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tv   News 19 5am  CBS  February 10, 2016 5:00am-6:00am EST

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hampshire primary and 3 news19 this's starting to feel a lot like winter as the temperatures will continue to drop today. 3 plus...the votes are in...who came out on top in new hampshire and where they will be campaining in the palmetto state today. 3 and the gonzales gardens housing complex is one step closer to closing.hear what the richland county council says about the demolition. news19 this morning starts right now. 3 3 3 good morning and thanks for waking up with news 19, i'm deon guillory and i'm 3 savannah levins..your time is ___ 3
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3 the focus of the 2016 presidential campaign now shifts to south carolina...following last night's new hampshire primary. voters handed victory to donald trump and bernie sanders...while john kasich broke away from the rest of the gop pack to claim second place. weijia jiang has the latest from manchester, new hampshire. 3
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3 3 now the focus shifts to the
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primary for both parties are less than 3 weeks away...but some voters still haven't made up their mindwe spoke with some people who say they aren't sure who to trust. others say they haven't found the candidate they most align with.and some have narrowed it down to two...but it could be primary day itself before some of these undecided voters make up their minds. i'm voting for because i'm not sure if they're just going to say that, so that when they get into office they might change their whole platform."i don't completely agree with anyone 100 percent. i agree with a lot of the points that two of the candidates have made, but i very strongly disagree with a couple of the points as well, ."> 3 following last nights results ... donald trump ... john kasich ... jeb bush ... ted cruz and marco rubio will take part in saturday night's gop debate in can see that 90 minute debate saturday night at 9......right here on news19.
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will be here in south carolina. jeb bush has an event planned today in the low country.donald trump and marco rubio .. have events planned for today in the upstate.and rubio is also visiting columbia today. ben carson will visit gaffney tomorrow. meanwhile, john kasich ... and chris christie have events in the lowcountry. but...because christie had a low showing last's unclear if he will continue his campaign. 3 franklin graham continues his 50-state decision america tour in atlanta this morning, but yesterday thousands turned up to the state house for a stop here in columbia.graham is touring the ahead of the presidential election with a message that a political party cannot turn the nation around, only god can.graham says to do this, people need to focus on picking a christian candiate who follows the bible.some say they agree and prayer needs to be welcomed back into america, but others say graham shouldn't only single out christians. 3 kelli morrison: "when we start out an election process like this in a posture of prayer
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these kinds of situations, i think it can get us on the right track."holli emore: "there are many, many religions not just in this country, but in our own community and we pray too. that's why we have the signs here, to remind people that we're all here together for reason and if we don't get along, we'll find ourselves in the kinds of violence that we see oversees." 3 graham spoke to the crowd saying they should vote for candidates with strong christian beliefs, whether it's for the president or a city council seat. 3 scholastic news is providing a kid's-eye view of the political process with 20 kids on assigment tracking the 2016 presidential candidates. julianna goldman caught up with these junior journalists on the campaign trail. 3 (vo boots walking in high school gym)you might think this is any other shoe leather reporter covering hillary clinton in new hampshire, but kaitlyn clark is just 11 years old.(nat pop) asking someone a question..(gfx in--4 box?)she's among the 20 on assignment for scholastic news, providing a kids-eye-view of the political
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year old gabe ferris has learned...sometimes you score the interview. (nat/pop ) (gabe ferris - 23:52:40 and 5:52) ) y should young voters vote for you, trump? trump answers--need to check audioand like the rest of us... sometimes you don't.sot: 4:25 governor kasich why should young voters vote for you? (kasich walks away) to cam: 4:50 it's just the nature of the beast. you're not going to get every interview so onto the next candidate(gfx in-- pic and blog/http://kpcn asich-meets-new-hampshire- voters)and anyway, gabe's colleague, maxwell surprenant, had already spoken with john kasich and filed a blog post.(gfx out)(sot maxwell) 10:06:40 there's lots of issues that affect kids: the environment, education, the economy, safety, health. **// that's one of the reasons i really like my job, is i get to tell other kids about that. **(vo of maxwell writing with pen and pad) scholastic has had a volunteer kids press corps since 2000. since then, the job has evolved. 10:24:23 max to kid: what are you interested in?they're juggling the multi-tasking demands of campaign coverage -- shooting videos, taking notes on iphones, and of course, tending to their twitter feeds (
