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tv   News 19 6am  CBS  January 27, 2016 6:00am-7:00am EST

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of you are waking up to just that sound... as it makes it's way into the midlands. good morning and thanks for joining us on news19 this the rain is back on some of you are waking up to just iphone the sound as it makes its way into the midlands. good morning, thank you for joining us on news 19 this wednesday morning. >> we are going to get things started off right now with a check of the weather, rain moving in, you will probably need that umbrella. meteorologist, efran afante, this is bad news for me. [ laughter] i hate the rain. >> consider the fact that we have not seen that much rain. a little precipitation over the weekend, but right now very light rain. it is falling through the midlands right now. the lightest rain falling right now through parts of edgefield county in two parts into parts of saluda county. outside of that, a little bit of rain up in bamberg is light and starting to move through two parts of the southern midlands. we are starting off mild, temperatures in the 40s and 50s.
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winnsboro each of 50 degrees. here in columbia 49 degrees. that is the temperature when the kids head out to the bus stop this morning. do not forget the umbrella. we will expect more rain throughout the morning. hour by hour, 50 degrees by 10 o'clock, 52 by one with chances of light showers. we will deal with the light showers later on this afternoon as we get up to 50 for degrees. maybe a little bit tapering off of the rain as we get to 6 o'clock at 51 degrees. the roads right now, for the most part, are dry as we check on the road conditions and no accidents being reported. coming out of casey, heading south on 321 no issues as you head out july 26. on sunset boulevard over i 20 and i 26 into west columbia traffic is moving along nicely. i 262 lake -- mary boulevard a 23 minute commute. airport to downtown 60 minutes.
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few minutes. happening today, we want to give a quick shout out to dewayne wayne >> we are talking food this morning, because we did a survey that this is america's favorite pizza was number one. it's not an american food so we want people to tweet us about what is a true american food. tweet me at deon wltx >> shout out to dewayne for coming up with a philly cheesesteak. today, there is a child safety seat check taking place in lexington. the municipal complex this morning from 7:30 a.m. until 9:30 a.m. text will be there to make sure your child's safety child safety seat is about the right -- installed the right way. a rally for school choice will take place this morning at 10 o'clock on the statehouse steps. the rally is a continuation of
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which is celebrated every january. the goal is to raise public awareness to all of the education options parents have. today marks the grand opening walmart neighborhood market on broad river road. the new star brings more than 100 new jobs to columbia. the store also includes a full pharmacy, groceries and a fuel the grand opening takes place at 7:30 a.m. hundreds of employers travel to the university of south carolina today for the career and science engineering and technology fair. it will run side-by-side at the columbia metropolitan convention center. the fair is an opportunity for students to find internships, co-ops and full-time positions. it also provides experience interacting with employers. the fares from noon until 4 o'clock. he is giving a fox news debate, but today donald trump will be in lexington county. he's making a stop at the harmon tree farm off highway one. the event is at 7 o'clock
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free and open to the public a reminder that today is the deadline to register to vote in the democratic presidential primary. if you have moved, make sure you are ready to vote updating your registration. you also have to do that if f you have moved counties. you need to register in her new county by that deadline today to be eligible to vote. republican voter registration deadline was last week. the gop primaries is february 20, and the democratic primary is february 27. let's go to the statehouse, today a full senate committee is expected to hear a bill that would limit state resources to incoming refugees. yesterday, and senate subcommittee, they listen to testimony from people who are for and against the resettlement of refugees in south carolina. senate bill 997 would take away state funding from refugee programs allow sled funding to track refugees, and put civil liabilities on refugee resettlement organizations. senator kevin johnson voted against the bill, but senators
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voted for it. >> that is part of this legislation. i think it's good to be a big part. >> the public is concerned. they have a right to be concerned. when he see what is happening every year we do not want that here in south carolina >> i was really disappointed. i think this is the most absurd piece of legislation that i've been involved with. >> the full senate genic -- general committee will hear the belted -- this morning at 9 o'clock. 11 syrian refugees have been resettled in south carolina since december. some lawmakers on the house want to spend more time people. i proposal to the house house for that will increase worktime by limiting introductions of school groups, beauty pageant winners and others who drop by the statehouse. the measure would create a 15 minute time slot on the calendar for special introductions with each limited to 90 seconds. recognitions of winning high school teams who take the choice
