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tv   Channel 3 News Sunrise  NBC  March 5, 2016 5:00am-6:00am EST

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@ @ coming up today police @charge a canton father in the @death of his 3-year-old > more states will vote in @their primaries this weekend. @we'll show you where the next @round of results will come nator bernie sanders is @in town today. @alyssa is @good morning alyssa. @>> reporter: good morning @maureen. @with less than ten days until primary @presidential hopefuls are @trying to lock up support. @all the details of bernie
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@ @ thanks for being with us @bright and is still dark and @early. @5:00 a.m. @on this saturday morning. @a lot of you want to know when @are we going to crawl nglike temperatures. @i think everybody is looking at @that forecast next week going @come on. @come on. @>> reporter: we have to get . @snow around today, not a lot, @just a little bit. @snow showers all the way into @this evening, but tomorrow is @going to be a better day and a mer week ahead. @i'll tell what you, you are @going to love the extended @forecast. @but as we look at radar right @now, you can see there are @light snow re across @the area.
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@temperatures at freezing mark. @we are going to see the @temperatures gently rise into @the middle 30s through your @most part. @and as we take a look at the @forecast through the day, light @snow, snow showers, rain maybe @mixing with some snow as we to the middle 30s there, @35 degrees will be your @temperature there. @we are going to see a beautiful @warm up in the cast and all the way in the @60s. @>> kerry, thank you so much. @ we start out in canton this @morning where police charged a living @girlfriend with the death of a @3-year-old girl. @police are investigating the
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@his live in ica @bender, is also charged with @child endangering. @ bernie sanders brings his @campaign back to cleveland @today, he is holding a @community conversation at @church this afternoon. @that is where we find channel @3's alyssa raymond this @morning. @good morning alyssa. @>> reporter: good morning @maureen. @this will be sanders's third @time to northeast ohio ahead of @the primary on march 15th. @in his second visit in less @than 10 days, the event here @begins around 2:00 this @afternoon. @they are calling it a community @conversation and it is by @invitation only. @sanders will stop at one of his @new campaign offices first, his @downtown cleveland office @opened last week and last @thursday sanders told a big
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@he can win the buckeye state. @sanders said his campaign is @fighting for an economy that @works for all, not just for the @1%. @>> i would say 89% of the @people in ohio didn't even know @who bernie sanders was let @alone what i stood for. @in the last week or 10 days @there were three national polls @having us in the lead over @hillary clinton. @i think it is fair to say all @over the country we have a lot @of momentum. @>> reporter: a real -- a recent @survey shows the tight race @between sanders and hillary @clinton. @bernie sanders and hillary @clinton will both speak at the @2016 legacy dinner in columbus @the sunday before the primary, @so next sunday and this will be @the first time the two appeared @together in ohio.
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@meaning the winner gets all the @delegates and that means we can @expect to see many more @candidates in ohio and @especially northeast ohio over @the next 10 days. @>> they clearly know how @important ohio is to win thanks @alyssa. @>> i'm hopeful maybe some @people, now that i am leaving @the campaign trail. @ with that dr. ben carson @officially steps away from the @campaign trail. @he announced his decision @during a political action @conference in dc. @and now that ben carson has @officially dropped out, the gop @field is down to four and it is @going to be a busy weekend for @both sides of the aisle. @six states, including kansas @and kentucky hold primaries or @caulk cusses today and @tomorrow, followed by four on @tuesday.
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@candidates hillary clinton and @bernie sanders face off in @their next debate. @that one is taking place in @flint, michigan a city @recovering from a water crisis @involving lead poisoning. @ we are 135 days away from @the rnc. @some party members are bracing @for the possibility of a @brokered or contested @convention. @it would happen if none of the @gop candidates got the 1237 @nomination. @but one gop candidate believes @will happen. @>> in my view a brokered @convention ain't going to @happen. @and if the washington deal @nomination from the people, i @think it would be a disaster. @>> the last time it was @contested was 1976 when @president gerald ford fought @off ronald reagan for the @nomination in kansas city.
