tv Today NBC January 7, 2016 10:00am-11:00am EST
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i'll be strong this is my fight song >> rachel is here. she's going to sing her new single for us. this is thirsty thursday. she worked 15 years in this business and she never gave up until she got her first hit. i love that. don't mess with my dreams. >> she's going to sing a song for the very first time right here on our show. we honored she chose us. >> two southern women made their way up north to our plaza to freeze their buns off. one is celebrating a birthday. the other is on a girl's trip. they're going back to their hometowns with hot new makeovers. >> our girl bobbie thomas is going to find out how old your stuff is. get it off the shelves. >> did she get some of your stuff? >> i hope not.
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>> she said she wouldn't touch it. >> health risk. it's a health risk. >> just put gloves on, apparently it's fine. >> apparently something on the other day was the people's choice awards. >> jane lynch was hosting. >> it's fun to look at fashions. this is the pregolden globe. >> i guess it's the first award show of the actual award season. >> all right. so anyway, here's some of the fashions we picked out. >> did we match today? >> we tried. >> you're almost book tour. this is a little messy. >> we apologize. >> ellen degeneres and portia de rossi looked elegant in black and white. >> ellen won favorite humanitarian award and favorite day time tv host. >> wait, we didn't win that? >> no. >> kate hudson looked great in the white strapless jump suit. >> a beautiful melissa mccarthy in fun sequined pants. >> she's trimming down. >> it takes courage for anybody for her. >> look at meghan trainor.
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>> those are shorts? it looks like a skort. >> no, i think it's a short dress. >> okay. apparently there was an altercation. i love that word. >> well, okay, so "the talk" the cast from "the talk" won the people's choice award and some guy rushed the stage and decided it was going to be his moment. >> we think ourselves as kind of the oddballs of tv or we say we're like a motley crew. >> shoutout to kevin's new album -- >> huh-uh, that ain't going to happen up here. you ain't going to pull no steve harvey up in here. no, sir. security. >> he ate up all their time. >> sharon really did kick him. >> let's follow that, shall we? how about, why did she say steve harvey? who's steve harvey? you're pulling a steve harvey.
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>> right. >> leave steve harvey alone. >> by the way, i want to -- i meant to tweet him and it -- life got away from me. good for steve harvey. he handled it perfectly. he's such a class guy. he's such a good guy. >> we love him. >> we do. >> we have steve harvey today. >> yeah, any day now. any moment. now, let's see. we had sonya here. sonya is our brow lady. she's the best brow person in the world. and she now comes -- when she used to just come and do my eyebrows and yours and christine christine's, now she does the entire "today" show. everybody just lines up for sonya to do their brows. >> here's a question what about the boys. >> all right, well. >> she's been doing our boys for a long time. >> she has? >> yes, matt. >> she does matt's eyebrows? >> she sure does. >> i had no idea matt groomed his eyebrows.
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sonya's last name. vunsac. something like that. she just added a men's only bar at her brow bar in manhattan. she's got a distinctive man vibe. men care just as much about their grooming. many of them do as we do. and we're just happy for her. she is just a sweet woman. >> for the first time i'm looking at the brows of our crew. i never was looking at that portion. >> and if you guys -- she did jimmy. >> you guys look good. >> okay. all right. >> somebody doesn't need -- >> look at davey, davey's are perfect. ah, yes, beautiful. >> it's a private little room. men who are a little embarrassed by it can go in there and get their main scape n-scaping done in private. it's a big thing in "the new york times" today, so that's why we're mentioning it. >> prince george, he had his first day of nursery school.
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official photographer, which is the way they usually do it, kate snapped a couple of pics. looked like every other kid. he's going to the west acre mont cary school. i guess he's with kids as old as 5. they say the school costs 50 bucks a day. which i think is a good deal. because that's $250 a week. >> i think they can afford it. >> that's $1,000 a month. $12,000 a year. >> on that subject, would you like me to take the painting off your hands that cost you $6,000 to keep in storage? present? >> yes. >> that i put it. >> moishes storage. you want me to go to moish. >> no, they'll bring it. you don't have to go to moishes. does that mean i don't have to pay the 80 bucks a month? >> yes, i already have a ton of stuff. it will go into a place i already have. >> okay.
