tv Teen Kids News NBC March 6, 2016 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
12:00 pm
12:01 pm
[humming] [beeping] - huh-- pixel is texting me. and meet me at my house. "i have something incredible to show you." - but, uh, stephanie, more breakfast? - no, thanks-- bye! - but you forgot your techno-a-thingy. oh, my. internet. hmm-- what will they think of next? - pixel, where are you? - what's he gonna show us? - i'm here. - huh? - over here. - oh! - ta-da-- yeah! - how did you do that? - i used my invisinator 3000. you see, now i can play computer games without being interrupted. [yawning] - uh, for how long have you been playing? - yeah. - two days. [kids gasping] - pixel, it's okay to play computer games sometimes.
12:02 pm
- i know. - but you also have to play outside. - yes, you do. - yeah, outside! - well, i am getting a little tired. - no wonder. - huh? - is this what you've been eating for breakfast? - breakfast? - yeah, but-- - and what about water? is that all you've been drinking? - and what about sleep? to have the energy. - okay. idea not to get any sleep. - and play video games. the helmet's really cool. - oh, uh-- - and, like she said, you shouldn't play with it except outside. - ziggy, don't put the helmet on-- wait! - he put the helmet on. - typical. - ugh. - time for a nap. - ziggy! [ziggy chuckling] - whoa!
12:03 pm
sorry. - a ghost! ahhh! - ziggy, be careful! - whoa! - you're gonna hurt yourself. are you okay? - that trash can. whoa. - i better turn this off. - it's hard being invisible. - i have to hide. the mailbox. no one suspects the mailbox-- i'll hide in there! - first, i ran into robbie, then the-the trash can-- and, oh, it's hard being invisible. - it's just the cookie boy. - what if you got yourself into serious trouble? - sportacus wouldn't have been able to save you because he wouldn't have been able to see you. - if sportaloon couldn't see me i could make him look foolish. [laughing] - stephanie, come quick! - stephanie! - okay, we're coming-- we're coming! - ah, they forgot the helmet. now's my chance.
12:04 pm
- what's wrong? - it's pixel, he's not moving! - pixel! - huh? - stingy, shh-- he's just sleeping. - oh, that explains a lot. trixie. - mm-hmm. - cancel the doctor. - oh, okay. - come on, guys, let's get him into bed. - yeah. - oh, gosh. - okay, fine. careful, the bed's right behind you. - okay. - okay. - yeah. [ziggy's stomach gurgling] - oh. - shh! - ziggy. - sorry! i forgot to have breakfast this morning. [gasping] - ziggy-- - shh. - the most important meal of the day? - huh? - shh! - oh, sorry. - guys, i have an idea-- we can all go to my house and make a super breakfast together. - oh, that's a great idea. - yeah. - let's go. [ziggy's stomach gurgling] - shh. - ziggy! - sorry. - you have to be quiet. - yeah, okay. - oh, man. [ziggy's stomach gurgling] - i must be really hungry.
12:05 pm
mandarin coconut banana mango berry mandarin coconut hey mandarin coconut banana mango berry mandarin coconut banana - here's my little recipe for energy easy peasy mix made out of sports candy put it all together and i guarantee it will make you go go go go go go to the right wave your hands you're doing all right take a step back and back to the front energy is all around banana mandarin mango coconut banana coconut - no. - huh? coconut banana banana mandarin mango coconut banana coconut berry kiwi banana pa pa pa pa pa papaya - hmm? - huh?
12:06 pm
- ah. make it really fresh not to make a mess or just a little less this will make you go go go go go to the left go to the right you're doing all right back to the front all around mango papaya coconut watermelon kiwi cucumber blueberry banana mandarin and mango mix it all together it will make you go to the left blueberry mandarin coconut banana now to the right berry mandarin coconut banana wave your hands berry mandarin coconut banana you're doing all right blueberry mandarin go go go go to the left go to the right
12:07 pm
take a step back back to the front energy is all around banana mandarin mango banana coconut mandarin kiwi coconut banana banana mandarin mango banana coconut mandarin kiwi banana whoo! [laughing] - wow. - i think we're all done. - yes, we are. - we don't have any broccoli. - oh. - i'm on it! - okay. - ha-ha-- okay. - thanks ziggy! - banana. - mango, broccoli-- - banana, mango, broccoli-- oh, wow! looks delicious. - the cookie boy. the perfect audience invisible trick.
