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tv   Channel 3 News Saturday  NBC  March 19, 2016 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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@ @ coming up today, a ptured. @we have details on the arrest @in canton overnight. @ and people in lake county @are dealing with a very pesky @we are talking to them about @bedbugs in their apartment @building and what is first we check in with @alyssa. @ good morning, we are live @at the boys and girls club ming up what they are doing ty
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@ @ thanks for being up @it is the last day of winter. @but tell that to mother nature. @the first day of spring might @feel more like winter. @what is the deal? @>> reporter: you ever it all @filling out. @>> i just stole your thunder? @i'm sorry.
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@overnight tomorrow morning. @current temperature 32 degrees. @below normal temperatures will @be with us today tomorrow and @maybe on into monday as well. @snow showers today, no @accumulation. @a dusting overnight but not a @lot of precipitation in terms @of snow. @upper 20s to low 30s and we @have precipitation headed this @way coming up across the south. @the it is raining in cincinnati @and dayton. @that is snow across central @ohio. @light snow most not reaching @the ground. @and snow showers by this @afternoon. @clouds on the increase. @32 degrees at this point and @beyond we get up into the @middle 30s for noon and upper @30s by the end of the day. @that is about it. @how long will this last? @i'll be along with the complete @forecast for you in a few @minutes. @ thanks.
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@police have arrested a has been @wand on a murder charge. @lance levi rankin was arrested @this morning following a short @police chase on i-77. @rankin was wanted after police @executed a search warrant at @his home. @while they were there they @found a body inside the home. @police are not releasing the @name of the victim until they @notify family members. @ also overnight, more than @60 people are dead after a @passenger jet crashed landing @in russia. @55 passengers and seven crew @members were on board when the @jet crashed. @the aircraft crashed at an @airport at the end of the @flight from dubai. @according to russian officials @whether is considered the cause @of the crash. @the plane had to abandon an @initial attempt to land and @came down while making a repeat @attempt. @ hundreds of protesters @crowded outside republican @presidential candidate donald
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@the protest started peacefully, @with a few people holding up @signs outside the rally. @but the clashes between trump @supporters and opponents @quickly escalated. @no word on any arrests so far. @ a group of civil rights @activists wants to make sure @the $50 million in federal @security spending cleveland is @getting for the rnc doesn't go @toward making police more @militarized. @the group is expected to @express their concerns in a @press conference monday. @the aclu is spearheading the @effort. @they think citizens and council @members should have a say in @how the money is spent. @>> what this equipment is going @to be and it may be @intimidating to the public and @tacked cause harm have the 2012 @rnc was held in tampa.
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@said the $50 million in federal @funds they received went mostly @toward personnel. @ well the relationship @between police and communities @they serve continues to be @important. @the boys and girls club and the @cleveland clinic are now @teaming up this. @channel 3's alyssa raymond @joins us live with what the two @organizations have planned for @today. @good morning alyssa. @>> reporter: good morning @maureen. @we are live at the cleveland @boys and girls club on @broadway. @this morning they are doing @coffee with cops. @this afternoon pizza with @police. @here with knee this morning is @ron sewedder, the president of @the boys and girls club of @cleveland. @ron just a general summary. @>> today we are partnering with @the cleveland clinic to bring @in police, bring in ems, and @the citizens in a relaxed @environment. @we know there has been a lot of @tension in cleveland, so this @is a chance for people to sit @down with police and let them @know they are real people, they @care about their community and
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@the clinic has done a series of @these and we are happy to host. @we are bringing our kids out @today and we have a s.w.a.t. @vehicle, a k-9 unit, ems. @the residents and children are @going to get a chance to meet @police as real people, not in a @confrontational way. @that is so critical. @>> officers from which @department? @how many? @>> i think we'll have 20, cpd, @cleveland clinic, rta, the @complete group ems. @there is a chance to sit down @with first responders in a way @that is casual and calm a way @to talk to people effectively. @>> wonderful, thank you so @much. @as ron said this is informal, @casual. @it starts around 9:30 and goes @until 1:30. @you can drop by whenever you @want. @ this next story may make
