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tv   Channel 3 News Today  NBC  March 9, 2016 6:00am-7:00am EST

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@ @hello cleveland. @hello, ohio. @>> one of my dreams was to make @sure that cleveland could rise. @>> and we look forward to going @to ohio. @>> we're in the middle of march @madness. @>> and more madness is coming @our way. @all eyes are on ohio and @florida this morning as the @race for the nomination @continues to heat up.
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@surprise from the primary. @>> plus, we have all the @overnight results. @what donald trump had to stay @when we asked him about jobs in @ohio. @>> we're hitting in the 70s @again today. @>> it's a good problem to have. @good morning to you. @6:01 right now. @over my shoulder you can see @that it's rain to our west. @we'll get to it, but i think @we're going to squeeze out a @really great day before it @happens. @60 at 9:00. @65 at noon. @70 at 5:00 today. @it was 72 yesterday. @today's record high is 73. @set back in the 1800s. @if we hold on to sunshine, we @could have a record on our @hands. @as we take a look, we're 50s, @mid to upper 40s.
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@i will let you know exactly @when it arrives. @good morning, dani. @ good morning. @hollie. @we take a look at the traffic @map. @we're looking green and clen to @the to -- green and clean to @the south. @even state route 8 is all green @between macedonia and akron. @green and clean, no problems on @the north 71, 480, 77. @we're still waiting for 271 to @clear out. @422 also looks great. @271 north. @that right lane remains at @accident cleanup. @highway. @we're not seeing any delays on @271 north. @>> 6:02, we start with a late @night surprise in michigan's @primary. @>> bernie sanders pulled out a @win against hillary clinton @despite polls that showed
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@in the end, it was a close one. @sanders with 49.8%. @clinton with 48.2%. @clinton did win in mississippi. @now, to the gop. @donald trump took home wins in @hawaii. @ted cruz took idaho. @and it was another bad night @for marco rubio. @a good night for our governor @john kasich who's also way off @in the latest nbc news wall @street journal poll. @and kasich is promising a win @here in ohio. @when voters head to the polls @next tuesday. @>> well, john and i had the @opportunity to talk to donald @trump yesterday. @the republican front runner @told us he needs to win ohio. @>> in the phone interview, we @asked trump his specific plan @to bring jobs here to buckeye @state. @>> well, i would bring them @back from china and japan. @i would bring our industry @back. @i would bring them back from @mexico. @you're losing a lot of business @to mexico. @ohio is losing a lot of
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@we'll bring our jobs back. @we'll bring your companies @back. @we're going to lower taxes very @substantially. @i have a major tax cut for @everybody. @the people are getting a major @tax cut. @it's the biggest tax cut of @all. @and you will see. @things will be -- it will be @like magic. @it will be like a great thing. @>> when talking to trump, we @asked him about a running mate. @trump said he would consider @our governor, john kasich. @>> tom berras asked kasich @about that here in a campaign @stop in northeast ohio. @>> donald trump made the @statement that he would be glad @to consider you as a @prospective vice president @candidate. @>> very kind of him. @>> what are your thoughts on @that? @>> no. @i'm governor of ohio. @i'm either going to be @president or i'm going to @remain as governor of ohio and @finish my job here. @i'm really not interested in @anything like. @that but maybe i should @consider him if i become the
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@a good chance of getting. @>> bernie sanders filed a @lawsuit to allow 17-year-olds @who turned 18 before the @general election to vote in the @ohio presidential primary next @week. @sanders claims republican ohio @secretary of state john houston @is blocking young minority @voters. @however, he said he has not @changed the law. @now they have to rule on the @interpretation of election @rules. @ we have more on decision @2016 at, including our @full interviews with donald @trump and governor john kasich @results. @projects to transform downtown @are now in the fast track. @>> one year ago today, @construction began on public @square. @this morning tiffany tarply is @progress. @>> could you believe it. @it was around the same time @last year that road closed @signs started going up.
