tv Channel 3 News Sunrise NBC March 11, 2016 5:00am-6:00am EST
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@look at what happened and @ and we're following @everything you need to know @heading into tuesday's primary @election. @>> coming up a look at the big @difference we saw in the @candidates during last nights @debate and where you'll find @the candidates around northeast @ohio this weekend. @ first let's get a check on @the weather before you head out @the door. @>> thank you, john. @a great friday morning to you @and it is going to start off @with much cooler vibe and feel @so you'll be grabbing jackets @today and probably staying away @from the shorts and flip-flops. @we're going to be right around @50 degrees. @that is still pleasant for this @time of the year. @patience with the cloud cover. @i think it does kind of hold on @through this morning and what @even into early afternoon and @if you're along the lake shore @especially, we're planning on @mainly cloudy skies so by noon @time we'll start to at least @see a mix of clouds and @sunshine for the vast majority @patience. @right now the difference is a @lot as far as the feel of @things, upper 30s to near 40
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@mornings we've been in the 50s, @this is going to definitely @start your day differently so @make sure you have your coats @today and winds pretty light is @the good news. @5-10 miles an hour sustain and @totally dry. @that will change through the @weekend i'll let you know next @chance of rain right now we @have a look at your friday @commute. @>> we've made it to friday. @congratulations and @congratulations on the commute. @i'd like to sabals it's clear. @no accidents or major delays @for those of you who travel the @77-480 interchange in @independence everything looking @great. @the drive time on 77 between @480 and i90, seven minutes @headed north into downtown, @seven minutes headed south and @a traffic alert from rta for @those of you who take it, rta @buses will replace trains east @of tower city through the @morning rush and i'll tweet @that out. @john and lena,b to you. @ this morning an el early
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@village home caught fire. @>> tiffany tarpley joins us @live and the state fire @marshall's office is involved @here. @>> they are and you know it's @still unclear exactly how long @it may take for them to figure @out exactly how this fire @started but you can see it here @behind me. @it is boarded up this morning @significantly damaged. @let's show you just how intense @these flames were last night. @we have cell phone footage. @welander an elderly couple @likely in their 80s lived at @this home and the man got out @but the woman did not. @firefighters say they've @collected a lot of stuff over @the years but they aren't going @as far as calling this a @hording situation. @witnesses are stunned. @>> the flames were above the @chimney and it was very hot and @it was just scary that @something like that can happen @so close to my house. @>> of course a lot of questions @still remain this morning and @we're waiting to learn more
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@in this fire. @live in bay village, tiffany @tarply, channel 3 news. @>> thank you. @ an update now to that @spectacular propane tank @explosion at crocker park. @all stores and restaurants are @expected to be back open this @morning and investigators are @still looking into what caused @that propane to explode at a @construction site for american @greetings. @no one was hurt thank goodness. @mall officials say only the @parking deck behind trader @joe's will remain closed today. @we are just days away from @ohio's primary elect and the @candidates hope campaign @rallies across our area will @swing voters their way. @today bernie sander will be @into lead a and tomorrow @hillary clinton and donald @trump will be in cleveland. @government none will also be @making stops in mansfield @tomorrow and strongsville on @sunday and all of this is @bringing the national spotlight
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@and we are live in lakewood @where msnbc will be @broadcasting live in the next @hour. @will? @>> john they are out here @setting up a few moments ago. @they arrived yesterday to get @things ready but here this @morning they are getting here @getting everything set up for @morning joe which begins at @6:00 a.m. @and that's when their coverage @begins every day through the @weekend, 6:00 a.m. @right along the broadcast will @continue as business as usual. @customers serving as the back @drop in the atmosphere for @shows. @for months the network visited @local businesses all along the @primary trail. @the crew arrived as i mentioned @from michigan where they voted @on tuesday and now in ohio they @will relocate at the westin on @monday and bringing ingests @talking key issues for our @state all the while getting a @vibe from the voters with @tuesday's big primary. @>> kind of get the political @conversation going and to see @how people are feeling and what @their issues are and their @concerns. @>> obviously the focus now on @ohio a lot of cruising here
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@reporters, a lot of people in @here, volunteers trying to get @out the vote. @that means a big economic boost @for the city and the state as @well. @we keep hearing about the @economic boost to the rnc will @provide but remember being a @key swing state also has its @advantages as well guys. @>> that's right will. @thank you and our decision 2016 @coverage continues in just five @minutes. @we recap last nights gop @debate. @what was so different about the @candidates last night and the @big endorsement one front @runners expecting today. @we'll have that all coming up @at 5:10. @ police in north ridgeville @are looking for a woman behind @carjacking. @this is video from last friday @at the bp on lorain road. @police say a woman went into @the victim's car while she was @pumping her gas. @well the female suspect took @out a gun and ordered the @victim to drive down the road @before she got out and fled. @the suspect left her bicycle at @the bp. @if you have any information on @police.
