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tv   Channel 3 News Sunrise  NBC  March 18, 2016 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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@caught them doing just moments @before the gunfire. @>> and trying to shut done @trump what's happening behind @the scenes other gop to get @their frontrunner out of @the race. @>> but first, hollie's tracking @big changes for the weekend. @ that's one way to put it. @>> that's a nice way. @ but all keep our sense of @humor over the next few days. @we've got a good-looking @friday. @and what a fabulous st. @patrick's day it was yesterday. @hope you really enjoyed. @today it's going to be very @seasonal like textbook. @partly sunny skies, 41 at 9:00 @this morning. @mid-40s at lunch. @upper 40s for highs today. @some of you further inland @could see temperatures in the @50s. @right now in the 30s most areas @anyway and that's exactly were @we should be as we start off. @but things are going to be @changing as we had through the @weekend. @we've been talking all week @about a cold ker weekend.
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@the forecast has been very @consistent. @track today's weather 8:30 a.m. @clear as can be. @it's friday. @it's a good thing. @then as we got into the @afternoon this is 1:30 still @really bright for us. @a little bit more cloud cover @and a pass sprinkle can't be @ruled out but 20% or less. @most will fade before they @havety a chance to make it to @the surface. @most of tomorrow looks dry. @which is great news for your @errands. @kids have sports and things to @get to. @sunday's a different story. @i'm going to talk more about @that coming up in just minutes. @right now we have a look at the @morning commute. @ yes, very good. @a fine friday when it comes to @traffic. @77 near east 30 the drive into @and out of downtown all clear. @no problems, and, in fact, as @we take a leak at the entire @traffic map we are all green. @s you do have the green light @to go. @do want to let you know that
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@delays on lee road in shaker @heights. @the northbound lanes are closed @but you can use southbound to @go too way traffic north and @south. @so please be cautious in this @area. @they are preparing for gas line @work. @i'm posting that on w @ it's making a surge on the @streets of northeast ohio and @stronger than heroin. @and now a recent spike in @overdose deaths is bringing @attention to this problem. @>> tiffany, people are lacing @heroin with the painkiller @fentanyl. @>> reporter: lynna and john @the hieing medical examiner is @calling this ongoing threat. @and what's happened here lately @is really just proof of how @impactful this is right here in @our community. @we know that 13 people have @died because of these overdoses @in just five days. @that's between march 10 and 14. @you know recently we've heard
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@lost their loved ones to this @type of addiction. @so let's go ahead and show you @where these overdose deaths @have happened. @we know it's happened here in @cleveland. @but also suburbs like parma, @euclid but it's also @interesting to note that in @2015 heroin deaths decreased @but fentanyl related deaths @actually tripled. @so this is definitely a problem @that we're seeing more and more @here in northeast ohio. @coming up at 5:30 i'm going to @let you know exactly what @fentanyl is and why it's more @popular than heroin. @ we're learning more about @what happened before summit @county home exploded and @firefighters found the bodies @of a family burned in january. @the medical examiner says the @two children and mother died @before the home ignited. @her husband jeffrey's death @ruled a suicide.
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@ruled homicides and cynthia @lynn mather died due to a @prozac overdose. @there are still questions @surrounding her death. @>> at this point it could be @homicide it could be suicide @could be an accidental overdose @which is a little @more unlikely. @>> the remains of the home are @still standing but neighbors @say they want it torn down as @soon as possible. @no word yet on when that could @happen. @ it is four years in prison @for an akron man for running @one of the largest pit bull @fighting rings in @northeast ohio. @>> a summit county judge @sentenced alvin banks to two @years but he'll first have to @serve two years in federal @prison for related charges. @he was arrested in 2014 in the @largest single s.w.a.t. @raid in akron. @40 people charged one still @faces trial. @all the rest have been @convicted. @ a pole worker a -- a poll @worker accused of pulling out a @gun was in court yesterday.