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@up these barricades. @you know public square was @mostly known as a transit hub. @they want to turn into this a @green space, a park like @setting. @let's show them what happens. @i'm told progress is being made @daily. @you can see the ground and most @of the trees are in. @the designs shows a fountain in @the ice skating rink in the @winter. @there will be a cafe. @the renovation was left with @some opposition. @it's believed this is a symbol @of cleveland's transformation. @this is their front yard or @call it. @the public space has it for @meeting. @if we didn't do this, i think @we would be limiting the growth @of city. @coming up in the next half @hour, i will let you know if @this project is on track to be @completed before the republican
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@lynna, they wanted to have it @done by june 1s. @>> sounds great. @today an akron man will be @sentenced for killing his @brother. @ivory thomas pled guilty. @he got into a fight with his @brother and stabbed him in the @neck. @thomas left the scene. @he was arrested a few days @later. @thomas faces up to eleven years @in prison. @ police in chagrin falls are @searching for a girl they say @has been missing since tuesday @afternoon. @mckayla barrett has not been @seen since yesterday. @she was last seen wearing a @black hoodie, black shirt, back @pants and black shoes. @if you have any idea where she @could be, call police. @morning newsfeed. @ a former marine accused of @shooting an idaho pastor is @under awest. @kyle andrew odom was arrested @late last night.
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@shot idaho pastor tim remington @and flew from boise to d.c. to @throw papers on the white house @lawn. @he wrote that remington was a @mashen. @the pastor is in critical @condition. @a manhunt in missouri. @a man suspected in a quadruple @murder. @we're just learning the suspect @you see right here was caught @hiding in a ditch. @100 officers and helicopters @searched for hours in kansas @city. @police say he shot four people @in the house next to him @killing four men. @the victim's names are not @being released until family is @notified. @the u.s. is home to a record @number of millionaires. @300,000 millionaires were added @in 2015 according to research @group spectrum. @that means there are 10.4 @million millionaires living in @the u.s. with really big money.
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@of 25 million or more. @there are ways to calculate @this. @you can plug it in, but @basically you save $500 a month @and had really good returns, @you would spend about 40 years @saving to hit a million. @>> i would like a list of those @names, please. @they're my new friends. @>> my new best friend. @>> 6:09. @how about this. @one baseball team had a major @problem on their hand. @the game was delayed when the @warm of bees took over, but a @fan, yes, that's a fan that @jumped in to save the day. @why this was no ordinary fan, @next in my biggest winners. @ and credit card debt is @soaring again in the u.s. @ it's 6:09. @we're tracking another great @spring like day. @temperatures mainly 50s as @you're waking up this @wednesday.
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@we're thinking highs around 70 @degrees again today. @ialert has you covered no @matter what time of year it is. @closings are instant. @you never need to think about a @thing. @don't you weenies -- waste any @energy. @we've got you covered. @what a fantastic sunrise. @a few minutes before 7:00 this @morning.
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@ @money news at 6:13. @credit card debt in this @country is only getting worse. @america's credit card debt as @surpassed the $900 billion @mark. @this is after rising another @$700 billion in 2015 alone. @the numbers show when all the
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@in the 1st quarter, americans @pay off 35 billion in debt. @that's good. @we back that up in the 2nd @quarter by raising the debt @another 32 billion. @so we paid off some debt and @then we go shopping. @>> right. @>> well, how about some better @news for the local economy. @sales of new vehicles in @northern ohio soared for the @month of february. @the greater cleveland @autodealer's association @reports a 17% jump in sales @compared to last year. @the cleveland autoshow gave @sales a boost, but the best @selling brand in the area was @chevrolet. @>> all right. @let's talk about this weather. @what a day. @if you have a convertible -- @>> i was thinking the same @thing. @>> sunroof is open. @tomorrow we'll be closing @everything. @we're tracking rain, but a @beautiful day. @as you're headed out to the bus @stop, temperatures are in the @50s. @if you made a date of birth, @it's middle and upper 40s. @that's still way above our @normal high.