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he is frustrated by the multiple interruptions they see let's talk money this morning, if you are concerned about the richland county bikeway project that are funded through the counties penny tax chance to be heard. news 19's chuck ringwald has that story. >> i came out tonight to really see what the plpl is for columbia >>reporter:scott, one of the many people who meant to learn more about the counties bikeway projects for 2016. >> i love the fact that they are looking for bike infrastructure. they are really trying to push it, but i want to make sure they do it the right way. it seems like they reviewed the map, and talk to briefly about the different lanes that they were adding. it was not a lot of discussion abououit. >>reporter: -- . >> right now it's too early to tell definitively what the ultimate fix and accommodation will be along any of these routes. >>reporter:he says there's mainly three options
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sign and share the facility >>reporter: scott and other bicyclists help a shared roadway does not become the main choice. >> most people do not know what a sure way is. where as a bike lane, people know what the white line means. they know not to cross the white >> just throwing shared roads down everywhere is not going to increase safety whatsoever >> i would like to make sure their specific bike lanes on roads like rosewood. i shared road on rosewood would be dangerous. >>reporter:he also said many want to see actual progress >> we have not seen any implementation of the 2015 stuff yet. >>reporter:those projects are through the planning process and waiting on permits in richland county, chuck ringwald, news 19 wltx. if you do not make it out to that meeting you can still voice your pending online at richland oven or haley wants to sue
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the agency's failure to meet a january 1 nuclear fuel deadline. the savannah riverside offside project also known as mocks is intended to turn weapons grade plutonium into commercial nuclear reactor fuel. it's years behind schedule. by law, federal government was supposed to remove one metric ton of plutonium from south carolina by january 1 or they would face penalties. and now since mocks as a top- rated, haley told state attorney general to proceed with legal action against the agency to collect $1 million a day in fines. the key to your home's value might be the supermarket nearby. a new study finds that homes within 1 mile of a trader joe's, or a whole foods are worse twice as much as the national average. home prices surge 10% more than in other neighborhoods. are you unlucky in love? i am.
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credit card debt. that is what's happening with the story. almost half of americans find credit card debt a turnoff in a potential partner. according to a new survey by nerd wallet, women in particular, savannah, are married to someone buried in bills. here is the key take away -- if you are looking g r love, just pay your bills. >> straightforward enough. or if you are looking for love you can take them to waffle house, dion -- deon. if you haven't made valentines plans, waffle house is ready to take your reservation. they are hoping to save couples a little bit of money on february 14 by offering candlelit dennis. this is the ninth year they have offer the special. participating locations here in the midlands include columbia, south lake drive in lexington, textile avenue and manning, and sunset boulevard and was columbia. basically, [laughter] if i got taken to waffle house on valentine's day that is a no
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a bunch of debt is a no go. we are just trying to help you find love. >> well, savannah -- >> what you think is a silly to go to waffle house? >> that may be the way to start. >> that is a horrible wayto start. first of all, don't go on a first date on valentine's day. too much pressure. >> a lot of people love waffle house. >> i do love it. [laughter] >> wafflflhouse is the >> to each his own. just pay your bills. and eat waffle house. we want to celebrate to moms today and mom of the day. the first is pamela jacobs. she was nominated by her three daughters, yolanda, tiffany and tony they tell us they love their mother because of who she is. her smile is contagious and her love is never ending. it would take more than a lifetime to show their mother how much they appreciate her, and we think that four
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>> lets meet our second mom of the day, melanie wallace is the mother of three and nominated by her daughter jasmine. jasmine tells us her mother is hard-working, loving and a wonderful inspiration to her children. she would make sure her daughters have everything they need and is always there to brighten their day. congratulations melanie and so glad we had to moms today. if you want to nominate one for mom of the day had tour wsite we have a banner there that you can click to send in your nomination. time to forward on the day, today's word is proscribed, it is a verb that means to make something illegal, it is a word i would stay away from. >> you can use it in every day, there are some words we are like i would never use that casually in conversation. that one i feel is better. >> i'm trying to wrap my brain around a sentence. if you have one, tweet us i am at deon wltxtx >> we have enjoyed tweeting with you this morning, let's keep it up. coming up, a reckless dream
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an act of kindness. the story will warm your heart, that is after the break.
