tv ABC2 News at 6PM ABC July 17, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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in jua w minutes w that is ing to fect youren if 's going tocleaout, or it's ing stay on stmy . back to you. >> thank susa the state is losing money, and that s it's going to haveo make some deep cuts. vernor martin mallis going ppose some $300 ion in cu xt fore e board esmates wither hundremillio more folland it's ing tohit yoright where yolias state cuts gointo mean f seices onall levels. abnewsroosevt wich has more >> report: when you ti you wah other s thhard wo. garbage y in ron e' bey heights ighbod actual smoothly, unlikeother parts of thcity where hiccups inserve usedsome oble. trash pi whanged from e a weekin ltime ty to st onca we sa money. buththe ate talkg out ng ay mmoney fromthe city, folklike white nd whatis nex >> atill happen. wedot have e ow ouhere. likei sa soth be
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cu >> porter: e governorsays e ate s ut millioincling ate funds th go to citi d unties. ciand coty leers are rectanto y whatey'll ve to cut when mes to sees, but they're ready making ans. >> havealadgiven r agcye rgetof 5% we know thate'regoing to it. >>itotmething that e rwd to necessaril but it someinthat we unrstandyoknowyou've got a major problem e ste lel. >> repoerwhen you inof enlike artscape, you ve least five diffent city departsthat to ay. publicwork paranre police, re, and en trafc enrcemt. an evlike this co millions put on howeve fe that's only a frac of whatr et is for e week. the cityin icular made a et to preser jobs ththprioound of belt tighteni. bueven the mayon't that optimistic this te around. >> we still arve ri with our eeze. peop come back with thr proposals, it uld be in that
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repte dixon saystheyl get a bettlo what the governoroposinxt week, bue hoping that the cun't affect itical s r e ty likeheth care, dr treatment, and emergency sees. in baltimore,roevelt left, abc news. and e ste boarof publicksts xt wednesday moing. > ll, thsear contues baltimore coty r two spec accuof shti anlling a popular lior ste r. haened at puhill quorcated inthe 7900 ock ofbeair ad in fulltoshory afte9:00 last night. police tell uso spec ented the ste and.ed a hagun atthe owne7-- old joon amka. vestigors say one of the spts then kied kafter shngm in the upper bo. veramourners and eqnt customers stped bythstor today to e flowers, d to reme ng, o they called a friendlyand caring perso >>yeahhe s just so nice. >> 's horrle. that isterrib. was one -- ni man.
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>>police arnow loing througeiance video d interviewinge witns wh wasidehe sre at the ti of t sotin if you haveaninatn e susp involved yore asked toll baltimore co ce. the mber is 410-307-20. > a -yolhabe indied for t downs of atmptefit-deee muer assat anhandguns. court cumentalleat on july2nd,mo das was sponsible a double shooting on pulaski st. a bullet hityear-old att ine t. she wataken to the spital for treat. e seco vtim s treated and leased. das ising heldwithout bail. raignmt is schedulefor august11th. >>tonight poli have idenfied a man founmurded yeerdain nortast ltimore. tlbefore:0yesty morng, a paerbyawa bo of dead man sidea car near lake monteblo auoritietellus e victim, ear-d dedray ch was
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shotto h. have word on a suspect or a move. > a prnant elkt woman is de. police ceccoty ve arrested a 15-yr-old bo nneconith her rdernd rape. it haened earlieth ek on whitcircle elkton. a nehbor in the spfi gardens apartmencolex ew ic when r began leaking in s unit fr neigoring townhouse cued by26-yr-old nn ps whener friends wenteck hompson,who wafi months' prnant, they de a gruesome discory >> she went ound ba and she wentup steps. e went to heotr iend becae e codn'tgo upstai. 's th >> police re -yr-old bemitchell irvin anthey he confessed to in thompson ter she ordehim to lethaparent and they haa fight. e vi'sfries say vin may have en the faer her unbo d. he has n been chargewith
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e baby'sdeh. e thfes was determedo vble t. > anarrest has beende the muer of fo baltimore rasteve mc. terry is he with theetai. >>poer: agents with the buau ofbaccalcohoand firearmshavearst a man namerian giiam, juor who is from tennessee. they saygilliam lda gun sal zejust da bere e used it kill naan thener. giiawas convted of er attempd armed robbery in flida back in1993. thitietalked abho thgun s traced. >> hell homide caed us on suay right afr the mcnair murder. speciaagentsid tre on the n insttly, got a ic rerd ba ofthe firsreil sa. weidentifi as a pawnop inallon charlotte enue >>illiam is charged with bea coted felon in eson of . federal prosutorsays a nvicon could ina mum sent often years inprison d a
