tv Channel 3 News Today NBC March 14, 2016 6:00am-7:00am EDT
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@that's going to be on the foggy @side this morning. @the rain has moved on through. @that's a good thing. @moisture is starting to dry up @on the roadways, the pavement, @we are left with poor @visibility with areas of fog in @and around. @mid 50s this morning, we are @tracking the opportunity for a @few storms to move on in later @on this afternoon, they should @fire up around the 5:00 or 6:00 @hour. @ thank you very much. @we look at the westside, we @have two incidents, an accident @in brooklyn, brookside drive @and ridge road. @no road closures because of @that. @we see a breakdown, i-90 @eastbound, after lorain avenue. @one. @i-90 west beloved. @roads are clear. @we are not seeing the @breakdown, drive times between @83 and 490, 16 minutes east, 17
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@times. @coming up in 15 minutes, we @will take a look at the fog @outside to the south, where you @want to maybe add time to your @commute. @back to you. @ to a developing story from @the dc area, police a police @officer shot outside a police @department building has died. @officer coalson and an officer @with prince georges county @police department in maryland @died at the hospital. @two suspects killed the officer @when they started firing right @outside the police station. @one suspect was wounded in the @attack, another was arrested @after running away. @officers say the attack was @quote unwarranted. @ today a few of the @presidential candidates will be @making the rounds here in @northeast ohio. @they have a few hours to sway @voters before the primary. @>> tiffany tarply joins us @live. @bernie sanders supporters will @be rallying this afternoon.
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@it's going to happen at the @akron civic theater downtown, @you know it is crunch time when @you start to see those ads on @television. @not only will bernie sanders be @here in ohio and our area, but @other candidates will be here, @too. @ohio governor john kasich will @spend time in youngstown and @north canton, donald trump will @make a stop today. @we know how important ohio is @during a presidential election. @historically, you win ohio you @win the presidency. @on both sides, it's about @stacking the delegate count. @here is what is up for grabs in @the buckeye state. @gop, 66 delegates and for the @democrats, 159. @what happens here and elsewhere @on tuesday is crucial in how @this race moves forward. @coming up in the next half @hour, how to vote before @tomorrow's primary. @ we will be with you live
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@the latest primary results, the @updates in prime time and tune @in for a special edition of @channel 3 news at 11 until @midnight as the results come @in. @the campaign trail is @overshadowed by donald trump's @rallies. @>> a rally had to be canceled @in chicago and this in dayton, @saturday, a protester stormed @the stage as secret service @agents swarmed trump to protect @him. @saturday night, police in @kansas city used pepper spray @after a trump rally and made @arrests as well. @trump is blaming bernie @sanders supporters for the @violence. @>> they were like professionals @and had bernie sanders signs @all over the place. @>> despite accusations of @suppression by some protestors, @legal experts say campaigns @have the right to remove people
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@they are not doing so based on @race. @here at home, a big hurdle for @a group seeking to legalize @medical marijuana, mike white @is rejecting a petition saying @he had a problem with the @wording about the number of @cultivation facilities. @ @ x-ray machines will greet @visitors to the capital @building, advisory board signed @off on the increased security @last week, the new x-ray @machines and machines and @turnstiles will be installed. @ @ update on the father @accused of taking his son 13 @years ago and raising him under @a new identity. @he will be in caught today as @his tones are trying to work @out a plea deal. @he pleaded guilty to kidnapping @his son in alabama when the son @was five.