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@the lake metropolitan housing @authority is responding to @numerous complaints about @bedbugs. @they are admitting the issue @that be ongoing for four years @now. @many residents there are @elderly, disabled and don't @have many other options to @where they live. @some people invited us to the @washington square apartments @because they don't feel enough @is being done. @>> they come and sprayed stuff @and then i got my own spray. @you can't get rid of them. @you have to almost knock down @these walls or cover the whole @building. @>> reporter: so what has lake @metropolitan housing authority @been doing about the problem? @in an e-mail statement their @ceo said we responded @immediately and consulted @experts in the field of bed bug @treatment. @we initially had very few @complaints. @as the frequency began to @additional equipment and @provided training for our @workers. @ in other news, a northeast @ohio man is in police custody
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@an app to lure a teen from @missouri to stark county. @eric shotwell met a teen @online, then drove all the way @to missouri to kidnap her. @he met the victim through an @app called say hi. @the two communicated for @months. @police were tipped off when the @teen was finally able to call @home. @he is charged with kidnapping, @assault and rape. @ foul play is now suspected @in the death of a man whose @body ended up in a landfill @after a country concert. @an 8-month investigation by @former fbi officials led them @to believe that someone @incapacitated or killed corey @baron and then dumped him into @the trash chute at progressive @field. @baron disappeared during the @jason aldean concert. @baron's family is offering a @$10,000 reward for any
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@arrest and conviction. @warning is out. @see how your vehicle can be @invade i by hackers. @ why a nation website @children into movies, coming
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@ @ now to a warning about all @the security of those
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@the fbi and national highway @safety association issued a @bulletin vehicles are becoming @increasingly vulnerable to @hacking. @and control brakes transmission @and steering. @consumers are urged to be @vigilant about installing the @latest legitimate security @updates. @ have you ever gotten the @feeling that facebook knows you @personally? @you aren't too far off. @the social network is, in fact, @watching and tracking your @moves. @facebook tracks what you like, @what you watch and what you @click on. @the information is passed along @to facebook advertisers. @this is why you see ads that @seem tailored specifically to @you. @you can stop them from watching @your post and storing your @profile information of the we @have listed the ways to do that @at @ snapping too many selfies @can cause premature aging.
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@aging. @she was worried the light from @skin. @and doctors say she was right. @some studies suggest it is as @bad as uva lights and can't be @blocked by sunscreen. @but everything in moderation. @this blog and instagram star @was taking up to 50 selfies a @day. @ it is considered to be the @most haunted house in the u.s. @franklin castle is right here @in cleveland. @for the first time camera crews @from the cable network @destination america went inside @to find out who or what haunts @this 19th century castle. @it sits on the corner of west @44th and franklin in ohio city, @surrounded by an iron gate. @>> i have heard stories the @ghosts have been in the window. @there is a lady that walks @around in there. @but i have never actually seen @anything on the second floor. @>> reporter: investigators from @destination america show
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@days inside, searching for @clues of ghostly activity. @one story is about a mysterious @little girl believed to haunt @the house. @the episode will air again @friday night. @ the weekend is prime time @to visit the movies, but we @discovered in some theaters @they have a new and little @known policy in place that @could affect your viewing @experience. @it is a topic that has parents @buzzing. @channel 3's carley flynn morgan @has details. @>> reporter: kim's family @visited the theater to see dead @pool. @>> it is rated r. there are a @lot of smaller children there @and it was a debate about @whether they should be allowed @to go in or not. @>> reporter: at regal cinema, @kids younger than six wouldn't @be allowed in according to @their policy. @the company says we want to @make sure there are minimal @interruptions during r rated @movies. @we best achieve this through @controlling the number of young @children in films with an r @rating.
