tv Channel 3 News Today NBC March 17, 2016 6:00am-7:00am EDT
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@ @ this channel 3 newscast made @possible by windows direct. @and now channel 3 today. @>> top of the morning to you on @this st. patrick's day. @the day we can all claim to be @irish. @>> and we have team coverage of @all the celebrations happening @around town. @will is live at slyman's where @the corned beef is piling up, @and tiffany is live at @flannery's for the green beer, @it's started flowing. @but first, hollie. @ you're tracking the parade @day forecast.
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@happy st. patrick's day, it @rolls out the window. @just be safe, that's the name of @the game. @we have a great looking st. @patrick's day forecast, we're @talking sunshine and plenty of @it. @i mean, this is a bit of a @change since you went to bed, we @were thinking a few showers, @unh-unh. @the luck of the irish with us, @partly cloudy skies later on, 57 @the high, it will be breezy. @look at this forecast though, @we're well in to the 50s and @it's looking like just pots of @gold all over the place for @today. @as you get the kids ready for @school and the bus stop, they're @wearing their little green @accessories, it should be @terrific. @our forecast models show clear @skies essentially through early @afternoon and cloud cover, still @talking much colder weather on @the way. @how cold does it get, will we @see snow, i'll let you know. @first danny has a look at your @commute, and parade weather @coming up too, danny, i know @you're focusing on that. @ yes, thank you very much, i
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@morgan avenue is closed at @bertly street because of a @building fire. @i'm going to put more calls in @to akron police to get more @information on that. @other than that, we're green on @the traffic map, normal drive @times. @we do have a breakdown reported, @i-71 southbound at west 25 @street, the exit ramp there. @but we take a look live outside @at 71 and excuse me, west 25 and @nothing. @so we're looking good. @your drive times in to i-90 from @the west all normal on 71 north @90 east and jennings, looking @normal. @john and lynna back to you. @>> all right, danny thank you. @ you may be feeling lucky @this st. patrick's day, but @police say if you plan to @celebrate, it's a good idea to @have a plan before you go out. @>> tiffany tarpley joins us live @from downtown cleveland, and we @know security will be tight. @>> reporter: yes, lynna and @john, thousands are expected in @downtown cleveland today. @we're here in flannery's in @downtown cleveland and the doors
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@are outside. @this is the general manager sean @o'donnell. @he tells me that they have about @35 kegs of guiness just for @today. @and of course, this is a big day @for them, of course this is @something they've been planning @for quite some time, i'm going @to come over here to sean and @sean, can you tell me how long @have you been planning for this @day? @>> since the day after last st. @paddy's day, basically. @it's a year long plan. @i usually start like, january 1 @really getting in to gear with @it. @>> reporter: all right. @and he says they're dpg to be @elbow to elbow -- going to be @elbow to elbow, cleveland police @have been preparing for this day @too for several months here. @we know that there's the parade @this afternoon, and the police, @they're saying that this st. @patrick's day, it's kind of like @starting the nfl football season @with the super bowl. @last year on st. patrick's day,
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@40 arrests in cleveland, nine @for being drunk, three for being @reasons. @so back here live at flannery's @they've got the beer flowing, @they tell me they do not have @green beer here. @[ laughter ] @but they do have the beer @flowing. @them. @and coming up at 6:50, if you @are going to the parade today, @i'll let you know the one item @you need to keep at home. @>> all right, we'll see you @then, thanks, tiffany. @ and you can find everything @you need to know from the @celebrations, log on to our @website, @don't want to fight the crowd, @watch the parade on our website @as well, we will stream it live. @ other news now here at 6:04, @three men tried to carjack a @woman in fair view park. @later surveillance cameras catch @the suspects using her stolen @credit card. @take a look here, list say the @trio robbed the woman at an @apartment complex on lorain road @sunday. @she fought with them but they @got her purse and took off in a
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@illinois plates. @the sfekts are use -- suspects @are using the credit cards in @cleveland, that's what the @pictures are, pretty good @pictures. @if you know anything about the @suspects or the case, call fair @view park police. @ an ohio school community @mourns the loss of a 16-year-old @who died suddenly. @noah lear was a junior at @bucyrus high in buford county. @he was playing basketball with @friends at a church. @he attempted to dunk a @basketball when the board came @crashing down on his face. @his mother says he went in to @cardiac arrest and suffered a @severe brain injury. @>> nick called and said mom, i @had an accident, i hurt my @teeth, i'm sorry. @don't worry about your teeth. @where you at? @we were so positive, we thought, @you know, we're going to have @noah back, i don't know, the @same noah but he'll be here with @us. @>> early this morning, noah @passed away in hospice care. @a benefit is planned next month @for his family at the high @school.
