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tv   Channel 3 News Sunrise  NBC  March 9, 2016 5:00am-6:00am EST

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@ @ i was turning to look at @your monitor, you look @beautiful, tiffany. @it's springtime, a little @early. @it's going to continue now as @we head toward the middle of @the week. @wednesday, march 9th, we're @planning a high close to 70 @degrees. @what a stunner that was. @you're going to have that feel, @okay, something is brewing. @the wind is kicking up. @right now here we are sitting @pretty in the upper 40s, low @mid-50s. @it's 58 at hopkins. @there's rain to track. @right now everything is west. @but i will let you know when it
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@it will have on you. @first, we're checking your @drive. @roads are dry. @we're driving with windows down @and everything else these days. @>> that's great. @i love this type of weather. @right now we only have one @incident to tell you about. @271 northbound, an accident @reported near broadway and @forbes. @you need to make sure as you're @going under the forbes road @bridge, you should go over to @the left. @we're not seeing any delays in @that area because of that @incident. @in fact, we're seeing green on @the traffic map all throughout @the north. @that means normal drive times. @to the south, you have the @green light to go. @lynna, back to you. @>> thanks. @it is a game of numbers when it @comes to the presidential race, @and a lot of delegates were up @for grabs yesterday. @overnight, we learned donald @trump has won in ohio and @mississippi. @ted cruz took improvised
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@-- ted cruz took idaho. @hillary clinton easily won @mississippi, but in a stunner, @she came in second in michigan. @clinton had a big lead over @bernie sanders in the polls, @but then she ended up narrowly @losing the election. @so all eyes turn to florida and @right here in ohio ahead of @next week's primary, governor @john kasich says he's confident @he'll win here. @>> when lynna and i talked with @donald trump yesterday, the @front runner said he needs ohio @to win. @we asked trump his specific @plan to bring jobs here to the @buckeye state. @>> well, i would bring them @back from china, japan. @i would bring our industry @back. @you're losing a lot of business @to mexico. @ohio is losing a lot of @business to mexico. @we would bring your jobs back, @bring our companies back. @we're going to lower taxes @substantially. @i have a major tax cut for @everybody. @the people are getting a major
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@you will see. @things will be -- it will be @like magic. @it will be a great thing. @>> and while we were talking to @donald trump, we also asked him @about a running mate. @should he get the nomination. @trump said he would consider @governor john kasich as vp. @kasich sat down with tom berras @and responded to trump's @comment. @>> donald trump made the @statement that he would be glad @to consider you as a @prospective vice president. @>> i'm not -- i'm governor of @ohio. @i'm going to be president or @remain governor as ohio. @i'm really not interested in @anything like that, but maybe i @should consider him if i become @the nominee, which i think we @have a good chance of getting. @okay. @well, donald calls us back @today. @you can see the full interview.
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@bernie sanders filed a lawsuit @to allow 17-year-olds who turn @18 before the general election @to vote in the primary next @week. @sanders claims republican ohio @secretary of state is blocking @young minority voters, but @houston said he has not changed @the law. @a judge will have to rule on @the interpretation of ohio's @election rules. @ time now, 5:04. @police are asking for your help @looking for a missing girl. @this is 15-year-old mckayla @barrett. @she has been missing since @yesterday mid-afternoon. @they say she was wearing a @black hoodie, black shirt and @shoes. @ a former euclid high school @guidance counselor has been @indicted on charges for a @relationship with a student. @one count of tampering with @evidence and four counts of
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@it's said she began an @inappropriate road trip -- @relationship in december. @ the public square we've @known for years changed. @roads closed to make way for a @$50 million renovation. @tiffany tarpley joins us live @with a look at the progress in @the past year. @tiffany. @>> well, lynna, they want to @make sure this space is ready @before the republican national @convention this summer. @as you know, public square was @pretty much known as the @well, they want to change that. @they want to turn it into a @green space that's walkable and @can be used year round. @let's show you some of the work @that's happening behind these @barricades. @i'm told progress is being made @daily. @you can see the design emerging @from the ground here. @the design shows a fountain @that will turn into an ice @skating rink in the winter. @there will be a cafe on the
