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tv   Channel 3 News Sunday  NBC  March 20, 2016 6:00am-8:00am EDT

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@ @ coming up on channel 3 news @today, a fire destroys a house @in akron have the latest from the @scene: @ and we'll have a look at @the first presidential visit to @cuba in nearly @melissa is having a little bit @of fun this morning. @>> reporter: good morning, we @are looking at poison in its l state.
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@made possible by windows @direct. > there's a live look over @the downtown skyline, still @pretty dark out there on this @sunday, it's @still pretty cold. @if you're heading out any time @soon, grab that coat and the en though it's the first @official day of spring -- @>> it is. @>> the flowers are wondering @>> the average high is 41 @degrees, ain't going to make moisture working @its way in from the east. @right now, it's 33 degrees, @cloudy skies. @we have a @at 9 miles per hour. @20 for the dew point there and @a falling barometer and yes, it @is the first day of spring, but @it's ng. @you are going to see a few @flurries around this morning
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@head through the rnoon, but it's going to be @a very cool day and you can see @the temperatures in the 30s, @low to mid 30s across @and the radar, look at that @moisture coming into the area. @they have been seeing some youngstown, you are @going to be seeing some of that @as well, don't expect any @rain later on this afternoon. @i'll be along with the complete @forecast and i will tell you if @we are ever going to see any ather. @>> thank you so much. @ we have been following @breaking news overnight in fire has sent one @person to the hospital. @at this point, we know that the @fire broke out after 1:30 this g in the kenmore @neighborhood.
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@we will bring you updates on dality and -- at @ in the meantime, president @obama is making a trip to cuba. @he will be the first esident in almost 90 years to @visit the country. @calvin coolidge was the last @president to visit @the president will land on air @force one with his wife and @daughters. @the first family will return to @the united states @ violence broke out at @another campaign rally for ntial @campaign runner donald trump. @you can see some being led out. @as they are being led out by another person in @the crowd begins punching and @kicking one of the taken out of the
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@during the speech, trump called @the protesters an issue. @ only we can do it. @mothers and fathers. @>> that's a mother talking @about losing a child at the @deadly force of the police. @mothers in northeast ohio are @joined by others across the @nation saying enough is enough. @carlie flynn morgan was there. @>> reporter: brandon's jones' @mother lets go of the balloons @in honor of her son lost a year @ago. @the 18-year-old was seen with a @bag and he was shot. @he was unarmed. @>> i love him and i miss him @and i just don't understand why @my baby is dead.
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@>> reporter: dozens gathered @with her and made their @concerns known. @this mother lost her son nine @years ago this month. @the group marched to the place @where the unarmed 17-year-old @was shot by an officer @responding to a report. @>> everybody they kill, they @want to pay us off and that's @not fair to us. @indict the police. @>> reporter: brandon jones' @mother recently filed a lawsuit @in the let's of her son. @>> these mothers that you see @are in charge of this movement. @>> reporter: some of these @people attending from @cleveland. @others traveling with the @movement from here to chicago @to detroit. @>> we are blanketing this
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@are with him and no longer will @suffer injustice. @>> reporter: the group's main @message with the young men they @believe were killed by police. @>> thanks. @ new details out of sum it @county this morning where the @police are investigating what @they believe to be a murder- @suicide. @they arrived and found the @bodies of stephen bias and @kristy bise. @at this point, it looks like @stephen shot krtisti and then @took his life: @ in franklin, ohio, about @half way between dayton and @cincinnati, anna richie faces @child endangerment charges.
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@water was a punishment and the @death of the boy has been ruled @a homicide. @the boy's biological mother @spoke out. @>> i can't imagine what he went @through knowing how bad it hurt @him and i wasn't there to help @him. @>> richie is next due in court @on friday. @ a driver lost control of @their car slamming into a @building in cleveland. @take a look. @nobody was inside at the time. @the building is being remodeled @into a recording studio. @investigators believe the @driver suffered a medical @situation. @ and a person was posting @video on the app snapchat with
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@county. @the mayor, bondy has died. @he was diagnosed recently. @ still ahead, the pope is @taking his talents to @instagrham. @ and posting pictures of @your children is a habit, but @also a security risk.
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@ @ welcome back. @spring cleaning season is here @and a recent study is taking a @look at american's @organizational habits at home. @over half reported an orderly @home.