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@college. @for now the trial is set to @begin next months. @ a canton toddler, whose @injuries were braimed on a @fall. @paramedics responded on 7th @street northwests friday @morning, the 1 year old died @the next day at akron childrens @hospital. @detectives say it's a case of @child abuse. @we are ex-expecting to learn -- @expecting to learn more today. @ the federal government @agreed to cover much of the $70 @million cost of demolition, reports the dam could @be torn down in 2019. @it's between akron and cuyahoga @falls built in 1913 to produce @decades. @it would help water quality and @water life. @ high speed chase of a @stolen police car ends when @officers rammed the car and
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@camera by tv news helicopters @in california, the chase @reached speeds of 100 miles per @hour, crossing freeways and @side streets. @the ali. @officers opened fire killing @the suspect, it's not clear how @the suspect commandeered the @police car. @ a new jersey state trooper @was struck and killed while @investigating an accident @involving wagner. @wagner's car was struck from @behind from a nissan that then @hit a guardrail and caught @fire. @when trooper shawn cullen @arrived to investigate, he was @struck by another passing car @and suffered fatal head @injuries. @wagner suffered minor injuries. @ experts are warning that @the zika virus that originated @in africa is one of a growing @number of continent jumping @diseases carried by mosquitoes. @the tiger mosquito is the most
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@in the u.s., the mosquito has @been found as far north as @massachusetts. @6 species have become @established in europe, five in @the last 25 years alone. @ let's have a little fun, @dads are taking on more and @more responsibilities when it @comes to newborn babies. @it's only natural baby showers @for men are on the rise. @pinterest searches for man @showers increased. @people were searching for pins @like huggies and tuggies or @beer, dudes and diapers, the @themes are masculine, the gifts @are typically limited to just @diapers. @moms and dads want in on this @alone. @you were in attendance for our
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@you got to hear labor stories @stories. @>> you are talking all this @female stuff. @ @i just happen to mention can i @turn the tv on, i got an evil @stare. @maybe i can watch a little @sports center while you are @talking about this. @no, that was forbidden. @>> good luck, this is the last @baby shower. @ flooding in the home of the @2016 olympics, the damage @already done, that's coming up. @ next, travel troubles, what @is causing flights to be @canceled in chicago, still @ahead @ a damp monday morning but @starting to clear out, dry out @just a little bit, mild @temperatures and a round of @storm tons way. @i will have the -- storms on
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@ @ video from the city that @will host the olympic games, @rainfall causing flooding in @rio causing flooding. @the sudden high water leaving @cars and buses and residents @stranded as streets turned in @to murky rivers. @ if you have travel plans @with southwest airlines, you @might wants to check your @flight status. @the airline canceled all @inbound and outbound flights @because of heavy fog through @9:00 a.m. @in chicago. @bad weather triggered delayed @flights. @121 flights were canceled at
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@-- chicago airport last night. @ good morning, guys. @it is definitely a little bit @on the muggy side out. @there humidity is high, rain @has moved out from the @overnight period. @we are left with patchy dense @fog around the area. @use extra precaution and time @as you led out and about -- @head out and about this @morning. @temperatures are on the mild @side. @sitting in the 50s, middle and @upper 50s across the board. @temperatures will floor in -- @soar in to the 60s today. @we are above average. @see the low pressure system @towards the south, pushing up @towards the north and east, @that's going to be our next @rainmaker and could bring us @thunderstorms later on this @evening and the early portion @of the overnight. @our radar is clear in the metro @area, downtown area, for @cleveland, sitting at 57 @hopkins with overcast skies,
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@falling, seeing the opportunity @for more rain to come on. @we will be fine, until 4:00 or @5:00, we will start to see the @sprinkles and showers and @thunderstorms moving on @through. @here is what you need to know @to get through your monday. @we will be looking at @temperatures moving in through @the 50s and 60s, now, forecast @is calling for a pretty wide @range, i think we will hit the @lower to middle 60s for much of @the area, where we will see the @warmer temperatures are across @the north southern zones, @canton 67. @dover 68. @all of us under 70 degrees for @today. @the timing for the rain is @going to turnout to be in to @the afternoon. @okay until 3:00 or 4:00, i @would say after that 6:00 hour, @settling down for dinner, we @see heavy pockets and @thunderstorm cells moving @through. @it moves out quickly through @the overnight.