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@met with some opposition, but @those involved with the project @believe this is a symbol of @cleveland's transformation. @>> for a lot of people that @work downtown or stay downtown. @this is the front yard or @backyard. @the public space has a @different meaning. @if we didn't do this, i think @we would be limiting the growth @of the city. @>> and so the good news here @this morning, i've learned that @the project is on track to be @complete june 1st. @of course the republican @national convention is in july. @coming up in the next half @hour, there's still a lot of @work to do. @i will let you know what @they're going to be going over @these next few months to make @sure everything is readily. @tiffany tarpley, channel 3 @news. @>> everything is on schedule, @tiffany, thank you. @ sales of vehicles in @northern ohio soared for the @month of february. @it's reported a 17% jump in
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@the big autoshow gave sales a @boost. @the increase meet most @expectations. @they're expecting single digit @growth. @the best selling brand was @chevrolet, followed by ford. @honda came in third. @ the mid american conference @basketball tournament starts on @monday. @that means millions of dollars @for local restaurants, hotels, @and entertainment. @a kent state study says the @four-day event had a 14-million @dollars economic impact. @they signed a deal last year to @hold the tournament at the q @until 2023. @>> kids love and eat these @things up. @we have an important recall for @all of you parents. @we'll tell you why these @pouches are being recalled this @morning. @>> plus, ohio is the next big @thing in presidential @primaries. @we'll find out why the @candidates are turning their @attention to us and get a recap
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@>> we're tracking another warm @day. @welcome to wednesday. @it's going to be fantastic. @around 70 degrees. @breezy, partly sunny skies. @unbelievable. @keep it coming, right. @we do have rain to track. @stick around. @i'm going to let you know when @it moves in. @it's a beautiful view as you @wake up.
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@ @5:11 right now. @big surprise this morning. @in the presidential campaign, @donald trump nominated but @bernie sanders is getting a lot @of attention after he takes the @state of michigan. @>> tracy potts has more on how @he did it and what this means @going forward.
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@if he could do well in @michigan, it could mean good @news for bernie sanders in @ohio. @we'll see what happens. @however, the key has been, @going into this, could bernie @sanders win a state with a @large minority population. @didn't happen in south @carolina. @did not happen in nevada, but @as of this morning we know the @answer is yes. @>> frankly, we believe that our @strongest areas are yet to @happen. @>> bernie sanders with new @confidence after an unexpected @win in michigan. @thank you, he tweeted. @the polls were wrong. @even sanders didn't see it @coming. @he won with nearly a third of @the black vote. @hillary clinton didn't mention @her mississippi win or michigan @loss last night. @she picked up more delegates @than sanders and our poll shows @she beat donald trump by 13 @points in november.
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@donald trump. @>> trump one michigan, @mississippi, and as of this @morning, hawaii. @>> we're down to 4. i really @want to close things out. @>> he's hoping to do things in @florida on tuesday with ted @cruz -- he won idaho. @>> we know we're closing the @gap in state after state after @state. @>> florida could be it for @marco rubio. @his best finish on tuesday, @third. @>> hey i need everyone's vote @right now. @let's not get into that. @i can't lose any votes. @john kasich insists he'll win @ohio. @now, that basically means that @it looks like we're shaping up @to have a two-man race between @trump and cruz, the way the @numbers are looking right now. @in our polls, 6-10 voters said @they think trump is hurting the @to win. @he won three out of four @contests yesterday. @>> the candidates also focus on
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@what else did the poll say @about that. @>> so that was interesting. @i mentioned clinton beating @trump by 13 points in the @general election. @these are hypothetical @matchups, of course. @same thing with cruz. @sanders would beat trump in our @poll. @clinton would also beat cruz. @not quite as much, but she @would beat him. @most interesting thing, she @would only tie with rubio. @he's the one that comes closest @to meeting hillary clinton but @he seems to be nowhere close to @getting his own nomination. @>> can't even win his own @party. @thank you, tracy. @ as we look ahead, we're @starting to see more visitors @coming to our city. @>> national media is setting up @before the primary. @>> boy, are we showing off. @>> it's like this all the time @in march. @>> exactly right. @>> wink, wink. @it is beautiful.