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@great city. @the mayor made his 11th city @yesterday. @he explained why a half percent @income tax will be needed next @year, what's at stake in @passing a new school levy and @invest in neighborhoods. @he said the city is ready for @anything that may happen during @a republican convention focused @on donald trim. @ huntington bank has @announced plans to consolidated @or close more than 100 @locations and nearly half of @those are in north east ohio. @in january, huntington @announced his acquisition of @akron based first merit bank. @well yesterdays announcement @impacts both huntington and @first merit locations. @huntington officials say the @company will offer ongoing @employment to employees whose @locations close. @the closures will happen over @the next year. @ time is almost 5:07 the @fast food breakfast wars @continue. @we told you you yesterday about @mcdonald's testing a bigger all @day breakfast menu.
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@to the border even earlier in @the morning. @the deal they have for you in @the morning news feed. @endorsement for donald trump? @who he will be supporting, who @will support him later today, @coming up next. @so exciting. @we're waking up with a lot of @overcast skies temperatures are @upper 30s to near 40, 38 at @today. @we'll end up pretty close to @50, i think that's a really @good number for most of you @with the exception of if you're @along the lake it will be @cooler with 40 for highs today @there. @we're going to track is some @rain, we'll let you know @exactly when it impacts your @weekend weather that's coming
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@ @ some are calling last @nights gop debate in florida, @miami nice as the candidates @went after the issues more than @each other last night. @>> they tackled immigration, @taxes and education. @tracy potts has been following @every move the candidates make @and she joins us live now and @tracy last nights debate was a @change, it was a lot more @serious in tone. @>> it was a different tone and @as we look forward to today, @we're expecting a key @endorsement for donald trump @and some questions about @violence surrounding the trump @rallies including an audio tape @that's reportedly out there of @disputed incident between @trump's campaign manager and a @reporter we could hear more @about that today. @>> donald trump expecting an @endorsement today from former @rival ben carson and late last @night, defending his campaign @manager saying a reporter
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@roughed her up leaving bruises. @>> how does it get there? @do you know how they got there? @>> not much rough in this @debate. @>> i can not believe how civil @its been up here. @>> they stuck to issues often @three against one with trump @alone on social security, cuba, @taxing china, banning muslims, @and a two state solution for @israel. @>> he's right about the @problems, but his solutions @don't work. @>> marco rubio desperate to win @florida holds a pro israel @rally in west palm beach this @morning. @>> i'm not interested being @politically correct. @i'm interested in being @correct. @>> warn against crowning trump @too soon. @>> we have half the delegates @to go. @>> only two of us that have any @path to get there. @>> a moment in what continues @to be a tense race. @>> and now the democrats we're @following because ohio has a @lot to do with that today. @bernie sanders has a very busy @day starts out in north @carolina ending up in illinois @with a stop through ohio. @of course hillary clinton is
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@come back after that @devastating loss in michigan. @>> tracy i'm still curious @about this tone. @it's such a change from where @we've been. @you could speculate why but is @it because ohio and florida are @next? @the polls say they are very @close races? @is it time to talk issues? @there's a lot of ways this @discussion could go. @>> yeah, absolutely. @so marco rubio whose really @riding on florida and has been @hammered by the late tone of @this campaign was asked about @that and he said he claims the @moderators well they asked a @lot of policy questions so they @got a policy debate as opposed @to sort of pinning the @candidates back and forth but @clearly the candidates made a @decision not to do what we've @seen of late on the campaign @trail. @frankly, it really backfired @for marco rubio and he's been @very vocal about that. @he said even his kids were @embarrassed by some of those @things. @there have been a lot of @questions to donald trump and @while he defended his tone and @what he said, he seemed to back @off it last night.