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@important documents safe, @americans are not doing so @well. @omni 30% say they have to keep @the documents in a fireproof @safe: @ parents are sharing @snapshots on social media. @researchers found that 90% of @kids have a social media @presence and on average, many @are sharing the photos. @it could be a concern if the @photos get into the wrong @hands. @>> we have never seen a @generation that has been talked @about and posted. @>> if you want to post for @friends and family, make sure @your settings are private. @you don't want personal
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@ the pontiff has over 800 @million followers on twitter, @but after meeting with the ceo @a week ago, the pope has @decided to step up his social @media presence. @he posted a caption in nine @difference languages. @ this weekend is a little @bit extra happy. @today marks the united nations @international day of happiness. @the campaign is by the @happiness movement. @those involved kicked off the @holiday by writing what would @make them and those around them @happy. @the united states is ranked as @the 13th happiest country in @the world. @ let's turn to something fun @today, poison. @it doesn't sound to fun because
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@you can find out more at the @national museum of history. @alyssa raymond is there. @we want you to stay safe, of @course. @[ laughter ] @>> reporter: i am staying very @safe, but i want you to imagine @with me that i am in columbia @in the forest. @here with me is dr. nicky @burke. @what is the difference between @venom and poison? @>> yes, it's the same type of @chemicals, but for poison to be @involved, it's a defensive @mechanism. @venom is more of an offensive @mechanism like with wasps. @>> reporter: let's go to the
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@i know them as dart frogs. @they are not poison at this @point. @>> they are poison because of @the beetles they eat. @if they were eating their @beetle diet, one frog would @have enough poison to kill 10- @20 adult humans. @they have special sweat glands @to hold the poison. @>> reporter: how can we use @them? @>> we use the poison in poison @darts. @sometimes we filter out the @poison to use it as food or @other means of production. @i don't know if we want to walk @over to it, but casaba root is
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@and it's great to grow, but @once you process it out, you @can get perfectly safe food for @humans to eat. @>> reporter: pretty cool. @well, coming up in the next @half hour, we are going to @discover the poisons in ohio. @back to you in the studio. @>> all right, for the first @time in a while, i am going to @tell you not to bring back @samples. @>> [ laughter ] i am not going @to bring back samples. @ coming up, find out how @drivers will have to adjust to @a new closure. @and measuring climate change @with a new bike. @here's a check of the forecast. @ we are talking about cooler @than normal weather here to get @spring started. @when is it going to warm up? @i'll have the complete forecast
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@ @ welcome back, time right @now just about 6:20. @the construction zone on @cleveland's fleet avenue is @changing a phase. @for drivers, it means another @closure. @danielle wiggins has the @details and the detour. @ @>> reporter: hi there, changes @coming to the fleet avenue work @zone starting this week. @well, it starts tomorrow, so @you have a day to prepare. @now, again, it starts monday, @march 21st. @here's what's going on. @fleet avenue is only going to @be opened to the traffic on @east 49th street and broadway @avenue. @now for those of you who need @to head west on fleet, you take @fleet avenue east to 31st @street, head south and head @west on harvard avenue and
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@and that will put you back on @fleet. @of course, i am posting all of @this on and i @will be here tomorrow helping @you get the route you need to @go. @>> thank you. @ today is palm sunday so a @lot of people going to church @today. @it is also the first day of @spring. @can you tell mother nature @that? @>> we are going to try to make @that loud and clear, but she is @not listening. @>> no, she doesn't care. @[ laughter ] @ it's going to take a couple @of day to get above freezing @temperatures. @32degrees is the current @temperature with a north, north @easternly breeze at 9 miles per @hour. @there's a low that has slid @from the north. @it's pretty chilly here across
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@and that's not going to change @any time soon. @again, if you put all of these @together, we have the upper @level storm system across ohio. @we are kind of on the northern @edge of that and with that, a @tiny bit of snow. @ac con -- akron, can ton @reporting a few flurries. @it's going to be with us much @of the day today. @accumulation? @i don't think so. @i don't think there's going to @be any travel problems either. @as you move through time, you @will continue to see the @moisture on top of the low. @again, i don't think there's @going to be enough to produce @any kind of driving problems. @heading into monday and @tuesday, monday looks pretty @good.
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@come back in and there could be @another shower. @look at how consistent the @showers are, in the 30s @throughout and we continue with @the northernly breeze, kind of @putting a chill in the air on @the first day of spring. @let's look at the forecast @today. @we will see 39 for a high @temperature. @we will see the flurries around @potentially mixing in @afternoon. @again, no accumulation. @26 for the low overnight, @mostly cloudy skies. @monday, 42, not a bad day, @still below average. @it will be mostly sunny, @though, but cool. @7:41 your sunset and as we look @at your window nation seven-day @forecast, a little bit warmer @as we head toward tuesday, it @is going to be still a little @bit warmer yet. @on wednesday, thursday, and @friday, and when we cool back
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@warm back up for the weekend. @i'm kind of optimistic as we @head toward next weekend for @easter weekend, it's going to @be a little bit warmer and feel @more like spring. @>> thank you. @ well, scientists can go @where they have never gone @before thanks to bikes. @greg dee finds out how they @work. @>> reporter: i'm with nick @racavich from the university of @buffalo. @he is a cleveland native and he @brought back this tool. @tell me about the project. @>> sure, we are doing projects @to honor the heat effect @showing that portions of @cleveland are hotter than the @surrounding suburbs and show @how it's going to effect our @area. @>> reporter: and nick tells us @that data is usually gathered @by cars, but a better way to do @that is on bikes.
