tv ET Entertainment Tonight NBC September 19, 2016 1:35am-2:36am EDT
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on today's urgent edition of "turning point." >> announcer: the isolation of israel, the insurgency of isis, the resurrection of russia. are these current events a sign of the coming rapture and tribulation foretold in the bible? unsure of the future, both christians and non-believers are asking, "is this the end?" dr. david jeremiah explores ten critical issues facing our society in his upcoming book, "people are asking is this the end? signs of god's providence in a disturbing world." split into two sections: "is this the end of america?" and, "is this the end for the world?" dr. jeremiah provides a biblical perspective on topics including immigration, the decline in morality, and the apathy of america. pre-order your copy of "people are asking, is this the end?" when you support the ministry of "turning point" with a gift of any amount. and if you give $60 or more, dr. jeremiah will send you the "is this the end?"
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his complete series on your choice of dvd or cd, and a correlating study guide. plus, as a bonus for pre-ordering the book or set by october 3rd, you will also receive the exclusive resource, "ten prayers for our time," instantly as a digital download, or as a set of ten beautiful prayer cards by mail. "is this the end?" book and study set, pre-order yours from "turning point" today. >> announcer: and now, join dr. david jeremiah as he addresses an urgent issue for our time, >> david: on may the 8th in 2011, tony bennett walked across the stage of the jacob javits center to sing a couple of ballads, an open program for a famous new york city charity. the crowd before him was glittering, the room was filled with new york's brightest celebrities, and bennett's timeless voice thrilled the house, everyone marveling
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to charm an audience. but later in the evening, it was tony bennett himself who was charmed, as he listened to a singer exactly 60 years his junior. he was swept off his feet by the clarion voice of lady gaga. he later confessed to getting goosebumps listening to the power and clarity of her songs, and he became an instant fan. bennett regaled her with stories of his favorite songwriter, cole porter. and impulsively, he asked her if she would collaborate with him on a recording project. and when the album "cheek to cheek" was released in 2014, the opening song was cole porter's "anything goes." it was an apt choice.
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you can't help but smile as you hum the melody. but its words, written back in 1934, celebrated the moral free fall of the american 20th century. ironically, anything goes is a philosophy that ruined cole porter's own life. if you read his whole story, you discover that the famous composer grew up on an indiana farm. his mother went to church, but her young son wasn't impressed. he used to, religion was serious to her. she only went to church to show off her hats." he wrote his first broadway show tune in 1915, and went on to provide crooners like tony bennett and frank sinatra dozens of hits like "i've got you under my skin," "night and day," "just one of those things," "don't fence me in," and "i get a kick out of you." his fans didn't realize that his love songs were written
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or that his earnings financed an endless series of anything goes parties. in 1964, cole porter was wheeled into a california hospital for the last time. the nurse studied the patient, and perhaps wondered how anyone so famous could look so sad. his secretary lamented that her boss never found the strength that came from faith in god. "without faith, one is like a stained-glass window in the dark," she said. the world is darker now than ever, and our culture resembles a stained-glass window through which no light is shining. we're living in a world where anything goes, and almost nothing satisfies. the bible expresses this in an analogy to an earlier time.
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this, "as the days of noah were, so also will the coming of the son of man be." those words take us back to genesis chapter 6 and verse 5, which is a description of the way it was in the days of noah. listen carefully to these words, "then the lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was i remember reading that verse one day, and underlining all the key words, "every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." perhaps in america, we have not yet sunk to the lows of noah's day, but our moral compass seems no longer to have a true north.
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looking for direction. we don't know where to go because there is no foundation of truth still standing in so many places in this nation. let me give you a few illustrations of why we seem to be heading back to noah. let's talk for a moment about what's going on in our minds in this nation, the depravity of our minds. in january of 2016, the internet's largest online pornography site released its a on just this 1 website in just 1 year, 2015, consumers watched 4,392,486,580 hours of pornography. by converting these hours into years, it means that people on our planet collectively
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watching porn just on this 1 site, just in this 1 year. in noah's day, remember, "every intent of every thought was only evil continually." and now, we have the technology to take the most lurid fantasies of the human mind, and project them onto a screen a little child can hold in her hand. the depravity of our minds, what is happening in our mental culture today? and what about marriage? in the case of obergfell vs. hodges, the supreme court of the united states, in a 5-4 vote, took it upon themselves to redefine marriage. i put quotations around "redefine" because no human agency can ever do that
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marriage in genesis chapter 2, in the garden of eden. before human governments were established, he originated the ordinance of marriage. listen to the wordsrriage. of our savior from the new testament, from mark chapter 10, "from the beginning of the creation, god made them male and female. for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh; so then they are no longer t but one." in other words, god ordained marriage as a lifelong covenant between one man and one woman. that's god's covenant of marriage. and who do we think we are, justices, or congressmen, or political pundits that we can mess with god, and say, "god, we don't like your definition of marriage, so we're going to change it, and thus we have done it"?
