tv World News Now ABC February 12, 2016 2:36am-4:00am EST
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site. prosecutors say the contractors illegally jury-rigged the gas lines twice. first, with dangerous flexible hoses, shown in this photo, to supply gas to the apartments above. and later, allegedly tapping tapping into the gas lines of the neighboring building and hiding it all from inspect persons they say the day of the deadly fire, the owner's son and the lead contractor went to investigate the odor of gas in the basement. >> they smelled the gas and then they sprinted out of the building without alerting people in the restaurant. ignited. and the motive for allegedly tampering with those gas lineses? prosecutors say the building had already failed one inspection and that the owner wanted to get those renters into the building as soon as possible and not wait months for the next inspection. all four of those suspects charged with manslaughter pleaded not guilty in court. york. southern california families forced from their homes because
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breathing a sigh of relief. a well leaking natural gas since october has been capped. at least temporarily. residents say that the fumes caused headaches, nausea, knows blooeds and other symptoms. the leak still needs a seal before its permanently bluged. >> a national wildlife refuge in oregoning will remain closed for weeks now that an armed standoff there is over. the last four holdout who's had occupied the refuge for 41 days surrendered peacefully yesterday. they were arrested and will make appearances in court today. their dispute was over federal control of public lands. >> the mayor of cleveland apologized to the family of tamir rice for billing the family for his final ambulance ride to the hospital. rice was fatally shot by cleveland police two years ago while playing with a pellet gun. this week his family was billed $500 for ambulance services. mayor frank jackson said that should never have happened.
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collect money on this type you have deal. >> jackson said the bill had been automatically jeb rated and that the claim has been closed. rice's family has filed a federal lawsuit against cleveland's police and the officers involved in the incident. a better story from ohio. a father of two there has good samaritans to thank for saving his life. charlie cottrell knew he had a faulty exhaust system on his car but didn't realize how faulty is actually was. while heading to work, he passed out from carbon monoxide poisoning, his car running off the road. fortunately for him jessica farley a mcdonald's employee and another woman stopped to help. farley used her son's baseball bat to break the window. sley got could the rel out and started cpr. >> i kept saying sir, can you hear me in of? if you can squeeze my hand. nothing, he was lifeless. >> wow. still emotional for her clearly. cottrell was taken to the hospital and is recovering.
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mcdonald's to personally thank them for what they did. farley hopes to meet could the rel one day soon. >> that would be such a sweet reunion. >> an emotional one. >> i can see why. now to a tale of a man on a mcdonald's mission in england. james weir decided to eat at every single mcdonald's location in london in one day and share it on youtube and he would try something different at each. he called it his mcmarathon, clever, huh. >> he started at 8:00 a.m. eating seven different breakfast items before 10:30 in the morning. he wasn't exactly loving it. after several hours, but weir made it to all 46 restaurants. no word yet on what mcdonald's thinks of the mcmarathon. >> in london you can't get breakfast all day. >> >> you can't. >> no, he did spends $30 on transportation and he eta 46 meals. >> he spent the next few days in the restroom.
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shake. real true story. >> coming up, a couple of potential date movies from "insomniac theater." >> also ahead, multiple challenges for parents with multiple children. why going from one to two or more feels so much harder today than it did in generations past. >> more than three years after sandy hook tragedy, why one of the youngest victims is being remembered at this year's grammy awards. but i got to say things are looking beautiful in some parts of the map. everyone loves the way dark clothes make them feel. and no one wants that feeling to fade. that's why there's woolite darks. it's free of harsh ingredients, keeping dark clothes looking like new for 30 washes so your love for dark clothes will never fade.
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megared is easily absorbed by your body... ...which makes your heart, well, mega-happy. happier still, megared is proven to increase omega-3 levels in 30 days. megared. the difference is easy to absorb. human coronavirus... hepati- >>c virus. there are a lot of different kinds of yucky germs. but not all disinfecting wipes... are approved to kill the same number of them. lysol wipes are approved types of germs than clorox. don't pick just any wipe. try that one! this cold and flu season lysol that. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn because you can't beat zero heartburn! ahhh the sweet taste of victory!
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24 hours. zero heartburn. there's moving... and there's moving with move free ultra. it has triple-action support for your joints, cartilage and bones. and unlike the big osteo-bi flex pills, it's all in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on. jill and kate use the same dishwasher. same detergent. but only jill ends up with wet, spotty glasses. kate adds finish jet-dry with five power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, so all that's left is the shine. for better results, use finish jet-dry. rescue playing out in sacramento, california. this home engulfed in flames. inside the family pet, a dog, hiding in a bedroom video from a camera mounted on the helmet of a firefighter shows the dog being whisked to safety and reunited with its family. they all got out safely.
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detector, so important to check your smoke detector and the carbon monoxide detector. >> glad to see the dog got out safely as well as the humans. it's been more than three years since the pass ker at sandy hook elementary school in newtown, connecticut. one of the young victims is being remembered florida a special way. >> the memory of a little girl rekindled by her father at this year's grammy awards. here's david muir. >> ready and go. >> perhaps you remember the voice of adam marquez green. just 6 years old when she was killed in her classroom at sandy hook elementary in newtown. she was the daughter of jazz saxophonist jimmy green. >> ana loved to live. she was a beautiful little girl. >> reporter: jimmy turned to his music to deal with his grief. >> music is a language florida and of itself.
