tv ET Entertainment Tonight NBC October 24, 2016 1:35am-2:36am EDT
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this was a boulder. everything on the surface was disturbed. it looked like it was all out of control. but this lady had deep roots. she knew that unexpected challenge wasn't a surprise to god. and she didn't fall apart. she didn't get bitter. she was steadfast, immovable. and she got on a horse, headed out to see her friend, the prophet elisha. and when he saw her coming in a hurry from a distanc h sent one of his men to go see if something was wrong. and they stopped her and said, "ma'am, elisha is concerned. is everything okay?" she said, "yes, all is well." kept on riding. he caught back up and asked her the same thing, "are you sure everything's okay?" she said it again, "all is well." how could she make that statement when she was in the middle of a crisis? she wasn't living on the
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she felt. she went by what she knew, and she knew god was still on the throne. she knew he could make a way even though she didn't see a way. elisha ended up coming to her house and prayin' for the little boy, and he was healed. he came back to life, a great miracle. but like this lady, sometimes it's not a pebble thrown into your water, so to speak, it's a boulder. we all face unexpected challenges, things we didn't see comin': a loss, a layoff, a divorce, a sickness. and it's easy to get overwhelmed, go around in self-pity, wonderin' why it happened. but if you'll go down deeper, not talk about the problem, not complain about how bad life's treating you, instead, like this lady, have a report of victory. "all is well. god is still on the throne. this too shall pass." because you have deep roots,
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you a boulder, even when you should panic, you will feel a peace that passes understanding. you will have a strength to endure what should have taken you out. the enemy did his best. he thought for sure you would be toppled over, depressed, givin' up. but he miscalculated. he could only see the outside. what he couldn't see was what was on underneath the surface. he didn't realize you have deep roots. yes, he changed your circumstances, but you weren't rooted in your circumstances. you were rooted in the most high god. he never changes. he has all power. a friend of mine was diagnosed with what looked like a terminal disease. it was a virus that he'd picked up overseas. and he has several children, beautiful wife, successful career. he's always been healthy, active.
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life was good. then this unexpected challenge. he could've been depressed, started complaining. but like this lady, he had deep roots. he didn't tell anyone about the diagnosis. he just kept doin' what he had always done. and when you face unexpected challenges, somethin' big, don't let that become the focus of your life. don't let it consume you to where all you think about is, "my sickness, my mistake, my breakup, my loss." keep livin' life. keep to your same routine the best that you can. some people let the problem become their identity. they become known as the crisis, so to speak. you know, like, "i'm the man that went through a divorce." "i'm the lady that has cancer." "i'm the young person that lost a loved one." that's what happened to you. that's not who you are. don't let a temporary event
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in the scripture, thomas doubted that jesus rose from the dead. eight days later jesus appeared to thomas and he changed his mind. thomas' doubting was a very short period of time, a little over a week. but he became known as "doubting thomas." and sometimes people will try to label you. if you don't stay on the offensive and keep moving forward, you can become what happened to you instead of to be. and this young man, he just kept goin' to work, lovin' his family, not letting that sickness dictate his life. he was taking an experimental drug. the doctors had told him how he'd probably lose his hair, not have the energy he needed, have to cut back on his schedule. he kept goin' to work. nobody knew anything was wrong. there were times he'd get tired and have to go lay down.
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best of his ability what he would've been doin' if he didn't have that sickness. and when he was first diagnosed, the cell count of the infected cells was 27 million. just 2 months later that cell count had come down to less than 2,000. the doctors were baffled. they said, "we don't understand it, but we consider you cured. this disease basically is undetectable in your body." that wasrs today he's still healthy and whole. what am i sayin'? when you have deep roots, when you're not moved by circumstances, you're sayin' by your actions, "god, i trust you. i know you're bigger than this sickness, greater than this opposition, stronger than this difficulty." that's when god will make things happen that you could never make happen. the apostle paul in the scripture, he had a lot of challenges, unfair situations. he was falsely accused and
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he was lied about and put in prison. he was shipwrecked, spent the night on the open sea, went without food and water. if you study his life, it was one challenge after another. but in acts 20 paul gives us a secret of living a victorious life. he said, "none of these things move me." he was sayin', "yes, i was falsely accused, but i didn't let it steal my joy. i didn't spend my life tryin' to pay peoplck i let god be my vindicator. yes, i was shipwrecked. my plans didn't work out. but i didn't go around complaining. i knew god was still on the throne. yes, i was put in prison. it wasn't fair. but i didn't sit around in self-pity. i started writing letters. they had me chained up and wouldn't let me leave, but they couldn't keep my words from goin' out." paul wrote over half of the new testament, much of it
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he had deep roots? he said, "none of these things move me." we all have these things, maybe a grouchy boss, negative medical report, business that slowed down. there's always somethin' tryin' to move us, tryin' to pull us out of peace, pull us out of rest. somebody cut ya off in traffic. that's a these things. are you going to let it move you, get upset, ruin your or are you going to live from a deeper place and stay in peace? that coworker that's rude, left you out of a meeting, that's a these things. or somebody sat in your favorite seat in church. you've been sittin' there for 30 years. they knew it and came on purpose to beat you. these things can happen even in church. lady singin' behind you totally off-key, these things. the patriots beating the
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these things. that's a boulder, not a pebble. are you allowing these things to move you? you can't pray them away. that coworker that gets on your nerves, if he does leave, three more people are going to show up just like him. these things are tests that we must pass. jesus said, "stop allowing yourself to be upset." he didn't say, "if you'll stayfa hard enough, i'll take away all the traffic, the opposition, the criticism, the disappointments." he said, "they will come, but you don't have to get upset. you don't have to be moved by them." look at that negative medical report and say, "you don't move me. i'm not gonna live worried. god's restorin' health back unto me." look at that child that's off-course and say, "you don't move me. 'as for me and my house, we will serve the lord.'"
