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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  July 28, 2009 12:05am-1:05am EDT

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time now for tonight's "closing argument." cambridge officials today released the 911 call from lucia wailen that preceded the arrest of black harvard scholar henry louis gates by white police officer sergeant james crowley. >> and they kind of barged in and broke the screen door and they finally got in. when i looked -- i went further closer to the house a little bit after the gentleman was already in the house. i noticed two suitcases. so i'm not sure if these are two individuals who actually work
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there -- i mean who live there. >> the caller did not identify gates by race. and local officials say they're eager to clear the air, as is president obama who will host gates and crowley at the white house thursday night at 6:00 for a conciliatory beer. is bringing the two together for a beer a contrived attempt to solve a much deeper problem? tell us what you think by clicking on the "nightline" page or on the twitter page. that's our report for tonight. jimmy kimmel is up next. but for now, from all of us at abc news, good night, america. hi, i'm jimmy kimmel and this is the samsung jack, a brand new crossover device in
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the tradition of the blackjack. its slim device and ergonomic keyboard makes it easy to e-mail and text your friends about the third annual samsung at&t summer krush season. it started last thursday with daughtry -- >> we were there, jimmy, it was spectacular columb spectacular! >> oh, wait, a minute, where you from? >> we're from brooklyn! >> you're following the sam sung say say summer krush city? >> yeah, we've gone to the nine cities to see the hottest bands. >> but none of them are from brooklyn. >> we're from brooklyn. >> so i heard. you probably know about the samsung at&t opening act contest where unsigned artists of bands submit for a chance to perform on the at&t summer krush tour and have their performance broadcast here on the show? >> are any of those bands from brooklyn? >> i don't know. they might be. >> well f you find out, can you
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let us know? >> let us know, because we're from brooklyn. >> we're from brooklyn. >> you're from brooklyn? >> for more information about the summer krush tour and the opening act contest go to the website. >> "jimmy kimmel live" back with jamie-lynn sigler, music from sean patrick mcgraw and samuel l. jackson. cchiato, light hot chocolate hold the whip, and two espressos. make one a double. she's fiber focused! i have two cappuccinos, one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, a medium macchiato, a lighhot chocolate, hold the whip, and two espressos, one with a double shot. gonna take more than coffee to stay this focused. stay full and focused through the morning... with a breakfast of kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats® cereal; an excellent source of fiber that helps you avoid... the distraction of mid-morning hunger. no thanks, i'm good.
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hi. ( whimpers, inhales ) ( sobs ) - hello! ( shakes and exhales ) for big moments anywhere, keep a little strength in your pocket. ( ding ) altoids smalls.
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are you in mint condition? >> announcer: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- samuel l. jackson. from "entourage", jamie-lynn sigler. and music from sean patrick mcgraw. with cleto and the cletones.
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and now, after all, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by abc, inc. >> thank you, cleto. hi, everyone. i'm jimmy. welcome. thank you for joining us. i have to make this quick. i have a mcflurry melting backstage. it is good to be back. we have been on vacation for two weeks. what a trip i had. have you ever heard of a place called hawaii? [ laughter ] so nice -- you should check it out if you haven't. even though it has been more than i guess like two weeks now, the death of michael jackson -- and i hope this isn't the first you're finding out about it is still at the top of the news. when someone like michael jackson who meant a lot to a lot of people passes away, it can be difficult. i mean, sarah palin quit her job because of it.
