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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  January 4, 2016 2:05am-4:00am EST

2:05 am
but your passengers smell this... eliminate odors you've gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the breze car vent clipp break out the febreze, and [inhale/exhale mnemonic]
2:06 am
kes you wonder. i'm talking to connie five more minutes, that could have been me. connie? you talking about the owner of the diner? constantine markos. all right, this constantine markos-- it's not the guy that's lying dead on the floor in there? i know that now, but i thought connie was the only one in there. you didn't see anyone else in the diner? well, the guy who got shot-- he must have come in the front right when i was walking out the back. the only person i saw going in there was that cop. all right, what happened next? well, he goes in, i'm checking inventory in the back of my truck, then the shooting starts, and i dive for cover, and the next thing i see is the cop high-tailing it up the block.
2:07 am
well, not like-like sprinting, but-but walking fast. well, was he walking fast, or was he high-tailing it? you sound a little confused. maybe he wasn't even a cop. maybe it was some other uniform, and you just didn't quite get it straight. i know what a cop looks like, okay? jackie: all right, all right. it's just, a cop fleeing the scene of the crime? it doesn't make any sense. yeah, unless he did the crime. hey, i read the paper. not every cop's a saint, you know. right. okay, you get a good look at him? well, enough to know that he was a cop. he's a white guy, pretty tall, dark hair. okay, what happened to constantine markos? where'd he go? well, i guess he went out the back, but i don't know. (phone ringing) oh. you mind if i get this? my wife-- she's going nuts. go ahead. go. all right. don't go too far. listen to this. local precincts report no foot patrols assigned in the area. nobody's missing anybody. who is this cop? (entrance bell tinkles) man: detective curatola, i was hoping our next meeting would be over dinner. yeah, only if there's a dead body under the table.
2:08 am
well, can't blame me for trying. what do we got? no id on this guy. caught a slug in the neck and one in the arm. looks like he bled out. it's a messy shooting. yup, this guy's packing some serious heat. which he used to put two rounds in the wall behind you, about a foot apart. huh. okay, so, this guy is shooting here. cop comes in, shooting there, but they came in separately. maybe our cop happened upon a hit. well, the register's empty, so maybe it's a stickup gone bad. well, doesn't explain why the cop would run. i mean, we are allowed to shoot bad guys. especially if they shoot at us. maybe our cop was the stickup guy. possible. so, let's see. a guy gets dressed up as a cop, comes in to rob a diner, and then there just happens to be a guy sitting here with a nickel-plated .45? i don't know. i said maybe. it didn't have to be a customer, though. maybe the two of them showed up to rob the place. bam, ran into each other. trouble here is, none of this explains why the owner of the diner is in the wind. can we get an address on this connie character?
2:09 am
what the hell is this? hey, hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. what are you guys doing? who are you? detectives reagan and curatola. we're investigating a homicide. not in there. we got the job as a burglary in progress. alarm went off 20 minutes ago, and the company notified communications. all right. looks like your case might be mixed up in our case. uh... you two knock on some doors for us? see if we've got any witnesses? sure. we'll start down there. great. (door opening) wow. so much for a diner stickup gone bad, huh? yeah. looks like somebody wanted a lot more than the cash in connie's register. yeah, and if our dead guy is dead, and this just happened, is it our cop? yeah. or maybe there was a third guy. i mean, somebody tossed this place pretty good. but what the heck would connie, the diner guy, have that somebody would want so bad? uh, i'm saying a secret moussaka recipe. whoa, whoa, whoa. what? "connie, thanks for being there for me." seven-pointed shield-- that's auxiliary police. so our cop isn't even a cop?
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apparently not. isn't auxiliary supposed to observe and report? right. where did he get a gun? i have no idea, but we usually give courtesy shields out to friends and family, right? mm-hmm. so maybe connie and this guy were related somehow. maybe connie and this guy are in business together, and it went south. yeah, south, and then straight to hell. man. oh, damn it. thought you said you knew what you were doing. (sighs) hey. you should get some real painting clothes. yeah, i'll run by my dad's place. there's got to be something in the garage i can grab. take a meal anytime soon, sarge? yeah, soon as we finish this section. can i ask you something? shoot. smart kid like you, no family to support, no car payments. so? so, how come you can't make ends meet on your salary? law degree loan. big nut? big nut. go ahead, say it. do i really have to?
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if i'm so smart, how come i'm painting fences to help pay off a harvard law degree? all ass-backwards, right? that's not what i was gonna say. no? what i was gonna say is, you're still getting too much paint on your brush. that's why you got all the drips and the glops. point taken, frank, but i'd say that's just the view from the top of the wave. tops of the wave? a summary of the metrics. and? well, put it this way. yes, you have a big number of applicants taking the exam. but this sea bass here, if he could use a pen, could take the exam, too. you're selling a government job with benefits and a pension. so is your competition-- the armed forces, the other uniformed services in this and every other city. and this isn't every other city. it's more expensive to live in, taxes are high, winters are harsh. but there are ways to counter that, which is the challenge here. you and i can say, hey, it's the big apple, but our target demo is shopping it against albuquerque
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and in that comparison, the nypd is coming up short. i would disagree. let me walk you through. the call to duty. it's the same call our armed forces recruiters have been implementing with so much success these past ten years: to fight the war on terrorism. kevin, could we pause for a moment? what's the first image that pops into people's heads when we talk about the modern call to duty? stop right there. what? if i'm about to see images of the twin towers coming down, turn that thing off. listen, i can appreciate your concern, frank, but... it's more than concern. the event itself and the continuing threat-- they're your biggest asset. are you finished? i will not use 9/11 to sell my department.
2:13 am
of these auxiliary cops i can talk to. danny: ten more precincts to go, partner. almost done. officers! we were wondering if you could help us out, if you had a second to spare. you guys couldn't find a rookie to do your coffee runs? excuse me? maybe they want some muffins, too. hey, forthwith. actually, we're investigating a murder, not playing keystone kops. (sighs) there was a shooting at the airline diner. you know about this? yeah, we jus act like a schmuck in front of a couple detectives. is that it? what can we do for you? uh, we're looking for the guy who owns the diner, a constantine markos. we think he has a friend or family member with auxiliary. that's a greek name, right? oh, you thinking jimmy the greek or greek mike? greek mike. jimmy's been in pittsburgh for two weeks. did you say the shooter was an auxiliary? no, actually we didn't say that. well, but that's what you're thinking, right? 'cause, uh, greek mike's kind of a squared away guy. this greek mike-- he's taller, dark hair, younger. damn. that is greek mike. do you guys all have goofy nicknames?
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i clotheslined a purse snatcher once. he made the papers. oh. oh, that's good. mike's last name is galatis. you really think he's your shooter? we'l'lfind out when we speak to him. thank you. thanks for your time, officers. down the hall. all right. you guys know he's a cop, right? yeah. a rent-a-cop. see, that's the very problem with these guys. people think ey're dealing with the real cops, when a cantalalpe could pass the auxiliary test. and you get guys like clothesline larry. but he did get a bad guy though. yeah, well, you know, even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while. (knocking) mike galatis! (pounding) police! open up! mike: iis open! mike?
