tv Today NBC January 22, 2016 10:00am-11:00am EST
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``jenna? ``>> where where, where are we? ``>> i don't -- ``>> did i lose a tooth? ``i told you that we should ``haven't gone marie show. ``e ``we are late. ``with we have a show to go. ``>> oh, my god, where where are ``my shoes? ``who is that? ``>> i don't know, but remember, ``you are the daughter of a ``president. ``>> we are so late. ``>> oh, my god, your tooth. ``>> what are we going to -- ``>> ah! ``>> go, go, go. ``wait. ``where do we go? ``>> ooh, there. ``>> announcer: from nbc news, ``this is "today" with kathie lee ``gifford and hoda kotb live from
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``what happens here stays here. `` we have to go, ladies. ``so sorry. ``bye. `` ``>> okay. ``wait a second. ``can we just stop for a second. ``first of all, we want to thank ``our show girls from "legends" ``and the great costumes. ``we wondered what would happen ``with the hangover outfit. ``>> and it is january 22nd, 2016. ``>> and you are filling in for ``kath, and we had so much fun. ``>> we had so much fun. ``>> we were in a suite that costs ``like -- ``>> $35,000 a night. ``>> yes, a nite. ``and we were in there and we ``trash ed ed the joint. ``anyway -- ``>> my tooth came out, and this ``is hoda's idea, and we decided ``at 4:00 in the morning, and we
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``don't think. ``>> look at you. ``>> and then hoda said, we are ``going make you lose a tooth. ``>> you remember from the opening ``of "hangover" and the guy is ``sprawled out all over the floor ``and he said, am did i lose a tooth? ``>> so i sent henry this picture ``and i said, hey, we are in ``vegas, and then go away from the ``phone which i tend to do, and ``emergency and then leave. ``i got busy and did a shoot, and ``i got back, and henry has ``written # 1,000 text messages, ``do you need a dennys -- dentist? ``who is paying for that tooth? ``is nbc paying for that tooth? ``>> because i do have a fake ``tooth. ``>> and that eyeliner worked ``perfectly. ``and vegas is known for a lot of ``things.
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``but i did not know about the ``adventures that you could have. ``>> i was horrified and we had so ``is much fun. ``we drove a racecar and we went ``to the stratosphere which is a ``sky drop where you jump off of ``the building. ``>> is it like a bungee? ``>> it is like a bungee, but you ``hit the ground. ``>> and we will talk about that, ``and fans, you are hopelessly ``devoted to olivia newton john, ``and the residency is in the ``third year, and we will catch up ``with the icon in a little bit. ``>> and lilliana is here to do to ``a little, you know, shopping. ``>> i likey. ``all righty then. ``okay. ``>> all right. ``>> and we have some great things ``that happen d ed in vegas, and one ``of the main things that people ``love to do in vegas is to have a ``bachelor or bachelorette party. ``and i have seen a couple of ``get together. ``did you do a bachelorette?
