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tv   ABC2 News at 530PM  ABC  July 17, 2009 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT

5:30 pm
for us. eezyontions as wehead into the ernight hours. degreefor anovernight low. we'll lkore about how artspe igoing toiras adintoatday d sunday in just femis. ck to you. >>l right, susa t you. tonigha -year-olbo is charged with the rape and rderof apregna won cel coty. it happen ear is week ant artment mplex on itehalcirc in elon. abc 2 neje hagereports friends led ofher deatwhen they maa gruesome scovery. rertera teddy bear, owers, and a heart-shaped lln. they'rthe kind fts 26- yearld jfer omon ma ve ct foumonthsfrom w when her first ba w due. >> e lod that babyto ath. shwas ever rninmy baby, 's kicking t we didt e her that morng. reporter: onsunday, neighbced wateleg frompson's ut. d whher frnds enred the ck ofher tmd
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went upstrs, theyfound her bloodybody covered by blant in a bed. it pearsomeonhad cut her roat investigs later arreed15- year bertmitcll irvin, wheysahabeen athe artment late saay, and charged him with t-gree murder and rape. she nthim to leth apartment. appears ihe di want to. ere s analtercation, arment, thatneto a physal alteation d abbed her. reporter: ina ste twis thomps'sriends say the me enwho legedly kill herma fathed r born cld. would havecome throug the backand he usedto mess with her and things lithat. actually think it's s baby d ings ke that. t theyalwa us to mess each oer up, althe me rorteat this in it do noappear prosecutors will chargirvin with the ba ath sie the tus s noconser viable fivemont. inil co, ff hag, abc ws >> jeff lls us vin is being
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ld no bailat e cecil co dti cente anw for a lookat tot's top stors. policen baltimore un lookinfor o men ine murd orste owner. on am kang ot d kied jafr 9 la ght puy liors near fullerton. authoritsaysthe 57-year-old sine owr was gu down durin appantrobby attempt. yone with information asked to callthbaimor countyce >>there be an arrest in connec with e mu of form rans terback ste mcna feral ents say 33-year-ol adan gilliam, convicted murder sthe n used in the shting. it's agaithe w r a nvicted fen topossess or sell a firearm.po say mc's ress, hel kazemi, ughtthgun from gilliam just befo she lled the nfl pler d en turned thgu hersf. > furawas ld y r thoridcouple shot death thr homest we. othe menie biings ys sd her husband
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devod thlives to chdren, the milyaneach other. rihemurder, a fe s takefrom thhome. someclthe mily ys it contained only wey, family docunts,and cati for thchen antoveloping story. east eighericans we hurtwh suicide bombs atedwo ho indosia. authoritiebelieve thos spone pong as guests c's vihuo rts a tecurity cameracaht e kill in s l murderoumont. [ sin ] >> portthe plos in jarta pped within minu of each her. >> it sog, peally at the iott. it was suen white smoke in the r, d then about five minus later, t rz rlgot hit. >> report: thorities belie suicboers set off the explos at ripped rougthritz carlton and marrtthotels. leanine le are de, moth 50 unded, incling ght ics. tha administtion
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condemned the atta and promised help thindonean vementwith i statio >> tsofrrorism. thesactsare mmted pe who dot wa to see innesia succee theywant to see demoac sappr from indonesia poer: vestigators say the twin attackca in thisurvelavio bear e si jemaah ismiyah, a milint grp with ts qaeda. auitiesay thsuicide bomberhad eckeinto the rrio hotel da beforeand smgled in explosiv. >> the sand ofexplosives were ed fothe o attas which wereassemblein r 1808 athj.w. marrio hotel. there waone denated plive in th, an wehave confiscatedhat. >> rorr: stigorare exining e ftov bombfo possible clthat coul identify who de it hi profilcls from arnd the rld ayat the xury hots, ich has led auoritietonclude that foreigners were targed.