2:15 am
all right. everything okay in there? mike: i'm unarmed. the gun's on the desk. let me see your hands. you find connie? i said, put your hands where i can see them, right now. on your feet and turn around. you really like the nypd, huh? yeah. (handcuffs clicking) got a funny way of showing it, kid. i know that i should've come i i right away. you can lament about that in the car. you have one of these pictures on your wall?
2:16 am
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2:17 am
2:18 am
want me to turn the heat up? you still got your coat on. well... what's got you, francis? mayor's ordered a new marketing campaign. he's convinced that the department's losing the best and brightest to other cities. what do they got that we don't? to hear them tell it, better weather, better quality of life, more money, you name it. so, what's his fix? they want to use 9/11 as a sales pitch. oh, for... that's what i said. the department's roots go back to 1625, not 2001. come on, please.e. your grandfather still had donegal potatoes in his pockets when he joined up. (chuckles) why'd you join up? mick cops make cops. (both laugh)
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who actually made a choice was jamie. and i think he's a little cranky about it these days. why is that? he came by today to borrow some overalls. he's painting houses with renzulli on his days off to make his nut. (sighs) (people chattering, phone ringing nearby) okay, so prints came back on our dead guy, billy jackson. uh, small-time hood, nothing too crazy. so, what about this guy? michael galatis. you know, this kid applied for the cops as soon as he was of age? what happened? was rejected. he failed the character investigation. why? what did he do? two juvie arrests. he was acquitted of assault. he was convicted of petty larceny. he stole a six-pack of beer from a bodega.
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this kid was unlucky. if he had a different investigator, he would have been a cop. oh. i figure that to be a catch. look at his emergency contact. constantine markos. his uncle. thanks. oh. and then there's this. what the hell is going on with this case? i don't know. mike: did you u ys find connie? your mean your uncle connie? we'll get to him in a minute. look, i'm gonna cooperate, but connie's the only family i got. you have to tell me if he's okay. well, he's definitely well enough to run. he was scared. those guys were gonna kill him. danny: hold on. what do you mean, those guys? we only know about one guy. this guy. that's billy. the other guy's name was joey. i don't know their last names, but
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in charge of what, mike? (mutters, sighs) you could just tell, you know? come on. you shoot billy... with this gun? yeah, but it was in self-defense. where'd you get the gun? connie kept it behind the counter. i didn't bring it with me. the second i walked in, billy pulled his piece, he told me to sit down and shut up. but joey was smacking connie around, and he shoved the gun in his face. i mean, when i went for that gun, billy was already shooting. that's self-defense, isn't it? (knocking) detective reagan? yeah. your family's here. all right. i'll be back. jackie: okaka hey! oh, hey, dad. hi, dad. hey. (laughing): what are you doing here? yeah, well, we're on our way to cousin anthony's birthday party at the hard rock, so we thought we'd stop by. good. we just got these in. you guys are the first to have 'em. whoa. whoa! (laughing) what do you say?
2:22 am
thank you! thank you! you're very welcome. thanks. come here, you. let's put that on. ooh! dad? i'm about to make you an official police officer. yes? is he a dirty cop? is who a dirty cop? the one you're sweating in the box. "sweating in the box?" he did not learn that language from me. sean, have you been playing those video games again? no. what? i saw him. he did. uh-uh-uh, don't you snitch, and you-- don't fib to your mom. get over there. where, at tommy's? yeah. let me see that. i swear, there's no supervision over there. yeah. linda: come here. come here, right here. dad? yeah? is he a dirty cop? no, he's an auxiliary cop, son. he's involved in a shooting i'm investigating. but he's a bad guy, right? no, he's not a bad guy. he's... he's lost, and, um, he's in a bit of a jam, and i'm trying to help him find his way out. mm. which i have to get back to. okay, detective? you tell your cousin anthony, happy birthday. bye, dad. i'll see you later. all right, i will. see you, dad. you know how to read a ballistics report, right? explain that. (door opens)
2:23 am
this doesn't make any sense. no, but there it is. the gun you used on billy and the gun he used on you came in the same batch of stolen weapons. is that a coincidence? you bring that gun with you, mike? no. i told you... come on, you know how this looks to us, mike, don't you? i don't care. i've known connie my whole life. he got that gun for protection. that's it. all right, did you know that connie's house was tossed? no? what are they looking for, mike? i mean, your uncle still has a vcr, so it's not valuables, right? where else would your uncle hide something? he wouldn't. come on! give us a for-instance. you want us to believe you, then prove us wrong, all right? tell us where your uncle connie would hide something. tell us! he's got a storage locker. it's just a bunch of stuff for the diner. i could take you there, you wouldn't even need a warrant; connie gave me a key. good.
2:24 am
take us there. danny: which way? mike: right. jackie: you believe this guy's story? danny: well, he only knows what his uncle connie told him, right? mike: did you at least put out a finest message on joey? what's supposed to say, "wanted for questioning, some white guy that mike galatis didn't shoot in his uncle's restaurant"? this one. this one? yeah. mike: see? i told you. i don't see anything yet. but let's take a look. (pans clattering) let's see. well. what do we have here? you say your uncle got that gun for protection, huh?
2:25 am
i'm billy, and i quit smoking with chantix. i decided to take chantix to shut everybody else up about me quitting smoking. i was going to give it a try, but i didn't think it was going to really happen. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix definitely helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, whichcould get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you haveheart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side effect is nausea. being a non-smoker feels great.
2:26 am
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2:27 am
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2:28 am
with tamiflu. frank: you didn't hear this from me, but your undercover work with the sanfinos has got a lot of eyes on you. hopefully not the sanfinos'. you're on a fast track and it ain't 'cause of your old man. if anything, it's in spite of me. only way i'd have it. (sighs) you know, i painted a few houses when i walked a beat. window trim was my specialty. freehand, no tape. if you had it to do over... aw, that's not a real place; i'm not going there. humor me. okay, if i had it to do all over again, i'd still take the test, but i'd rob a bank on my way to get there. how's that?
2:29 am
as a way of helping us all heal-- especially me-- if that resonates, you should know that job is done. i've made my peace with it as much as i can. dad, i like the life. and if joe's death brought me to it, then so be it. i never thought i was gonna get rich being a cop. even a harvard graduate could figure that out. any more chips? there's another bag in the cupboard. connie is not a gun runner. come on, mike. what does that look like to you over there? it doesn't make any sense. maybe somebody's setting him up. setting him up? you know, all my years on the job, that's the first time i ever heard a line so stupid coming from behind a badge. doesn't mean it's not true. all right, well, either way, connie has a lot of explaining to do.
2:30 am
what's with the cuffs? detective montero, firearms investigation, meet auxiliary officer, mike galatis. he killed some creep named billy jackson in his uncle's diner. oh, yeah? well, you did the world a favor. you ever meet his buddy, joey sava? yeah, that's him! that's the other guy. all right, settle down. what do you got on this guy, sava? i have truck hijacking in virginia. he killed the driver and made off with more than just these weapons. there're 211 still out there. so, uh, your uncle was in business with these guys? no. no, mike seems to think there's some other explanation, don't you? you want to find connie? me, too. mike, where would you look? he had this thing with a waitress. maureen something. i dropped him off at her place once. great. do you remember where that is? it's around 14th street. i could probably find it again.