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right now because of what's happening in our country. let me speak to you for a moment what's going on in the military. you may wonder why i would even bring that up, but then you stop and think about the fact that i live in san diego. and san diego's one of the great military towns of all the world. i want to tell you the military, if you talk to these men and women, they're very frightened about what's happening today. as i was working on this message, i read about a prisoner of war at the veterans administration clinic in akron, ohio. included among the displayed items was a bible, which has historically been a part of the military. i've read many accounts of pows, and i know from their testimony how even though they may have entered into the service away from god, it was the bible that they read while they were serving our country that brought them back to faith, and that sustained them
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because the secularists protested. the space on the display table is empty, a silent witness to the intolerance of those determined to rid us of the scripture. bible-believing members of our armed forces face new restrictions, and our military chaplains are on the front lines of intense politically correct pressure. literally, they're being squeezed. perhaps the most glaring example of depravity in medicine is what is called the abortion industry. since the supreme court legalized abortion in 1973, 58 million babies have been legally murdered. according to research by the guttmacher institute, the rate of us abortions since 1975 has been consistently over 1 million per year. never could i ever have dreamed
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with issues like we're dealing with today. i couldn't possibly have dreamed it. and there are some reasons why this has happened. let me give you two lines of thought, first of all from history. the historical explanation of what's happened to us as a nation dates back to the 18th century enlightenment. throughout the middle ages, the western world, for all of its darkness and depravity, at least had an understanding of objective truth. i mean, the existence of god was granted. and that provided a basis for belief in absolute values of right and wrong. the reformation of the 1500s set that truth on fire. but hard on the heels of the reformation, the secular thinking of the enlightenment, or the age of reason, coming from france like a force-field across europe, hit the new world. and many of the enlightenment thinkers couldn't totally shake off the existence of god. they just couldn't do it, they
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instead of getting rid of him, to a place of insignificance by promoting a religion of deism. and the word "deism" is an interesting word. it teaches that the creator started everything, and then ran off and left it alone so it could work itself out. the unifying belief, which laid the foundation for this philosophy of secularism, is god, if he exists, is irrelevant. humanity is calling the shots. humans are ein biologically, socially, governmentally, and morally. forget about answering to a holy creator. we are responsible for ourselves, and we can now govern our own morality by our own societal consent. people wonder why there's so much crazy, crazy behavior in our culture today. if you have no god to whom you report, if there's no true north,
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whatever seems right in his own eyes. and you have a culture totally out of control. that's the historical view of the whole process, but let me give you the biblical explanation. long before this all started happening in our culture, paul wrote about it in the book of romans, and he said that a culture that finally destroys itself will do so in the following way. now, let me tell these words in romans 1 are, as someone has said, dark words. they're words that you wouldn't choose to read if you were going to go to the hospital to comfort somebody. these are the words of paul reminding us of what happens when god is left out. i'm reading left out. from romans chapter 1, verse 18. "for the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all the ungodliness and unrighteousness of men,
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because what may be known of god is manifest in them, for god has shown it to them. for since the creation of the world his invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood in the things that are made, even his eternal power and godhead, so that they are without excuse." the existence of a creator, according to paul, is obvious when we study creation itself. i'm amazed as i get into this a le the scope, the systematic order of our universe, whether you look at it through a microscope or a telescope. the bible says it's foolish to deny a creator, for the existence and complexity of creation means somebody had to be behind it. in the book of psalms, we read, "the fool has said in his heart, 'there is no god.'" and psalm 19:1 says, "the heavens proclaim
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display his craftsmanship." and that's a real problem for modern humanity. you see, for the existence of a creator implies that he is in charge. and if we're subject to a maker, we just can't live our lives any way we want. when you take god out of the picture, then there is no true north, and everything can just run randomly as people, they make up their rules. as i mentioned recently tells us that we're created in the image of god. and instead of believing that, we've decided to create god in our image. so now we can all make up our own god. since there isn't any real god, we make up our own god. and so, our gods are the gods we feel comfortable with. as i've said before, so many people come to me when you preach on something like sin, or if you ever mention hell, or you ever say anything about judgment, inevitably someone will come up
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my god would never do that. my god would never send anybody to hell." and i agree with them. i tell them, "that's exactly right because your god doesn't exist. you made him up. you made him up in your own mind." who would think you would be able to do such a thing, the creature making up the creator? doesn't that sound backwards to you? that's what's happened in our culture. there is no god in the politic of our nation, even though sometimes his name is brought up for effect. and the bible tells us in romans chapter 1 that this all starts with one simple thing, ingratitude. the bible says, "because they knew god, and did not glorify him, nor were thankful." when you stop being thankful for god, god disappears from your life.
