also have this accident, 76 @eastbound that we're waiting to @clear out with the left lane @blocked after market street in @akron. @here's what the picture looked @like, make sure you move right. @>> okay. @thank you, dani. @the gop presidential hopefuls @were back on stage. @will ujek joins us to break it @down. @will, one of the biggest things @is what happened at the end of @the debate. @>> a lit little bit of a @surprise. @they all said they would
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@the nominee, and he said he @would support them. @>> look at those hands. @are they small hands in and he @referred to my hands, if @they're small, something else @must be small. @i guarantee you there's no @problem. @i guarantee it. @>> it was an unruly debate of @attacks aimed at donald trump. @kasich tried to keep a more @positive tone, saying he has @the best numbers against @hillary clinton. @tempers flared. @trump fought back with a lot of @name calling. @in a surprise move, he softened @his stance on immigration, @saying he's flexible. @all that after presidential @candidate mitt romney also @blasted trump earlier in the @day, calling him a phony and a @fraud, he, of course, hit back. @>> he was a failed candidate. @he should have beaten president @obama very easily. @he failed miserablely. @it was an embarrassment to
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@it looked like he went away on @a vacation the last month. @i guess he wants to be relevant @and back in the game. @>> now, as republicans look @ahead, the democratic @candidates will take their turn @back on the stage this sunday @from flint, michigan. @of course we'll be here monday @morning to break it all down @for you. @>> all right. @will. @now it will be mitt romney's @turn this morning. @he'll sit down for an exclusive @interview with matt lauer. @that's when the today show @starts right after our @newscast. @ a north homestead teacher @is on leave pending the outcome @morning. @inappropriate behavior. @school leaders have not @released the name of the @employed. @details on the alleged @inappropriate behavior have not @been released. @now to summit county. @two strange incidents have @people on the lookout. @the first happened outside of @wal-mart. @a woman says she was terrified @as a suspicious couple followed
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@it sounds similar to reports of @another suspicious couple on @monday at cuyahoga falls. @no crime was committed at @either store. @the descriptions do not match. @>> nobody in this world is @going to be doing exactly the @lamer and you are. @they're going to buy canned @tomatoes and diapers and milk. @if that's going on, that's a @very strange occurrence. @>> police want to remind you @not to hesitate to alert @authorities about something @that just doesn't seem right. @>> topping the morning news @feed. @autopsy results for bobbi @kristina brown. @there were a string of heroin @deaths in the area where she @lives. @the she died from a heroin @overdose, the public has a @right to know. @in january 2015, the 22-year- @old daughter of singers whitney
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@found unresponsive in a bathtub @in her suburban town home. @she later died in hospice care @on july 26th. @ authorities seized uniforms @being sent to isis fighters. @this was part of a @counterterrorism operation. @authorities found the uniforms @and other military accessories @in shipping containers. @police have arrested seven @people on suspicion of @providing support to isis. @president obama has revealed @his family will likely stay in @washington, dc. @when asked if he would move to @chicago after leaving office, @he said his plans are still up @in the air, but the family @would likely stay in d.c. so @his daughter, sasha, can finish @high school. @>> if you're looking for a job, @there are job fairs this @weekend. @at the akron zoo, they're @looking to fill seasonal @positions. @it's from 4 to 7 tonight and
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@guest services and grounds @keeping jobs, the positions run @from april through december. @if you can't make it to the zoo @to apply in person, you can @also fill out the application. @they can do that online. @ cleveland metro parks are @hosting a job fair this @weekend. @it's taking place on sunday. @it's taking place at the zoo. @seasonal jobs include work at @the zoo, golf courses, and @parks. @if you're interested or want @more information, you can @register online and bring a @copy of your resume to the zoo. @ time right now, 6:38. @matt has what he's calling one @of the best tablet deals with @black friday prices. @that's coming up next in ways @to save. @we're going save some money @this morning, hollie. @>> always do. @thanks to matt. @ we're saving you headaches @in the sense that the snow has @stopped for most of you this @morning. @we sill have the possibility of @a little bit of light snow or @flurry in the air, but @otherwise, turning partly @sunny.