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@it fits into the project. @>> sure, with this bike, we are @able to get into the @neighborhood and places you @can't get in with an auto @mobile. @you can take data and @understand things like how the @surrounding heat mills may make @it hotter. @>> reporter: this is a dream @bike. @it's a weather station powered @by humans. @tell me about this. @>> reporter: sure, this is a @camera and it takes a picture @of the sky every minute. @what it does it takes a full @picture of the sky and you can @use that to analyze the sky. @>> reporter: and the weather @sensors, we don't have the @whole thing set up here, but @tell me about it. @>> sure, this is the heat and
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@it has a gpa on it. @there's a barometer and an on @board computer that is @measuring all of the elements @and we would have @additional equipment as well. @>> reporter: and you have @bike. @reaction. @interested in what's going on @the research. @e r i had -- i had people @following me so that was a lot @of fun. @it's been fun to do the @research in cleveland. @>> reporter: is this something @we will continue to see around @cleveland? @what's the status about it? @>> so, we have some companies @who want us to gather data so
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@>> reporter: an interesting way @to help cleveland with the @climate change and you never @know, you may see this thing in @your neighborhood. @quite a toy. @nick, thank you for bringing @this in today. @>> thank you. @>> reporter: back to you. @>> it looks like it was bring @in for greg. @still to come, hundreds getting @wet. @see why people took the arctic @plunge. @good morning. @>> reporter: good morning. @can you tell which of these two @are poisonous?
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@ @ right now, 33 degrees and @cloudy skies and we do see a @little bit of snow heading this @way. @it's going to be light snow to @start your spring. @some of that is going to be @mixing with rain this @afternoon. @we are not going to change much @temperature wise throughout the @day. @you can see the radar the @precipitation coming in from @the east. @they have been seeing the @flurries in the younging towne @have sinty and it's slowly @creeping our way and we are @going to see this throughout @much of the day today. @the temperatures are going to @be around the freezing mark. @above freezing this afternoon @so some of that may mix in with
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@the complete forecast coming up @in a couple of minutes. @>> thank you so much. @ despite the temperatures @in the 30s yesterday morning, @people still participated in @the polar plunge. @it's a fundraiser benefiting @several organizations. @including a volunteer group @that helps people with stress @relief after events. @ and another group, local @greeks, marched throughout @treemont to celebrate ending at @the greek orthodox church. @ well, poison, it surfaces @in fairy tales and in real @life.
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@from fiction for us this @morning and is not testing any @of the poison out, is that @correct? @>> reporter: exactly, that's @why it's behind a glass cage, @very safe for us. @we gave you this ridden. @leaves of three, let them be. @we have all heard that when we @have gone hiking. @we are here with dr. nicky @burton. @why is this poison for us? @>> these produce allergic @reactions. @the first time you come in @contact with the poison ivy, @you are not going to have a @reaction. @the second time is when the @allergens kick in. @some people get really bad, @others not so bad. @>> reporter: so, this is the @allergic reaction, what is the
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@>> we have a nice selection @here. @you can see the slews here with @the poisonous claws, but we @also have rattlesnakes. @>> reporter: how do we react to @that? @>> rattlesnakes are signaling. @i have the three leaves in the @poisen ivy. @the rattlesnakes have the tail. @you want to threaten people @with the noise, but not @necessarily use it. @>> reporter: how about the @color? @>> oh, yes, you can show the @color as well. @i know we didn't get a great @view of the dart frogs, but @they have very colorful.
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@ coming up, we are going to @talk about some of the truths, @i guess it's called the kernel @of truth. @>> thank you so much. @ still ahead, lebron made a @return visit to the area last
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you want to feel connected, informed, included, on every screen in your life. we are broadcasters; always here for you, wherever here may be. text washington. tell them
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@ @ good morning everyone, @friday night the cavaliers in @orlando and they beat the magic @to clinch a playoff spot. @dwyane wade of the heat along @with his former teammate lebron @james. @this game was tied three times @early, but the cavs never had @the lead. @early in the quarter making it @18-15, heat, but the rest of
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@they had a good second quarter. @lebron keeping it close with @this dunk. @lebron had 26, but in the @second half, all miami. @this made it 74-28. @a little bit later, it's a @jumper from the outside. @122-101 was the final. @all miami last night over the @cavs. @ well, yesterday, the browns @were in miami looking for a new @quarterback. @now we have learned the browns @are looking at a veteran, @robert griffin iii in town over @the weekend. @we are hearing it was a good @visit between the quarterback @and the browns. @in 37 games, he threw 47
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@interceptions and he passed for @over 8000-yards. @we'll see where rg 3 lands. @ this is video from a @batting practice session @earlier in the weekend. @michael brantley back in the @starting line up. @that's a big thing. @the team is playing very low @key on this that he could @return by opening day. @nothing guaranteed, but we @could see him on opening day. @ well, we are 138 days from @the opening day of the summer @olympics. @as we told you earlier, a local @boxer qualified in america's @qualifier. @friday night, he won the gold @medal defeating the mexican @knoxer. @it's his -- boxer.