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@akron students voiced their @frustration with university @president scott scarborough and @his policies yesterday. @the akron beacon journal reports @it handed out he must go wrist @bands and stickers, also @collected signatures on a @petition and hoped to get 1,000 @signatures by tomorrow. @an undergraduate student poll of @3,000 students, in this poll, @56% had no confidence in the @controversial president. @ if you take i-90 to downtown @cleveland, you may have noticed @the wall to your right, it's @falling apart. @now since this past fall, crews @have been working to replace the @concrete noise barrier with a @new one. @crews built the original one in @1992. @about 20 years later, o dot @noticed a crack and gameing @holes. @ping @holes. @>> when the walls would get @moisture and start breaking @apart, that's when we realized @the concrete walls maybe weren't
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@northeast ohio for durability, @had he didn't last as long. @the new walls that we're putting @up are going to be made of @fiberglass. @>> and o-dot says in this area @the cost to replace the noise @barriers between east 96 street @and quaint road is $2.9 million. @the project is expected to be @finished this fall. @ all right, lynna, topping @the morning news feed at 6:07, @how about this story, the uber @driver accused of a mass @shooting in michigan now suing @the company for $10 million. @jason dalton claims the ride @share company treats the @employees like peasants and @blames uber for ruining his @marriage and making him go on a @deadly shooting rampage that @left six people dead. @uber expressed shock and @condolences to the victim's @families. @ interstate 10 it at the @texas/louisiana border still @closed this morning because of @all of this. @devastating flooding. @parish officials surveyed the @damage to the homes in slidell, @louisiana. @more than two feet of rain in a
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@has caused the rivers to @overflow and washed out roads, @more than 5,000 homes. @at least four deaths are being @blamed on the historic flooding. @ millions of spectators will @be decked out in green and line @the streets of new york later @this morning for the city's @annual st. patrick's day parade. @this year marks the 255th @consecutive year the parade has @marched its way through downtown @new york to honor the patron @saint of ireland. @new york city's mayor set to @march in the parade after a two @year boycott of the nation's @largest parade now that it's @fully dropped its ban on @allowing gay groups to march @under their own banners. @>> big deal there. @>> yup. @ 6:08 now and coming up, @changes to the initial testing @for the zika virus. @find out how results will be @coming back quicker to the @patients here in ohio. @ and a new way to ship the @items you sell on ebay. @find out when the new service
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@hey, hollie. @ hi, lynna! @and happy st. patrick's day to @you. @so, here's the lan. @we've got a great looking day, @we're going to see a lot of @sunshine. @this doesn't say from when you @went to bed, we thought few @showers, no. @cloud cover for the evening @commute and a whole lot on any @kind of shower chances. @40s to 50s for highs today, it @will be breezy. @so, green jackets and @sweatshirts if you're heading @downtown, maybe the parade's in @your plans. @1:04 today. @going to be good looking stuff @today. @any closings and delays, always @find those on tv and online, @6:09 on this st. patrick's day
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@ @[ bag pipes ] @ @>> we thank tyler for being with @us, and we thank you for sending @in the pictures of your puppies @all dressed and ready to @celebrate. @celebrate st. patrick's day! @that's a sharp look right there. @with the hat. @but thank you, @[ indiscernible ] @we are also oh there we go! @[ laughter ] @the face! @we're live inside flannery's on @this st. paddy's day, enjoying @all the festivities, good @morning to you. @you missed the spot. @>> yeah, right! @we'll have much more on the st. @patrick's day parade downtown as @well today. @as well as security measures @being taken to make sure @everyone is as safe as possible. @ the ohio department of @health will start doing initial
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@in their lab, results provided @to doctors and local health @departments are not 48 hours, @getting the results to the @patients quicker, mainly spred @through mosquito bites and @causes mild or no symptoms in @most people. @ dominion east ohio gas is @looking to increase fees for @residential customers that could @double costs to replace an @ageing poeupline. @-- pipeline t currently paying @$6.70 to find a massive pipeline @replacement program. @well the akron beacon journal @reports it could begin with a @fee as high at $9.86 a month, @potentially rising to as high as @$17.20 a month in the fifth @year. @currently dominion has over 1 @million customers. @ let's talk that forecast. @and hollie, you just came out @and said that forecast kind of @changed overnight and it's @looking better. @>> yeah, and never looking too @crazy, we had a few shower