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[ laughter ] now she and her husband are holed up in their igloo listening to "i can't stop loving you" over and over again. it seems like people here in california where michael jackson lived have been particularly upset. every day there are people gather at the star here on the hollywood walk of fame and in one neighborhood a few hours north of us, it would appear that the gloved one has already risen again. >> the stockton family thinks they have a spiritual image staring right at them from their own front yard. >> okay, yeah. >> you see michael jackson in the tree stump. >> no doubt in your mind that's michael? >> that's michael. that's michael. >> i think it's really michael. >> why michael jackson and not jesus? >> michael jackson meant more to us than maybe jesus did to some people. i think they're about even. they're both icons. >> well, that makes sense. [ laughter ] in fairness, though, i have a sneaking suspicion that
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crocodiles mean more to her than any of them. and jackson's sister thinks -- and michael jackson's sister did an interview for money, of course, in which she thinks that michael was murdered, and joe said the same thing. they believe he was myrrhed for the money -- murdered for the money and at the top of the list of suspects -- latoya and joe jackson. [ laughter ] there's crazy rumors going around about michael jackson and one is that his brain is some place other than with his body. i don't know who has it, but i did find it suspicious that donald trump is able to moonwalk. in happier news, baseball tonight held their annual all-star game in st. louis. millions tuned in to see the 2009 major leaguall stars as some prefer to call them the 2010 new york yankees play. this year they did things a little differently. instead of the american versus the national league, it was the steroids versus the naturals and
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steroids won, 382-4. last night they aired the celebrity softball game on espn. this is a game i have played in in the past. watch this, this is the basketball coach bobby knight. he's encouraging shawn johnson to do a flip on the way to second base and the announcer rick sutcliffe out of nowhere mentions me. >> a flip into secd. >> tell me when to go. >> you know the last time we saw the flip in this game it was jimmy kimmel going to first. i don't think it was planned though. >> now, that is interesting because i don't remember flipping on my way to first. the only thing i remember about this game is -- >> here is jimmy kimmel, host of course of his own show on abc. only down 2-1. watch out, jimmy kimmel! >> oh, i remember -- all i remember that home run. sadly -- by the way i had that on my phone in case anybody
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wants to see that again after the show. our president obama made it back from overseas tonight to throw out the first pitch of the game and he threw it so fast that the fox cameras almost missed the shot. >> he did it with his left hand which is awesome. >> obama looks weird in jeans, doesn't he? [ laughter ] he looks like my aunt linda in jeans. crease down the middle. [ laughter ] last week obama was in rome at the g-8 summit where this photograph was taken. at first glance it would appear that he and french president nicolas sarkozy are checking out this woman's shapely bottom. this is when bill clinton really misses being in charge. everyone made a big deal out of it, but if you watch the video, this is interesting, you can see obama is just turning to help another woman --
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watch this, down the stairs. sarkozy on the other hand is definitely staring at her ass. definitely. in france, it's considered rude not to. [ laughter ] but it's a funny thing because similar thing happened to me over the vacation. this picture was in the tabloids. now, i know it looks -- it looks -- it almost looks like i'm trying to squeeze that woman's breasts, but again, when you watch the tape you could see here that i was trapped in quick sand and i was just -- i was grabbing for anything i could. to save my life. that's actually the third time i have fallen in quick sand this month. president obama's supreme court nominee sonia sotomayor -- are you excited about her, guillermo? >> yes. >> why are you excited about her? >> because she's a .
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>> and you too are a latina. >> yes. >> or something like that. she had her second day in front of the senate judiciary committee today. i guess they have to do that in order to be confirmed to the supreme court. her confirmation is pretty much a forgone conclusion, but even the leading republican said the only way she would not be confirmed is if she had a meltdown in which case she'd be named the governor of alaska. but these hearings -- they're usually boring, but every once in a while somebody says something exciting. here tonight is the sotomayor confirmation hearings weird word of the day. >> nunchakus. >> nunchakus. nunchakus. [ cheers and applause ] either way, they're saying if she's confirmed she'd be the first latino ninja to serve on the supreme court. unless you really loved government, these hearings are very boring and the senator -- senators make these long,
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self-congratulatory opening statements, but it was kind of fun to see sotomayor's opening statement. mostly because she took the opportunity to introduce the family members who showed up to support her. >> before we begin the opening statements of the senators, would you please introduce the members of your family. >> thank you, mr. chairman. i will limit myself to just my immediate family. sitting behind me is my brother juan sotomayor. next to him is my mom, selena sotomayor. next to her is my favorite husband of my mom, omar lopez. then there's cory and hunter sotomayor. and the remainder of that row is filled with godchildren and dear friends. >> thank you very much. i have never seen such a large crowd of friends and supporters. >> isn't that adorable? well, we have a good show tonight.
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from "entourage", jamie-lynn sigler. music from sean patrick mcgraw. and we'll be right back with samuel l. jackson, so stick around. noooo ! is he alright ? poor guy's in a dead zone... can't update facebook... twitter's timing out... youtube's super-slow. it's so frustrating! i had that... until i switched to verizon. you've got 3g all over. get america's largest 3g network and run the apps you want, where you want. check out our line-up of amazing blackberries like the all-new blackberry tour.