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@he is the first gold medalist @for the united states team at @america's qualifier. @ and congratulations to the @corner stone christian @basketball team. @they won the championship, @their first ever. @brandon mcqueen with the @offensive rebound. @corner stone just never looked @back. @third quarter, michael bolt @well. @he led the patriots with 13. @champions. @ st. vincent playing. @irish trail 46-37. @the irish up 54-53, but the
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@a good season for ba, sj. @here's division three. @near the end of the second @quarter. @the ball is loose. @watch him at this shot. @that's incredible. @basj trails by one at the half, @but central catholic really @took control in the second and @ended up winning, but congrats @to all three of the teams from @boys basketball who made it to @the champon ship. @thank it -- that's it for @sports. @>> thank you. @ is spring on the calendar? @yes, it is, however, the cool @weather is going to stick @around for a while, not going @to feel much like spring at @least for the next few days. @i'll have the forecast coming @up.
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@ @ all right, we just posed @the question. @are you going to get outside @and run or walk or do something @today? @>> you could. @>> you could, but you are wing @golf to bundle up a lot. @>> it's feeling more like @winter than spring. @spring arrived overnight. @>> mother nature, where are the @warmer temperatures? @>> well, it's not too exciting @right now. @it's kind of gloomy out there, @even though it's still dark. @akron-canton airport is @reporting a few flurries. @the temperatures are not going @to be changing much today. @marquette checking in at 33 @degrees.
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@the cool temperatures with a @little bit of moisture. @not a lot happening. @there's a big upper level storm @system happening right here. @moisture from the east. @you can see it on the radar. @there are some flurries there. @you might even call them snow @showers and they have been @dropping very light @precipitation. @not a lot of moisture with this @system to work with and it's @not going to produce any @accumulation and as the @temperatures continue to rise a @little bit today, we'll warm @the ground. @even though the temperature may @be 35, 36 degrees, the ground @warms up quite a bit. @you will see the ground @temperature close to 40-50 @degrees. @37degrees around 3:00 this @afternoon, and, again, some of @the snow showers coming over @and mixing with some rain as @they track east. @as we move through time, we @will see another chance of a
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@head through tuesday. @you can see a very consistent @diet today of 30s. @we will begin to clear the @clouds out on monday. @39 for a high temperature @today. @morning flurries mixings in. @mostly cloudy skies down to 26 @degrees and as we take a look @at the window nation seven-day @forecast, you will see that @monday we'll have 42 degrees @and beyond, we will warm up for @tuesday. @a slight chance of a shower. @a little bit warmer yet and we @cool down for thursday. @a chance of a shower on friday. @saturday and sunday next @weekend, we are looking pretty @nice, but a chance of a shower @or thunderstorm, maureen? @>> thank you so much.
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@be a sponsor of the dream @house. @the wkyc early bird special is @available now where you can buy @five tickets and get the sixth @free. @the tickets available on the @website. @the winner will be announced on @august 14th. @ well, it's one of the top @three gadget deals and it's @music to our ears. @matt granite explains. @>> reporter: great news. @i have been collecting @information since christmas and @it's finally at a price that i @not only toll rite, but i love. @take a look at one of the @things that i wanted. @a pair of wireless head phones @that adjust to ear size. @folks, i finally have you @covered.
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@amazing because everyone else @is selling them for $37 or @more. @i have you covered on something @that brings you exceptional @sound quality to the table at @its lowest recorded price. @now, i love these because they @had just to any ear. @if you want to check these out, @we had an expert that tried @these. @these are not a paid product. @i don't care whether or not you @buy them. @back to you. @>> matt, thank you. @ coming up after the break, @it may put extra money in your @pocket, but find out how @working overtime may cause @health issues. @ and coming up, a self- @feeding spoon that can help
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@ @welcome back. @have you noticed more of those @fit stand desks popping up in @your office? @well, there's new studies @showing that there's no proof @they are effective. @there was some benefit, but not @enough to show major health @benefits. @researchers looked at several @countries in the desks. @ working overnight may put @more money in your pocket, but @doctors are saying it's taking @a toll of your @health. @researchers are saying that @work more than 45 hours a week @causes issues. @the more hours people worked, @the greater their risk for @heart attacks. @other findings show that @working long hours can increase
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@ if you have little ones, @you know how messy feeding them @can be. @what you may not moe is the @effect on -- know is the effect @on long term health. @>> reporter: as a mother of @three, kia duffy knows the @challenges that come with @teaching a little one to feed @themselves. @>> it's a time we have the @evidence to show it's critical @in terms of establishing these @habits that carry through @childhood and into adulthood. @>> reporter: habits that go @with the ability to self-feed. @>> most grab the spoon this @way. @>> reporter: even the kid sized @ones make it difficult to @maneuver.
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@shorter handle. @this makes it easier for them @to grasp and when they are @holding it like this, the bowl @of the spoon is curved with @them. @>> reporter: facing the child @and making the motion she wants @to make to successfully feed @themselves. @that keeps the parents from @overfeeding the little ones to @make sure they are getting @enough. @>> when we do that, the kid's @ability they have from birth @for fullness, they lose the @ability to feel that. @they are more adventurous in @their eating. @we know that's connected with a @number of positive health out @comes. @>> reporter: establishing @healthy out comes early on. @ coming up after the break,
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@>> reporter: good morning. @coming up next, we are taking @you inside the power of poison @exhibition and explaining the
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@ @ thank you for being awake @with us. @it's sunday, march 20th. @did you know that march 20th is @the international day of @happiness ? keep that in mind. @also, even though it's the @first day of spring, it feels @like winter. @let's look at the forecast.