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idolatry comes right next because it says in romans 1:22, "professing to be wise, they became fools, and they changed the glory of the incorruptible god into an image made like corruptible man." here's the problem. god created all of us with a god-shaped vacuum right about here. and no one is ever satisfied in their life until god is at home in that vacuum. so when you say there is the creator god, you are left to find a god you can try to trust in and put him there, but it never works. there's never any sense of peace. one of the most common things people say when they come to christ is, "for the first time in my life, i feel at peace with god." make no mistake about it, friends, when we reject the creator god of scripture, we have to find a substitute, we have to have an idol, and that leads us
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and that is a lust-driven life. romans 1:24 and 25, he says,fe. "therefore god gave them up to the uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of god for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the creator, who is blessed forever. amen." paul said only the true god of heaven is holy enough to empower his people to live according to the dictates of his holiness. and when a culture denies its creator, and worships its own gods, and succumbs to a lust-driven existence, it inevitably becomes a nation full of iniquity. listen to romans 1:26 and 27, "for this reason god gave them up to vile passions. for even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman,
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for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due." the headlines of recent years are simply society's commentary on these scriptures. and this downward spiral of decency finally leads to the basement, all the way down to evil that's almost impossible to describe. one of my most memorable moments as a pastor took place on sunday night, april 28th, 1995. and on this particular night, we were planning to observe the lord's table at the beginning of our service, which we always do at shadow mountain. but after studying these verses from romans, i just had an impression in my heart that i should teach first and observe communion at the end of the service.
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the corruption and depravity of man, and then we celebrated communion. and in that communion service, something beautiful occurred in my heart, and i sensed that it was happening in the hearts of many of our people as well. i saw tears, and i fought back my own. i don't ever remember being more thankful for grace than i was that night. if we think we're all right we will never reach out for the grace that he provides for all who will come to him. how many of you know nobody has ever sinned so much that they've sinned away from the grace of god? you cannot out-sin god's grace. and no matter what you've done or where you've been or what kind of trouble you're in now, i promise you this, god's grace is enough to take care of all that sin. but if you don't know there's sin, if you don't accept that, you will never hear the message of grace. it will whistle
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and you will never appreciate it. and that's our hope today, is it not, to give ourselves to that god with all of our hearts, to reacquaint ourselves with the glory of god in our lives, and to commit ourselves that while the rest of the world may be going that way, i'm going god's way. and i'm going to honor him with my life. and if nobody else does, i am, and people will see us do that, and maybe the glory of god will start to return to this country. that's my prayer. >> announcer: dr. jeremiah will return after this to give one last message of hope in light of today's critical issue. >> announcer: today, dr. jeremiah discussed how the morality of our culture has declined. but is there anything we can do to stem the tide? and what is god's next move? find the answers to this and nine other crucial issues facing our time in dr. david jeremiah's new book, "people are asking, is this the end? signs of god's providence in a disturbing new world."