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@more to talk about the issues. @well they got that last night. @tracy thank you so much. @ 5:13, here is holly now @looking at our forecast so @tomorrow is the best day of the @weekend. @>> tomorrow is that day if @you're planning like okay when @do we take the kids out and let @them ride their bikes and @things like that definitely @tomorrow and then we're going @to track some rain. @todays not going to be anything @unusual for this time of the @year. @the biggest thing with today is @its been. @we hit 60 yesterday, 45 is the @average high for this day. @we're hovering around 40 at the @bus stop, upper 30s to near 40 @so we need jackets but we'll @end up close to 50 degrees in @most spots now those of you on @the lake shore will be cooler. @this saturday looking better @sunday. @so we're talking all about that @plus our time change coming up @where we spring ahead and i @know that it's hard when the
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@it's a great change because @it's lighter later the kids @play longer, all those good @things. @43 at lunch and by noon time @hopefully peaks of sunshine, be @patient it's a lot of cloud @cover through the morning and @50 degrees for the high for @those of you that are inland @could even below to mid 50s but @if you're near the lake it's @more like 40s and cloud cover @hanging on even longer today. @we have the front push through, @we had plenty of rain yesterday @and now we're feeling the @cooler temperatures, but with @the milder weather to our east. @we're going to tap back into @that real soon as the good news @but in the meantime this @morning upper 30s to near 40 is @a really big change. @5:15 right now get those @lunches packed moms and dads. @coffee is brewing, friday @coffee tastes so much better @than monday coffee. @what is it? @everything on a friday right? @so there is the rain from @tracking on future view you @could see all of this overcast. @this is through the morning, @it's just going to hover but
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@we're bright and beautiful and @it's going to feel nice in the @50s inland, jackets close to @the lake today for sure. @getting into overnight and @tomorrow, 30s we'll start off @our saturday cool but we really @do recover tomorrow again with @highs into the 60s locking at @low to mid 60s tomorrow, @sunshine but then tomorrow @night into sunday here comes @the rain. @this is sunday early morning @and it's coming down maybe as @you're heading out to church @and things plan on some wet @weather. @here is a look at your window @nation seven day forecast. @spring ahead on hour. @i don't want you to forget so @i've reminded you every day now @this week do it before you go @to bed on saturday and don't @forget about the batteries and @smoke alarms and carbon @monoxide detectors and we'll @stay warm into early next week. @by the middle and end we'll @cool down to more seasonal
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@5:16 let's check your drive. @ good morning to you. @if you are putting your coat @on, your shoes, grabbing that @lunch and getting ready to head @out of the door great news if @you travel on our highways @and no accidents. @if you're traveling in avon i @do have a tiny bit, just a tiny @bit of slow traffic 90 east @past 83 but as we take a look @at the drive time on 90 east @between 83 and 490 in downtown @cleveland, look it just went @down 16 minute commute, so it's @normal 16 minutes headed east @and 16 minutes headed west, so @we are a-okay on the road. @now if you you want to avoid @the accidents and slowdowns @make sure you tune that radio @tile over to wtam 1100 traffic @with updates every 10 minutes. @john? @ danny thank you. @5:17 coming into the morning @news feed more than 100 @firefighters battle the raging @warehouse fire just outside of @downtown los angeles. @the fire broke out around 8:00 @p.m. @their time and in less than an @hour part of the 70,000 square
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@the biggest challenge @maintaining enough water @pressure to fight the intense @flames. @no injuries reported. @not clear. @ about a thousand more @residents are forced out of @in louisiana. @water poured from the gates at @the toledo dam as rivers reach @record breaking levels. @five people died in the @historic flash flooding in the @shreveport aerial the governor @declared a state of emergency @and the national guard is @ a star studded state dinner @at the white house as canadian @born celebrities helped to @welcome canada's prime @minister. @the president and mrs. obama @hosted the state dinner in @honor of the prime minister and @his wife. @ryan reynolds, sandra o, @michael j. fox and mike meyers @were among the canadian born @entertainers at the affair. @ all right so taco bell @wants your business at @breakfast. @the chain has rolled out a @dollar breakfast menu.