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@let's get you to the bus stop @first, it's a special edition. @jordan our production assistant @here at channel 3 is showing you @how to do it, kids. @layer it up in green. @see that? @big green tie, you know i got @that thing at the dollar store. @>> oh, very cute. @>> yeah, i swear. @and he's got the -- plaid on, i @mean, you're just everything @irish. @happy as can be. @all the smiling faces, 40s, a @lot of fun parties at school @and, you know, green accessories @going on. @maybe anything else. @so parades. @let's talk, 1:04 start time. @i know a lot of you are going to @be coming downtown way above @then. @but for the parade itself, in @the 50s, we're talking sun and @breezy. @southwest winds 15 to 25. @we'll see a little more cloud @cover more focused sunshine @later today. @but like i said, holding off on @the shower chances colder
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@46 at 9:00, 22 at noon, 57 at @5:00, really not a whole lot @going on, radar other than just @a little cloud cover and @sprinkles around us. @as we track, this is 10:30 this @morning. @clear as can be. @all right? @and in to the early afternoon @too. @3:30, we do start to see some @more filtered sunshine as you're @getting a little lunch, your @partly sunny skies but it's @staying dry and then as we get @in to tomorrow, we start to talk @shower chances, maybe even a few @wet chances, go to the window. @50s today, man, we've had our @share of much colder st. @patrick's days. @we've had snow on -- by the way, @record high for this day: 77, @2012. @how many of you remember that @year? @wasn't that long ago. @so we'll be 57 degrees and 47 is @normal. @so, we're going to trend above. @40s tomorrow, upper 30s to near
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@gradual warm up as we head in to @next week. @let's get a check on your @commute. @it's just about 6:17. @ wkyc traffic is brought to @you by mike bass ford. @bass ford. @>> starting your thursday with @us, st. patrick's day. @we start in akron because i just @hung up the phone with akron @police, and they tell me morgan @avenue closed at bertly because @of a building fire. @now no word on when this closure @will take place or how long it @will be in effect so you can go @ahead and take cole avenue to @get around that. @other than that, we're looking @good on the traffic map. @normal drive times and so far, @no accidents and coming up in my @next traffic check at 6:32, @patrick's day parade closures.
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@the roads, tune in to our @partners at wtam 100100 total @traffic. @ making automatic emergency @brakes. @>> the announcement is expected @this morning. @the agreement will make the @features standard in almost @every car sold in the u.s. by @2022. @ford, fiat, chrysler, general @motors, hyundai and toyota have @reportedly agreed to the @timeline. @ ebay is expanding its @features to send someone to your @door within 20 minute to @professionally pack your item @and ship it for you. @yup, the new service will also @track your shipments and @automatically notify your buyer, @right now it's free in select @cities. @starting june 30 it will cost @ebay users an additional $5 for @pick up. @ 6:18, we have some fun, st. @patrick's day trivia for you. @find out just how much guiness
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@and we're going to finish up @filling out our brackets. @here's what's interesting, @hollie thinks you'll see history @tomorrow night at 7:30. @she thinks the 16th seed holy @cross will upset number one @oregon. @it's never been done in the ncaa @tournament. @>> i thought it was holy south. @>> well, it was because you @didn't know which one to pick. @>> right. @>> that one would be bad for me @because i have oregon in the @final four, hollie you really @think we're going to see @history? @>> i went with my gut, john. @>> okay! @[ laughter ] @>> and lots of heart. @ @ @ @ we've got weather out your @window. @an interesting bracket challenge @this year, i love it. @we have a snowy view. @so this takes us back a fews. @steveandsin. @few. @changed. @live at slyman's piling on the @patrick's day love. @we're up and ready. @chat with us on twitter, we'd @morning.
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@ @ 6:23 right now, hopefully @you're donning the green in @celebration of st. patrick's @day. @>> despite the religious @undertones, today remains among @the calendar's biggest drinking @days, just in time for the @holiday, wallet hub has @statistics for us. @st. patrick's day is fourth @among the calendar's most @popular drinking days behind new @year's eve, christmas, and the @4th of july. @>> also big day for the irish @dry stout guiness, 13 million @pints will be consumed worldwide @to celebrate the big day, and @john you're saying that's half @their annual sales. @>> yeah, sales are down for @guiness, this is a big day for @them. @and yeah, sorry. @now we're drawing sunshine on @the bracket. @that's what this has become.