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neupo $250,000 gillwas si blic defender todbut a heing set bo was delaunl dny. rry en abc ne. there isortonight that charges ve be opped ait tw offials. mayosheiladixon's chief of staff romill d elizabeth sm acommisoner onth city's lr boarwere charwith seco gree assault last nth. mar sheila dixon eda statemenla th ternn sa bmr. millard an miss smitare dedicated and talent blic rvants. i'glad ath of them can put thisssbend themd focuon theiinesona tterltore. ll, some caerin rynd ga litt bit more than theyargained this er. there havebeentwo ird cases of thswine flu at th mp. the ernight cafor kids ages 15 abt 26 res of nd rforun officials there were other
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mpers o appeared to have influenza-like mpms, t no rther tests have beenn. healthepart says they werenticipating a w camp s,nd toacon prto the starof the season. >> visits were ma all cas in ord unty they were idtified the signs and mp tthey ldbe looking r, anwhatto the event thth cas. in this particular ca, we e extremcoent at ey managee tuatvery well >> we inside the camp toy ansaw campficials d a maket rm ch. e student we're ldnt home. the othestayed. d eryo o is systematic is othe night. >>there actuallyavbeen redeaths inmaryland nkedthe fluan732 nfm cases hereinthe stat meane, five students athe maryland institute of cge of art may ha the swine fl the scho official ys uden who are coring have been isolated. > ght an outdoor water
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bed fo150,00peop in rthwest baltore city and baltimorcoun. at's beuse repair work contuealong a tema at sp watefromthe ashford cili tothe rthwesction. weto thepipe was put in abou40 years a. >> the pes th fauring defes that th had, theha this tenden of expling. thsituion we just had on ri29thinhalethorpe bythe railro tcks, atwas an examplof one of the pes pis. noe repairs cod ta to a week, wi he outdoor water e has soared, causg a coiderledron e nt water thcan bepridedto area. offials y they are roeingater, and some people inotheareas could actually exrien a lowater presre. >>artscape isfially rway unt royal. anhopelly e weatr is ing hold show u a ve ure rit now. lo of ople wnand lotsof greaexhits and interactive familyfun projec, anlots grt food
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r&singer dion rwick is e sing tonight at 8:00 the main stage. adssiois free. r compte li of activities a rfmanc, yocan head to r website, abc2newsom. ick links ntioned on air, and ll findthat on t de of her home page. billieholiy revolutionized zz singing. toy baimore sa lou thk you r with rededicationof her statue dons of pe thered e corner of nnsylvania avenue and layestre for the unilg. number ty ganizaon aiup to ene the park whe thue waplaced. e moved tobaltorwi her mother wh was ju infant. the zz-singinglege performeat the rocl ana inbaltime. nyocalpeop ppy to h statue in community. >> she isback. and is marks a whole host of gs r e uenot just thturnof billie day
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anthatlecy, music lega of r counitd historic pesyaniavenue. but italsorkmany cebrations come aswe redelop hist pennsyia aven >>llholidas statue one stop onthpesylvania herige ail icn ca thafn american counit om avertitoda well, ck in e air. cong up, a ple th developea hole in its fuselage isying agai where the ei 73ishead. and some high a in space. whthe shtle endeour a back flip toda and have a 2-degree gutenner. >> aright! >> our wierday is lisa ho isfrelon. and our number thawee you was 89degreethoffial number d up ing degrees onth almana sowe me it >> a rit. >>ngtulatis toher. she is thprouwier of a normlewibbheaddoll. and we'll have t stofhe
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recacong up rit in st a few mite >> watch a 2 ws antime on chanl 1 with cot demand. ♪♪ (anner) worst-casecenario. so tnkinwe need a bettay tsa money. bettern subleasing office spa? eall (announcer stase soti. swch tverizon highpe intnet d phone fo siness-- with a dedated high-s conctn from our offtors ouon't be slowed do cause your ighbors arli. as low as $7 aonth for 12 months wi a 3 year agrme. plus, t ov $180 backn avlable li reb. ca 1-88845-84.
