tv Teen Kids News CW August 28, 2016 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT
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?? >> welcome to "teen kids news." i'm livia. let's start with our top story for this week. a sewing machine may seem an unlikely vehicle for helping girls around the world get an education, but as diyu reports, the hands of one particular girl, the simple sewing machine can work wonders. >> mary grace wanted to help others less fortunate than she is, so she set her sights on african countries south of the
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pathway for people to walk on the road. and they don't really have air-conditioning at all. they don't have lights. they don't have floor. they don't have toilets. ey have real extreme poverty conditions. >> bad as conditions are in countries like uganda, girls have it even worse. >> the reason i focus on sub-saharan africa is because girls never get the chance. they very young age or they just are used to work at home and work in the fields while the boys go to school. >> and that's why "reverse the course" was born. >> so why don't you come help me make a bow? "reverse the course" is a business and foundation that i started at the age of 12. i really wanted to help one girl go to school, and so i thought by selling products i could raise money to pay her tuition.
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products, she needed to make them, and that included learning some new skills. >> um, so it took about a month, maybe two months to really teach myself how to sew. and like i can only do a straight line still, it's not like clothes or anything. >> mary grace started small, with just one product. >> this is actually, my first thing i made. it's called a reversible headband. and it just slides in and out like that. >> oh, that's so clever. with time, she add more types of accessories, and invested in more sophisticated equipment. >> this is an embroidery machine that i bought this past fall, and what it does is it embroiders letters, monograms, whatever you want and it can do like sailboats and different icons, too. so, for example, this is just some letters that i recently did, and then i can do different icons which are back up here.
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running the business end of things, but mary grace makes most of the accessories herself, from headbands to bows. >> i try to do a lot of dual-purpose things so that people can both get a bargain but then also be able to help girls go to school. and that's the neat part about it. oh, this is one of my newest things. it's called "knot for profit," but k-n-o-t, 'cause of the little knots on the headbands. these are monogrammed bows which you can stick on a headband. >> her school bookstore agreed to sell the accessories. she raised enough money to pay the tuition for the girl in uganda, and many others as well. these are photos of some of the girls mary grace's handiwork has helped to educate. >> and i started going into retail stores, and now i'm selling in eight different states, and so it's grown a lot. >> hi, sweetie. >> hi. how are you? >> good, thanks. are you?
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>> yep, here's some w bows. >> great. >> yeah. let's just open this up. >> ah, look at that. it's like spring in a bag. >> [ laughs ] >> don't you love it? >> so why did you decide to carry, um, mary grace's hair accessories? >> i was walking down the street for the sidewalk sale one day and i came across her display and her bows and i had to have them. i totally fell in love with them. i loved the concept. i loved the color combinations. i loved the fact of what she was doing benefited so many people and it was just -- it was the perfect fit for our store. they're incredibly popular. people love it. let me see. you look fabulous, sweetheart. >> so what do you think about your headband? >> it's cool. it's comfortable, you know? >> so did you know that you're supporting a really good cause in helping girls go to school? >> yeah. >> so what do you think about that? >> it's really, um -- it's nice and it helps them a lot. >> mary grace has accomplished
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future? >> my goal is to reach 100 girls, and so i'm now at 32 and i'm almost there. just step by step. >> it's amazing how some thread, glitter, and sparkle, along with a lot of creativity and hard work can make such a big difference in so many lives. for "teen kids news," i'm diyu. >> we've all heard about "going green." and we've also probably heard that going green is expensive. but that's not always the case. think "reusable." towels, use re-washable dishcloths. when it comes to containers, reusable water bottles are definitely cheaper in the long run. these are just a couple of ways to go green without spending a lot of green. >> just because they're legal doesn't mean they're saf important warnings about energy
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energy. they even say "energy" on the label. but as nicole reports, energy drinks could be packing a dangerous punch. >> for more than 1,000 years, people have relied on coffee to help them wake up. >> i drink coffee because it gives me more energy and i wake up and i'm ready to go for the day. >> i can get a little energized, you know, to get going. >> it's not the coffee that gets you energized, it's the caffeine in the coffee.