2:31 am
hey. kevin. oh... not trying to avoid me, are you? not at all. come on. he never gave me a chance. he had his mind made up before he even sat down. not true. there's no fault here, only difference of opinion. garrett, i am open to direction, but i cannot work in a vacuum. you won't be, kevin; i know him. he'll come back to you with direction, but not until he's certain of where he's pointing you. and then what? it's his way or the highway? only when he's convinced he's right. which is how often? when i quit tracking that, i could finally quit smoking. have a good night. listen, garrett, we're doing this campaign with the commissioner's input or without. if he wants to be heard, he should start talking. i'll be in touch. danny: kid, i'm starting to think you got us on a wild-goose chase here. what are we doing? i think we're close. you "think we're close," you said that ten blocks ago.
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yeah. a few years back, some guys held it up, killed a couple customers for no reason. when they came out, they ran right into two auxiliary. i remember that, the perps thought the, uh, they were real cops. shot them both. they never had a chance. yeah. you know those guys or something? no. i wasn't on back then, but i almost got assigned to this precinct. (phone beeps) just gets you thinking, you know? we just got a text; connie just used his credit card at a liquor store a couple blocks away. great. let's go get him. constantine markos, police. get your hands up front, sir, where i can see them. is there a problem? you could say that. come on. you know, someone in there has been worried about you. michael! don't worry, connie, everything's gonna be fine. these are goododetectives. you keep your mouth shut, understand? come on. no. listen, we need to clear this up. tell them what happened. connie, they found all these guns. hey, hey... they're looking at me for murder. get inside!
2:33 am
i want a lawyer. you'll get a lawyer. follow us back to the squad. i'm mary ellen, and i quit smoking with chantix. i have smoked for thirty years and by taking chantix, i was able to quit in three months. and that was amazing. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it absolutely reduced my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke.
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decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side effect is nausea. i can't believe i did it. i quit smoking.
2:35 am
jackie: you know this guy? no. we've got a witness that says he's seen you two talking. was that a question, detective? signome. it's fine.
2:36 am
do you have a crime you'd like to talk about, detective? how about 25 illegal firearms i found in your client's storage locker? my client is not the only one with access to that locker, as you well know. those guns are not his. so, connie, are you saying they're michael's? i'm not saying anything. well, i think you should be saying something. see, we found a dead guy in your diner, and you happened to run away. it wasn't me who made him dead. i ran because i was scared his friends would come for me. who? what friends? i don't know; they all have friends. joey sava? connie, listen, if you tell us where he is, it's gonna be a lot easier on you and on michael. my client is under no obligation to help you, detective. and as far as his nephew... the boy made his own bed. what the hell is he doing? what does it look like he's doing? he's saving his own ass. by pinning this on me? yeah, well, that's how it works, kid. oh, son of a bitch. this... this isn't happening. i was trying to help him.
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and now he's helping himself. so you got a choice. you can do the right thing and you can help us now. he practically raised me. (sniffles) (sighs) come on, let's go for a walk. come on. i know how bad you wanted to be a cop. and i'm sorry that it didn't work out for you. but you got a second chance here. you can stop feeling sorry for yourself, and you could think about what it is you can do to help us. think about all the things you've seen your uncle connie do, and all the times you gave him the benefit of the doubt. you can put yourself behind a gold shield, and you can think about it the way a cop would. we got to get joey sava off the streets, and you giving us connie is the only way we can do it.
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what is this? connie's last chance. connie, you give us joe sava, the d.a. will go easy on you. as i was telling your partner, you have nothing on my client. actually, we do. bring him in. michael, this isn't a game. not another word. think about what you're doing. what am i doing, connie? you're trying to bury me. i'm telling the truth. that box with the guns in it was in the diner one morning, nailed shut. connie told me to stickkit in storage, so i did. which proves nothing. it's just your word against his. (sighs) it's not just mine. remember, connie?
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that box weighed a ton. ralph, your chicken guy, had to help me put it in the car. he asked you what was in it, you told him it was cast iron skillets. that's corroboratiti. that puts the weapons in his sole possession. what did i ever do to you except take care of you, huh? i treated you like a son. connie. what were you thinking? if i wanted help from a real cop, i would have called one. i'm sorry, connie. i won't bother you again. now, unless you want to spend the rest of your life in sing sing slinging eggs, you're going to give us joey sava.
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esu captain: reagan. you must be that bad feeling i woke up with this morning. it's funny, cap, you know, i get that a lot. all right, listen up, we're looking for one joe sava. he did ten years for manslaughter. he's got outstanding warrants for felony assault and menacing. this guy is no joke, so let's keep it tight. i need two of you around back, two of you around front. whose vehicle is this? my car. all right, you, anything goes down, that's the hospital car. you got it? yes. good. no knock? no knock, third floor. all right.
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police! get down! down on the ground! down on the ground now! hands behind your head! don't move, don't move! joey! hey! reagan! joey! joey sava! hey! hold it! hey! joey sava! police! don't move! (gunshots) (gunshots) hold it!
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(grunts) joey! (gunshot) (gun clicking) drop it! drop it and put your hands where i can see 'em right now! get on your knees. don't even think about it. on your knees! what are you gonna do? what am i gonna do? (sava groans) that's what i'm gonna do. jackass. (sighs) hey, that's a nice look for you, kid, no handcuffs. yeah, grand jury cleared me. figured they would.
2:43 am
not without your testimony. hey, i told them what happened. don't get all sentimental about it, all right? yeah, a different detective could have gone either way. you got lucky this time; maybe you'll get lucky next time. when you taking the cop test again? (chuckles) you knew i would, huh? yeah-- well, i'll tell you what-- find out who your investigator is, give me a call. i got a few connections in the department. (car door shuts) guy's bedroom was like a shrine to the nypd, except he had a picture of you where you're supposed to have a poster of the rock star or the quarterback. or spongebob. granddad squarepants. (laughter) nicky: come on, boys, let's go make that on photoshop. sounds like this guy was really obsessed. if you want something bad enough and you can't have it, then you try your damnedest to get near it. danny: well, i'm not going to judge the guy. who knows where i'd be if i failed the test? you'd be laying bricks and drinking too much beer.