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kind of picks up where words leave off. >> reporter: writing a song called "ana's way." ana had a way about her >> eventually recording an album "beautiful life" to honor ana's life. with help from more than 40 musicians and technicians who volunteered their time. >> they said you know, we want to donate the production of a recording at whatever time you feel that you're able to do it. >> reporter: that album now nominated for two grammys. >> if ana's life had been longer, she would have found herself on records because she had a beautiful voice. she loved to perform. she loved who she was. she was a very proud little girl. >> reporter: now hoping she
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amen york. still so heart wrenching when you see these beautiful faces and talk about it. father. they've started the ana grace project to help children who love the arts and hoping to builds that up. the father says he's very honored that there's this grammy nod but he wished never had happened. that he never had to put out this album. >> we know who we'll be rooting for on monday night at the grammys. we should point out tonight. >> dan: has a special interview on "20/20" with the parents of one of the killers of columbine. interesting "20/20" coming up.
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oh, child, things are going to get easier >> yeah. >> isn't it? >> speaking of children, kim kardashian opened up a firestorm of controversy when she recently opened up going from one child to two has been genuinely tough on her. >> it's hard to sympathize with someone who has millions of dollars and domestic help at her dispose. it raises an issue about modern parenting.
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worlds of reality tv, fashion and social media. going from one baby to two, that's something she's still trying to master posting this week i get no sleep in reference to balancing the needs of her newborn son within those of her daughter northwest. one is like one repeating something she says her mother once told her. two are like 20, every waking second that i'm not with the baby, i'm with north. i feel like i go into overdrive to give my daughter attention and make her feel loved. >> this is exactly what you want your reality stars to be like. relatable. in this post, kim kardashian proved she's just like every other mother out there, completely overwhelmed by taking care of kids. >> reporter: the strain from becoming a second time mom is far from uncommon. according to a 2015 study conducted by the university of michigan, 65% of women are likely to be less happy in the first year or two after the birth of their second child. nicole knows the stress of going
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the new york mom says she was just getting into a routine with her first born max when she welcomed a new baby two months ago. >> mornings used to be really easy. my son would wake up and we would do breakfast for him and get him off to school. now it's a lot of preparing at night to get the toddler out the door and then start things all over again with a newborn. >> experts say the key for moms like kim kardashian and nicole is do enlist help from a baby-sitter or family member. spend time with mommy friends who understand the stress and schedule some me time on a regular basis. >> if your older child is feeling jealous or left out, you can always make them feel included in taking care of the baby. >> so you're the only mom on the set that i know of. what do you think? >> it is. it's true. when you have two or more, it's so much harder. you don't realize it when you have one, you think it's going to be -- there's a reason why will there are a lot of foreign
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live on top of each other. you think i want to have my-in-laws live up stairs. then you realize. >> it really does. i wonder if there are many parents that can empathize right now. >> can i go take care you have that? >> diaper change or feeding at this hour. >> i'll be right back. music introducing new k-y touch gel cr me. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. so how ya doing? enough pressure in here for ya? ugh. my sinuses are killing me. yeah...just wait 'til we hit ten thousand feet. i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-max. too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're new liquid gels. and you're coming with me... wait, what?!
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do i still get the miles? new mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. (ugh.) does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don't avoid it, resolve it. our formula with a special conditioning ingredient, softens your carpet with every use. it's resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens. but it also softens. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you. and to clean pet messes, try resolve pet expert. this is mineral build up it collects leaving gross germ-ridden stains. clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleach is no match for that. but lysol power toilet bowl cleaner eliminates mineral build-up effortlessly.
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jill and kate use the same dishwasher. same detergent. but only jill ends up with wet, spotty glasses. kate adds finish jet-dry with five power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, so all that's left is the shine. for better results, use finish jet-dry. there's moving... and there's moving with move free ultra. it has triple-action support for your joints, cartilage and bones. osteo-bi flex pills, it's all in one tiny pill. move free ultra.
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understated. >> that's a little understated. >> subtle. >> i like your socks. time now for "insomniac theater." potential date movies. >> it's valentine's weekend? we start with the zany sequel, ben stiller and owen wilson star in "zoo lander 2" and an opposing is company tries to run them out of the business as derek zoo lander feels he may have lost his touch. >> you're derek zoo lander. you stopped a chinese throwing
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>> i was there. >> that's not me anymore. >> yes, it is. >> hey, flash me that beautiful look. give me that incredible magnum. >> no. think fast, magnum. wait, no. magnum, now! >> oh! >> come on. >> the all-star cast wasn't enough to persuade critics to like zoo lander 2". i like that clip which only scored a 39% on rotten toe mate foepz kevin fallon "the daily beast" says the film's transjokes do offend. even worse they're dumb. entertainment weekly, embarrassing. lazy, aggressively unfunny. the only good news is that at the pace the franchise is moving, we won't get another zoo lander 3 till 2030. >> next lessons in love from "how to be single." dakota johnson breaks up with her nice boyfriend when he she moves to new york joining wild
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introduces her to the decadence of single life in the big city. >> iftom texts it you which he won't because it's still daylight, wait four hours to responds. anything soonerer shows your incapable -- when you respond to not respond in full sentences. if you use an emoji, i will punch you. >> fine. >> well, she did as it turns out use an emoji. yes, she did get pudged. the critics giving it 60% on rotten tomatoes. nick writes in variety the film plays like a condensed slap dash version of sex in the city" inspiring unflattering comparisons to the escapades of carrie bradshaw and company. the philadelphia invirer writing at least it has good intentions. then again, you know what they say about the road to hell. >> ouch. >> that looks like a fun movie. >> i like rebel. >> rebel is amazing. > might be fun.