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``a little town in florida which ``is like cocoon meets dirty ``dancing, and we were one of ten ``people under 35 years old. ``but i did come to a bachelorette ``party here in vegas. ``it was fun. ``>> really. ``>> yes, vegas turns it up. ``>> first of aul ll, you never know ``what time it is, because there ``are no clock, and you r are ``inside, and you lose track of ``the sunrise and the sunset. ``>> this morning when we were ``talking to the show, there were ``two people coming home singing ``is that hoda? ``h hoda! ``>> this is our kind of town. ``we want to thank the caesars for ``letting us turn the no blue ``suite, and we literal ly ly turned ``it into our own thing. ``it is a beautiful place, and ``multiple bedrooms and a jacuzzi ``and all kinds of stuff. ``we want to thank -- ``>> and we were kicked out, ``because it is a a rumor and this ``may not be true, but jus tin ``beeb
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``and he stayed there last night. ``>> if you want to know how big ``it is, it is 10,300, and it has ``its own gym and el va evator, and as ``we said, $35,000 a night. ``and our producers said they ``never had more fun trashing that ``joint. ``>> and we did, too. ``>> and it is time for trivia. ``you know who we have to helpp us ``out, because these are games ``that is the movie set in las ``vegas, and we need a o host, and ``who else -- elvis. ``>> elvis is in the building. ``>> hello, girls. ``welcome to the my old stomping ``ground, las vegas. ``>> he s is from the elvis lives ``show, and coproduced by the ``elvis enterprises, and now, you ``are have a question for us. ``>> i do have a question. ``>> we are ready. ``>> where where would you go see ``the leng jends concert, right? ``all over the nation, right. ``>> all over the nation. ``>> play along, guys. ``>> so, you are in the town here
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``for you, and i have a question. ``this fine actor had to ``impersonate a diamond smuggler ``and race through las vegas -- ``>> matt damon. ``>> no. ``>> shawn kon er ean connery. ``>> you hit the bell. ``>> i hit the table. ``>> and this 1992 movie starring ``cage. ``>> "leaving las vegas --." ``>> no. ``>> "honeymoon in vegas." ``>> and can you name three of the ``rat pack and extra points for ``all five. ``>> frank sinatra and sammy davis ``jr. and the other two. ``>> who was it?
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``>> yeah, yeah. ``>> and the title song from this ``film is still hum around this ``town. ``the movie of the same name ``starring me and ann margaret and ``it is -- ``>> i know it. ``>> "blue suede shoes." ``>> "heartbreak hotel." ``>> "viva las vegas." ``>> oh. ``>> and who won? ``>> well shgs sit , it is a tie. ``>> do i get a kiss? ``>> well, since it is a tie, you ``have to share. ``all right. ``love you. ``thank you. ``>> and this is so fun, and we ``have new and interesting things ``with facials, and they do ``something in vegas called the ``gold facial.
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``is that actually 24 karat gold? ``>> it is. ``>> and first of all, how does it ``feel on your skin? ``you ``>> you guys, this is incredible. ``it is reeg gale. ``it is hydrating and unlike any ``facial i have been experiencing ``to be honest. ``>> you look great. ``>> and we want to point out it ``is available at aqua bath and ``spa inside of ceasars palace. ``and so it is is posed to improve ``what? ``>> the fine lines and wrinkles, ``and circulation absolutely, and ``it will help pump up the skin ``with the fine lines to make us ``look with a vibrant look ``afterwards. ``>> what is cool is that they ``have it on the hands and the ``neck and the chest and ``everywhere. ``>> and the chest and the neck ``and the decollete, and paraffin ``for the feet. ``>> and how much is that, so that ``the people -- what is the ball ``park? ``>> $365. ``>> okay.
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``thank you, gold. ``>> yes. ``>> and when you come here. ``>> yes. ``>> are you taking something ``home, maybe a little souvenir ``for joel. ``>> yeah, maybe. ``>> you come here, and you wonder ``>> so we have a snow globe. ``oh, hi. ``cute. ``thank you for the snow globe. ``are from the trip. ``>> yes. ``>> jenna? ``>> yesterday at the venetian ``hotel. ``>> cute. ``>> and you can always get one. ``>> and oh, wow! ``what is that? ``>> oh, wow. ``that is -- nope. ``>> and what is a luxury robe. ``>> wow, that is a luxury gift ``right from the wynn hotel for ``$150. ``but there is something for ``everybody here in las vegas. ``are you putting it on? ``>> yes, yes. ``>> okay. ``p. diddy.