2:44 am
you know. no, you're right, there was installing car stereos, along with selling aluminum siding in new jersey, along with drinking too much beer. (laughter) danny: all right. you think that's funny? what about you guys? ladies' better shoes. staying in the marines. and you? oh, we already know about you. i'd be helping bad guys go free, driving a beemer, and dreading every morning. hmm. or you could've been an ada. i love waking up for work every morning. all due respect, sis, but cops are cooler. hear, hear. with all due respect, career choices based on a cool factor is for 15-year-olds. thank you. frank: oh. yeah, is that why you took a job as a cocktail waitress at the roxy-- because that job commanded such respect? (laughs) henry: i thought you used to work at a roller-skating rink. it was a roller- skating rink. linda: yeah, in the '70s when you were in, like, grade school. i did have roller skates on. (others laughing)
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why would you think that? you're my dad. (chuckles) i knew. sometimes one chooses to let things slide. and i didn't become a cop because of joe or for the money obviously. why did you? growing up, it always seemed that what you guys made was never the reason you did what you did. it was the work itself, the stories you got into the middle of, the adventures, the comedies, the tragedies. frank: the adventures, the comedies, the tragedies. going to work every day with the feeling anything could happen, and you'd be in the middle of it, making a difference. and being part of a brotherhood that spans almost 300 years. i know that's not the big idea,
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but it seems to me... that the personal stories should be the heart and soul of it. anything there you can work with? (exhales) i don't suppose i could just turn the camera on the commissioner? not a chance. captioning sponsored by cbs brought to you by the volkswagen sign then drive event, where you can drive away
2:47 am
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beer. >> reporter: ceo kim jordan and her former husband started making beer in a garage in 1991. today new belgium craft beers are shipped across america and even to sweden. but little breweries are doing big business. in 2014 the craft beer market was $19.6 billion strong. still smaller than the $101
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but craft brewery sales also grew 22%. so to help train more future beer makers new belgium donated a million dollars to the csu program. it's a career with a beverage that has a philosophy all its own, as benjamin franklin
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that god wants us to be natalie cole passed away last thursday. anthony mason looks back on her life and legendary career. >> reporter: in a career that spans four decades, natalie cole sold more than 30 million records. you are my first love the daughter of the legendary nat "king" cole and jazz singege maria hawkins ellington, cole made her name in r&b.
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i'm so glad she broke out in 1975 with the hit single "this will be." this will be an everlasting love for me the song, which earned cole two grammys including best new artist, was originally offered to someone else, says music journalist james bernard. >> it was offered to arthetha franklin first. >> reporter: of cole's talent it was her father's will go cy that would both help and haunt her career. >> hi, ed. how are you? >> reporter: she appeared with him in 1957 on cbs's "person to person" with edward r. murrow. >> how many of those pups would you like to keep? >> all of them. >> reporter: cole was just 15 years old when her father died of lung cancer. his loss would lead to a struggle with drug azix. she wrote candidly of her many low points in a 2000 autobiography, "angel on my shoulder." in an intntview with cbs sunday morning in 2006 she described
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one of her darkest moments inside of a burning hotel room. >> i had pulled my paraphernalia. i had my drugs. i was getting ready to say okay, this is the way i'm going, i guess i'm going out like this. and when they hacked -- you know, axed the door down and came through, it was like valhalla. it was like god was saying, i'm not through with you yet. unforgettable >> reporter: cole's greatest triumph came in 1991 with the album "unforgettable with love," covers of standards originally recorded by her father. that's why darling it's incredible her duet with her dad on "unforgettable" would sell 14 million copies and earn cole six grammys. she discussed the collaboration in an interview on "cbs t ts morning" two years ago. >> i never got a chance to say good-bye. and so i continued to converse
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him when i get an opportunity to sing these kinds of songs. >> reporter: despite health problems including hepatitis c and kidney failure, cole continued to put out records and tour. to help secure her legacy. unforgettable too >> that is the overnight news for this monday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back with us a little later for the morning news and "cbs this morning." from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm jeff glor. harsh words and heightened tensions in the middle east. iran and saudi arabia cut ties in the aftermath of a controversial execution. also tonight a new video and new threats from isis. a masked man issues a warning in english before prisoners are apparently murdered. in oregon an anti-government militia takes over a building threatening a deadly fight over ranchers' rights. the bill clinton factor. how will the former president impact his wife's campaign?
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best friend. a dog owner's final gifts. >> we just wanted to do something that would be special for her in her last days. >> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." welcome to the overnight news. i'm jeff glor. saudi arabia cut ties with iran on sunday, giving iranian diplomats 48 hours to leave the kingdom. it follows the storming of the saudi embassy in iran this weekend. these two middle east power players, saudi arabia dominated by sunni muslims and iran dominated by shiite muslims, are separated by the persian gulf and a religious divide that goes back 1,400 years. but the rift appears to have reached a new and dangerous level. yesterday the saudis executed 47 people including a prominent shiite cleric. holly williams is in istanbul. >> reporter: saudi arabia's execution of nimr al nimr has
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inflamed a centuries-old conflict between sunni and shiite muslims. saudi arabia severed diplomatic ties with shiite-dominated iran on sunday after an irate mob ransacked the saudi arabian embassy in the iranian capital tehran. [ yelling in foreign language ] 42 people were later arrested, though iran has now also named the street in honor of nimr al nimr. the country's supreme leader, the ayatollah h i khamenei said saudi arabia will face divine revenge. in indian kashmir police used tear gas and rubber bullets against an angry crowd protesting the killing of the shiite cleric.
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targeted the saudi embassy, heavily guarded by the army and police. saudi arabia is ruled by a sunni muslim monarchy. nimr al nimr demanded equality for shiites and called for peaceful protests during the arab spring. he was shot and arrested in 2012 and sentenced to death two years later for crimes including disobeying saudi arabia's rulers. the u.s. says it's worried the execution of nimr al nimr will exacerbate religious tensions. but jeff, saudi arabia is unrepentant and says al nimr, along with the 46 other people it executed on saturday, was put to death in accordance with islamic law. >> holly williams in istanbul. isis released a new video today claiming it shows the execution of five prisoners. isis had accused the men of spying for britain and syria. the video's not been independently verified but it does resemble past videos from isis.
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washington. >> reporter: the men believed to be syrian were shackled and dressed in jumpsuits. they reportedly claimed to be activists but were executed as spies accused of installing cameras so the british could observe isis movements in its syrian stronghold raqqah, where coalition air strikes have pummeled islamic state positions. >> this is a message to david cameron. >> reporter: the video features a masked man who speaks english with a british accent, threatening the u.k. and its prime minister. >> and one day invade your land, where we will rule by the shria. >> reporter: and comes just days after david cameron's new year video message promised to continue the battle against violent islamic extremists. >> i want us to be very clear. you will not defeat us. >> reporter: the video ends with a chilling appearance by a child in military fatigues, threatening non-muslims. the gruesome video is the latest in a number of highly produced violent propaganda messages
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aimed at the west and used as recruiting tools. its timing may be no coincidence. coming in the aftermath of isis defeat in the key iraqi city of ramadi, says michael morel, former deputy director of the cia and a cbs news contributor. >> i think this is a message to their supporters that they're still in the game after these series of defeats, particularly ramadi. i think that's what this is all about. >> reporter: this purported isis video, jeff, is the first to feature an english speaker since jihadi john. he was a notorious executioner killed in a coalition air strike in november. >> kris van cleave, thank you. tonight an anti-government militia has taken over a federal building in burns, oregon. they're threatening a deadly battle over ranchers' rights. several protesters were also part of an armed standoff in nevada in 2014. here's jennifer dowling of our portland affiliate koin. >> the constitution. that's what we're up here for. the constitution.