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@continues to prepare for the @rnc. @city leaders are looking to buy @2,000 sets of riot gear, @including riot control suits, @collapsible baton and his money @to pay for the gear. @the money would come from a $50 @million federal grant @specifically for the @convention. @ still ahead this morning, a @knife found, reportedly @recovered from near o. j. @simpson's home. @ brand new photos released @from a fatal plane crash. @we are going to show you those
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you want to feel connected. informed, included, inspired. so, when important things happen, we're here. your local tv and radio broadcasters. america's number one source for news, weather and information. on every screen in your life. we are broadcasters, always here for you, wherever here may be. text "tv" to 52886. tell washington
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@ @ welcome back. @new details to report this @morning on the knife reportedly @property years ago.
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@is inconsistent with nicole @brown simpson and ronald @goldman's murders. @a former lapd officer turned @the knife over to detectives @recently. @that officer claims he was @working off-duty on a movie @shoot near simpson's home years @ago when a construction worker @gave him the knife. @a jury acquitted simpson of all @charges in the murders in 1995. @he is currently serving time on @an unrelated conviction. @ sad news to share with you @this morning. @country singer joey peek has @passed away. @she was diagnosed with cancer @in 2014. @she was 40 years old. @ members of congress visited @flip yesterday to see families @affected by the ongoing water @crisis. @this is the third visit by
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@city where lead from aging @water pipes has leached into @tap water. @congress hopes the trip will @help keep pressure on congress @to act on stalled legislation @aimed at helping the city. @>> what is happening in flint @challenges the nation. @this is a tragedy of such @magnitude, because it breaks @the bond that people have with @the government to be there on @issues like the safety of the @water our children drink, the @air they breathe, the safety of @their food. @>> meanwhile crews began @digging up service lines in the @city and the initiative @designed to remove and replace @all the contaminated service @lines. @ this morning we are @learning more about the fatal @plane crash in akron. @we have shown you images from @far away and across the street.
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@of impact. @for the first time the faa is @showing channel 3 what they saw @when they arrived on scene. @photo after photo showing the @dismantled plane and the @duplexs it hit. @engines and wheels and cars in @the pathway of the crash. @all in all this crash took nine @two pilots. @ sales of existing homes @edged up slightly in january, @backed in part by a rise in @first time home buyers. @millennials are finally @entering the housing market. @nbc's diana reports, they are @still unpacking boxes, but alex @and melissa cruz say they are @already committed to their new @atlanta home long-term. @>> to me you know, once we got @married, i just wanted our own @place, something to call our @own.
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@our own family. @>> reporter: they had been @married barely six months, but @the two attorneys began looking @for a home a year ago. @knowing that finding the right @home and qualifying if a @mortgage would both be stuff. @>> wing he knew that it would @be a little bit difficult. @i had no idea how intense the @underwriting process and how @much they really dig into @everything in your life. @>> reporter: obtaining a @mortgage is the number one @financial priority for @millennials according to a new @report by scott trade. @higher than retirement and @healthcare. @>> everyone is faced with the @same hurdles, specifically to @the millennials a lot of it is @still establishing credit. @>> reporter: damian cook helped @alice and alex and melissa to @qualify. @melissa had student loans and @in the end they had to take her @off the mortgage. @>> she still has an ownership @position in the house, she is @just not obligated on the note @of the mortgage.
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@house in the right location @with the right schools but. @>> we are definitely the @youngest people in the @neighborhood. @>> reporter: hopefully not for @long. @ just ahead, new flicks @hitting the box office. @we are going to preview those @for you. @ and a way to get rid of @existing technology. @ now here's kerry with a @check of the forecast. @>> reporter: a messy saturday @but a much better sunday and a @much better week ahead. @we are going to see a huge warm @up. @right now 27 degrees. @those temperatures are going to @slowly climb into the middle @30s. @but just around the corner it @is going to feel like @springtime. @the complete forecast coming up
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@ @ thanks for being with us. @maybe a movie night is in your
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@a couple of films this weekend @include the tina fey flick @whiskey tango fox trot. @>> you folks here are all the @unmarried childless personnel @in this bureau. @for those of you who are behind @the scenes, there are @opportunities to be on camera. @kim are you going to speak @joining in? @ listen up. @iraq two is happening. @>> in this comedy, tina fey is @a journalist covering the @taliban in afghanistan and @pakistan. @reviews are mixed. @rotten tomatoes has given it a
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@ i have three items on the @docket. @first we need to acknowledge @the elephant in the room. @happy birthday. @ utopia isn't just a movie @for the kids, this is getting a @10 out of 10 for the critics. @this is about a city and a new @police officer who wants to @prove her self on the job. @critics say it is funny, smart @and takes social commentary on @too. @i don't know if kids would get @the elephant in the room but @how fun to maybe take the kids @out and be entertained @yourself. @today what do you think? @good movie day? @>> tomorrow you can get out and @take a hike. @i didn't mean that in the @literal bad sense but in the @week ahead, i have great news. @nice, warm temperatures. @>> i want to see how high these @are going to go. @>> it is identification to be @able to bring good news.