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"is this the end for america?" and "is this the end for the world?" dr. jeremiah provides a biblical perspective on topics including immigration, the decline in morality, and the isolation of israel. "people are asking, is this the end?" will be released worldwide october 4th, but don't wait. you can reserve your copy now when you support "turning point" with a gift of any amount. and if you give $60 or more, dr. jeremiah will send you the "is this the end?" study set, which contains his new book, his complete series and a correlating study guide. plus, as a bonus for pre-ordering the book or set by october 3rd, you will also receive the exclusive resource, "ten prayers for our time," instantly as a digital download, or as a set of ten beautiful prayer cards by mail. "is this the end?" book and study set, pre-order yours from "turning point" today. >> announcer: and now, with one last word for today's program, here is dr. jeremiah.
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with christians in different areas of our nation and the world, this question is often asked of me, "is this the end?" and on the authority of scripture, i can honestly say i don't know. the scriptures tell us that while jesus was on the earth, even jesus himself did not know the date that the end would come. but i do know this. the bible tells us to live as if today is the beginning instead of being afraid, we need to be prepared for christ's return. i would like to help you get ready for that day by sending you two free gifts from "turning point." one is our monthly devotional magazine called "turning points," and the other is a booklet called "your greatest turning point." we will send them both to you free of charge if you will contact us here at "turning point" today.
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is the same everywhere. if you have to change it, it's not the gospel. so, you can preach the gospel, you might have to do it through an interpreter, but when you preach the gospel of jesus christ, whether they're hispanic, or arabic, or filipino, or chinese, or korean, the gospel is the power of god unto salvation, and these people come to christ. >> announcer: join us next week for dr. jeremiah's message "the bleeding of our borders,"
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? is emmy host jimmy kimmel going after hollywood this weekend? >> there are a few that should maybe be a little worried. >> then new security fears after the dancing ambush. what you didn't see at home. >> i was in shock. >> no one has been allowed until now. >> oh, my god. i can't believe you're doing that. also america's fascination with jonbenet's brother. >> i think i look like a normal kid. >> his 6-year-old sister was murdered. the reason behind his smile. >> you're going to learn a lot that nobody has ever heard. >> plus justin timberlake, the reality star? why cameras have been following him 24/7. and behind the scenes of john travolta's transformation into moss boss john gotti.
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for. then big tv exclusives. >> we've been waiting for you. >> we're first behind the scenes of michael weatherly's wild new show. plus the big bang wedding redo with new cast members. >> what? ? now this is "entertainment tonight." >> thanks, everyone, for joining us. karen mathison has been working hard at the toronto film festival so initianischelle tur with me. >> we are tracking the award show frenzy of tv's biggest night. >> this week, no prime time show got crazier than my alma mater, "dancing with the stars." >> i was there for the season 23 premiere, and it ended in several arrests. here's the latest after some major drama on live tv. >> excuse me. off, off. >> all right. >> excuse me. >> how are you feeling? what were you thinking when you saw that happen? >> honestly, it felt like
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took my heart out, and just tore it to shreds. >> take a deep breath. >> i was really hurt when i saw that, and i was in shock. >> excuse me. >> abc released dramatic footage of protesters disrupting monday night's show. ryan lochte had just finished his foxtrot with cheryl burke. they were listening to judge carrie ann inabba comments when two men stormed the stage. they were handcuffed and taken away by security. here's somhi derek hough confronting more anti-lochte protesters in the gallery. >> you guys got to get out, come on. >> did you literally go over to them? >> i went over to them. >> brave, huh? >> and i -- yeah. i said some words. but i basically told them aggressively that they need to leave because i -- you don't do that here. >> it's a good show, positive show. get out of here. >> lochte is currently serving a ten-month suspension from usa swimming following his robbery
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>> the men were booked on trespassing charges and spent the night in jail. but here's a question. how did they get in? well, it seems they went through the normal channels. it appears they signed up for tickets on a website that provides shows with live studio audiences. monday's show dominated in the ratings, but the incident could prompt changes behind the scenes. the production team behind dancing says, quote, a full evaluation of security oc place and we will make any changes deemed necessary. >> only our cameras were allowed behind the scenes before monday's premiere, amidst all of the last-minute prep, the olympian looked pretty friendly with cheryl. he was pretty clear with me he's not going to let this incident distract him. >> i'm going to keep moving forward. i'm going to put this behind me, and i'm going to bare my soul every day.