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@another fabulous weight -- wait @this morning. @temperatures are mild. @it's really lovely as you're @waking up. @just a light jacket will work. @in fact, you won't be wearing a @jacket later on today as we @warm up. @it's going to be a thursday @soaker. @we'll talk about it. @don't forget about the time @change on sunday. @sunday. @i will continue to remind you @all day long. @cloud cover increases a little @today. @we'll have partly sunny skies @through the morning and through @a lot of the afternoon, @actually. @pretty similar to yesterday. @we're all starting off well @above normal. @most of you are waking up in @the 50s. @this is impressive. @record today, low 70s. @we're getting closer to it @today. @we'll hold on to the sunshine @long enough. @rain is to the west. @i don't think we're going to @have to think of any wet @weather until tonight. @this is 9:30 this morning.
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@the cloud cover. @temperatures are 60 degrees. @we're into the 60s and around @70-degree this is afternoon. @partly sunny 2:30 today. @as we get into this evening, @more cloud cover and eventually @those rain chances. @to bed. @winding down. @hopefully sitting down to relax @a little bit yourself. @and then through tomorrow @morning's drive and through the @day tomorrow, it's periodic @rain. @at times i think it's going to @be heavy too. @this is going to slow you down @and think ahead. @look at this. @3:30. @it is just pouring. @we've got temperatures in the @50s and 60s. @this is only going to be rain @and things dry out as we head @into friday. @here's a look at your window @nation forecast. @it will cool off behind the @front as we gradually bring @back the sunshine into the low @50s. @then we're back into the 60s @for the weekend. @saturdays look like it should @be mainly dry.
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@for sure. @i will tell you with the high @of 64, get those kids out and @do something fun. @head to metro park and take in @a little hike. @we spring ahead and then we're @60s, upper 50s. @it's looking like we trend @towards temperatures that are @well above normal. @5:17, here is a look at your @commute. @ford. @bass ford. @ good morning to you. @we take a look at the traffic @map. @we're seeing slow traffic in @loraine county, 90 east as @you're moving toward the @turnpike approaching aleeringing @approach -- approaching elyria. @those people are driving a @little slow. @our incident we're continuing
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@at broadway avenue, your right @lane remains blocked because of @drive times that remain normal. @john and lynna, back to you. @>> a former marine expected of @shooting an idaho pastor is @under arrest. @police hopped a flight to @washington, dc. @maureen is here following the @story and the morning news @feed. @>> we first told you about this @yesterday. @the u.s. secret service @arrested kyle odom. @he spot pastor tim reddington @and flew to d.c. to toss @documents onto the white house @lawn. @it included a manifesto that @mentioned congress and israel. @he also wrote that he was a @mashen. @the man is in critical @condition this morning. @>> sir george martin was the @beatles producer. @he passed away at 90.
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@beatle and is credited for @giving them a shot in @liverpool. @he played piano on some of the @recordings and was awarded with @knighthood in 1995. @ go go squeeze, they're @recalling their apple sauce. @they're recalling pouches with @the best buy dates between @december 2015 and march 2017. @no illnesses have been @reported. @if you have one of the pouches, @go to the company's website and @fill out a replacement voucher. @ sheriff deputies in santa @fe, new mexico arrested a naked @woman over the weekend. @she threw items out of her car @and led police on a high speed @pursuit. @the driver is a 51-year-old @woman who didn't stop when
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@and drove at speeds over 100 @miles per hour. @she got out of her car and ran @naked from police. @she's blurred out. @here she comes toward the @camera, and then under arrest. @so this video is coming out @just one day after we saw @another naked woman on top of @the highway that tied up @traffic for two hours. @she was dancing on top of a @semi truck until deputies @talked her down. @hopefully we have no more copy @cat crimes in this one, @especially locally. @>> so was she throwing the @clothes out the window? @>> you know, we're going to @have to investigate that one. @>> and then she looked like she @was throwing f bombs. @>> i'm just going to stay home @from now on. @okay. @the world is scaring me. @>> it is. @still ahead, money man matt @granite has more savings for @us. @won't be scary. @this time he has a website that
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@ @5:24 right now. @how much green will you spend @on your green for st. patrick's @day. @a survey shows we'll spend less @this year than last. @the retail federation says more @than 125 million americans will @celebrate the irish holiday and @spend over $35 each. @last year we spent over $36 @each. @>> back by a dollar. @some of the best online reviews @and deals are all in one place. @>> money man matt granite @points us to another great @site. @>> great to be with you. @these days it's not easy to get @an unbiased opinion when it @comes to a bargain.