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types of soda, as well as some teas. in moderation, caffeine doesn't cause problems for most people, but too much caffeine is bad for you. >> it could affect your heart. it could affect your mind. it could affect your breathing rate. it can affect a lot of things. >> and that brings us to energy drinks. most of us don't realize that the typical energy drink can deliver far more caffeine than we should have. that's why public health officials, like dr. delaney, are concerned. >> over the last five years, what we've seen is a marked increase in the number of people who are ending up in emergency departments because of their energy drink use. and we're seeing people with insomnia, nervousness, agitation, serious headaches, and, in very advanced cases, seizures. >> energy drinks are big bu.siness $20 billion in sales a year. a lot of those buyers are teens, and they could be buying big trouble. >> an energy drink is healthier.
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>> energy drink because it gives you energy and you can get up and exercise and do whatever you need to. >> many kids don't realize that all that caffeine in energy drinks can be bad for them. we're not saying it's fine to drink soda. the point we're making is if you think that energy drinks are safer than soda, you're wrong. according to nutrition specialist "dr. deb," kids and teens should not take in more than 100 milligrams of caffeine per day. that's about how much caffeine an, it has about 154. and you also notice that there's no re-sealable can, and this is two servings. so you can get too much caffeine really easy, and the sugar in these make 'em go down really, really easy. >> if it tastes good, that's great, but if it tastes good and you start drinking a lot of it, that may not be safe for you. >> just to be clear, the energy drinks we're talking about are different from the sports drinks teens might have after a
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>> they think that these sports drinks and these energy drinks are the same thing, and they're not. the sports drink has some electrolytes, which is just a big fancy word for, like, salt that you sweat out. but these energy drinks, they have a lot of different types of stimulants in them, and not just caffeine. >> so what's the best choice when you want an energy boost? >> when you want an energy boost, why don't you just make a delicious smoothie? those are true energy drinks. the energy drinks you get from the store, you know, they make crash really low. it's a fake energy and let me tell you, it's gonna deplete you. >> the next time you visit your doctor, don't be surprised if you're asked if you use energy drinks. more and more doctors are including that question in their routine checkups. so remember, energy drinks are not kid stuff. and they're not so hot for grown-ups, either. [ cheers and applause ] >> the greatest hitter that ever lived ended his career in style.
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fenway park against the orioles, ted williams played his final game as a member of the boston red sox, and, in his final at bat, he hit a home run off orioles pitcher jack fisher that landed in the red sox bullpen. it was his 521st career home run. i'm matt for "teen kids news." ?? >> too much exercise and too little water -- they make for
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legs or the abdomen. >> what causes them? >> exposure to high heat and humidity that causes us to lose fluids and electrolytes. >> what are electrolytes? >> [ laughs ] you've probably heard in science class of elements like sodium, potassium? these are electrolytes that are usually found in sports drinks. they are a valuable substance that our muscle fibers really need in order to function properly. >> okay, what should we do? >> fl,st we want to move that person into a cool area, whether that be indoors or even the shade. and have them rest and stretch the muscle, even massaging the area can really be of help. to replenish those lost fluids, though, we should give them half a glass of water or a sports drink every 15 minutes. just make sure that the fluid doesn't contain caffeine 'cause that can actually make the situation worse. >> so let's review. to treat heat cramps,
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don't let heat cramps cramp your style. stay properly hydrated. for "tkn," i'm emily. >> this report is brought to you by the national road safety foundation. it's time to meet the winner of this year's drive2life contest, and get a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the public service announcement. >> jake. >> hi. >> i'm alan. >> jake lundell. >> i'm the director. how are you? >> i'm good. how are you? >> sean, d.p. >> nice to meet you. >> hi. >> jake is the winner of this year's drive2life contest, sponsored by the national road safety foundation. his idea for a distracted walking psa was selected from nearly 1,600 entries nationwide. jake and his family flew to new york from their hometown in minnesota to work with a professional crew to make a.the ps both he and his older sister