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@just a dollar like a sausage @flatbread quesedilla, or just @scrambled eggs. @well that's breakfast right? @>> well, yes. @>> taco bell has been serving @breakfast since 2014 but this @new dollar menu comes as @mcdonald's tests an expansion @of its popular all day @breakfastmenu and now it gets @me thinking taco bell is owned @by yum foods which also has kfc @and pizza hut. @will they be getting not @breakfast game? @you can go to kfc in the @buffet. @will they bring that here is? @>> oh, yeah, country fried @chicken biscuits? @>> who knows . we'll see how @hungry. @ still ahead a switcheroo in @a local high school giving is @some teachers a different @perspective. @next what happened when
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@ @ 5:23 right now. @an honor for a job well done in @stark county. @two months ago highway state @patrol sargent david garber put @his own safety on the line to @stop an impaired wrong way @driver along i77. @he used his patrol car to hit @the suspects car and stopped it @preventing the driver from @harming anyone else. @yesterday canton police @presented sargent garber with a @certificate of recognition for @that heroic effort. @appreciate it. @ for many of us thinking of @high school brings back fond @memories or sometimes we would @like to forget. @>> some local teachers are @goingback to those days @switching role in the class @room as channel 3 tiffany @tarpley found out those @teachers are learning a lot @more than they expected.
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@>> it's hard to sit still for @seven hours. @>> and the work can be @challenging. @>> i was a little more tired @than i thought i would be. @>> going back to high school as @might think. @>> its been awhile. @>> more than 25 years for @facing history new tech high @school principal mark angolia, @shadowing a ninth grader. @>> is it weird with me sitting @next to you during class? @>> a little bit. @>> everybody is like watching @what they say. @>> it's a project involving @about half of the teachers at @the cmsd small school. @first year math teacher @organized the swap. @>> i'm not giving instructions @to the class and telling kids @what to do like they slip up @and do something they aren't @supposed to. @>> but it's about understanding @more than just the struggle @these students face in the @classroom. @>> and there's a lot of @challenges with poverty with @hunger with health issues both @physical and mental health like
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@front and center for me. @>> i feel that the teachers are @going to understand us more and @if we like see us struggling @they will help us because they @understand how hard it is. @>> for both sides. @it's a learning and building @experience with with the hope @of improving the future. @principal. @say that. @>> tiffany tarpley. @channel 3 news. @>> you see? @>> teachers are paired with @students who aren't in the @class as they teach next week @is the third and final week of @the shadow a student challenge. @>> you know that is great. @>> they will see how much @homework those kids are getting @for a weekend. @>> give them a break this @weekend holly. @>> i know we're doing that i @told grady we're getting it all @done in the morning so we can @get out because it's going to @be a good day. @here is your friday. @temperatures are going to end @up cooler but you know we're @still above normal in the @scheme of life and weather all @is good. @it's going to be a quiet
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@patience with it of you're @close to the lake it's going to @take you the longest to get rid @of the cloud cover today. @we are tracking more rain and @ton of unsettled weather @through the gulf and you can @northward. @i do think that it will have an @impact on us eventually so @we'll get into specifics guys @as far as when to expect the @rain so you can make all your @plans, get all your fun in and @i'll tell you you all the it in @>> thank. @ still ahead at 5:30 @overnight breaking news, a @shooting at a downtown @cleveland nightclub and a @police officer injured after an @assault, those stories next in @our morning rush. @tiffany? @ lena, a woman is dead after @a fire at this home in bay @village come up i'll let you
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@ 5:30 right now. @morning rush. @police are looking for a @suspect who shot a man outside @overnight. @it happened on rockwell avenue @near east 21st street. @now we do know at least one @person was shot outside the @alibi nightclub, another person @was injured both taken to @metrohealth medical center with @non-life threatening injuries. @no word yet on what lead up to @the shooting. @ also new overnight a @cleveland police sargent was @taken to the hospital after @being assaulted. @police say a man was causing a @disturbance at the marathon gas @station on moreland boulevard @near shaker square when police @tried to calm the man down he @attacked the officer. @police had to taser the man @before putting him in @handcuffs. @the officer is expected to be @okay. @tiffany? @ john, this morning, an @investigation is under way, of @course they're trying to figure