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althgh e national secu at lel remaine sa, nerk cy poceve stepped upthr presence at me high ofe ho. vihurtad abc news, shon. new ploymentigures art tonight r the ofmand while thnumbs arupthe ease wamo. the ste's unemployme re mpa 10th peent from 2 to 7.3% th's lo of about 00 jobs st mth. at thsa ti last year, th state's unploy ra wa st 4.3%. the new mbers ill we below the tionalunemme ratewhh isw er 9%. >>the napolis li depant is hitting th soci neorking ciuit. eye now fabo ittethe departmentsaysit's usg thsites todistri information,y repos, and neases, d ke you infoedn thupo-the- minuas. they're t the only depant ttincyrspa, anneardel unty poce along th depamentound th cotry also the most
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polar sites. a big check for a local group that helps nior citizens. als on whlsgot thousands of llars om old friend. big k says 000,bu tn $8,5 was ra for mealon whls of centra malandcoursy of former baltimore county departnt aging dictor arnoldeppland his iend you see epplas director r a up of mont now. though heir a coupof montago, buhe sa reme party wasn't his yle. hkefrnds and colleagueso gi to he instd of hi >>ouknow, dread th bber icken party ep ani beetotoma of em. i sa to wi, i t it, but can mething ally good for the coit and at's rae somemonefor meon wheels. >>he ha't stopped heg ltore countyseni s no arge ofatri viage seor lifestyle center. we, ha you goenur seatfothe rans' upcoming seas y? if t,yo prably ve to
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turn ay orcrailior ho ariend gean extra ticket ckwe on sale at 10 toy, but thteam splay r eighhomegames ld t in abt an hourinfactthe on ticketleft are team's twme seas games, land e wer th of them le. wellitundslike a eat deal, is it? l ead we y clear up the ca for clunkenfion toputhe brks your trion. angeis. a womatrng on pair or pricd by th syring. whr huanyse kohl's store was plg th tuatio > but rst,wead outsidant anothechec the her. wee got storm clouds ovhead, but fanot much rain. it's 72 grs in fallston.
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5:39 pm
fios g! where ya hded? ah, just install fio thehole blding. noeveryone h the faest load speeds. we're ging t minietbook. we, i'sticking th c. so's t. (voice) no i'm not! he's jt goofin (voice) no iot ighing) d hatred me. (announcer unlike cablefios brings 1fibeopcs ight to your hom and wh you swih now, you can a fr coaq mini netbk. just pay spping, nd aax. with fios, youl get zor-sharp tv blazing st inet and crtaclear onrve all foju... sign utoday. ll t verizon cter cuomers withisabilies at 800.97400tty/ d for a mited timet incdible compaq mini, toet the mosout of yr os iert.
5:40 pm
get itll the with a gre deal on fios tv teet andhone pl get aree mp minnetbook. ju paypping, handlingnd tes. call t veronter for customwith disilitie at 80074.6tty/v fore time runs o onthisstishingff afr a huge week on wall streetthe etnied day wi mixed resus. e dow and nasdaq wereboth . e s&waoff a tt ss than a point. one woman's act of nd spreto ousands in stermissouri tn. the r theaand an ys it all tewhen a woman went thugthdriv thugh and told them she s paying for her ffeeand the ne custom too. sincthenevery ster at mes through thor al
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payi it forw >> ese e hati le wti bea part ofsomethg, kngheir ces orllaroes to a greater od. they might not be able to change the economy, but th can ange one person day by ing isimple ure. >> the pay it rward chaihas le the coffeeop with le extra ne spe,so e owr is ging it to restrant tharin pes of stng a nd cycle there as wl. in seatt, one neighbodiskiing the vente ice lattes to the curb ming, whpeople there y starbuckis iningnito,antheye caing downrighrude > d weexplain whon car deershis hainout vouchers for free ak-47 assault apon
5:42 pm
5:43 pm
fios guy!where ya headed? ah, just installed fioinhe wle buildg. now everyone has thefaest upload speed d we're givi the a mi netbook. well, i'sticking wi cab. so's ted. (voice)no i not! he's jt going.oice) no i not! (sighing) ted has betrayed me. (announcer) keable, fios brgs 1fiber optics straight to ur hom d y switch now, you n a comp mini netbook. stay shipping, nd and taxes. with fio you'llget rar-sharp blazing
5:44 pm
st internet and crystaclr phonservice all foju... sign utoda call t verizon center fo cuomers th disabie at 800.9006 tty/v, d r a ted timeget incredible compaq min et tosout of youfioserne get itll the with a great deal on fios tv teet a phone plus get a free compaqinnetbook. ju pay shipping, handling and t. call the vizontefor cuoms with disilit at 80074.6006 ttv beforeime ru outn th asthing off. a won in s is ing
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rougprevtative treaent ghafter being keby thresyring sidea hl dressingm. >> i th's etty ary, knowat somebody wod acally do that. >>mame ki k ice about justtryi on ots without checkingthem out first.>>he n ysshwas ying on pair ortswhen e k wh she thought was a pi en she ced its e ed synges. her sband sa the store downplay the atio an dn llicti asd them to. e store mage sath're checking aleipants be sure tre aren't any more le overthe ne few hse viim wi have to have reguladoct chps that someons finger anha loo li afr in ttbay rasnake. this m says hereacd do to pick uhis s bole in thgarden cent at a wal-ma orid a ttlee bit hifing. tonight his fiane says she t pain, ilrecoveng ate hospitaland she ys erwill a lawsuit.