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the director walked everyone through the scenes that need to be shot. >> katie's on screen first. and you know your lines, right? >> yeah. >> so what's your first line? >> "this is katie." >> and then what's your second line? >> "and i'm, well, you know who i am." >> right, and you're gonna give a lot more feeling to it, right? >> yeah. >> and believe it or not, one of the hardest things to do is walk naturally and not be looking around as if you're on camera, so you're gonna have to practice that a little bit. and then you go on to... >> "and i'm, well, you know who" i am. >> much better. that's exactly correct. for katie. >> katie, just walk towards me. >> should i be looking at the camera? >> no, kind of looking off. walk a little slower for me, please. >> this is your costume. marilou will help you put it on. >> have your face be completely white so you look like death. >> and before she walks out in front of a car, death grabs her
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tomorrow, who knows?" i-i don't feel alive. i dot feel alive.n' >> while jake practiced walking with his scythe, trewhe c prepped the prop car. then it was time to start shooting. >> standing by, and walk! and start walking. >> after a couple of takes, the crew reset for the next scene. >> and action! katie, get your phone. a month ago, and my teacher came into the classroom and was like, "so, i have an announcement to make." and then he told that there were two finalists in our class and one of us actually won it. so we were all like, "oh, my gosh, did we win?" so, and then he finally said my name and i was like, "oh, my gosh!" so, it was -- it was pretty cool. >> come one more step forward. that's it, right there. >> and action! >> but i know something she doesn't. see that intersection?
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>> and action! >> but i know something she doesn't. see that intersection? a car will be going through it in precisely three seconds. >> stop. i think that worked perfectly. >> a car will be going through it in precisely three seconds. that's good. >> you liked it? good. >> action! cut! excellent! it's a wrap! way to go! >> all right! >> good job. good job. you did a great job. i had a blast. the next step is to go to the edit room and edit it. >> we'll tell you about that when "teen kids news" continues. we'll be right back. >> i think i like these three so far. okay. >> >> but i know something she
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?? >> hi, jake. >> you remember marilou. >> hi. >> you ready to edit? >> yes, i am. >> all right, come right this way. >> jake's concept for a public service announcement earned him the topn the prize i drive2life contest, sponsored by the national road safety foundation. the previous day, he shot the psa with the field crew. now he gets to work with the editor. >> and here's rick -- you're going to be working with rick. >> good to see you. >> good to see you. >> pull up a chair, and we'll go over the shots, and i'll show you how to edit. what i did -- and i thought this would be cool to see -- is how
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actual finished product. so what i did was i took the scenes, and i just separated all the different shots into thedif. so here, just katie walking down the street by herself. >> yeah. >> number two is the scenes with you and katie. there's a montage of shots here. see, there's a car coming, "don't walk" signs, texting -- all dishots.fferent so here's our different music choices that i found from our music library, so we can listen to them and see which ones you think work or not work. >> yeah. [ dramatic music plays ] >> so, it has tension, sort of suspense. >> yeah, i'd i say keep this one. >> okay. [ mid-tempo music plays ] >> yeah, so far, i like this one and this one right here. >> okay, that one's good. okay, we're all done. you want to see it? >> yes. >> okay. >> this is katie. and i'm -- well, you know
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life's going great for katie. class president, captain of her soccer team, and just aced her sats. [ record scratches ] >> sorry! we can't show you the whole spot until it's approved by the national road safety foundation. ?? >> [ chuckles ] that was really good. >> looked great! >> i really liked that. >> it really did. >> came out really good. >> came out really well. >> really well. >> it did. >> that was good. >> the music is great -- the timing, your acting. >> thank you. >> what do you think of his acting? you're very believable. you've got that death deadpan delivery down. very good. >> wow. great compliment. [ laughter ] >> okay, so, guys, the next step is burn a dvd, and you're gonna present it to the national road safety foundation. you ready to do that? >> yes, i am. awesome. >> okay. fist bump. okay. >> [ chuckles ] yeah. >> next week, the world premiere of jake's winning psa. you won't want to miss it. for "teen kids news," i'm amelia.