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hi. ( whimpers, inhales ) ( sobs ) - hello! ( shakes and exhales ) for big moments anywhere, keep a little strength in your pocket. ( ding ) altoids smalls. are you in mint condition? ♪
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♪ hi, there. with us tonight, she grew up before our eyes as meadow soprano. now she plays kind of herself on the new season of "entourage". jamie-lynn sigler is here. also tonight, making his network television debut, this is his new album. he named it after himself. music from sean patrick mcgraw. tomorrow night, larry king, and marisa miller and
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thursday terrell owens, pit bull and on friday, teri hatcher, danica patrick and daughtry on the program. guillermo, i want to congratulate you because you lost some weight. we were talking to the studio audience before the show. for the viewers at home, let's go through the guillermo diet plan. this is what guillermo has been eating every single day of our two-week break and this is why he's lost how many pounds? >> five. >> guillermo, if you want to look like guillermo, for breakfast you have -- >> oatmeal with extra berries. >> oatmeal not with extra berries, but strawberries. for lunch? >> watermelon. >> how much? >> half of it. >>. >> half of a watermelon. >> and half for dinner. >> the other half for dinner. and what else for dinner besides the watermelon? >> tostdas with ceviche. and you prefer the imitation crab meat. >> exactly.
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>> you should write a book or something like that. >> and chips. >> and chips. >> but most important, no alcohol. >> i find it hard to believe you haven't been drinking? have you been drinking? >> no. >> you told me like eight minutes ago that you'd been drinking two light beers a day. >> oh, yeah, yeah. >> all right. okay. >> in mexico is beer not alcohol? is beer like milk? >> no, but it's light. >> oh, it's light, okay. well, many people have -- more people have seen him in movies than any other actor ever. more than all the wayans and baldwins combined. this sunday night at 9:00, you can see him host the espys on espn. please say hello to samuel l. jackson. [ cheers and applause ]
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it's great to see you. >> how's everything? >> everything is awesome. >> has the summer been good to you? i know you work a lot. >> actually, i haven't done a lot this summer, i have done a lot of voiceover stuff, playing golf. >> i saw a picture of you in "the new york times." >> going to weddings, yeah. >> you got married. congratulations. >> no, i'm actually walking a good friend of mine, victoria raoul, down the aisle. i'm giving her away at her wedding. i think two weeks ago in new hampshire. >> what are the duties when you give the bride away? what are you responsible for? >> well, you used to go down there and someone asked you who gives this woman away and you say i do, and you hand her over to the dude she's marrying an sit down. i didn't have to do that. i just walked her down the aisle. >> that's it? >> it's a little -- well,
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weddings is complicated because you'll notice i have on a -- let's see -- a crumpled suit, a seersucker suit. i called her and asked, vicki, what kind of suit should i wear because i knew it was going to be hot. she said, what do you want to wear? i said i have a seersucker suit. she said, wonderful. be comfortable. my wife is going, you can't wear that. i said, well the bride said i could wear this. >> right. >> so it's okay. >> sure. >> but i get there and sure enough, her husband to be and all the other guys, they have on black tuxedos. i was like oops. i get the look. >> you got the look, yeah. your wife now -- >> only suit i brought. >> your wife was a matchmaker for this wedding. >> yeah. yes. she introduced them. >> that's a big feather in her cap, isn't it? >> either that or she's got, you know, got to be responsible for the big divorce party. [ laughter ] but, yeah.
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>> wear the right suit. >> you know, really interesting kind of story because she introduced vicki to ratcliffe. she said i'm going to introduce you to your husband and she told him, i'm going to introduce you to your wife and without them knowing each other. vicki was doing a book signing at store. this older woman with white hair came up to her and said, oh, my god, i really have to introduce you to my son. he'd love to meet you, he's looking for -- vicki is like okay. it turns out it was ratcliffe's mother. >> wow. >> all these things were coming together for her and she ended up sitting next to him at some dinner and they talked. it all like boom, slam -- they were together. >> does yo wife do this a lot? >> i hope not. i don't know about it, i don't want to know. well, i know a lot of women say to her, find me a husband and a lot of women say to me, you know, don't you have any friends that you play golf with that want to get married? no. [ laughter ] i don't want to be responsible
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for that. >> yeah, i know. >> women like doing that. guys never want to be responsible for that. >> yes. yes. >> we like keeping our friends. >> yeah. it's really -- kind of a no-win situation. >> because it's great for about three months and, you know, they're all hot, it's awesome and then they get married and then, you know, next thing you know the guys are looking at you kind of funny like why didn't you tell me? dude, i don't live with her. >> this may be why they didn't ask you any questions as you walked down the aisle. >> and i didn't say much in "the new york times" article. a wonderful article. >> you kept your mouth shut. that's an honor to give the bride away. >> yeah, it was great to be a part of the wedding and -- >> and if it goes as you suspect, you could take her back. >> no. [ laughter ] no. no. no, i don't want to be a part of that. >> well, i was interested to learn this about you, because we have something in common and that is that we're both in the marching band in high school. >> you were marching?