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@not on vacation, i strive to @find savings where i test items @nobody talks about. @it's all kinds of perspective @that keeps your savings in @mind. @look at my favorite roadway @sources that offers not only @great product reviews but all @sorts of ways to keep on @budget. @it's called @15 ways to cut your heating @costs this winter. @step by step instructions. @not just blogs but also deals @and breakdowns. @for example, if you're looking @for a tv, the best cheap led @tvs, simple links to take you @to your purchase and see them @compared side by side. is where they @have you covered. @i have you covered. @back to you.
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@after school were -- isn't this @nice? @this is so many of your yards. @this is a photo from one of you @that we've actually been @inserting in our weather @computer as backdrops because @they're that pretty. @keep them coming in, by the @way. @right around 70 today. @it's going to be partly sunny @skies. @we're 50s in most spots. @44 degrees is the normal high. @most of you are way above that. @lynna, on the travel map, you @can see it's to our west. @i will let you know when it @moves in exactly, coming up. @>> 5:30. @video you've got to see in @california. @a reporter narrowly escapes @being hit by a car and his @emotional reaction when it was @over. @>> lynna, soon enough we're @going to see a new public @square here in downtown @cleveland. @coming up, i will let you know @the work that's ahead over the
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@ @5:30 right now. @time for the morning rush. @this morning all eyes are on @ohio and florida as the @presidential race continues to @heat up. @a big surprise late last night. @bernie sanders pulled out a @win. @it was a close one. @bernie sanders with 49.8%. @clinton with 48.2%. @wins in mississippi, @mississippi, and hawaii. @ted cruz took idaho. @ mckayla barret has not been @seen since yesterday afternoon. @she was last seen wearing a @black hoodie, black pants,
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@if you have any information on @where she could be, call @police. @ tiffany? @>> reporter: john, the plan to @transform public square is @under way. @there's still a lot of work to @do. @here's what's going to be @happening over the next several @months. @there's a team laying down the @surface as well as the surface @of the county. @the cafe next to the tower is @still being built. @and the foliage. @plants, flowers, grass, will be @here in the spring, including @the underground utility work. @this is a $50 million project. @i'm told once everything is @done, imperial will reopen to @bus traffic. @>> coming up on 5:32, we're @tracking more warm weather @today. @breezy, it has a springfield. @you're halfway through the @week. @partly sunny skies.
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@the record in the low 70s. @that was actually set back in @the 1800s. @we'll see. @if we hold on to sunshine long @enough. @yesterday we hit 72 officially @at hopkins. @we're pretty much in the 50s. @we're waking up. @get the coffee going. @pack those lunches. @isn't everything a little @easier when the weather is like @this. @it really has been great. @windows open. @so many of you, we're hoping @everything looks okay. @dani? @ right now i've been keeping @track of 271 north. @i spoke to police. @they said there was an accident @in the area and fuel spilled @out on the highway. @odot has shut down the right @lane so they can clean up that @fuel. @bedford police has cleared the @season. @we're waiting for odot to shut @down.
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@see how long that will be @closed. @we know 271 north slows down @during the morning. @don't forget, we always have @that construction at state @route 8. if you're planning to @drive 271. @john and lynna, back to you. @>> all right. @dani. @thank you. @ our election coverage @continues now. @we're less than a week away @from ohio's primary election. @already more than 173,000 @voters have cast their ballots @during early voting. @voters have until this saturday @at noon to request an absentee @ballot. @they can return it by mail as @14th. @polls will be open from 6:30 @a.m. @to 7:30 p.m. @ john kasich made a big push @on home turf. @the polls show the governor @under a lot of pressure to pull @out a win over donald trump. @the home court advantage will @be his, and he can win the
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@we got fighting words from @hillary clinton last night in @ohio. @not geared at her opponents but @rather a local company. @>> the presidential candidate @spoke and said if elected, she @would take tax breaks away from @companies that took their jobs @overseas. @she called out the eaton @corporation. @>> now they're shutting down a @factory eliminating more than @100 jobs, moving that work out @of the country. @to top it off, they gave their @ceo a payout worth more than @$11 million. @>> clinton also said as @president she would work to fix @the lead problem plaguing many @cities. @not once did she mention donald @trump's name in her speech. @>> we have more coverage on our @website,, including @our interviews with john kasich @and donald trump. @it can all be found right @there. @ time right now is 5:34.