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now, your pantsuit on the other. >> please don't go to the theater in that. >> this is the reason i'll be alone on t's get these dayquil liquid gels and go. but these liquid gels are new. mucinex fast max. it's the same difference. this one is max strength and fights mucus. mucinex fast max. the only cold and flu liquid gel that's max-strength and fights mucus.
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eliminates mineral build-up effortlessly. so why choose anything other than lysol? this morning on "world news now," democratic face to face. >> hillary clinton and bernie sanders and their first debate since the new hampshire primary. the tense back and forth over issues from foreign affairs to feminism. our political team has it covered. prison scandal. it's not inmates in handcuffs. it's prison guards. dozens of them. the investigation into drugs, money, and corruption. tax man in trouble. the former irs agent busted. was he granning favors to a marijuana dispensary? >> and later defying gravity.
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with a new music video. are these special effects? it's friday, february 12th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning, everybody. >> i'm kendis gibson. >> and i'm reena ninan. we're going to begin with the democratic showdown. hillary clinton and bernie sanders clashing in debate number six. >> the two candidates faced off in milwaukee last night. tangling oveve health care, immigration and big money donors, and they each made a pitch for the crucial minority vote. >> it's your voice, your vote. our coverage begins with abc's bazi kanani. >> reporter: still smarting from her double digit defeat in new hampshire, hillary clinton sounded a new hard line against the man who beat her. >> the kind of criticism that we've heard from senator sanders about our president i expect from republicans. i do not expect from someone
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nomination to succeed president obama. >> that is -- madame secretary, that is a low blow. one of us ran against barack obama. i was not that candidate. >> clinton now hoping to get a boost from a strong turnout of minorities. >> african-americans who face discrimination in the job market, education, housing, and the criminal justice system. >> reporter: sanders hit clinton again on her finances. >> secretary clinton's super pac as i understand it, received $25 million last reporting period, $15 million from wall street. why in god's name does wall street make huge campaign contributions? guess just for the fun of it. they want to throw money around. >> reporter: donald trump rode his landslide new hampshire victory into louisiana as the campaign trail winds south. >> here's your next president, donald trump. >> reporter: and he made this
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>> if we win here after winning so big in new hampshire, all of these characters are going to give it up. we're going to run the table. >> reporter: some of those characters have other ideas. >> do you want an entertainer in chief? >> negotiating a hotel deal in another country is not foreign policy experience. >> reporter: the republican presidential candidates fast pace off again in a south carolina debate saturday night. and after the debate, the candidates are heading right back to the campaign trail. hillary clinton in south carolina today. sanders expected in minnesota and nevada. reena, kendis. >> our thanks to bazi there. our focus back to last night's debate and the democrats laying out their differences. >> bernie sanders restating his call for a political revolution. as hillary clinton aligns herself with president obama. abc's political director rick klein cline takes a closer look. >> reporter: a reality check of a debate, hillary clinton and bernie sanders sparring over who is best equipped to actually move the democratic agenda.
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bernie sanders' plans plain unrealistic, cannot happen and trying to suggest that she is the true heir to president obama's legacy. criticizing bernie sanders for standing in his way at times. the two sparring on foreign policy, domestic policy but in a more subdued way in the past. the first debate since the new hampshire primary, the shocking win by bernie sanders revealed the new could tours of the race. hillary clinton digging in for a long haul recognizing these two candidates will meet time and again. i think trying to delay the yound work a little bit for fights to come. toward the end of the debate, hillary clinton suggesting bernie sanders is a one issue focus focused on campaign finance reform. hillary clinton making a broader play than that. rick klein, abc news, washington. and speaking of the secretary, come can tomorrow, the government relations hundreds of pages of controversial clinton e-mails from her private server. a federal judge audioed the state department to release the remaining batch of e-mails in
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saturday, another release is set for february 19th, that's just before nevada's democratic caucuses, the final set is due tuesday. a national wildlife refuge in oregoning will remain closed for weeks now that an armed standoff is over. the last four holdout who's had occupied the refuge for 41 days surrendered peacefully yesterday. they were arrested and will make appearances in court today. the whole dispute was over federal control of public land. now there's a great sense of relief in the area. >> i am so glad this is over. >> i'm proud of my friends and neighbors. i'm proud of way that you stood up to this stuff. >> also in custody right now is a man named cliven bundy, the father of one of the oregon standoff's leaders. he's being held on charges tied to a different anti-government incident two years ago. dozens of prison guards in georgia in custody. federal custody this morning busted for smuggling contraband
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an fbi undercover operation has revealed what's called staggering corruption. abc's pierre thomas has the details. >> reporter: georgia state prison guards are the ones wearing handcuffs today, busted in an fbi sting, accused of taking bribes from inmates and drug dealers. they allegedly helped inmates get drugs into the prison and helped them transport the drugs through the state, while wearing their uniforms, so that the police would be less likely to stop them. >> allegations range from smuggling in contraband, but also using their official capacity as officers to protect what they believe to be drug transactions and drug shipments. >> don't overlook anything. >> reporter: raids like this coming as the fbi and state officials vow to clean out activity inside prison walls. the arrests, the latest example of apparently wide-scale corruption within georgia prisons. and outsiders charged just since september. 1 georgia corrections officers is have ever been charged with protecting inmates who were