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you can sell the painting. >> i am never going to sell that pointing. >> you have to sell it. you know you hate it. >> i don't hate it. it's too big for my apartment. it's of new orleans. i love it. i just don't remember what it looks like right now. i really don't remember. but i know it was pretty. >> all right, we'll work that out this year. we'll give you another year to keep paying it. there's a sprinter who's apparently unbelievable. this woman apparently can do things you've never seen. >> when you work out, think things. i know it is for me. this is a two-time norwegian olympic sprinter. her name is azinni azin. >> something like that. >> she does a stair climb that will blow your mind. >> look at that. >> oh, my gosh! >> is this real? >> oh, she goes over that one. then she keeps going. >> oh, my gosh!
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>> it's even more amazing i think when it's actual time. you know how little time you have to set yourself again and do -- unbelievable. >> look at rachel. look at rachel. can you believe what was just happening there? >> you can hold a note, you know, for a long time but that -- >> is that impressive? >> way more impressive. >> that's called impressive. >> that's called girl power, baby. >> good for her. >> don't try that at home. >> no, don't. >> or even a stadium. >> no, don't, because it won't work out. >> no. >> no, it won't. >> most people have trouble walking up the steps. they'll take one foot, put it on -- they won't even go that way, you know, they make sure. >> all right so what is more handsome than a good looking guy walking down the street? >> with a dog. >> a good looking guy walking down the street with a dog. >> the only thing that's better is if he also has a baby in a bjorn. >> ah, but then you know you can't -- you can't have that. >> ah, yes. scratch the baby. >> okay. >> good chance he's divorced
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so, you know, it's worth a try. but i think there's nothing sexier than saying a man with his children. >> you're right, i love that. >> if there's a dog present, how perfect. >> they say that dogs change the game. a study says the roles of pet dogs and cats in human courtship and dating. they talk about the dudes with dogs seem to be more responsible and caring. they feel like they know how to take care of something other than themselves. >> themselves. uh-huh. the trouble with it is say you fall in love with a guy because you meet him, and he's got his dog and then you get together and then the dog becomes community property. then you break up. i'm thinking this through. >> oh, no. >> then, does he get the dog because he owned the dog first or do you go to court to get the dog you've fallen in love with? >> this is the most depressing turn. >> i'm just trying to run out the clock so we don't have time for i-hoda. >> oh! all right. so a woman i love named ingrid mickelson -- >> yes, she's great. >> she has a song that's called
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it's bouncy, it's happy, and i thought i would do it. >> i like her music. >> i know you do. let's take a listen. little romance. you're in the mood for love you're in the mood to dance >> cute. >> you're in the mood for a little romance you're in the mood for love >> she's got a little bop. >> see. >> that's exactly right. there might be a little harmony on the chorus now coming up. >> how do you know? >> 50 years on this show. >> oh, excellent. >> i think she's just -- >> they'll bring in more instruments. of course. yep. >> how did you know? >> because that's the way you build a song. it's like love making. you build it up.
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until it's over. >> all right, hoda. >> you can listen to us on sirius xm channel 108. >> and now the book tour continues. where can people come see you? >> thanks to everybody who came to the 92nd street y last night. andy cohen was there. >> and then -- >> i'll be in florida. >> okay, we'll talk about that tomorrow. >> and wait until you see our ambush makeovers. >> "fight song" singer rachel. she's going to perform for us live! the flu virus hits big. with aches, chills, and fever, there's no such thing as a little flu. and it needs a big solution: an antiviral. so when the flu hits, call your doctor right away and up the ante with antiviral tamiflu.
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attacks the flu virus at its source and helps stop it from spreading in the body. tamiflu is fda approved to treat the flu in people two weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu, tell your doctor pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. anti-flu? go antiviral with tamiflu. eat up, buddy. you'll get it this time. yeah ok not too quick don't let go until i say so. i got you... start strong with the lasting energy of 100% you're doing it! whole grain quaker oats. and off you go.