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@you are looking pretty good. @mild highs pushing 62 degrees. @a round of showers comes @through on wednesday, we will @worry about that later. @it will be cloudy tonight. @temperatures to the upper 40s @and lower 50s, we will see a @seven-day forecast that @features the mild trend through @wednesday, by thursday, we see @changes as we head in to st. @patricks day, fine for your @festivities, cooler on friday @with a chance of a wintery mix. @ good morning, i hope you @are having a great start to @your monday. @a look at the traffic map. @the incidents, 15 minutes ago, @they cleared out. @that fog to the south, has not @cleared. @it's damp 7, 18, we are not @seeing big delays because of @it. @you want to possibly slow down
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@react to anything that may @happen. @not much fog, 77 at arlington @road. @the picture here, it looks @clear. @it's a great drive on 77, @heading north, sit a 5- minute @commute between arlington and i- @76, south a 4 minute commute, @76 and arlington road. @ time for the biggest @winners and losers in sports. @celebrating winners today. @my first winner comes from a @very strange sport. @have you noticed mat granite's @smile is even bigger today. @our canadian friend and all @canadians are celebrating a @world championship. @it's called knuckle hop. @you won't find it in the @olympics. @you hop on your knuckles and @see how far you can go. @it's exhausting things guy @finally gave up -- this guy @finally gave up.
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@christopher daniel travels 179- @feet on his knuckles before his @body gave out. @the nickname is pain game @because you rip up your @knuckles. @good for canada. @ speaking of hockey, my @biggest winners north @homestead, there they are the, @pee wee championship, adding a @banner to their home rank, @eagles were 10, 3, 1 during the @regular season, won the rock @and roll cup tournament and won @the championship in their @division. @congratulations to zack and the @whole team and my thanks to @cindy for sending in the @picture. @if you would looic to nominate @your all star or first canadian @sport, email them to me, @morning
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@ @ for sale signs start going @up, if you are in the market to @sell or buy, three things to @make your life easier. @kevin myeroff joins us with the @first steps you should take. @the first thing, talk to an @agents. @>> talk to an agent to get an @idea of what your house could @sell for, what you need to do, @that's going to be the same @agents helping you figure out @what home you are going to buy. @>> that goes hand in hand with @determining how much you can @afford. @>> this is the biggie. @$300,000 homes look nicer than @$200,000 homes, if you can't @afford it, don't bother looking @at them. @you have to sit down with a @financial advisor or cpa. @you don't want let a bank tell @you, they will tell you the @largest mortgage you can afford @without thinking about college,
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@help you determine how much you @can afford. @>> not the mortgage @calculators. @>> if it was created by @somebody other than a real @estate company or a bank, you @can use those. @you can sign up on a lot of web @sites saying if a house for @$200,000 in this neighborhood @becomes available, let me know. @use technology to help you find @the house you are looking for. @ 19 attorneys in tennessee @are seeking $2.3 million, for @their work that led to the @supreme court to declare same- @sex marriage legal. @court records show attorneys @from ohio, michigan and @kentucky who worked the case @received less money, reports @show the high eggs payout in @michigan for $1.9 million. @a u.s. district judge will @determine the amount the @tennessee lawyers should @receive. @ a tense day for the @airlines, they get the first
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@the department of @transportation. @here we go, the report will @include january flight delays, @tarmac times, mishandled bags @and consumer complaints. @american airlines and delta @topped the five major carriers @at the end of 2015 with the @performances. @ there are some we mentioned @travel delays because of the @fog, olga is tracking that. @>> reporter: we have dense fog @if much of our area this @morning. @if you are getting up and going @to be traveling today, there @are a few areas where you need @to be away. @west coast storms, upper @northeast with storms, overall @temperatures are on the mild @side. @pacific northwest, in the upper @40s to near 50 degrees. @close to 60s in southern @california. @texas, though, very, very warm, @along the gulf coast, 80-degree @temperatures. @not bad across the heart land,
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@down to florida, not a bad @trip. @mostly cloudy skies, late @storms there with temperatures @in the 80s and upper northwest, @northeast, that is, chilly, @only in the 40s. @ @ coming up, we are closing @in on the ohio primary, what @you need to know before you @head out the vote, who is @taking the lead in the state @this morning. @ thank you so much. @video that you have got to see @coming in on the morning news @feed. @a 100-car pile up in north @carolina shutsdown a highway. @have you seen the sesame street
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@ @ a maryland police officer @who was shot outside the police @department has died. @officer coalson was killed when @two suspects opened fire @outside the maryland station. @one of the suspects was also @injured this the gunfire, is @listed in stable condition, the @second suspect was later @arrested after running from the @scene. @officers say the attack was @quote unwarranted. @ pair of shooting in @cleveland over the weekend. @the first was a drive by @shooting on west 89th, a red @four 4 door pulled up.