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@here at this home in bay @village. @this all happened around 7:00 @last night and witnesses say @the flames were very intense, @shooting high into the air and @coming out of three sides of @this home firefighters tell us @an elderly couple lives here @likely in their 80s. @the man made it out okay but @the woman did not. @now, what's next in the @investigation of course not @only do they have to determine @the cause but the medical @examiners office will try to @figure out exactly why this @woman died the cause of her @death and later today we could @learn more about who she was. @john? @>> tiffany and former first @lady nancy reagan will be laid @to rest in southern california @today. @nancy's two children are @expected to speak at their @mother's funeral. @the funeral will be a private @ceremony but officials say more @than 3000 people passed the @casket during public viewing. @services will take place at the @ronald regan library. @ 5:31 now john and we're @changing gears talking about
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@feeling cooler, not too chilly @and certainly nothing unusual. @in fact we are still even with @the cool down above normal. @upper 30s to near 40 degrees at @9:00, 43 at noon time today and @will end up close to 50 @degrees. @the reality is i do think that @it going to take until later @today like 5:00 for most of you @to really be seeing a ton of @sun, but by that point we will, @and 50 degrees that's a pretty @big difference from the 70s and @60s we've had so much of this @week so from there this is what @it feels like as you're waking @up. @upper 30s to near 40 degrees @it's a really good estimate as @you get yourselves ready and @kids out the door to the bus @stop so jackets are definitely @a necessity. @good news is the winds are @light so it's not going to be @wind chills and things like @that to worry about. @tracking rain and yes, for part @of the weekend i'll let you @know exactly when. @that's minutes away. @danny has a look at the tgif @commute.
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@>> we have a great commute. @this is 71 at dennison avenue, @71 headed north bound and got a @lot of space here but @everything looking great so we @have a great commute, no @accidents to report 71 looking @great, 90 looking great, 480 in @fact we are green and clean @throughout the entire traffic @map, so great commute for you, @but dye have an alert for those @who take rta. @remember that fire yesterday @rta bus replaced trains east of @tower city through the morning @power lines. @john and lena, back to you. @ danny republican @presidential candidates faced @off in florida for the 12th @time last night this debate @getting a lot of attention for @what didn't happen. @really no insults, put downs, @raised voices like the previous @two show downs so far the @debates being billed as a more @serious discussion and they @talked about education, social @security and trade. @dominated the top of the @debate. @we're just days away now from @the primary election on
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@will be making stops in @cleveland andthey are bringing @the national media with them. @>> will is live in lakewood at @the root cafe where msnbc will @be broadcasting live this @morning. @hi, will. @>> reporter: lena, hope your @ready for your morning joe. @beginning at 6:00 a.m. @behind me at the root cafe in @lakewood, national attention @all on ohio. @the focus now is primary season @is here in full swing, everyone @voting on tuesday right @alongside the broadcast here at @the root cafe business will @continue as usual. @customers getting served and @also serving as the back drop @and atmosphere for the shows @for months now the network @visited local businesses all @along the primary trail. @crew arrived yesterday from @michigan where they voted on @tuesday and now in ohio they @relocate on the root cafe after @the weekend head down to the @urban farmer at the westin on @monday bringing ingests and @gauging voters all kinding out @what's important to them before @and after they head to the
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@>> will and nbc's chuck todd @also making a stop in north @east ohio as he addressed a @crowd gathered at mount union. @the meet the press anchor says @he believes the governor will @beat out trump in tuesday and @there's a lot for them to win @their home state. @>> it is the difference between @whether this race ends before @the cleveland convention or @where cleveland becomes @chaotic. @>> chuck todd said the governor @is running his campaign the @best he can in the buckeye @state. @in fact just yesterday @[inaudible] @ @ ohio's 17 year olds to vote
