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tv   Face the Nation  CBS  January 4, 2016 1:05am-1:35am EST

1:05 am
good. you know, still alive. david, i thought you were on leave. nope. i'm back. yay me. you're my first port of call, as luck would or wouldn't have it. ms. whelan. so the rape case jane powell was working on-- is now a homicide investigation being handled by me. a signed affidavit from one of mr. meyer's friends testifying that the so-called rapist was, in fact, having an affair with ms. reston and had been for several months. though i assume from the e-mails you've been reading that this is not news to you. where are they? (door opens) the a.u.s.a. is here. he knows about the affair. he wants to press charges against you, governor. for what? defending my wife? murder. what do we do now? unfortunately, he has to arrest you, but we'll make sure there's no perp walk. we'll walk you in through the back, declare your innocence on the front steps. it'll be tough, but i can get you through this. no. joan. no. i'll tell them what happened. what happened is that i shot a man who i thought was raping my wife. they'll never believe you. they'll think you knew about the affair
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and killed him on purpose, but if i tell them that i lied about the rape-- i can't let you go to jail. and i can't stand to see you suffer any longer. i have watched you live in pain every day since that election, and i couldn't do anything about it, so i just gave up... on you... and on us. i wasn't strong enough to tell you i was unhappy, and when you walked into that room, i got scared, and a man died. that's what happened. i can't get you those votes back. but this? this i can fix. harrison will be there for the processing, mrs. reston. then you'll be brought before a judge where he'll formalize the deal. okay? you don't have to do this. i do.
1:07 am
mcdonald's all day breakfast? now this is huge!!! oh, i've been waiting for this. i can have hotcakes and sausage for lunch. sausage mcmuffin with egg for dinner. all they need now is some bangin' theme music. how about... bada-ba-ba-ba. i'm lovin' it. oooooooooooooooo! i think y'all just got served. yea, they did. right on time, anytime that works for you. come through for mcdonald's unbeatable all day breakfast menu. bada-ba-ba-ba. mirrors. they show us all our problem areas... those places that we can't wish or squish away. well now fear no mirror, and eliminate those problem areas with coolsculpting - the patented cooling technology targets and kills fat cells, with no surgery or downtime. so if you want to see a slimmer you when you look in the mirror,
1:08 am
go to today and choose from over two thousand providers nationwide. if i was eating hot soup it just starts aching and it starts aching like so deep within the tooth that i couldn't handle it. i started eating on like one side of my mouth, for like a whole month i was just eating on one side of my mouth and then finally i was like, i can't do this. my dentist said that i should use sensodyne. life without having to worry about what's gonna hurt my teeth, if it's gonna be too hot, or too cold, if it's gonna have ice in it. life without sensitivity is easier. done. covering is caring. because covering heals faster. to seal out water, dirt and germs, cover with a water block clear bandage from band-aid brand. dry spray? that's fun. it's already dry!
1:09 am
no wait time. this is great. it's very soft. can i keep it? (laughs) all the care of dove... in a dry antiperspirant spray. sfx: ziploc bag opening sfx: ambient school cafeteria sounds, children talking life doesn't cry over spilled milk. it cheers. life needs ziploc. sfx: ziploc bag closing sc johnson aspartame free diet pepsi. just one sip [ahh] and you're in love. two men ruined by--i'm sorry-- a horrible woman. horrible. a modern-day lady macbeth. i don't think i have ever... what are you doing here? i was just headed downtown for some dinner. i thought i'd drop by. (man) ...unfortunate tragedy. and for mrs. reston to-- (mutes tv) another win for olivia pope. we should celebrate.
1:10 am
i can stop dropping by. i can stop calling. i can stop asking. but you never tell me to stop. edison? yes? i don't want you to stop. i want you to keep asking. but i'm not ready to say yes. will you tell me when you're ready? i will. i promise. (sighs) (sighs) (laughs) i'm telling you, it wasn't obvious. really? because i felt like i had "i'm having sexual intercourse with abby whelan" written on my forehead. so the fact that you got your job back-- does that mean your meeting at the griddle yesterday--
1:11 am
but it's not what i thought it was. if dropping this thing's the only way to get my job back, maybe it's worth dropping. (harrison) abby! i'll call you back. (beep) please don't. you need a woman's opinion. what? huck's got a date tonight at la table d'or. really? well, that's great. (quinn) what's great? no. please. (abby) huck has a date. you have a date? that's amazing. you're picking her up, right? what about this tie? uh, no. let's see. it's great if you know about wine and can order her a glass of something really special. is that her number? maybe. charming. but please tell me that's not the only place you wrote it down. (scoffs) read me the number. ugh. (quinn) 2-0-2-5-5-5- 0-1-8-6. yeah. ordering wine is key to a good date, and when a guy orders for you, it's kinda hot. (snaps fingers) what about this one? mm. (projector and camera shutter clicking) the ex-cytron guy i've been calling for weeks finally got back to me. we're meeting at the griddle cafe, 3:30 this afternoon. douglas fairbanks-style. oh, this is gonna look really nice. okay, what do you think, abby? yeah. nice.