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@ the bracket challenge, go @online to, i've tweeted @the link, be part of the @competition. @>> you could win $1 million. @>> yeah, how about that, drawing @more sunshine. @ let's finish it off, down to @our final four, i've got ganz, @oregon, michigan state and @kentucky, i'm going to take @kansas, to beat oregon michigan @state to beet kentucky and my @national champion will be rock @chock. @i'll take kansas. @>> okay, now who goes? @>> you can go now, i can't wait. @[ laughter ] @all right, you've got kansas @playing duke, all right. @so you've got kansas winning @that game, north carolina and @gonzaga, going with north @carolina and your national @champion is? @north carolina. @she goes for the tar heels. @>> very good! @>> all right, here's lynna. @three different picks. @>> actually, you and i are very @similar, because i'm going to go
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@>> kansas over duke. @>> and michigan state. @>> oh, okay! @>> right? @but i'm going to go with @michigan state! @that's right, go spartans! @[ laughter ] @yes, wally the koala bear says @go spartans. @>> the sun is shining all over @my brackets. @>> that's right. @notice on here, no pictures. @>> yeah, you're all business. @>> this is a business trip for @me. @>> yeah, president business. @>> that means i'll finish third. @again we want to see picks go to @by the way, if this happens and @holy cross beats the number one @seed oregon, i'll take you both @out to lunch everyday for a @month. @>> wow. @you heard it here. @>> a lot of big macs, john. @although today, i want a ruben @from slyman's. @>> all right, deal! @ here's a look at the @forecast st. patrick's day to @you and it's going to be a @sun-filled morning, early @afternoon before we start to see @a little more cloud cover work @in. @highs today, 57, breezy, but @we're 10 degrees above normal
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@it's going to be really great if @you're heading to the parade, @1:04 start time on the travel @map, not a whole lot going on. @the looks of it are pretty quiet @and it will be today. @but i'm tracking much colder @weather, guys. @i'll let you know when that move @in. @>> all right, thank you, hollie. @ still ahead, after egging a @house more than 100 times, find @out why the euclid man kept a @family on edge for over a year. @will? @>> reporter: john, it's ready @to go down here at slyman's, @they've been hopping here since @2:00 a.m. @preparing all these @corned beef sandwiches for st. @paddy's day. @the secret ingredient and what @they put this to make it so @good, i'll reveal that after the @break. @coming up. @ @
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@ @ welcome back, i'm john @anderson. @>> and i'm lynna lai, hollie has @your forecast, but first, here's @a look what's happening. @>> oh, this is getting ready for @st. patrick's day, we are live @at flannery's downtown where the @beer started flowing half an @hour ago. @look at all the people ready @with their kegs. @>> yeah, getting ready, the day @keeps going on. @ @
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@>> and sad news, he carried on @his famous father's legacy, @we're remembering frank sinatra @jr.. @the family said he passed away @after a heart attack while on @dur in daytona beach, florida. @he followed his father in the @music business and worked for @conductor. @frank sinatra jr. was 72 years @old. @ now to euclid, 30-year-old @jason kozan with vandalism, he @threw eggs at a home for more @a year. @even sent egg shells to a crime @lab for testing, now the egging @damaged the home of his former @neighbor, and left the family @there on edge. @police did not release the @motive. @ and right now, almost 6:32, @let's get that weather forecast @for hollie, big day today. @>> yeah, especially a parade @too. @>> i feel like a lot of you had @plans to go to the parade, if @it's not the parade, maybe it's
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@after work you're doing dinner @and the whole st. patrick's day @party at that point, listening @to good irish music, all looking @good. @a bit of a change from when you @went to bed, we're not thinking @showers, pots of sunshine, @golden sunshine. @and if anything, more of a @filtered sunshine later today. @57 for the high, i think a good @estimate for cleveland, a few @upper 50s too. @it looks absolutely beautiful! @with the exception of cloud @cover moving in later. @we'll talk about colder weather @on the way, when it arrives but @first, danny's got a look at @your drive. @1:04 parade time, the weather @looks great. @>> beautiful! @ i want to talk about the @parade routes road closures @because of the parade in just a @minute. @slow traffic 71 authority before @the inner belt bridge but not @causing any delays. @remember, in akron, morgan @avenue is closed at bertly @street because of a building @fire just west of 77. @easy thing to get around this.