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sxamz including posing as law enforcement officials and demanding that victims pay fines. pierre thomas, abc news, washington. in northern mexico, a prison riot turns deadly killing at least 49 and injuring a dozen. it starred as a brawl between rival drug gangs in an overcrowded penitentiary. the prison has 3800 inmates. that's more than twice capacity. authorities say no inmates escaped. it took place on the eve of pope visit. >> the miller is expanding the number of air strikes it is launching against isis. sources claim there have ever been about 20 american strikes afghanistan. only in the past three weeks. those strikes doak place after president obama authorized the pentagon to attack isis in afghanistan where its numbers are growing. secretary of state john kerry is in munich working with other diplomats on stopping
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early this morning they agreed on a temporary truce set to begin next week. kerry said the test of that truce is whether syria's military and rebels can actually implement it. that would set the stage for a full cease fire as well as peace talks. that would be such a big deal. in new york city, five people arrested and four charged with mon manslaughter for a deadly gas explosion that leveled three buildings last year. prosecutors say the suspects tampered with gas lines in their rush to renovate apartments which would rent for up to $6,000 a month. a restaurant worker and diner on kay date were killed in the explosion. dozens of others lost their homes. >> a southern california well leaking natural gas since october is now under control. at least for now. fumes from the leak drove thousands from their homes in an upscale los angeles neighborhood. residents suffered from headaches, nausea, nose bleeds and other symptoms. the leak still needs a cement seal before it's declared permanently plugged.
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a 13-year low for several reasons. among them were the continued growth of domestic stockpiles and one analyst' estimate that prices will remain depress flood the second half of the year. price of a barrel slipped to its lowest level since may 2003. stocks are suffering because of those falling oiling prices with their losses yesterday. the three major averages have fallen every day this week. all of them opening this morning down at least 10% for the year. most markets across asia fell overnight. >> are you okay about that. >> i know. you ma i can fun of me. during the commercial break. >> she panics about the marks. >> i google the words recession. is recession happening in the next year. you laugh at meet. >> this is a fund reena has on commercial breaks. i on the other hand am googling the zombie apocalypse. same thing. >> we'll keep the world abreast. >> whole foods 365, the cheaper spinoff of the upscale chain
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desperate to entice millennials, the stores will feature juice stands and even tat parlors. whole foods is desperate to shed its wallet buster image and attract youker shoppers. the first 365 store opens in los angeles in may. >> interesting to see how that goes down. >> yes. might sign up. would you think that a $15 cup of coffee would be hard to sell? 15 bucks. kind of crazy. >> labeled with starbucks, maybe. >> there you go. >> actually, in fact, take a look at this brew. it's the fink chka sophia. so popular, it's completely sold out in one of the few san francisco bay area shops where it's available. the reason it's so expensive it, took eight years to produce the first crop of beans which are grown with special fertilizers in the mountains of panama. >> coffee connoisseurs say this blend differs from ordinary coffee sort of like the way the finest wines can differ from the two buck chuck.
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i've grown to appreciate that. in college not so much but yeah, i understand now. >> coming up "in the mix" finding romance on valentine's day courtesy of heather throb fabio. >> also ahead, going to great heights to make a music video. okay go uses zero gravity to make an impact. >> and an investigation involving drugs, money and the tax man. irs agent in big trouble. >> and look for us on facebook, and twitter @abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." ugh. my sinuses are killing me. yeah...just wait 'til we hit ten thousand feet. i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-max. too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're new liquid gels. and you're coming with me... wait, what?! you realize i have gold status? do i still get the miles? new mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. start the relief. ditch the misery.
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(sounds of birds whistling) music introducing new k-y touch gel cr me. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. (ugh.) does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don't avoid it, resolve it. our formula with a special conditioning ingredient, softens your carpet with every use. it's resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens. but it also softens. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you. and to clean pet messes,
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plumpify your lashes with new plumpify mascara a ginormous lash boosts lashes to 50 times the volume and lifts lashes new plumpify mascara from easy breezy beautiful covergirl this is mineral build up it collects leaving gross germ-ridden stains. clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleach is no match for that. but lysol power toilet bowl cleaner eliminates mineral build-up effortlessly. so why choose anything other than lysol? jill and kate use the same dishwasher. same detergent. but only jill ends up with wet, spotty glasses. kate adds finish jet-dry with five power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, so all that's left is the shine.