1:12 am
(projector and camera shutter clicking) (indistinct conversations) you really want to go back to work? (groans) you don't want to, i don't know, write a book or teach a class instead? cy-- because i'm a traditional man, and if you wanted to stay at home and let me be the breadwinner-- i want to go back to work. i could revoke your press pass. and i could write an excellent story about it. okay, james, honey, this makes you the enemy. we'll be enemies all day, and then we'll have to forget about it every night. you understand that? is that what you want? reporters are the enemy? i didn't mean-- you did. you must be hiding some very dirty laundry. i can't wait to find out what. james. cyrus. if i gave you a baby, you'd quit? give me a baby and find out. that's a no. i am good at my job, cy, as good as you are at yours. you want to have a baby with me because you want to have a child together? great. but if you want to give me a baby to metaphorically keep me barefoot and pregnant and out of your hair? you have never really seen me angry. i'm going out. don't wait up. i am working late. you don't wait up. funny story.
1:13 am
hilarious story. damn it. (indistinct conversations) (man) enjoy. if they're gonna make you wear their jacket, they should've at least used a lint brush. did you have a chance to peruse the wine list, monsieur? i'd like a ginger ale. and the lady will also have a glass of ginger ale. very good, monsieur. hmm. what's "bouillabaisse"? stick to the script this time, governor. when they ask about your wife, talk about her remorse. they'll want you to trash her. it makes good copy, but it's better for you if you implore the public to forgive her. governor, they're ready for you. i'll be right there. can't thank you enough, olivia. i've spent the last two years blaming you for e fact that it's thaha matinee idol in the white house, not me. guess i'd rather feel cheated than feel like a failure. (alison) governor?
1:14 am
(reporters shouting at once, camera shutters clicking) (cell phone rings) (ring) (governor reston) thank you to the people of maryland... yes, harrison. tell her we're not taking exclusives on this. actually, give me her number. i'll call her myself. hold on a second. let me grab a piece of paper. liv, you still there? liv? liv? (governor reston) rather than pointing fingers today, i ask instead that you show forgiveness, forgiveness to my wife joan,
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i think that went well. it did, especially in light of these. 4,359 votes-- that's how much you beat me by. 4,359 votes that turned me into a loser-- a loser whose whole life had been for nothing. so... two nights ago, i was going to end that life. i was gonna shoot myself. bill first... so she could see it, then her, then me. but she cried rape. she cried rape. rape--such a... gorgeous word.
1:16 am
rape. yeah, i'm a supporter of women, but let me tell you, she yelled "rape," and i thought, "you have a second chance." a second chance. and now my approval ratings are through the roof. i can run for any office in the land, and those 4,359 votes don't mean a damn thing, and i just can't help but thinking, what a wonderful gift my cheating wife gave me. you're confessing to murder. we have attorney/client privilege. i still l ve ways to make yoyo life very difficult. you'd have as much clout in this town as a senate page if someone as high-profile as me goes to prison. god, it's amazing what this feels like. what? winning. (projector and camera shutter clicking) (doorbell rings)
1:17 am
dinner is popcorn. but lucky for you, i just opened a bordeaux that'll bring tears to your eyes. (sighs) how are you? good. good. liv... that meeting with hollis-- let's not talk about that. drink. why'd you break out the good stuff? governor reston-- bill meyer was his wife's lover, and he knew it. she cried rape, which saved her life. but the contractor? totally, completely premeditated murder. (sets down bottle) but he's a client. and let's face it, we owe him one. we owe him m me than one. not to mention, that'd be a hell of a headline-puller from negotiations at the g8. all roads lead to fitz. (chuckles) all roads lead to fitz. (sighs) it's been ages since i've been here. i've missed you. mimied you, too.
1:18 am
james is working at the white house press corps to punish me. so? you separate your work life and your personal life. really? how's that working for you? fine. i hear... you're keeping company with edison davis again. he wants to. i'm thinking about it. what's the holdup? (sets down glass) all roads lead to fitz. all roads lead to fitz. (exhales deeply) i don't like it when the bad guys gegeaway. (chuckles)
1:19 am
hmm. (huck) sundays is pasta, and mondays is sandwiches. but tonight--tonight's my favorite night. they eat pizza and they play games. that's the best part. it's game night. she's carol, 34, not a natural blonde, but that's okay. she teaches math at the junior high. and he's billy. he sells sporting goods, which is an actual thing-- sporting goods. (chuckles) and the little girls are lucy. she's 8. and sarah beth--she's 10. sarah beth has sleepovers on fridays with janie, who lives down there, and katie, who lives right there. and on sundays, the grandparents come over. so what about you?
1:20 am
so that's your solution then? verna gets rosen's boss to give him his job back? on the condition that he stops pursuing his foolish conspiracy theories. and if he keeps looking for a connection between doyle energy and cytron... then we give him a connection. the wrong connection. personally, i find these humane mousetraps ineffective. better to lay down some glue. when you hear the critter scream, take a shovel to its head. but if y'all feel differently-- we do. then you have my vote. but just so we're clear, if this plan fails, david rosen decides he's not gonna drop it, then i reserve the right to be a little more... how should i put it? thorough. agreed? agreement's just for show, y'all. you can go. class dismissed. abby. the guy you met with at the griddle cafe yesterday--
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he was a plant. he just was. trust me. so i did a little digging, and it turns out that cytron-- they weren't just an internet security company. they also developed software, some of which had various applications, like this one program that quinn's boyfriend was working on... officially it was used as slot machines. and unofficially? voting machines. i know you just got your job back, david, and i wasn't gonna say anything, i swear. no, you did the right thing. come here. (abby) i know you just got your job back, david, and i wasn't gonna say anything, i swear. (david) no, you did the right thing. come here. and so on and so forth. you want me to notify the others? no. this one i handle alone.
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