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and. >> for the commispetition itsel laurie hernandez and race car drives hinchcliffe are tied for the top score. governor rick perry, not so much. >> it's funny. as a politician, he can get votes for an election sometimes. on the show, we'll see if texas can pull him through. as we said, cameron is not here because we put him to work in canada as stars hit the toronto international film festival. one of the biggest names there, justin timberlake. has a new meaning. it's going to be timberlake and chill, right? >> you've heard the internet slang. now the man who brought sexy back is putting on a suit and tie for netflix. ? >> the concert filmed justin timberlake and the tennessee kids premiered tuesday night. the movie follows j.t. and his 25-member band at their final tour date on his 2020 experience world tour. you know, the tour that brought
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? >> how excited are you for your fans to see this song? >> i wasn't sure how i was going to feel about it. there's not a character that i can sort of hide behind or talk about. it's just like, yeah, that's me. >> justin asked jonathan demme to document every moment onstage and off. >> tonight when you're up there, look to your right. look to your left. that's who this show is for. collaborate with? >> i don't know. i want to do -- let's make another movie together. >> yeah, justin, jason siegel, i want you guys to do a movie together with me. >> jason, call us. we're going to make a movie together. >> also at the festival, kate hudson and her pop, kurt russell, walking the red carpet for "deepwater horizon." >> he's such a phenomenal actor. taking aside the fact that he's my dad, i get to work with kurt russell.
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>> yeah, it is, and i'm looking forward to that in the future. >> work it. work it, russell. >> hudson, herself, was working it in alexander mcqueen. it wasn't easy judging her from last-minute elevator adjustment. >> how is it going down there? >> but kate's pretty cool and composed when talking about chilling with the guy she calls pa in their first ever project together. >> we spend so much time together. we don't put too much energy inhi matters to us. i mean i look forward to really working more with him. >> and stars in toronto were singing for their supper. scarlet, matthew, and jennifer glammed it up on the red carpet for the premiere of their animated musical "sing" but, onscreen, for starters, matthew's a koala, and scar joe, she's a punk rock porcupine. >> she's loud and proud. ? >> and reese as a pig?
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that. ? >> you want to belt out the tunes at home in front of the kids? >> i embarrass them terribly when i started singing drake's song. >> that's great. >> i don't stop singing. i enjoy it. it's fun. >> she is a girl after my own heart. now, reese, i really do need to see your version of hotline bling, no kidding. one place the stars are ready to be bling out this weekend is the emmys, told me he wanted to hold back on making hollywood the brunt of his jokes. >> tom hiddleston was announced as a presenter so are the taylor swift jokes on deck? have you got them warm? >> i don't know. i think it's a little bit weird to when somebody goes through a breakup and suddenly they're on camera and everyone is making fun of them. it's a strange thing. it's one of the strangest things about hollywood. there are a few that should maybe be a little bit worried, but for the most part, everyone can relax. >> jimmy helped roll out the
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good in a tux. his slim down secret is a starvation diet that sounds pretty crazy. >> then i decided you know what i'll do? i'll stop eating on monday and thursday and we'll see how that goes. >> do you miss food those days of the week? >> i spend it online looking at recipes. >> what about the nominees? designer christian syrian no will be working with at least three stars on their look for the emmys. he talks fashion with jennifer perry. dressed christina hendrix was at the emmys. it was really amazing. i love what sarah hyland wore to the emmys. i loved what leslie jones wore. >> that moment was when leslie needed a dress for her ghostbusters career. christian stepped up. >> it takes a real designer to design for a real woman. >> i grew up. my mom was a size 16.
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was different. i never saw different. i just was like, oh, my mom loves a dress. my sister loves a dress. >> christian's new york fashion week runway was one of the hottest tickets in town last weekend, wrapping up in time for him to focus on dressing some of hollywood's biggest names for the emmys this weekend. >> what trends are you seeing for this award season? >> it's been very sexy lately. like everyone likes to show a lot of skin, which is very interesting. >> what's it like, though, you design something you'rell one of your client steps out on the red carpet and there's haters out there that are going to criticize. >> sometimes i will say the misses aren't always my fault. bad makeup. i've had some ugly hair with some of my clothes. you just take it, and luckily there will always be another red carpet. >> and christian's fashion always gets extra publicity time on emmy night at the after-party, the most exclusive and luxurious party of the night is the governor's ball.