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the weekend 3 in boston...a welcome back, over in
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story, gave up a shot at a perfect season for a really great reason. >> it wawaall in an efefrt to make his opponents dream come true. >>reporter: when andy howland stepped onto the mat to face undefeated student, devon, of norton he was a little nervous. but not this kid. andy has down syndrome, but he does not let that stop him from playing the sport he loves. lastly, he faced devin who was the number one ranked division iii wrestler in his weight class. >> he walked up, he's a tough kid, he snapped me down and put in a front headlock i couldn't stop his power. >>reporter:the moment was caught on camera, and his bravery and devon's true sportsmanship has since gone viral. >> humbling, i guess. it's pretty cool that all of this attention for simple act of kindness >> he has a good record you know, undefeated. until he met you. >> i think the message is, that sportsmanship is alive and well
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that kids accept kids like andrew wholeheartedly now. >>reporter:andy has been wrestling for about seven years now. he has won and lost matches he has been body slammed many a times. one thing is true, win or lose, and he always has a smile. >> win or lose it is the most fun to watch him wrestle. he comes off the mat and he has the biggest smile. >> he has such a warm and charming personality. >>reporter:where you get that from? >> jesus christ. >>reporter:can't get any better than that. and norton, i am paul burton. >> that is incredible. that one little sacrifice for someone else just to make them happy. he goes along way. >> if there's anything i've learned from seeing countless stories like this, that small acts of kindness can go such a long way with people. i love that reminder. >> it also restores your hope
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there are some great people out there. we love the stories, and we love hearing from you. you can tweet us. >> that was a good story. congratulations to him for stepping up there. and now we are going to send it afante you might need a rain >> umbrellas. >> raingear. >> is going to be one of those mornings where we are going to be like is it raining, is it not raining? we do have rain falling in the midlands right now. moving up from southwest to northeast. the heaviest concentration of very light showers, if not sprinkles through leesville into red park getting into just over lake murray right now. some into the northern parts of richland county. showers moving out of bamberg
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orangeburg. outside of that our mild this morning. winnsboro to lexington, down to 51 in sumter, 47 bishopville, degrees and here in columbia 49 degrees. no rain is falling yet, a lot of call coverage and the winds .com. what we've got is an area of low pressure in north carolina and a conference over the upstate. this will be making its way through and rain chances on and off throughout the day today. throughout the morning we will have some light scattered showers and then a little bit of a break by midday. as we get into the early afternoon, more rain will start coming in, light at best with a little bit of spring was overnight tomorrow morning and into tomorrow afternoon. we will not be dealing with the half. as far as afternoon into friday this afternoon, when the kids get out of school, 53 degrees, showers are likely. mild temperatures will continue throughout the midlands for highs generally in the middle to upper -- upper 50s.
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-- upper 30s. area of high pressure will start moving and we will have cooling temperatures to start with. this area of low pressure down in the gulf. this is not going to affect us but it could be affecting the mid-atlantic and the northeast later in the next couple of days. 49degrees for tomorrow afternoon . clearing skies on friday, saturday to sunday. our temperatures will start to skyrocket into the middle to upper 60s. we could be looking at 70 degrees with mostly cloudy skies by tuesday. as far as the road conditions are concerned, right now no issues are being reported if you are in lexington right now, no delays neither on south lake drive or on sunset boulevard as you are traveling east all the way to i 20.
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force base to the fort jackson welcome back, when you love something, you just cannot stay away. we know that, and no one knows it more than one special volunteer at the fort worth texas stock show and rodeo. >> after nearly six decades, he just keeps coming back even when he turned 91. >> excuse me, dear, that's okay. we are having fun. all right. do you have any problems? come let mr. smith up. >>reporter:h:his harry smith, one of the most popular volunteeee at the fort worth stock show and rodeo >> are you going to have fun. come see mr. smith he will help you out >>reporter:you can see and
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here nearly six decades >> 59 years i worked out here. >>reporter:as coincidence would have it, >> today i turned 91. >>reporter: happy birthday >> thank you, sir. i appreciate it. i hope to see you out here when i'm 100. [ laughter] >>reporter:91-year-old smith came to his first talkshow as a boy in the 1930s. since then, he has only missed two of them. >> 44-45 i was in world war ii. >>reporter:while he was fighting as a soldier of the country's greatest generation which is why to this day, his favorite part of the show is still -- >> when they come out here singing the national anthem. it should mean something to everyone. >>reporter:he says he loves his flag, just as much as the people here who keep them coming back. you are saying to folks out here they mean so much to you -- they are like family? >> sure, they are family to me >>reporter:right now, you have
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>> no, i won't ever wear one neither. you see my go to hell hat is what i will have when i retire to mecca must of course you force in on him. [ laughter] -- unless, of course, you force one on him. [laughter] >> that is the only way you're going to get a cowboy hat on him. >> that does go to prove if you love what you do, you do not work a day in your life. that is why i do this. >> right. that's the thing, it's not a job . it's just something you enjoyed doing. i always tell people if you ever wake up in the morning, and you are like i have to go to this place, 's time to find something else. >> that is good advice this morning.