12:08 pm
12:09 pm
12:12 pm
12:13 pm
- huh? - was it slippery where he was running? - no. - well, did he trip over something? - uh-huh-- - no-no, he didn't. - let's check it out. - yeah. - yeah. - yeah, let's do that. - trixie, you're stepping on my shoes. - sorry-- sorry. - well, here it comes. oh! - he just fell down! - what? - huh? wha-- - really strange. - yeah. - ah, what was that? - i know. he must be low on energy or something. - yeah. - he's always saving people. - yeah, yeah, right. table-- - uh-huh. - and i'll go invite sportacus for breakfast. - oh, yeah. - let's go. - ready. - see ya! - right-- operation healthy breakfast is in effect. - cool. - yeah. - hey, sportacus.
12:14 pm
- what's the pink girl doing here? - is everything okay? - ah. i was trying to kick this ball and i just missed. [robbie chuckling] i must be low on energy or something. - well, the kids and i would love to invite you over for breakfast. - thank you. i would love some breakfast. - great-- come on. - now is the time to make sportafloppy look like a fool in front of everyone. - guys, guys, guys, i brought sportacus. - oh, uh, i'll handle this. ahem, welcome sportacus. - ah, thank you. - we are so happy you could join us here this morning. um, stephanie, would you show our guest to his seat? - come right this way. - wow-- this is nice. - there you are. - wow, thank you. - come on, guys, let's get busy. - breakfast is the most important meal of the day. - i always say that, too. - okay, well, enjoy.
12:15 pm
- stephanie! the serving towel and the walkie-talkie headset. - walkie-talkie headset. - got it? - got it. - yeah, okay. stephanie, stephanie, can you hear me? - yes. eating the broccoli? - that's a negative. [kids gasping] - okay, okay. into phase one. - um-hmm. - operation broccoli is now in action. - yeah. - go-go-go! - broccoli is in place. - uh-huh-uh-huh. for the broccoli. - perfect. the broccoli. - oh! - yeah! [beeping]
12:16 pm
operation sports candy push, go! - yep, i got this. - give it to me. - here you go. - thanks. - whoa! [kids gasping] - he didn't catch it! - what? - and sportacus always catches an apple. - that was strange. - plan b-- plan b. - yeah. - mm-hmm. - stephanie, sportacus needs water. i repeat, water-- h20. - okay, got it. - mm-hmm. - here you go, sportacus. i thought maybe you were thirsty. - uh, th-thank you. - mm-hmm. - ha-ha-- really good. i repeat, one more sip. - okay. wow, sportacus, you still look really thirsty.
12:17 pm
- all right-- uh... - ahem, stephanie, test two, operation handstand. - okay, got it. all doing a school project and we need to know how to do a handstand. we were wondering if you could show us? - of course. [robbie chuckling] and like this. whoa! [kids gasping] - he fell down! what's going on? - that was strange. - hey, guys, remember this morning when pixel fell asleep in his chair? - yeah. - yes, i remember that. - that's it! been sleeping enough. stand back, everyone! - okay. - a little further. - okay. - operation snooze is in effect. to the lounge chair. - got it.
12:18 pm
- okay. - feet. - and tuck. - there you go. - yes. - thank you. - now for some reading material. are you comfortable, sportacus? - yes. - close your eyes and listen to the soothing tones of my voice. "once upon a time there were 100 sheep. "one day, one sheep jumped over a fence. "then there were 99. "once upon a time there were 99 sheep. "one day, one of the sheep jumped over a fence. "then there were 98 sheep. "one day, one of the sheep jumped over a fence "and then there were 97 sheep." oh, operation snooze is a success.
12:19 pm
sportacus? sportacus-- sportacus? - hi. - are you feeling rested? - i'm feeling fantastic. - oh, so, sportacus, i've always wanted to learn your signature move. could you show it to me? - of course. - oh, yay. - okay, start like this, up and down and like this. whoa! [kids gasping] - oh, no! - what was that? - are you feeling okay? - i don't know. everything is going wrong today. maybe i should go to the air ship and practice a little bit more. - yeah. - that's a good idea. - i'll do that. - oh. - bye guys. - oh. - hmm. - bye, sportacus. is going on. - yeah. to do with the air ship.