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@see that kind of thing at that @age. @they wouldn't understand it @anyway so why scar them? @>> with the violence in movies @today i mean, you know, that is @what you are subjecting your @child to. @>> i have girls under the age @of six. @and i would never, i couldn't @imagine. @it is r rated for a reason. @>> reporter: a local cinema @manager told us they have @received some push back @although almost agreed with the @age limit. @>> kids this age shouldn't be @seeing r rated movies. @they have too many cussing too @many more violence and i don't @think it is right. @>> advice from the expert @there. @this is a policy in place for @about a year. @amc and cinemark theaters have @put in place a no six after @6:00 rule, which means kids can @accompany adults to r rated @movies during the day but not @after 6:00 p.m. @no coming up the new chip @credit cards are causing major @issues for users.
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@new way to protect your @information. @ and we get caught up on the @headlines you may have missed @with your week in review. @ as spring gets here @overnight, early tomorrow @morning, you might be expecting @nice warm spring weather. @well think again. @it is going to be kind of @chilly. @below average for awhile. @32 degrees even snow in the @forecast.
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@ @ ebay is expanding its @features to send someone to @your door within 20 minutes to @professionally pack your item @and ship it for you. @the new service will track your @shipments and automatically @notify your buyer. @right now the service is free @in select cities. @ id theft is on the rise and @it affects those new chip @credit cards. @money man matt granite is here @to protect your wallet. @>> reporter: great to be with @you this weekend. @radio frequency id theft @sweeping across northeast ohio. @and yes, targeting those credit @cards you recently received @from the mail. @take a look at the symbols you @need to watch out for, they are @on your screen right now. @because if your credit card has @one of these symbols on them @you are likely a potential @victim of radio frequency id @theft.
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@purchased online and someone @using these takes advantage of @the technology already present @in your cards where they can @grab your number or passport @number on the spot unless you @have one of these blockers in @your wallet. @lockers create a barrier @between you and anyone carrying @a scanner. @amazon sells two similar hugely @well rated cards for 20 bucks. @i doubled what amazon found and @the deal i found gets you four @cards for under 18 bucks. @these are just as well rated, @just as effective. @and if you head over to now, you can find @today's deal and hear from a @recent victim of the theft. @i interviewed this mom and her @story, something worth checking @out. @until we meet again stay @protected and safe. @back to you. @>> matt thanks so much. @ there is a few unofficial
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@i feel like we really hit those @day. @when it is warm on st. @patrick's day we are usually @like we are in the clear. @>> you got roped in. @>> short sleeves, and then this @weekend happens. @>> there is even flowers out @there have you noticed? @>> yeah i have a opportunity in @are good. @>> when i was a kid we would @have a nice warm up and snow @would come and i took it @personally. @it was against me that this was @happening. @>> you can take this weekend @personally then. @>> yeah me especially @meteorologist right? @well it is cooler than average @that is for sure. @kind of the van guards of @precipitation coming. @not heavy snow, but you can see @a pretty shot of downtown @through some of the clouds. @it is kind of a chilly start @below average and certainly @colder than what we saw @yesterday. @cloudy skies and it is going to
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@next 24 hours or so. @you can see temperatures, we @have come up just a little bit. @charleston, west virginia 39 @degrees. @detroit at 29. @you saw there 32 degrees here. @and that is certainly in the @cool air as the rain is to the @south of us. @as that moisture works on up, @it is going to be in the form @of snow. @but it is going to be very, @very light. @not a lot of moisture to work @with. @it is getting closer. @the precipitation evaporates a @little bit. @we will see snow showers this @afternoon. @not a great deal. @that will continue overnight. @maybe a dusting overnight but @that is about it. @the current temperatures there @certainly on the cool side as @we move on through the next @little while. @by tomorrow morning, sunday @morning, 29 degrees or so to @get you going at about 7:00 in @the morning. @spring officially arrives at @12:30 sunday morning. @you can see still a few snow @showers, rain showers off to
