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tv   News 19 5am  CBS  February 17, 2016 5:00am-6:00am EST

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what we 3 can expect to see today weather wise...good morning efren. 3 3
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3 3 we're now just 3 days before the republican primary and candidates continue their campaigning in our state today. first, ben carson will make a stop to cromer's popcorn and anuts in columbia at 9am. he will then hold a veterans roundtable discussion at the v-f-w located on south beltline boulevard at 10:30. 3 florida senator marco rubio will be campaign in chapin tonight. he'll be holding a town hall event located on east boundary street. that takes place at 6pm. 3 gop front runner donald trump will hold two events this evening. the first will be a rally in walterboro from 5 until 6pm. then he will make his way to sumter where he'll be speaking at the county's civic center. the event is scheduled for 7pm. 3 governor nikki haley has not said who she will endorse. while she continues to think over the decision ... haley was pretty up front about who she would *** not ***
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say that, yeah 3 the governor also says she's weighing whether an endorsement is really important or not. 3 an auditorium full of students and community members met at the university of south carolina tuesday for a discussion on the presidentials primaries in our state. there...political journalists discussed the many aspects of the presidential primaries...specifically though...why winning the palmetto state is such an important factor for winning the nomination.news19's chuck ringwalt has the story. 3 "i was just really wondering what is this going to be
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south carolina.she's one of the many who wanted to learn more about the south carolina primary, specifically why our indication for who will ultimately win the gop nomination.among the four was of the atlantic and senior political analyst for cnn. "south carolina, historically has been the decider in the republican presidential primary process because south carolin areally is a blend of both ends of the republican electoral coalition in a way that iowa and new hampshire are not."the panel went on to answer questions from the of those questions lead to a discussion on governor nikki haley and how she may play a key role. "nikki haley is one of if not the most popular repbulicans in the state and so if she decides to throw weight behind one of the candidates, i think all of the campaigns would think that would be a very big deal."and whether or not she may be considered as a vice presidential choice by the candidates. "it's hard to imagine a scenario where governor haley is not part of that conversation, particularly is democrats nominate hilary clinton. it's hard to imagine...really any of the possible choices. you go through the list: trump, cruz, rubio, bush, kasich, all of the them i think would at least have to consider her seriously."brownstein also discussed how the playing field might look "after" south carolina...assuming current polls equate to the final republican primary results. "after south carolina, there is going to be enormous pressure on whoever finishes at the bottom of that group whether it's rubio or bush to get out. "the republican primary is saturday and news19
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columbia chuck ringwalt news19 wltx. 3 3 for all things related to the sc primary... just head to our website... wltx dot com... and click on sc primaries:full coverage under headlines.keep in mind you can only vote in one primary. 3 3 state senators will talk about roads again today....and how to pay for repairs.the proposal getting the most attention would raise the gas
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three years and increase or add a number of other fees. that should bring more than 700 million dollars extra over five years ... but it only cuts income and other taxes by 400 million dollars over that period. 3 a resolution in the senate would honor the nine victims gunned down in charelston church last summer ... by declaring june 17-th as mother emanuel nine day.the resolution states the community instead "responded by an outpouring of love and unity."the house approved the resolution three weeks ago. roof's trial on state charges starts in july ... with the state seeking the death penalty. 3 3 a hearing in fairfield will continue today at the dhec headquarters over a permit quarry in the county. concerned residents spent more than 9 hours yesterday testifying before the sc mining council.residents explained why they don't want winnsboro crushed stone building a quarry in the middlesix area. the major concerns were how the mine would affect their water, air
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rneys for dhec and winnsboro crushed stone said residents had no specific data showing that the quarry would have a negative impact on their quality of life. 3 3 attorneys for dhec and winnsboro crushed stone did not comment. 3 columbia leaders have voted to stop moving money out of the water and sewer systems... to pay for other city services. with a 5-0 vote last council decided to end the practice june 30th.
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and sewage was transfered to other agencies...including public safety.the decision also includes a promise not to cut columbia's public safety budget.mayor steve benjaimin says it was important to stop the practice make the city better. 3 it's going help us become the city that we want to be. 3 the move by city council comes 5 months after the state supreme court questioned if the practice was legal.