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get into your destiny. look at that bank statement and say, "you don't move me. you may be low right now, but i know increase is on the way. i know i will lend and not borrow." that coworker that's always gettin' on your nerves, tryin' to aggravate you, when you see them monday, just say, "hello, these things. i know who you are. joel told me," no, don't. leave my name out of it. "i know who you are. i know the secret. i have deep roots. i'm stayin' in pea jesus told peter to take his boat and launch out into the deep. peter caught a great haul of fish. jesus was sayin', in effect, "peter, get out of the shallow waters. quit livin' on the surface. as long as you're doin' that, letting your circumstances determine your joy, then it's going to limit you." when peter went out to the deep waters, he caught so many fish that his nets began
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you're not moved by people, circumstances, disappointments. because you're in the deep, you're going to have an abundance of joy, abundance of peace, an abundance of what you need. and i wonder how much more we would enjoy life if we'd quit livin' on the surface and go down deeper. we let too many things upset us. somebody talkin' about ya on social media, that's one of these things. your job is not to respond to straighten them out, prove your point. your job is to be steadfast, be immovable. that means let it go. don't pay it any attention. the scripture tells us to rule our own spirit. it doesn't say to rule somebody else's spirit. you can't control what other people think about you, what they say about you. if you're trying to rule them, that's manipulation. you're gonna be frustrated.
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full-time job to try to rule my own spirit. i don't have the time, the energy, the wisdom, or the responsibility, to try to rule somebody else's spirit. we spend too much time worried about what they're sayin', tryin' to change their mind. quit letting that move you. part of ruling your spirit is to not let that poison in you. ships don't sink because there's water all around them. they sink when the water gets in them. and there may be negative circumstances all around you. somebody's spreadin' rumors. you're dealin' with an illness. finances have gone down. you've got good reasons to be upset, offended, worried. here's the key: don't let it get in you. rule your spirit. you can't rule your boss, your neighbor, the internet, the stock market. but you can rule your own spirit. it's powerful when we can say with paul, "none of these things move me.
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sayin'. god's fighting my battles. i'm not worried about the medical report. nothing can snatch me out of god's hands. i'm not discouraged by this disappointment. i know god didn't bring me this far to leave me. he's made a way in the past. i know he'll make a way this time." that's ruling your own spirit. that's a sign that you have deep roots. "well, joel, this all sounds good. but i made a lot of mistakes. i got off-course. it was my own fault." if you just stay on the condemned, down on yourself. the accuser will constantly whisper, "you blew it. you're done. god's never going to bless you." but when you have deep roots, you know god's mercy is bigger than those mistakes. you know his calling on your life is irrevocable. the message translation says, "god's gifts and calling are under full warranty, never canceled, and never
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that means god doesn't change his mind because we've made mistakes. he doesn't give up on us because we're not where we're supposed to be. when god hand-picked you before you were formed in your mother's womb, when he breathed life into you, he put you under a full lifetime warranty, sayin', "they're mine no matter where they go, no matter what they do. i have a destiny for them to fulfill." what am i sayin'? your mistakes did ca god's plan for your life. quit believin' those lies, "you're washed up, settled for second best." get back in the game. god is not finished with you. he knew every mistake you would make and he has already lined up a new plan. and you may have fallen down. the right attitude is, "i'm not stayin' down. i know i am under full warranty. i know god will get me still
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winds blow a tree back and forth and put pressure and strain on the root system, you would think that was damaging the tree and makin' it weaker. but researchers have found that it's actually strengthening the root system. it seems like the pulling and the stretching would be tearing the roots apart, but the movement is makin' it easier for the roots to grow. it's the same way with us. that difficulty should have toppled you, damaged your roots, so to speak, brought you out weaker. but just the opposite happened. you came through that challenge stronger, with greater confidence. your character was developed. the storm was sent to stop you, but god turned it around and used it to strengthen you. that mistake, that divorce, that sickness, should've left you defeated, lonely, discouraged. but when you come out, you'll not only still be standing, you'll be better than you
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strengthened. i'm askin' you today to quit living on the surface, bein' bothered by everything that doesn't go your way. go down deeper. quit bein' moved by these things. life is way too short to let circumstances determine your joy. start ruling over your spirit. the next time you're tempted to get upset, to be worried, offended, discouraged, try a new approach. be steadfast. be immovable. if you'll do this, i believe and declare because you have deep roots god is going to fight your battles. he's going to vindicate you, promote you, heal you, and take you to the fullness of your destiny, in jesus' name. and if you receive it today, can you say, "amen"? >> joel: it's great to be with you today. victoria and i will be right back to speak a blessing over you and your family.