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@suspect after a man was shot in @cleveland. @not far from the clinton rally @last night. @it happened near east 36th and @community college. @police say a man was shot in @the abdomen and taken to the @medical center. @police in loraine have someone @in custody. @this all happened monday during @a fight outside of her home @near g street and massachusetts @avenue. @everyone tried to run inside to @safety, but a bullet ricocheted @off the front door and hit the @little girl. @the girl's grandmother said it @happened very quickly. @>> and then they started @running up closer. @the closer they got, the closer @you could hear the bullets @flying. @it was really scary. @i hope these guys get caught. @>> police say they're still @looking for more suspects. @maureen? @>> thank you. @topping the morning news feed, @the body of former first lady @nancy reagan will lie in repose @today.
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@taken from her los angeles home @to the presidential library. @she'll lie in repose for two @days before her funeral on @friday. @the widow of ronald reagan died @on monday. @she was 94. @she'll be buried next to her @husband that died in 2004. @ as work continues to stop @zika, sexual transmission of @the virus is more common than @previously thought. @the world heatlh organization @says there's increasing @evidence that a spike in birth @defects is caused by zika. @the virus is still mainly @spreadly mosquito bites. @the outbreak was declared as a @global emergency. @>> some really scary moments @for a san francisco reporter @standing in a 7-11 parking lot @giving a live report. @an accident sent a driver off @the road, almost slamming into
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@take a look. @-- @>> the the reporter is @crediting the photographer for @yelling get out of the way. @both men were shaken up, but @said they were grateful to be @okay. @>> i would like to thank chip. @thanks, buddy. @>> you're already. @>> you're already. @>> that's scary. @>> it's all right. @>> the the reporter had not @been able to reach his wife on @the phone. @he was hoping she didn't hear @the news from someone else @first. @you know friends are watching, @and they're texting her @probably. @hey, is he okay. @that's amazing that they are @okay. @you think about that when we do @these live shots on the side of @the road. @you wonder if that's part of @the distraction that may lead @to the crash. @>> the main thing is everybody @is okay.
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@ still ahead, are you @traveling for spring break? @what the tsa is recommending @for travelers when it comes to @time of arrival. @>> and could it be another @summer of decisions for lebron @james. @a new report out this morning @asking the question, could @lebron leave cleveland again?
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@ @ coming up on 5:41, @allegiant airline is adding @service between akron and @orlando, florida. @the year-round flight will @operate twice weekly starting @next month. @and the tsa is gearing up for a @surge of spring break @travelers. @they're asking flyers to arrive @early as the average wait time @at checkpoints has nearly @doubled in the last year. @more travelers are expected @this year compared to last with @month. @the tsa says you should print @your boarding pass early. @pack small amounts of liquids @and remember to empty your @pockets to help get through @security a lot faster. @hollie. @>> thank you, lynna.
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@this one, i'm telling you, it @really has us laughing. @the video is just starting to @trend. @it's a kid that knows the best @way to crash a wedding. @take a look at what a four-year- @old does when the bride is @about to have her special @moment down the aisle. @>> told you. @so that's the bride's nephew @who thinks he's going to hitch @a ride on the train of her @dress. @right? @that's fun. @>> wedding guests seemed amused @after the gasping and shock. @the bride's friend says the @rest of the wedding was @perfect. @>> love kids. @>> they do the darnedest @things, john. @>> it's so sudden. @>> right. @that's fantastic. @love it.
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@ all right. @has the new business year @starts today for the nfl, does @johnny manziel have just hours @left with the browns? @maybe days? @longer? @conflicting reports on the @releasing of manziel. @some say it will happen @quickly, but espn's adam @schefter says it makes sense @for the browns to hold on to @manziel for a while. @first, see if he has any value @and, second, the browns could @get bonus money back. @we'll see what happens at 4:00 @p.m. @free agency will be watched @close by with lebron james. @could he leave cleveland again. @it seems like just yesterday we @were reading the sports @illustrated article of lebron @coming home. @he said he wanted to bring a @championship to cleveland. @what if he can't. @lebron joked with the media @about his trip to miami to see @dwyane wade. @>> i'm okay to leave when i @want to leave.