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>>moneright now to is not an su i'm moregrathecat be home witme. i ambrst-fng. i'm on maternity leave. asthe only o workg. >> s is note how mu long her will at e hospal. h sihad analleic reaction tohevenom. > anarkansas man lost his leg in wo-relatedcint and aprentst hier at a wendy's e-thug reports show and his wife wereshted a fefrench frs d straws, so s wi went into the restaurantto complain. th'swhenshe says an employ called r a name, so shfibaita raci slur. en t employ llow r tsid jonathan hensley pulledout a gun. after being arre, police foun$12,000 ca, s, d ingredies to me meth. now the forest certified baimors st aurate weatr ra, and land's most rf doppler radar. >> well, we ed the rain it oks ke there mabeme
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on the way. t you' sing -- >> wel it's uch and go we're gettg lilebit tonight. and again, nding onwhere you live and ether u're undethone e understorm it'going depend on ether get cein not. otheisit loo li gs are ing to sete downpretty nily weheadinto satu ansund. letake a look outside right now. gs are looking pr nice. wenoseeing is rainght now ross the harb. tempat a73 des. relative huty7%. and nd isrent out e north at 8 les an hou if yore heg t in th morrthere yo high and low de. wd will beng, mi in out thnoes 10o 15 miles aho gug high as . ye, thgs aregog to gea ttle t breezy aswe head io the day moow ere isyoursunrise and sunset. the high tempatur across e region tay, 87 degrin balte. it haen feeling ve t yestery and y. 84 in gerstown. , a lileoleran that wincer, virginia. ng alook mperatures
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righnow rdict was co down coiderably. 73 degreein baltore. 8 in east. 79 inean ci. lile on the warm sitill on theastn shor 's because thcooler, drr air is tang ittime geing here. dailrain. ll e looking at st a vesmalount coming with e afrnoon storms d shower glenwood saw the st so far at st3/10 inch. owings mills sengwe, much ss than, that ju er a trac sa withrry hall. noveanli ndov, rockville,all seeing slhtly lower amnts. weidn't see a wholt. agaie're ing to sea hit or msituation aswe head to evg overnigh hours. the satellite composshowing us wh ts clouds throughout the y. a couple osherand thundetorms ssinthug that's sort ofthe firsve. the cold frt as mos roh is ill ck ine ohio valley. so wstill ve me acty at is headinour wa it'snot over yet,ain, itoi hior mi situatio low-presre system ll be adinofto noheasof
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us. that will be happeng inin the eveng and overght hours. ai just some tchand go tuations. 'll have stloy sks, anwecod be eing a couple of owers anmae evena owerading and arou the region. cast showingthings look ay r gh but y dith t imoved he morrow. saays allynice most clear ies. a coupleofclou around. e me tng happe aswe head intthe day on sunday. by sunday eving,ll be seeing clos ve bk is the cture, athenwe'lbe seeinset ather coming in we heroh e workek. now heg out to thshore, thgs lookt better. wee lookg at ce conditionsor tuay an nday outto the east of us we. onturd 82 on nday a go dealhine da. d the temperur goto as far as the ea temperaturesre ncerned in the upper 60s. for night, deees, shers anstorou. br conditns f us as the wind ar to ift,coming t ofthe nortt. 8 degrees for us tomorrow. paly sunnand a lot ss mid.
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so things are g to feel verynice for ustomorr 68 heing toe xt sen ys, fotorr. 83 for sunday. the ch of showerand understorms all roh th ne week, stngwith nday night. thatcoinue in the end week. he doesn't real turn the reon until head inthursdndrida th's e temperates allystt risul see a little of ud high developing anis rtof pumps heat into our gi. 87 t hi by friday. ba to yo >> tnks, susa>>in seattle,washgton toni me neighborhoodare schemi a new scme fr ars. keok. e read"your cal neighborodco shop 's the new 15th avenue coff and tea. it's reallthe same old starbuckthat s be ere r a ar iognito business ownersay th painted over the t and slped a new sign, d alonwith e coff, ey'r w seing up beerand wi. a fresidhat seems more a tten id to some sml
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business rs in the ar >>to e that theyhave cked look onthr new ee shop is rlly, really it's de it insulting. >>'s sort ofsnickeng ke like really? kn at youre. >> a barta at a competing ffee sh claimshe ug some starcks utiv snoopi ou her store foso poters on what a neigorhood shop look like. 15 avee coff and tea thfirst thstarbucks- and community-basestor that will be ighborhoodafter theiighborhoods. >>the bad omy has en rticularly tough onca deals, and lotsthem ha meup wi creative os to you to y a r. buis one missouri is a bit odd. artiin gustthe pridt ax muller will be hainvorsfofr ak-4sat weapon if u buy a vehi