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you'll also t unted natiwialli 24ecsuppor and our ncnternet security features albacky the reabily ofhe verizonwork. ca 1-888-845-8854. for as lows 79.99 a month for 12 months, you'lleceivever $180ack invalenlinbate wh you the veriz sing line busiss p and datarotection k. one theany tools heizon all busine toolb.
6:14 pm
the southwest airlin jet bound r ltimthat deveped at otball-sized le habeen paired, and the ane is w aded toalla e 737 t de erncy laing in west viiamonday evening ter the ssenger can lost pressure nobody wahurt thtional transptati safety bo invgati. endeavouand its se me crew aiv at internatiol spstation, and thazg imag pturthshuttle biting ac he e is can sethe south pacifi ocean righere in the backgrou. s lindsey dagiveus wrap-u >> o, e.
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booster igtionand ftoff of endeavr. >> reporterduring the launch the space shuttldeavour s stck several times by fo om its extern fuel tank. phos show chun inom the front e taand addional pies ssinfr the ck. >>e have a bit myery the eernal tankam loss. om an ar we don't exct te am blost. >> reporte oneday tethe 40th annirsary of the apollo spewalk that t man thmoon, the mood sa i pensive. >> confirmed >> rorr: bore ckinthe ute did a back flipso the astronau could photograph the entire shute, primary the undeide. >> e fo is ouhalfan ch thick. ikindofcame off lile shee in out ven or eit differt areas. and don't untand why that actuallhaed. reporter: th the sa basic probm at ultimately std thspace uttle columb siyears ago. ev since, nasa'sreed on photphto check for possibmage that ul affect the uttle's turn
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. the space uttleet is beinretired xtyear, bu engines e ng togure t at caed somuch to falloff before thxt shuttle laun scduled for next m. >> bodythmiion nageme am saw any reason to inct e hicle. if we had so kiof a contingency, would feel perfectly mfortae ingi th veh back. >>rter: the astrauts tacstation ke it the ggcrd ev orbi thsaple. sey vis,abc ws > now,e forest certified baore'most accurateby herated maryland mo porful dopplerada >>good evening, eryone i'meteorologist san hrack. ght now thgs are lookg pretty quiet,t ast inthe city. 'rokat a ceew ov thharbor. noany raint this int in time. reve humidity is at 82%. kyout er 74 degrs, wioughof the nortrtest 8 mile ho.
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stilha a severe undersrm g ll u in cecil, nt and queen's anne's cnties. th is until tonigh because of mectivitthat has be bubg up it crses e chapke b. it just rt of up, an we're seeing acty happenin lots lighg strike ppg thstorm continues to ve inross e eastn shore and onin delaware. so st be awarof at that'sn effetil 7:30. the ra that 've been seei o storms d showers throughout afrnoon has t real pressive. e seeing abo 3/ in glenwood a lot less an that in owgs mill just trace or ere abou moncn and pell, and anywareas to e soh ar al seeing ain just be aware of that. you d eingme shows and thderstorms ndthrohout the enin hour it's certy rm enough. high temperatur y across the region, 87 baltimore. 86ineaston. indover, delare. mperesnow ve dropped. e wn intomile to lor 70s.
