tv News 19 Noon CBS January 5, 2016 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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[ applause ] meanwhile since missouri repealed a law requiring comprehensive background checks and purchased permits, gun deaths have increased to a 50% higher than the national average average. one study found unsurprisingly that criminals in missouri now have easier access to guns. and the evidence tells us that in states that require americans don't find it any harder to purchase guns whatsoever. their guns have not been confiscated, rights have not been infringed. and that's just the information we have access to with more research, we could further improve gun safety just as with more research we have reduced traffic fatalityies over the last 30 years.
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medicine, even toys harm people so we make them safer. research, science, those are good things, they work. [ applause ] but think about this. when it comes to an inherently deadly weapon, nobody argues that guns are potentially deadly, weapons that kill tens of thousands of americans every year congress actually voted to make it harder for public health experts to conduct research into gun violence. made it harder to collect data and facts and develop strategies to reduce gun violence. even after san bernardino, they
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i want to be clear. congress still needs to act. but folks in this room will not rest until congress does. [ applause ] because once congress gets on board with common sense gun safety measures, we can reduce gun violence a whole lot more. but we also can't wait. until we have a congress that's in line with the majority of americans, there are actions within my legal authority that we can take to help reduce gun violence to save more lives. actions that protect our rights and our kids. after sandy hook, joe and i worked together with our teams
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series of executive actions to try to tighten up the existing rules and systems that we had in place. but today we want to take it a step further. so let me outline what we're going to be doing. number one, anybody in the business of selling firearms must get a license and conduct background checks or be subject to criminal prosecutions. [ applause ] >> it doesn't matter whether you're doing it over the inteteet or at a gun show, it's not where you do it, but what you do. we're also expanding background checks to cover violent criminals who try to buy some of
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hiding behind trusts and corporations and various cut outs. we're also taking steps to make the background check system more efficient. under the guidance of the fbi, our deputy director tom branden that atf, we're going to hire more folks to process applications faster and bring an outdated system into the 21st century. these steps will lead to a smoother process for law-abiding gun owners, a smoother process for responsible gun dealers, a stronger process for protecting the people from the public from dangerous people. so that's number one.
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everything we can to ensure the smart and effective enforcement of gun safety laws already on the books, which means we're going to add 200 more atf agents and investigators, we're going to require firearms dealers to report more lost or stolen guns on a timely basis. we're working with advocates to protect victims of domestic abuse from gun violence. too much people are not getting the protection they need. number three, we're going to do more to help those suffering from mental illness get the help that they need. high u profile mass shootings tend to shine a light on those few mentally unstable people, but the truth is that nearly two
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so a lot of our work is to prevent people from hurting themselves. that's why we made sure that the affordable care act, also known as obamacare, under that law made sure that treatment for mental health was covered the same as treatment for any other illness. that's why we're going to invest $500 million to expand access to treatment across the country. [ applause ] it's also why we're going to ensure that mental health records are submitted to the background check system and remove barriers that prevent states from reporting relevant information. if we can continue to destigmatize mental health issues and get folks proper care, we can spare more families the pain of losing a loved one
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and for those in congress who so often rush to blame mental illness for mass shootings as a way of avoiding action on guns, here's your chance to support these efforts. put your money where your mouth is. number four, we're going to boost gun safety technology. today many gun injuries are the result of legal guns that were stolen or misused or discharged accidentally. . in 2013 alone more than 500 people lost their lives to gun accidents and that includes 30 children younge than 5 years old. on the greatest advanced nation on earth, there's no reason for this. we need to develop new technologies that make guns safer. if we can get set it up so you
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you have the right fingerprint, why can't we do the same thing for our guns? if there's an app that can help us find a missing tabl, which happens to me often the older i get, if we can do it for your ipad, there's no reason we can't do it with a stolen gun. if a child can't open a bottle of aspirin, we should make sure they can't pull a trigger on a gun. [ applause ] so we're going to advance research, work with the private
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some gun retailers are already stepping up by refusing to finalize a purchase without a complete background check or high capacity magazines, and i hope that more retailers and more manufacturers join them. because they should carry as much as anybody about a product that kills almost as m my americans as car accccents. i make this point because none o of us can do this alone. i think mark made that point earlier. all of us should be able to work together to find a balance that declares the rest of our rights are also important. second amendment rights are importrtt, but there are other rights that we care about as well. we have to be able to balance them.
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freely and safe lyly, that right was denied to christians in south carolina. and that was denied jews in kansas city. and that was denied muslims in chapel hill and seats in oak creek. they had rights too. [ applause ] our right to peaceful assembly, that right was robbed from movie goers in aurora and lafayette. our right to life and liberty. from college kids in san bernardino and from high
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congress be brave enough to stand up to the gun lobbies lives governors and legislators and businesses do their part to make our community safer. we need the wide majority of responsible gun owners who grieve. with us every time this happens and feel like your views are not being properly represented to join with us to demand something better. [ applause ] and we need voters who want safer gun laws and who are disappointed in leaders who stand in their way to remember
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i mean, some of this is just simple math. yes, the gun lobby is loud and it is organized in defense of making it effortless for guns to time. you know at, the rest of us, we all have to be just as passionate. we have to be just as organized in defense of our kids. this is not that complicated. the reason congress blocks laws is because they want to win elections. and if you make it hard for them to win an election, if they block those laws, they will
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[ applause ] and yes, it will be hard. and it won't happen overnight. it won't happen during this congress. it won't happen during my presidency. but a lot of things don't happen a lot of things don't happen over night. a woman's right to vote didn't happen over night. happen over night. liberation of african americans didn't happen over night. lgbt rights has decades worth of work. so just because it's lard, that's no excuse not to try.