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``>> and we want to thank the show ``girl ``girls and guys. ``>> you want to have some fun? ``>> is that a hat? ``>> yes. ``why doesn't our hat look like ``your hat? ``we look like muppets. ``>> you look like show girls. ``>> is this a show girl? ``>> well, okay, another hat. ``this city has something for ``everybody. ``>> does it fit? ``>> no, it doesn't. ``>> jenna is going to check it ``out. ``>> and i have a need for speed ``and a thrill of a lifetime and ``come with me right after this. r pepper discovers a @ wholesome breakfast with jimmyt dean delights, @made with real egg whites, lean` cut meats, and whole grains. @an excellent source of protein, @it's a delicious way to fuel upt on energy @ to help power through hert morning run. @ which motivates these bikers tto pedal faster, tand inspires ted @
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rwhich delights everyone, @ @ lead to great days. shine on. @ there's something to be said for exploring the worldt around you. why should snacking be anyt different? discover all nine flavors of ourt creamy cheese @ and tap into your curiosity. r the laughing cow. r reinvent snacking. @ we take away your stuffy nose. r you keep the peace.
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and pain. r you rally the team. we give you relief fromt your cough. you give them a case of thev giggles. tylenol cold helps relieve even your worst cold & flu symptoms. r so you can give them r everything you've got. v tylenol v everything kids touch@ during cold and flu season r sticks with them. make sure the germs they@ bring home don't stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. @ because no one kills germs r
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``i love to try new things. ``when my producer forced me and ``because i'm such a good sport or ``maybe they can force me into ``anything, i went to the try all ``of the things that vegas had to ``share. ``as night turns today and the va ``vegas strip goes from naughty to ``nice, and venture takes hold and ``it was calling my name. ``okay. ``i'm about to get my speed on ``here at dream racing the only ``place in vegas where you can ``drive a racecar, and i have my ``pick. ``what about this baby? ``cedric! ``>> hello, jenna. ``>> you r are the the man to keep ``me safe. ``he had his work cut out for him. ``oh, no. ``we did hit a cone or two, but i ``am ready. ``no cone hitting in the real car. ``>> okay.
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``>> and a little bit more speed. ``>> all right. ``>> good job, cedric. ``that was so awesome. ``>> are from 130 miles per hour ``to about 4. ``it was time for a taste of italy ``at the venetian gondal ola ride. ``>> this i can do. ``this is so romantic. `` look at the sky `` ``eyes all aglow ``>> this is our "lady and the ``tramp" moment. , that is love, baby, ``love. ``my pleasure to have you over ``here.
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``the pace again ``>> i'm at slot villa which is a ``zip line in downtown vegas that ``is five football fields' long, ``and i'm about to go on it. ``we don't want a malfunction. ``so we are going up on the top? ``>> yes. ``>> how high? ``>> # 14 114 feet. ``>> that seems high. ``>> a little bit. ``>> okay. ``>> ah! ``woo! ``that is so much fun. ``and next the piece de ``resistance, the 190 foot sky ``drop. ``i am really scared.
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``am i the biggest baby who has ``done this? ``why are you saying yes to this. ``i am sweating in places that i ``didn't know that i could sweat. ``wait, i didn't know -- i don't ``want to. ``hoda, i love you. ``i have a giant wedgie. ``oh, don't push me. ``okay. ``one, two, three -- viva las ``vegas. ``[ screaming ] ``>> that was fun. ``viva las vegas! ``oh, viva las vegas. ``tammy filler, that was for you.
