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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  July 18, 2009 12:05am-1:05am EDT

12:05 am
.marrtt on the 17 i wajust ttingready t go down forreast and i heard a loudla and simultaneously the buiding k. >>ines later aecond blast ried throu the nboring tzarlson hoteldestyi rerant. >> yes, bomb ergency workers rushed e scwhere th tdee und and the dyg.amg the inred,ine amican inveigats gan to dome comb the debrisor s. eyhecked in wednesday, carryinghe makg ofe bombs in tirugage and en sit up yteay to carry t the twseparate aks in recent years, indonesia has enjoyed rela clm as e government has camd dwn o thteor cells but these atara brutmde thaturity forc he have their out for them. martin >>on has claime responsibility forse tacks.
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our tho clarsa ward. and that oeport r tonight. a nhen amica lost i singularco ofewsbroadcasting. waltnkite who this vening we'll end orodct wi the original chorn's fil sign-o old ancman you see donfa away, butheyeep coming r baor mor that'say it i i'll be awayfor assigmentnd dan rath will be sittg in here f nt few years. goodight. hi, i'm jiy kiel, and did younolipse m not onlyhts bad brea, hps ki the germs that usit well, oes. and demrate just how fectiveclipse gum is, my e frank and secuty gua ilrmo have put together a short, but dhtl ay for gentme cheers a alae ]
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thas for hang mover, cle ank. >> you'rwee. o you ha anhingeat? >>e, guillmo. [ lauger ] >> they' full nutents >> dirtycks? >> the fl nutrients. >> we can't eathese, unc an we'll have b breath. reay? >> yeah. [ uger ] >> - a short break in the commercial while inform the audiencet home thaour tors ardrk. eclipseum fights d brth d hes ki terms t cait. >> howbout now >> ahh [ laught ] >>t's ughter ]
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itli a rreshing peppermintreeze. >> thank you. >> you'rlcome. eplowing. >>reshenourbrth d he llheerms thacae with eclseum "jiy ki le,backn o minutes withanica trick, sifrom daughy ante tcr. ( exha)seously. now lips.. lls the germs ! cse bad breath. imints.
12:09 am
(annouer new nia for metive 3 nia's first in-1 er...sha...and s. it's mosethin meed goming. almo new active 3 fro nivea for n. whatenant. thpontiasuer closut is he hurry get the pontiacou want be ty'reone. thpre onhe tag ! herice you pay. a 09 pontiac vibe r $13,708fter offs.
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or get 0% apr for 60 months on most 2009 pontiacel ll bd with the .best coverage in amica, inina 5 year/10000 powertrn warranty get so excent ile you ill can, duri thetiac ummer cleout. sit pontiacdealecom nnouncer: frolwood, itjiy kimmelive" tonit -- teri tcher. indy racinstaranicpatrick. coin s doefunny things. music from dautr
12:11 am
wi cleto a t cletones. and no ll tell yowh, re jimmy kimmel! aup [ eend applae ] captionsd or by ab i >>haoucleto. hi, thanyou, i'm jiy th ho of the sh. i'll ke is quick tig, paid the kid 8 bkso hold my ot ithe rry poer le. i nnait the see it. e you si o michael jason stf? eers and applause ] ohwell, en, u lahter ] i knowh to talk about then. . i goito sthat theos anges cntcoror's office i has posoned the
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autopsy report. it's tlonger than expected. apparent the coroner h oue ll the zippers and [ laughter ] don know why is so lo. on "csi" ty wrap up in ho. fortely,e dohave me at the show, my uncle frank, n on was he a doctor, but he w aopn ework fo 20rs you haveeeur share of gught? yeah a lot dead boes. >>here to ghten usn the intries ofthis process, here is my dr.le frank >> i, dr. unce franhere toy,elping to epou aly. we have a quti firsone romoman who as exaly whaare thoing th michael ckon's autsy? wod like to know tt o.let's stofwi the most portanpahere a here. o lo. wh
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case tis a lung, anotr lung, veri the hea. coverihestomah. but oh, e part wanted get to i't d buitot the. the penis is gon it s't be gone yet. th didn't even start the autops why is the pis ge? why? why is the pis ? why? y,hy that's tueion of the d. [ lghte] [ cheers alae ] can i ask you a question and will youse to sw neno jokes or ythi li t becausthere's biebate going on in the offiy. itually turning to a big argument. nthippyr rmer wi, my at,ou guys have en married now fohow ng? >> aut 1yes. 4 ye in thatime, since you ve been dorced haveou ever, um had sexualinrcoue?