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@we are going to continue with @this through much of the day. @we are going to see the @flurries through the afternoon @as the temperatures warm ever @so slightly with the highs in @the upper 30s. @snow creeping on in from the @east and we are going to @continue with this little tiny @bit of moisture. @the air for the most part is @quite dry so you are not going @to see much, if any @accumulation. @there's a little bit falling @out there, though a lot of it @is evaporating before hitting @the ground. @rain mixing in with the upper @30s for the afternoon. @what does the extended forecast @hold? @is there any warm weather out @there at all? @i will tell you in a few @minutes. @>> thank you so much. @ a house fire has sent one @person to the hospital.
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@out at this home in the kenmore @neighborhood. @no word on the person taken to @the hospital or what started @the fire. @we are going to continue to get @updates and we will provide @them on air and at @ in the meantime, president @obama will head to cuba today @for a hastely -- history making @trip. @the last sitting president to @visit cuba was calvin coolidge @who arrived on a battleship. @president obama will arrive @with his wife and daughters. @he will make a speech, attend @a baseball game and visit the @area. @ violence broke out at @another campaign for donald @trump. @take a look. @you can see the protesters
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@as they are being led out, @another protester began kicking @and hitting the protesters. @during his speech, drum called @the protesters a disgrace. @ only we can do it, mothers @and fathers and aunts and @neighbors. @>> back here at home, that's a @mother talking about the deadly @force used by the police. @as the battle goes on, mothers @right here are coming together @with others across the nation @to say enough is enough. @channel 3's carly flynn morgan @was there and has the details. @>> reporter: brandon jones' @mother lets go of those @balloons as she remembers her
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@the police say they saw the 18- @year-old in the door with a @bag. @there was a struggle. @he was shot. @he was unarmed. @>> i love m i don't @understand why my baby is dead @and he was unarmed and posed no @type of threat. @>> reporter: dozens gathered. @>> we are sick and tired of @them killing our kids. @>> reporter: this mother lost @her 17-year-old 9 years ago. @the group marched to the area @where her son was shot and @killed. @>> everybody that they kill, @they want to pay us off. @that's not fair to us, indict @the police. @>> reporter: brandon jones @mother recently filed a @lawsuit. @>> these mothers that you see
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@>> reporter: some of these @people attending from @cleveland. @others traveling with the @movement from here to chicago @and then detroit. @>> we are blanketing this @nation to make sure that @mothers know that we are with @them and the system knows that @no longer will we suffer @injustice. @>> reporter: the group stands @with the mothers of the young @men they believe were @unnecessarily killed by the @police. @>> thank you. @ new the details out of @summit county this morning @where the police are @investigating what appears to @be a murder-suicide. @they arrived at the home and @found 53-year-old stephen bias @and his wife kristi bice.
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@stephen shot kristi and killed @himself. @ in frank lynn ohio, 25-year- @old anna richie faces a child @endangerment charge. @the police say she put the @boy's legs in hot water the @night before he died. @the death has been ruled a @homicide. @the boy's biological mother @says she can't imagine the pay @he went through. @>> i can't imagine the pain he @went through knowing how bad it @hurt and i wasn't there to @protect him. @>> richie is due in court on @monday. @ a car slammed into a @building. @take a look at the damage at @least 39th. @no one was inside at the time,
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@into a recording studio. @the investigators think the @driver may have suffered a @medical condition. @ videos posted on snap chat @had possible videos of child @abuse. @an agency in columbus was @notified. @ still ahead, the pope is @taking his talents to @instagram. @ and posting pictures of @your children on social media @may be a security risk.
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@ @ time right now is 7:10.
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@fashioned photo albums. @parents are sharing pictures of @their children on social media, @but experts are saying that @could be a security risk. @they are finding that children @have an online presence by the @age of 2. it could be a @security issue if the photos @get into the wrong hands. @>> we have never seen a @generation of parents publicly @showing their children's lives. @>> experts say if you do want @to post for friends and family, @make sure your settings are @private. @you don't want those photos to @get into the wrong hands. @ the pope has 8 million @followers on twitter, but after @meeting with instagram's ceo a
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@to step it up. @he posted his first post on @instagram and posted in nine @different langages. @ well, this weekend is a @little bit more happy. @this is the international day @of happiness. @people across the country @kicked off the holiday by @writing what they will do to @make people around them happy. @the united states is ranked as @the 13th happiest country in @the world. @>> well, poison, it can kill @you, or save your life. @alyssa raymond is live this @morning. @you have had snakes, frogs, @plants, are you snow whiting it @now? @>> reporter: we are snow
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@here with us this morning is @nicky burt and she is going to @tell us what truth there is to @those poisons. @what kind of plant s do they @use these for? @>> they often use fantasy @names, but they have very real @effects. @some of which are poisonous and @others are used today. @>> reporter: i thought it was @really interesting about what @the the truth to witches flying @on broom sticks? @>> it's the theory of the @hallucination effect that can @cause you to think you are @flying. @>> reporter: and we are @switching to snow white now. @about the apple?