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@we can mange to make it through @jackets. @by late today, you won't even @need those. @it's going to feel so warm @again. @tomorrow is the rainy day of @the week. @we're tracking plenty of rain. @here. @we've got the time change on @sunday where we spring ahead. @i will remind you every single @day. @70 at 5, partly sunny skies, @evening. @it looks like a breezy day. @right now, though, look at how @mild it is. @all across the country. @behind the front you see cooler @air. @we'll tap into that. @you will see it's not going to @be that big of a deal. @seven-day is coming up. @right now it's 40s and 50s. @44 a normal high this day. @record is in the low 70s. @we'll be awfulfully close, @especially if we hold on to the @sun. @rain is off to the west as we
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@it's just a mix of clouds and @sunshine. @10:30 this morning, low 60s, @just beautiful as can be into @the afternoon too. @middle and upper 60s, low 70s. @it looks like we start to see @more cloud cover toward @dinnertime and then it's later @tonight that we start to see @the rain from west to east. @it's 11:30. @rain is moving in. @we continue overnight into your @morning commute thursday. @and it's not going to be for @the morning drive tomorrow. @we'll have slowdowns. @it's all wet weather. @nothing else. @it's going to stay warm, but @it's going to be moderate to @heavy at times. @and certainly that means slower @on the roads. @your patience, things like @that. @friday, we start to clear out @and eventually bring back some @sunshine. @highs today, i think 70, i do. @with sunshine it could end up @being low 70s and the record is @73. @we might have a tie. @65 rain tomorrow.
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@normal high. @saturday looks mainly dry @during the day with next rain @chances moving in saturday @it's 6:17. @commute. @>> @ @ good morning to you. @things first. @the good news is the hardest @thing we're dealing with is the @right lane is blocked on 271 @north at broadway avenue. @all you need to do is get over @to the left to adjust. @now, we're not seeing any @delays on 271 north between @macedonia and heights. @it's a 7-minute commute. @those are fairly normal drive @times. @we're looking green and clean @on both 271 north and south @through that area. @in fact, we're looking good on @the entire traffic map. @we're starting to see that slow @traffic into downtown on 71 @north through the construction @zone just before the inner belt
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@and 490. @it is an 8-minute commute. @that's a normal drive time. @john and lynna, back to you. @>> keep watching this. @everyone come to the tv. @time for the biggest winners @and losers today. @just winners. @incredible shot to win a @mater. @the team is trailing by two @points. @in the final seconds of the @championship game, they have @basket. @look at what happens. @we're going to go to the video. @here comes the play. @the inbound pass. @tipped right to stallworth. @turns and hits from half court @to win the championship game. @crowd goes wild. @the photographer goes wild. @that's why he got all shaky. @st. vincent and st. mary caps @off a dramatic half court shot @to win it at the buzzer. @here's the team picture now.
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@they won a holiday tournament. @great job by coach tj for @hitting that shot. @what a great way to finish an @incredible season. @if you would like to nominate @an all-star. @e-mail it. @tweet them to me at john wkyc. @bonus time. @another biggest winner. @once again we have a swarm of @bees taking over a royal spring @training game. @have no fear. @in the stands was this huge @royal fan named lowell @hutchinson. @he's been going to royals game @for years. @he comes in handy. @he's a retired beekeeper. @you've got to have one of them @in the stands. @he takes care of the problem. @nice job, lowell. @he'll never fully retire thanks @to the royals' bee problem. @one year ago, a swarm of bees @delayed the royals game.
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@march 8th. @>> right. @>> how about that. @he knew what to do. @i got it. @i will take care of the @problem. @>> that's a professional. @>> wow. @the bee whisperer. @>> good stuff. @ 6:20 right now. @moneyman matt granite has more @savings for us. @this time it's a website that @will offer you deals and @savings tips, coming up. @>> great. @>> let's check in with hollie. @ weather out your window, @another reason to look at your @tv. @this is literally weeks ago. @we did have snow on the ground, @but notice the daffodils were @peeking through. @as we kind of look back, a sign @of what we're dealing with now. @see how this all comes full @circle. @thank you for the photo. @pretty fantastic. @thank you for all the pictures @you've been sending in with @this beautiful weather we've @been having.