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you're looking at what is a huge warehouse fire in new jersey that sent up a dark plume of smoke more than 50 miles long. it took firefighters hours to contain the fire to just two buildings. storing furniture, records, and plastic pellets. the cause of the fire still unknown at this hour. the fire so intense crews could be on the scene dousing hot spots for several weeks. also new jersey as the captain of that storm battered royal caribbean cruise ship comes under increased fire, two passengers have ever been busted for pot. the men from central massachusetts were arrested as the anthem of the sea" returned to port for possessing marijuana. apparently during the confusion of the storm, a crew member smelled that telltale smoke coming from their room. it was a long cruise. >> it was a long cruise. i was just grateful --
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>> i was grateful it wasn't the captain because you would have said, oh, well that explains that one. it apparently wasn't the captain. someone else on the ship. >> say into a hurricane. the fbi apparently smelled the telltale sign and it wasn't just marijuana. it wasn't marijuana but of corruption. >> is this our pot block? >> it seems like that. >> a former irs agent found himself in a little bit of trouble because the net of undercover fbi sting. here's abc's clayton sandell to explain. >> morning. >> what's going on? >> reporter: this is the moment prosecutors say an irs agent accepts $15,000 in bribe money, captured by an fbi hidden camera. that is now former irs agent paul hurley, meeting last year with the owner of this seattle medical marijuana shop, being audited. hurley allegedly told the owner, his leniency during that audit saved the business more than $1 million. >> the way i wrote it up is like, there's no money here. we're never going to see the
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>> reporter: in exchange, hurley allegedly wants owner ryan kunkel to pay up $20,000. but kunkel goes to the fbi. a sting secretly records their first meeting at a coffee shop. >> you think we're going to be okay, though? >> i'm 99.99% sure we're good. >> reporter: hurley's attorneys claim the 20 grand was not a bribe, but was payment for a job to perform accounting services. right after this meeting, hurley is busted. he's pleaded not guilty. a jury is now deciding hurley's fate. if he is convicted of bribery, he could go to prison for 15 years. clayton sandell, abc news, quite a sting. all right, coming up in our next half hour, a touch screen gloves temperatures can keep people from tapping away on their smartphones, but with regular gloves, forget about it. so how effective are those hi-tech touch screen gloves into but first taking music videos to
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now." upside down and inside out you can feel it upside down and inside out you can feel it >> okay. so we have seen some pretty innovative music videos over the years and outlandish ones in recent years. this one may take the cake. the band okay go pinched their single in zero gravity. here's abc's dan harris. don't stop till you feel it >> this new music video shot entirely in zero gravity is racking up millions of hits >> the song is called "upside
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the band called okay go. the video fearings the band members and dancers in flight attend" uniforms performing stunts while flying in a plane thousands of feet above the earth. >> it is truly unbelievable that be everything just came together. >> reporter: it required three weeks of training at a russian cosmonaut center. >> we flew in a plane that beak goes like this. what you feel is 20 seconds of double gravity while the plane is throwing you into the air. you feel weightless about 27 seconds while you go back up the top. >> you've lost a lot of altitude so it takes four or five minutes for the plane to gear back up to do it again. >> we wanted the whole video to be weightless. >> we cut up the song into eight chunks each to fit in a single period of waitlessness and performed them all in order and later cut out the long waiting periods. >> okay go is known for creative videos. >> they ran their way into the
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again." >> then they turned a car into a musical instrument for their "needing getting" video. and they wowed with these impress you be aerials in "i won't let you down." but this shoot presented some very specific challenges. >> most people's response to swimming. >> but the other is just puking. so over the course of 21 flights, we had about 58 unscheduled regurgitations. >> i'm still sighing big sighs of relief that it happened. >> dan harris, abc news, new york. >> it's pretty cool. >> a true story. that's what it looked like on the anthem of the seas last week. >> here it goes again. won a grammy for 2007.
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>> talk about zero gravity. so how ya doing? enough pressure in here for ya? ugh. my sinuses are killing me. yeah...just wait 'til we hit ten thousand feet. i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-max. too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're new liquid gels. and you're coming with me... wait, what?!
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do i still get the miles? new mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. >> what is that? >> so say you get all dressed up for valentine's day and you don't have a date for valentine's? >> well, you would never run into that problem. >> i'm sorry. >> your well dressed. >> apologies. >> yes, just in case this doesn't work recent here's something that would work. fabio is doing a live stream or has done a live stream for valentines where. >> come on. >> remember fabio where he's a perfect date on and he begins with fabio lounging on rose petals bear
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available for adoption that joins lim. he asks about your day. >> does he ask about your suit, kendis. >> >> no, that's when he throws up the champagne. poor guy. >> if that's not your thing, how about a fluff ball of love. this is exactly the valentine's i'd love to have. look at that. this the pomeranian giff. he has more than 2 million instagram follow why wouldn't he? @jiffpom. >> it's the face that has launched so many gifs all over the world. valentine polka. who needs plaurs who needs sweets pledge your love with tests and sweets it's the valentine polka even if you're not a hunk you can always sext your junk that's the valentine polka if you're not that popular and
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plea an yord con you're bound to find a date. >> reporter: every bachelorette agrees we all make a great squeeze it's the mainstream orchestra. if you've got a robing eye one partner just won't suit try an open marriage though it did not work for newt cupid's air so passe, now he uses pepper spray it's the valentine polka though i may be single still it's not a total loss i'm a friend with benefits cross if you're longing to be kissed someone's waiting on creation's list that's the valentine polka
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we'll see you monday. this morning on "world news now," political confrontation. hillary clinton on the defensive after bernie sanders' victory in new hampshire. last night's debate and what's next for the candidates. challenging donald trump. his tirade with jeb bush and how bush is responding. the fight for votes in south carolina. difficult scene on the highway. >> the police pursuit, the speeding car and a violent what the officers did that's considered heroic. and later in "the skinny," lamar odom's first public appearance since his health scare. and kanye west was part of the excitement.