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@workers at the school the when @he pulled out the gun and @threatened people. @he also pleaded not guilty to @having marijuana in his @backpack. @the judge set his bond at @$10,000. @ renovations projects in @cleveland continue to take @shape. @will ujek joins us. @one show going on during the @convention but still things are @very bibsy there. @>> reporter: yeah, john @there's one show going on at @the allen theater steel @magnolias but the rnc @contracted out the rest of the @playhouse square facilities. @they'll be getting a four year @renovated set of facilities @when they come in. @>> everything's been redone. @>> reporter: for over 90 years @playhouse square has been @delight audiences with song,
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@with recent renovations, they @repainted lobbies, added @classical decoration. @now, they're looking forward to @wowing everyone with a throw @back of vintage architecture. @>> we're putting back one of @the original pieces that was @destroyed in 1964. @it's huge. @what we're dog there is @unprecedented. @>> reporter: the 150 foot by @35 foot ceiling filled with @hand skull. @ed pieces. @a true work of art with every @detail accounted for. @>> i don't think i need to do @what i'm doing underneath this @but i am just so i can know @that i did do it. @>> reporter: now, work moves @to eight columns, two @fireplaces, two display cases @and three giant murals all @on track to be completed on may @19 with plenty of time to @spare. @>> we have every complement of
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@we were going to d these @renovations anyway rnc was a @great motivator for us. @>> reporter: they have a lot @of big projects here. @we know about the chandelier. @next on their list is some of @the seating in the balcony part @of the advancing the legacy @campaign. @which they got about 70 million @of 100 million they're well on @their way. @>> thank you so much. @ time right now 5:07 @chocolates lover's dream @restaurant. @coming up where this will. @we and we'll talking about a @few of the treats that you'll @be able to get here. @>> and next, how to shut down @trump. @what republicans are scrambling @to do and what they want @democrats to do to help. @>> hi, lynna and happy friday @to you. @let got that commute forecast @going which is really seasonal @today. @partly cloudy skies most of you @in the 30s right now.
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@we'll be in the 40s for highs @today. @which is where we should be. @mid- to upper 40s mix of clouds @and sun. @grab the sunglasses and the @jacket. @you'll need both heading out @the door. @how about snow shovels before @the weekend is through. @spring arrives this weekend. @a look downtown all is quiet @and lovely as we are waking up. @let's get some coffee and have
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@ @ the dumb trump movement may @be gaining some steam this @morning. @>> tracie potts is live in @washington with more on a @private meeting held there to @find -- try and find @someone else to represent the @republican party this fall. @>> reporter: and it's not the @only meeting that's been @happening.
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@least two possible options. @trying to beat trump before the @republican convention, in other @words make sure he doesn't hit @that magic @number of 1237 delegates or @giving him some competition in @the fall. @this closed door meeting @organized by conservative @republicans looking for a @strategy to beat donald trump. @>> the best way to do its to @get a unity ticket. @>> reporter: it's not clear if @that's ted cruz they're also @looking at backing a third @party candidate in @november. @>> hopefully there's time to @still prevent a trump @nomination which i think would @fracture the party. @>> reporter: at a late rally @bernie sanders called on @democrats to unite. @>> that trumps every day @dividing us up as trump would @have us be. @>> reporter: overnight l.a. @tiles editorial warns trump to @knock off the rabble rousing @about riots @describing him as a child