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why do you think the ripplesr make a difference? t grabs more? @ it's the cleanripple texture. now, do you feel so clean that you would go commando? why not! how do you feel? vawesome! cottonelle hasr cleanripple texture r so you're clean enough t to go commando. @ @eat up, buddy. you'll get it`this time. @yeah @ok not too quick @don't let go until i say so. @i got you... nstart strong with the lastingnenergy of 100% @you're doing it! nwhole grain quaker oats.nand off you go. @i guess i never really gave much r t @ @ i was drinking having acids. @ it never dawned on me that @ it could hurt your teeth. r my dentist has told me @
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tand that sounded r really scary to me, r and i was like well tcan you fix it, @ can you paint it back on, @and he explained that it was not @ something that grows back, @ it's kind of a one-time shot @ and you have to care for it. @ he told me to use pronamel. rit's gonna help protect @ the enamel in your teeth. rit allows me to continue r to drink my coffee r and to eat healthier, r and it was a real easy tswitch to make. `` this is argue pli one of the ``most terrific shows on the vegas ``strip. ``>> and you know, what it takes ``place underwater. ``>> what! ``>> that is why it is called las ``vegas's best show for five
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``>> so p you don't have a pool, ``we have brought some ballroom ``dancers alex stabler and ashley ``kemp, ``kemp, and they are going to ``teach us some moves. ``so this is a real underwater ``dance happening? ``>> yes. ``>> how does it work? ``>> part of it is underwater, and ``we are half submerged to use the ``wa ter elements as part of the ``dance room. ``>> and no water today, but can ``we see some moves? ``>> absolutely. ``>> go get 'em. ``
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`` ``>> oh, that is looking so ``simple, and look at us. ``>> where is my partner? ``>> and we have miguel and alex, ``and you guys are doing the teach ``us a few moves, and we should ``are uncoordinated. ``we only have 30 seconds. ``apart. ``>> 30 seconds. ``>> and four hips. ``left right, left right. ``and yeah, make it extra sexy ``though. ``and the arms all of the way up ``the body, and left right, left
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``and you do a little pull with ``the guys and then into them. ``and dip. ``>> yeah! ``>> five, six, seven, eight. ``left right, left right. `` olivia newton john, but ``first your local news. m at thex perfect age. and i've found thev perfect skincare. age perfect hydra-nutritiont from l'oreal. a balm perfectedr just nfor mature skin. feels so luxurious@it melts right in! hydra-nutrition deeplyt moisturizes with 10 preciousv oils plus calcium. with intense moisture forr it's the science i trust tor help me look like me. @toned, firmer, more comfortable. age perfect hydra-nutritionnfrom l'oreal skin expert paris. my perfect agex it's right now. r
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i'm talking about, but, uh. the yogurt made fromryour milk, is delicious. mmmm, yoplait. we are waiting for the snowfall to come our way... randi rico accurate forecast in just a moment.... but first we are following a developing story for you this morning... a housefire in lockland... a father and his adult son are thanking god this morning... after they managed to escape from a house fire. crews were called to the 4- hundred block of locust street around 4-30 to a home fully engulfed in flames.
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ware says this isn't the first fire he's escaped. he survived a house fire in woodlawn years ago. cincinnati is on the northern fringe of this major winter storm. some towns to the south could see 7-10" of snow, yet towns north and east may not see more than a dusting. so the range of totals for the wlwt viewing area will be 0-10". likely just south of downtown. steady snow showers will build in from the south by mid to late morning. the northern edge of the snow will be headed through nky and crossing the ohio east of downtown by noon. for the afternoon school busses areas east and south of cincinnati will have snow falling. some of it intense. by the end of the evening have some
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``and starred in the best movie of ``all time "grease." ``>> and do you still love it when ``you get up on the stage, olivia, ``and you start to sing one of the ``hits, what does it feel like? ``>> well, it feels even better ``now than the before, because i ``am so grateful thathave ``wonderful songs to sing, so i ``never tire the of them, and the ``audience, they are enjoying it, ``pressure. ``when i was younger, i was so ``nervous up on stage, but not ``anymore ``>> and you were my first girl ``crush before the term girl crush ``existed because i loved you in ``"grease " ``"grease" in ways that i cannot ``expand, and what would sandy an ``danny would be doing now? ``do you think that they are ``together, divorced, 20 children? ``do you think about it? ``>> it is interesting to think of ``could have gone. ``but i think that they are stuck ``in time, and that is then and ``there forever, and so like that.
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``too great. ``>> and maybe not too great. ``and by the way, i love that ``bracelet, and that is so unique. ``is that special? ``>> yes, it is from peru, and my ``husband spends a lot of time at ``the amazon rain forest. ``>> and another thing that you ``just told is that your husband ``likes the to do things that ``jenna just did like to jump off ``of that building. ``>> yes. ``he is a adventurist, and ``treasure hunter. ``>> is that what attracted you? ``>> yes, and venture in the scary ``ways, be new the work that we ``do, you have to be a little ``adventurous. ``>> and you would not jump off of ``the building? ``>> no, i don't like heights. ``>> thank you, thank you. ``and by the way, watching you and ``your daughter perform together, ``and lot of people are not ``familiar with your daughter, and ``to see you, and what is that ``like to perform with her? ``>> well, it is the best. ``it is the best.