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@last one to leave the gym. @thank you. @>> whether it's a workout with @wade or find another team, @lebron is free to go. @this is coming up after a @report on nbc's pro basketball said associates close @to james say the cavs better @not take lebron for granted or @put too much weight on his @shoulders or he could bolt. @the way to this entire team is @on lebron's shoulders, but you @could argue he wanted it that @way. @it was different in miami. @lebron won championships there @because bosh and wade accepted @their roles for the greater @good. @bosh became more of a defensive @player. @wade let lebron have control. @have kyrie and love accepted @their roles? @i say no. @this team still has chemistry @issues. @lebron left south beach because @the chances of winning another @championship there dried up. @we know lebron sends all kinds @of messages and tweets, but is @he doing it to leave hints or @motivate his team to get @better.
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@i don't know. @but i wouldn't be surprised. @standing in his way of winning @another championship is a very @good golden state team and a @team here at times is not very @good. @tweet me your thoughts at john @wkyc. @i would love to hear from you. @>> i think that's going to @create a lot of chatter, john. @just saying. @ okay. @we've got headlines for you @here today. @it's another warm one. @wednesday, halfway there. @it's feeling like spring again. @it's going to be really rainy @for tomorrow. @so that's probably the next big @headline. @we're changing that time ahead @an hour on sunday. @we have a lot to talk about. @we'll get to it with a look at @a plan today. @that's lovely. @it's going to be dry through @today. @9:00 a.m., we're already mid- @60s at lunch. @70s should be very doable @today. @it could end up with 70s. @we could have a high for a @record high for this date. @we'll see.
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@long we they would sunshine. @so -- they would hold the @sunshine. @we should only be in the 40s @for a high. @we're trending way above @normal. @it's 54 degrees right now. @akron, canton, 49. @upper 40s in wooster. @most of you are in upper 40s @and low to mid-50s. @rain to the west. @this is not going to have an @impact on us until tonight. @i think it's going to be later @tonight. @most of you should probably be @home for today and winding down @and kids in bed and things like @that. @10:00 a.m. @this morning. @you will see partly sunny @skies. @we see a few sprinkles that @show up over the lake. @we're not expecting any of that @to make it to the surface. @3:00 this afternoon, it looks @okay. @6:00 this evening, we start to @notice more cloud cover. @then tonight, this is 11:00. @we've got the rain showing up. @especially west. @it continues to spread eastward @after midnight. @we're going to have scattered @rain on the morning drive @tomorrow. @at times throughout the day, @we're planning on rain moderate
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@this takes us through the day @tomorrow. @4 in the afternoon, it's still @raining. @so it's going to be an all day @kind of thing. @thursday soaker really does @apply. @we dry things out friday. @we start out with a lot of @overcast skies and transfer @sunshine and slightly cooler. @as you take a look at the @window nation. @we're still talking highs on @friday. @it's still above normal. @60s this weekend. @right now, a little bit of @change. @most of saturday looks like it @should be dry with rain chances @moving in saturday night into @sunday. @so we'll keep an eye on that @one in case it changes. @you do spring ahead on sunday, @50s and 60s into next week. @doggone weather time. @5:47. @meet max. @okay. @so this is max on the last @snowy day all snuggled up. @amile, thank you so much for
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@the creativity, so money. @love the book. @that's our mantra. @>> it cease true to life. @>> totally. @>> i love it. @ channel 3 is committed to @improving literacy. @did you know reading out loud @to kids is essential to their @growth and development, @according to experts. @researchers found just over a @third of parents say they read @to their kids for at least 15 @minutes a day. @reading should start at birth @to promote healthy brain @development, build literacy @skills and prepare them for the @start of school. @>> an iconic appliance has @announced a change. @bull able to buy a smaller @kitchen aid mixer. @it has a bowl size of 3-quarts. @that's 3% lighter and shorter. @so it has to be cheaper. @kind of? @it will cost you 399.