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@ @ welcome back to channel 3 @news. @it's 6:42. @i'm danielle wiggins. @through mace done ya, a spin -- @macedonia, a spinout reported. @we're seeing stop-and-go @traffic in the area. @the average speed is 7 miles @per hour. @the drive time on 271 between @route 8 and 480, 23 minutes. @it's usually a 9-minute drive. @also this accident reported 76 @eastbound after market street, @it looks like it has cleared @out so you're good to go on 76 @in akron. @john and hollie, back to you. @>> thanks, dani. @ 6:42.
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@stories that are trending @online for you this morning. @a warning about a new ride @that's getting ready to open at @universal studio. @>> it combines video with @motion. @riders get the sen station that @they're flying with harry on @his broom through hogwarts @school. @well, some of the employees @testing the ride have been @getting motion sickness. @the ride is almost identical to @the one at universal in @orlando, but in hollywood, they @put this one in 3d. @>> that helps. @>> you want to go, hollie? @the universal is not making any @comments. @the ride is set to hope april 7 @april 7th. @
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@familiar to you. @the tonight show had their show @open remade to look like the @old tgif open that featured @jimmy fallon, steve higgins, @and took scenes from classic @shows full house, family @matters, and step by step. @just like the original, it was @written and performed by @fredericks. @>> so good. @ the burger joint founded by @the walberg brothers is coming @to cleveland. @the trio announced they're @opening dozens of locations in @seven states. @we know there could be more @than one location in northeast @ohio because the deal was @signed to open six in cleveland @and detroit, but it has not @been announced exactly where or @when the restaurants will open, @but hollie will stay on top of @this. @>> we're hoping lakeside @avenue. @>> i'm thinking right here in @our lobby. @ time for ways to save.
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@something in common with @tablets. @>> money man matt granite shows @you how to save on toshiba @tech. @>> i hope holding my first born @feels as good as holding this @tablet. @before i show you the price, i @want to show you how it looks. @fully loaded with all of your @apps from netflix to hulu. @from i want to go shopping, i @will click whatever icon it is @to make it happen and on the @spot, take a look. @i want to show you why i love @this toshiba tablet. @it's expandable, front and rear @webcam. @sensitive touch in a good way. @kindle access, whatever it is @you need on the go, this is not @just a tablet to consume @content. @you can actually produce @conduct with microsoft products @on here. @a price point of under $170.
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@i want to point out it's not @worth its full price, but with @free shipping and this deal @loaded up on our website, i am @sold. @it's not a paid product. @i don't care whether or not you @buy it. @with an intel chip and all @these great speakers, you're @good to go. @>> thank you, matt. @we're good to go. @ are we good to go in the @weather department? @>> it's gong to be chilly, but @snow has moved out for most of @you. @just a few flurries. @>> i wasn't thinking at 1:00 @a.m. @it would end like this. @>> it came to an end pretty @fast. @we're bundled up at the bus @stop. @how cute are they, hats and @all. @we're only in the 30s for highs @today. @it's definitely feeling all of @winter today. @that's going to be changing @over the course of the next @several days. @the big warmup next week, which @we're going to get to. @today's weather, still a few @flurries around this morning, @most of them have already @faded. @cloud cover at 9:00. @sunshine by noon.
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@so that's about 10 degrees @below normal for this time of @year. @the snow has faded really fast. @overnight while you were @asleep, it was coming down @pretty steady. @we came into the newsroom, @west, east, south, all @reporting some slush think @roads as we were on our way in. @snows are more or less out of @here with the exception of a @flurry, which means roads are @really going to improve pretty @fast too. @the one big exception would @probably be some side streets @where it's a little slushy. @more than anything else, it's @mainly wet roads to report, @which is great. @still, though, even a wet road @is slick. @make sure you're allowing time. @as you track through the day, @be patient, cloud cover hangs @tough this morning. @tomorrow, the next clipper @system. @we'll see chances initially @ahead of the system itself. @then, later in the day is when @it moves in. @this is 5:00 tomorrow evening.