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@forecast but it sure is nice to @be able to talk about the good @ones. @right now 27 degrees and cloudy @skies. @snow showers arriving here in @the next little while. @it is not going to produce a @great deal of snow. @as the sun gets up, we are @going to see snow in defiance @and over toward toledo. @as we move through the next day @or so, you are going to see the @temperatures rising very slowly @today into the middle 30s. @we might see rain, mixing in @with that snow. @this afternoon cooler air @begins to slide into northerly @winds here later on this @afternoon and evening. @could see light accumulation @before midnight and cloudy @skies and all that begins to @clear out by tomorrow afternoon @on your sunday. @we are going to see the sun
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@it is going to turn out to be a @really nice day for sunday but @just wait until next week we @are going to see beautiful @weather. @clouds to the south, nice warm @temperatures. @and on the west coast a lot of @rain, heavy rain on the west @coast if you are going to be @traveling around. @let's show you the forecast, @not too bad once we get past @today. @36 for a high temperature. @less than an inch accumulation @on the grassy areas. @the pavement is going to stay @clear. @early on snow showers lingering @about. @we could see light accumulation @as well, but then that snow @ends and for your sunday it is @going to turn out to be a @really nice day. @42 for the high temperature and @your window nation 7-day @forecast is going to show a @remarkable warm up for monday. @60. @62 on tuesday, 60 on wednesday, @thunderstorms there on toward @the end of the week and even
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@going to see the temperatures @holding really nice in the 50s @all the way through. @ spring is here. @thank you kerry. @ at&t plans to start selling @you cable television over the @internet. @this fall it will start selling @cable-like bundles through a @new app. @the service is called directtv @now and you simply need to @access the internet. @no details on pricing yet, but @at&t says it will be cheaper @than current directtv bundles. @ chick-fil-a wants you to @put down your cell phone and @enjoy a text-free meal. @the fast food clain is offering @customers a cell phone coup. @this is a box for families to @eating. @anyone able to go a whole meal @without picking up their phone
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@ here's your week in review. @>> it played out like something @from "law & order." @an abduction at gunpoint. @two suspects reportedly take @charles barnes keys, get inside @his home, command his mother. @>> i was laying on the couch. @he said if you don't i'm going @to shoot you like i did your @son. @i was afraid i was going to @break down. @>> reporter: we are watching as @the car appears to be being @taken away by a tow truck and @it is indeed barnes' car. @ the medical examiner has @identified the car found in a @trunk yesterday as charles @barnes jr. @>> i don't know what brought @all this on. @a lot into john kennedy, you @know, the assassination.
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@drinking sunday night when he @used joyce's phone to call the @feds and say quote i want to @kill president obama, wants to @his kill hillary clinton, wants @federal charges not little @state charges. @as of tonight he's got his wish @he is federally charged with @threatening the president. @>> cops drive around here all @the time because of this @pervert. @>> reporter: parents remain on @edge and alert in lorraine @after another mother called @police on friday. @>> this woman's teenage @daughter was getting ready for @school when she saw a man @outside her window either @zipping or unzipping his pants. @this. @>> we think he is from the area @and we think people somebody @knows him.
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@goodbye to tonya johnson, @firefighter, mother, wife, @friend. @>> i wouldn't be here right now @if it wasn't for her. @she taught me to be a better @man. @>> i love you all the days of @my life mommy as you would say @to me, fly high. @ donald trump is a phony, a @fraud. @his promises are as worthless @as a degree from trump @university. @the bullying, the greed, the @showing off. @the absurd third grade @theatrics. @ we are going to go to the @convention and i'm going to be @a nominee. @>> @ congratulations to chuck @kyle. @the long time and great head @coach at st. ignacious in @football. @he has been inducted into the @national federation hall of @fame.