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@window and fired as two teens @ran away. @no information about the @suspect is available. @ to the east side, 160th and @crowd. @witnesss from the crowd point @touted shooter running away @from the scene. @police arrested a 17 year old @maple heights boy. @one victim was grazed, another @shot in the knee and taken to @university hospital. @ visibilities are way down, @poor visibility across much of @the area, not expecting too @much of an an improvement over @the next couple of hours. @temperatures are on the mild @side, everyone is sitting in @the middle and upper 50s,
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@northeast, overall, a mild @start to our monday morning. @we cleared out on satellite and @radar, the showers are gone, we @will get a break from the rain @during the midday, later on @this afternoon, the low @pressure down towards the south @and west, is going to move on @up in to our region, firing up @showers and thunderstorms. @more of a summertime springtime @thunderstorms moving through. @today expect mild temperatures, @sitting in the 50s until the @noontime hour, when we pass @that 60-degree temperature, @headed for highs in the upper @60s. @ an accident free ride. @the biggest traffic alert we @have is the fog to the south, @summit county, portage, stack @county, be careful out theres i @don't want you to get in an @accident. @76 at arlington road. @this is east of the akron @central interchange. @see the fog here, drivers
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@drive time on 76 between 43, @and brimfield and 77 west is 12 @minutes, east is 12 minutes, @those are normal drive times, @to the north, we are seeing @slow traffic, 490 east and 71 @north in to downtown, the drive @times, they look good. @71 between 480 and 490. @ busy political weekend, @northeast ohio, today more of @the same. @>> tiffany tarpley joins us @live from akron where bernie @sanders will speak this @afternoon. @candidates only have hours to @sway voters. @>> reporter: they do, tomorrow, @is the primary here in ohio. @our state one of several, with @delegates up for grabs. @you can vote before tomorrow, @you can vote in person at your @local board of elections today @from 8:00 this morning, until @2:00 in the afternoon, on @tuesday, the polls open at 6:30
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@7:30 in the evening. @candidates are making the final @push, not only here, but @elsewhere in the country, with @contests on tuesday, sources @tell nbc news, mitt romney is @expected to campaign with @kasich in ohio, but not @officially endorse him. @ohio is a must win, as the race @moves forward. @coming up, i will let you know @where he stands in the polls. @ we will see you then. @today ohio front runner, john @kasich will make stops in @youngstown, north canton and @westerville. @yesterday kasich held a town @hall in strongsville where he @laid out prioritys to a @standing room only crowds and @talked about the need to honor @the sacrifices by small @business owners and plans to @lower corporate taxes, simplify @personal taxes and fix social @security. @ taking a look at the other @side of the ticket, hillary
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@eye i don't zion sunday morning @and telling the crowd they will @stand up for workers. @ political coverage @continues throughout the @morning and of course through @the entire race, both on air @and on line. @look for breaking updates and @live coverage of the speeches @on line at @ topping the morning news @feed, a highway in north @carolina is back open this @morning, after it had to @shutdown due to 100 cars @involved in crashes. @the sheriff says there were 9 @separate accidents involving 94 @vehicles on i-40, take a look @at the traffic jam it caused as @well. @20 people were hurt, none of @the injuries were life @threatening. @police think wet roads may have @played a factor. @ police and emergency crews @are trying to figure out how a @train derailed sending five @cars to the side. @a dozen of the 142 passengers
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@life threatening injuries. @the train heading from los @angeles to chicago when it @redetailed after midnight local @time, 1:00 a.m. @our time. @the ncaa basketball brackets @are out, the number one seeds @are kansas cans, north @carolina, virginia and oregon. @there is a controversy over a @leaked bracket that appeared on @twitter. @cbs had the exclusive rights to @release the bracket. @during the show, someone else @leaked the bracket and that's @how some teams found out they @were not the tournament. @the ncaa is investigating how @it got out early. @ @>> this makes my heart happy. @a mash up of sesame street @performing the cross roads. @it's going viral.