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@primary. @secretary of state says the law @allows 17 year olds who turn 18 @in november to vote on nominees @and not for delegates. @five north east ohio 17 year @olds are also named as @plaintiffs the in lawsuit and @one of them is emma shubert @from cleveland heights. @>> i will be extremely @disappointed i think not being @able to vote in the primary @election will make me make me @much more dissolutioned with @heading. @>> a federal judge heard @arguments in the case in @columbus yesterday. @a ruling could come later @today. @ and remember we have full @election coverage and a @delegate count on our website, @ if you're looking for @unique lunch or dinner this @weekend we found the spot. @the rail burger is featuring a @burger dedicated to our own
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@burger has bacon, cheese, @avocado and an egg and when you @squeeze the burger the yolk @breaks causing deliciousness to @go down through the other @ingredients for an amazing @flavor. @he not only knows tech, he @knows great food. @>> wow. @>> so that's good isn't it? @ 5:37 he's one of the young @stars of baseball. @mvp bryce harper plays the game @with a lot of fire. @now he's calling out the game @saying its become a tired @sport. @he has a good point when you @you compared to the nba and @nfl. @ why president obama is @going to the music festival @south by southwest is @historical. @our morning news feed is next. @ but first we want to let @you know yes, the property @brothers are headed to @cleveland and we have your @chance to meet the hgtvhad @stars. @jonathan and drew scott will be @at the cleveland home and @remodeling expo that kickoff
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@music festival in austin, @texas. @the president is the festival's @key note speaker and first lady @michelle obama is expected to @speak there next week. @security preparations took @place thursday for the o rival @of thousands of festival goers. @officials say this is the first @time in the festivals 30 year @history that a sitting @president and first lady have @participated. @ it was five years ago today @that a massive earthquake and @tsunami killed thousands of @people in japan. @the natural disaster in 2011 @left nearly 16,000 dead and @2500 still missing. @much of the tsunami devastated @coastline remains empty. @many residents have moved @farther inland where the @government is building low cost @their homes. @ well, the old fashion way @of dating was for the guy to @make the first call and ask for @the date, right? @but times are changing. @just look at online dating.
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@website, okay cupid, women are @more than two times as likely @to get a response online if @they make the first move. @the study also says by reaching @out, these women tend to @attract the most handsome men. @first date. @never have never will. @i mean considering i'm maried i @never will. @that was a good saying right? @>> exactly. @i hope that's not going to @change now but maybe you could @just ask your husband out for a @date? @>> do you know what? @i think i will. @>> yeah, maybe. @time? @>> phil would you like to watch @cavaliers clippers on sunday? @ here we go, the final time, @last night nba finals had @lebron or kobe in them but @super slam right there had 24 @and a little discussion with @kobey down the cord. @these guys have so much respect
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@he had 26 but the cavs win the @game 120-108 and it's a shame @these two players have never @met in an nba final. @ for my take this major @league baseball node a @makeover? @is it too old school? @washington nationals player @bryce harper says yes. @now harper is one of the most @fiery players in baseball who @got into this argument with an @umpire because he called time @he wanted time but he gets @ejected for it and he got into @teammate and fellow hothead. @harper is a fired up player and @too much emotion. @he called base billion a tired @sport and major league players @can't express themselves like @athletes and other sports. @here is an example. @soho say batista hits a huge @home run in the playoffs but
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@he was fired up and he showed @true emotion but others came on @and said that was poor @sportsmanship and you don't do @that in baseball. @harper's point is that other @great athletes get to express @themselves after big plays. @how many times did we see steph @lebron james? @younger generation especially @kids find this more exciting. @ask the kid in your @who do they follow? @or harper and mike trout? @i'm not sure the kids in my @trout. @average age watching baseball @on tv is a person in their 50s. @average person watching the nba @and nfl? @in their 30s. @baseball has a generation @problem. @maybe needs a little more @attitude, flare, and @excitement, because the future @of baseball right now is in the @hands of the kids who are @wearing the curry and lebron @jersey. @tweet me your thoughts.