12:20 pm
- that's it! - what? - we can borrow the invisinator 3000 from pixel and then follow sportacus up into the air ship. - yeah. - that's a great idea. - stephanie, call pixel. - on it! - oh, yeah. - okay, let's do it. - all right. - this is working great. those brats, they think there's something wrong with sportacluck. wait a minute. an idea. i'll do a big save. at 10 to 2:00 i'll get the mayor in trouble. sportacus will come. i will trip him with my rope. then, i'll appear and i'll save the mayor. and he'll be so disappointed that sportacus didn't save him that he'll make him leave town forever.
12:21 pm
- it's ringing. [ringing] - ah, huh? what? [ringing] - hi. how'd i get in my bed? in your chair, silly, and we helped you. - yeah. - yes, we did. - pixel, sportacus is in trouble and we really need to use your invisinator. - wh-- well, i-i don't see it. - what? - i don't have it. - ziggy-- - oh, no. i think i left it on the bench when i was going to look for ziggy. - i can use my camera to see if it's still on the bench. - okay-- do that. - let's see here. accessing exterior camera system. okay, going to bench cam. zooming in. - do you see anything? - it's gone from the bench. - oh! - ziggy, you lost it.
12:22 pm
- but-- - i'm gonna access playback mode to see what happened. - okay. - let's do that. - accessing file. um... huh? what's that? i'll fast forward to see what it is. - oh. - what do you see? - guys, it was taken by a mailbox. - a mailbox! - a mailbox! - well, hold on a second. scanning playground... i'm on to something, guys. - what is it? - it looks like somebody's trying to get sportacus into trouble. - oh, no! who would do such a thing? - i'll print it out right now and show it to you. i'll be right over. - okay, bye. - well, hurry up! - you know, ziggy, this is why you should-- - guys, i got the picture. - pixel. - here you go. - oh, great. - okay, well, it seems like someone's gonna - oh, no. - ah. - trip sportacus. - oh! - yeah? - and, it seems like it's all gonna be by the big tree at 10 to 2:00.
12:23 pm
- oh! - oh, no! - okay, guys, i have a plan. - uh-huh. - yeah. - i'll send a message to sportacus, and you guys meet me at the big tree. - okay, let's go. - yes. - i got mail. "when you hear the whistle, jump." is going on. - i hope this plan works. - trixie, are you ready? - yeah. - okay. guys. - here. saving sportacus. - we're on it. - take your positions.
12:24 pm
12:25 pm
do you see him? - i don't see him, but i know where he is. stop! - oh! are you okay? - oh, i think so. [gasping] - robbie rotten! - robbie rotten! - oh, that guy! - why, uh, hi. i-i-i-i-i, uh, i was just, uh, leaving. - sportacus, that was amazing! how did you do that? - i did the same as you. i ate a healthy breakfast and drank plenty of water and got enough sleep. then everything is possible. - yeah. - all right. come on. - all right. - bing bang digga rigga dong funny words i sing when i am dancing dancing dancing bing bang digga rigga dong silly words that
12:26 pm
get on up it's time to dance yeah it's so much fun being up on our feet so we go up up do the jump move around and clap your hands together together together down down turn around having fun is what it's all about - yeah. narrator: dishes. dinner. dishes. marriage. dishes. divorce. dishes. sleeping. (snoring) (sputtering) dishes. not sleeping. dishes. life. dishes. death. dishes. existence. dishes. dishes, dishes, dishes... every dish,
12:27 pm
only finish has the power ball to take on anything. - going for a walk doesn' t mean you have to walk. try going for a gallop, a skip, a zigzag, or a wiggle-- anything to show off your moves. the more you move, the more energized you' ll feel. hey. the more you know. - once upon a time... sounds like the start of a great adventure, right? by diving into a book, you can meet new friends and explore far-off lands anytime, anywhere. so pick up a book,
12:30 pm
irst lady nancy reagan. some of our stations may now go back to regular programming. for others, our coverage continues. nancy reagan, the widow of president ronald reagan has died. she was 94 years old. her death was announced in a statement from her spokesperson, and lester holt looks at the life of the former first lady. >> nancy davis was an actress herself when she met ronald reagan on the mgm lot in 1949. he was already a star. but though she had her own
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