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you should feel that fierce urgency of now, think about what happened three weeks ago. for the sophomore at fulton high school in knox ville, tennessee. he played football, beloved by his classmates and his teachers. his own mayor called him one of the city's success stories. the week before christmas, he headed to a friend's house to play video games. he wasn't at t t wrong place at the wrong time. he hadn't made a bad decision. he was exactly where any other kid would be. your kid. my$ and then gun men started firing t and in high school, he hadn't
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he fell on top of three girls to shield them from the bullets. and he was shot in the head and the girls were spared. he gave his life to save theirs.m an act of heroism, a lot bigger than anything we should ever expect from a 15 year old. greater love has no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends. we are not asked to do what dobson did. we're not asked to have shoulders that big a heart that strong, reactions that[vi'm not asking people to have that same level of courage or sacrifice or love. but if we love our kids and care
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love this country and care about its future, we can find the courage to vote, we can find the courage to get mobilized and organized. we can find the courage to cut through all the noise and do what a sensible country would do. that's what we're doing today and tomorrow we should do more and we should do more the day after that. and if we do, we'll leave behind a nation that's stronger thanhk the one we inherited and worthy of the sacrifice of a young man like him. thank you very much, everybody. god bless you. [applause] thank you. god bless you all. >> a remarkable moment at the whitehouse. the president in tears quoting
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has no man than this. has the president reveals the measures he intends to take by executive action going around the world of congress to impose stricter limits on gun saleses first and foremost, the president intends by executive order to no longer allow people to trade guns as individuals when they are in fact selling guns as dealers and therefore requiring them to have a federal firearms license, whether that's on-line or at gun shows, and requiring those people to conduct background checks on their customers. currently many people claim to be selling handguns and assault rifles as individuals on-line and at gun shows and are therefore exempt from most
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the president intends to change that by executive order. but, the congress of course, the republican majority in congress isthis and we are fortunate enough today to have our chief legal correspondent with us, jan crawford. jan, you can almost hear the footsteps of people rushing to the courthouse to file suit. >> i think the president can almost hear, you heard him, him trying to get ahead of those lowelltalking about the second amendment and why these proposals and executive action would not violate the right to bear arms. he embraced the first amendment which guarantees the right to free speech and religion. he said the old adage that you can't yell fire in a crowded theatre. so too should we have these reasonable he said many times
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second amendment especially as he says there's how much a compelling and urge gent need. if not, i believe throughs significant problem and that is whether or not he actually has the authority under the constitution to take a lot of these steps or rather this is something that really should fall under the umbrella of the authority of congress. kind of the separation of powers argument. and even if he is right that a multiple lawsuits over many of these proposals could keep them tied up in court through the end of his administration which means many of this stuff, much of this stuff may never even take effect. >> and of course as we recall, the president took a civil her action with immigration reform going around the rule of congress and now all of that is tied up in federal court. jan crawford our cheap legal correspondent reporting for us from the whitehouse today, jan thank you very much. was we mentioned, there was a remarkable moment earlier when the president was moved to tears
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sandy hook elementary school. let's go back and look at that moment one more time. >> every time i think about those kids, it gets me mad.x and by the way, it happens on the streets of chicago every day. >> the president remembering the 20 first graders who were murdered at sandy hook elementary school just three years ago. the person who introduced the president today was mark barden, the chairman of sandy hook, of the sandy hook parents organization seen here holding a picture of his son, seven year old daniel barden who was
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before christmas just four years ago. there will be a great deal more about all of this on your local news on this cbs station and on our 24 hour digital news network, cbsn. it's available on all devices at we will of course have a complete wrap up of all of this right here toarnlt on'%hevening nott pelly for cbs news. . thanks for joining us for this abbreviated version of news19 at noon. i'm darci strickland. we start off with headlines making news and columbia. for -- former city councilmember brian dequincey newman and another councilman kelvin washington have both been arrested by the south carolina department of revenue on charges of not paying taxes.
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>> reporter: brian dequincey newman turned himself in around 8:00 a.m. this morning. kelvin washington, not far behind, around 9:00 a.m. i will show you where they came in at this loading dock outside of the detention center. as you mentioned, they are both report taxes. we had a bond hearing here at 10:00 a.m. a few hours ago. richland county councilman kelvin washington is being represented by mike duncan. he was there as his attorney. according to the department of revenue. washington failed to file individual tax returns in 2012, 2013 and 2014. he is facing three different charges. that totals about $426,000. and former city councilman dequincey newman was also in a bond hearing. he is being represented by
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there. he got a $10,000 pr bond. same charges. the revenue of department says income and did not file a return for 2012 or 2013. they say he wants to reiterate that these charges do not have the investigation into the richland county any tax. they planned for newman to have today were they say they will enter into a plea. and get the sentencing over with. so that he can move on in this. and no word yet on when washington will face a judge for his appearance. but of course we will continue to update you on air, online and on social media. we will be at the hearing at 2:00. keep that here -- not only on
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we will bring you the up-to-the-minute updates. news19, wltx. we go from that, to your weather for the day. it looks that we are in store for more cold temperatures as we head into tonight. below freezing temperatures. efren afante joins us with more on that. >> we started off this morning with very cold temperatures. all of us, in the 20s. as we got through -- pretty much now, temperatures have not warmed up much. we are sitting in the middle to upper 30s. very cold dry air. right now columbia, 39 degrees. the dew point of eight. very dry air. wind out ofofthe northeast at 10. feeling more like 32 degrees. it is very sunny. the forecast today. sunshine will continue. the wind out of the northeast at 10 miles per hour. a high of 46. tonight, very cold. and 23 degrees. we could be looking at a windchill factor of 17. tomorrow, starting off with a lot of sunshine. 4848egrees. increaeang -- increasing cloud coverage. a chance for a sprinkle thursday. as we get into friday,
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