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>>ithhippy? >> yeah. >>o. no? you sw swear -- tt's what i said these -- they thinyou do it like onca ye. >> iave been trying, but she's hard t [ lauger ] she's a toh ic >> she's a tou nut to crack. >> ctrols- >> weloo. >>ut you wri i nev have.>> let me ow iytng happs. >> il. >> vy good se csed. n'give me the shing hd, no, i don'belieit. thas as hone as a respons you'll t from that man right there. ye you wldayt on the air, right >> ocose iould. >>here youo. >> h de ll my una liar! [ ht in other d picalnews, newly re-elec presdent of iran, mahmo a members on jaet has beetche up the antihetoic lely. why not, y shou dat you ve.sterday, he sa iran ll rike you in the face so hard yollose youray home.
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ich ally sods like li from like theernie mk sh or something. may be losin transtion t is is thspch he yestday. ken mindthis man is lead owhe country. >>dear enemies, ran will ke y in the ceo hard you ll yway home oh, i'merus you'll be l ding on ishisy meand the ice will be no, is i the ith resident. my face has enhed a'm lost, d yollayget f lawn befe i sic my attk on youcan geyou a sawich, and you'll say i oks like you ha aea been ed anuckleandw [ laughter >> kinof a funny guy microft under bill gateis trngo save twod hs workg on a plfightnd
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destroyhurrices. gates and meientists fid an appti to patt th to rede the is whyou shoul pic on theer ihigh school. one y u ve thewedgy, thnext they harness tow ofhurr. how iwork rs a plane flies direct into e e the hricane and drops a ows sta e e th it causes t huice to freeze anas exctly and thethe huicane goes away. 's absolely brilli [ rs a applae ]isn't omhing? speakingf lian ts is ing e coniracy rists ll have aall wi. e space cyasaapparetl erased theirst moondi b tang or it. [ laught ] realun of rock scienti overherei'llell thi happeneat
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guleo's bar mitzh.meboy tape"ds of our ives" i >> y. >> now we hale proof tha evhat a man was on the moon. don't woy, everyepisode of "gr pains", intact. is come monday,heabc a new reality ow cale"ding in tark". this ia show on which men an n godates cplete darkne. it'sitch bckhich eliminates like physal pearan fthetn. 's an interestinea and actually getting good revws here's wt th call a eak peek. startimondy,uly 2 thre sin guysdthree sile girls together und roof. in total darkness. share their strule >>, tt you? >> watch for the stairs. >> oh! somedy hp me! >>nd the joy >> you fgo.
12:18 am
>>et offmy, dude! >>dati i dark, mday, july 20,n c. >> what's -- whawill ey thi of xt? cheersnd appuse ] this is this ipretty good. this ifrixed rtia arts website.mpe ckson to se me tk to a reptefor th bsiteand this what you can in depth int. >> w supposed too a coupleof mov b ul fhting ke me sy. the ory of mlife. >> aolely. llyou're very goodt well, i ven idea for a romanticomed starring y me. >>eah. >> aboutwres twhfalls in lovwith a ring girlar yo? >> yh. >> sounds good. >> i in? >>ou're in. let's do ighnow. cu okay. there's only oneore.