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@south of the fire. @now, also, that parade, st. @patrick's day kicks off 1:04 @p.m., hollie already told you @the parade route is superior @avenue, and then hangs a right @and completes at rockville @avenue. @the soft closures of superior @avenue start around 9:00 a.m., @the heart closure between east @route, near 104. @john and lynna back to you. @>> all right, danny thank you. @ well, st. patrick's day day @means corned beef for many @people and we think corned beef @in cleveland, slyman's is at the @top of the list. @>> will ujek has been standing @by, watching all, hi, will! @>> reporter: i didn't have to @stand in line, i got @connections. @here with me is joseph, lovingly @referred here as papa joe. @you started this 50 years ago, @did you expect it to blossom in
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@>> no, because i like my @customers, and, you know, @they're nice. @>> reporter: and you left it in @your son's hands, i've got to @ask you, are you in here @everyday hitting him with the @newspaper telling him, you're @not doing it right, you got to @do it this way or are they doing @a great job? @>> he started when he was 14 @years old, more than a baby. @>> reporter: st. paddy's day @always great for you like this? @>> not like this, used to be @nice, but not that much. @>> reporter: he says not like @now, he's talking about the run @of the bulls is what it looked @like. @>> to be honest with you, even @before here, they don't know @much about corned beef or ruben, @i started with the ruben, and @you know -- @>> reporter: have you heard of @a segue? @this is the ruben right here. @this is what they've cooked up @for me and i'm not just going to @show it to you, i'm going to @show you what it tastes like @right here. @>> wow! @wow! @well!
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@>> i feel like asking you lots @of questions now! @>> no kidding, put him on the @spot. @will announce your bracket. @tell us the winners! @[ laughter ] @>> oh, and thank you, papa joe. @so charming, we love him. @thanks a lot, will. @ all right, time is now 6:35, @a sheffield lake man pleaded @guilty to providing support to @the islamic state. @federal prosecutors say amir @said rahman al-ghazi also tried @to get others to join isis @through social media. @he was arrested after trying to @buy an ak-47 from an undercover @agent, scheduled to be sentenced @in june. @ now to an eye opening usa @today report on lead in water, @showing that nearly 2,000 u.s. @water systems tested positive @for lead contamination in the @past four years. @on that list, 350 systems @serving schools and day cares. @the report includes an @interactive map that highlights @where elevated lead levels have @been discovered. @click on ohio and scroll through
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@businesses grouped by county. @in northeast ohio, giaga lake, @sum stark, and medina locates @are included on the list. @ michigan governor snyder to @testify in washington for the @city of flint on the oversight @of government reform, the third @and last hearing on the flint @water crisis which saw thousands @of residents affected by lead @tainted and undrinkable water. @lynna? @ coming in to the morning @news feed, disgraced subway @pitch man jared fogle was @attacked and left beaten and @bloodied in a prison fight. @the fight happened back in @january, but the news was just @released yesterday. @fogle was attacked in a prison @yard by a 60-year-old man who @pushed him down then punched his @face. @fogle pleaded guilty last august @to having sex with minor and @distributing and receiving child @pornography. @he is serving a prison sentence @of more than 15 years. @ four people are in custody @this morning, accused of
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@paris. @police sources say the three men @and one woman were all born in @france and they appear to be @planning an imminent attack. @tensions over terror in france @have been high since the @november 13 attacks in paris @that left 130 people dead. @ americans are expected to @spend more than ever on easter @this year, the national retail @federation says those @celebrating easter plan to spend @an average of $146 per person! @that is a highest level in the @13 years of the survey and up @more than $5 over last year. @more than half plan to cook a @holiday meal and about 31% plan @to have an easter egg hunt. @so maybe that's a good time for @[ indiscernible ] @>> that is, yeah. @ time right now, 6:37, still @lots to come on the morning @show. @>> let's check in with matt @granite, freebies for me! @gentleman yeah, free iphone
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@freebies unlike anything you've @ever seen. @i have this coming your way, but @first, hollie, everyone wants to @know what's coming our way @weather-wise. @ beautiful day, matt! @no issues whatsoever. @we're forecasting sunshine, 50s @for highs, breezy, this is going @to be about 10 degrees above @normal for this time of year. @so we shall enjoy. @a little more cloud cover, @unfiltered sunshine, 1:04 parade @time, downtown cleveland, plan @on low 50s, breezy, and partly @to mostly sunny skies, john. @ apple has a new way to @gobble up your money see why, @yeah, cookie monster is a new @ @ @>> oh, but first we leave you @with a little st. patrick's day @music, courtesy of our bag @piper, tyler tagliafera, we @appreciate you. @
