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tv   News 19 5am  CBS  January 27, 2016 5:00am-6:00am EST

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guillory. and i'm savannah levins, your time is ___... let's get a check of what we can expect for the rest of the day with meterologist 3 efren afante...good morning efren... 3 3
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3 3 today there is a child safety seat check taking place in is taking place at the town of lexington municipal complex from 7:30am until is free to attend and no appointment is necessary. 3 a rally for school choice will take place this morning at ten on the state house stepsthe rally is a continuation of national school choice week which is celebrated every januarythe goal is to raise public awareness to all of the education options that parents have including charter, magnet and onlne options.
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opening of walmart neighborhood market on broad river road.the new store brings over one hundred new jobs to columbiathe store also includes a full pharmacy, affordable groceries and a fuel stationthe grand opening will take place at seven thirty this morning. 3 hundreds of employers travel to the university of south carolina todaythe career and science, engineering and technology fairs will run side by side at the columbia metropolitation convention center.the fair is an opportunity for students to find internships, co-ops and full time also provides experience interacting with employers.the fair runs from noon to 4. 3 today gop presidential hopeful donald trump will be in lexington county.he is making a stop at the harmon tree farm off highway one.the event is at 7pm and is free and open to public. 3 today is the deadline to register to vote in the democratic presidential primary. so if you have moved....make sure you are ready to vote by updating your
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moved from one county to another, you must register in your new county by the deadline to be eligible to vote.the republican voter registration deadline was last week.the gop primary is february 20....and the 27. 3 3 today a full committee in the senate is expected to hear a bill that would limit state resources to incoming refugees. that comes after a subcommittee passed the bill yesterday....after listening to public input on the matter. news 19's loren thomas was at
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what this bill entails.3 3 culture simply does not want desire to us."people for and against the of refugees in got up to speak in front of general senate "we are called neighbors and exactly by beliefs or to speak during the hearing including the director of refugee lutheran carolinas." all countries that have ratified the united nations refugee convention united states are obligated to grant the same human assistance to refugees that they grant to their citizens legal residents."several people got up to ask that the the bills on the table...which resources to refugee resettlement programs...not a majority who spoke were for them...including hilton head lauren martel. "we are in way er our heads and it's a program that vetted properly. the integrity at security level, integrity at level, the incentivize smugglers, those are don't know americans can katrina shealy voted to move to the full senate bill 997 away state refugee allow sled track refugees and liabilities on resettlement like lutheran services assume the what they do when they get part of this going to be a public is right to be when you see europe, we don't want that here in south carolina. "senator kevin johnson voted against moving the bill "i think that we've always been a country i think that we've been a country that helps people fortunate than us and i think that what i heard tonight, i disappointed. i think this is probably the most absurd legislation that i've been involved with in my short ulmately the bill was moved to the full senate
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3 3 so far 11 syrian refugees have been resettled in south carolina since december. 3 some lawmakers in the house want to spend more time working....and less time
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advanced to the house floor ... that would increase work time.. by limiting random introductions of school groups, beauty pageant winners and others...who drop by the state house .the measure would create a 15-minute time slot on the calendar for "special introductions," with each limited to 90 seconds. recognitions of winning high school teams who take the floor twice a week would be unaffected.rep. todd atwater of lexington says he's frustrated by the multiple daily interruptions. 3 3 last night people met to learn more about the richland county bikeway projects that are funded through the county's penny tax program.the public meeting started with a short presentation showing which roads would be affected. those include whaley street, fort jackson blvd, rosewood drive, and calhoun street and a few others.but those who attended the meeting say they were hoping for more details. they also say they hope the city chooses bike lanes over shared roadways.(dont advance super)
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what a sharrow is. whereas a bike lane people know what a white line means, so they know not to cross the white line." "just throwing sharrows done everywhere isn't going to increase safety whatsoever." "i'd like to make sure that there are specific bike lanes on roads like rosewood. a sharrow on rosewood would be just as dangerous as not doing anything at all." 3 if you didn't make it out to the can still share your opinion online at richland-penny-dot-com. 3 governor haley wants to sue the u.s. department of energy for the agency's failure to meet a january 1st nuclear fuel deadline.the savannah river site's mixed-oxide project - known as mox - is intended to turn weapons-grade plutonium into commercial nuclear reactor fuel.but it's years behind schedule.since mox isn't law the federal government was supposed to remove 1 metric ton of plutonium from south carolina by january 1st or face penalties.haley has told
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wilson to proceed with legal action against the agency to collect a $1 million daily fine. 3 south carolina state university has presented their 128 million dollar budget to lawmakers. the university says it is on track this year for a balanced budget....but it is still on probation for accreditation. in order to meet the fiscal requirements for accreditation...the school is asking lawmakers to forgive them of 12 million dollars in loans that was used to pay off vendor debt.their budget also included 14 million in one time money for deferred maintenance the end of the meeting, representative gilda cobb hunter told the board of trustees that they also need to begin their search for a permanent president, and address that cost in their budget.heres what she had to say about whether interim president franklin evans could be picked for the spot.