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@ @ 6:23 right now. @some of the best online reviews @and deals are all in police. @another great site. @>> great to be with you. @these days, it's not easy to @get an unbiased opinion when it @comes to a bargain. @every day here, i strive to @find savings. @where i'm testing the items, no @companies are ever paying us to @talk about them. @i'm able to produce price drops @for you with all sorts of @perspective that keeps your @savings in mind. @not an easy thing to come by. @take a look at one of the @favorite resources. @i think it offers not only @great product reviews but all @sorts of ways to keep on @budget. @it's called @it is a real site. @simple things like 15 ways to @cut your heating cost.
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@not just blogs but also actual @deals and breakdowns. @for example, if you're looking @for a tv, the best cheap led @tvs. @simple links to take you @through to your purchase and @see them compared side by side. @of course every day on our @website i have you covered. @back to you. @>> store brand drugs, save up @to 79%. @that's great. @it's a good deal right there. @>> never heard the site until @matt told us. @ 73 is the record for today. @i think we'll come very close. @70 is a very safe hunch for @today with partly sunny skies. @cloud cover on the increase @later. @depending on how long we hold @the sunshine, we could very @well end up with a tie on our @hands. @regardless, really warm for @this time of year. @again, partly sunny skies. @beautiful sunrise. @we're minutes away from it this @morning. @now, as we get a look at the @travel map, we're tracking @rain. @and there's plenty of it.
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@i will let you know exactly @when it moves in coming up. @keep those umbrellas handy. @let's put it that way. @we're following breaking news @out of seattle where a gas @explosion has leveled buildings @and injured nine firefighters. @also in a state of indiana, a @cheese. @health reasons.
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@ @right now at 6:30. @welcome back, everyone. @i'm johnson. @>> i'm lynna lai. @first, we're talking politics @after a night being referred to @as super tuesday too. @>> the big winner from last @night, donald trump and bernie @sanders. @here to talk about this is @peter alexander live in west @palm beach this morning. @peter, all the attention is @there in florida. @of course we're seeing it here @in ohio. @>> reporter: yeah, i was going @to say a hot in your home state @up next. @donald trump is now home here @in what is one of his home @states of florida after what @was another significant @victorious night for the @republican front runner with @double digit winds in @mississippi, hawaii, missouri
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@marco rubio gained zero @delegates between the four @states that voted. @he faces real pressure before @he heads back here to florida, @his home state. @on the democratic side, a real @surprise in michigan. @bernie sanders snuck out a @narrow victory over hillary @clinton by less than two @points. @it has the potential to extend @this race when clinton would @rather focus her fire on donald @trump going forward. @we'll have the latest coming up @on today. @back to you. @>> all right. @so, peter, when marco rubio -- @with marco rubio having another @bad night and john kasich had a @good night. @how loud are the rumblings for @rubio to exit the race. @>> well, there's obviously @going to be a lot of pressure @on marco rubio that he needs to @get out now. @right now there's more evidence @that the longer this field @remains divided, the more it @serves as an advantage.
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@night, the second place finish, @he's battling for second. @in michigan with what appeared @to be sort of a victory speech @right now. @recognize ohio's governor has @zero wins in 24 states and @puerto rico that have voted so @far. @so he badly needs to do well in @ohio. @he's the first to admit it. @when asked if rumors spread @whether he would consider @sharing a ticket with one of @the other individuals as a vice @president, he said absolutely @not. @>> he told us. @>> he sure did. @>> he said he's going to be @president or stay governor. @peter, thank you so much. @ and we have complete @election coverage on our @website,, including @interviews with governor john @kasich and donald trump. @the latest numbers from the @primary elections are there @too. @>> as well as our weather @forecast. @>> i will tell you what, no @complaints in west palm beach. @>> yeah. @>> i don't think we should have @any right here in cleveland @either. @>> who needs it. @>> west palm beach when we've
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@it's another beautiful day. @if you're just waking up and @tuning in, we're waking up to @partly cloudy skies. @most of you are in the 50s @right now. @44 normal high for this day. @that's up a degree from @yesterday's average. @we're still way above it. @70 the high. @that's the plan. @we'll start to see more cloud @cover later today. @in the meantime, here's where @you're all situated. @mansfield, you're at 58 @degrees. @62 degrees downtown. @upper 50s, 57 in hopkins right @now. @beautiful for this time of the @day. @we're tracking rain. @you see showers to our west. @i'm going to let you know @exactly when they do arrive. @they need to have that umbrella @handy. @we're not talking snow shovels. @how are things looking so far. @>> things are looking pretty @good. @we're starting to track a @little bit of slow traffic on @the traffic map. @so if you take the west @shoreway near west 75th, that's @as you're approaching lakewood, @we're seeing slow traffic.