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``and i admire her so much, ``because she is a talented singer ``and songwriter, and she took one ``of my songs "magic" and we ``recorded it. ``>> it was huge dance hit. ``>> and it is number one. ``amazing. ``>> and the way you talk about ``her with the pride of a mother, ``and what is it like so many ``years to have the support system ``in her? ``>> well, it is amazing, because ``when she was very little we did ``some tv movies together, and ``then she took some time where ``she didn't want to do the ``performance, and she has made a ``stride again and in a movie with ``nick carter. ``and so she has a wonderful ``future. ``>> and did you know in the ``beginning that she was talent ``and some kids must come out of ``the womb talented. ``>> not like us. ``>> and she was always born ``funny, and always funny ``performing since she was a
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``>> i think that what makes the ``show unique in so many ways, but ``a lot of people are doing it for ``the money, but yours is also for ``the cause. ``>> well, i am excited, because ``ceasars, and flamingo have ``allowed part of my money goes to ``my cancer center in melborn, and ``it has my name on it, and so ``people who are going to the ``wellness program, it is going to ``help the patients and the family ``with supportive care while they ``are going through the ``treatments, and it is important, ``because there is a reason to get ``out there beyond just singing ``and enjoying myself. ``>> and making a purpose every ``night. ``>> and so you made my mom so ``happy, and she went to the ``concert, and she took this ``picture and look at that. ``you made her so happy. ``you attract people of so many
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``>> and olivia, by the way, she ``is performing every tuesday ``through saturdayt ta flamingo, ``and get your tickets. ``>> from one hot tamale to two ``hot tamales. ``>> and they will show you one ``dish that you can serve up four ``ways. ``that is coming up. ught-after device tfrom progressive r can be yours for... t twenty grand? ` -no! we are giving it away rfor just 3 easy payments r of $4.99 plus tax! rthe lines are blowing up! twe've got deborah r from poughkeepsie. v flo: r yeah, no, it's flo. @ you guys realize anyone can use ` the "name your price" tool @ for free on, v right? r [ laughing nervously ] v r [ pickles whines ] ti know, it's like ` they're always on television. v what?
10:35 am
i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. r my psoriatic arthritis rjust like my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and i was worried my doctor saidr joint pain from ra can be a sign of existingt joint damage r he prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. tevents including infections, tuberculosis, `lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. r tell your doctor if you've been someplace t where fungal infections are common, r or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, `have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, `or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. ` don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. joint pain and damage... can go side by side. rask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. enbrel, the number one ` rheumatologist-prescribed
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@an ordinary jar of vaseline `jelly. @it's something we don't think`about much. @except when we've got chapped`lips or a small cut. @but for people living in areas`of crisis, @simple skin conditions can turn`into serious issues. @so we created the vaseline `healing project @a partnership with direct`relief @to help millions in need`heal their skin. @so they can go back to work. @or school. @and that ordinary jar can make`an extraordinary difference. wow! this toilet paper@ reminds me of a washcloth! that's charmin ultra strong,rdude. cleans so well... keeps yourr underwear cleaner. (secretly) so couldrwear them a second day. tell me i did nottjust hear that! (sheepishly) i said you could...r not that you would! ...charmin ultra strong with@ its washcloth-like texture, r helps clean better tthan the leading` flat-textured bargain brand. @ it's 4 times stronger, and you` can use up to 4 times less it cleans better. (to different@boy) you should try it, "skidz." we all go. why not enjoyr
10:37 am
r wholesome breakfast with jimmyt @made with real egg whites, lean` cut meats, and whole grains. @it's a delicious way to fuel upt to help power through hert @ which motivates these bikers tto pedal faster, tand inspires ted @ to land that front-side ollie. rwhich delights everyone, rincluding pepper's twins @ with jimmy dean delights, goodvmornings @ lead to great days. shine on. happening now? @ @ from maybelline new york. pigmented wax crayon r in one easy swipe. r t r
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``country's hottest chefs are ``right here on the strip. ``>> they are so hot in fact, it ``is in their name, the two hot ``tamales. ``>> the border grills owners were ``among the first celebrity chefs ``to land at the strip. ``they ordered up border grill at ``mandalay bay 20 years ago. ``>> and they have been on the ``food scene and for the last ``decade, they have participated ``in the vegas uncorked sponsored ``by "bon appetit" magazine. ``>> and you guys were originally ``here, and is it great to see the ``conga line of chefs? ``>> yes, and all of the chefs in ``town, we get together at ``uncorked and have a blast. ``>> and us with all of the men. ``that is how it works. ``>> nice to be the women, right? ``>> yes. ``>> what are you making? ``>> do you want a drink first? ``>> yes.