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decisions have been made 3 the vice chair, james clark said they plan on discussing their search for permanent leadership in their meeting next week. 3 3 it looks like the ban cam newton petitions are going overboard.a seahawk fan has started his own petition to ban seahawk fans ... who want to ban cam newton.he says the complaining makes all seahawks fans look like cry babies.thisis all started after some seahawks fans wanted to ban cam newton from their stadium after he tossed their flag to ground following the panthers win over the seahawks a couple of weeks ago.the panthers are set to play in seattle next
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3 3 speaking of cam...many remember his college days at auburn, but before he became a tiger he was a buccaneer at blinn college. khou's lauren tostenson... "paid a visit" to his old campus in brenham... to talk to those who remember the super-bowl bound alum... and how he's forever "changed blinn"... for
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3 3 chat3 3 coming up in what's brewing we'll show you a video that's
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who just can't deal with the snow....and his hilarious reaction has it going viral. 3 but first, you might need an umbrella today as the rain moves in...meterologist efren afante has your full weathr
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he went to public schools, then college, where the work of his life began -- fighting injustice and inequality, speaking truth to power. he moved to vermont, won election and praise as one of america's best mayors. in congress, he e ood up for working families and for principle, opposing the iraq war, supporting veterans. now he's taking on wall street and a corrupt political system funded by over two and a half million contributions, tackling climate change to create clean-energy jobs, fighting for living wages, equal pay, and tuition-free public colleges. people are sick and tired of establishment politics, and they want real change! [ cheers and applause ] bernie sanders -- husband, father, grandfather, an honest leader building a movement with you to give us a future to believe in.
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seriously? where do you think you're going? to work, with you. it's taco tuesday. you're not coming. i took mucinex to help get rid of my mucusy congestion. oh, right then i'll swing by in like 4 hours. forget the tacos! one pill lasts 12 hours. i'm good all day. wait! your loss. i was going to wear a sombrero. only mucinex has a bi-layer tablet that starts fast, and keeps working. not 4, not 6, but 12 full hours. start the relief.
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let's end this. 3 while snow ploughs were out in force across the unitit states following the huge blizzard that hit the country's east coast, many residents had to rely on shovels to clear paths outside their homes. many family pets were even pictured on social media "helping" in the clear-up efforts.but one french bulldog was less than cooperative. she barked and
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owner attempted to clear snow from his back 3 porch in philadelphia, 3 3 keeping with the snow and people trying to get rid of it...air b n b... wasn't hot about this new listing on its home rental site. a brooklyn man built this "boutique winter igloo for 2"in his backyard during the weekend's
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it as a chic dome style bungalow... and wanted to charge 200 dollars a night. but air-b-n-b removed the post, saying 3 the igloo didn't meet its 3 standardschat 3 turning to food now...america now has an official comfort food. it's pizza!a harris poll interviewed more than 22- hundred u-s adults... and pizza topped the list of 15 percent of them.that was still a big win over chocolole and ice cream -- they tied with 7 percent each.the study also showed that 54 percent of
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when stressed, while the majority of men indulge 3 after a good 3 day.3 3 we are living in a digital world and it's very easy to create a mess. the steps you can take right now to do some
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digital life. (phoneneinging) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise)
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3 good wednesday morning and thanks for waking up with us
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savannah levins and i'm deon 3 guillory, your time is ___... 3 3
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3 3 first we had the state of the union...then the state of the state....and last night... columbia mayor steven benjamin presented his state of the city address.during his speech ... benajamin touched on several topics including unemployment numbers dropping ... revitilization efforts across the capital city, and green initiatives to improve sanitation.he also took a moment to thank the city for coming together during last obtober's historic flooding.