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@should be snow showers right @here by tomorrow afternoon @though late we will begin to @see the clouds clear and we @will maybe get a couple of @peeks of sunshine for sunday @afternoon. @clear skies overnight, sunday @night into monday and we could @see a few more showers into @monday. @38 degrees the forecast high @today with snow showers around @this afternoon. @east northeast winds 8 to 12 @miles per hour. @overnight tonight, kind of @bit. @light snow less than an inch i @don't think we'll get close @even to an inch but maybe a @little dusting out there. @sunday spring arrives 12:30, @that is late at night early in @the morning. @39 for the high temperature. @a few snow showers around but @clearing skies. @rain snow mix snow showers for @monday. @40 for the high temperature 50
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@a little bit above that for @wednesday thursday and friday @63 for the high on friday. @a week from today looking @seasonable there 52 and sunny @maureen. @ once again channel 3 is @proud to be a media sponsor for @the annual lake county ymca @dream house. @the colonial comes fully @furnished. @the early bird special is @available now where you buy @five tickets and get the sixth @free for the chevy malibu car @give away. @the winner will be announced on @august 14th. @ we want to get you caught @up on any headlines here is @your week in review. @ thank you from the bottom @of my heart. @i want you to know something. @we are going to go all the way
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@republican nomination. @>> as people search deeper they @are going to like it more and @understand it. @things happen. @>> i think it opens it up for @kasich especially with rubio @dropping out tonight. @>> this morning trump told @cnn's new day if he doesn't get @his party's nomination. @if he doesn't have the @delegates he needs, supporters @could riot. @>> i think the possibility of a @convention problem is higher @than before. @>> the only way kasich can win @is a brokered convention. @he can say by far i'm the best @candidate. @i'm the only one with @experience in government and he @may just have a chance.
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@our supporters across the @country, our campaign has @earned more votes than any @other candidate democrat or @republican. @>> people are supporting @hillary clinton. @you know black, white, young, @old. @>> certainly an element of @surprise here not just over the @outcome. @would you be willing to throw @your support behind hillary @clinton? @>> no. @>> some confusion over the @republican ballot today. @>> definitely confusing and @also disheartening. @the fact that there was many @candidates on the ballot that @had withdrew that were still on @the ballot. @we are just trying to field @phone calls and address the @issue as simply as we can so @voters can quote move on and go @about their day. @ michael o'malley @unwittingly stated the main @reason he will be cuyahoga
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@>> i'm not tim mcginty. @ dwayne bow was cut today. @>> if you want a list of one of @the all time free agent busts, @five catches for 53 yards. @he made $9 million. @you do the math. @that averaged $1.8 million a @catch. @>> how did you get out of work? @>> i'm on vacation. @>> i'm retired. @62 years old. @>> you guys are out of school @today? @>> no. @>> you are sick? @>> i'm on vacation. @>> how did you get off work? @>> cut the tape. @>> got to love it. @ changes coming to play @house square. @see what you can expect to see @when you head to a show this @summer. @good morning alyssa. @ good morning. @it is time for coffee with @cops.
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@are live at the cleveland boys @and girls club on broadway with @how they are trying to improve @relationships in this
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@ @ thanks so much for being @with us. @it is just about 9:30 on this @saturday, march 19th. @we are almost through the month @of march can you believe it? @and it is also the end of a @winter. @the beginning of spring. @but it doesn't quite feel that @way, that is what we have been @talking about all morning.