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and victoria would like to send you a copy of joel's new series, "better than ever, living a hope-filled life." in this new three-part series, joel osteen inspires you to discover more of god's goodness, more of his blessings, and to live out the better-than-ever destiny he has for you. your future will be better than your past. to request your copy of "better than ever," visit us at or call usto >> victoria osteen: we weren't created to stay at one level. we were created to get better. you have seeds of greatness. in these messages you'll be inspired to stir up your gifts on the inside so you can go to the next level. >> joel: god's dream for your life is so much bigger than your own. request this resource. it will help you live better than ever. and when you do, i'd love to send you a copy of my new book, "think better, live better." how you think determines how
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back by wrong mindsets. you can't think negative and live a positive life. i'll show you how to delete the wrong thoughts and program your mind for the victorious life that belongs to you. and thanks so much for bein' with us today. we're prayin' for you and your family, and we appreciate your prayer and support of the ministry. if you wanna help us take hope around the world, you can go to the website and we can partner together and make a great difference. but thanks so much, and hope partners, for all you do to make the ministry possible. and we never like to close the broadcast without giving you an opportunity to make jesus the lord of your life. would you pray with us? just say: "lord jesus, i repent of my sins. come into my heart. i make you my lord and savior." if you prayed that simple prayer, we believe you got born again. get in a good bible-based
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until we meet again, know that we love ya. we're prayin' for ya. you're not average. you're not mediocre. you're a child of the most high god. >> announcer: "think better, live better," new from joel osteen. pick up your copy today. . your partnership makes this ministry possible. your faithful and consistent monthly support makes you a champion of hope. the vision of joel osteen ministries is to use every avenue available to present the hope of jesus christ to people everywhere. today and become a
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the cultural changes this rapid, or the moral decay this pronounced. terrorism that bleeds across borders, deepening persecution and intolerance, a growing culture of apathy, self-centeredness, and greed, escalating international tensions simmering just below the surface, and a future that seems all but certain. people are asking, "is this the end?" >> female: breaking news out of north korea once again, where pyongyang is now threatening a nuclear strike. >> female: earlier, we reported that isis leaders called for more attacks during the holy month of ramadan. >> male: the renewed focus on russia's military started with its annexation of crimea in southern-- >> male: this will have brought political ramifications and ramifications for national security. >> male: the largest nuclear arsenal in the world, larger even than the us. >> benjamin netanyahu:
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the people of israel live. >> announcer: but could we be on the cusp of a spiritual revival? over the last few decades, dr. david jeremiah has become one of the world's most sought-after christian leaders to connect modern culture and current events to biblical prophecy. dr. jeremiah was recently in new york city to discuss these ripped-from-the-headlines issues confronting our world, including one particularpr >> sheila walsh: you talk about the isolation of israel. something i know about you is that throughout your ministry, you have continually prayed for, talked about, ministered to israel when it was popular and when it was not. >> david jeremiah: that's true. >> sheila: why has that been so important for you? >> david: well, i'm a very pragmatic person, sheila. the bible says if you bless israel, god will bless you, and i want to be blessed. and you know,
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has chosen his people, israel, and that we are to be responsible as christians and love them. you know, we hear all this argument today about who owns israel, and should they give up this land? you know what? god's already decided that. he gave the land to them, and people need to leave them alone. you know, this is their land. we always have people who want them to give up some land for peace. well, it'll be peace for everybody else and just more people to shoot at israel. israel needs our friendship, and god blesses those who bless israel. i am for israel, and every christian ought to be. >> announcer: stay tuned as dr. david jeremiah directs us on a clear path forward, and reminds us that god is in control, and jesus is the answer. what we see happening is part of a divine plan for this world and eternity. it's all coming up on today's urgent edition of "turning point." >> announcer: the isolation