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@ @ welcome back, some of the @stories trending. @>> nike unwraps a new type of @shoe and the first shoe that @ties itself. @sensors at the heel level @activate the lacing when a foot @slips in to the shoe. @two buttons on the side of the @shoe can be pressed to loosen or @tighten the lacing. @movie buffs have been @anticipating them ever since @marty mcfly wore the self-tying @shoes in back to the future part @2. @hitting the market later this @year. @ causing a lot of talk this @morning, how do you feel about @this one, adam laroche likes to @bring his 14-year-old son, he @comes out and hangs out. @well the white sox told adam @laroche yesterday he needs to @limit the number of those visits
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@so do you think the team has a @point here, they don't want the @kid in all the time? @what do you think? @laroche walks away from a $13 @million contract for this year, @reaction. @whose side are you on? @>> well, the white sox might be @more tolerant if he were more @successful. @>> yeah, tough year last year. @ apple shared a pretty funny @new iphone success app with a @sesame street character, in the @spot, cookie monster is baking @cookies and using the always on @hands free hey siri feature to @set a timer. @this is the first iphone success @ad featuring a character rather @than an actor or athlete. @steph curry and bill hader had @previously starred. @>> good idea, matt, all these @3-year-olds will be walking @now. @ sure.
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@100% free, more han -- than 100 @legit freebies from speakers to @fitness trackers to take a look @at the biggest set of freebies @you will ever see. @the only thing you need to know, @there's a $4.99 shipping fee @tied to the items i'm going to @show you, and that's so the @legit stores involved do not go @out of business. @i have found more freebie than @anyone else in the country, @laptops down to $0, we're @talking @[ indiscernible ] @i just heard from a viewer who @for $0. @i won't call him out. @but he bought beautiful jewelry @valued at over $100 for $0, @including as he defined his @wife, four piece pendant set for @$0. @smart man. @wireless phone chargers, again, @down to $0. @iphone 6 and 6s cases, as well
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@and the most popular item right @now, two pedometers. @i said two pedometers with built @shipping. @new this hour, iphone cables, @speakers, and jewelry! @>> yes, bangles! @>> it looks really good on you. @you've got the st. patrick's day @colors, get this for your next @anniversary, $0., your full list of @freebies. @>> and saving marriages too. @>> just get him a dinner @certificate, we're set. @flowers, throw those in. @>> done. @>> all right, we're good! @[ laughter ] @ hey, hollie. @>> yeah, that really is ret @amazing -- pretty amazing, matt, @different things all throughout @the day for you, fabulous. @speaking of the day, happy st. @patrick's day. @and the weather's looking great. @we'll get you out to the bus @stop first and talk temperature @in the 40s. @it's cool but above normal for @this time of the morning. @a light jacket, totally works @today. @we'll end up in the 50s for
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@are heading downtown for the @parade, the weather looks like @it should cooperate. @1:04, parade start time. @and we are talking shamrock @sunshine and plenty of it. @it will be breezy, 15 to 25 @miles an hour sustained, winds @out of the southwest. @we see more cloud cover later @and still looking like a colder @weekend, that hasn't changed. @but the big difference today @from what we were thinking @yesterday about today is that @we're antibioticing the shower @-- taking the shower chances out @completely, they were small but @it looks like it should be dry. @so lucky pot of gold all the way @through. @52 degrees at noon, 57 at @5:00 today. @radar, quiet. @showers around us, not on top of @us. @and on future view as we track @hourly here, this brings us to @11:00 a.m. @look how clear it is. @a lot of you downtown at this @point. @if you're involved in the @parade, doing your prep, right? @weather looks great. @and as we head through the @afternoon, we do see a little
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@we hold off on shower chances @until we get in to tomorrow. @then the cold stuff. @so here's the window nation @seven day. @50s today, 40s tomorrow, could @see a few scattered showers, @maybe a wet snowflake mixing in. @not going to be a big deal as @far as how much precipitation. @but definitely chilly over the @weekend. @upper 30s to near 40s, few @flurries for sunday, monday @before we warm back tuesday. @and by the middle of next week, @we're already back in the middle @50s. @dog gone weather, 6:47, carter. @how cute is carter? @loves to play out on the deck @and this is where mom and dad @found carter one morning. @such a great puppy, just 15 @weeks old! @in this picture. @isn't that like calendar-worthy? @>> yeah! @>> really adorable. @>> very sweet. @thank you, hollie. @ 6:47 right now.