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@>> to even address or hint to @violence is unacceptable. @>> reporter: in a scathing @speech the top democrat argues @cannot have it both ways @condemning and supporting @him. @>> they should put on make @america great again hats and @stand behind trump at his next @press rest conference. @>> reporter: trump's response @he's ignoring it all tweeting @overnight hillary clinton is @corrupt and focus on tuesday's @primary in arizona. @speak of arizona, congressman @was at that private meeting and @issued a statement afterwards @that really gives @you a sense of how it is he @doesn't trust donald trump but @he will vet for donald trump if @he's the nominee @because he trusts hillary @clinton less to d the right @thing but he also says now he's @really pushing for ted cruz to @become the nominee. @so lots of back and forth and @lots of conservatives are
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@out who they should be pushing @for and supporting right now. @>> last week we had the chance @to interview donald trump. @he's a very confident guy. @what's the confidence level of @the ones trying to get him out? @>> reporter: you know, that's @interesting. @i think right now they just @have a lot of unanswered @questions. @they don't have a clear @strategy at this point. @they're thinking okay, we've @got to find what they cull a @unity ticket. @but who's that going to be? @they're not completely married @to the idea of that being ted @cruz. @and then we hear the names like @paul ryan thrown in. @he's made it very clear after @leaving that door open that he @doesn't want the job. @they're a bit up in the air @coming up worth a strategy to @beat them. @>> their plan definitely needs @more work. @ we're going to talk some @weather. @>> yes. @lovely looking pray house @square. @>> a beautiful morning. @>> the chandelier is shining. @>> what's it going to look like @as we're celebrating spring? @ well, john it's fun eye u
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@some snow on top of the @crystals. @>> it's accumulation that's @what kills me. @>> about an inch. @>> that's not bad. @>> we can handle that. @>> it's kind of funny that it's @the first day of spring isn't @it? @[laughter] @let's all just giggle and know @that it's going to warm up next @week. @ at the bus stop, chilly 30 @for most of you. @40 in hopkins you need your @coats. @it's going to be a seasonal @friday. @highs in the 40 which is @exactly where we should be. @colder this weekend. @this has been so consistent @through the week. @and then yes, snow in the @forecast on sunday. @perhaps accumulation. @right now about an inch. @we shall see. @and keep you updated as always. @41 at 9:00, 44, mid-40s at @lunch. @went be as windy today. @then 48 degrees the high. @and that is right about where @we should be this time of the @year. @we're seeing temperatures very @seasonal.
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@you're waking up. @get some coffee going. @i know st. patrick's day @yesterday but at least it's @friday. @and it looks like it is going @to be a really fabulous looking @tgif. @not a whole lot going on on @radar. @i want to show you what happens @over the next couple days. @today is uneventful. @20% or less for the chance of a @passing sprinkle. @a lot of it stays over the lake @and fade. @>> i think you're fine for @friday evening plans and @anything you have going on @including work and school and @normal life. @getting into tomorrow always @busy on the weekends. @try to get everything in. @late tomorrow we start to see @some snow and rain showers to @the south. @this is 3:30 tomorrow @afternoon. @this all pushes northward @tomorrow night into early @sunday. @here we sit at 5:00 a.m. @as spring is arriving. @well, sunday morning it's going @to be snowing. @so there's some pretty steady
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@temperatures upper 20s to 30 @degrees. @so yes, as we say hello to @spring we say hello to a fresh @coating of snow. @and even if it's just snow in @the air there is snow. @upper 30s through the weekend @on your window nation 7 day. @low 40s monday. @50 tuesday. @see how fast this goes. @then we're right back to around @61 op wednesday. @way above normal. @seasonal weather expected @thursday of next week. @typical spring stuff here's a @check of your commute. @ . @ hi there to you starting @your friday morning with good @news in terms tough traffic we @are problem free. @for those of you commuting to @the south 77, u.s. 30, 62 all @look great. @71, 77, 90 to the north no @problems. @for those of you who tweet me @you say you don't show me state @route 8.