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a great deal from our moneyman. we are halfway through the week, it is hump day. [ laughter] we love that. >> this hump day, you might need your rain jacket, boots, umbrella, little rain expected to come in. efran afante, what can for the rest of the day? we are going to be expecting periods of rain throughout the day. right now, rain has been falling through parts of the midlands. light showers, if it is getting down to the ground right now. just passing over lake murray to the north of lexington, into
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rain started moving through parts of central orangeburg county. nevertheless, we will be expecting some light rain throughout the day. columbia, and has not started raining yet, 49 degrees, the winds are calm. when the kids had out to the bus stop, even if it may not be raining this morning. we do expect a little bit of rain later on today. 49degrees at the bus stop, we are only looking at a high of 50 for degrees. not a big warm up, chances of the day. a chance for a sprinkle overnight tonight, 39 degrees for our low, and tomorrow, mostly cloudy skies only up to 49 degrees. we will still see another chance for some light rain as the winds start turning up from the north to the southwest of 5 miles per hour. road conditions right now, no accidents being reported on the interstates.
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past rosewood a little bit of traffic congestion and starting to build up as you're heading east towards i77. outside of that if you are you're traveling from i 26 unharvested boulevard to downtown, to 15 minutes, heading south on i 77 from to downtown. seven day seven-day forecast, and a beautiful we can forecast a few minutes. weekend. thank you. a look at our usa today headlines now, the feud between donald trump and fox news is his decision to skip the networks gop presidential debate on thursday. trump campaign confirmed the decision tuesday night saying instead, he will host an event in iowa to raise money for wounded veterans. in a statement, fox news says trump is still welcome to participate that the network will not accept any terrorized asians toward employees. the leaders of an armed group who took over federal wildlife refuge near burns
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now in police custody. they were arrested late last night following a traffic stop that ended in gunfire. authorities say one person who was wounded has died a milwaukee man is facing serious charges now for allegedly plotting a mass shooting at a masonic temple. 23-year-old hominid stands accused of illegally possessing machine guns and a silencer. they say they intercepted the plot after he discussed his plans with federal informants. continuing coverage this morning in richland county, a woman is behind bars accused of abusing a 91-year-old vulnerable adult. 59-year-old mariam reese, the victim's daughter notify deputies back in november that reese, who was the victim's income caregiver was abusing her mother. deputies say the abuse was caught on the victim's surveillance video equipment inside that home. reese is now in the richland county jail. and kershaw county,
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they say was drunk driving 111 miles an hour down i 20. he is 28-year-old terrence edwards, sheriff joe matthew says debbie saw a car going at a very high rate of speed around mile marker 90 inches between the white pond road and highway 601. they say he told the deputy he just came from a club in columbia. a passenger in the vehicle, 36- year-old bobby stuckey junior was also arrested after it was determined that he was wanted on three outstanding warrants. and the market for a new tv? >> lots of people are with the super bowl coming up. >> we have a lot of information no store want you to see. >> money man, matt granite has some big bargains for the big game. take a look. >>reporter:great to be with you before we get to the tv deals, here is what you need to know at you are reminded that black
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of the year for a deal. this year, however, is still the best super bowl on record with regards to sales. your average savings, $300. make sure wherever you shop has a price that's guaranteed with prices fluctuating. amazon has a 30 day guarantee they just posted were something like a top rated 32-inch tv is a hundred $49, at best buy a 42- inch tv is $280. free delivery in time for the game. my favorite tvs and some test for the big stream -- big stream bargains, >> that is a deal right there. $500 off the tv. >> that is one of those state- of-the-art tvs. >> you are really excited because matt granite tweeted at you. >> mad and i were going back and forth on twitter earlier this morning, he says his time on wltx, with us, is the best deal in town. >> i know he is not just saying that.
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deals, which seem to be a perfect time for the super bowl. you can watch the super bowl on wltx next sunday. go to our website we have all that information there for you. refugees in south carolina what lawmakers are considering. a closer look to the pros and cons of filming police. what lawmakers are considering. i just said that the weekend is going to get
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sunshine welcome back to news 19 on the someday!