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>> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning, everyone on this busy friday. >> and i'm kendis gibson. quite a show there at madison square garden, 2 million people watching online. >> fashion week here. >> it is a lot of fun. we're going to get started with a little bit of dustup that took place on the road to the white house. talking about the democrats taking on each other to task last night in milwaukee. >> hillary clinton and bernie sanders were both looking for sfroirt african-americans and latinos. clinton repeatedly tied herself to president obama and sand areas called for an overhaul of american politics. >> the american people are tired of establishment politics, tired of establishment economics, they want a political revolution in which millions of americans stand up. >> i want to tackle those barriers that stand in the way of too many americans right now. >> well, the candidates also clashed on foreign and domestic issues.
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sanders' policies as unrealistic. >> both sides rolled out african-american endorsements ahead of the debate. members of the congressional black caucus sided with clinton and sanders won the support of civil rights icon and entertainer harry bellefonte. >> it's your voice, your vote. abc's liz kreutz has more from the debate. good morning. >> good morning. after that devastating loss in new hampshire, the pressure was on hillary clinton at last night's debate. she's been criticized for not having a cohesive message sanders. but at last night's debate, she came armed with one going after candidate and for criticizing president obama. sanders fired back. take a listen. >> he's called him weak. he's called him a disappointment. he wrote a forward for a book that basically argued voters should have buyers remorse when it comes to president obama's leadership and legacy. >> madame secretary, that is a low blow.
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obama. i was not that candidate. sparred over wall street, justice reform. that's going to be a topic they both zero in on in the coming days as they make their final pitch to minorities whose votes are critical in the next two nevada. kendis and reena? >> liz, thanks you. those controversial e-mails from clinton's private server may linger over some upcoming primaries. ordered all of them released in four installments this month. a new batch coming tomorrow, another set for february 19th, a day before nevada's democratic caucus. more e-mails are due a day before south carolina's primary and then there's the final batch which is out just before super tuesday. >> what about the republicans? they're battling it out for the next round of votes. the attacks are flying. and many of them are going in the direction of donald trump after his landslide victory in new hampshire. we get more from abc's jonathan karl.
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rivals, donald trump is declaring, if they can't beat him here in south carolina, they won't beat him anywhere. >> all of these characters are going to give it up. we're going to run the table, and we will make america great again. that i can tell you, okay? >> reporter: trump's campaign says it's so confident, it's only going to run positive tv ads. >> he wants to make america great and that's what i want, too. >> reporter: there's one candidate trump still can't resist attacking. > i'll be honest, the last thing we need is another bush. that i can tell you. >> reporter: we traveled to florence, south carolina to meet up with governor bush. as he wenttnto the venus restaurant, he seemed irritated by the mere mention of trump's >> will you be able to stop donald trump here? >> reporter: why does he keep hitting you? >> he must be worried. >> reporter: inside he hit back. >> do you want an entertainer in chief, someone who will say whatever he wants to make it all about him? insult people, divide people?
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way to the republican nomination? >> reporter: marco rubio launched his own grenade at trump. >> donald trump has zero foreign policy experience, negotiating a hotel deal in another country is not foreign policy experience. >> reporter: rubio still haunted >> we're here to see marco roboto. is he inside? robots following him to south carolina. former president george w. bush for his brother in charleston on monday. it's the latest sign that jeb bush who started this campaign saying he is his own man and didn't even put his last name on campaign signs is now banking on the bush name to help revive his campaign. jonathan karl, abc news, columbia, south carolina. >> a fun weekend in south carolina indeed. >> in the meantime, on capitol hill, congressman duncan hunter blew up a debate about e-cigarettes by taking a deep puff of his own vaporizer. yeah, the republican from
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proposal to ban vaping on planes saying the devices have helped him and countless others quit smoking cigarettes. hunter lost his battle. the committee voted in favor of the ban. are you allowed to do that on capitol hill? isn't there a no smoking policy? >> i don't know they have those laws yet. >> oh, all right. that was an interesting moment. >> well, a highway patrol officer in missouri is being recognized for his quick action following a violent car collision. trooper jim thuss was pursuing a speeding driver he clocked at more than 100 miles an hour. the guy ran straight into a woman's car at the intersection. the impact produced a large fireball and a plume of smoke. >> she sees him coming and hits the gas. she just has enough time to barely touch the pedal and move forward just enough to where instead of the other vehicle hitting her door, it hit right behind her door. >> officer thuss is seen on dashcam carrying the woman to safety.
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facing a long recovery. the 23-year-old suspect is in custody and he is facing several charges. >> bravo to that officer. >> in the meantime, we move on now to some extreme weather. and we're talking about extreme cold. this, take a look, was the icy scene in scranton, pennsylvania after a water main burst the ice coating everything. with temperatures dropping dangerously low this weekend, that ice is not going anywhere anytime soon. >> the cold could come with a one-two punch with snow in the east. let's get the details right now from justin povick at accuweather. >> thanks and good morning to you, as well. later on today, we're going to be following a very, very strong, sharp arctic cold front. back behind this, the coldest air of the season. again out ahead of it, there's going to be the potential for some snow bands, some snow squall s which could put down a couple of inches of snow over the interior along with gusty winds, as well. heading in toward next week, we'll follow the potential for
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>> all right. >> did he say even bigger snowstorm? >> yeah. >> what? i was looking forward to spring, kendis. >> in a month and a half. >> thank you. >> the mannequins are no longer your ordinary dummies thanks to some new technology. >> this is a hong kong university professor has created the i dummy, a smart mannequin that can change body shape and size with just a few clicks on a computer. >> oh, my goodness. please tell me i can implant these in my waistline. technology allows clothing designers to craft and adjust garments to fit virtually any size, oh, my goodness, your booty too -- without removing the clothing from the mannequin. i could use these irobot implants. >> wow. >> look at that. >> like a kardashian booty. >> suddenly you want to wear jeans, have a hot night on the town and get the kardashian booty. >> quick lift. that's brilliant. >> quick lift. that's a good name. is that what you want to call
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>> get that guy a nobel prize. coming up in "the skinny," the lamar odom first public appearance since his health scare. >> also ahead, oprah winfrey never afraid of big purchases. find out what she just bought for nearly 29 million bucks. >> looks like a scene from "the color purple," didn't it? and staying in touch with your smartphone even during a deep freeze. special gloves that really click.