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@that drive time between 76 and @271 in macedonia. @17minutes north. @18 south we're god to golf tune @into our partners at wtam 1100 @total traffic. @there are traffic updates every @10 minutes. @coming up i'll let you know @where the lowest gas prices are @in the region. @>> you take requests when @somebody has a question you @answer it. @ houston police open fire on @five suspected robbers killing @two. @this all went done outside a @furniture store last night. @masked gunmen burst into the @store demanding money. @a police team was watching. @a police spokesman said they @opened fire when the suspects @pointed their guns at police. @ cue bans gearing up for the @first visit by u.s. president @in almost 90 years. @president obama arrives in @havana on summed. @he plans to use a historic @speech on cuban tv to highlight
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@freedoms for cue pans. @he will meet cuban president, @attend a state dinner meet with @cuban disdents and attend a @baseball game. @ a close call for a south @florida couple. @sitting in a restaurant when an @suv plowed right into them. @a driver lost control and @crashed. @the suv through the front of @oakland park pizzeria. @couple was taken to the @hospital for minor injuries. @police are investigating the @cause of the crash. @and aren't sure yet if the 70- @year-old driver will be @charged. @ check out this sweet new @restaurant. @universal studios is building @in orlando. @yes, toothsome chocolate @factory will look like willy @wonka's paradise. @incredible desserts like bacon @brittle milk shakes and giant @sundays -- sundaes. @and because the shopping @district isle outside the
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@admission to eat there. @that's where they usually get @you. @>> right. @so no golden ticket necessary. @>> oh, that would have been @something if you had to -- @there'd be trouble if you've @needed a golden ticket to @get in there. @ so here is a great way to @start your friday. @still ahead, cute dogs. @>> oh, here we go. @>> where are the cute dogs? @>> oh, there we go. @>> there we go. @>> leave it to joe. @>> he's here with the cleveland @apo. @we will show you how you can @help out the apl and all of
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@ @ this morning we're @givingout opportunity to help @local animals in need. @>> our good buddy is live at
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@me not telethon. @one important ab nunsment we're @not looking for good homes for @you, it's for all the wonderful @dogs that are @looking for homes, yeah. @>> you're not our furever @friend. @>> i gas that's okay. @>> reporter: i shaved today as @a matter of fact. @this is a wonderful event. @great seeing everybody, again. @it really is and say good @morning everyone all these @wonderful people are here ready @to answer your phone call. @now, what are we doing today? @if we adopt some animals that's @a wonderful thing but the apl @relies 100% on denations. @100%. @no government help, no agency @help as far as anybody out @there. @this is julie huntir from the @apl. @>> this is cocoa and she's 10 @years old and she was @surrendered her owner was @moving. @she's a great example of @animals that we have available. @we have wonderful puppies and @kitties but we have senior @dogs, too.
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@to tell us your age -- you want @to tell us your age. @if you can make a phone call @facebook post this number out @to everybody that you know @loves these friends of f riend, @866-392-pets. @money raised today funds the @apl for the rest of the year. @>> she had all her vaccinations @she had a senior blood test. @everything we do including the @humane offers is fund bid @donations. @>> reporter: all that work @would not happen if it wasn't @for people watching channel 3 @news picking up that @phone and calling. @>> absolutely and somebody @looking to give us a wonderful @home for cocoa. @>> reporter: we're going to be @here all day the opportunity is @right in front of you today. @do something wonderful for the @animal protective league here @in cleveland. @>> ceo co-'s so sweet. @>> maybe you can't adopt a dog @but the money helps find these
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@so very good, joe, thank you so @much. @what a sweet face. @>> yeah. @cocoa's only 29 anyway u. auto @mean, you know, a little more @than four years old. @see how that math works. @>> that's why we have lynna @here for math problems. @>> looking forward to being out @there this afternoon, michael @and i are going to be out there @from 12:00-12:30. @we'll be there for live on @lakeside and joining joe. @so yes, all those donations @make a huge difference. @ we're going to see sunshine @and seasonal weather. @30s as you're waking up. @mid- to upper 40s for highs. @on the travel map, not a whole @lot going on today. @that's going to change into @this weekend and by the time @spring arrives on sunday. @we're talking snow. @ @ most people like to buy @girl scout could ak easy and @they support the girl scout but @how much money is