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now you can get in t oc with celty, o would ite? uc lu. >> allight. there u havet. at's allwe hve wi rampage ckson foe da ank u, rampage >> youwelce. [ laht ] >> exseme, m mrrampage, that what y do to at chippy? th is it.someere uphere i he to believe thatalter cronkis smilinriw. itiday nigh it'sur week tte to thefcc whe bep alur thingsether theyd or no ths this we in unnececensorship. eveou the wt opi wod lit , i can acally that my [ blp ] is changing. it'settg er >> firste for e brewer prince [ bleep
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]>> her experigrowing up in the prts, growing up in a nori comnigrowing withoua [ eep ]. >> i think we have lai out th, you kneventhe w rkes" cod unde it, all rit? thiss a hu [ep ] >> rll t kids arre ao is my husban>> [ beep ] my b. >>f you'reei i at work tre b enough, but i yoreeingullied by someon o c acty [ eep ] at's adynac. thecks dig t lon eep ]. >> it's od t bause 's [leep ] fatten. we took sft acon to pul our economy --h, bep ] rry about that, [ cheers and alause ] >> on the sh tonig, teri hatcr. danica prick. music fromtr anwh wcomeac cousin sal work the 99 cent store sckund.
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(announcer) weeak r. wepeaks soou zip by other cs. but we also spk mp so you can fly astatis. , spe
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mpgs fently, e can saone me thing. e new ford fusiois e mo-fuel-effit midse senin america. and th's somethingno one se casa we speakhe0 ford fon. t in... drive one. ...the blue goe onhe .ohhh.. (annouer)
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tting ready for thbig game?ng it. nty extsoft-- the bountyita little tra softne! it'supeabsoent. dworks extra ha for youmoney. this lademo, one eet of bouexa so out-rs twsheets t bargain brand. game o bo e s loofor new ints.
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12:25 am
, e,re back. holdoni ve aurl th nocry out. sal, wilyou gety hair dryer >>. it ton, from "despeteousewives" ahe animatedie "coraline wch comes out y onlu-ray and dvd, terher is here. also wh us, a ti wit a very hea foot. ony nigh you canee her espysn espn, ca patrick is here. later, tir new cd caut th wit's cled "leaves tokicking off the samsg at sumer ush coerseries, fr the pou tater in the erald tyf seate, musiomaughy. xt wek, wel be joined by kaheigl, tom aold, zooedehanel, seth gree "the bhelotte"illian harrverend al shpt, the trailer park bs and music froma uxnd jewel. thiss my csin sal.
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heyrybod [ cheersnd applause >> s, what do you ink uncle ank, hon >> he's honest, i on yo de, there's way hs having sex wi aunt chippy. shesaid we cat bee we're t maieore. ou ba sin. t woul be a sin. like a wanas needs an everhie pls video poker and ye at opleith cigarette breathnd thas the extent of her ed. right? guillermo, on the othand, he's hitti her. [ ughter ] >>llht. we, you ow, thesare to economic times and more and m people are ctiorns a shng aplaces likth ce storesoe ghteth un to send m cn sal and his hidecamerathe to grthem. an't fhom wh happened. >> hello. >> h how a you? how ch is is? 's not snng.
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e check on trail mix, rene. i need price cck. >> 99. 9 yh. >> all rht. i'mnggo che t ics. 99 cents. >> everyg i have i99cents. be right ck. [ laught ] 99 i ways le toble k. u wereight, t's 99 where u in and how t the glasses. let me ring thos. >> i'm ing hem >> well,hey're you aer
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you >> they're pscription. >>amweave those in ale five. let me rin themup. >>ou can tl theye escrtion look at them for bleepsake. lo at th. ha you mn? m not a doctor her >>ell, you should be i should aoctor? me on,o, ed to ck thesup. wh you have a probm? se are prriptn. you don't he 99 -- the fmelone was or $100. >> 99 cen here. sir, d't wory out it, beuswait untile get t ur bt. whe is he g? ce , please. >> all rht >>heou g have a good one. shop in yellow, go get her, bs. how's it going i'm wog many hours. >> this isoty stuff. thatoty stuff.