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people are both soft and strong, which is why our products are too. and we believe in value, so we give you 60% more sheets than charmin ultra strong. angel soft. be soft. be strong. bleeding gums? you may think it's a result of brushing too hard. it's not. it's a sign of early gum disease which you can help reverse by using listerine added to your brushing routine listerine kills up to 99.9% of germs and helps reverse early gum
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listerine power to your mouth also try listerine floss. it's advanced technology removes more plaque. there's something to be said for exploring the world around you. for seeking out the new; for trying the untried; for doing the undone. why should snacking be any different? discover all nine flavors of our creamy cheese and tap into your curiosity. the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. so many cds, you can't even imagine. that's the current single called "stand by you" from rachel platten. >> of course last year we rocked
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which has become an anthem for so many people. she has more than 100 million streams on spotify. >> now a brand-new cd called "wildfire." >> we're so happy for you. >> she's one of the good girls. >> she is. >> you guys are so sweet. >> we love your music. for me and hoda to agree on music, it is a miracle. >> we've enjoyed your journey. we would have heard by now. there would be stories. >> it took 15 years for you to really have the breakout hit. is there a voice in your head saying you know what, there's a reason i'm not getting traction, maybe there isn't the right path for me? >> i don't know if i ever
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it was too loud in my heart. i did a lot of charity with music. i got to see the impact it would have with one on one. i'm like, who am i to say it's not enough? >> it's not somebody's critique of your work. >> that's enough, you know. >> it wasn't like, oh -- >> it took a while to get that. >> it was -- >> awful. >> the chorus came really easily. it felt like, i don't know, but write. >> how come i wonder. message. it was the whole story. it was the thing about getting out the feelings that were hard to say and hard to admit. i don't know. it was really tough. >> i love the story, you were down in lower manhattan and you looked out, you looked -- tell cool. >> well, finally, one night, the right verse came to me.
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i was looking out on the hudson and i said like a small boat on the hudson. that was the original word. i changed it to ocean. >> because the waves -- >> the tug boat was going and there was these ripples coming away from the tug boat and it was making a huge impact. >> this little boat. >> what that song has meant to people. >> i want you to write a song called "tug boat." not hudson. it's been done. tug boat. for children. a little children's song. >> when you watch what your song -- this song is so impactful to young kids who are ill, to grown-ups, to people trying to overcome something. can you believe, when it came out of you, did you think, this is an anthem, like, i'vemanager did, right? >> i was scarred from the years of not making it and rejection. yes, somewhere deep inside, there was a belief that, you know what, this could help people. >> well, now you're on the "wildfire." you have your own tour bus, it's so exciting.
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>> you know, you're not in the van anymore. >> so many years in the van. i'm psyched about the bus. >> oh, that is so awesome. we are truly, truly happy for you, sweetie. we're so excited she's going to sing for us. >> yes. >> you have 40 minutes, okay. >> she can do it. >> we'll see you later in the show. >> you're going to sing "speechless" for us, right? we love you too. bobbie's buzzing with a checkup for your makeup. >> and you've seen their ambush makeovers. pepper discovers a wholesome breakfast with jimmy dean delights, made with real egg whites, lean cut meats, and whole grains. an excellent source of protein, it's a delicious way to fuel up on energy to help power through her morning run. which motivates these bikers to pedal faster, and inspires ted to land that front-side ollie. which delights everyone,
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mornings lead to great days. shine on. clorox knows a lot of dusters just push dust around. clorox dust wipes have the power to grab and hold on to dust, allergens, and even hair, all with just one wipe. i wish i had this much hair. can't help you there. real dusting. for your real life. [ scanner beeping ] sir, could you step aside? "sir"? come on. you know who i am. progressive insurance? uh, i save people an average of over $500 when they switch? did you pack your own bags? oh! right -- the name your price tool. it shows people policy options to help fit their budget. [ scanner warbling ] crazy that a big shot like me would pack his own bags, right? [ chuckles ] so, do i have the right to remain handsome? [ chuckles ] wait. uh-oh. not yet. not yet!
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means it's time for bobbie's buzz. since this is the first one of the new year, "today" bobby style editor bobbie thomas wants you to empty out your beauty bags because she has a checkup for your makeup. >> i think it's really important, this is a great time of year to do that. let's start right away with something that can be confusing. get to know your packaging. the label information specifically. >> nobody reads it, do they? >> no, but if there's an expiration date, use that. find. it looks like a jar. >> which must mean six months. >> that's the period after opening. so after you open it, you'll want to use that as a general rule. >> in six months? >> that's the other thing, if you can't find that, you can also go online to our website because i have listed a checkup app and there's a website you can type in the batch code and they can tell you. >> you're not going to remember, when did i buy that mascara. you don't -- >> exactly. there's a really great app that
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can organize them in there. and it's great. it's fresh tag. it will give you an alert. >> something like this, and you wonder why you're breaking out. you know. >> oh, is that what happens? >> what do you think about mascara? >> i don't know, a year. months. it's around your eyes. three months for your eyes. >> that explains those styes. >> when it comes to lips, be really careful. lipstick is not something that lasts as long as you think. >> how long a year? >> six months. >> lip gloss, believe it or not, 12 months. >> how do you know if your lipstick's bad? >> it usually will get dried out. any time a color changes or it smells. there's actually as you just saw, there's a graphic you can go see on our website too. you want to make sure you wash your brushes
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es once a week. >> nobody does that. >> it's disgusting, there's bacteria. and sponges are even worse. >> i have a sponge that's been around for a long time. >> it's my go to. >> if we don't get through this segment, everything is online. >> sorry. >> you want to look at also how it's -- >> what's this, cream? >> if it's a one-way evacuation, a pump, it lasts longer. if you're dipping into it, you just want to get rid of it, especially after six months. organic products, great, but you have to look at the expiration because they have no preservatives in there. you'll see that some bottles are dark and that's to protect it from the sun. if you have clear perfumes, make sure they're not directly in sunlight. >> i've ordered perfume on amazon and it comes and it's old and it doesn't smell good. >> are you putting down amazon? >> the sellers. you have to make sure you know who you're buying from.