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because all the nominees get an invite. >> we believe we have the largest sit-down dinner on this side of the mississippi. >> the academy actually hosts three different matters on back-to-back weekends where they're expecting a combined 8,000 guests. >> the numbers are staggering. you're looking at 20,000 wineglasses. you're looking at 80,000 roses. you've got 8,000 champagne glasses. you're looking at 7,300 bottles of wine. the numbers are crazy, but it's such a massive team. in the kitchen each night and around 1,000 employees at each party to serve 3,800 pounds of beef. and to add some color to the convention center, there will be over 150,000 flowers. >> this is like mind-boggling. but that's all we do. make it glamorous. it's like emmys. of course it has to be glamorous. >> this really goes without saying, but we are on top of everything emmys all weekend long on our facebook page. of course we will have a full
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>> i can't wait to see the fashion. it's my favorite part. on the way, dancing with the travoltas, john and his wife, and the new gotti mobster movie. how he's channeling his saturday night fever past. >> you know my husband is known for being one of the most amazing dancers. i was like, tone it down. then on the set for big bang's season premiere. and we're with michael weatherl this is blake lively in people. famous for her dazzling style and julia roberts, who served these at her wedding... people. celebrating america... ...and the stars... who show their stripes. don't miss this week's people. we dance on the salsa team together, and it's like a lot of power in what we wear. when we're practicing if i don't feel good in what i'm wearing i don't look good. t.j.maxx has that variety. i can get a lot for my money. it's like "yay t.j.maxx!" if you're feeling it, just go for it, don't wait. maxx life at t.j.maxx.
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hello, dr. bull. >> i hate surprises. >> we're digging those cool glasses and mr. rogers sweater. he sure looks different, but michael is still the same old cutup on the set. >> oh, this is your tent. this is where we want kevin to sleep. so i'm like a bond villain. see, kevin, i go, hello mr. fraser. we've been waiting for you. >> i hate lawyers. >> the show is based on dr. phil's early days as a trial consultants. oprah was one of his fame ousz clients. dr. jason bull had that confident swagger and a set full of play things. >> bull has a lot of little sporty things. we got a ping pong table. >> do you play? >> but of course. >> over here we got a little bit of -- why don't you take it. come on, i'll hold the bag. >> hold it in. hold it, champ. >> i don't want to hurt you. what do you think? >> come on, fraser.
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to, fraser. >> that's what i was afraid of. >> the show is actually a serious legal drama where he's the famed psychologist who picks juries and pushes everybody's buttons. >> no hard feelings. >> you're a con man. >> while showing me his new high-tech set -- >> yo >> i like a challenge. >> these are servers. data in here. actually, n clinton's e-mail file. >> although he doesn't sport a dr. phil-like mustache, the good doc has a bit of 5:00 shadow. >> do you have to keep the skruf going all the time? >> this has become a continuity problem because when i started the day today, i was clean-shaven. but our days are so long that by the time i get there and so they're just going to have to digitally do something with it. >> that guy no matter what kind of role he's in, he always
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season because "bull" will follow ncis starting tuesday on cbs. meanwhile the excitement is building for monday's season 10 premiere of the big bang theory. i love this show. they are starting out with a bang. it's kaley cuoco's wedding day, and check out the superstar guests who show up. >> how is the world of pharmaceuticals treating you? >> pretty good. actually got assigned a much better territory. >> see what happens when you work hard. >> hey, she sells drugs. >> after nine seasons, we are finally getting to meet penny's mom and brother, and the awkward family reunion was worth the wait. >> the family's here. >> i don't want them thinking we're white trash. >> well, what color trash do you think they'll believe? >> kaley is once again prepared with katey sagal, her on screen mom from eight simple rules and jack mcbrayer plays her brother.