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changes are being made after a bus broke down for hours and parents were never told. special needs students spent up to six hours monday on a bus without food, water, or access to bathrooms.the district says many circumstances led to the extreme delay, including the first replacement bus not having a working wheelchair ramp.shakerra wiley says by the time her son, who has autism, arrived home, he was soaking wet and confused. superintendent dr. frank baker admits the district did not do a good job communicating the issue. 3 shakerra wiley: "the only thing that was running through my head is my child is missing, did somebody pick him up or did he get dropped off at the wrong stop because they have a substitute bus driver. i couldn't get nobody so the only thing i could do was just call the police."dr. baker: "they should have been notified. the sub driver did not have the parent list to notify them and that, of course, is being addressed so
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new steps in place to make sure families will always be notified of any future issues and won't be kept waiting.he says the general assembly now needs to fully fund the state- owned buses so they can be kept in better condition and replaced. 3 3 today is national random act of kindess day and throughout the morning show be bringing you stories of random acts...our first story comes from massachusets..where a woman's generosity.. is inspiring others to do good. she's a single mother, won two hundred dollars on a scratch off ticket.but she herself or her family. here's her story.
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3 chat & tease random act of kindess with deon3 3 coming up in whats bewing...lots of people loved lady gaga's grammy reformance honoring the late david bowie... but someone very close to bowie sends an interesting message of dissaproval. 3 but first....efren afante has your full weather forecast and will tell us when we can expect warm, sunny temperatures...and how long it wills stick around. that's
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if you're doing everything right but find it harder and harder to get by, you're not alone. while our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1%. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message because together, we can make a political revolution and create an economy and democracy that works for all
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3 still to come this morning...lay's chips is asking for your opinion and it could make you rich...we'll
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brewing...after the break.3 on monday, viewers of the 58th annual grammy awards witnessed a parade of tributes to music's supernovas. yet the most sweeping performance of the night was lady gaga's homage to the inimitable david bowie.but one viewer didn seem too gaga about the spirited tribute: bowie son. in a message posted late
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overexcited or irrational, typically as a result of infatuation or excessive enthusiasm; mentally confused.damn it! what is that word!?and that is the 3 oxford english dictionary definition of the word, "gaga." chat 3 - 3 this is a true ory - neighbors in montana called
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"screaming about someone having a gun."well....somebody "did" have a gun on -- on tv-- when great falls police got to the house...they heard some loud talking inside and saw some flashing lights but nothing too suspicious.they peeked through a window and saw two adults and some kids just watching tv...they found out later it was the walking dead and everybody was ok.chat3
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thousand dollars? all you have to do is select your favorite potato chip in the lay's flavor swap challenge.lay's is pitting eight flavors against each other...4 new flavors are pitted against 4 tried and true potato chip flavors across four categoriesbq, spice, cheese and heat.the chips that get the most votes in each category will hit the shelves the others will go away.the online voting is open from now through march 21st on lay's website.each day, someone could win $1,000 in
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$250,000. chat3 3 theres much more to come on news 19 this morning...includ ing some major health mistakes you're making before you even walk out the door every morning...that story and much more, after the break.
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let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together [ cheering ] i've got some real estate here in my bag counting the cars on the new jersey turnpike they've all come to look for america [ cheers and applause ] all come to look for america all come to look for america all come to look for america
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3 in evidence is being examined in the walter scott murder case. last week, attorneys for michael slager filed a motion asking for swabs from the former north charleston officer's taser to be sent back to an investigator they hired after sled was allowed to take a look at new evidence found. yesterday a judge said he is giving a forensics investigator extra time to
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is charged with killing scott during a traffic stop in april. he is now out on bond. 3 new numbers show there are more than 5-thousand homeless people in south carolina. this morning, a new program is helping them find jobs.the department of employment and workforce is partnering up with "transitions" for the back to work's a 5 week boot -camp meant to help people not only find jobs... but keep them.out of 19 people who graduated last year, 14 got jobs in december. now 22 more people will start the journey back to work 3 the mentoring is the best part you have a one on one job coach they help you do the resume they teach you the basic skills of how to dress for an interview, how to conduct an interview all that stuff is just wonderful 3 the department plans to continue the program every 6 to 8 weeks. right now the program is only for people in transitions but they hope to
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3 low-income moms-to-be ... will be getting help to make sure their children are as healthy as possible. governor haley announced yesterda... the state is expanding a program that helps women who are pregnant ... and new moms. robert kittle
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3 3 3 this is a public-private partnership.the state is putting in about 13-million dollars of medicaid money.