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@>> reporter: good morning. @and in fact right now, it is 32 @degrees right at the freezing @mark. @and we have moisture headed up @this way and that is going to @be in the form of snow. @our dew point at 22 with the 32 @degrees, east winds at 7 miles @per hour and falling barometer @and we will see some light snow @over the next 24 hours. @this is the last full day of @winter. @winter arrives at 12:30 @overnight tonight. @that will be sunday morning. @below normal temperatures will @be with us for a couple of @days. @snow showers around this @afternoon and overnight @tonight. @right now temperatures cool and @again seasonably, if you want @to look at the average, a @little bit below 29 degrees at @ashtabula and look at this @moisture coming up. @a little bit of snow in the @midsection of the state of ohio @down to the south in the area @of cincinnati. @they are talking about some @rain over toward st. louis @there is some rain there too. @but it is going to be all snow
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@overnight tonight. @very light precipitation. @how long will it last? @i'll be along with the complete @forecast from just a few @minutes. @ the boys and girls club and @the cleveland clinic are @teaming up today in hopes of @building a safe and healthier @community. @alyssa raymond joins us live @with how the two organizations @plan to achieve this. @good morning alyssa. @>> reporter: good morning. @we have so many officers here @already. @you can see the transit police @offering free child @identification kits and @cleveland police passing out @peeps this morning. @chris this is your fourth time @doing this. @what is the goal and how you @see it's chief? @>> the goal is to build trust @in the community. @we started this really as part
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@now we have been in fairfax, we @have been in huff, south @euclid. @it is just a creation of @communication it is here we @are, we are friends of yours. @it is not about what you are @reading in the paper, it is @about the way we look at each @other eye to eye in the @relationships. @it is all about trust. @>> in improving community @about this now. @community working? @>> you know that is the hardest @thing we tried. @we are about analytics and @metrics? @you can't see it immediately. @they take the message back and @then it is remembering to talk @to the community regularly. @you won't be able to see it in
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@but you will be able to see it @in the way people talk about @police. @i think we are hoping for long- @term, people will talk about @police talk about the cleveland @clinic and we are good @neighbors, everybody is here @looking for the same thing to @be productive really to get @along. @>> we want to let everyone know @this is a casual event. @very informal. @starts right at 9:30. @they are planning to have @coffee this in the morning and @pizza later on this afternoon. @maureen, back to you in the @studio. @ a great partnership. @ the rnc is inching closer @to closer renovation projects @in cleveland are continuing to @take shape. @play house square theaters are @getting makeovers. @all the theaters are already @rented out for events during @the rnc. @workers are repainting @auditoriums, and lobbies. @they are paying special @attention to the intricate @details preserving the
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@design. @>> thomas lynn was a preeminent @architect in our country in the @20s. @we are putting back one of his @original pieces destroyed in @1964. @it is huge what we are doing @there is unprecedented. @ the next project is @improving some of the seats in @the balcony and some other work @they have not released details @on just yet. @ still ahead, lebron back in
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@ @joining me now, what is the @event like? @>> we'll have nine or ten @breweries there. @they are regional so you'll @taste a little bit of what @akron and northeast ohio has to @offer. @it is put on by the akron home @brew club in conjunction with @the home brew club contest we @have. @>> so tell me about those @participants. @a home brew contest. @so this is people who made @their own beer at home? @>> right, it is a popular thing @in the last couple of decades @of the you can make a great @beer.
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@is a lot of information on how @to do it. @now there is 400 entries in it @this year. @>> oh my goodness. @can people who come taste test @home brews? @or are you the experts? @>> we are the ones that judge @it is a lot of fun. @>> but no one will go thirsty? @i can't that is for sure. @from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. @today at lock 3 in downtown @akron. @>> talk to me about the brewery @business. @northeast ohio is getting @written up for all the @breweries popping up. @it is a beer destination for @travelers? @>> that's right. @we really are quite popular @with craft breweries. @a lot are popping up and a lot @of interest in the community @for those. @there is a lot of great flavors @that can be created when you @have a craft brewery that has a @lot of freedom and can make @just better than the average @beer, they tend to go overboard
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@it is great for the craft beer @>> so you started by brewing @beer at home? @>> that's right. @>> tell us a little bit about @hopping frog and the kinds you @brought here today. @>> we are celebrating our tenth @year today. @i brought three of the beers @today boris reserve imperial @stout, and a hoppy beer, and @barrel aged turbo citrus ale. @i don't know if you can drink @it. @>> i'll smell it. @>> it smells wonderful. @aged in bourbon barrels and @this is part of the creativity @that can be done in a craft @breweries. @the large breweries can't do @this. @>> wow this is really citrus. @>> it is a citrus ale, because @it was aged in bourbon barrels, @has a complex aroma.