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if owr yslast ye heve ayree ndgun,nd we overy ll e moree repoabout the shfoclun ogram, the re we he gry drers who ha lened th doquify. coumerorter john rese shs why yourold beat may not be a unker, so you n't wastyo mon >> repoer: more d more ivarco re and re frustrated er the government'scash for clus ogram. not onlys e program be narredn to just four mohs, ca that shoube clunrs jusdon't et the requirement the denton door to e sque in the nges, the 120,0 plus miles on the odometer, tony edwds' ca wod apar be the fitionof ke >> squeaky doors, wind rely go upand do. noradivery warm ac blowg. >> reporterso nys thlled to len e cash for clun program,ith hoof adg hisold
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plymouth ndance f $400. >>sile incomefami, two small d, i thout it wo be a greach tget gnaw in tamily. >> repoeras for a requent thata clunr eds to get belo miles a gallon, tony tughtno bank ro onhe highwa18 19but in thcity prably or 15. >>rtbuthen nea ha fact this hard to qualify for prograalghhindce s gas, the a still tes it at 21 milemere glo soeven though itlooks like a clunker d soundsli unr, the governmen-- this r dot quify as a clunker,nfornately. >> reporter: whicmeantony mandrs will, ha continclking alon to findfohtyo cameets theligibilitquemen go the govement's website, e a must li its combin agat 18 miles a gaon or rse. is one case real can't are. so don't waste yo money. i'm jo matares
5:54 pm
>>and w wi a lo ahea abc 2 at6 tonight, m y swpethstate looking at making cuts dewiththe buet ortfall. whatit d mean for someof searesyou rely on. anconfmed cases of e ine flu in a harford county mp. we'rgointo tyou what actions be happen. now a evieof wh y head worlnews at 6:30 tonight, woman shatters thglasoors of mane e. as e nishher fil rotion, meetthe first fema piloof e idenal helicoer r rson thweek, on abs ld" thharlgibs. (aouncer) wocase scerio. so i'm thinkg weeed abe way to save money. tterhasubleasingoffice space? ea (annncer) best case solution. itcho verizon hi spe iernet and phone for business-- with a dedicatedghed connection from
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our offe ou so y won be slowed wn cae your neigors online. as low as $799 a month fo mths wi a yeargreement. plus, get $0 back in ailaonline rebates. 1-8-885 you' also t limited naonde cling th support, anour advanced internet curity feare l baed by the abily the verizon netwo. ll 1-8-8854. for as a79.99 a moh fo months, you'll recei or $180ack in ailable online rebates en yethe von single lbusiss pak and proion pak. one of t manol t verizon all busiss toolbox. du metal clag sound. bear gros. ominous music rocis growling roaaaarrrrrrr!! ♪ wstlingluegss tune
5:56 pm
nnouer) if y thinkll batteries are the me, consider this: wh aornaore through ho cad aife denver okthe r... their night-vision goggle keg em son peri flit... d poweri those precn ggle the onlbatt air fe trusts: durall. truste everywhere loorew dell ultrvaed noth even more por totect odium multsymptom relief combines twerf medines for fast rief of your diarrhea sympms so y c getbackuthere imodiu back out there en youavyourio you guard ur oovts. it so diicul to sleep at's w there's ayfree® ornight. the only one wi night-gua zone... an anti-leachannels... for mamuotecti no matter hoyou move.
5:57 pm
wake-u autiful morning withtayfe.
5:58 pm
wellit'sfrid nit. before dide where u're gog to ab di, yomight want che outis ne story. all know lots of fos are ckedwi thin ke t, sur, ansodium. busome, s,are worse than ot. men's alth is out withanissuth lis the 30 worst foods for u chowdown on. take look a feofem a ciabon. ah, yes, ose lovely cinnons. theye got morethan a thsand caries. applee'schn fajita rollmore than1400 chili's ch cheeburg were jalapeno rancdrsingnearly two thousand cie to cckout tire st to ouwebsite, sty is in ouslidshow special ibut baormarkthth nirsarof billie hoday's death. des abws 6, ich start rit no >>ow abc 2 news at 6. >> we, you' looking a live lofrom
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our meraat e inr rbor we uld in for a roof me very ormy weather tonight. od evening. i'm key swoope so whayoexpect e we li? meteorolist n hrac here withhefocast. >> od ening, evyone. i'meteorolist susan hrack. things areloing kindof spotty ouere. wehave somshers thatare owinup on the rerks other esarpretty clear. e actity has move the noh us. les ta a closer okat a orth has deveped just as itcrseer the chesapeabay d on to the stern sh now we ta a lookat th raintota -- ll, yocan't ally see it. but centreville collected quk al half ch of rain t of thatstor so really, cetheyget over the p of whe u e, it could a y downpour. for threst of, we'vonly be seng a trace. r the most rt, in amous have been on the light side. for tonigh5 grees. shows anormsun and br coit. so some of may e e rain. someofyou manot.


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