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@>> ben and jerry's is expected @to reveal a new flavor today. @yesterday the company revealed @two of its three newest flavors @of ice cream, brownie batter @core and cookies and cream @cheesecake core. @they want to keep their flavor @launch funky and fresh. @snap chat was created to @socialize with friends, but now @companies are taking advantage @of it. @>> it's 5:49. @coming up, ways to save. @>> speaking of funky and fresh, @matt shows us how to tell if a @product review is authentic or @fake. @>> more food options. @we're going to show you the @local restaurants that are @signing up to join us at @progressive field. @dani -- @>> look at that. @>> i'm gaining weight just @looking at it. @right now, we're looking good. @normal drive times, if you take
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@prepared to move over between @broadway forbes because of @accident cleanup. @hopefully they can get this @cleared before 6:30 a.m. @when the traffic picks up.
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@ @>> nbc's the carmichael show @returns for its second season @starting tonight. @get as special preview after @the voice before moving to its @regular time sundays at 9:00 @this weekend. @rod carmichael stars in the @series that's based on his own @experiences with his family in @north carolina. @hollie will be talking with @amber stevens west who played @maxine on the show later this @morning. @>> how about that? @ progressive field will have
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@options. @the indians are partnering with @more restaurants. @they're adding nachos, @sandwiches, and hand crafted @pizzas from dante's infern @know. @then you can wash it down with @craft beers. @>> yes, please. @>> you know, no offense to @march, but i really want @baseball to get here. @then nba playoffs. @let's just call it april 1st. @>> sounds good to me. @ how does this sound? @there's one app you really need @to see. @>> matt granite shows us a site @that spots fake product @reviews. @>> great to be with you @alongside one of the coolest @free apps and websites i have @ever used. @if you shop online like i to, @you probably live and breathe @user reviews. @the problem, not only are a @huge percentage of those
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@companies are giving out @freebies to get reviews @written. @it's a disgusting world of @deals if you don't play your @cards carefully. @>> i screen through everything @i can. @one of the favorite website us @use to analyze reviews is @called @paste the review where you need @the analysis made, and in a @matter of seconds, you get an @opinion. @for example, on this @surveillance camera, fake spot @has determined that 60% of the @reviews tied to this product @are most likely fake. @they've detected low quality @reviews. @they gave it a thumbs up and @detected legit reviews on the @spot., a great @review. @>> i rely on those reviews. @>> you do. @and then you normally think,
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@well, who did they get fives @from? @>> we'll give hollie a five. @>> she's a ten. @>> you're a ten. @i love you both. @>> i love you. @>> it's great. @this is the thing. @we're tracking rain. @it's to the west as we take a @look at what's going to happen @through the course of the next @several hours. @i don't think much in the way @of wet weather today. @chances are 20% or less. @if you see a sprinkle, it's @going to be not something @that's pretty common. @in fact, most of you will see @sunshine throughout the day. @it's not until tonight and @later tonight that we start to @notice the rain moving in. @this is 11:30 p.m. @so you're home. @winding things down. @and then overnight and @tomorrow, pretty much a soaker @of a thursday. @so we are going to be tracking @a lot of wet weather. @that's going to be slowdowns @before we start to dry things @out again on friday. @in the meantime, i think it's @going to be as warm as can be. @70 degrees, partly sunny skies,
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@we'll see if those warm @temperatures stick around. @ hollie, thank you. @ public square renovations @started and we'll have a live @update with tiffany. @ plus, all the results from @the primary elections overnight @and why bernie sanders is suing @ohio's secretary of state. @5:57, a look at the national @media already setting up ahead @of ohio's primary over on the @east 9th street peer.
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talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, only one guy's done more he'll do for america what he's done for us. create jobs. four hundred thousand jobs here in ohio. brought 'em back from mexico and china. turned our deficit into a surplus. more jobs? an america that works? new day for america is responsible for the content
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@ @hello cleveland. @hello, ohio. @>> one of my dreams was to make @sure that cleveland could rise. @>> and we look forward to going @to ohio. @>> we're in the middle of march @madness. @>> and more madness is coming @our way. @all eyes are on ohio and @florida this morning as the @race for the nomination @continues to heat up.


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