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now." olay regenerist renews from within... plumping surface cells for a dramatic transformation without the need for fillers. your concert tee might show your age...your skin never will. olay regenerist. olay. ageless. and try regenerist micro-sculpting eyeswirl. it instantly hydrates to plump and lift. choose to move freely. move free ultra has triple-action support for your joints, cartilage and bones in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on. and now try move free night. the first and only 2-in-1
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human coronavirus... hepati- >>c virus. there are a lot of different kinds of yucky germs. but not all disinfecting wipes... are approved to kill the same number of them. lysol wipes are approved to kill more types of germs than clorox. don't pick just any wipe. try that one! this cold and flu season lysol that. (ugh.) does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don't avoid it, resolve it. our formula with a special conditioning ingredient, softens your carpet with every use. it's resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens. but it also softens. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you. and to clean pet messes,
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so how ya doing? enough pressure in here for ya? ugh. my sinuses are killing me. yeah...just wait 'til we hit ten thousand feet. i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-max. too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're new liquid gels. and you're coming with me... wait, what?! you realize i have gold status? do i still get the miles? new mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. well, frightening moments for this american airlines plane that was forced to make an emergency landing in
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the captain of the san jose to phoenix flight reported smoke in the cockpit and had to put on his oxygen mask. he did land the plane safely. eight people including a flight attendant were checked out for smoke inhalation. >> frightening indeed. and the congressman who is waging a war on shrinking airline seats has apparently lost his battle. a house committee narrowly defeated an amendment to an faa funding bill proposed by democrat steve cohen of tennessee. he wanted size standards for airline seats but he says he will add the provision to the bill again when it comes to the floor of the house. turning now to the bitter cold and are smart phones, the two the don't always mix at least not with human fingers. >> this is one option. it's not a very good option. but people who can't put down their phones even in sub freezing temperatures, you're looking at the color. for those hi-tech touch screen gloves. >> where did you get those from? >> one of the "gma" producers.
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other options. >> reporter: typing in the cold can be a pain in more ways than one. >> annoying. i would i have to take off the gloves every time just to send a text. >> reporter: regular gloves don't work with touch screens. and here's why. the fabric blocks the charge from your finger which activateses your phone. nick guy of that advises on best gadgets evaluated 12 pairs of touch screen gloves find out how well they work. looking at all of these, they don't have those tips that we're so used to seeing. >> no, the technology has advanced. they actually sew in silver and copper thread that conducts electricity and allows you to use your touch screen as if you weren't wearing gloves. >> reporter: to test for touch h reen ability, nick camped out in a temperature controlled brewery a lot like this one keeping it consistently frosty just above freezing while
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games. now it's my turn with wire cutter's picks. >> it's cold in here. 37 degrees. >> got to keep the beer chilly. >> first up the moshi digits. $29.95. >> these were our favorite gloves. they were nice and warm but we were able to type really well with the thumbs on them. >> reporter: next up the north face thermal ball e tip gloves for $50. >> material is thicker. not quite as flexible. but they're still impressive for how warm they are. >> reporter: he says all the gloves lose conductivity over time but sometimes too quickly. that's what wire cutter found with a pair of glider gloves winter style that he tried which sell for $29.99. >> the fact is, they can wear out. we found that was unacceptable. >> reporter: glider gloves told us we found that it's about 1% of all gloves that fail early. we do back up our product with a 90-day warranty and replace any gloves that have failed or are defective. nick's advice, get gloves with
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see how well the phone stays? watch out for gloves with extra ability. who knew? >> no. >> or the concept? >> i don't understand. these are beautiful gloves look hand knit. it defeats the purpose. >> your important bits are uncovered. >> this set of important bits. but yeah, they're uncovered. and it really does defeat the purpose and you're freezing out there, but she can still text and do script an probable. >> i'm a little bit jealous of your gloves. i think they're very pretty. >> awesome. you should see the suit they go with. coming up, the mix of music, fashion and kanye west. we're not talking about kendis. >> not at all. and steven spielberg weighs in on the oscar so white controversy. "the skinny" is next.