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@as we of we have a -- we have a @breakdown next. @>> overdose death dollars spike @in cuyahoga county coming up @what's causing the problem and @the questions
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@ @ starting grow, rush with @breaking news of a shooting on @cleveland's east side. @our crew's on the scene at east @90 in st. clair where gunfire @rang out. @>> they arrived to find a 22- @year-old man shot in the chest @and arm. @he was rushed to the hospital. @at last check in critical @condition. @>> no arrests have been made. @ also overnight a van @running from cleveland police @caused a power pole to split in @half and drop lines on @the road. @the van pulled off the road @with its doors open when they @tried to pull it over, the van
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@the van, then hit a parked car. @the suspects got out of the van @at ran off. @ job, a recent spike in @overdose deaths here in @cuyahoga county is raising new @questions and concerns this @morning. @according to the medical @examiner's office, between @march 10 and march 14 a total @of 13 people between the @ages of 26 and 52 died -- died @due to heroin and fentanyl @related overdoses. @here's why fentanyl might be @gaining popularity it can be in @powder form and sometimes @substituted and sold as heroin. @>> but it's 80 times more @powerful than morphine and a @small dose can be deadly. @oftentimes heroin users don't @even know what they are getting @from the dealer. @so coming up we're going to let @you know which city is actually @seeing the most of these
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@ switching gears talking @friday forecast and that means @some sunshine. @it's going to be a great @looking day. @and pretty seasonal entering @into this weekend. @>> mid-40s by lunch. @mid- to upper 40s for highs @today. @partly sunny skies, 20% or less @as far as shower chances. @most of you in the 30s right @now. @seasonal. @this is very textbook today. @exactly where we expect. @this time of the year. @but, things will be changing as @forecasted. @we're still talking colder @weather for the weekend. @but as we track on future view @hour by hour it looks pretty @fabulous. @lot of sunshine and bright @skies. @means you're grabbing the @sunglasses still need those @coats today. @well, snow shovels will that be @reality? @we're going to chat about. @chance of a shower today. @20% or less. @most of you probably not see @any kind of rain shower. @snow showers will be a @different story as we got into @the weekend. @>> got that four letter word.
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@>> i'm sure we'll get through @it. @ everything is fine on the @roads right now. @we're looking great. @no accidents or major delays. @i was tracking snow -- some @traffic 90 east but that's @cleared out. @hilliard road everyone getting @by just fine. @that drive time on 90 west @between 490 at 83 headed out of @downtown, 16 minutes. @headed into downtown 16 minute @commute. @if you're like me and you're on @e, now here is ohio afternoon @gas price $1.92. @the lowest price $1.72 lee gas @mart, 4239 lee road. @that's a savings of $.20. @ it's been going up, he's a @back pastor who supports donald @trump and making political @headlines.
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@klee heights he's aware his @back isn't apology proved by @most in the black community. @he first met with trump when a @ministers prayed with him in @run. @in recent weeks the push back @from many in the black @community has gotten very @heated. @>> to uncle tom you sellout. @you are a disgrace to your @race. @they say all of this stuff. @you sell out, you're selling @out i heard he paid you. @>> well, he tells channel 3 @news no money has exchanged @hands in their relationship. @he thinks donald trump is the @best chance to create new jobs @and help rebuild the inner @city. @ how many 4-dollar boxes of @girl court cookies did you buy @this year if you're during it @to support the @troops, they may not get as @much money as you think. @the more they sell the more @money they make. @the troops start off taking @home $.64 per box but most make