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sometimes buy bad expired products. think about where your products live. in the shower. it's wet, it's humid, it's a breeding ground for bacteria. so how many of us, raise your hands, you have ten shampoo bottles open from two years. >> no. >> yes. >> make sure at least once a year, two years is the max, get rid of all the i don't know if you've ever taken the time to learn a little tiny bit of somebody else's native tongue? that opens up the doors to trust. my name is kanyon. i'm a technician here in portland oregon. every morning, i give each one of my customers a call to give them a closer eta. and when i called this customer, i discovered that he was deaf. then i thought of amanda. i've known american sign language since i was about 8 years old. it's like music for your eyes. and i thought that was an amazing gift to have, to be able to communicate with the deaf.
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explain how today's appointment will go. he was nodding his head and giggling a little bit. i earned his trust that day, i guess. does your makeup remover take it all off? every kiss-proof, cry-proof, stay-proof look? neutrogena makeup remover does. it erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. need any more proof than that? neutrogena. chobani simply 100 . it's the only 100-calorie light yogurt sweetened naturally. to love this life is to live it..
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good morning it's about 10:30 on today. and milder temperatures coming... but with some rain. your most accurate forecast is just ahead. scam.. taking advantage of the death of a local fire fighter. police say people are calling asking for donations for patrick wolterman's family.. there are two official ways to donate - through first financial bank, or through go fund me page set up in the memory of wolterman. if you get a phone solicitiation - report the call to hamilton police. two boys from brown county are recovering at children's hospital after they fell through the ice on lake lora-lie. neighbors came to the rescue. they kids, ages 8 and 12 are being treated for hypothermia
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exposure. police in wilmington say a deadly batch of heroin could be making the rounds. wilmington police say two overdoses were deadly. and they suspect a deadly mixed with fetanyl is to blame... since january first -- they've seen 12 overdoses...all happened in just a four day span. warming up today with high clouds slowly building in. temperatures in the mid 40s this afternoon. rain returns tomorrow morning, tapers off in the early afternoon. upper 40s tomorrow. rain, some of it heavy for the bengals game. could see the rain morning. look, i know you're a cow and all. and you may not know what i'm talking about, but, uh. the yogurt made from
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we're back on this thirsty thursday. can you think of a better way to start this new year than with a hot new look? >> not really. >> we need to get one. >> we're getting tired. >> a little old. >> that too. our lucky ladies with their ambush makeover. "today" contributor -- louis licari, la, la, la and "today's" jill martin. >> how was it today?
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basically, jill and i just looked for the two people that looked like they were close to frozen and said you better come in. >> our first lucky lady is karen. she's 56 years old today. good for her. >> oh, happy birthday. >> she's from cleveland, tennessee, visiting new york for the first time to celebrate. she never puts on any makeup. mostly because she doesn't know what she should be doing. >> that's a lot of ladies i think. >> exactly. >> she says this year she went down seven pant sizes. so she can definitely use additions to her wardrobe. let's listen to her story. crafts project. i love these signs. and i love how much you want this for your sister. tell me why. >> today's her birthday. and she lost 75 pounds this year. so this would be a great exclamation point to her new look. >> ah, we are so excited to give reasons. are you nervous are you excited? >> i'm very excited and i want yeah! >> that's fantastic.