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@>> great teacher and coach. @>> @ after the break, we hear @from the dispatcher about the @dramatic moments leading up to @a major crash on the inner belt @yesterday. @but first let's check in with @alyssa who is previewing a @bernie sanders event. @hi alyssa. @>> reporter: good morning @maureen. @candidates are hoping to spend @time in ohio. @coming up bernie sanders's @event.
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@ @ good morning. @thanks so much for being with @us on this saturday morning. @all of you early risers at 5:30 @a.m., we have a little bit of @snow still in the forecast. @but that spring, that @springlike forecast is just on @the horizon. @kerry coleman is in for us and @kerry, we've got to get through @this weekend it sounds like. @ at least today.
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@today snow showers around not @much in the way of driving @problems or accumulation. @i don't think that is going to @be a big deal. @tomorrow the sun returns. @we will see a big warm up on @the way, we'll show you that in @the extended forecast very @shortly. @it is going to be a terrific @week when it comes to @temperatures. @you can see the snow showers @just approaching here from the @west. @lorraine county has some, @findley, defiance, toledo. @light snows right now. @temperatures gradually get up @in the middle 30s. @we could mix some of that snow @with rain in the afternoon. @in the mid to upper 20s to @around 30 degrees. @the light snow will continue @through most of the day today. @most of it will be melting when @it hits the pavement. @during the course of the night @tonight, you could see some @accumulation as well.
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@coming up you are going to see @beautiful temperatures in the @60s. @warmer weather than what we @have been seeing the last @couple of days is going to @stick around for a long time. @>> thanks kerry. @ bernie sanders returns to @northeast ohio today. @he was invited to lead a @community conversation at the @church this afternoon. @that is where we find channel @3's alyssa raymond this @morning. @a lot of crowds will be headed @out there to see bernie live. @>> reporter: i'm sure @eventually. @there is not a single person @out in the parking lot so far @this morning. @we want everyone to know this @event today is invitation only. @but this will be the third time @standers will be in northeast @ohio ahead of the primary on @march 15th. @the second time in less than 10 @days.
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@2:00 this afternoon. @sanders will stop at one of his @new campaign offices first. @last thursday sanders brought @his campaign to berea. @he told a big crowd he can win @the buckeye state. @sanders says his campaign is @fighting for an economy that @works for all, not just the 1%. @>> i would say 80 or nine% of @the people in ohio didn't know @who bernie sanders was let @alone what i stood for. @in the last week or 10 days @polls have us in the lead over @hillary clinton. @i think it is fair to say all @over this country we have a lot @of momentum. @ a recent survey conducted @shows a tight race between @bernie sanders and hillary @clinton.
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@percentage point. @bernie sanders and hillary @clinton will speak at the 2016 @legacy dinner in columbus the @sunday before the primary. @this will be the first time the @two appeared together in ohio @and ohio is a winner take @allstate meaning the primary @winner gets all the delegates. @we should expect to see a lot @more candidates over the next @10 days here in northeast ohio. @ ohio is always a hot spot @for them. @ police continue to @investigate this morning after @a wrong way driver slammed into @another car. @this happened early yet morning @on the -- yesterday morning on @the i-90 split. @now we are hearing from the @dispatcher who called 911 after @a plow truck driver saw the @crash. @he and the driver worked as a @team. @>> they were communicating the
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@i communicated to the police @dispatcher. @and they were able to get on @the scene pretty quickly. @>> this is the third wrong way @crash in the area in the last @month. @some are proposing putting @spike strips down. @ meanwhile the stowe teen @accused of killing a kent state @student will be tried as an @adult. @a judge set 17-year-old cream @ling's bond. @he is accused of shooting and @killing 18-year-old nick massa @last month. @ akron and kent state last @night, it was a good one.
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@ @ good morning, cavs and @celtics at the q tonight. @there's days off to stir the @pot. @it was finally back to @basketball for the cavs, @beating the wiz c.r. @bard last night without -- the @wizards last night without @kevin love. @most of the players from the 75- @76 team honored at halftime. @lebron honored them with @defense and the throw downs. @the cavs up 14-7 early. @lebron 19 points, 13 rebounds, @7 assists. @he didn't play in the fourth @quarter. @irving had 21, a good shooting @night. @hits the triple for a 15-point @lead.