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3 chat 3 3 the gonzales gardens housing complex is one step closer to closing.richland county council is looking to help the city of columbia by waiving demolition fees for the multi million dollar redevelopment project.but they are waiting to hear back from the city on exactly what they will do on their terms of financial commitment, how to handle the recycling of debris and the best way to relocate residents.county councilman seth rose says overall this will improve economic development in the city and county. 3 "one of the things that has been proposed is waiving the tipping fee so when the demolition is done obviously it would cost to put that in the landfill. the county owns a landfill and there's been a creative idea floated where we would forgive the fees to go into the landfill.i think this
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revitalize this area." 3 the county is waiting to hear back from the city before moving forward.those fees could cost the city 500 thousand dollars if they're not waived by richland county. 3 3 south carolina g-o-p elected leaders head university of today. they will talk about immigration reform and its importance on the presidential campaign.the discussion will begin at six tonight in the russell house theater on greene street.katon dawson, former chairmananf the south carolina republican party, will moderate the forum. 3 today and tomorrow, if you see some smoke near the peachtree rock preserve in lexington don't be alarmed. we're told a controlled burn is taking place and is expected to begin around 11 a.m. each day, with the fire reaching peak intensity in the late afternoon. approximately 12 to 15 fire fighters will be on-site guiding the blaze. 3 the city of columbia will hold an open house for neighbors and businesses today. the goal is to learn about updates on the north main
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project.the open house will take place at the earlewood park community center on parkside drive at five thirty this evening.if you have questions, this is the place to get them answered. 3 also happening today..the usc men's basketball team will face off against lsu tonight at the colonial life arena the men are currently 7 and 3...and lsu is 8-2.if the gamecocks win...they take over 1st place in the sec. tip off for tonight's game is at 7pm. 3 we're just getting started here on news 19 this morning... snow in the actually happened although many of you did not see it. efren will let us know if warmer weather will come anytime soon. 3 plus...scoring the second date. where experts say you should take your first date and what you should order.
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3 it's getting cold outside and some parts of the midlands saw some isolated flurries. including parts of fairfield county....this is video taken from one of our viewers who saw snow!but none of it stuck to the ground.3 chat
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3 painkillers and pregnancy-- new research shows they do not mix-what it could mean for baby ahead at 5:30.but first the smartest city in the midlands. the town making the
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3 according to a new report... forest acres and lexington are two of the smartest cities in south carolina. zippia published the was based on criteria like the high school dropout rate and adults with at least a high school degree for each city. forest acres has a population of just over 10-thousand a dropout rate of only point-6% ..lexingtons population is 19- thousand and they have a dropout rate of 4 percent.the
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south 3 carolina was tega 3 valentine's day is right around the corner and if you need a good place to take your date to....take them out to sushi. a new "singles" study from match-dot com says if you want to guarantee a second date - go get sushi.the site says couples who went to a sushi restaurant on the first date were 107 percent more likely to score a a cond date. and if you order a cocktail, not beer or wine, the site says your chances of a second
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3 3 after closing it's stores for a few hours on monday...chipot le wanted to earn back some goodwill with people so the company offered a free burrito to anyone who texted "raincheck to 888-222 from 11am until 6pm. but if you add an extra 2 to that number you get the cell phone of d.c. are lawyer henry levine. so levine got dozens of texts from people he didn't know demanding a free burrito. eventually, he learned about the promotion and has been responding to most of the texts to tell the person they have the wrong one point, levine even went to a
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show the manager what was happening.according to chipotle is aware of the mix-up and 3 henry levine will get some gift cards for his troubles. chat3 3 our next president is making their way to the palmetto state after campaigning in new less than 4 minutes, which presidential candidate came out on top and
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something is just fundamentally broken when african americans are more likely to be arrested by police, and sentenced to longer prison terms, for doing the same thing that whites do. ...when too many encounters with law enforcement end tragically. we need investments in education, health care and jobs, to counter generations of neglect. we have to face up to the hard truth of injustice and systemic racism. i'm hillary clinton,