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>> reporter: armed militia set up camp at the now here national wildlife refuge headquarters. they say to seize lnd the federal government did not have authority to purchase. >> the constitution. >> that building is the people's building. >> reporter: how long will you stay? >> as long as is necessary. >> reporter: group leader ammon bundy posted this facebook video earlier this week. >> this is not a time to stand down. it is the time to stand up and come to harney county. we need your help. >> reporter: yesterday at least 100 protesters showed up to support dwight hammond and his son steven. >> go hammond. >> yeah. >> reporter: the men were convicted of arson after starting what they called controlled burns on their ranch in 2001 and 2006. they served time, but a judge recently ordered the two back to prison for about four more years. >> don't know what to say. it just seems like a little overreach for having burned 127 acres. >> reporter: the two say the bundys don't speak for them and they plan to surrender peacefully tomorrow.
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our brothers and sisters and show the world, show america that we stick together. >> reporter: the protest spread to the nearest wildlife refuge. >> get out of here, you cowards! >> reporter: ammon's father cliven had his own dispute with federal officials over grazing permits in nevada in 2014. that developed into a confrontation between militia members and law enforcement. now ammon bundy says the militiamen plan to occupy this wildlife refuge for years until harney county residents can claim their rights to the land. >> when government steps outside the bounds that the people have given it, that it is the duty of the people to put that government back in its place. >> reporter: it's unclear how many are in the militia group, but members say using weapons is not out of the question if authorities try to force them out. jeff? >> jennifer dowling, thank you. tomorrow, about 600 workers return to the office complex in san bernardino, california where 14 people were killed last month in a terror attack. the conference building where the shootings took place during a holiday party will remain
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be right back. president obama returned from his hawaiian vacation today, and it appears he will begin his final year in office with new action on gun control. tomorrow he'll meet with attorney general loretta lynch to discuss possible executive measures including expanded background checks that would not require approval from congress. on thursday the president holds a town hall meeting on reducing g gun violence. starting monday in new hampshire former president bill clinton will begin stumping for
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his wife in key primary states. it is a big move for hillary clinton's campaign in a state where she trails bernie sanders. major garrett is in concord, new hampshire. major? >> reporter: jeff, when it comes to presidential surrogate politics, no one brings more to the table than bill clinton. that's on the plus and negative side. on the positive side bill clinton has an entire repertoire of victories or near victories here in new hampshire, finishing a surprising second in 1992, helping propel hillary clinton to an upset victory in 2008. and he has a reputation in new hampshire of caring about the state and speaking to voters directly and persuasively. all that will be put to hillary clinton's benefit in a tight race against bernie sanders. on the negative side there is bill clinton's past, which donald trump has made an issue, but many new hampshire democrats fought those battles out the very first time in 1992, and they tell me if trump brings up those issues now it is likely to rile up democratic supporters of the clinton family because they fought those wars once before, helped bill clinton recover from them, and are ready, willing,
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behalf of hillary clinton. jeff? >> major garrett tonight in new hampshire. tonight many along the mississippi river still face flood threats. the river is expected to crest in the south over the next few days. meanwhile, states where the floods have receded are struggling to recover. david begnaud is in illinois. >> reporter: nearly 14,000 acres of alexander county, illinois are underwater tonight. 125 properties are flooded. others are surrounded like the home of jennifer corey and brandon dillo. >> this happened so fast. you don't have time to really get ready for it. >> reporter: if they want to leave, they have to do it by boat. today they went out for supplies. there's not much in the house. the concrete is dry thanks to a levee they built that is eight feet high, and it's holding tonight. back in 2011 their home flooded after water overran the levee. that time it was five feet. they learned a lesson. if you refuse to leave, build it higher.
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this is our home. so we're staying here. >> reporter: so far nine deaths are confirmed in illinois, 15 in missouri. in allenville, missouri sheriff john jordan boated over a bean field to check on residents. >> this is the ross residence there. >> repepter: terry and his wife, wanda ross, are 2 of 32 people refusing to leave. >> really close. >> reporter: their home is now surrounded in water. >> you don't want somebody to come in and loot the rest of the stuff that you've worked your life for. >> reporter: downstream the army corps of engineers is confident a 3,500-mile levee stretching from southern missouri to the gulf of mexico will hold. it's 35 feet tall and 200 feet wide at the base. engineer derek smith. >> well, there's really two different kinds of levee systems. up there is more of a levee system built for agriculture protection, and down here the level of protection is much higher. >> reporter: back here in alexander county, illinois i'm standing on the roof of the bigham home, which is surrounded by water on both sides. and the water is still rising
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tonight. jeff, the bigham family has put 25,000 sandbags and eight pumps around the property to keep it dry, and it's working. it's working very well. just look at the neighbor's home. flooded. >> david begnaud, thank you very much. the west coast is bracing for a wild weather week. it's a wave of rain associated with el nino. beginning tonight, four storms are expected to bring drought relief but also potentially mudslides. an entire neighborhood evacuated by a gas leak gets more bad news outside los angeles. and a final salute to the
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right back. we have been following the story of a massive methane leak in california. it's in porter ranch, a neighborhood on the northern edge of los angeles. mireya villareal reports neighbors are being told it may be months before they can go home. >> do you miss your old house? >> yeah.
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>> reporter: 8-year-old nate sutterland is among hundreds of children forced out of their porter ranch homes by an odor they can't see but with effects so many have felt. his mother, christine. >> i've been nauseous. i've felt lethargic. my kids have had nose bleeds. they've had headaches. >> reporter: two schools have closed because of abnormally high levels of methane. but residents feel they're not getting enough answers about exposure. >> it's surreal. we are a living science experiment i believe. >> reporter: it was the same nightmare for brian and christine katz and their five children. >> i almost had my own parking place at the pediatrician's office, we were there so much. and i did everything i could. and i felt helpless. >> then the boys started asking me questions. is it safe? you know, there's only so much as a parent that you can keep telling them without lying. 10-year-old. how do you explain to them what's going on out there? >> somebody didn't maintain a
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they say, well, can we go home now? and we say, well, not yet. we'll be home soon. okay, well, when? >> do you miss your friends over there? >> yeah. we don't get to see our friends that often over here. since we're too far away. >> reporter: the katz family will now commute 40 miles each morning to attend their relocated school. >> we haven't been outside since october. our swing set have cobwebs. it's sad. >> reporter: their once thriving town now a ghost town. mireya villarreal, cbs news, porter ranch, california. up next here, the financial forecast for 2016.of ageless. age neutral. age defiant. age agnostic. olay is a purveyor of ageless. only the best 1% of ingredients make it into our products. for transformed skin without expensive brands or procedures. it's the ultimate beauty victory. nobody has any idea how old you are. with olay, you age less.
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the markets open for 2016 tomorrow coming off a 2% drop in the dow in 2015, the worst since 2008. so what's in store for the financial year ahead? from stocks to mortgages to gas prices. cbs business news analyst jill schlesinger is here. jill, welcome back. we were talking about this. stocks weren't as bad as maybe it could have been this year. >> yeah. and it seemed awful. and maybe if you had some of the esoteric stuff, the emerging markets and commodities, it was bad. but it wasn't a terrible year. for 2016 analysts are predicting a lot of the same. volatile, probably mid single digits if we're lucky. now, it's also a presidential year, and presidential years going back to 1948, we see a 6.1% increase in the stock mamaet.