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lead levels found in the water of some homes in lexington county...and 28 other subdivisions across the state. one of those companies that tested their customers water under dhec standards.... was carolina water service. out of the 52 subdivisions tested, carolina water found 7 homes with elevated levels of lead. after going back and retesting those homes though, they say the results came back below the epa action level. although this was common in older homes with copper pipes, the water service says it's good practice for everyone to run their water for 15-30 seconds before flush out the
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3 after comparing water samples from home faucets to water from the source, c-w-s says that the source itself was not contaminated with lead. 3 3 if you drive cross some bridges in columbia, you may notice trash in and along the streams and creeks.but this trash isn't just an eyesore, it could be an ecological problem.bill stangler is the congaree riverkeeper he is concerned about the natural leftover debris that could cause more flooding, but is also worried about water quality issues after the flood. 3 "we saw some terrible things being washed around, we saw dumpsters and porta-potties" "things like paint, household cleaners, pesticides and fertilizers. a lot of that stuff got washed out of people's homes and out of businesses and into our streams and creeks."-- ***savannah****3 **cont vo***stangler says one of the constraints - is he has to do most of the cleanups on
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there are private property owners that need help, the congaree riverkeeper is willing to help. 3 the city of columbia's office of business opportunities is offering loan assistance to small businesses affected by the flood. to qualify, businesses must be located in columbia..they must have applied to fema and must have been in business for at least two years.borrowers are eligible for up to $10,000.the deadline to apply for funding is *today. funds will be given out in march. 3 3 misuse of the stimulant adderall and related emergency room visits are up dramatically among young adults. that according to a new study from johns hopkins. researchers found the problem is mainly 18-to-25 year olds who take adderall without a prescription often getting the drug from family and friends. 3 u.s. task force says there isn enough evidence to recommend screening for autism spectrum disorders in young
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services task force looked at children a year and a half to two and a half years old who did not have any concerns raised by family members, caregivers or doctors. the panel found no direct evidence that screening would benefit those children. 3 changes in gut bacteria could be an early indicator of type 2 diabetes. researchers in south korea observed changes in the microorganisms before any symptoms of type 2 diabetes developed. they say this discovery might be useful for early diagnosis and treatment. 3 you listen to advice and think you do what's healthy for your body in the morning but there are certain things that experts say can make your morning even more productive.
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3 chat3 3 still ahead on news 19 this morning...national random acts of kindness day continues. we'll let you know how one phone call changed the lives of an elderly couple. 3 plus...temperatures are warming up making this weekend a great time to get outdoors. efren afante will have your full forecast next.
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3 today is national random act of kindess day and throughout the morning show be bringing you stories of random acts... an oklahoma city area mail carrier is bragging about a huge act of kindness by a local business an elderly couple on her mail route lost power and they were struggling with the cold...and to a stranger that saved the
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has been crowned top dog at the 140th westminster dog show. jamie yuccas is at the event in new york city and she takes us backstage.
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3 cj grandmother won best in show in 2005. valerie nunes- atkinson is the first breeder, owner, and handler to win in more than 30 years.chat3 3 and while dogs at westminster have been crowned, we have a pet at the columbia animal shelter who's trying to win your anne bonnie!she is a two year old
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mixbonnie loves to play and is very affectionate and energetic.she has been spayed and micro-chippedyou can adopt her today at the columbia animal shelter. 3 coming up next...only three days left until the g-o-p debate. we'll let you know which candidates are around
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we are waking up to cooler temperatures but the warmup is in store with even more sunshine making a big return.


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