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ro, thiss my sff. y. euse me? >> thiisot my stuff. >>hiis all on the bt. >> wt's your [ bleep ] probm? iidt sea divider, de. >> can i speak to a manager? >> can i spe to a manager? [ laughter ] everythg od? [ siren ] it a mine. you know what that means? you e th 99th cstomer we have r 99th ctor. you d it! nglations. whoo! biwinnerg winner, ! 99th cuer me on ov h you tnk wt that means? you have sds to fill tha baet with anythi you want. yeah, y, set, go
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cion dns, don't thk about it. everng is 99 c look at hi go. ve,s y know what he s.sends fthe's got get back to the front. ve fthree, two, he d it! wow. niceoing, budd basically, funions and cabbage. ay, yo c make a caere with ts. cotutions. do come true at e cent store ughter at's good. >> cousin sal, everybody. we'l rig back with teri hatcher.c,ine revvg )wo sweinivan!(
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revs en ) ha ha! whoo ( thunrclap ) ts nivané tu! 's rainig! with t great taste of aond's mcca mo a beerys possib. fre ground presso rl stead milk anedent chocolate. head café yr day. ♪ da ba ba ♪ iu ink geico's th cheap insurance company then y're g to really confusedwhen y hr this: drivers who switch om gei to alls... sa aere of 73 ar. nfused?t . ♪ (anner) new nivea for meactive 3 nis first in-1 shower...shamp.and sha it's alost evrything men ed for grooming. mo neacve 3rom nia for me what men want. how doesiller lite get l thatreat pilsner taste? we add ts not once, not twice... t thtimes during trewi process.
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instead ofll ace. trip hops brew mierite.greaste. lessling.
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"drateouseves". w u can hear h athre ve difrent mothers in animated movie "co" which mes out blu-r and dvd tuesy. plea sayello tteri tcher. cheers ause ] well, you look fantastic. thank yofor ming. >> tnk you so much. i feelke "thbacheloret"," you know wh i walout -- >> i saione gets rejected his sh. >> tt'y ke comg back. >> you woun'get rejecd anyway how aryou? 'great you were sickhlas ti -- were bh ick. i acically felasleep on
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your desk. >> that always haps. and you're lthy? >> ah. know you went on vation this smea youroughts ogphs whh isxcitin i wen atralia in june wi mydaughter ancoralin was there w tked on vation -- >> have ver been t austraa. is it fun? >> is one of the mt beaufucountries,eautiful people, eat fo i meanthe one tng ait oughwatcall the nger shs and all thosate shows. eyo sell austria as like th mosnomous evethin in atralia. yeah. >> so you thereith thidea li tpider, every tel omould check the sheets there for the spiders, ever night. >> reay? did yond a? we saw tree spiders, not in e . wl, very od. weha some photographs he maybe you'd ta ushroug .you and your daughter emerson he on a oat. that was last day.
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we w the outer bar reef. thveryoutsidef e rend wscubaed and thesnorled er that was on ouy home tt was the last day. >> ok. is is -- pto that who tk? i w sbag, and was fe dow this is athebarrr reef. dahr was snorkeling above me, which now that i think about her makes h--nd was d ere th a guideand hek that pture. ere re quite a srks bumostf e h t were circling around. >> i'd be les worrid bouthe spers in ted and be more worried oue sharks. >> iwasn't worried aut t sharks and tis - >> ain whale. have had stories thai have told aut interactions with huack whes n mexi and whal in we're on our way back ts last y on theoa andwe've alr caugha
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anh mackerel and fillted and we ced i one oth guidesn e bo said think em dolins erhere. we tned the s of d then in fi mitesare surrounded by seveminke whale which ar ft long. and you can tebout these- that kof wildl when ey apoach, whhey' mingun boat continually undernd arod the boat, they sort o sing come in and pl witus. >> theare? i would thk they'rsanget awt om -- away fm us >> wel ey' n shy so youon't want tasehem away. >> i w't. rember tha >> we went in snoreled for ur. we wereyou could reyour ndut a -- an, weere veryngaged wit th fbout an hour. ey were below , arounds.