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3 3 3 3 the votes have been counted and the voters hampshire have spoken.good morning and thanks for joining us on news19 this i'm deon guillory.and i'm levins. the results went as many expected in new both parties. 3 3 on the republican side ... donald trump is the winner ...getting more than 30 percent of the vote....he had a double digit lead over the second place winner.if there was a was that ohio governor...john kasich....came in second.and a 6th place finish has caused new jersey governor chris christie to cancel his plans to campaign here today. he's says he's going home to
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the democratic side ... bernie sanders won with more than 60 percent of vote.both men addressed their supporters late tonight saying this is only the beginning and the win shows people are ready for something new in washington. 3 harness the energy we need to succeed in november.3 now the focus shifts to south carolina and several candidates heading to the palmetto state today. 3 jeb bush has an event planned today in the low country. donald trump and marco rubio .. have events planned for
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is also visiting columbia 3 today. 3 3
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3 3 3 more trouble could be in store for our state's already poor road system.state department of transportation head... christy hall.... spoke in front of lawmakers yesterday and said if they don't start
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soon ... it will cost more to rebuild them later.hall gave an example in spartanburg county ....where the highway was so bad that it had to be completely redone.senators had some tough questions for the d-o-t. 3 3 senator hugh leatherman says he wants senators to have as
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before discussion begins on the senate floor about getting more money to the state's highways. 3 south carolina has sued the federal government over an unfinished project to covert nuclear weapons components into reactor fuel.the lawsuit says the government acted unconstitutionally by missing a january first deadline to complete the project.the project is years behind schedule and billions over budget. federal officials declinded to comment on the lawsuit. 3 the director of the state public safety department appears headed to another four year on the job....that's because the senate judiciary committee voted to advance leroy smith's confirmation. senators praised smith's leadership last year during the debate over removing the confederate flag from statehouse grounds.however there are concerns that the highway patrol can't keep troopers and smith says he's working to fix low pay. 3 3 36 rescues in 36 hours. that's what lugoff fire department personnel had to accomplish
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news 19 mary sturgill sat down with two of the rescuers....who had just received their swift water 3 rescue training only 11 months before they really needed it. 3 "nats of rushing water from rescue " dark waters rushing " it sounded like a jet coming past you. " but cutting through the night- cries for help. " she was on the car haning on the rim upside down and you can only see her head. " captain michael stanfield had to swim the 200 yards to reach the stranded woman on pine grove road. "the gush of water hit us in the face and she panicked and she grabbed me on my neck oh mu gosh i'm gonna die becasue if she don't let go of me i'm going under... so i ended up having to grab her hand and twist it and when i di that that;s when i felt the pop. "stanfield injured his shoulder... they went under water three more times. tethered on the shore was leuitenent gavin locklear who was leading the team. "all i could hear was people hollaring. i couldn't see him because it was so long of a swim. " minutes ticked by as rescuers fought more than the currant. " i felt like the weight of that truck had been lifted off my shoulders.. when
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thought was now i got to get him back so now i am gonna have to pull two people back by myself. " but with the help of riggers. stanfield and the woman were pulled to safety... "instinct and with the lords help. i got her " and if they hadn't been there that night... "oh she would have perished.i don't even see how she did it. there was no way she could hang onto that car as long as she did. " as for captain stanfield and the other rescuers.... " i'm thankful that i am still here with my family." "just looking back on that scene it was hard. very difficult and the only thing i think about is my guys bringing them home
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3 3 the fire deparment approved swift water training for 10 more firefighters ... and replacement for the equipment they lost that night... they will also get additional equipment they need... so they are better prepared for the next rescue. 3 3 the justice department is suing three liberty tax service franchises in columbia for preparing false federal income tax returns. all three franchises are owned by christopher paul haynes of irmo. a lawsuit filed yesterday says haynes and his employees prepared tax returns that included mis-statements to allow customers to receive inflated tax returns and larger earned income tax credit.haynes is also accused of not reporting the wages he pays some of his employees to the i-r-s. 3 we're on your side with a furniture recall from ikea. they are recalling 840- thousand of ceiling lamps because of a risk that the glass shades might fall and injure people.ikea has been