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``and that is pomegranate. ``>> and that is with blood ``oranges. ``>> and okay. ``we have to fill our bellies. ``>> okay. ``we want to make a roasted pork, ``and slow roasted in the banana ``leaves, tand and the marinade is made ``with a little bit of the ``orreocci and garlic -- ``>> that is all right. ``>> it is a bright red color, and ``they use it for a little bit of ``the -- ``>> you use this? ``>> yes, and put some orange in ``>> and not all of it. ``>> and i think that we have ``>> there. ``we have marinaded. ``>> and this is served in the ``yucatan, and so we serve it at ``all of the border grill, and we ``wanted to show you that after ``a number of leftovers. ``>> what do the banana leaves do?
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``and you can toast these on the ``electric flame or grilled flame. ``and then have a smell here. ``>> this is underground where ``they bake it. ``>> and we have a minute nor the ``>> whip it up. ``focus. ``>> and just dump it in? ``>> not all of it, but a little ``bit of the everything. ``and all of the chili. ``>> and so versatile to make a ``sandwich, and we have the brunch ``which is popular with the ta ``maule ``maules. ``>> and what s is in there? ``>> pineapple, and jicama and ``chili and salt. ``that goes right on top of this. ``>> and the roasted plantains ``that are just amazing. ``>> and then, will you pass us ``the guac, because it is our ``favorite food. ``>> for these recipes go to ``, and it is the
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``food and wine festival. ``mm-mmm ``>> it is a fashion mecca, too, ``styles. ... that's who i was. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, nchantix (varenicline) is proven rchantix reduced my urge some people had changes nhostility, agitation, depressed ` or actions while taking or r some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, ` stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about t any history of mental health problems, whichncould get worse or of seizures. a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. ` doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you havenheart or blood vessel problems, or develop new ort worse symptoms. get medical help right awayr @ decrease alcohol use whilet use caution when driving orr operating machinery. most common side effectt is nausea. life as a non-smoker r
10:43 am
is right for you. rr rr over ragu traditional. prego?! but i buy ragu. [ thinking ] i wonder what otherquestionable choices i've made. [ pop muzak plays ] [ sigh of relief ] rr [ male announcer ]`` choose taste. choose prego. vnot yet. vnot yet! tpull the peach! mm, plai v @ hey, you're going to do great. v
10:44 am
now lashes go luscious! new lash sensational luscious mascara from maybelline new york. oil-infused formula... r plus fanning brush...nreveal denser, softer lashes... the full fan effect goes luscious. new lash sensational luscious. t make it happen. r maybelline new york. @oh my gosh, stephanie. we're, like, so goth. we're,@like, goth goth. sfx: knocks on door.@honey? @i'm dying my hair, mom. hair dye? @no, not in my bathroom! @relax, mom. @honey, just let me in! @sfx: door rattling.`no. z tiffany! z no. tiffany! @it's just purple. @teenage daughter? @get scrubbing bubbles. @kill 99.9% of germs and destroy `dirt and grime. @you only need scrubbing`bubbles @disinfecting cleaners for`100% problem solved.