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she's here with her sister, linda. you saw her niece catherine and her son's girlfriend ali. the whole family's here. all right, gang, please keep your blindfolds on for just a second. here is karen bunch before. all right, karen. let's see the new you. >> wow! >> wow! >> all right, kids, take off your blindfolds and look over here. >> are you ready? >> i think so. >> you got it. spin around. you might need your glasses. you can put them on if you want to see. >> oh, my goodness, i can't believe that's me. >> awesome. >> you look gorgeous. >> stand right here on your star. >> you are -- >> louis. >> tell us about it. >> thank you. it's her birthday today as well. >> happy birthday. >> happy birthday, number one, i color. and blonde hair was just -- it wasn't doing too much for her.
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direction. then we were lucky ghuf enough to have vanessa with us who keeps sexy. >> and gorgeous makeup. >> you know she did. >> linda and company what do you guys think of the new look? >> she looks beautiful. >> doesn't she? >> sexy. >> so great. jill, i love the leather and the black. it looks great together. >> you know, when you lose so much weight, it's nice to have staples. new staples. robert rodriguez slacks. i love, these fit perfectly on her. andrew mark leather jacket. >> she's just tiny. >> a big round of applause. >> you can join your family. foster. she's 55 years old. from elavil vis' birthplace, tupelo, mississippi. she's a retired elementary school teacher. her daily routine consists of a
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first, let's hear her story. >> girls trip from mississippi, very exciting. and ur you were pointing at deb. tell me why she deserves this. >> well, 2015 was a hard year for her. she's been through a divorce and had to move back in with her mom. so she's just had some issues this year. we're excited because it's a makeover and a new start for 2016. >> sounds like you truly deserve this. do you feel up for it? >> yes. i'm so excited. >> oh! we love her. >> all right, she is here with her friends lea and liz and joanna. let's take one last look at debby before and bring out debby foster. wow. >> oh, wow! >> ladies, you want to take off your blindfolds? >> we can't wait. >> oh! >> good! >> so cute.
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turn around sweetie and see how you look. >> oh, my god! >> you look good. >> look at your little face! >> oh, wow! >> all right, tear yourself away. look right here at camera 12, please. >> you look awesome, debby. what i did is i added depth to her color but i left some highlights out. a melange of colors. and the haircut, swept back to the side. >> so modern. >> i think this is the time you should take pictures for online dating, by the way. there's a man downstairs, i believe. >> get ready for a busy year after that, sweetie. all right, what's this outfit, sweetheart? i think i know. >> we know the top is clara sun rose. staples you can use. and nydj jeans. i love this dainty jewelry by marlin chef.
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>> especially on black with denim. >> what do you think, ladies? can you believe what's happening? >> let's bring karen out and let's give them both a round of applause. >> congratulations. thanks to louis and jill for such a good job, everybody back there. all right, how to feed your entire family for under $15. >> a delicious idea for tonight's dinner coming up right after this. with chantix. i have smoked for thirty years and by taking chantix,
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in three months. and that was amazing. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it absolutely reduced my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side effect is nausea. i can't believe i did it. i quit smoking. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. eat up, buddy. you'll get it this time. yeah ok not too quick
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i got you... start strong with the lasting energy of 100% you're doing it! and off you go. fish oil. because i trust their quality. they were the first to have a product verified by usp. that sets strict quality and purity standards. the number one pharmacist recommended fish oil brand. it's always worth remembering... that icing the cinnamon rolls is a privilege not a right. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk
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i can tell you prolia is proven to help protect bones from fracture. my doctor said prolia helped my bones get stronger. do not take prolia if you have low blood calcium, to it, or take xgeva . serious allergic reactions, such as low blood pressure; trouble breathing; throat tightness; face, lip, or tongue swelling; rash, itching or hives have happened in people taking prolia . tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe jaw bone problems may happen, or new or unusual pain in your hip, groin or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. prolia can cause serious side effects, including low blood calcium, serious infections. which could require hospitalization; skin problems; and severe bone, joint or muscle pain. only prolia helps strengthen and protect bones with 2 shots a year. i have proof prolia works for me. can it work for you? ask your doctor about prolia today. hey, remember the game when i set the rookie passing record? i mean, you only mentioned what, 50 times...
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ve been working on my new superhero move all day! re non stop, we' have our extra protein. oikos triple zero greek non fat yogurt has 15 grams of protein. zero added sugar, zero artificial sweetener and zero fat. and zero holding me back! oikos triple zero. be unstoppable. mmm dannon okay, if you went a little overard on your spending during the holidays, you may have to start on track, cutting back during the new year. >> our "today" team wants to help you out with a delicious and hearty meal that will feed your entire family for, it's hard to believe, under 15 bucks. >> she is the host of "eat the trend and get the dish" with brandy malloy on top trend. >> wow, that's crazy. okay. >> naughty, girl. >> okay, is this really under 15?