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@could be poisonous, but you @would have to chew up at least @200 apple seeds to get enough @of the protein to get the @cyanide in your stomach. @>> reporter: we also have the @section poison and literature, @if we can touch on that @briefly. @>> yeah, absolutely. @i think poison really captured @the imagination because it's @mysterious. @you have harry potter who is @very popular. @you have to potions in that. @other sources of kid's books, @comic books and of course @things like sherlock holmes. @we love that, even in the old @days.
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@next up, we are going to talk @about alice in wonder land. @the mad hatter represented a @real life issue with mercury @poisenning. @that's coming up. @>> thank you. @ just ahead, phone books. @most of us still get them at @our doorsteps. @find out just how many @americans actually use them in @their day-to-day lives. @ well, it's the first day of @spring, but when is it going to @warm up? @i'll be along with the forecast
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@ @overages @ thank you for being with
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@every year on doorsteps across @the country. @reporter ryan harrer from our @sister station in denver asks @the question, why? @>> reporter: i am trying to get @rid of those phone books. @it's great for tender. @not the dating app. @many folks living in the @digital age have other ideas @what to do with the book. @a group that represents @publishers say about 50% of the @consumers still use the book to @look up businesses. @>> some don't have access to @the internet or don't know how @to use the internet. @i talked with a college student
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@out of the back of the phone @book. @>> reporter: the web is just @faster. @according to our very @unofficial, but highly accurate @speed test. @>> i'm hanging in here. @>> reporter: we didn't meet @anyone who actually uses it. @>> from the porch to the @recycling bin. @>> reporter: but it's probably @not going away forever. @even if the web is faster, @there's someone out there who @needs it. @free phone book. @>> no thanks. @>> reporter: i just haven't met @them. @[ laughter ] @>> so, if you don't want the @phone book, you can go to the @website @save a few trees out there. @>> i hear the trees falling @now. @>> save the environment.
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@looked up a phone number in the @phone book? @>> when it was a kid, i can't @even remember. @>> they show up. @usually i put them away for a @little while, but they never @get used. @eventually, i throw them away, @or try to recycle them, as you @should. @cloudy now. @we see some snow across the @area. @we see a flurry at hopkins. @still, as that snowfalls, it's @going to hit the ground as @frozen, but it's not going to @cause any driving problems. @not much moisture out there. @pretty dry air. @marquette checking in at 12 @degrees now. @charleston, vibrio vulnificus @at , west virginia. @ @ we have a weak, slow moving
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@that, we have some of the @moisture coming in from the @east in the form of flurries, @maybe a light snow shower. @and, then, very little of this @actually getting to the ground, @but we will continue with the @light snow, the light snow @showers for much of the day @today. @the temperatures are not going @to change much from where they @are at right now in the 30s. @they are going to gently creep @up into the mid to upper 30s @and not much better than that @today. @tomorrow, not much better than @that, but there will be @sunshine around. @tuesday, the clouds come back @in and we could see a shower on @tuesday, but for the next @little while, for the next 18 @hours or so, notice how @consistent these temperatures @are, all in the 30s, northernly @winds. @not too strong, just enough to
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@it's going to be a consistent @diet of clouds. @morning flurries giving way to @the rain-snow mix. @no driving problems. @overnight tonight, cloudy @skies. @sunrise at 7:28 and your @extended forecast we'll show @you beginning there with @monday, 42, mostly sunny skies. @it's not going to be a bad day, @especially with a little bit of @sunshine, it's going to feel a @little bit better. @tuesday, a chance of a shower. @50% chance of a shower on @wednesday. @back into the 40s on friday and @next weekend for your easter @weekend, we could see some warm @temperatures, but the ever @present chance of a shower or @thunderstorm, maureen? @>> thank you so much. @ now that it is officially @spring, it's time to start @cleaning out your home.
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@over- overwhelming for home @owners. @we have a representative of @home depot helping us. @many americans feel their home @is not clean. @people have been coming in for @months and spring cleaning @started a little bit earlier. @why is that? @>> with the warm weather and @the lack of snow this winter, @people wanted to start early. @>> where do people start? @>> people want to start inside @since the weather is still a @little bit chilly outside. @they want to start inside with @the basic necessities. @you can get your inside done @with a few simple steps. @step one, you want to stamp
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@house. @you can use this scrubbing @bubble item on bathroom areas. @as it cleans, it changes from @blue to white. @>> is the kitchen the next @popular? @i know i want my kitchen @spotless. @>> i enjoy cook as well. @the hardest thing to clean is @the micro wave. @you thoroughly coat the plate @with this and turn on the @microwave and it cleans it. @>> let's talk about the floors. @>> the floors might be the one @of the first things you tackle @because you have the wear and @tear from the snow.
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@the good thing about it is it's @affordable and easy to use and @also, it can give you the @professional look for a @fraction of the cost. @>> quickly, we want to go @outside. @what do you recommend? @>> we have a toro leaf blower. @it's easy to use and it's @lightweight. @the good thing is, excuse me. @[ laughter ] you want to be @able to clean off the debris @from the porches and the @driveways and the deck. @>> that's a great point. @i have done it before, too. @if you don't have that tool at @home to clean, you can rent it. @that's a great point. @jessica, thank you so much for @joining us. @>> thank you. @ coming up next, see why @people took the arctic plunge. @hi, alyssa.