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@i don't want e-mails asking if @i'm pregnant again and all the @nasty e-mails about drinking on @air. @>> this is worth the trip. @beer fest lock 3 what time? @3:00 to 7:00 p.m. @at 200 south main street inside @lock 3, so you don't have to @worry about the wad weather. @>> thanks so much. @ here's al with your morning @sports. @>> reporter: good morning @everybody. @the cleveland cavaliers are @grinding through march. @beginning last night five games @in seven days. @they were in orlando, looking @for their 14th straight win @over the magic. @could they do it? @they would officially clinch a @playoff spot. @during the game for most of it @too. @here is lebron james on the @baseline. @boy that dunk, pretty good. @he had 18 points for the @cavaliers last night. @victor for orlando, he had a
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@keep the magic in it. @they were up by four in the @third quarter. @irving had 26 points to lead @the cavaliers last night. @crystal thompson, good game @offensively and defensively, @watch this tip in. @cavaliers a winner 109-103. @they clinch a playoff spot as @well. @they are in miami tonight to @take on the heat. @ high school basketball the @semis, were yesterday in @columbus. @garfield heights taking on @wester field south. @a tough night for the bulldogs. @heart feel had 27. @sean christian hit a three @pointer here but it wasn't @enough. @87-78. @division 4. cornerstone
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@earlier yesterday. @cornerstone christian with a @big second half from michael @boltwell. @they go for their first state @championship today in columbus. @good luck to them. @ as far as football goes @yesterday the browns headed @west to check out a potential @quash -- quarterback jerry @goff. @he doused a football in the @water and had goff make throws. @if you are going to play in the @afc north in bad weather, it @kind of goes with the @territory. @here's goff after the workout @yesterday. @>> i have some scheduled. @i couldn't tell you right now @exactly are. @there is quite a few and i'll @be flying all over the place @probably and doing workouts @here as well. @taking calls from teams and
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@>> joe hayden has undergone @surgery on his left ankle. @it happened on thursday. @when did hayden hurt his ankle? @here against arizona in week 8. @the good news is he should be @recovered and ready to go at @the start of the regular @season. @ get news for northeast ohio @as we see another athlete @qualify for the rio olympics. @jason pryor qualified yesterday @in fencing. @his father called us to share @the good news. @we are glad he did. @congratulations to jason. @ also yesterday cactus @league baseball the indians got @a lot of offense. @eight runs after a bases loaded @walk and a hit and a single. @will venable. @and then joey butler. @the butler did it. @a grand slam. @his second homer of the spring. @8 runs in that inning the @indians win 10-8.
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@will continue today. @highlights coming up later on @channel 3 sports. @that is a look at sports this @morning. @have a good one. @ @ thanks al. @ it is only a few hours @until spring arrives. @however it still feels like @winner, how long is this @unseasonably cool air going to
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@ @ all right. @we are counting down the days @until it starts to feel like @spring again. @it is actually spring starting @at what time? @>> 12:30. @>> tonight. @>> doesn't feel like it. @>> it is normal to see these @kind of fluctuations. @just a little bit below @average. @it won't last forever. @we are used to it. @we are tough. @thick skinned. @>> we already put away our @winter coats. @ we are all hoping for nice, @warm, balmy weather. @clouds on the increase. @the sun is getting ever dimmer @as some moisture is coming up @from the south. @32 under cloudy skies, easterly @winds at 7 miles per hour @falling barometer. @temperatures throughout the @area. @they were 11 degrees earlier @now at 23.