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you to you 3 mayor benjamin finished his speech saying he's proud of the work done so far to improve the city and there's more to come. 3 3 in the senate ... a bill has advanced that specifically states people have the right to film or photograph officers without threat of arrest.the
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the measure yesterday and its drawing lots of attention on both sides of the issue.the current law says anyone can film as long as they are standing on public property.... but this law would keep you from being intimidated by police while you are filming them. supporters says the proposal protects people from arrest . 3 you're able to end up filming if you're in a placecehere you have a legal right to be, and a private place where you have a right to be. as long as you don't hinder or obstruct as it relates to a police officer. 3 opponents argue that bystanders could get to close to the scene.this bill comes after the death of an unarmed man in north charleston last year.former officer michael slager was charged with murder after a bystander's video shows him firing several shots at waler scott. 3 the upstate lawmaker who wanted journalists to have to register with the state ...has
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republican mike pitts filed the bill last week ... and it got immediate attention across the country.critics say ... it would be an unconstitutional restriction on the freedom of the press.pitts told reporters the bill was to call attention to what he sees as bias in the media ... against the second amendment ... and a recent event prompted it. 3 "the president's proclamation on registry, a national registry on guns. i have not heard the press scream at all about that, but i sure as hell heard the press scream when it affected the first amendment rights." he says he didn't think the bill actually had a chance... but he thinks it's an important way to educate the public. 3 3 in june of 2013...brett parker of irmo was convicte sentences for the murder of his wife tammy and his friend bryan capnerhurst.the murder brought to light an illegal gambling operation that was run by
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his business partner doug taylor.the men were found guilty in federal court in 2013 of gambling charges...but the convictions were thrown out after it was determined by an appeals court that the prosecution failed to disclose evidence in a timely manner. 3 well after a re- trial...parker and taylor were found guilty for a second time yesterday.jurors deliberated for about an hour before finding both men guilty on federal gambling charges.the defendants did not take the's what the prosecutor and defense attorney told us right after the verdict.... 3 chris leonard, kendrick and leonard:"*breathes** clearly disappointed in the verdict today, still maintain jack parker and doug taylor innocence, but the jury has spoken and we respect that decision, obviously, we will continue to fight for our clients, and hopefully justice will prevail."winston holliday, assistant united state attorney with the district of sc: well we e real pleased by what the jury did. they were gone about an hour, they came back with the right verdict, there was i thought substantial evidence of the involvement of five people in this gambling organization, and they held
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accountable for doing that. 3 sentencing is expected to take place in the next few weeks.. 3 we now have the name of the homicide suspect who died in a shooting monday near the dorn v-a hospital in columbia42 year old damon james was wanted for murdering his girlfriend in houston, texas back in 2014.the corner says it looks like he died from a self inflicted wound to the head. it all started when investigators in houston got a tip that james was in columbia. they notified a fugitive taskforce here a couple weeks ago and monday they moved in. investigators say james fired when they tried to arrest him. officers returned fire. during that exchange is when the coroner believes james shot himself. the case is still under investigation and we still dont know what led him to the midlands or to byron road apartments. 3 we also know the name of the man who was shot and killed at a columbia barber shop last week.columbia police say 35 year old dimmy-a hannibal was
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while attempting to rob the next up barber and beauty shop located on fort jackson blvd. police say hannibal and another man entered the shop which was filled with people including women and children... around 7pm...and demanded everyone's money.a customer with a concealed weapons permit was able to shoot hannibal -- and a barber also fired shots.he died at the hospital.police say they are still looking for the other man.if you know where he is call crimestoppers. 3 richland deputies need your help this morning in finding a shoplifting suspect.he's 35 year old matthew deaver. deputies say he shoplifted electrical tools from three home improvement stores.they say he stole 2 chainsaws and a generator from a lowes store. and they say he stole two drill kits from the home depot at the village at sandhill.the items totalled more than 18- hundred dollars.if you know his whereabouts you are asked to call crimestoppers at 1-triple-8-crime-sc.
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3 do you use amazon prime? if not, somebody you know probably does.a new report released this week shows about one in five adult americans has an amazon prime memembership.the consumer intelligence research partners estimated that's close to half of u-s households. amazon does not reveal prime membership numbers beyond saying it has tens of millions of prime members. researchers estimate there were 54 million prime members in the u-s by the end of last year. 3 the new year often means a fresh start for lots of areas in your life. in this tech minute, lexy savvides has tips to help clean up your digital life.
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3 chat3 3 making sure you keep more of your money.the new program working to help you take control of your, meteorologist efren afante is tracking rain this morning. why you'll want to make sure you have your umbrella with you today. 3 and later, new recommendations for mental health screenings for women during and after
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3 when it comes to your finances. _______ is here to break down a new program
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what's this program about?3 2. who can take part in this 3. how many people are you expecting?4. how big of a problem is this?3 5. what are the dates and
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there's also 3 a little bonon once someone
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that. the ank oncolumbia 3 initiative is a program designed to help columbia them to make decisions. the community department is with branch bb&tbank, and td low to-no-cost accounts to residents of banked not have bank accounts but use pay-day lenders and check cashing businesses for their financial workshop: 10am-3pmpark community 3 3 3 3 3 3
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3 for the first time a national task force is calling for depression screenings for women during and after pregnancy. experts found depression is more common than previously thought in new moms. 3 the largest study to date shows caffeine every day does not lead to extra heart beats. california researchers say there more evidence that common caffeinated products including chocolate, coffee and tea may actually have cardiovascular benefits. 3 limiting state resources to
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down the bill a senate
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on today. seriously? where do you think you're going? to work, with you. it's taco tuesday. you're not coming. i took mucinex to help get rid of my mucusy congestion. oh, right then i'll swing by in like 4 hours.
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one pill lasts 12 hours. i'm good all day. wait! your loss. i was going to wear a sombrero. only mucinex has a bi-layer tablet that starts fast, and keeps working. not 4, not 6, but 12 full hours. start the relief. tch the misery. let's end this.
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of you are waking up to just
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