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@coming up, we'll find out more
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@ @ there's stop of a movement @to stop donald trump. @joining us now is the leader of @the show. @>> the next twist and turn in @the plot line is can they stop @donald trump. @look, there's certainly @motivation to do it, but there @isn't a unified strategy. @there's sort of a split in
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@rallying around cruz or kasich. @you know, they know what they @want to do, they know what @their desired out come is, they @just don't know how to get @there. @>> yeah, there's a lot of @theories out there of how to @get there. @also, we want to get to the @democrats, too. @reports show that president @obama want the democratic party @to unify behind hillary @clinton. @will we see more? @>> i think we will. @i think we will see it by the @end of the month. @i think there's a desire on the @democratic side as the @republicans look like they are @in this struggle for control @of their party.
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@unify early, they think they @have an opportunity. @we'll see what bernie sanders @feels about that. @>> who is on the show today? @>> kasich along with the @majority leaders. @it can be very frustrating with @our u.s. senate these days. @>> thank you, chuck. @we are looking forward to it. @chuck will be back for "meet @the press" right after channel @3 news at 9:00. @ like i mentioned, it is the @first day of spring, but if you @are heading out any time soon, @grab the coat and gloves. @we are going to send it over @to kerry coleman for the @forecast.
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@with a flurry on the progress. @21 is the dew point so there's @not a lot of moisture out @there. @we are not going to have any @driving problems. @we are going to continue to see @the flurries that could mix @with rain as the temperatures @gently go from the mid 30s to @the upper 30s. @you can see throughout the area @all in the 30s right now. @the moisture is coming in from @the east. @we have an upper level low @pressure system which is moving @across the area very slowly @giving us some precipitation @and moisture and all of these @clouds and it's going to take @its time getting out of here. @for the balance of today, we @are going to see the @precipitation with the flurries @mixing with the rain. @when will it warm up? @the forecast is coming up. @>> thank you so much. @ well, despite the
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@yesterday morning, people still @got out taking the arctic @watch this. @it makes me cold looking at @this. @it's the seventh year for this. @it's not just a test of wills, @it's also a fundraiser. @the money supports several @nonprofit organizations. @ and another local event @yesterday braved the chilly @temperatures. @local greeks marched to @celebrate the greek day. @this is an annual event. @ well, we have taken you out @to the poisen event. @now, there's an exhibit at the @cleveland museum of natural @history that explores the power @of poison.
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@where it is kind of true in @literature and where there @might be a little bit of @imagination involved. @>> reporter: exactly, this is @one of the coolest events i @have seen in cleveland. @next up, we are talking about @alice in wonderland and what @made the mad hatter so mad. @>> the nitrate they used to @felt the hat that gave the @shine and waterproofness to the @hat makes the hat pretty, but @it's super poisonous. @the longer you're a hatter, the @madder you get. @>> reporter: so it's mercury. @>> right. @they knew it at this time @period, but they used it until @1941 because good fashion is
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@>> reporter: and how did some @people confuse it for medicine? @>> well, it was so crazy and @cool, that even em -- @emperors wowed use it. @>> reporter: what happens? @>> you get personality changes @that cause you to be shy. @it's pretty dramatic. @>> reporter: wow, and we also @have ways to test, too, if @something is poisonous or not. @can you explain what these are @for us? @>> so, most of these are @historic ways to try to @detect. @you have a bunch of things to
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@now we know that you need an @ant dote if you are poise oned. @>> we'll see you for more @coming up. @ cavs, heats highlights
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@ @ good morning everybody. @friday night the cavaliers in @or lain dore and they bush @orlando and they beat the magic @to get a playoff spot. @last night, they looked like @anything but a playoff team. @this game was tied three times @early, but the cavs never had @the lead. @early in the first quarter @irving to thompson, that was
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@the rest of the quarter was all @miami. @lebron helped to keep it close @right here with this dunk. @lebron had 26 last night, but @all miami and all dwyane wade. @in made it 71-48. @he had 24. @this was not pretty. @122-104 the final. @ well, yesterday, the browns @were in california look for a @new quarterback. @now we have learned the browns @are looking at an nfl veteran. @robert griffin iii in town. @fox sports insider saying it @was a "good visit" visit @griffith did not play last year
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@that, he passed for over 8000- @yards. @we'll see where rg3 lands. @ well, the indians taking on @the cubs. @michael brantley in his @customary third spot. @this is video from a batting @practice session early in the @week. @brantley back in the line up. @that's a big thing. @the team is playing very low @key on this that he could @return by opening day. @nothing guaranteed, but we @could see him against the red @sox on april 3rd at progressive @field. @ well, we are under 2 @hyundais a-- hundred days away @from the opening of the summer @olympics.