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right now, radar shows a very light showers moving through the midlands. a little bit of light showers moving around from lexington to irma over lake murray into northern parts of columbia. some very light showers falling through orangeburg county. outside of that little bit more a little bit more up in newberry. we will be seeing periodic changes -- chances for showers as temperatures right now starting off relatively mild 48 orangeburg, 47 saint matthews, a trio of 50s when we go from camden, winnsboro, newberry, columbia at 49 degrees. there's our culvert right now over the upstate. as it moves through we will have chances all throughout the day today. highs today generally in the middle to upper 50s. as we go into this evening we will still continue with a chance for light showers as are
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be from the middle even upper 30s. as we get into tomorrow, will be a lot cooler, 49 degrees, still a chance for rain. once all of that clear so, a lot of sunshine. we are looking at temperatures to go from 58 on friday to 67 on sunday. it will be mostly cloudy on tuesday we are looking at a high of 70 degrees. as far as the roads are concerned, right now, no accidents are being reported but we do have report of some traffic congestion on highway 321 heading north for my 26 heading towards flint road, and then off i 26 as 26 is you are heading south on highway 321 over by fish hatchery row. if you are coming you're coming in for my 262 lake
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the airport to first we have the state of the union, then the state of the state, and last night columbia mayor, stephen benjamin, presented his date of the city address. during his speech he touched on several topics including unemployment numbers dropping, revitalization efforts across the capital city -- city and green initiatives to impair sanitation. he also took a moment to think the city for coming together during last october's historic floods. >> a disaster, like that, can bring out the worst in people. seen it before. but here, and columbia, south carolina, something amazing happened.
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a city of heroes. please stand, every first responder, every city employee, and every volunteer, every man, woman, and child who gave something of themselves. no matter how small. [applause] no matter how small, so that we as the city might rise above those troubled waters. stan, so we can say thank you to you. >> baer benjamin finished his speech by saying he is part of the work done so far to improve the city, and he says there's much more to come. at the statehouse today, a refugee resettlement bill is moving forward in the senate. tuesday, a senate subcommittee listen to testimony from people who are for and against the resettlement of refugees here in south carolina. senate bill 997 would take away state funding from refugee programs allow sled funding to track reregees and put civil liabilities on refugee
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senator kevin johnson voted against the bill but senators katrina shealy and lee bright voted for it. >> i do not want to assume liability what they do when they get here. i think it's going to be a big part. >> the public is concerned and they have a right to be concerned. when you see what happening over there we do not want that here in south carolina. >> i think this is the most absurd piece of legislation that i have been involved with in my short tenure here. >> the full senate general committee will hear the ill this morning at nine. so far 11 syrian refugees have been resettled in south carolina since last month. also in the senate, the bill has advance that specifically states people have right to film and photograph officers without threat or arrest. the judiciary committee approved the measure yesterday and is doing lots of attention on both sides of the issue. the current law says anyone can film as long as they are standing on public property. but this i would keep you from being intimidated by police while you were filming them.
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protects people from arrest. >> if you are in a place where you have a legal right to be, and that's in a public place and obviously in a private place where you have a right to be, as long as you do not hinder, obstruct as relates to a police officer. >> opponents argue that bystanders could get close to the scene. this bill comes after the death of an unarmed man in north chaucer master. former officer michael slater was charged with murder after bystanders video shows him firing several shots at walter scott. the upstate lawmaker who wanted journalists to have to register with the state, has now explained his bill. mike pettit filed a bill last week and of course it got immediate attention across the country. critics say it would be an unconstitutional restriction on the freedom of the press. he told reporters the bill was to call attention to what he sees as bias in the media
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and a recent event prompted it. >> the president's proclamation on registry, national registry on guns. i have not heard the press scream at all about that. and i sure as hell heard the press scream when it affected the first amendment rights. >> he said he never actually thought the bill had a chance but he thinks it's an important way to educate the public. a house subcommittee heard testimony from south carolinians passed. it would make it easier to modify the amount of money someone has to pay their ex- spouse after divorce. that would depend on the length of the marriage, changing financial circumstances and other factors rather than setting a fixed number to be paid forever. a few dozen people showed up to be heard by lawmakers. >> it's okay for one person to pay the other for the rest of their life, with absolutely no requirement that the payee do
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and, again, it's a gross injustice. >> because so many people showed up, everyone did not get a chance to speak. so lawmakers say another hearing will be scheduled on this issue very soon. before you head out the door, efran afante is checking for some trorole spots in your commute and has an update on your weather also, new headlines including more jobs in the palmetto state.