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other years. so maybe there's a lot of pressure on the market coming into the year. >> the fed raised rates for the first time in a long time. the 30-year mortgage actually went down. what happens next? >> so now we're hovering around 4%. a lot of people saying that rates are probably going to inch up very slowly this year. that said, we've got some data about rents versus buying. and ststl, in about 58% of markets that realty track covers, they say renting is cheaper than buying. that could change in 2016. mortgage rates low. job market continuing to improve. wages increasing we might see some more people flow into the housing market. that could be a good time to buy a house. >> we've had an extended holiday when it comes to gas prices. what's next there? >> well, it's amazing. 40-something percent drop in 2014. another 30% drop last year. we see oil trading at about 37 bucks a barrel. we don't suspect it's going to be much worse. could go down in the 30s and test that. but for the next year we're looking at about consistent
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gas prices set to average around $2.30 to $2.40. that would be a drop from last year and pretty darn good news for consumers. >> jill, happy new year. thanks very much. >> happy new year. dairy prices are expected to rise after blizzards last month in texas, oklahoma, and new mexico killed about 40,000 cows. farmers are still assessing the damage. losses are expected to rise. still ahead here, a
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inspirinincomeback kid. at least ten people were hurt during an off-road race in argentina after a mini cooper careened into a crowd. it happened during trials for the dakar rally, a 5,000-mile, 14-day race across the mountains and the deserts of argentina and bolivia. it was one of the most dramatic comebacks ever. and as jericka duncan reports, last night's alamo bowl featured an unlikely hero. >> taking a shot down the field! >> reporter: from the very beginning it seemed like oregon's prayers were being answered. by the start of the second quarter they had a 27-0 lead on texas christian university. tcu' struggles seemed obvious. two days before the alamo bowl their starting quarterback trevone boykin was arrested and charged with assaulting a police
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so senior bram kohlhausen, a transfer who had never started a game in his career and who lost his father to cancer in november, was forced to step up. it wasn't until the second half that kohlhausen truly broke out of his shell and into college football glory. his teammates fed off his energy, mounting an impressive meback, overcoming a a1-point deficit. at the end of the second overtime both teams were tied at 41. but kohlhausen scored soon after, giving his team a six-point lead. in the third overtime oregon's last-ditch effort fell short, sealing the game for tcu and their new football hero. kohlhausen dedicated the victory to boykin. >> this will be one i'll tell my grandkids. i mean, this is a night i never thought would ever happen. i honestly just decade it to tre. he's the one who showed me how to play like i did tonight. >> it was a remarkable finish from an unlikely player whose recent loss inspired him to play
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the best game of his life. jericka duncan, cbs news, new york. a memorial today for the woman known as the hug lady of fort hood, texas. before she died christmas eve elizabeth laird hugged about half a million soldiers heading off to war and returning home. today thousands turned out for
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coming up, every dog has its a dog in pennsylvania doesn't have long to live. so her owner is trying to give her as much joy as possible. together they're working their way down a bucket list and sharing it all online. here's jamie yuccas. >> reporter: a drive through the car wash. swimming for the first time. >> nice job, honey. >> reporter: french fries at mcdonald's. and a walk down the aisle. with just months to live, this beagle-poodle mix is checking
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off an 81-item bucket list with her owner, todd burchanowski. reyes was diagnosed with lymphoma just before thanksgiving. >> it was the toughest day of my life. >> reporter: burchanowski is posting each adventure to facebook. some are simple. there's number 43, build a snowman. others are sweet. like numbebe66, take a relaxing bubble bath. and ones all dog owners can identify with. like number 12. watch a sunset with my best friend. why did you create the bucket list? >> we just wanted to do something that would be special for her in her last days. >> repepter: it seems to be striking a chord with people from across the country, who write back with words of encouragement. the duo still needs to check off about 30 items. >> i try to, you know, give her as many hugs and kisses and as many treats as she wants
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nowadays. >> reporter: it's a journey no one really wants to take, especially with their best friend. jamie yuccas, cbs news, new york. that is the overnight news for this monday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back with us a little later for the morning news and "cbs this morning."
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york city, i'm jeff glor. >> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." welcome to the overnight news. i'm jeff glor. president obama is back at the white house after his two-week holiday in hawaii. at the top of his current agenda, gun control. the president says he's preparing a series of executive actions that would not require congressional approval. chip reid reports. >> reporter: it was just after the mass shooting at an oregon community college in october that the president decided he had to take executive action on guns.
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he made the e nouncement in his weekly address, posted on the white house website. >> i directed my team at the white house to look into any new actions i can take to help reduce gun violence. and on monday i'll meet with our attorney general, loretta lynch, to discuss our options. >> reporter: sources tell cbs news those options include expanding the definition of who is in the business of selling guns so that more gun sales trigger background checks and requiring enhanced reporting and tracking of lost and stolen guns. the president blames the republican congress for giving him no choice but to take unilateral action. >> we know we can't stop everyry act of violence. but what if we tried to stop even one? what if congress did something, from gun violence? >> reporter: last month senate republicans blocked democratic
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proposals that would prevent people on the terror watch list from buying guns and require background checks for online gun purchases. meanwhile, some states are taking action on their own. in california a new gun control law that took effect yesterday allows judges to order the seizure of guns from people deemed dangerous by their own family or by law enforcement. texas, though, is going the other direction on gun control with a new law allowing guns to be carried openly in public places. the nra did not respond to our request for a comment. but when the details of the president's plan are announced, which could be as early as next week, the response from gun rights supporters is expected to be furious. 2016 brought a series of notable new laws to states from coast to coast. here with a look, kris van eave. >> reporter: the new year brings some good news for taxpayers in oklahoma and in massachusetts, where state income taxes are dropping and minimum wage workers in more than a dozen states will get raises in 2016. but the most controversial new laws center around guns. in texas a new open carry law allows people with concealed weapon permits to wear a
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places. >> it's going to be a learning process. there's going to be some growing pains at the beginning. i'm sure there will be some people that will be startled possibly by the sight of someone carrying openly. >> reporter: this as california tightens i i gun laws, banning firearms in or around schools even for holders of concealed weapons permits. bb and pellet guns sold in the golden state will have to be a bright color like pink to make clear they are not real. in hawaii new signs are posted warning of a first in the nation law raising the legal smokinin age from 18 to 21. the law applies to cigarettes and electronic smoking devices. a second law there bans e-cigarettes in places where smoking is prohibited. >> our youth survey shows that a fourfold increase happened in public high school students who use e-cigarettes. from 5% in 2011 to 22% by 2015. >> reporter: tennessee becomes the first state to create an
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abusers for people who have been convicted of animal cruelty. state representative d diel jernigan supported the measure. >> if you're going to pull a dog behind a truck, if you're going to burn a cat, if you're going to do severe animal cruelty, then there needs to be some consequences to your actions. >> reporter: among other new laws taking place across the country, washington, d.c. has prohibited styrofoam food containers. california has banned drivers and bicyclists from wearing earbuds in both ears or resting them on their ears, closing a legal loophole. and parents in north carolina can freeze their children's credit reports to prevent identity theft. elsewhere, illinois is starting a pilot program allowing for what are essentially combination locks on certain prescription painkiller bottles. also, oregon and california became the first states to automatically register people to vote when they obtain or renew a driver's license. the republican presidential contenders are strongly opposed to the president's gun control plans. john dickerson discussed the subject with gop front-runner donald trump on "face the nation."