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@he is the first gold medalist @for the united states team at @the qualifier. @congratulations to him. @ and congratulations to the @corner stone christian boy's @basketball team as they won the @championship. @their first ever. @they out scored 18-6 in the @first quarter. @mcqueen for the rebound and the @pass for the lay up here. @michael boldwell led the pate @yachts with 14. @corner stone christian academy @is the d-4 champion i. @ graves with his team-high @18. @taking the lead with williams @with this three pointer. @the irish up 54-53.
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@they get the division 2 title @as well. @here's vasj in division three @taking on lima central @catholic. @the ball is loose, but watch @this shot. @that's incredible right there. @vasj trails by one at the half, @but catholic took control and @ended up winning. @congratulations to all of the @local teams who went to the @championship and one of them @bringing it home. @congratlayings to them most of @all. @thank it for sports. @i will see you tonight. @until then, have a good one. @ still ahead, wireless head @phones for under $30. @first, here's look at the @forecast. @ well, maureen, if you are
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@weather is going to get here, i @will tell you coming up. @right now, it's chilly and @there's some snow around. @here's a look at the radar, @too. feel connected, informed, included, on every screen in your life. we are broadcasters; always here for you, wherever here may be. text washington. tell them
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@ @ all right, we have @definitely been through worse @in cleveland, but if you are @waking up and saying happy @spring, mother nature is not @cooperating with us. @>> if you wake up and look at @the flours, it's not the -- @flowers, it's not the wind, @they are shivering. @[ laughter ] @ today, cloudy skies right @now. @34degrees. @we have a flurry out at the @airport at this point. @east winds at 12 miles per @hour. @look at the dew point, it's @fairly dry air across the area.
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@are not going to see a lot of @snow today. @temperature wise, it's cool at @marquette. @they have a cold start to this @spring. @no doubt about that. @it's going to remain chilly up @there all day today. @here, we have the system, we @are kind of on the north side @of that. @that means it's bring inning @the moisture from the east and @as it does today, we are going @to see some of the flurries and @the snow showers that will @eventually mix in with the rain @this afternoon. @in terms of accumulating @precipitation, it's not going @to happen. @you can see the temperatures @throughout in the low to mid @30s and they are going to @remain in the 30s for most of @the day today and you shall @going to see the snow showers, @rain showers around. @we will clear out. @during the course of your @monday, tuesday, the clouds @roll back in and there's going @to be at least a chance of a
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@next 18 hours, look how @consistent these temperatures @are, all in the 30s. @the northernly winds anywhere @from 5-10 miles per hour. @let's show you the forecast for @today, 34 degrees for a high @temperature. @that's not a sign of spring, no @doubt about that. @we will see a mix of rain @mixing in as we head for that @high. @26 for an overnight high. @the northernly winds will @continue. @tomorrow, it will feel better. @no bought about that with the @breeze at 5-10. @the extended forecast showing @you a little bit warmer for @tuesday. @wednesday, could see a spring @-- sprinkle or a shower. @cooler for friday. @warmer again as we head into @the easter weekend. @we are talking about showers @and thunderstorms next weekend,
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@ well, it's one of the top @three gadget deal ins the @country right now and it's @music to our ears. @money man matt granite has @more. @>> reporter: good morning. @i have been collecting @information since christmas and @finally, it's at a price not @that i tolerate, but that i @love. @take a look, a sweat resistant @pair of wireless head phones @that we have for under $25 with @a link that i found. @they are amazing because @everyone else is seeling them @at $34, $40 or more. @i have you covered with @something that brings you @exceptional sound quality at @the lowest recorded price.
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@adjust to any ear. @if you want to check this out, @you can check it out, this is @not a paid product, i don't @care whether or not you buy @them. @it's all on @back to you. @>> thank you, matt. @ well, coming up, we are @going to have one final check @of the weather. @it is palm sunday, so many of @you might be heading to church @services. @we will tell you how much @americans are spending on @easter this year.
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@ @ all right, break out the @wallet. @americans are expected to spend @more than ever on easter this @year. @the average is $146 per person @being spent. @more than half plan to cook a @holiday meal and about 31% plan
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@it's so tempting when you go to @the stores you see all of the @can dirks all of -- candy, all @of the goodies. @all of the peeps. @[ laughter ] i'm one of those @people. @>> it hangs around, too. @as we head toward easter @weekend, we are going to see, @at least the start of this @weekend, cold temperatures, but @it will warm up toward the end @of the weekend and east, we are @going to see temperature ins @the 60s. @today, we have the temperature @ins the 30s and the snow @showers and the flurries out @there. @not going to see driving @problems. @not that much moisture to go @around. @as we head to the middle of the @week. @you can see showers. @we are talking about the chance @of a shower or thunderstorm for @easter weekend. @>> thank you so much. @we are going to be back at 9:00
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@can check out the latest at
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good morning. all-out brawl, violence breaks out at a donald trump criminally in rally in arizona. at least one arrest. this morning the man is speaking out. >> what was going through my mind was put your arms over your head because this political movement has gotten to the point where you may get beat to death inside of a rally. >> trump's campaign manager wading into the crowd to grab another protester. this as the race to stop the billionaire becomes more frantic. we're live on the campaign trail


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