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its markets since 2002 and the "hyby" models since 2012.they are urging all buyers of the two ceiling lamps to immediately return them to an ikea store for a full refund. they say no receipt is necessary. 3 3 a new study from yale finds patients who go to veterans affairs hospitals for a heart attack, heart failure or pneumonia have lower death rates compared to patients who go to non-va hospitals. but the searchers found the readmission rates were higher at the va hospitals. 3 there new evidence that taking painkillers during pregnancy increases the risk of the baby developing asthma as a child. researchers in norway and england found a consistent link between children having asthma at age three and having been exposed to painkillers during pregnancy. 3 the number of zika virus cases in the u-s is on the rise. overnight, health
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in americans who have traveled to zika-stricken countries. don champion has the latest
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3 president obama recently asked congress for more than 1 point 8 billion dollars in emergency funding to respond to the zika virus. 3 high honors for a midlands teacher- her golden award in school watch.sports news ahead including how basketball star seventh woods is playing after an injury. 3 plus...sme of you in the
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yeserday... efn afante tells us how long the freeze will last and what you need to have
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if you're doing everything right but find it harder and harder to get by, you're not alone. while our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1%. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message because together, we can make a political revolution and create an economy and democracy that works for all
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the leading cough liquid only provides relief for four hours, but did you know there's a product that lasts for twelve hours? try delsym twelve hour cough liquid. its advanced formula works by immediately releasing powerful medicine that acts fast while its extended release medicine lasts for 12 hours. in fact, delsym lasts three times longer than the leading cough liquid. for all day or all night relief, try delsym -the #1 doctor recommended 12 hour cough liquid.
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3 today is ash wednesday which means lent officially starts today. and last night marked the end of mardi gras. thousands of people braved the cold and lined the streets in new orleans last night to celebrate fat tuesday. but at midnight police marched the
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goers to put an official 3 end to the fun. chat
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3 3 a midlands teacher was honored with a national award lexington middle school kimberly freeman was surprised in front of her entire school with what people call the oscar of teaching! news 19 janae frazier shows us more..
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cheers rang out at lexington middle school when it was announced that world language teacher kimberly freeman received a milken educator award "nats of freeman at podium: strongly believe that these guys in this room are the backbone of democracy, they e the backbone of our future and that every single one of them matters." " the award is always a surprise.. you can apply and you can be nominated. the organization finds you and gives you 25-thousand dollars!! " kimberly freeman 22:04 really really humbled."" a humble spirit but it's easy to see why she was chosen "freeman: " the profession where you can touch lives of so many different people and so many walks of life, and help them realize that there a world bigger than themselves and so i think it just super honoring that i get to wake up and do that every day. 23:28 " and her students are glad she does.... "everett fowler, 8th grade 33:01 i just love her energy and creativity in the classroom. she just always happy, and she always make us feel like we can just be ourselves. 33:09 " freeman says she thought she would be a lawyer... but after taking an education class... it was clear that teaching was the way she would change the world.. "24:17 and it helped me see that if i really wanted to be on the frontlines fighting injustice, this is the place to do it. 24:22 " a belief and a passion that has propelled her into the national spotlight ""...there are a lot of children that walk into classrooms every day wearing baggage that i can imagine as a grown adult, and they shake it at the door and they
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love and they do it so beautifully and it just reminds me that even on my worst day, i can conquer things that might seem insurmountable .....25:59"reporter janae frazier. news 19. wltx.3 3 the path to the white house stops in south carolina-- at 6 am, the undecided vote and what many of you say it will take to win you over. first, a new sports craze that's "popping" off-- the story
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