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@the rest of the money goes @towards the cost of the cookies @and membership supports. @the girl scouts say when you @buy cookies you're investing in @girls' futures and the @community. @ the rock and roll hall of @fame is getting an outdoor @stage, motorcycle parking @spaces for food trucks and @fresh signage are coming to the @cleveland icon entry plaza. @this is what the outdoor stage @will look like this summer when @the rock -- with the rock hall. @you can look forward to live @music. @crews are working to install @the updates before the @republican convention in july. @ time is now 5:35 and new @overnight, we have information @starting our morning news feed, @baltimore ravens @player tray walker has been @involved in a serious motor @bike accident in southeast @florida. @now, police say walker was @critically hurt in the crash
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@the ravens say that walker's @being treated at a miami @hospital. @the coach says it's devastating @news and that they are praying @for trey and his family. @walker is from miami drafted in @2015 by baltimore. @ on just the second day on @the job a los angeles @construction worker fell more @than 500 feet to his death @thursday. @the head of the will shirr @grand hotel construction @project says the worker was an @electric to tumbled from the @53rd story of the building. @police say the man landed on a @car that was driving by. @the woman driving that car was @taken to a hospital. @she is in stable condition. @osha and police will be there @on scene to investigate some @more. @ whole foods moving toward @slower growing chickens. @the supermarket chain will @replace the industry standard @chicken bred to rapidly pack on @pounds with slower
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@they believe the birds will @enjoy better lives and yield @better tasting meat. @the move should be completed by @2024. @so you know, that is the trend. @people are more concerned about @how their food is raised. @>> it's taking almost a decade @for a lot of these companies to @do this. @ s it's 5:37 you heard me @say it before i don't put a lot @of weight in the nba regular @season but i will @with tomorrow night's huge @showdown between the warriors @and spurs what this means to @the cavs and my hopes @with less than a month to go @with the playoffs. @>> we're helping out the apl. @we'll check in with ye next and @how you can help all the @wonderful local animals. @>> before we head to break, we @have a quickie morning pick me @up for you this friday. @an amazing story out of sand @eyeing. @luna is a german shepherd that @went missing was presumed dead
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@this week the u.s. navy found @her on an island off of san @diego. @her owner says he cannot @believe how hubby he is to have @her back. @you have to check out their
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@ @ good morning it's joe, @we're coming to you live from @the animal protective league in @cleveland for the @fur-get-me-not telethon. @these little creatures. @this is ambrey. @the reason we're here today, is @to help you ask you to help us, @take care of these pets in a @big way. @your co-nations 100% of your @donations are dependent really @here at the apl. @>> yes, absolutely. @so important especially to cats @like gravy. @she's a stray and came into us. @we did dental work we gave her @-- took care cuff all her @medical needs and she's looking @for a home. @>> reporter: all that costs @money. @>> about $300 just normal care. @>> when we do reduce adoption @fee like today her adoption fee
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@>> reporter: if you have a pet @already, then, wonderful. @obviously, you know, how much @these pets can give us. @so if you can help out 866-392- @pets it's on your screen. @but we ask that you not only @make that phone call but also @spread the word that we're @doing this all day today the @fur-get-me-not telethon is @going on all day. @we have some special things @happening throughout the day. @>> we absolutely do. @and adoption specials as i @said, certain cats, oh, she @adult cats are $30. @some dogs $30. @we just want everybody to call @in and think about getting a @new friend but help us help @these animals. @>> reporter: these phones have @to ring right now that's a @bell. @not a phone. @[laughter] @so please, make these phones @ripping right now give the
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@fur-get-me-not telethon, 866- @392-pets. @ well, the real olympics are @less than five month away. @congrats to charles bad news @con well. @he1 a 3-0 competition. @he still want to win the @tournament that he's still in. @>> i lick that nickname bad @news. @because here's bad news for me. @check on the bracket contest @and lynna with a huge first @day. @yes, she picked arkansas little @rock and wichita state to get @big time points. @so lynna goes 13-3 and 82 @points. @>> hollie and i went 11 and @five and i have 55. @keep an eye on that holy cross @oregon game. @hollie says history will be @made when the 16 seed beats the @number 1 seed.