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we're using frank e ing ing flank steak which is an affordable cut of meat. >> this is anywhere in the country? >> here's the thing, there's so much flavor, you really don't need a lot of meat. this is asian noodle salad. the key ingredients are the ginger and coriander. expensive. >> some of these are pantry staples for people. >> if you want to help me with the marinade, we can put this into our bag. >> is that soy sauce? >> lemon. >> lime. >> ginger. i'll help you with the garlic. a little bit of salt. i'm going to put that meat in there. >> marinade for a while, right? >> you really have to squeeze out all the air so that marinade -- >> has no place to go but right into it. >> you want to suffocate it. going nowhere. oh, i know you love to -- >> she does like to spank. she's a spanker. as they say.
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>> and then one more. >> okay. so over here -- so you let it marinade. overnight would be awesome to really lock in those flavors. next, we're going to do some coriander. >> stop spanking the meat. >> i don't think anybody noticed. >> all right, hoda. >> oh, good, yours. >> so coriander seed, you can either use the morel le morel tel and pestle. you really want to crash it up. my mom always used a wooden spoon and then spak macked me afterwards. >> seems to be a theme. >> put it on both sides of your steak. >> you're picking it up with your fingers. shouldn't do that, right? >> yeah, you're not going to want to do that. >> actually, i love using tongues because i'm not messing up the manicure. >> all right, so then you're going to put this in the broiler for five minutes on each side. >> oh, it's quick.
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until it gets a nice medium rare. and then let it set. don't touch it. let all those flavors and moisture lock in. next, we're just going to grab our rice noodles. guys, you have to check out this recipe for the dressing. it is one of my favorites. it's sesame oil. it's red chili flakes, lime. oh, my gosh, it just makes my mouth water. tongs instead of fingers. all right, you can serve this as a salad or nice little taco protein style. if you just want to add some noodles. i'll give you some tongs. >> hoda likes to use her fingers. >> let's get a little steak on her. because i want you to try this. look how good this is. >> i love this stuff. >> and then you fold it over like a taco, right? >> you can. it's either a steak -- here's one for you. you can have the whole plate actually.
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as a steak taco protein-style. >> will you cut me a piece of that? >> of course i will. >> we have to go. thank you. thank you so much. all right. >> yeah. >> is it good? >> for the recipe, go to "today."com/food. sorry. >> hoda. >> she's got a lot of fight left in her. now she's going to sing this song for the very first time, rachel platten live with a song everything kids touch
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>> announcer: the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> it's a moment we've been waiting for and we have too. platten. >> her brand-new cd is called "wildfire." she is here with her new song being performed for the first time on tv. >> it is called "speechless." >> something we never are. >> ever.
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so why don't we hold tonight and just keep beside and when we we i don't need no reason you make me speechless we're getting loud tonight we're allowed tonight to be, be, be c'mon baby make me speechless c'mon baby make me body language screaming everything and keep giving it to me fire away just give me that touch i want it quit talking so much i'm ready stop moving your lips and kiss me keep taking my breath away 'cause you make me
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so why don't we hold tonight and just keep beside and when we we i don't need no reason you make me speechless we're getting loud tonight we're allowed tonight c'mon baby make me speechless when you touch me when you kiss me i'm speechless get a hold of me come beside of me nothing left to say 'cause you make me speechless you quiet my demons so why don't we hold tonight and just keep beside of me i don't need a reason when you oh oh oh we're getting loud
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yeah we're allowed to be be be c'mon baby make me speechless c'mon baby make me speechless c'mon baby make me >> woo! >> oh! wow. yes, and yes and yes. >> i said to hoda, that's a naughty song, i love it. >> we like it. >> that was so fun! >> great, thanks so much, you guys. >> congratulations! it's the first time!
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cameinsensitive. >> is it okay or not okay to make tone-deaf statements? here's what we had to say. >> i think people believe what they say most of the time but it's not always perceived the way they intended. >> i say unless you like okay. >> wow. that was harsh. >> rough judgment. >> self-righteous. >> judge judy. >> okay. >> wait a minute, why did i say that? >> we all do. it's motivation. >> you don't mean it. >> we mean it but not that way. all right, tomorrow, will we find love for one of our "today" show bachelors? >> this is going to be so cool. >> a dating game. the guys known as dave and ethan. >> the love makers. >> one exercise machine that's going to work for your whole
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