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@cavs up 20 after three. @they win 108-83. @they have won two straight the @celtics in town tonight. @ the browns another busy day @yesterday. @first this comes as no @surprise. @alex shiner stepping away as @president of the cleveland @browns. @clearly not part of the future, @hadn't seen him in a long time. @a part of the hue jackson @hiring process. @we need wins. @shiner will step away as of @march 31. @he will serve as a consultant @for the team until the end of @the year. @ brian has been suspended by @the nfl. @brian violated the league's @policy on performance enhancing @substances. @he was arrested on christmas @day. @his former teammate beyonce @saunders following a traffic @stop found marijuana and a @loaded handgun in sanders's @car.
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@released. @ let's talk indians now, @cactus league as they took on @the white sox yesterday. @>> they didn't play the reds @finally. @trevor bower with the start two @innings, two earned runs, two @homers, two strikeouts, two @walks. @2012 first round pick an rbi @single hitting .429 early on. @a 5-5 tie indians 0-2. the @tournament comes to cleveland @next week but some business to @finish up for you next weekend. @akron hosting kent state. @out for revenge, how about the @junior? @johnson tips out to a 7 point @lead. @he had 20 points and 17 @rebounds .10 with under 2 to
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@jackson puts the game away. @wins 74-60. @finished the season 24-7. kent @state is the five seed and will @host bowling green on monday @night. @tomorrow night don't miss @sports tonight. @we get set for the mack @tournament. @we are talking browns, indians, @cavs, plus ohio state @wrestling. @don't miss sports tomorrow @night right here on channel 3 @at 11:35. @hope you have a great weekend @everybody. @ just ahead, money man matt @granite introduces us to the @light hub. @ it is not going to be @exactly perfect on your @saturday, but it is going to @get closer to perfection as we @head toward sunday and the week @beyond it is going to feel @really comfortable.
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@that gently warm up into the @mid-30s. you want to feel connected, at one with your world. informed, included, and inspired. so no matter where you are, when important things happen, we're here. at all hours. in the moment. on every screen
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and radio broadcasters. we investigate and inform. give back to the community, build the local economy, even save lives. america's number one source for news, weather and information. and unlike any other news source, we're here, here, here, here, and here. we are broadcasters, always here for you, wherever here may be. text "tv" to 52886. tell washington
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@ @ we are getting a look at @cedar point's new raven @coaster. @construction crews placed the @final piece friday. @this ride breaks a total of 10 @world records, including the @longest, tallest and fastest @dive coaster. @cedar point opens for the @season on may 7th. @mark your calendars. @ another sure sign warmer @days are ahead. @strickland's frozen custard is @back open in akron. @strickland's is celebrating a @big milestone too, 80 years in @business. @the local mainstay opened back @in 1936. @i'm allred if i ice cream @season. @i never really stopped.
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@ we are going to see a nice @warm up though. @it is going to feel like ice @cream weather as we head toward @the middle of the week. @super warm compared to what we @have today. @27 is the current temperature. @temperatures will generally @rise on southerly breezes in @the middle 30s today. @we are not going to see a lot @of precipitation but this @clipper system coming on by, @doesn't have a lot of moisture @to work with it. @it is moving fairly quickly. @maybe an inch on the grassy @surfaces maybe more after @sunset tonight when it is @allowed to set up just a little @bit more. @as we move through time, you @can see the clouds there, maybe @rain mix wkyc that snow just a @little bit during the course of @the afternoon on your saturday. @that snow fed a little bit by @maybe some of the lake moisture @there, on northerly winds but @not a great deal of enhancement @there. @we are going to see the snow @come to an end during the
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@tomorrow afternoon we are going @to see sunshine across the area @and we are going to see winds @shift to the south. @and by monday morning not quite @as chilly as this morning, @we'll see the upper 30s low @40s. @if you are going to be @traveling around the country @today not bad. @look at these temperatures @denver 71, dallas 79. @kind of wet there on the west @coast we are talking about a @lot of rain all the way from @los angeles all the way up @toward seattle. @some of the rain is going to be @on the heavy side. @as we look at the forecast, not @all that bad, if you can get @past today 36 for the high @temperature. @we are going to see snow @showers not much in the way of @accumulation again mainly on @the grassy areas that may mix @with rain later on today. @during the course of tonight @early snow maybe an inch or @snow for accumulation if that. @and then that snow is going to @come to an end during the @course of the middle of tonight @and tomorrow.