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@maybe a few wet snowflakes @mixing in. @temperatures well into 40 @degrees. @i think mainly wet weather with @this one. @perhaps some snow showers @mixing in as it winds down, and @then we turn the corner on @sunday to calm, quiet, seasonal @weather. @we'll see bright skies to end @the weekend. @it's half and a half. @the 7-day forecast, sunday @we're in the mid-40s and @forecasting a partly sunny sky. @that big warmup next week is @still happening. @this has been consistent all @week long we've been talking @about this thing. @upper 50s on monday, low 60s on @tuesday. @both days dry. @how nice is that going to be. @around 60 with scattered rain @showers wednesday. @we'll cooling it off to near 50 @degrees. @that's still above normal for @this time of year. @6:48. @and we now turn to that doggone @weather. @>> we have a couple of kitty @cats looks for homes. @this cutie, four years old, @looking for a loving home at
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@this kitty loves being inside @but also wants to look outside @the window all day. @that's a good thing. @again, at the adoption center @in tremont. @then we have tina louise, eight @years old, loves to sit on @pillows and will do just about @anything for food. @both of these kitty cats are @looking for homes. @let's help them out. @ after the break, it's your @morning rush. @let's check in with tiffany. @ john, three people were @taken to the hospital overnight @after a crash involving a wrong- @way driver. @coming up, what we've learned
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@ @ in the morning rush,s the @6:52. @hollie has your forecast coming @up. @dani has a check on the roads. @will with last night's gop @debate. @first, let's start with @tiffany. @>> reporter: john, we're @following overnight breaking @news of a wrong-way driver on @the roads. @let's show you video we got @overnight. @it happened just after 3:00 @this morning on the bridge @there. @a car was traveling north in @the southbound lane. @hit a u-haul truck and then a @wall. @we know three people were taken @to metro health. @they're in stable condition @this morning. @we've also heard reports that @an odot truck driver actually @assisted police, helping them @track the movements of this
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@>> tiffany, thanks. @verbal punches flew all over @the stage last night. @candidates talking over each @other, bickering, fact @checking, and no surprise, name @calling. @>> this little guy has lied so @much about my record. @>> here we go. @>> he has lied so much. @>> a debate full of of attacks @aimed at front runner donald @trump. @cruz and rubio hit him on @everything. @there was a lot of name @calling. @he also softened his stance on @visas. @a bit of a surprise as cruz, @rubio, kasich all said they @would support donald trump if @he's the nominee and trump, who @has threatened to leave the @party if he's unfair lite @nighed the nomination. @he -- denied the nomination. @this weekend, kansas, @louisiana, kentucky, maine, @nebraska all head to polls. @>> governor kasich will be
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@rally this weekend. @former governor arnold @schwarzenegger will join him on @sunday. @kasich is currently in second @place behind trump in some of @the latest polls in ohio. @in less than two weeks, the @today show has more on what's @expected in court in the erin @andrews case and the three @things the jury must decide. @ closingclosing arguments as @both sides make their final @case in front of a jury. @now that jury of seven women @and five men must decide if @one, the hotel is to blame for @that secretly recorded viral @video. @two, if erin andrews has @suffered, and, three, if that @suffering is worth $75 million. @seven days of all leading up to @this. @stay tuned for today. @ dozens of car windows are @shot out in tremont. @cleveland police need your help @identifying the suspect's @vehicle. @police believe the suspects may @be using bricks or bb guns to @cause the damage.
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@all right. @dani, how are the roads? @ well, john, we're seeing @multiple accidents. @southbound at ridgewood road. @as you see, the left lane is @blocked so vehicles are trying @to get over to the right. @we're seeing about half a @stretch of the highway, half @mile stretch of the highway. @about a five-ten- minute delay. @big delays on 271 north because @of a spinout on ledge road. @here is the picture we're @seeing at state route 8 and @271. @we're seeing about a 15-20- @minute delay. @>> a lot of overcast and even @reports of fog right now. @dew points and air temperatures @are real close. @so that could also be slowing @things down a bit. @honestly, snows have really @stopped for most of you. @just a few flurries possible @through this morning. @otherwise we'll eventually end @up partly sunny. @be patient. @i do think the cloud cover and @patchy fog will stick around
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7:00 am
good morning. vitriol and vulgarity. the republican race reaches new lows during last night's debate. >> he hit my hands. nobody has ever hit my hands. look at those hands. are those small hands? president? romney is here this morning to talk about that and his unprecedented attack on the current front runner. fraud. >> our exclusive interview with the man who some say wants to be the the savior for the republicans. winter's last gasp? rain, snow and a slippery commute for millions.
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