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@of cool air here across the @midwest and the great lakes. @and that cool air is certainly @going to support some snow as @this moisture comes from the @south. @it is raining in cincinnati. @southward over toward st. louis @there is some precipitation @there. @that is in the form of rain. @as it moves on up into this @colder air it will be in the @form of snow showers today and @you can see it is kind of had a @tough time getting into drier @air. @later on this afternoon as we @hold temperatures in the 30s @today, we will see snow showers @and you can see it is pretty @uniform throughout. @moving through time. @here is the clouds here early @today and the snow generally @off to the south of us. @but a few snow pellets out @there, snowflakes you might @see. @overnight tonight light snow @tomorrow up into the afternoon
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@light snow and rain down to the @south of us. @but then late tomorrow and into @monday we are going to clear @the skies out. @it will be kind of cool for @your sunday evening. @sunday night and on monday as @well. @38 for a high temperature @today. @no accumulation today. @not going to be any driving @problems overnight tonight. @light snow is possible. @less than an inch in the @forecast. @it is going to be much less @than that. @could see a dusting out there. @26 for the high. @for sunday. @certainly spring arrives at @12:30 there in the morning. @39 for the high temperature. @we are going to keep the @northerly wind even though some @of the moisture is coming up @over the top of this cold air. @tuesday 50 for the high. @back up to average. @56 for wednesday. @60s for thursday and friday, @maybe a thunderstorm on friday @and a week from today, partly @cloudy to mostly sunny and 52 @maureen. @ spring break is right
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@you might want to get in shape. @this morning. @trainer nick is joined this @week by an 89-year-old woman to @demonstrate the proper @technique for the dead lift. @here is the weekend warrior. @>> reporter: good morning, @welcome to the weekend warrior. @today my hope is to inspire @you. @i'm here at any time fitness @with my good friend and power @lifting champion lois hummer. @lois is 89 years old folks. @let me repeat that for you. @89. @she started her power lifting @career when she was just 75 @years old. @she started at 75. @she has accomplished some @amazing things in power lifting @because she stays steady, she @has proper training and great @nutrition. @we are going to show you how to @do the dead lift with proper @technique and walk you through @the whole thing.
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@the first thing you do is warm @up. @for lois hummer 135 pounds is a @warm-up. @which is amazing. @we have two 45-pound plates on @there, a 45-pound bar. @135 total pounds and what she @is going to do, you are going @to see, she is going to walk up @to this bar, get her shins nice @and tight. @the hip hinges out, the low @back is arched. @the chest is high the grip is @on the outside of her legs. @big deep breath lois and bring @it straight up to the tape. @awesome. @one more of those lois. @89 folks. @89 years old, right there. @it is a feather. @it is amazing. @135 pounds is a warm-up, on her @way to 225 pounds. @are you kidding me? @i love this lady. @so listen it is never too late @to get started. @she started at 75. @she had the right technique @right training, she eats good
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@is here. @lois hum mer folks. @i'm personal trainer nick o, i @hope to see you next week on @the weekend warrior. @ nick thanks so much. @we are going to be back with a @final check of your forecast. @also, if you ever wanted to @tour willie wonka's chocolate @factory you are going to get a @chance.
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@ check out this sweet new @restaurant at universal studios @in orlando. @the chocolate factory will look @like willie wonka's paradise. @it is scheduled to open later @walk. @so there is an excuse to hop a @flight to orlando and indulge @your sweet tooth, right there. @ all right. @well it is feeling kind of @wintry outside. @>> are we going to wrestle over @the beers late officer. @>> you can have it. @>> if it was that ice cream @sunday we'd have a throw down @here. @ if you have been waiting on @spring you are going to have to @wait a little bit longer. @spring arrives early on your @sunday. @39 then we finally warm up @midweek. @ thank you. @and thanks so much for being @with us this morning. @you can check out channel 3 @news at 6:00 tonight.
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@latest on @have a great saturday,
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when you're up in outer space and searching for the greatest place where everyone's a friendly face astroblast ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, here is your crew-- sputnik, halley, radar, jet, sal, and comet. astroblast ooh, look! there's the winter planet! i bet it's gonna start snowing any second now. [bells jingle] hey, that was quick. hee hee! sorry, sputnik. i promise to get my snow machine fixed in time for our party. good, because a winter party is always better with snow. and this


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