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then'eat han >>o. whales eatumans >> well, don't know. you know, there's ways a ft me. ell, no. there's nein ba fit time thaa alea person. not in oete. >> ihink there will be. >> oh,ll rht. >>t lle firstime orkeling. [ ught ] this -- tt's a gianclam theyerevywhere. they were -- >> delicious.di you get to eaof them? >> no. can yat them? >> n >> iooat everything - >> hen't you ever been hereropil? >> i'moi tbe host withyou, i'mcared of fh. i'lll out a m by the mou d erythi and them, t don't li t swim wi them be ty ow at i'mp to oerise. uld -- yon't t e of thclam i bet you an. >> don't tnk can. >>et ae vat oflinn guea. >> lov that, but little on. >> looat everyg undernth turfaces all you n eat bu.
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>> did you s that moe "super si"? >> iidani was hrifi initially buthort abt . >> the portis are betr. >> look, ydon't get by like this ttg aroundkingbo food. so gu h aood time. >>e had a great time we whitewater and ied. we werdventur >> sounds like . hen i had the rstassag sty of my li. what haened? d he seze on you? >> oh, ay. wor anng sneed on. i'll to ll you quickly. >> go head, ye. >> sall i'mthinkingis please god can i get masause i'm so tend. i veee med thole day. so we t to e sp which supposed to be the reasono ay at the hol first plac it ss nice. ndfdonesian, half nside, lf out that feg. so we walk from the y down thlittle ph, t jungle, know, to the room u angentur robes.
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as we' walking do the, the woman is sayg us,ou know, there's these wi turkeys arnd, nothin to woy abt. they make a lot ofoise, they sctch, buton'tor abo them. get ithroom and change into the re. i har bodcdling cream. i'm thi y kw, w wh i told you, poisonous snake. didn sound lanything else.>> like aturkey. >> but i'm hul. u owi'm about et a massage. so iokmy head out the wiow and t my masseuse standing there like this. go, tu? like -- and she goes, no it was a snake. almost stepped o. she is jusscreaming. i ne asage n! >> oh, o.>>th theer massuse or aughter ces oua they start guinout thl poisonousut the ake is out. m thinkg,okay, jt get martini. >>lly. ths sounds like the t vacaon eve >> it was a eat vaon. thatassage momen -- dhe wip givi y a
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e? >> we go into om where i ocd to get bit by a t, swelled kezy. kepsang to her, u know, i think --merso is appy, i'm itching ani'm swelling an u kn, she s ing liketh. i havehe magic nds. juou havto embracehe bu and eracehe snakes and o witthe envirot. i was like, no, i tting on a anin two weeks, i donhave to be withny of this. i want trelax. >> five secdsgoyou were reamg and juing onof someing. >> exactly these peoare hycrites. never ave the couny ain. 's anrous. we nd re you here on abc. u can't go off andun -- >>ell, i obably do things that my contract d't aow me. n't th beaul? this is beaif thiss tim
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rton and "coraline" hll-ti favori movie. ght eaor h. >> i think it bon yr shelf. look at that. can tour vacaion otos rht tre -- i'm so proud ts movie. if you didn't seet, is neil mmon, clasc ory tale, mothaughr reon justeawonderfu and such acef art. it's caedraline." >> and comes witglaes. glasse >> 3 glses. >> really, athey in here? they're probly hiddenide >> i d't kw.>> tsti haher,t comes th glaes teri hater, erybody."coraline" com o on blu-ray andvd on tuesday. wh we come back, da patrick isere. newppre th itsevolutio os. theye running ltiple livplatio at sa time. - ( undeand rain ) 3 million are usg the simp everythinplan. each is sang $ er an at ip plan. -( ch gist dings ) togetth's over $3 billn. enoughto a nkdonu in spac wa-tkie sounds ) from americs mo dependable 3g network.