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@tellly are transformed in to @busy bones lazy bone, crazy @bone and wish bone. @he stitched together different @clips to make it appear the @characters are singing the @smash up hit. @especially. @i saw that over the weekend. @i think i watched it 15 times. @the ncaa investigation, the @same group is looking in to how @you spent five minutes on this @thing is won the pool. @>> if you want me to fill out @your bracket, email me. @>> five minutes is all it took. @>> she knows her basketball, @come on, john. @ @expwh. @>> the champion is saving mat.
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@entertained this spring break. @less than 15 bucks. @first, what is coming our way @weatherwise. @>> we are dealing with the fog @and the dampness. @imtracking some thunderstorms @moving in later on this @afternoon. @i will tell you about it @shortliment coming up on the @today show. @ @ hattiesburg, mississippi, @rivers spilling over the banks @and in to neighborhoods across @the region. @thousands of homes damaged, @some destroyed by repeated days @of torrential rains. @6 deaths blamed on the storms @prompting officials to issue a @warning for people to be @cautious, even if they deem the @situation safe.
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@ @ voice wraps up the blind @auditions tonight and heads in @to the start of the battle @round, one of the first battles @from team christina. @they got coached by christina @and teams mentor. @the voice is on channel 3 at @8:00 p.m. @ one lucky fan will be going @to maroon 5, let's go to miami @as well. @download our app, click on the @maroon 5 button to enter for a @chance to win airfare, hotel @and tickets to two to the miami @concert and the upcoming @concert here at the q. good @deal there. @ a look at the stories @trending on line this morning, @exercise mogul richard simmons @is making headlines after
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@there is no evidence that @simmons is missing, that hasn't @stopped the internet from @looking for the fitness guru. @a article in the daily news, @his former assistant said he @thought he was held hostage in @his home by his maid and @believes sim mons is being @taken advantage of. @that sent the internet in to a @frenzy. @they reached out to simmons by @phone who said there is nothing @to worry about and he is fine. @ sister taunting on camera. @this is malia obama caught on @camera teasing her cyster with @a sarcastic shut up thumbs up @as sasha meets ryan reynolds.
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@stole the spotlight. @the first time they were @invited to a state dinner. @ @ today is pi day, the day to @celebrate the math number, @3.14, infinity. @today is 3/146789 pizza hut has @a deal, testing the math @skills, pizza hut will post @three math problems on the @blog, they won't be easy, the @problems are being posted by @princeton university professor @john conway. @you can win free pizza for 3.14 @years, equal to $1600. @get the calculators ready. @think i saw mat with the number @two pencil. @ you could be ready, too.
6:45 am @you will find my favorite way @to keep your kids entertained @this spring break. @>> i'm james, i'm 11. @>> i'm 13. @>> this is the go groove, @groove pal. @it's a speaker and night light. @>> it fits most devices and has @a rechargeable battery, comes @with a charger, coloring book @and a 3-year warranty. @>> the speakers are really @good. @we are going to play a song so @you can hear it. @>> they are not alone. @in terms of these flying off @the shelves, they have a list @price of 70 bucks. @i found them for $14.99. @one of the many deals you can @find. @this round up is waiting for @you on our website.
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@you can have your animal @family. @>> one of them doubles as a @night light. @good way to keep the kids @entertained. @>> get it by spring break. @>> get it probably by thursday. @>> let's check in with olga. @>> i'm waiting on more rain @coming in our direction. @now we are dry. @things will be changing heading @in to the late afternoon and @early evening. @now outside, it hasn't been too @bad. @starting off with mild @temperatures, see on the wide @range often satellite and @radar, things calmed down in @our area, significantly over @the last 3 hours or so. @the moisture moved off towards @the north and east. @i'm tracking a pop up of @showers across the southeast, @we are seeing some rain just @north of the carlton area, most @of that will move in and out @the next half hour or so. @visibility is going to be poor @for a little bit of a while. @fog rolling in.