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the insurgency of isis, the resurrection of russia. are these current events a sign of the coming rapture and tribulation foretold in the bible? unsure of the future, both christians and non-believers are asking, "is this the end?" dr. david jeremiah explores ten critical issues facing our society in his new book, "people are asking is this the end? signs of god's providence in a disturbing new world." split into two sections, "is this the end for america?" and "is this the end for the world?" provides a biblical perspective on topics including immigration, the decline in morality, and the apathy of america. order your copy of "people are asking, is this the end?" when you support the ministry of "turning point" with a gift of any amount. and if you give $60 or more, dr. jeremiah will send you the "is this the end?" study set, which contains his new book, his complete series on your choice of dvd or cd, and a correlating study guide. plus, you'll also receive the prayer for america bookmark
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"is this the end?" book and study set, order yours from "turning point" today. >> announcer: and now, join dr. david jeremiah as he addresses an urgent issue for our time, "the isolation of israel." >> david: israel is a wonderful place that god has pointed to as a very special piece of real estate. and we're often asked in ministry, why has god chosen this grof who reside in this little piece of real estate in the middle east, which is 1/19th the size of california, and no bigger than the state of new jersey? why would he choose that people? one day, i was reading in the old testament, and i came across these words from the book of deuteronomy, where god is speaking to israel and he says, "you are a holy people
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to be a people for himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth. and the lord did not set his love on you, nor choose you because you were more in number than any other people, but because the lord loves you, and because he would keep his oath which he swore to your fathers." all the geopolitical issues that you and i read about in the newspapers and watch on television are pretty much explained in 3 verses of the first book of the bible, in the 12th chapter. listen, "get out of your country from your family, from your father's house, to a land that i will show you. i will make you a great nation. i will bless you, and i will make your name great, and you shall be a blessing. and i will bless those who bless you, and i will curse those who curse you,
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of the earth will be blessed." that's it, three verses from the book of genesis. and when you study this covenant and you take it apart, you unpack it as we do when we do exposition of the scripture, you learn so much that's helpful in keeping your head above water in the international scene. so, let me do that. let me just share with you some of the things that we learn from these three verses. first of all, it's pretty evident that this is an unconditional covenant. this is not bilateral. this is a covenant that is based upon the performance of one person. if you read the covenant, you will discover, as i read it to you a few moments ago, that the word "i will" is over and over and over repeated. god says, "i will, i will, i will, i will." he doesn't say, "i will if, i will when." he says, "i will."
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and it really isn't based in the faithfulness of the jewish people. it's based upon god. god is saying to you, "even if you are faithless, i will be faithful to you." and ever since that covenant was made, that has been the history of the relationship. i mean, if you read the old testament, you have to ask yourself, why is god so patient with these people? i would have given up on them a long time ago, and so would have you. but god doesn't give isn't that good news for all of us? god keeps his promises. and so, there was no provision made in this covenant for it ever to be broken, no provision for it ever to be annulled. this was an unconditional covenant. and the second thing you learn as you read these verses is that it was a personal covenant. now, as we've already discussed, it was a covenant between god and the nation of israel that would come from abram, but it was also
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god said, "i will bless you, abraham, and i will make your name great." the pronouns "you and yours" are 11 times in these verses. god is speaking directly to the man abraham, and he said, "you know, there's a lot of implications of what i'm going to say to you today, but i don't want you to forget this is about you and me, abraham. i'm going to make you great. your name is going to be great." and here we are, 4,000 years later, is still revered by the jews, by the christians, and by those who follow islam. but then god said to him, "i'm going to make you a great nation." in the second verse of what i just read to you, abraham is told, "i will make you a great nation." there wasn't anything to give him any reason to believe that from him, he would become a great nation.