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@minutes to your commute. @slowing 71 north into the inner @belt bridge there. @'s a picture at clark avenue @where we're not seeing big @delays on 71 north. @i track that drive time for you @between 480 and 490. @it's a 9-minute commute. @that's normal. @we're starting to see slowing @on forbes and bedford because @we have the right lane blocked @because of accident cleanup. @it looks like they're cleaning @up or it's getting better. @the fuel was spilled on the @highway. @time on 271 north between route @8 and 480. @it's a 12-minute commute. @that's about a 3-4- minute @delay. @if they don't clear out soon, @you can expect delays to go up. @ 6:34, a local man accused @of calling the secret service @and threatening to kill both @the president and hillary @clinton will be in court today. @jonathan smeed made the call @from his grandmother's home on @cleveland's west side.
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@the call and he didn't know why @he made the threat. @he was arrested last week. @ a former euclid high @guidance counselor has been @arrested on charges she had a @sexual relationship with a @student. @she's charged with four counts @of sexual battery and one count @of tampering with evidence. @euclid police say smith began @an inappropriate and sexual @relationship with an 18-year- @old student in december. @the euclid board of education @placed her on leave in january. @smith later resigned. @police say they're searching @for a suspect after a man was @shot in cleveland not far from @last night's clinton rally. @it happened near east 36th and @community college. @police say a man was shot in @the abdomen. @he was taken to metrohealth @medical center. @his condition is not known. @>> talk about the primary being @a week away. @we're 131 days away from the @republican republican national @convention here in cleveland. @the public square we've known
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@roads closed for a $50 million @ren nation. @tiffany -- renovation. @tiffany, how are they doing? @>> reporter: john, they're @doing well. @anytime you're talking about @change, there's going to be @opposition. @this transformation has been @talked about for quite some @time. @some of the concerns initially, @of course, were the fact that @they had to shut this area down @so traffic had to be rerouted. @some people were concerned, @would emergency vehicles will @able to get through. @then you have the bus stop @changes here and so a lot of @people, we've been seeing them @here this morning. @they've had to make the longer @walk to get to their transfers @or get to their destination, @but all in all, it hasn't @changed the progress here at @public square. @>> a year ago we were begging @forgiveness from people for @traffic disruptions. @i think people learned to deal @with it and they've been @excited to see the project take @shape over time.
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@everything is scheduled to be @complete at june 1st. @of course ahead of the @republican national convention. @coming up in the next half hour @or so, around 6:50, i'm going @to let you know what's going to @be happening over the next few @months to make sure everything @is done. @maureen? @>> tiffany, thank you so much. @ topping the morning @newsfeed, we're following @breaking news out of seattle. @we're just hearing at least @nine firefighters were injured. @several buildings were @destroyed. @the nbc station there is @calling it a gas explosion, but @we don't know many details at @this point. @these are images just coming @in. @people have also been tweeting. @glass is shattered on the @sidewalks. @again, we're getting more @information about this @explosion throughout the @morning, and we'll bring you @updates as they become @available. @ the body of former first
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@repose beginning today. @mrs. reagan's remains were @taken on sunday from her home @in los angeles to the reagan @library. @she was 94 years old. @she died on monday. @ as work continues to stop @the spread of zika, officials @are saying sexual transmission @of the virus is more prevalent @than originally thought. @the spike in birth defects is @said to be caused by zika, but @health officials say it's @mainly spread by kuos. @by-- mosquitoes. @it's declared a health @emergency. @ this photo was taken by a @high school student. @it shows mold on the school's @food. @the lid of an individually @packaged cream cheese. @on the top is covered in thick @green mold. @the student took it to the @principal who alerted the @cafeteria staff. @the staff said they didn't find
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@precaution, they were all @thrown away. @they're in the process of out @sourcing the cafeteria staff to @a national food service @company. @just a reminder there, double- @check your cream cheese at @school today. @>> hope they have better luck @in the future. @>> yeah. @ still more to come. @after the break, it's ways to @save time. @>> great advice on how to spot @fake reviews online. @>> hollie. @>> we're talking about another @spring like forecast for your @wednesday. @you're halfway there. @it's going to be 70 for a high. @sun is up in a few minutes from @now. @it looks like a fabulous day. @breezy, springy. @it's changing, though. @we have rain to track for you. @we're going to let you know @when that moves in.