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brging you t firand on wes network gethe pre frosprint only on notwork. deafrd of hearing ople with speechabitieaccess remb todais your "lucky day." thdayou tove e vehicle your dreams. afc ishaotic, so be ul wheu go o. ♪ new degreeen v1eciaedition. econ for e ride ourife. ma annncer ] swier tjetleans so cplet u'll never go back toour olmoagai
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don't yout meab ♪ ♪ donou want hhhh♪ female announcer why go part the way clean? swiffer tjet anticterial clner ki99.9 percent obacteria mo can spreaaround ifclea bter or yr monebauanteed. d't y want me baby? tang its righl plac ia long line of ang is t new e-cou. thiss mercesenz.
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♪ hither ery ar, miionspele pay to watch ourext guest drive ound in circles r urs on end. e'the first won to win indy carace and currently thfiftraed driver othe ciuit. isunday nit 90, you n see r at t espy awards on espn. ease welcome danpatrick. [ ch and applause ]
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danicayou're n weari pan >>s that bad? >> no,ot bad at al >>t's t-shirt. >> iiteallst a shirt? ischcally a dres a shirt? >> w do you think >>ec if it's a srt yore notearg pan ifs dress -- >> in end, pantare undeear. >> theare? yeah. i diny inthose. in england pants e unrwr? >> yeah. >> really? i di't know th. >> tuseror somethingwhat know as pants >> pts are underar >> kckers. they call knickers too. really? >> underwear knickrs >>hat i ve heard of. this indown hill rea fast >> buthe point i we o determine whetheyore wearing nts or not. iamica, >> iamerica, o. >>ell,ere we e in calirnia, so i guess
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that settit.od to see you re at thpy awards i ow -- ias. theped on wednda ght anit airs suny nigh ause us athlete work on the weends a t. ryonvenient r us. >> is itun bng in a th other huge polar ats l together? >> o we're in l.aso i said this isoing be even better he. i sat ne tkobe. >> you did >>e's super ne gu uy. was endls ng of people walking byndying rats and i was honoreoe four feet ay. >> you chat th h at l? >>eah. . i asked abous dsnd you knowi saihi to his . you know, we were -- we haa littlconvertion about h pretenng like he's me drivg do05 so in my mind i was thinng after he saithat a'mike, so in other hs rely tick off like all thme en >>ea tff. trafic. >> i b h dve
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seiously too.did meet anyou had not met before tt y were excied to met? i, i ve himi love althmusi andd oneat didn't expt eether cdoleza ric was ther ds she ow you aa car iv? >> she. she sa she w a fa i di't care she blong sunshi. i'm happy if she sayhas a fan even ishsying. the fa tshe hatoti t st whi t world i wr annoceica rick, asa race car driver. >> not jt as a re car erbut yooklot of ground bng the fiwoman to we. she's a man t, so yavthat in co. [ chee alause ] ell, mn, you ow, i'm re my parents are ryroud me, but i thi whashdo is -- you know ec the world lot rehan
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what i d >> i hea pares go on the bus with you and on tour with you. tt drewue >> yeah,eped a lot of tim geer i a ibly all spe. ous like able idea. >> oh, dyo parts >> no, i lmy parents, but we we on ausether somee uld d >> it's like higen camp is desri it. becae avlike all that wroll out >> reall yea nderful weberll. sts ery time. younow, we pick ourood and ot. werobablha better food and wine than at rl most campers,yeah. >> we should incorpormo to o progr. ou don't no. >> why n? >> we dot ve aonfi. wea grill >> i know is is a controveral tng, but s'mores, n as od as they sh be. [ lghte]u alwa get smach ach om them.