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@lot be hit or miss, some areas @are doing well, others are @still seeing a bit of the poor @visibility. @overall, keeping our overcast @skies through the morning, 57 @at hopkins. @the pressure is falling. @we will keep it damp for the @next few hours, more rain @coming through this afternoon, @our mild temperatures are going @to stick around at least @through midweek before we have @a return to more winter-like @conditions. @now we are having a forecast @that will sit in the 50s for @the mid-morning, by midday, we @will hit, break the 60-degree @threshold and move in to the @middle and upper 60s by this @afternoon before the storms @arrive. @here is where the warmer @temperatures will bees south @and east, 68 for dover. @67 canton. @little bit cooler by the lake @shore, 60 ashtabula. @61 downtown cleveland and the @moisture will see the rumble of @thunder. @here is the timing on future @view. @5:00, 6:00 hour, heavy steady
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@could pop a thunderstorm or two @before it is said and done, we @calm down by early in the @morning on tuesday. @fog if you are going to head @out to get in your vote. @sunshine by tomorrow afternoon, @mild temperatures before we @track more moisture on the way @for wednesday morning in to @thursday. @a fairly mild night as we move @in to the 40s and 50s , the @seven-day forecast does feature @mild temperatures for tuesday, @not too bad for wednesday, for @thursday, st. patricks day, a @high around 50 degrees. @ dog gone weather here, @barbara, look at this cutie @pie, 5 months old. @barbara sent in her dog newton, @a fox red lab. @look at that face. @>> fox red lab. @like that. @ after the break, your @morning rush. @>> overnight we have been @following the latest details in
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@>> reporter: john, as you know, @the presidential candidates are @making their final push, before @the primary tomorrow, and some @of them are doing it right here @in the buckeye state, bernie @sanders will be here at the @akron civic the heat ter this @afternoon for the -- theater @this afternoon for a rally. @we have new numbers in the @latest poll, the latest nbc @news poll has case kasich in @the lead at 39%. @followed by donald trump 33%. @clinton is leading bernie @sanders 5 8% to 38%. @today, you can vote early and @in person, absentee voting, you @can do so between 8:00 this @morning and 12:00 in the @afternoon, tomorrow, is @election day, the primary. @now, here is nbc's chuck todd. @ @ john kasich is at a cross @roads, if he wins his home @state of ohio tuesday, he has a @rationale to keep his campaign @going. @lose and he is done.
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@news for him, our poll shows @him with a narrow vote @significant 6 point lead over @donald trump, if that holds, @that's a win for kasich. @ohio's win or take all and @on. @in a 3- way race, probably @contested convention. @ @ overnight, we learned a @maryland police officer shot @outside of his department died. @officer coalson was killed when @two suspects opened fire @outside the maryland station. @one of the suspects was also @injured in the gunfire and @listed in stable condition this @morning. @the second suspect was later @aired after running from the @scene. @officers say the attack was @unwarranted. @colson was 4-year veteran and @would have celebrated his 29th @birthday this week. @ the japanese government is
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@tighten discipline at a u.s. @naval base this after an @alleged rape by an american @sailor in okinawa. @japan sees the preps as a heavy @and unfair burden, japanese @police arrested a 24-year old @navy sailors say he sexually @assaulted a tourist as she @slept at his hotel. @ the browns offered a third @round draft for kaepernick. @he would make $19 million this @season and every season through @2020. @kaepernick is nervous about @taking less money from a team @that lost a lot of talent @during free agency. @the nfl draft, 45 days away. @>> we are counting down as well @as counting delays on state @route 8, because of the @breakdown, north, near the @turnpike, see the left lane is
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@stop and go traffic from 303 to @the turnpike. @drive time is 25 minutes @between 76 and 271, typically @18 minute commute. @alts seeing slowing in to @downtown on 19 east and 71 @knot. @olga, fog out there. @ that's right. @fog an issue this morning. @we have the moisture around and @cleared out on satellite for @you. @the pop to the south is @tracking towards us this @afternoon. @thunderstorms possible this @evening, highs mild today and @tomorrow in the 60s. @not bad for wednesday either. @things start to change thursday @in to friday when we return to @winter. @ @ today we double our phone @memory for $12. @the 70% off deal,, @look for the pi day freebie @article, wrts where we have --
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good morning. breaking overnight. an amtrak train with 140 people on board goes off the tracks in kansas. >> set a ladder up and we'll start getting the people out the top. >> investigators looking into crash. chaos on the campaign trail. a weekend of violent clashes between donald trump supporters and protesters. who is to blame? trump says not him, but his political opponents say otherwise. >> he is encouraging violence and chaos to get votes.
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