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town for penny and leonard's now official wedding ceremony. >> we're getting married again. what? >> it keeps getting funnier every time we get married. >> every season we'll just get married. >> we're here today to celebrate love. >> also returning, christine ba ran ski has leonard ae mom, judd hirsch as leonard's dad, laurie metcalf as sheldon's mom, and keith carradine as penny's dad. >> it's like this militia mosh >> i'll drink to that. >> haven't you had enough? >> penny drinks more than i do. >> well, i learned from the best. >> aww. >> on the way, two words. tom brady. >> who cooks for the kids, mom or dad? >> neither. >> neither? no? >> neither. >> we're with gisele's sexy hubby. what life is like in the brady house. >> and our exclusive with
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monday on "e.t." >> one, two, three. >> "e.t." at the emmys. >> "entertainment tonight" is taking over tv's biggest night. backstage with the winners and breaking down all the red carpet fashions. that's monday. welcome back, everybody. new england patriots quarterback tom brady has moved on from deflategate, but our senior news editor talked to him about controversy. that '90s hair do he just got rid of. >> you cut your hair a couple of weeks ago. did you actually think it was going to stop the internet? i mean the entire world. >> i cut it really short now. i know. the internet memes were pretty hilarious. tom's cut was giving off some serious '90s vibe, like jonathan taylor thomas in the home improvement days or matt damon
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>> what did your wife think of it? >> she likes whatever i do. >> well, what we're liking? no, loving right now, is seeing just how happy tom gets when he talks about gisele and the kids. >> do your kids get what you and your wife do? >> yeah. my oldest son, jack, he does. he's 9. and my middle son, benny, he's 6. he's just getting there at that age. my little girl just -- she doesn't have any clue, which is perfect. >> that is awesome. she probably h around her little finger. >> oh, man, it's the worst. it's the worst. well, it's not the worst force -- for me. i think it's worse for my wife who is triying to instill some discipline. >> in honor of tom new uggs for men do nothing campaign. >> ordering in or eating out? >> ordering in. >> what are you ordering in? >> sushi. >> who cooks for the kids, mom or dad?
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no? >> neither. >> i can picture you guys cooking. >> i don't cook dinner. >> you make breakfast. pancakes or cereal? >> pancakes. >> movies or walk on the beach? >> movies. >> who's the disciplinarian between you and your wife? >> i'm the final no. once they hear dad say no, they know it's a permanent no. >> tom also told us that his two boys are into soccer and baseball right now. football, not so much. i guess it's hard to follow in those footsteps right. now to victoria beckham. the fashion designer and david beckham's lady debuted her new line at new york fashion week, but only we got her gushing about her handsome hubby and the kids. >> i couldn't do what i do if it wasn't for david. incredible husband, wonderful father. he's been at home this week with the children, looking after the kids, making sure they do their homework, eat their dinner, get to bed at the right time. he's wonderful. >> david and son brooklyn sat
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there's another beckham boy we are currently crushing on. >> you posted a video of cruz singing. ? >> which has been likened to justin bieber. potential music career? >> we didn't even really know that he could sing. he just sings in the back of the car. >> your little girl, harper, she's gorgeous. >> she loves to wear heels, and she loves to try on my clothes. she also loves makeup, you know. she is very feminine, but she's al so she likes to run around the garden with david and the boys playing football. ? >> so we all know victoria won't be part of the upcoming spice girls reunion. so is there bad blood? nope. in fact, posh is honoring the girl group with her new estee lauder makeup line. >> some of the names of the eyeshadows i couldn't help noticing. nutmeg saffron are spice names. is that a coincidence.