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`` when you come to vegas, you ``have to do someerious ``shopping, and you will walk in ``any direction and there is ``always something for every ``single style and taste. ``>> and you can always find ``something like at louie vaton ``and kate spade and others at the ``grand canal shop. ``>> and our style girl lilliana ``vazquez went through vegas to ``find some fashion that was going ``to fit a budget. ``was it snuff ``>> no, it was not tough. ``i thought it was super easy and ``the clothes here are super on ``trend. ``>> and so we have to start with ``the swimsuit. ``victoria, come on over. ``>> you three look great.
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``with summer, higher neck and ``mesh. ``it is the illusion of the ``two-piece without having a ``two-piece. ``and i love the cover-up which is ``super versatile, and you can ``wear it for three way s s, and it ``is all easy accessories for ``under $20 at forever 21 ``including the sunglasses and the ``of sized hat. ``>> are all of the models moms? ``>> yes, they are here from ``vegas, and how gorgeous is she? ``>> fabulous. ``thank you, victoria. ``>> thank you, victoria. ``>> and next is kim wearing the ``resort wear, and some people are ``turned off by it. ``>> i love this. ``>> when i think of resort wear, ``i think of a lot of white. ``but here is the thing that you ``can only wear it on vacation, so ``don't wear too much. ``this striped top is at dillards ``which are huge for the spring, ``and classic white trouser never ``goes out of style. ``>> what length? ``i never know. ``>> for this one, i wanted to ``show the ankle strap, because
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``>> but you could wear this any ``time. ``>> yes. ``>> and now, melissa, she is up ``next dressed for din-din. ``>> new mom of a 6-month-old. ``>> yes. ``gorgeous, and perfect dinner ``date for vegas, because it is ``bold, and wearable anywhere, and ``this is a knit top from ``nordstrom, and i love the ``printed skirt but it works from ``top shop. ``>> i never ever would have put ``the two the together. ``that is so cute. ``>> and i did a bold statement ``here, because go big or go home. ``>> and up next, rose and april. ``>> so day to night. ``and this is a one-piece ``jumpsuit, but also the culottes, ``and this is a piece that ``everybody is going to be ``>> i could not wear that, ``because i am so short. ``>> no shgs , i could find them for ``you.
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``>> oh, like the old school. ``and from nordstroms with a great ``handbag and a great vest, and ``super great accessories, and ``versatility is key when shopping ``for the closet. ``>> thank you so much. ``lilliana, did you have fun in ``vegas? ``>> yes. ``>> are you tired? ``>> yes. ``>> and hold on, because the ``party is not offyet. ``>> wait until we see who we have ``lined up next. ``>> they will get you moving.
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are company r should treat your like family... @ [phone rings] operator: ` health care customer service r caller: hi this isr patricia ramirez. roperator: oh, patricia! t colleague:r i love patricia! t colleague 2:` when is she getting marr ied? t operator:rit's about time, lady! @ this is the real question: @ how's that man you're dating? r where's the ring? t ...we meanr more like this. t operator:` we can do this together. t i'll scheduletan appointment r with the diabetestspecialist, ok? r member: thank you. @ you deserve compassion. t you deserve r molina healthcare, r your extended family. r medicaid. medicare. t marketplace. r for more information, r
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``last week they are the 2016 ``champions of hip-hop. ``>> okay. ``girls. ``show us the moves. `` `` funky funky everything funky `` turn around and show me ``everything even your donkey `` and i'm in the club chilling ``with a lot of drunkies ``>> yeah! ``show us a move. ``>> what is this? ``what do we do? ``>> not that. ``>> all right. ``>> you guys, we want to bring ``back all of our old friends ``here. ``>> come on in. ``>> and from legends in kon concert, ``and the royal court in ceasars ``palace and a huge thank you to ``the las vegas convention and ``visitor authority.
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