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@stories trending online this @morning. @the man behind many of the @beatles' biggest hits has died. @he's being remembered by music @lovers and celebrities. @he's known as the fifth beatle. @he has so many credits. @he's credited with giving them @their shot in liverpool. @he suggested strings added to @yesterday. @he was awarded knighthood in @1995. @ringo tweeted thank you for @your kindness. @peace and love. @boy george called him a @gentleman and a legend. @paul mccartney shared this @picture. @saying george was a gentleman @and like a second father to @him. @he was 94 years old.
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@ @the video is starting to trend. @this little guy wanted to get @in on the action at his aunt's @wedding. @she started to walk down the @ail, and he catapults right in @and jumps on the train of her @dress. @another guest pulls the boy off @the dress. @wedding guests seem to be @amused after the gasping of @shock. @the bride's friend said the @rest of the wedding was @perfect. @i just can't get enough of @that. @he's never going to live it @down. @there's one app you really need @to see. @>> money man matt granite shows @us the site that spots fake @product reviews in today's ways @to save.
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@if you shop online like i do, @user reviews. @the problem, not only are a @huge per text message of those @reviews fake, but a lot of @companies are giving out @freebies to get reviews @written. @it's a disgusting world of @deals. @take a look. @i screen through everything i @can. @one of the favorite websites i @use to analyze reviews is @called @simply paste the product review @and in a matter of seconds, you @get an opinion. @>> on this surveillance camera @system, fake spot has @determined that 60% of the @are fake. @they gave this a thumbs up and @detected legit reviews on the @spot. @if you needed to check anything
6:46 am @>> great information there. @thank you. @ so, hollie, we could break @>> right. @well, we're going to come @>> okay. @>> that's a certainty. @day. @it was set back in the 1800s. @we're going for 70. @that means it's all about mild @here's the thing. @jordan was here. @he's a production assistant. @this is how he came dressed @today. @>> i'm surprised he got in the @building. @>> short sleeves, shorts. @jordan, we love you. @we call him jordan the jokester @because he literally writes @jokes on our script. @you're a gem. @>> love you, jordan. @>> love you more than words. @jordie has the the right idea. @i bet so many of you are going @to be shorts and flip-flops and @soaking it up. @the rain is on the way
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@we're going to get to all of @that. @partly sunny skies. @dry through today. @that's where the record high @could be a little confusing @because i do think this cloud @cover may cap temperatures off @around 70 this afternoon. @if that happens, we'll be a @little shy. @temperatures, 40s and 50s. @it's so nice and warm. @as we zoom in, 50 in akron, 58 @in mansfield. @ashtabula is 52. @hopkins is 57 degrees. @downtown, we've been in the low @60s this morning. @rain to the west. @no worries for this morning's @drive. @i don't think it's going to @move in until tonight and late @tonight. @most of you should be home. @like i said, kind of winding @your day down, relaxing. @kids should be sleeping. @this is 7:00 this evening. @it is still dry. @we have all the cloud cover in @place. @look what happens, though, @11ish after midnight, here @comes the rain showers. @it's going to be periodic
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@this is not just a morning @event. @it's all day long we'll be @having this on and off rain. @at times. @this is 5 tomorrow evening and @into tomorrow night before @things finally do clear a bit @into friday. @it's going to cool off behind @this front too. @here's your window nation 7-day @forecast. @by friday, we're talking highs @in the 50s. @that's much cooler compared to @today and tomorrow. @it is still above normal. @45 is a high today. @60s this weekend. @most of saturday day looks dry. @the next chance of rain @saturday night into sunday. @don't forget we spring ahead an @hour. @ 6:48. @suzanne sent this amazing @picture in. @you're going to have to look at @your television. @we have julia and francis, both @english bulldogs soaking up the @sun, living the good life. @francis just seven months. @aren't they the most fabulous
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@will you -- seen there your @life. @will you look at the pose. @we thank you for this morning's @smile. @>> thank you much. @ after the break, your @morning rush. @ right now, let's check in @with maureen. @>> thanks, you guys. @coming up after the break, we @have the results from super @tuesday 2. we have the @surprises, the winners, and @where the candidates stand.