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>> homecoming and prom -- two occasions during high school when we have the chance to get all dressed up. but sometimes, finding the right dress can be stressful. christina got advice from an expert. >> i'm here today with kim collins, an expert stylist, and she's here today to show us some classic and trendy styles. >> thank you so much for having me. >> let's get started. so, this first style is considered alassic look. can yote us a littleit b
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the beautiful simplicity of the styling. the strapless sweetheart neckline and the beautiful knot detail just make it that classic look. >> mm-hmm. and why would this be a good option for a lot of teenage girls? >> this style is figure-flattering on all body types. not only that, but it gives you endless accessorizing possibilities. you see we've done it here with a very glamorous necklace and beautiful chandelier earrings. >> thank you.oes look great. >> so, this next dress seems very dressy. can tell us a little bit about it? >> so, this is the complete opposite of what we just looke at. this is all over sequins, completely glamorous, and a little bit of sleeve. >> mm-hmm. so, how would you suggest accessorizing this as not to go overboard? >> i lle bit ofike a litt a muted-tone earring and a little bangle, and a little strappy shoe always just ties the look together. >> yeah. it looks great. >> thank you. >> personally, i think this floral dress is a really great way to show off a fun and girly personality -- do you agree? >> absolutely. this is one of my favorite looks. what's really cool about this is this designer took a trend in
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formalwear. >> yeah. is that what you like best about this style? >> that, and it really brings out the personality of the girl that's wearing it. she can be fun and flirty, have a little bit of bling on there, and then she can just put a little moto jacket on, and you've got a completely different look. >> yeah, it looks awesome. >> thank you. >> this dress is absolutely gorgeous. can you tell us a little bit more about how sequins can make a big statement at any prom or homecoming? >> so, the girl that wants to wear that all-over sequined dress wants all eyes on her all night. so you walk in -- it's just this amazing reveal. and then floor, and these little lights catch all the sparkle. >> yeah, she would definitely be catching a lot of sparkle in that dress. >> absolutely. >> this next dress is very sophisticated. i love how the long sleeves are >> yeah, sleeves are very onk. trend this year, but to make it not too covered up, the open back really just makes it fun and flirty. >> yeah. >> this dress -- so, when you come in, it's just a little bit of sparkle in the front, but when you leave, you make even more of a statement. >> mm-hmm. and it's very classy, too. >> absolutely. >> to me, this dress is classic
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why is this a great choice for prom? >> so, the fabric of lace is very sophisticated. you know, any girl can wear it. but when you add a little bit of sequin and that little bit of keyhole neckline, it just makes it really young and flirty. >> yeah. these dresses are all so beautiful, and they offer a lot of different styles for varying tastes. but what if there's a girl who's shopping on a budget? >> well, at, we have thousands of styles in every price range, but don't let that intimidate you. we have a great search featu where you can plug in your length, your color, your price point, and really find tha perfect dress for you. >> wow. that sounds awesome. thank you so much for showing us all these dresses. >> oh, thank you for having me. >> well, there certainly are a lot of choices. but, girls, remember, it's your special day, so wear something that you feel great in. this is my favorite. for "teen kids news," i'm christina. >> that wraps it up for this edition of "teen kids news." we'll see you again next week.
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- up next on eco company. - from the farm to the plate. - ok, guys, so here we have the next veggie that we're gonna harvest for our veggie quesadillas. does anybody know what this one is? - [male teen] green onion. - [woman in green] green onions, do you know what the other name is? - [male teen] scallions. - [woman in green] scallions. - [athenna] they're harvesting and cooking, and learning about farming in the process. - and speaking of cooking, these students are taking a cooking class, - my name is mark, i am your food champion for today's class. - they've never handled a knife before, many of them can't tell you a tomato from a potato. - [miles] this class is on wheels, and the students are learning to make healthy meals. - plus, teens taking things into their own hands. - [voiceover] half and half, yeah, that's perfect. - i kn a lot of kids like complaining about our school lunches, and they're not good at all, and so, if we bring, like, fresh foods and all that, they'll be happy.
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