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i don't like anything having to do with changing our second amendment. we have plenty of rules and regulations. there's plenty of things that they can do right now that are already there, they don't do them. we have a tremendous mental health problem. we're closing places all over the world. all over the country they're closing. nobody's doing anything about that. all they want to do is blame the guns. and it's not the gun that pulls the trigger. so i don't like it. i don't like what he's doing. i think that he's looking to do executive orders to do something having to do with guns. >> background checks happen for normal gun purchases at a normal store. so his argument would be just do it here. it's this loophole, you want to make it the same everywhere. >> john, i'm going to have to take a look at it, but i don't like changing anything. right now they have plenty of ruleleand regulations and they should be looking at mental health. i mean, we should build like institutions for people that are sickos. we have sickos all over the place. and that's the problem. >> so you'd spend more money on that? >> here's the problem. i would definitely spend more money on that. here's the problem. the bad guys are always going to get the guns. you can havevell the restrictctns you want. but the bad guys are always
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going to have the guns. >> let me ask you about executive orders in general. like them? don't like them? that the president uses them to go around congress. >> well, i don't like them. and our country wasn't based on executive orders. nobody really knew that we even had an executive order, such a thing. it's supposed to be you get along with congress and you cajole and you go back and forth and everybody gets in a room and we end up with deals. and there's compromise and lots of other things. but you end up with deals. here's a guy just goes -- he's given up on the process and he just goes and signs executive orders on everything. >> so if you were president -- you seem like the kind of guy who if you were president you would use an executive order or two. >> i will say this. there's a lot of precedent based on what he's doing. now, some have been -- his executive order on the border amazingly the courts actually took that back a step and did something that was very surprising, is they did the right thing. so that maybe that one. but i would be rescinding a lot of executive orders that he's done.
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i mean, he just -- the one thing good about executive orders, the new president he comes in, boom, first day, first hour, first minute you can rescind them. >> let me ask you about a video that's been put out by al shabab. this is an isis-affiliated terror group. and in the video they use you, donald trump, a clip. >> donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states until our country's representatives can figure out what [ bleep ] is going on. >> then the video goes on and says "the west will eventually turn against its muslim citizens." they're saying to muslims either you join jihad or leave the united states because of what mr. trump is proposing. >> look, there's a problem. i bring it up. other people have called me and they say you have guts to bring it up because frankly it's true. but nobody wants to get involved. now people are getting involved. people that are on different persuasions than me right now, john, are saying you know, maybe
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trump isn't wrong. we want to examine it. there's a lot of bad stuff going on. i'm watching the news tonight, actually. cbs. and so many of the elements. you look at germany. you look at brussels. you look -- all over the world they're shutting down cities that never had a problem before. they're shutting down countries that never had a problem before. you look at paris, what happened. you look at california, what hahaened. john, maybe it's not politically correct. there's a big problem out there. and we have to solve the problem. >> the cbs overnight news will be right back.a mouthbre how can anyone sleep like that? well, just put on a breathe right strip and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers.
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your clever moves won't stop the cold and flu. but disinfecting with lysol can. lysol wipes and spray are approved to kill more types of germs than clorox. to help keep your family healthy, lysol that. the retail sales numbers are trickling in from the holiday shopping season. michelle miller has a look at the winners and losers. >> reporter: unusually warm winter weather triggered sales drops in coats, hats, and gloves. but consumers did spend money on other things. according to mastercard, retail sales grew almost 8% this holiday season compared to the same time a year ago. women's apparel and furniture led the way.
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more than 10% nationwide. >> people are just out shopping. >> reporter: david sabel runs mattress and furniture supercenter in tampa. he's keeping his store open on new year's day after having a record-breaking holiday sales season. >> from black friday until now our sales have been up 65% compared to last year. and it is the highest increase i've ever experienced. >> reporter: and rising spending in the furniture business shows the u.s. economy is strengthening. says sarah quinlan, senior vp at mastercard advisers. >> the furniture is more important because that really shows sustained confidence. i'm buying that sofa and i'm investing and i'm saying that i have confidence, i'm going to hold on to my job, get bonused and be able to pay off these purchases. >> reporter: there were some surprising dips in buying trends this time around. sales in men's apparel and electronics were both down. but quinlan says it's no cause
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for concern. >> t ts was a tremendous year for the economy in the united sales, which really does reflect which really bodes well for the new year. >> reporter: and a couple of other factors driving the spspding surge -- cheap gas and e-commerce. online shopping is up 20%, and elaine, consumers, they're spending roughly about 75 cents of every dollar saved at the gas pump. uber is looking to expand in china. but the company faces both legal hurdles and local competition. seth doane has more. >> reporter: with the smog and traffic to prove it, china has as many as 750 million urban commuters. and there's a multibillion-dollar battle for their business. >> it has all the cars around us here. okay. he's letting us in.
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from the front seat. in the ring heavyweights uber worth upwards of $70 billion. versus china's dd quaidi valued at 16 billion. >> reporter: we're in a dd car. this gentleman picked us up. but he doesn't want to go on camera. he says he's doing this to make a little extra money. "i can make about $800 a month," he said. "it will help cover the expense of my car." ride-hailing services are brand new to china and are technically illegal but the law is selectively enforced. both didi and uber are operating in a gray area while the government reviews its regulations. >> call on uber here. two minutes away. >> reporter: since this kind of operation is still considered illegal in beijing, chu jong fo told us, "i drive for uber because it will cover all the penalties if i get caught." didi dwarfs uber here. it's in n 0 cities across chinin compared to uber's 21.