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>> yeah, i was in the marching band. >> get out of here! >> i was in all the bands in high school really. >> from what grade to what grade? >> i was in from sixth grade till -- to the end of tenth. in which i realized that -- >> you gave it up 11th and 12th grade you gave it up? >> i realized it would be a difficult enough task trying to get sex out of somebody without the white shoes -- oh, thank you. [ cheers and applause ] there i am with the clarinet. >> that is not a marching band uniform. >> no, that was -- that was our symphonic band uniform. >> that's a wedding band uniform. >> that was our symphonic band uniform. cleto and i were in the band together. and it went better for him than me because he played the saxophone and i played the clarinet. >> why did it go better? >> because the saxophone is cooler than the clarinet. you know? you don't see the clarinet wracking up the chicks. >> woody allen was hot for many years.
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>> i don't think it was because of that. that may have worked against him. >> i played the trumpet in the marching band and the french horn in the concert band. >> that's not such a cool instrument. >> that was off the chain cool. what are you talking about? >> if you're playing it's cool. in our school it was not cool. >> really? people looked at it and went that's an interesting looking thing because it had all the valves and curls in it. if you straighten out the french horn it's about 22 feet. yeah. >> i learned that at the movies last night, they put it up on the screen. >> really? >> for no apparent reason. >> you were waiting for the movie to start, stupid things they show -- >> i have to say that i feel like you have invaded my brain somehow and took that information out of it. >> just the opposite. at my high school the band was enormously hip because we mar -- because we were marching finds. i don't know if you have seen florida a&m, you know, black colleges have awesome bands.
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>> yeah. >> our high school band was like that so we were like as popular as football players and basketball players. >> we weren't. >> if you could march. >> we weren't, yeah. >> if you could march. if you were the stragglers, the tuba players were rejected? >> no, the tubas, they dropped the bells on the tubas and flipped them around. they did stuff. every section had its own thing. the drum lines were cool. the trumpet section had the spin thing that we did. we got ready to turn and we'd kick and do this turn. some guys would get to the end of the line and do the split and spin their horns. pose. it was -- it was crazy. >> yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> i don't know why. can i ask you a question. did your band director at any time during your term there, did your band director ever say the following words, kimmel, i'm going to put my foot up your ass! >> yes. >> he did say that?
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>> but he didn't say kimmel. no, he wouldn't say to -- he wouldn't say that to us all, because he rejected the idea of us showing out or there were times when he would just stop the whole band and go, you, play that section. you know, there'd be one guy. >> oh, really? >> everybody is sitting there like that. the guy that fakes all the time. he can't really play. look at his fingers, you can't be looking at his fingers trying to get it done. everybody is like oh, yeah, [ bleep ]. [ cheers and applause ] >> samuel l. jackson is here. he's hosting the espys on espn on sunday. we'll be right back with more from samuel after this.
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♪ samuel l. jackson is here. jamie-lynn sigler and sean patrick mcgraw on the way. on sunday night, you're hosting the fourth espy awards. >> yeah. >> four times. so that's pretty good. and do you have a different plan this year, is there something special that's a surprise that we should know about?
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>> i don't think so. i mean, we're doing pretty much the same -- you know, standard espy stuff. you've been there, you've done it. you do some comedy stuff, make fun of the people in the audience, make fun of the athletes who aren't there because they can't defend themselves. >> right, yeah. >> give away some great awards for wonderful moments that happened during the year and give the fans a chance to express themselves. >> i heard nelson mandela is going to be at the show. >> nelson mandela is actually not going to be there. he's being -- yeah, the arthur ashe award for courage. >> oh, he is? >> the president taped a message to him and saturday is actually nelson mandela day world wilde. it's kind of like his birthday and everybody is going to be -- >> i've gotcha. he won't be at the after-party? >> no, he's still in joe berg doing what nelson does, making fun of people and having fun. >> does he really? >> he's a funny man. have you ever met him? >> you'll find this hard to believe, but no. >> what?