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@lynna lunch every day for a @month. @>> right. @>> that's what i need. @ saturday night is @basketball heaven for me. @i'll be watching indiana @kentucky at 5:00 switch over @and keep an eye on the first @half of the miami cavs game, @then, at 8:30 i'm all in for @the biggest nba game of the @season. @can the spurs stop steph curry @and the warriors. @this might beat last great hope @for the regular season. @>> i lost some of that hope on @january 18 when the casts @didn't show up at the q and let @curry trash talk and @walk all over them by 34 @points. @the spurs tuned up for saturday @night with a win over portland. @spurs are now 34-0 at home. @and the showdown with the @warriors is in san antonio. @when they're on, the spurs can @be the best team. @it's always been team with san @apt. @they can be better than the @curie led warriors. @that wasn't the case back in @january.
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@golden state by 30. @tim duncan didn't play. @that didn't matter because @curry had 37. @gets us to this week. @>> the esp no one of those @power rang kins said this week @that the spurs are better than @the warriors. @okay. @where did they get that? @that's a literally ma sure -- @that's a little premature. @thanks espn for nothing. @[laughter] @>> why do you just go, you @know, stick the lion in the @face and poke him in the eye. @>> yeah, don't poke the angry @bear. @>> the spurs have to be the @better team tomorrow night no. @question this is a message @sending game. @this game has to be close and @crack the door open just enough @to make me think someone @besides the warriors @can win the title. @that would be good for the @casts, if the spurs win. @tweet me your thoughts. @i don't even know what the bpi
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@going into the game that the @spurs are better @right, hollie. @>> that's like saying we'll @never see snow, again, for this @year. @>> it's going to happen. @looks like before the first @weekend of spring is through. @ weather coming up in just a @couple moments stick around for @that. @we have a look at your forecast @and yes, job kind of alluded to @it the colder weekend and @spring arrives @officially sound and would. @you know we'll have snow. @id think accumulation is a @possibility light but up to an @inch. @so we'll keep you posted. @things can change. @seasonal friday. @low 40s at 9:00 we are down to @37 now at hopkins. @44 at noon. @and 48 degrees at 5:00 today. @40s to finish. @on this very day that is going @to happen. @all across the region we're @seeing the seasonal weather. @as we zoom in most of you in @the middle 30s.
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@coldest compared to the 41 in @mansfield. @40degrees sandusky. @akron canton at 37. @quite on radar. @it's not going to stay that way @through the weekend. @lets track and take you through @the next few days as we head @through the remainder of the @friday. @quiet. @really quiet. @we're going to see sunshine, @going to be bright. @need sunglasses and coats @today. @then it looks like, you know, @the shower chances that we're @talking about 20% or less. @most of this is not going to @make it to the surface. @i think the vast majority will @not see a rain drop today. @tomorrow looks like pretty much @a dry saturday, too. @so this is good for all your @plans like if you want to think @ahead to when do i grocery shop @and get @everything like that done, @before we get into any kind of @messy weather i'd say go for @tomorrow. @by late tomorrow, then, @tomorrow night into sunday is @when the snow arrives. @look at sunday morning. @5:30a.m. @and it's going to be quite @messy.
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@snow coming down. @maybe if you're heading out to @church or whatever it might be @early in the day on sunday. @be thinking ahead as we're @looking at that snow moving in. @so a colder weekend. @all coming together. @we've been talking about it all @week long. @upper 30s. @hello springtime. @we do warm up really fast. @41degrees by monday. @by tuesday we're around 50. @then we're even 60s head into @the middle of next week. @time for some not dog gone @weather now. @ and here we go. @we're going to start with @gravy. @>> gravy that's so cute. @>> . @kitty cat we saw with joe. @seven years old wait @interesting a loving home. @very-- waiting for a loving @home. @all gravy wants is a little @petting. @>> maybe some gravy. @>> next we have mocha. @mocha is nine years old brought @in as a stray. @look at that face.