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to lure drivers and riders. and both are relying on publicity stunts like this short-lived uber boat we rode in the city of hangzhou. in a letter to investors uber's said competing in china is not for the faint of heart. we'd add driving here is not for the faint of heart either. seth doane, beijing. kenya may seem like an unlikely place to find a vibrant country music c ene. but on a recent trip to nairobi with president obama major garrett saw the influence of elvis on a local musician. >> reporter: as daylight drifts away, bonfires crackle, longnecks stand guard, and -- country music makes the twilight feel right. this is nairobi, kenya, a city of nearly 4 million. 8,000 miles from the grand ole
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with president obama the country music and feel of americana is unexpectedly real. right down to the performer, elvis. not knowing what real love is elvis otieno, or sir elvis as he's known in these parts. he is not an impersonator. he's as country as johnny cash. lose these new york blues >> my mom and my dad loved elvis presley. and so when my mom gave birth to me, that was the year elvis presley died. mysteriously i became a musician. rock me mama like a wagon wheel >> reporter: elvis was born inin rural kenya, the son of a preacher. rock me tell me about country music in nairobi and in kenya. is there an audience for it? >> a huge audience here in
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way back then from '50s and '60s there has always been a country music program on the airwaves in the kenyan soil. >> reporter: there still is. "strings of country" runs three times a week. david kamoso hosts the show and says country took hold after kenya freed itself from british colonial rule in 1963. >> kenyans got exposed to country music a long time ago. well, i don't obey no social graces >> reporter: locals call sir elvis a phenomenon. >> the songs sound like the original. that's why wherever he goes there's a huge following. >> reporter: like flash and sarah mwasa, who follow elvis wherever he performs. >> me and my wife are just crazy about this guy. we love country. >> his voice is just amazing. >> reporter: elvis sometimes shares the stage with esther kankara, an up-and-comer on the
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herself after an american country legend, dolly parton. >> i really love singing her songs. most people say i sing like her. or she sings like me. i don't know. country has such themes like family values, love, god, and country roads. >> reporter: those timeless themes, elvis says -- -- give country music universal appeal and sometimes set dreams in motion. like leaping from an outdoor stage in nairobi to a honky-tonk or something bigger in america. >> it is a dream. but i always put myself in a spot where if it doesn't happen i don't think it's going to be a really big story for me. i keep it simple. >> just like country. >> yeah, that's right. oh, yes, i'd rather love and lose you
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all >> reporter: major garrett, nairobi,'s taco tuesday. you're not coming. i took mucinex to help get rid of my mucusy congestion. oh, right then i'll swing by in like 4 hours. forget the tacos! one pill lasts 12 hours. i'm good all day. wait! your loss. i was going to wear a sombrero. only mucinex has a bi-layer tablet that starts fast, and keeps working. not 4, not 6, but 12 full hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. (cell phone rings) where are you? well the squirrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad won't call an exterminator... can i call you back, mom? he says it's personal this time... if you're a mom, you call at the worst time. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico.
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it's what you do. where are you? it's very loud there.
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a hollywood special effects wizard is making quite a splash on the internet with his home movies. john blackstone has the story of action movie kid. >> reporter: james hashimoto is pretty much your typical
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with superhuman powers. the action movie kid videos have blown up online, scoring millions of views. they're created by his dad, daniel hashimoto, hashi to his friends. >> here we go! >> reporter: special effects wizard who's worked on films such as "kung fu panda 2." >> you know what i told you about climbing on there. >> reporter: the short clips evolved out of play time with dad. >> i'm climbing. >> i know. your mom's going to kill me. >> reporter: real moments at home not directed by dad are simply captured on a smartphone and then turned into movie-quality magic. >> you forgot your lunch! >> he's pretending to be iron man i think and blasting up the kitchen and i thought it would be so fun to add graphics and show them to him so he can see what it's like being a real superhero. >> what was your reaction the first time you saw james blowing
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>> sorry. >> i guess i thought oh, hashi. >> reporter: mom, mandy richardville, has her own outlet for creativity. preparing custom chocolates for parties and events from her home kitchen. >> he has a daddy who makes cartoons, and he lives basically in a chocolate factory. so he's a lucky kid. >> reporter: the couple has teamed up to write their first action movie kid book. the cover, of course, animates. thanks to an appppalled blipper. amazing what you can do with an old-fashioned book now. >> it sure is. >> you clearly have the video ideas, but when it came to writing the book, mandy, you became the brains in the operation? >> mostly. i don't know if became is the right word. >> i would give her credit for being the brains of the operation overall. >> reporter: combining his heroic deeds with his love of
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taming a slime monster. >> slime monster is no match for action movie family. >> reporter: action movie family. >> whoa. >> let's go. >> hopefully part of the lesson of the book is if as a parent you engage in your child's imaginative play you can kind of create these really fun memories for them. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning" john blackstone, los angeles. colorado state university has a new program in beer. barry petersen has this story. >> there are beers over there. >> reporter: beer and college have gone together for a long time. >> don't lose the foam. that's a common technique people have a problem with especially if you're pouring off a keg. >> reporter: but not like this. colorado state university is one of several colleges now offering a major in beer. >> is this fun? >> it is fun. and it's a lot of work as well. >> reporter: jeff calaway would know. he left the cutting-edge world of biotech to teach about a
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brewing 7,000 years ago. and beer, it turns out, is complicated. >> this isn't brewing beer in your garage. you've got to have a lot of science that goes with this. >> absolutely. so before the students even get to think about brewing beer they have to learn biochemistry, microbiology, physics, organic chemistry. there's a lot that you have to do to work your way into the lab. >> reporter: a lot of students set their course to work with craft beers like new belgium, a brewery just down the street. >> america is the best place in the world to drink beer right now. this is where the innovation is happening in beer. >> reporter: ceo kim jordan and her former husband started making beer in a garage in 1991. today new belgium craft beers are shipped across america and even to sweden. but little breweries are doing big business. in 2014 the craft beer market was $19.6 billion strong. still smaller than the $101
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overall. but craft brewery sales also grew 22%. so to help train more future beer makers new belgium donated a million dollars to the csu program. it's a career with a beverage that has a philosophy all its own. as benjamin franklin lovingly
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wants us to be happy. natalie cole passed away last thursday. anthony mason looks back on her life and legendary career. >> reporter: in a career that spans four decades, natalie cole sold more than 30 million records. you are my first love the daughter of the legendary nat "king" cole and jazz singer maria hawkins ellington, cole
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i'm so glad she broke out in 1975 with the hit single "this will be." this will be an everlasting love for me the song, which earned cole two grammys including best new artist, was originally offered to someone else, says music journalist james bernard. >> it was offered to aretha franklin first. i miss you like crazy >> reporter: for all of cole's talent it was her father's legacy that would both help and haunt her career. >> hi, ed. how are you? >> reporter: she appeared with him in 1957 on cbs's "person to person" with edward r. murrow. >> how many of those pups would you like to keep? >> all of them. >> reporter: cole was just 15 years old when her father died of lung cancer. his loss would lead to a struggle with drug addiction. she wrote candidly of her many low points in a 2000 autobiography, "angel on my shoulder." in an interview with "cbs sunday
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morning" in 2006 she described one of her darkest moments inside of a burning hotel room. >> i had pulled my paraphernalia. i had my drugs. i was getting ready to say okay, this is the way i'm going, i guess i'm going out like this. and when they hacked -- you know, axed the door down and came through, it was like valhalla. it was like god was saying, i'm not through with you yet. unforgettable >> reporter: cole's greatest triumph came in 1991 with the album "unforgettable with love," covers of standards originally recorded by her father.incredib her duet with her dad on "unforgettable" would sell 14 million copies and earn cole six grammys. she discussed the collaboration in an interview on "cbs this morning" two years ago. >> i never got a chance to say good-bye. and so i continued to converse
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and tell my dad how much i love him when i get an opportunity to sing these kinds of songs. >> reporter: despite health problems including hepatitis c and kidney failure, cole continued to put out records and to captioning funded by cbs it's monday, january 4th, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." president obama promises to use executive orders to strengthen gun control in his final year in office. and the republican candidates running to replace him on sounding off on his proposal. el nino has the west coast
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in its sights.
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