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@the sun is going to come out. @42 your high. @your 7-day forecast is going to @show you a remarkable warm up @look at that monday, 60. @62 on tuesday. @60 degrees on wednesday. @and then even the 50s behind @the system could see showers @and thunderstorms behind there @for wednesday and thursday. @not all that cold even behind @the system so that is a great @extended forecast if you ask @me. @ kerry yeah i like those @temperatures. @thanks so much. @ you can now access all your @gadgets from 15 feet away. @money man matt granite shows us @the life hub. @ let me guess, you are @watching us right now. @you probably have one of these @in your land. @also a tablet or a computer. @and you are faced with the @problem so many of us face. @there is never enough outlets, @you are never near an outlet @and for all the people you @sometimes sit with, are even @more distracted when they are @running out of juice. @take a look.
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@devices i have tested takes @care of your needs on your @couch, in bed, at your desk, in @a motel room. @when you need to power your @tablets or smartphones but you @don't want messy cords, a 15- @foot long cord management @magnetic cable system that @works your apple samsung ipad @you name it. @charges up to 10,000 different @types of devices if you are not @anywhere near a plug outlet. @25 bucks free shipping that is @a great grab. @i have posted the deal and a @full review. @but this goes far beyond the @extension cord, it powers all @sorts of devices. @not a paid product. @ power to the people.
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@ matt thank you. @ one in three americans @drink sugary drinks daily. @but find out why that may not @be the wisest decision for your
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@ @ almost 1 in 3 americans @consume sugary drinks at least @once a day, according to a new @survey from the cdc. @younger adults were most likely @to drink these beverages which @contain nearly 8 teaspoons of @sugar per serving. @ a new study shows lowering @prices on healthy foods could @actually help decrease deaths @from heart attack and stroke. @researchers wanted to see how @price changes would impact @measures. @they found a 10% cut in prices @could lower cardiovascular @disease of the in the year of
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@prevent more than half a @million deaths from heart @disease and more than 600,000 @heart attacks and strokes. @ chances are you have @probably heard chocolate is @poisonous to dogs. @but did you know that a common @sweetener can be even more @dangerous? @nickel has the story. @>> reporter: she found a @container of gum in my gym bag @and ate all the gum in it, 25 @to 30 pieces. @we kind of told her okay you @are going to have a belly ache @now. @>> reporter: an hour later it @was much worse. @>> she tried to walk and would @fall over. @>> reporter: her daughter @remembered reading sugar-free @gum contained something toxic @to dogs. @>> dancer started to have a @really bad seizure.
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@dropped to dangerously low @blood levels. @>> reporter: dr. reagan wells @cared for dancer. @>> she received support for her @liver. @>> reporter: often times when @dogs are boys sonned they'll @also suffer liver failure. @>> we waited for that 72-hour @mark to happen and just prayed, @and she made it. @>> reporter: two weeks later @dance soldier still on @medication to support her @liver. @they learned a big lesson. @>> it is toxic to dogs. @>> reporter: she wants to make @sure others are aware of the @danger by posting this video on @facebook. @>> it is like a child. @when you have a toddler, you @keep your cabinets locked, you @keep medicines up, you keep @bleaches and poisons away from @your kids. @really the same thing needs to @be done if you are going to @take on the responsibility of @having a dog. @ after the break, a 3-year- @old's death ruled a homicide in @canton. @who police have in custody this
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@ good morning alyssa. @>> reporter: good morning. @presidential hopefuls are @trying to lock up support. @coming up what bernie sanders @plans to do here later this
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@ @ thanks for being with us at @6:00 a.m. @on this saturday. @the first weekend of march and @it is feeling very cold. @it is funny we went through @february feeling very warm. @now snow for the first weekend @of march. @carry? @>> reporter: it is not going to @last very long. @it is going to be a much nicer @day tomorrow. @beyond very warm, unseasonably @warm. @we have flurries out there. @it is hard to see at @progressive field.


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