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and god said, "abraham, i have a plan for your life, and that plan includes that, from you, there will be a great nation," which we now know as the nation of israel. and the ultimate greatness of that nation is upon us, is it not? i know that one day, all of god's promise to israel will be fulfilled in a period of time we call the millennium, when the king comes down here and rules, and israel will be the center of all religious discussion. but by all means, israel is a great nation today. if you ever go there, you will come away shaking your head. i mean, for their little size, this little sliver of land surrounded by 37 nations that all want to destroy them, here is this nation of israel living in peace among enemies. and not only surviving, but thriving. inside israel proper, in times of great national emergency,
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of press in times of war. it stands out as a singular democratic first world island in an arab and muslim sea of poverty and backwardness. right in the middle of it, that little piece of real estate called israel, god's promised land. at the heart of this covenant, which we call the abrahamic covenant, is what we would call a territorial clause, or a territorial issue. "now the lord said to abraham, 'get out of your country, from your family, from your father's house, and go to a land that i will show you.' and on that same day, the lord made a covenant with abraham, saying, 'to your descendants i have given this land, from the river of egypt to the great river, the river euphrates. i have given it to you
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in that place where god spoke to abraham, he once and for all settled the dispute over what you should do with the land of israel. i told you if you read this covenant, it'll solve a lot of problems. because one of the greatest debates in our culture today is about israel. should it be a palestinian state? should it be shared with palestine? should it be reduced, expanded? i don't worry about that because i read the source. this was not one generation. this was a covenant a for the future of his people, and god outlined the borders of the land of israel. i'll tell you, friend, the land promised to abraham and his descendant, it's huge, and israel has never occupied anything close to all the land that god gave them. if israel were currently occupying all the land that god gave to her in that covenant, she would control all of the holdings of present day israel, lebanon, the west bank of jordan,
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iraq, and saudi arabia. i mean, the borders are in the bible. you can check it out for yourself. so, when people say, "why doesn't israel get out of her land?" israel hasn't even gotten into her land. why should she get out of her land? in the future, during the millennium, that land is going to all be expanded, and israel will be at home in her land for the first time ever. right now, she lives in a little portion of it, and that little portion of it is--i mean, you read about israel in the news more than any other country in the world except for america. and it's 1/19th the size of california. i mean, it's amazing when you stop and think about it, how it's become the center of everything. now, here's something you can mark down if you're interested in trivia. every single prophet in the old testament, with the exception of malachi, repeats the land clause of the abrahamic covenant, every single one. all the prophets, you name them, the minor prophets, the major prophets,
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every single one of them, there's a piece in one of their prophet's writings that remembers this promise god made to him. why do you think god would do that? because god knew what we're dealing with right now. god saw down into the future the debate that would come out over the land of israel. and god knew that if we didn't see this and understand it, we would be swayed. god promised abraham something very specific. he defined it, he described it, he repeated it. he continued to remind everybody that the land of israel belonged to the jewish people. so, this is an unconditional covenant, it's a personal one, it's a national one, it's a territorial one, and it's a reciprocal covenant. have you ever read these words? "i will bless those who bless you, and i'll curse those who curse you." i for one, even if i didn't know anything more than that, i would be writing letters to my congressman
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take care of israel because i read this thing in the bible that says if we bless them, god's going to bless us. and i don't know about you, i can use all the help getting blessings that there is." you don't have to be too smart to figure that out. god said it. if you bless israel, israel will be the reason god blesses you. and i don't have to just depend upon the bible to prove that today. history demonstrates that. zechariah the prophet reiterated this. he says, "thus says the lord of hosts, 'he sent me after glory, to the nations which plunder israel, for he who touches you, israel, touches the apple of god's eye, and i will shake my first against them.'" go back in history and look at all the people who have messed with israel, and you will see that when they try to do harm
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why does he care about them? because he promised abraham he would, and god always keeps his promises. so, you say, "what does that mean today?" well, i don't know if you're tracking with me, but it means whoever has the platform for any political party better have a good platform for the nation of israel. because if we don't deal right with israel, we will not be dealt with god very kindly. it's not only that god curses those who curse israel, but god blesses those who bless israel. it's unconditional, it's personal, it's national, it's territorial, it's reciprocal, and it's universal. do you know that that day when god spoke to abraham, and gave him this promise, he said something that would affect everybody in all the world for the time to come? you say, "how could that be?" well, if you have a bible in your hands, every book in that bible
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the books of luke and acts. your bible is a jewish book. you wouldn't have your bible without the promise that god made to abraham. and if you're a christian today, if you know jesus christ as your personal savior, your savior is a jew. he came from abraham's lineage all the way through david, and he is the savior of the world. listen to the book of galatians. "that the blessing of abraham might come upon the gentiles in christ jesus, that we might receive the promise of the spirit through him." we are blessed as christians today because of that day when god spoke to abraham and said, "abraham, through you, i'm going to bless all the nations of the world." through the written word and through the living word, it all came from abraham. all the promises of the covenant are in support of this one. and then he said this is forever.