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@with toys and would love to @spend quality time with a @family. @>> very sweet. @>> so there you go. @ okay. @well spring officially arrives @on sunday so will we have a @warmer than average spring @overall to match our @mild went officer. @>> well, greg dee has more on @what we can expect. @>> reporter: good morning @everyone i know colder weather @is in the forecast spring does @officially start this weekend @and the national weather @service has released their @forecast for the spring there @we are in ohio @they're suggesting we have a @better than average chance of @continuing to see above average @temperatures @through the months of spring. @precipitation, looks to be @normal not drier than normal @like we've been through the @winter so make a little @bit more rain than we've been @seeing over the last couple @months. @with the rain staying normal @the flood potential something @that we have to concern @ourselves with is not there @here. @at least not very high in
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@so what do we expect through @the spring season here around @cleveland? @look at this on the first day @of spring we start off with a @high of 48 and le of 31. @by the last day of spring, @first day of summer a high of @80 degrees and a low that's 30 @degrees warmer than @the low on the first day of @spring of 61. @and here's my favorite part. @over the next three months, we @will gain three hours of @daylight as we approach the @month of june. @have a great weekend everybody. @ that's great for our sleep @schedule. @thank you, greg. @coming up time for ways to @save. @>> hey, matt. @ good morning lynna and good @morning everyone. @today. @bucks. @today. @ look at 77 and east 13 in @canton, looking great.
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@no accidents or major delays so @you do have the green light to @go. @now, coming up at 6:01 i'll let
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@ @ welcome back everyone. @if you want to make an @appointment for the dentist @today may not be your day. @the day after st. patrick's day @is one other busiest for @dentists st. patrick's day @partygoers get drunk and @either get into fights or fall @down cracking their teeth. @this is a true story. @in the business world. @emergency dental visit are up @77% after all that green beer @and pretty much equal between @men and women. @men with a slight el nio of @breaking teeth. @>> gosh. @>> the biggest jump in southern @states like arkansas, @mississippi and tennessee. @>> well, you know, they're @partying hardy down there. @>> we don't make this up. @ a life proof mar begin is
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@>> you have a gadget grab here @what is this about? @>> we have three items all @under 25 bucs all up to 75% @off. @all items requested by you. @first item up for grabs @something you've been asking @for since christmas. @take a look. @for those of you an after st. @patrick's day when a lot of @people are hitting the gym this @is the time where i @get the request for sweat @resistant noise canceling hand @free calling bluetooth @headphones. @this is just the day for it. @the best model i've seen a pair @that does not fall out of your @ears and has extensions to fit @any type of ear. @>> even my judge be ears. @>> i love your ears and these @would fit your ears, and mine. @very well rated $24 headphones @that everyone else is selling @for 40 bucks or more. @something that i've just @located and just put on
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@today. @so these are fully rechargable @get those five hours of battery @life. @if you want to watch an audio @expert to test it, that is on were you can find two @other huge tech @deals under 25 bucs and one is @-- 25 bucks and one is the @bonus deal of the day. @>> stay tuned for that, then. @>> very excited. @>> right before 7:00. @>> i got this from a viewer. @they said hey, john, matt today @jewelry that was free. @what was wrong with it? @that was the reaction when you @were giving away free jewelry. @>> people don't understand the @word free. @and i told you all these stores @really want to do is get you on @their e-mail list. @if gyro kay you get a freebie. @it was 100% free. @>> you're amazing. @ another amazing person, @you, hollie you can sell snow @and still make us feel good. @>> well, good.
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@before the weekend is through. @ we have upper 40s today. @partly cloudy skies a good- @looking tgif. @i'll talking about note on the @way. @we'll see exactly when it moves @in how it will impact the @weekend. @ coming up at 6:00 why a @brunswick woman took her @request to be a marine all wait @to the white house. @>> and it is caused more than a @dozen deaths in just five days @locally. @now, officials are trying to @figure out why.
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@ @ 6:00 a.m. @sharp, on friday, march the @18th. @welcome, if you're just tuning @in, we're due for a seasonal @weather day. @temperatures in the 30s, so @grab the jackets for the kids @and you. @and the sun glasses also, @because we'll see a bit of @sunshine today. @30s now and, mid-30s are pretty @average.


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