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thank you for waking up with us on news 19 this morning. >> let's get the right right to today's top stories in your midlands rundown. in june of 2013 brett parker of armonk was convicted and given to life sentences for the murder of his wife tammy and his friend brian. an illegal gambling operation that was run by parker and his dad jack and his business partner doug taylor. the men were found guilty in federal court in 2013 of gambling charges. the convictions were overthrown because it was determined by an appeals court that the prosecution failed to disclose evidence in a timely manner. after retrial, parker and taylor were found guilty for a second time. jurors deliberated for one hour before finding both men guilty a federal gambling charges. the defendants did not take the stand in this case. sentencing will take place in the next few weeks. richland up at his age up
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35-year-old matthew, deputies say he shoplifted electrical tools from three different home improvement stores. they say he stole two junkets from the home depot at the village at sandhill. if you know his whereabouts call crime stoppers 888-crime-sc we now have the name of the homicide suspect who died in a shooting monday near the va hospital in columbia. 42-year-old damon james was wanted for murdering his back in 2014. the coroner says it looks like he died from a self-inflicted this case is still under investigation and we do not know what led him to the midlanan or to byron happening today, child safety seat check taking place in lexington. you can go to the town of lexington municipal complex it starts in a little more than a half an hour at 7:30 a.m. until 9:30 a.m. people will be there to make sure your child safety seat is installed the right way. it is free to attend and you do
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appointment. a rally for school choice this morning at 10 o'clock on the statehouse steps. it's a continuation of the national school choice week january. the goal is to raise public awareness to everyone of the education options that parents have. today marks the grand opening of walmart neighborhood market on broad river road. it brings more than 100 new jobs to columbia. the store includes a full pharmacy, groceries, and a fuel station. the grand opening takes place this morning at 7:30 a.m. hundreds of employers travel to the university of south carolina today. the career and science engineering and technology fair will all run side-by-side at the columbia metropolitan convention center. the fair is an opportunity for students to find internships, co-ops and full-time positions. it also provides experience interacting with employers. it runs from noon until 4 p.m.
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hopeful donald trump will be in lexington county. he's making a stop at the harmon tree farm off highway one. the event is at 7 o'clock tonight it is free and open to the public. an important reminder today's the deadline to register to vote in the democratic presidential primary. if you have moved, make sure that you are ready to go by updating your registration. you also need to do that if you have moved from one county to another. you need to register in your new county by today to be eligible to vote. for a look at the roads let's check in with efran afante i 26, the headlights are heading eastbound as you are heading in between piney grove and saint anders. traffic has been picking up, fortunately no accidents or incidents reported on that thoroughfare. as you are heading into columb no issues on sunset boulevard. east towards west columbia as well as in casey as you're your heading north on 321. coming off garners ferry into downtown traffic is moving pretty good as well.
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picking up. very light rainfall has been moving through the midlands, and right now the area that is getting a little bit of sprinkles is now moving through parts of extreme northeastern richland county getting into parts of elgin, a little bit of light showers just to the south of orangeburg. outside of that, most of us do not have any rain falling. we do have a lot more rain that is coming out of georgia from central and southern portions. that is all heading our way. right now in columbia, 49 degrees, the winds or, with overcast skies we are watching the cold front as it makes its way through. we will be dealing with the rain all throughout the day and into tomorrow as well. when the kids get out of school today it will be mild 53 degrees with the shires -- showers likely. we are expecting a high today here in the midlands looking at 50 for degrees, with a chance of on-and-off showers all throughout the day and especially into the evening we could see more sprinkles. a low of 39 degrees, and then as we get into tomorrow afternoon we will have skies
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maybe a little peek of sunshine with a high of 49. lots of sunshine getting into friday with a high of 58. as we get into the weekend temperatures will start climbing from the middle to upper 60s with possibly even 70 degrees i tuesdada i was joking around yesterday. get a suntan lotion it is going to be quite a warm and sunny weekend. >> it seems like spring is going to be sprung. that's the beginning of next month. >> spring is in two months. >> mother nature is messing with us, a blizzard one day and then 70 degrees. >> someone told me that a woman has a right to change her mind. [laughter] >> thank you for joining us on news 19 this morning. for tweeting with us and being a part of our morning conversation. >> you continue that conversation with us, cbs this
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