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genesis 17, he said, "'i will establish my covenant between you and me and your descendants, and i will give you and your descendants after you the land in which you are a stranger, all the land of canaan. it's an everlasting possession, and i will be their god.' then he said to me, 'son of man, these bones are the whole house of israel. they indeed say our bones are dry, our hope is lost, and we ourselves are cut off. therefore, prophesy and say to them, "thus says the lord god, 'behold, o my people, i will open your graves and cause you to come up from your graves, and bring you into the land of israel. then you shall know that i am the lord when i have opened your graves, o my people, and brought you up from your graves. i will put my spirit in you, and you shall live. and i will place you in your own land, and you shall know that i the lord have spoken and performed it,'
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he said the bones are a picture of israel dispersed through all the countries of the world in the graves of the gentile nations. but ezekiel said one day, almighty god would speak to these bones, and they would start to come together, and the nation of israel would arise. and they'd come out of the graves of the nations, in terms out of the nations themselves, and regather in the land, and israel would be reconstituted as a nation. and we have lived in our lifetime to see that happen in 1948. the bones came together in 1948, and israel was established as a nation. but the scripture says also. that once the nation was back together, there was no breath in them, no spirit in them. breath and spirit are the same word in the language of the bible. people ask me all the time, "when you go to israel, dr. jeremiah, is israel back in her land in faith and in belief?" absolutely not.
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is a zionist movement. the people have come back to the land. they love israel, they love their jewish heritage, but they haven't embraced our messiah. the messiah who is jesus christ is yet to be embraced. in the future, when israel-- the bible says all israel will be saved. so, israel is like the bones, alive, back together, but no life in him. one day, the bible says the lord god is going to come back, and he's going to put his spirit in israel. and israel will have an incredible revival. listen to this, there will be 144,000 jewish evangelists out preaching the gospel, along with 2 witnesses, all of them filled with the spirit of god. and israel's going to come back, and they're going to see jesus as their messiah, and they're going to embrace him as we know the bible prophesies they will be embraced. so, the bones have come alive, and we have lived to see it. and the reestablishment of the jewish state has been described
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of jewish history. six thousand miles away, president harry truman read a 40-word statement that was released to the world, and the united states became the first nation to recognize the birth of the modern state of israel. the 2,500-year-old prophecy of the bible was at last fulfilled. in a powerful speech that i heard when i wasn't supposed to be home, for some reason i just turned on the television, and i happened to hear this speech. in a powerful speech made to the assembly of the united nations, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu gave these words. >> benjamin: for in every generation, there were those who rose up to destroy our people. in antiquity, we faced destruction from the ancient empires of babylon and rome. in the middle ages, we faced
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and in modern times, we faced pogroms and the holocaust. yet, the jewish people persevered. and now, another regime has arisen, swearing to destroy israel. that regime would be wise to consider this. i stand here today representing israel, but the nation state of a people nearly 4,000 years old. yet the empires of babylon and rome are not represented in this hall of nations. neither is the 1,000-year reich. those seemingly invincible empires are long gone, but israel lives.
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>> david: and when i played that in my church, they got on their feet and clapped because that's the truth. god's hand is upon this nation. look at it any way you want. i hope we would not have anyone in this room who would be classified in any way as anti-semitic. you cannot be a practicing christian and be anti-semitic any more than you can be a practicing christian and be a racist. if you are a christian, you have to love what god loves. and god loves the jewish people, and god loves people of every ethnic diversity. and we as christians, if we're truly after christ, we must be that way too. one of my last memories of our trip to israel was right outside of the southern steps. if you go to israel, there are certain places where you can stop. and if you have a lot of people, there are certain places big enough so you can have a big crowd. and so, i speak in some of these places to all of our contingents that are on all of our 14 buses. and i had just finished speaking
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which is one of my favorite places because you can look over to the right and see the place from which our lord ascended to heaven, and to which he's going to return. and so, i gave my message, and it was the last time i was to speak to the people before the end of the tour when we were all together. and i just told them how much i loved israel. you have no idea how much israel cares about the people of this nation, and what we contribute to them, and how we help them by our tourism over there. so, i gave that littleec how much i loved israel, and i hope they loved israel. i said, "when you come the next time, bring somebody with you." then we had a prayer. and i walked away from the pulpit to go to meet with the people who were with me. and as i walked, a lady who was standing in the shadow of the place where i spoke hollered at me. she said, "sir, sir, can i speak with you?" and my friend said, "don't do it." but i had something in my heart that told me i needed to do it,