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@morning. @not saying you go over the top @and get into arguments the @umpire but show a little @excitement after hitting a home @run or winning a game? @i think it's okay. @>> i get excited about the @nachos and hot dogs. @>> well there you go. @high five all around. @>> i'm just being honest. @>> you bring it into @perspective. @ all right so hopefully @you're eating something @fabulous for breakfast to get @your day started right? @we've got a lock at sort of an @overview by one of our computer @generated forecasts. @now here is where i disagree. @this is why we look at several @different things and we put our @own two cents in. @i don't think we're going to be @seeing a great amount of @sunshine by 8:00 or 9:00 this @morning. @i think we'll hold on to more @cloud cover as we head through @the next few hours and in our @weather headlines today we are @forecasting cooler weather but @it's still above normal. @better looking saturday and the @rain on sunday so we've kind of @kept that really consistent @through the week. @this is one of those weeks @where the forecast has been
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@lots of cloud cover this @morning, and it will have a @cooler feel even though it's @still not cold from this time @of the year. @43 degrees at noon and around @50 at 5. now most of you by the @middle of the day will start to @see sunshine. @if you're downtown, if you're @along the lake this is where @there's the exception. @not only will there be more @cloud cover. @i think it will be cooler with @temperatures hovering in the @40s. @as we do look at the @temperatures across the region, @i want to point out the big @picture because it is really a @big part of our story today. @we have that cold front move @through and we're dealing with @a slightly cooler air, the @milder air is now to our south @and we'll have this brief cool @down in place for today. @upper 30s to near 40 degrees @heading out the door to work @and school. @grab your coats. @it's not like you need hats and @coat today. @rain is out of here. @we're going to be dry today @even with the cloud cover this @morning but there's more rain @to track and on future view @once we get rid of the cloud @cover this afternoon looks
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@do notice though this afternoon @along the lake how that cloud @cover just pretty persistent @until later. @locks good for friday evening @plans heading to dinner maybe @taking the family out that's @always fun. @tomorrow looks like really the @best day of the weekend. @we're going to have partly @cloudy skies before rain moves @in tomorrow night into sunday @and here it comes, so as we're @springing ahead an hour we'll @also be dealing with spring @time showers to close the @weekend. @window nation seven day @forecast shows just that. @we're in the 60s so it will @warm right back up. @don't forget about that time @change on sunday. @we turn the clocks ahead. @we'll start warm next week and @then john, we're back into the @40s and seasonal by the end of @next week but that can change @in between so for now we'll @talk on weather. @>> yes, we will because we have @to find homes here. @here we go. @our friends sent us these @pictures. @how about cupnext ss? @a three year old long haired @cat looking for a home at the
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@playfull cat that likes to @spend time with people. @and then next we have basil, @whose eight years old but shy. @so wants a nice home where he @can just hang out, love him, @let him do his thing. @>> sure. @give him is some space. @>> do you know what? @i'm with you. @adoption center in tremont is @where you find basil. @sometimes you need just a @little alone time and shyness @is still okay. @>> yes. @ daylight saving time begins @this weekend we'll be springing @forward tomorrow night and then @turning the clocks ahead one @hour of course. @>> and losing an hour sleep may @lead to a lot of grumpy people @but chronic sleep deprivation @can raise the risk for much @more dangerous side effects. @erica edwards reports. @>> reporter: consider this your @heads up to make sure the @company coffee pot is well @stocked monday morning. @a new survey from account temps @shows nearly 75% of employees @say they yawned their way
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@blaming big mistakes on sleep @deprivation. @>> somebody paid the entire @staff twice, somebody deleted @an entire database. @>> and that's before losing an @hour of shut eye when daylight @saving time begins this @weekend. @it's not just the companies @bottom loin that could suffer. @so could our health. @>> she's sleeping here while @we're watching her sleep. @>> sleep experts like dr. sing @of carolina's healthcare system @in charlotte say when the body @doesn't get enough sleep the @immune system suffers. @this makes us more likely to @watch viruses like the flu and @that's not all. @>> sleep deprivation long term @over the course of ones life @can really affect the risk of @heart disease, stroke risk, @diabetes development. @>> scientists also starting to @show an association between an @ongoing lack of sleep and an @increased risk for breast @cancer. @>> the sleep system that has @evolved over these millenials @is very complicated so we need @to appreciate it, step back a @little bit and let's pay