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caus the chocola and mahmlow -- >> how my dooueat? >>h,t least aozen i ea the all. whatever ithe. th're noas good as they should b iright onhat? [ apse ] >> personally --n't think you ve a l of takers there. i rsonally rely like marshmlow bee i ly like burntd. i like it to belly crr ody else le their rnt food? [ apause ] ah vetaes on the ill don't care iit's burnt,l eait. m prob gting r, but ess , li is sh anyway. nd you're drlike 19 les hour ywo it seems likershmaowishe let of your worrs. thank you for putting it perspective.>> i heard somtalk you might ardrivg nascawhich doing great ie indy le. y would you nto dre nascar >> u i don't know. maybe idoe i don't. i'm rt of- no. thinkin about ? 'm definely interested. u knowi ha bn driving indy car for
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fe yes, i drive foa great tea. it's cont meo it's to evaluate te option i thk itks fun i dot kn i thinitoks le fu racing. >> you get tang aund. most portant, bump.i wathinkg of thlier, you knowif- was doing an intervw eaandn the fure a i'm rir fro ra tnkm ingo comep with bumpe cabcar and giveeoli thrill ride >> i will beou first pseng. ecse i'm reall excted abt bumpin al excedi't you er wi cou h people goindown t road? [ eers and applause ] yeah d yoget do at. yeah. goews for lindsay lohan, by thwa >> maybe s sou think about it, drive nascar >> tre y go. danica patrick. you can seheon the espys r suayig at 9:00 oespn. ming up, dghtry.
12:54 am
heard thsaying ss imore? well at altate moreis actuallless the moreicieyoswitch e less yay discountfo combngour insurance withe inrance, motorcycleatv,t, anher ca motor scoor, mor homesnowmobile...
12:55 am
os y what's up,ma? beg smt. p. bked my 10tghton hotelcom, i get night ee getaway. really? #whe? ywre you wan a bed brast? bed d brkft. check. plby the bch? a place by aweso oh, you smart. accumulate 10 nights and t a nit free. welce rerds .fm tels.
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art. mart.
12:57 am
12:58 am
we, we are back. here wh ca patrick. ths their new cd. 's cald ea this town". from the samsung asuer krh stage at t parount theater in sttle, with t song "no sprise", daught. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ i've actid this for hours e round and roun♪ ♪ a n i tnkt i've got it all dow ♪ ands i say itouder love how it sounds 'cae i'm king t eas way ou not winthis in ribbons ♪ shouldn't hav ge a reason why ♪ ♪ ino surisi n't be
12:59 am
hereomor ♪ i can'telvehat i stay till tay ♪ yea you and i will be a ugh act to follow but know in time wefind thas no surpri ♪ ♪ it outike a river on let it out♪ ♪ when i thoughthat i wo't knowow d on to it forever juspui it down ♪ ♪ felsoood to l go now ♪ ♪otraing this iribbs shouldn'o gi a rson y ♪ ♪s no surprisi won't re tomorro♪ ian't bieve tt stayed
1:00 am
till tay ♪ the'sothi he in ts art left to boow♪♪ there nhi here in this soeft say dot surprised when we hate isomrow ♪ gno trio fi an easier way ♪ ♪ yeah, yound i ll b ugh act to flow ♪ ♪ut i know in time l find is was no suri ♪ o fave place wesed ♪ the warm embrace at no one kns ♪ ♪ t lovinok that'le yo es ♪ that's whthicomeas n no surprise ♪
1:01 am
♪ ii uld see the fure and hothisys out ♪ ♪ett's better than where areow♪ ♪ but aer going tough ts, it easieto sethreason wh♪ ♪t's sprise i n' here torw ♪ ♪'t believe that stayed till today ♪ yea you a i wl a tough to follow ut know ine 'lfi as no suse ♪ ♪urorelace wused to ♪ the warm emace that none kns ♪ the lovinlook tt'le ur eyes ♪ bnow i we'd is w no suse [ cheers
1:02 am
and apause ] thank yoso much.
1:03 am
whoa honey hohoy honey y! okay. i .. you can't... ths'a ste, alrigh i mean... whati just walked intohe kitchen d startemaking a salad? - tha' weird. - right? i anlook there's a techque. okay ( sts match )
1:04 am
wow. it's , yo. - thankshon.- y're welcome. announcer: p, 's thatasy, thingsfo matclight. ( mah strikes > well, i antok teri hatcher and danica patrick. ogies to matmon, w out of timthe ne is caed "lee is to in


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