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co, easton stilseeing erurese middle 80s. so the erir at iscong in out of the nohwest ju hast reached that far yet. ileing things a ttle eamy there onthe eastern ore. telle radar compitow mostlyloskthroughout thy day. had piece of energy moving thugh. thathas eated the stormsand showers roughout e ternoon the earleveng hours. now weill still sechan of that ppening, because you castill see energy bubbli up thwe of the. is acoldro that willbe coming thrgh the region toght. thathas not happened yet that willppen later . it's still back here inthe iole ashat coins to push rougwebe seeing settled athe agn, the chances fabl for a coup of shers and merms. sof the stms cobe ry strong, maeven a w th the ci a tegoes on the lookt r that. the ca is shing over the nextcoledays, thin are a little diceytoni an this th clr out vecely e head io the y on satuay. for sund, same th lot of nsne toughout mo of the day. th as the ening s
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we're going tobe ei e clou buildg back into the forecast, and the unsettled foreca com back in aswe headtohe eay paof next week taki look at conditions e be it's going tbe allyce thisweeken sunshine, a lot ofbodays antempures th80s. r tonighin o neck ofth od 65 deeeshs and understormaround. brzy conditis fo. for mo, ings pret gd, 8 degrees, partly sunny, and lot less hum. so it going tofeelch nicer out there. and r thnext sen days thingsarni fousthis week, th thinart go down hasfaas e shers anthdersrms are concerned. each afteoon, mond tuy, wedneay, inth end of the weekand e at starts to eep ck into piure bythe end e week, ursdaynddalook to bein the middto high0s. so tngs are going to be sort stey by thend of t we back to yo >>ll right, thas, susan. > are u ady for me foba? well, tonssile game tickwentone at 10 a.m. the amsupp fothe ght homegameldout
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an hour. the only cks left are the o hopreasogame anerare fewer than a thndof tse le and now orieyou' on see on the web. much ofe food on e market s me adedwith so much faansugar and sodium findutthe 30rsth to ea and yomabe surpd is number 1. alwi so veges out there, itmay be hard to kn jt hobasome of th e you. we have a look at the top 10 healthiest drinks toread thstors g onto ouwebsite at abc2ne.comand lookunder mostpopular stors one right side r ho pe. > ve look now frome mera at the inner rbor no in yet, but susan is go to becoming back to help u plan thatoliday weekend. now a look at kesville tonight omour orm center atr t. gh todaof 88. bualready down70 we'll ight back.
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ma surces that sm oo and strong. re aually susceptie ieverble damage. yo teeth are no dieren ever ads can cause irreversles ofnamel. w crest pro-heal ena ie protects ains.. ...emel loss brming micrinhiel aiacttack. only cst-health toothpass... ..roct a these are isheck most. ve your enel ce it'gone, it c be ge food. new crest prhealth enamel shield. so shidwi the rse.
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6:25 pm
host the celebrn this afternoon. [ clg bell ] >>some xeresults on wall st today. thdow joclosed32. s&p st lessthanhalf a in d e sdaqclosed up 1 2 ts. > ll, maryland's unemoyment teisinching hier. it ineased 1/10of a rcent 7.3 in . maryland employreported rengheir payrls by a estimated 1100jobs last month. the naal rate so ead 10 to 9 1/2% ne however, umployment pped 10% in15 states a the distctof columb. the highrate michig suassed 15 th e t ti thatany stats hit thatmarknc 1984. so we'rrkin help outoutthese h econic times. here whayore g to find on r website today. w twitter can ve you some money on your suervation
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plus, six wa toorganize an mon ate me. and the recession, jobs ar tor tofi. ts totterur ances. ju go to c2news.c and clk on the ncl sual guid > do you e yo ce ph asch your homephe? well night at11, th rcentage of yoighbors th do. > us, wifi openinyou up for enty tht? brkuler investigates >>and justa nd, there are sosere thunderstorm wags for untin eaershor arereing u ceciand queen an, th i haeninuntil 7:. itbecause we ve some stormsro most of them e buling up with thegyonce they have crossed e cheake bay. but be the lookout foat. back tyou. >> kssan. th's ifor abc ne at 6 tonit. i'm kesw. thanks for inus wesee u ck he at 11. have aeat ening and weend. >> thanks r chsing c 2 ws 6. for renewswatch 2 neat 11, or now to
6:27 pm c 2 works for you. > c 2 works for you, and yo wallet. stating local scs. >>waed and wait. it wassad. >> so re yomoney is ected. helpg you pocket evlastpenn >> at if i justpaid ough money, would thatok >> maki sureu get what ey pse. heg you in >> we saveme moy. >> og ngo er wheryou shop inthese uncertn times, me re to abc 2. urwall will thank you
6:29 pm
karl, don't you haverien coming over? ah, so it stinks in here! ve ymellthha orhese curs? you've gotta wa this whole room e u kidding?sh i let's wa itwith feb! whoa! [ snfs ] hemrs. web. [ sniffs ] hey, ismells nice in he. you kn i like tkeep thingfres helps me concentte. malennouer ] forllthe thin that you n't wa sh it with febre.
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