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@make sure sleep is a big part @of our health. @>> even though the alarm will @go off an hour earlier next @week experts say this should be @a wake up call for americans to @make sleep a bigger priority. @erica edwards nbc news. @>> sleep experts recommend @adults get seven to nine hours @of good quality sleep each @night and during that story all @of the staff was groaning. @>> right. @>> okay so weave told you 1500 @times we need more sleep and we @aren't going to do it. @we aren't. @we aren't cut out for this. @>> we're trying. @>> yes. @>> it's a goal. @>> look i'm going to be grumpy @monday. @i'm sorry that's the way it @goes. @but ways to save will brighten @my mood. @ yes, if matt tells us how @to tell the difference between @a deal and a scam. @ samsung's new galaxy phone @is released next one of the @most talked about features that @come with it. @here is danny. @let's hope we don't have a @grumpy traffic report. @>> no we're green and clean on
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@ @ a new device hitting the @market is getting a lot of @praise, samsung's latest phone @will hit store shelves today. @now don't be surprised if you @start seeing videos of people @dropping their phones in sinks @and pools. @>> nice. @>> the new samsung galaxy @promises to be water resistant. @their s7 can withstand up to @five feet of water for up to a @half hour but it's going to @cost you, $650 for that @feature. @there we're spilling milk on @it. @>> yes on purpose. @honda has unveiled its first @hydrogen fuel cell vehicle. @the clarity is described as the @world's first five passenger @sedan type vehicle of its kind. @it can travel about 466 miles @on a full tank. @honda says a hydrogen storage @tank can be refilled in three
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@you about $67,000. @ some of the best scams out @there are often disguised as @deals. @>> today money man matt granite @separates it from the fakes in @todays ways to save. @>> great to be with you. @i have already showed you some @great apps and resources that @uncover fake reviews on @legitimate websites but a lot @of you have had questions about @determining what website is @actually legitimate. @say hello to scam @take a look. @it's the most simple reputable @way to narrow down what @websites you should and may not @want to be shopping with, you @simply type in whatever website @you're curious about and then @on websites like this one here, @which was quickly presented @with a low trust rating and @also a reminder that the site @pretending its american may @actually be in china, you get @simple feedback that can help @you shop. @on a website many of us know it
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@that the site has a lot of @negative feed become while on @websites lick target it shows @you this not only very popular @but on other resources like it has the highest @safety and trust rating of any @other website you can shop at. @very simple process, scam happening savings @back to you. @ thank you, matt. and you know what? @we're going to talk some really @quiet weather today after all @that rain yesterday but it's @cooler. @a definite change, waking up. @if you're just wiping that @sleep out of your eyes may i @announce to you that it's @friday. @yes, tgif. @we've got cloud cover right @now, i think we're going to see @it through the first part of @today. @if you live right along the @lake, you probably won't hit 50 @today. @those of you inland though even @low to mid 50s. @we'll see some sunshine @eventually and then getting @into tonight we're going to @cool back down under partly @cloudy skies, temperatures will @be in the 30s. @we warm up this weekend, but
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@track, so john, lena, coming up @i'll tell you when the rain @moves in as we have our spring @ahead an hour weekend. @ thank you, coming up at @6:00, the state of california @is closer to changing the legal @age of smoking and the next @question will be if california @does it, will the rest of the @nation fall in line? @ and the latest in the race @for president. @a recap of the gop debate and @where the presidential @candidates will be in ohio in
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@ @ right now at 6:00, a fire @rips through this home in bay @village, killing a woman @inside. @coming up, why it may have been @difficult for her to get out. @john? @ tiffany plus ohio's primary @is now just days away many @candidates are making last @minute stops in north east ohio @this weekend. @>> we'll have a look at where @the candidates will be rallying @and will has a closer look at @the national spotlight that @this campaign is bringing. @ on msnbc just started
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