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she was dressed in kind of a bedouin dressing. and she said, "i've been listening to what you said." she spoke in broken english. she said, "i just want to tell you how important you are to us." she said, "pastor, the evangelicals of your nation are about the only friends we really have left that we can trust. so, please, please tell your friends don't forget us." and i promised her i would, don't forget israel. don't forget what god has promised israel. don't forget the miraculous thing that god is doing in israel. and whatever you do, if you have any say in the political speak of our country, make sure your leaders know you may not agree on everything, but one thing you cannot disagree about, if you want to be blessed as a nation, you bless the nation of israel. i'm absolutely convinced that one of the reasons why, since 1948,
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of blessing in this nation was because we put our arms around that young nation and helped them get established. as long as i have breath and opportunity, i'm going to be a champion for the nation of israel because i believe that's god's purpose in this world today. >> announcer: dr. jeremiah will return after this to give one last message of hope in light of today's critical issue. >> announcer: how should christians view the ongoing conflict between israel and the palestinians? is israel's existence just international politics, or an issue of greater spiritual significance? find the answers to this and nine other crucial issues facing our time in dr. david jeremiah's new book, "people are asking, is this the end? signs of god's providence in a disturbing new world." divided into two sections, "is this the end for america?" and "is this the end for the world?" dr. jeremiah provides a biblical perspective on topics including immigration, the decline in morality,
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"people are asking, is this the end?" when you support the ministry of "turning point" with a gift of any amount. and if you give $60 or more, dr. jeremiah will send you the "is this the end?" study set, which contains his new book, his complete series on your choice of dvd or cd, and a correlating study guide. plus, you'll also receive the prayer for america bookmark absolutely free. "is this the end?" book and study set, order yours from "turning point" today. >> announcer: with one last word for today's program, here is dr. jeremiah. >> david: are you one of those people who log onto an internet news site first thing every morning? many people do that, and it's not because they're addicted to the internet. it's because they have learned that the world can change drastically overnight. never have we lived in such perilous and unpredictable times. when the world can change overnight,
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jesus christ and his word. to encourage you in building your relationship with christ, please allow me to send you two free gifts from "turning point," gifts based firmly on the bible. one is a booklet called "your greatest turning point," and the other is our monthly devotional magazine, "turning points." we will gladly send both of these resources to you free of charge if you will contact us here at "turningnt >> announcer: next week on "turning point." >> david: it's almost like god takes every weapon out of the hands of the israeli people, puts them in the most defenseless position they could be in so that none of them can stand up and say, "look what we did." no, you didn't do anything. you just stood there, and god came in, and he won the war for you, or you wouldn't be alive today. now, how many of you know that's the way it is for all of us, isn't it? i've often thought god likes to get us at the end of ourselves, where we don't have anything we can do,
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then kim k.'s new security fail and what the surveillance video of the robbers revealed. plus we are behind the scenes for ray romano's prime-time return. why he's reuniting with bestie kevin james. >> is that an impression or a mockery? plus -- >> come on over. >> cocktails with christie brinkley. >> partay. >> our tour of her mansion in the hamptons. is she online dating at 62? >> i'm free this and -- ? if i could turn back time ? >> cher at 70. her life today. >> i never expected to live this long. >> our rare interview with the music legend after the death rumors. >> there were all these reports. cher's sick. >> do they just think i'm dying? i'm just older than dirt. >> now this is "entertainment tonight." >> are shocking security failures to blame for kim kardashian getting robbed in paris? thanks for joining us, everyone.
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robbery investigation after new video is released. but we begin with brad and angelina. the new development in their divorce battle. >> my sources say brad is devastated, but he's not giving up. >> first maddox. brad pitt met with his 15-year-old son on wednesday. a therapist was present during the visit. their brief reunion comes after brad and maddox were involved in some kind of incident last month on a private jet. it's believed that episode was the last straw for jolie, who separated from brad the following day. as it turns out, brad and maddox did not see each other for 35 days. >> with maddox, we have to remember that maddox was there before brad. it was maddox and his mom, angelina. and then brad came into the picture. so when his mom and his dad split up, he may be taking sides. >> maddox is the first baby i ever held. he's really made me a woman. >> it's possible that not
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>> mad and i love working together. >> maddox also worked with his dad on world war z. >> what was it like having him on the set. >> it was fun to see your boy grow up and take on responsibility and very nice. >> as for brad's other children, he has reportedly now been reunited with them twice since angelina filed for divorce. the most recent visit is said to have been two hours long with a monitor present undisclosed neutral location. >> this is rare. we're kind in uncharted territories when we're talking about the most famous man in the world being monitored so he can spend time with his children. >> and we learned more this week about angelina's interview with the fbi. we've confirmed that jolie spoke this week with two fbi agents for more than three hours at her malibu home. the interviews were to determine where exactly the airplane incident between brad pitt and his 15-year-old son maddox went