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you have to go down there and hang out with him for like an hour. >> he rarely calls anymore. >> call him. >> if i wanted to hang out for an hour, would that happen? >> definitely. >> is there any chance he'd make fun of me? >> no, when you left. yeah. who's that guy? he's funny. >> have you spent a lot of time with nelson mandela? >> i met nelson mandela four times. i played on a golf tournament once, it was a nelson mandela tournament and we ended up hanging out with him that day. >> did he golf? >> no. just kind of watching. he had all these kids with him, they were running around him and hanging out. i think two years ago, i belonged to this organization called artists for a new south africa and we had gone to natal to see the aids kids and in the orphanages that we were funding and the well that we had dug. because we had never seen the well and we stopped in joe burg and hung out with nelson mandela
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for day. he was funny and giving and took pictures and told jokes. >> joe burg sounds like a jewish guy that would live down the block from you. >> exactly, yeah. >> joe and -- >> johannesburg. what's the word. >> that's amazing. do you -- you meet all the people and then they must -- does he know your movies, nelson mandela? >> yeah. >> really? yeah. do you think he's seem "snakes on a plane". >> you seem shocked. i don't know if he saw "snakes on the plane". >> of course the espys are about athletic achievement and i was wondering what was your personal favorite sports moment of the year was? >> um, wow. i guess it would be jason leesack swimming the last leg in -- of the 4 x 100 in the the pool that really helped michael phelps secure that eighth gold medal. without him -- >> when you say secure like this -- >> without him there would be no
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eighth gold medal. i didn't -- >> you didn't mean this? >> no i didn't mean that. i meant secure. i should have -- >> interesting hand motion. >> all right. all right. maybe so. you know? but jason -- jason made it possible for michael to have the eight gold medals because they were in jeopardy of losing that race and he swam the best 100 meters in a pool. >> what about personally, what is your greatest moment? like everybody has something that they remember that they did and usually only they really remember it. but what was yours? >> i'm a golfer so the first hole in one, the only one i ever had. >> when was it? >> the most memorable moment. about five years ago, the day before my birthday. i'm out on a saturday with the foursome. it's the three guys i'm with, it's 135, 140 yard par 3, i hit the ball, it rolls right into the hole. i go, i think that went in. they all went nah. i go, well, none of you are looking. they were having a conversation
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about something else, so they didn't see it. we drive up to the green. they look in the hole. yep, drinks on you. that was my big moment with them. but it was great for me. >> this is mine. >> and here's jimmy kimmel, host of course of his own show on abc. only down 2-1. look at -- watch out, watch out! jimmy kimmel's got it. >> i'd like to ask you for a favor. >> okay. >> this won't take a lot of time, but since we started here for almost like seven years we have had the same outgoing message on our office answering machine. like when you're -- we're not here. i thought it would be great if you -- >> i'm doing the ezekiel speech on your phone. >> no, you don't have to do that. >> okay. >> here's the basic information, and if everyone could just be quiet until the end. >> this is the ezekiel speech. >> it is? >> hello, you have reached the main desk at "jimmy kimmel live." our address is 6834 hollywood
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boulevard, hollywood, california. please leave your information and the name of the [ bleep ] you're trying to reach after the beep. have a great [ bleep ] day. >> beautifully done. that's very nice. samuel jackson, everybody. the espys sunday night on espn. we'll be right back. ( conversation ) garth, you're up. hold on, i'm at picking a photo... for my credit card. here's one from my prom. oh, what memories. how 'bout one from our golf outing? ( shouting ) i know, maybe one of my first-born son. dad, mom says the boys gotta go. personalize your card by uploading... your own photo at what's in your wallet? ♪
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miller lite. (announcer on call) off the glass, centered in front... oh what a great move, another great move... he skates in on goal... he scores! unbelievable! it's all over! oh my... (announcer) that's what greatness tastes like. triple hops brewed. great pilsner taste. miller lite. taste greatness.