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have spicy names. i'm very proud of my past. a little bit of a coincidence, but i'm liking it. i'm liking where you're going. >> as for victoria's number one beauty tip. >> love yourself. be kind to yourself. as women, we are really hard on each other, which i have no time for. >> no. we do not approve of that. >> please be nice to girls. give yourself a pat on the back. >> thank you. >> fashion week was crazy, and we were behind the scenes with some runway and one miss usa winner, one year after making headlines for her breakup with singer nick jonas. >> i have no fears during fashion week. i changed in a public restroom. then i changed in the car. then i got bangs. >> 24 hours in the life of olivia culpo, and this model showed us how to wear five looks in one day. >> i'm going to do a little quick change in the car. >> exiting her changing room on
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photographers before taking her front-row seat at the show. post-show, olivia congratulated the designers, then back to the hotel for a makeover. >> bangs! we're going to do bangs. >> can i cut your hair? >> yeah, yeah. >> actually, they were clip-on fake bangs for this denim look she wore to the tommy hilfiger show. then olivia did her final quick change, a wispy up do and this gown with >> craziness. >> of course one of the coolest trends at new york fashion week, celebrity kids walking the runway. ? candace cameron bur ray's look alike daughter natasha made her cat walk debut at the sherry hill show, and it's been a long time coming. >> i've been practicing since i was 5 years old. like i have literally, i'm not even kidding you, in my room
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>> what a shy, shy child she is. >> i need to get outdoors more. >> natasha has also been busy auditioning for this season of the voice which premieres next week. >> it was incredible. i was super proud of her, and i'm looking forward to watching the show air. >> other celeb kid sights, lisa rinna and harry hamlin's 18-year-old daughter, and camille grammar's 14-year-old girl mason. >> i'm your biggest cheerleader. i love you so much. now you got lipstick on you. >> straight travolta's gotti transformation. how his 5-year-old son is helping him become a mob boss. >> he says, don't laugh at the end of that scene. plus 20 years after jonbenet was murdered, why is her brother smiling? dr. phil tells "e.t." the real story. >> i think i look like a normal kid. and patrick dempsey on reconciling with his wife after she filed for divorce. >> your character goes to any lengths to win his lady. was this something you could
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if you're just joining us, here are there week's top five stories. number five, two pitch perfect stars tie the knot. the adorable couple were in perfect harmony on california's central coast last weekend, saying i do in front of friends, family, and a few of their pitch perfect co-stars. ? brittany snow stood by emma's side as a brides made while elizabeth banks and rebel wilson watched the couple exchange vows at a winery. number four, shannen doherty stays strong. shannen, supported by her husband kurt and doctor at last week's stand up to cancer event, where we got an update about her
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we have a few more weeks of treatment and we'll be nearly finished with the chemotherapy. number three, sharon osbourne's health secret. >> i had a complete and utter break down. >> how scary was it for you when you really understood what was going on? >> it was really, really terrifying. >> sharon told us she was hospitalized last may after taking on way too much. >> my brain fused. it was just done, and i woke up in cedars. i honest until i did get put on the right medication eventually and found a great therapist. so here i am, like a year and somewhat later, and i'm good. number two, amy schumer hospitalized. >> hi. um, okay. this is my first time being in one of these videos. >> that's amy, a bit hoarse and a paris hospital on monday hooked up to an iv. she and boyfriend ben had both
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poisoning. she's fine now and even brought the humor, spoofing a dating profile video. >> my name is amy. i'm 35. i love music and food. and the number one story this week -- >> excuse me. off, off. excuse me. >> the "dancing with the stars" ambush. >> honestly it felt like someone just reached inside, took my heart out, and just tore it to shreds. >> excuse me. >> abc released dramatic new video this wee disrupting monday night's premiere when two men stormed the stage. they were quickly tackled, handcuffed, and taken away by security. but not before shaming lochte following his robbery scandal in rio. >> there are plenty of exemplary athletes. >> the men were booked on trespassing charges and released. go to e.t. for the latest. your posture and stature in posing on the carpet is hands down the best. what's a good tip?
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helps. >> so that's how renee pulls that off. the scoop at the premiere for "bridget jones's baby." that's not all we learned. co-star patrick dempsey told us how he reconciled with his wife after she filed for divorce. >> in the movie, your character goes to any lengths to win his lady. was that something you could relate to? >> i'd say certainly, yeah. it's what my heart told me to do. >> now, "bridget jones's baby" is in theaters this weekend. next year. it covers the life and death of new york mobster john gotti. john travolta plays the head of the crime family and cameron was first on the seat with john and his co-star, his real-life wife kelly preston. >> watch how you interact in the dancing scene and the wedding scene, and it's just beautiful to see. >> for us to be in a movie where we're playing other people is so much fun, and that's what we
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mafia crime boss and eventually convicted murderer. but he could turn on the charm. and in the life and death of john gotti, which comes out in february of next year, travolta captures that swagger perfectly. >> what's that been like nfor yu to direct john travolta? >> it's amazing. on the first day to see him walk on the set as john gotti in the fancy suit, it really comes to life. >> the dapper >> i looked at him, and the way he looked at me, i completely felt like i was in john gotti's arms. it sent chills. also, too, you know, my husband is known for being one of the most amazing dancers. i was like don't it down. you got to remember, you know. he's like, oh, you don't think i'm going to remember i'm not me in. >> the film is set in new york city but it can be difficult to shut down city blocks to make a movie there. so the filmmakers chose parts of cincinnati that look just like the big apple.
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