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@time for top stories. @hollie has your forecast. @dani has another check on the @roads. @>> tiffany with an update on @construction in public square. @first, maureen, a result of the @primary? @>> we start with a big surprise @out of michigan where bernie @sanders pulled out a huge win @over hillary clinton, despite @polls showing hillary had the @lead there. @bernie sanders got 49.8% of the @vote while hillary clinton got @48.2%. @clinton, though, did win @mississippi. @when it comes to the gop, trump @took home wins in michigan, @mississippi, and hawaii. @ted cruz took idaho. @donald trump is leading the @republican race with 446 @delegates. @ted cruz has 347. @marco rubio has 151. @john kasich has 54. @on the democratic side, hillary @clinton is still in the lead
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@little more than halfway to the @2,382 delegates needed. @lynna, over to you. @>> thanks, maureen. @ there's another @presidential debate tonight. @this time it's the democrats. @bernie sanders and hillary @clinton will meet in miami in a @debate moderated by reports @from univision and the @washington post. @>> it's their second debate in @four days. @>> we're less than a week away @from ohio. @already more than 173,000 @voters have cast their ballots @during early voting. @voters have until saturday at @noon to request an absentee @ballot by mail. @they can return it as long as @it's posted by the 14th. @tiffany? @>> john, one year later the @project to transform public @square is on track to become @complete on time and ahead of @the republican national @convention. @we watched as these gates here
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@construction workers this @morning. @there's still a lot to do here, @though. @here is what's going to be @happening over the next few @months there. @'s a team laying down the @surface as well as the surface @of the fountain. @the cafe next to the terminal @tower is being built. @the plants, flowers, all the @grass will be here in the @spring, including the @underground utility. @it totals $50 million. @i'm told superior will reopen @once this entire project is @complete. @>> john in. @>> as the new business starts @here today at 4:00 p.m. @for the nfl. @does johnny manziel have just @hours left. @maybe days longer. @there are conflicts reports of @the releasing of manziel. @some say they may wait to see @if he has any value. @if he's suspended, they may be @able to get back some of that @bonus money.
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@with the nfl today. @let's see how the roads are @looking with dani. @ it's very busy traffic on @271 northbound because of this @fuel cleanup. @forbes road, an update. @the ramp to 271 north is shut @down in bedford oakwood village @area. @here's a picture in the area. @we're starting to see stop-and- @go traffic on 271 north between @macedonia and bedford. @here is the drive time for you. @it's typically a 9-minute @commute. @right now it's 22 minutes. @>> wow, we just saw that go @from -- we'll keep you updated @through the today show. @traffic conditions, the @weather, thankfully, is not @going to be an issue. @it's a warm wednesday. @we're forecasting highs around @70. @the sun is coming up as we @speak. @it will be partly sunny sky. @breezy today. @rain moves in tonight. @it's going to be a rainy @thursday. @100%.
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@60s, friday we'll cool it off a @wee bit. @>> the today show is next. @live political interviews. @actor john goodman. @he looks fantastic. @i hope he'll talk about all the @weight that he's lost and how @he's doing. @he looks great. @>> in the meantime, i hope you
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7:00 am
good morning. good night. donald trump stays ahead in the republican contest. >> i wouldn't say anybody didn't do well who didn't do well. only one person did well tonight. donald trump. >> brings props to his victory rally to take on critics of his business empire. >> make the finest wine, as good of wine as you can get anywhere in the world. >> we'll join us live. on the democratichillary clinton's hopes to lock up the nomination dashes with bernie


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