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"the skinny" is next. skinny, so skinn skinny, so skinny time now for "the skinny." topping our headlines thisis morning, the event that was kanye west. >> it really was kanye west. pushing the envelope in a big way yesterday. west blew a hole straight through the increasingly sedate and even at times boring new york fashion week combining the presentation of his yeezy season 3 line with the premiere of his seventh album "the life of
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typically bold and brash and one of the tracks on that album, west even takes a swipe at taylor swift. that know me best i feel like me and taylor might still have sex i made that famous for all the if you see him in the streets give him kanye's best >> what is he talking about james taylor like that? >> 20,000 people crowded to madison square garden for the experience including estranged brother nahla mar odom his first public appearance since he overdosed on cocaine in a nevada brothel last fall. >> it seems like the whole kardashian clan was enjoying it. let's get back to taylor swift. why not? she's likely not crying too much
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>> because she's got a lot more on her mind as the clock clicks down to t minus two days to the grammy awards. this year she's not just recording. she will open the show with a song from her album "1989." she is the also nominated for seven awards including album of the year for "1989." >> very cool. also set for this year's grammys, a special tribute to eagles founding member glenn frey, current and former members of the eagles along with jackson brown will salute frey on monday night. frey died last month at the age of 67. >> that's a really, really great deal to see. my high school drama teacher loves jackson brown. i think she's going to be thrilled when she found out he's performing. >> look at you. nice throw out there. >> throwing up? >> i should mention the grammys for the first time ever, it's airing live across the country. it's not tape delay for the west coast. and airing live sort of across the country "world news now," we're going to have a full
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grammys. >> very nice plug. >> yeah, skip the show itself and watch us. >> the clock is ticking down to hollywood's biggest night of the year. >> the 88th academy awards overshadowed by the oscar so white controversy. now weighing in three-time oscar winner steven spielberg telling the hollywood reporter he's not 100% behind the academy's new diversity plan. >> the director, the father of two black children says he opposes taking votes away from academy members who pay their dues, many of whom are now retired. >> finally to a two-time oscar nominee who is not retired yet. but she did buy the farm. oprah winfrey paid nearly $29 million for this equestrian estate in montecito, california, adjacent to her $50 million estate. there's a 23 acre farm, stalls, pens, paddocks, rings, and a luxurious 5,000 square foot ranch house. get this, ironically, no horses.
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that's a ripoff. >> that's not a ripoff. she'll grow them on her own. it will be beautiful and then she will invite us over to do "world news now" from her horse farm. >> that would be kind of nice, us and gayle. >> there you go. you may think you can put off checking out your medicare options until you're sixty-five, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you. that's where aarp medicare supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company come in. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could help pay some of what medicare doesn't, saving you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you've learned that taking informed steps along the way really makes a difference later.
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and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. go long . (ugh.) does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don't avoid it, resolve it. our formula with a special conditioning ingredient, softens your carpet with every use. it's resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens. but it also softens. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you. and to clean pet messes, try resolve pet expert. introducing new k-y touch gel cr me. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. choose to move freely. move free ultra
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for your joints, cartilage and bones in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on. and now try move free night. the first and only 2-in-1 joint and sleep supplement. >> okay. so we've definitely got friday on our minds. as w wlook back on a week that was so jam packed with headlines, it's hard to believe it's just been a week. >> from debates to primaries to the super bowl, here now your "friday rewind." we are going to make america so great again. maybe greater than ever before. >> together, we have sent a message that will echo from wall street to washington. >> if you don't have a seat belt, go get one.
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>> now we take this campaign to the entire country. we are going to fight for every vote in every state. >> they violated the fourth amendment by stopping people without reasonable suspicion, by arresting them without cause, and by using unreasonable force. >> the amount that thing were shifting around our room was a >> the whole thing was not bigger than this. and it was up here and it just exploded. >> i resent the fact that he put taking us into a storm that was predicted. >> at a young age, i was taught to appreciate the value of hard work and especially self-made work. >> the speed with which they took this case from the university's purview and brought it inta criminal setting suggests that the prosecution believes they have a strong case. >> the accelerated development of north korea's nuclear and ballistic missile program poses a serious threat to international peace and security.
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a child's circumstances, we can give them the tools to cope and to thrive. with early support, they can learn to manage their emotions and feelings and know when to seek help. and the home of the brave >> i'm so proud of my guys. >> it's been every last one of the guys in the locker room that has gotten me to this moment right here. >> i'm going to drink a lot of beer tonight, budweiser. von miller is buying. > that was a big, big win. >> fun week. busy week ahead, as well. >> i'm going to be looking into what shade the lady gaga eshadow was from mac. >> and see what she wears at the grammys. >> the grammys on monday. story time at the library in great falls on thursday. "anthem of the seas" hits the
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seas again on saturday. making news in america this morning -- candidates clash. bernie sanders and hillary clinton go ted ho ted on stage. criticizing each other's records. we're live with the details. plus, the the republicans also turning up the heat on each other. frozen over. pro prolonged brast of arctic air. bringing dangerous wind chiles to more than 20 states. the weekend forecast ahead. a remarkable rescue on police dash cam. the officer pulling the victim of a terrible high-speed crash away from the flaming wreckage. and going west. the massive event.
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the release of his latest album, his fashion line, and lots of other surprises. good morning, everyone. we begin with the latest democratic showdown. hillary clinton and bernie number six. >> the two candidates faced off in milwaukee last night, tangling over health care, immigration, and big money donors. they each made an assertive vote. it was the first time they scared off since clinton's bruising defeat in new hampshire. >> sanders restated his call for a political revolution. as clinton aligned herself with president obama. >> i do have a disagreement here. >> reporter: the differences were substantive but subtle. >> we agree that wall street should never be allowed to wreck main street again. but here's the point i want to make tonight.
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