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because that determines whether the fbi or minnesota authorities would have jurisdiction over the matter. for the record, the fbi tells us, quote, the fbi is continuing to gather facts and will evaluate whether an investigation at the federal level will be pursued. >> inch by inch, step by step, they're making headway and they're getting back on the same page, at least as parents, because they love those kids unconditionally, and they don't want to integrity of the children. >> now to kim kardashian and the new details emerging in the armed heist in paris. the hotel security guard who was on duty when she was robbed broke his silence this week. now, the aftermath of what he had to say has been nothing short of shocking. >> hotel security guard told me they haven't changed the security code for six years. have they changed now after the
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>> the investigative video reveals just how ridiculously easy it was for armed gunmen to get into kim's paris apartment. the guard claimed to the daily that security fails include no working security cameras. only one guard on duty. and security codes that hadn't been changed in six years. then thursday, we finally got to see surveillance footage from the alleged robbery. the security video captured at 2:19 a.m. shows three of the alleged robbers on bikes made their way to kim's apartment first. then at 2:33 a.m., two hooded men walked by. just 34 minutes later, at 3:07, you see the two walking away, followed by three others speeding off on their bikes. the last one appears to be carrying a backpack during the supposed getaway. the footage released on france's
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$33,000 cross necklace, which cops are now reportedly testing for dna. but is kim so traumatized she's building a $100,000 panic room in her $20 million bel-air home? that's the report. it claims kim is having severe panic attacks, refuses to be alone, and has a therapist on call 24 hours a day. the panic room would reportedly have a large room, bathroom, and cameras to protect kim and the kids in any situation. call for everybody. i don't think anybody deserves anything like that to happen to them no matter who you are or what you do. >> while kim's laying low, her sisters have spoken out. kourtney, on australia's today extra gave the same kardashian p.r. response we've heard sister khloe dish out this week. >> you know, she's not doing great. i think we're all really still shaken up. >> i mean she's not doing that well.
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>> she has a big supportive family. >> we'll get through it together. >> that's what family's all about. how about we switch gears to dancing with the stars. we said good-bye to amber rose, but maksim chmerkovskiy says he's ready to put away those dancing shoes. all this as we saw the second perfect tens of the season. ? >> jana kramer brought the bedroom to the ballroom for latin night, ending her ultra-sexy shower scene. ? >> sensational! >> the country singer and her partner got a standing ovation from the judges and a perfect score, putting them in first place. from the best to bye-bye. >> the couple leaving right now is amber and maks.
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the lowest score of the night. >> i'm sad, but i feel like i came really far. >> next up for maks. daddy duty. he's stepping away from the show to welcome his first child, a boy, with fellow pro p e.t. a murgatroyd. >> there's no way. he's going to be a month and a half old and i'll say see you in two months, buddy. no, it's not going to happen. >> and finally, lochte gets lucky. >> you're safe! >> ryan made good on his promise to me >> uh-oh, we like that. the olympic swimmer shed his shirt and pants. >> i came overdressed. >> ryan got a 30 out of 40. through it all, ryan's fiancee was cheering him on. the olympian rented a helicopter on october 10th for a mountain top proposal to playboy model taylor ray reed. >> have you said fiancee yet by the way? >> all the time. >> what was that like the first
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>> it doesn't get old. i'll just say it to just say it. >> did you see his eyes light up a little bit when he said that? >> for sure. he was so nervous going into it and the whole thing was planned perfectly and he cut rehearsal short so that he could make everything perfect. >> did it surprise you that he kind of fumbled the play a little bit? like couldn't get the ring -- >> that's him. that's ryan. that's like his personality. >> that would not be me. >> of course. >> h like when he gets nervous for elimination. probably similar. >> do you get clammy hands? >> oh, yeah. it's really bad. >> my grandma always used to say cold hands, warm heart. that's what it meant. >> no matter what happens on dancing, ryan already has his next gig. he's doing a feature film with sharon stone. now, we hear he plays a nightclub patron that gets his on by sharon. just sayin'. we also heard big news this week for the voice.
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12 and 13, and gwen stefani is joining her boyfriend, blake shelton, back in those big turning chairs. now, weekend music royalty, beyonce and jay z hosted a major concert last weekend, and queen bee performed after getting a pretty nasty cut during the show. kevin frazier was the only tv reporter there when she was done. ? >> i love you. >> you know i love you too. >> beyonce proving yet again why she's the queen after her earringo braid halfway through her set. watch as she wipes the blood from her ear and keeps singing. ? she didn't even flinch. the incident sent the beehive into a frenzy. several fans took to social media, cutting their own ears with the #bleedforbeyonce. nicki minaj rocked the crowd in her second outfit of the night, a sheer body suit, so sheer we
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>> nikki, how was it? >> but epic doesn't even begin to cover the vibe backstage. kevin was in the middle of all the madness. check out alicia keys on her way to the stage, doing a little damage control after being photographed. ? >> common, lauren hill awere on the bill of the sold out concert benefiting the robin hood foundation, aimed at ending poverty in new york city. ? >> i live right down the street from here, so it's like -- i'm like i'm performing half a block from my place. so it's dope. >> did you walk or drive? >> i walked. for real.
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