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@corned beef sandwich but safety @tips on this holiday, tiffany? @>> reporter: @[ lost audio ] @ @[ no audio ] @ @>> reporter: also out looking @for drunk drivers, the @importance of having a plan for @your parties, take public @transportation, get a cab, have @a designated driver, or even @book a hotel. @now as you are going to the @parade this afternoon, the one @thing you don't want to take @with you is a large backpack and @also leave those open containers
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@you to the parade. @john? @>> all right, tiffany. @ trafficking suspect is on @the loose this morning after a @major bust that put 11 members @of a mexican drug organization @behind bars. @the organization with ties to @summit and stark counties busted @on crystal meth investigation, @police seized 10 firearms, one @pound of cocaine, 145 pounds of @marijuana valued at $150,000 and @11 pounds of meth, worth another @$150,000. @ two juveniles charged after @they were violent inside of a @south eastland library. @okay -- we will not have that @story. @let's send it over to tracy @potts with more on the president @supreme court nomination. @>> reporter: we are monitoring @here on capitol hill, judge @merrick garland is supposed to @be here today to meet with @lawmakers. @but how many will likely sit @down with thim? @cup -- him? @couple chemes es -- democrats @and
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@hearings and no votes until the @next president nominates @someone. @also today, senate democrats @will rally outside the supreme @court with what they call @ordinary americans to talk about @why they think it's so important @to make this happen before the @next president comes in. @sometime this year. @the public thinks it @[ indiscernible ] @we'll continue to watch it for @you. @ they can bring the political @spectrum, slyman's, they've had @biden, george bush here. @and now lines out the door for @st. patrick's day, everybody @picking up their corned beef, @they were in here, crews at @2:00 a.m. @getting things ready. @doors opened at 6:00 and it's @been like the run of the bulls @ever since, my ruben here, or it @used to be there, it's gone. @great stuff, you cannot call @this in, though, john, they @stopped accepting orders @yesterday.
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@when it's gone today, it's gone. @>> actually we don't have to, we @have you. @ the dc metro subway system @has reopened this morning @following a 29 hour systemwide @shutdown, emergency repairs were @made with a fire near one of the @system's tunnels, estimated @700,000 used rail system daily. @wasn't there yesterday, can you @imagine doing traffic reports @there? @>> busy day. @ our friends in dc, but for @right now, one traffic alert in @akron. @remember, morgan avenue is @closed west of 77 at beardsley @street, just before the inner @belt bridge but no big delays @there, we see that slowing @before the inner belt almost @everyday, hollie? @ thanks, danny. @6:54 and happy st. patrick's @day.
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@of sunshine, partly to mroon @mostly @sunny skies, but dry. @be safe, please, all of you that @are heading out to local @establishments to enjoy a @guinness or what have you. @around 40, forecasting much @colder weather, could see a few @snowflakes in the mix but @nothing major, warm back up by @tuesday of next week. @time for matt's bonus deal of @the day. @>> more freebies! @ another 23 items, at @including entire samsung and @apple charge kits new cases in @the mix, more swarovski jewelry, @all $0, all waiting for you. @>> i think it's if he knowledge @natural -- phenomenal. @those are so expensive. @>> big day, items under $25. @ usa news, today show with @more on seaworld will stop the
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@the whales there will stay there @seaworld. @>> pretty big deal! @>> yeah, more on that. @ and we leave you with our @bag piper, tyler sending you off @on this st. paddy's day, have a @great day! @ @ @[ bag pipes ] @ @ @news. @take channel 3 news and weather @with you, text to 25543 @ @ @closed captioning sponsored by @ @ @-- andreas furniture. @ @an
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good morning. battle supreme. president obama's pick heads to the hill today. democrats pushing hard. >> have the guts, the guts to vote yes or no. >> is the nomination dead on arrival? we will talk to the president's chief of staff. where is the love? a new poll shows hillary clinton and donald trump are deeply unpopular even in their own parties while trump has a dire warning for the gop if there is a contested convention. >> i think you would have riots. >> is he using scare tactics to try to lock in the nomination?
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