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♪ we're back. still to come, sean patrick mcgraw will be here. sunday nights on hbo wouldn't be very sunday nighty without our next guest. for six seasons she played meadow on the "sopranos." now she's back as a turtle lover on "entourage". watch it sunday at 10:30. please say hello to jamie-lynn sigler. [ cheers and applause ]
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well, you look lovely. thank you for coming. >> thank you. >> last time you were here, it was just before the finale of the "sopranos." how did you like the way it turned out? >> well, when i got the script originally, it says that "don't stop believing" by journey was playing and i thought it was a joke because robert iher who played my little brother on the show and i are crazy journey fans and it's always been our favorite fans. when we want to watch it -- we watched it in the hbo screening room. it didn't say anything in the script about, you know, cutting to black abruptly. >> really? >> anything like that. so i was watching like everybody else, getting emotional, it was the end and it cut out and we all turned around, like what just happened. we thought the monitor went out. >> did you shoot more than that at the dinner scene? >> no, that was it. they walk in and we thought maybe fade to black. not stop with black. >> do you feel if you were a better parallel parker that the show would be on? >> i have to say, it's very hard
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to parallel park bad. >> is it? >> yeah. i don't know. i have no trouble doing a terrible job at parallel parking. >> i had a hard time trying to parallel park. >> are you a good parallel parker? >> i guess. >> most people aren't good at it at all and then you're eight feet from the curb and then you're like oh, i'm close enough and then you get out, oh, i'm not close enough. >> there's always pressure when people are watching. >> definitely. do you think the sopranos died at the end of the show? >> what here's my theory, none of this has been confirmed, none of us were told anything. so my feeling is tony is about to sit down, have a nice meal with his family and it seems like it's a relaxed, nice evening, things are good, but as an audience we're seeing all the potential threats. the guy in the members only jacket and -- >> yeah, they're dangerous. >> they walk in and they're all potential threats against tony. but that's whether his life ended right then and there,
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whether it ended a year from then or 20 years from then, that's their life forever. there's -- they're going to live their life as normal as they can, but there's always a potential threat. you know, he lives very dangerous life, i think it will always be that way and that's my theory. >> did any of you grab david chase and go, what happened? >> no, no. >> nobody did. >> because what if there's a movie and you want to be in it? >> a good point. do you think there will be a movie? >> there hasn't been any mention of it. but there's no mention of it definitely not. so you never know. >> that would be great if there was a movie of some kind. >> i think once there was talk of it and someone mentioned a prequel which would be unfortunate for me because i don't think i can play 10. >> yeah. might be a problem. >> i can do a lot -- >> you know, you've got a ponytail.
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you might look creepy, some knee socks. maybe a band-aid. >> you know the things they do with cgi and stuff. you never know. >> that's right. if they can make brad pitt a baby, they can make you a 10-year-old. >> it would be a very expensive movie. >> it would be, but what the hell, people would see it. now you're on "entourage". >> i am. >> this is a weird thing because -- [ cheers and applause ] -- you're playing yourself, but not entirely yourself. i mean -- >> well, i was only supposed to be on the show for one episode. it was supposed to be this wild out there out-there cameo that "entourage" is famous for, but fortunately for me, the creator, who is a good friend of me, who i love and adore, asked if i'd come back for another one and i did and he liked what was going on with jerry's character and i. so we went another one and it turned into three. he said, listen, i would like you to come back next year i think sort of having this evolution for all the characters and just growing up and going out on their own. be nice for turtle to have a
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girl that you wouldn't think he'd necessarily get and see what happens with it. >> then in real life, you guys are dating too. >> yeah. >> which has to be a little confusing because you're playing yourself on the show and then in real life, as yourself, he's not playing himself on the show, but you guys are dating. is your relationship scripted? >> yes. no, nothing is scripted. >> so when you go home, you guys -- that's all -- >> i'm not confused. >> you're not confused. >> no, i'm not. actually, i'm pretty clear. >> what do you guys like to do together? what brought you and jerry together? >> um, you know, we had chemistry and we're both actors and working together and whatnot. but we both like to play golf. which was, you know, it's a nice way to spend time together. but jerry really likes video games and -- >> just the quality you're looking for in a mate. >> no, i think it's great when people have hobbies and things that they like. and i wanted to play with him
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and learn about it and so i made the awful mistake of having him teach me how to play tiger woods on xbox, and now i kid you not, i play it -- i have to set my alarm on my phone to limit me. and then i keep changing the time because i can sit there for four or five hours. i created my character. i'm in the middle of the tournament challenge. it's very -- it's really bad. like i just sit there and think about the things i should be doing, but it's -- i love it. >> you play four hours of tiger woods golf? >> and i lie about it. which is how i know it's bad. and jerry had all his friends back in brooklyn, so you see when your friends are on playing and they'll call him and i'll get a text and he said, my friends are telling me you were on tiger for two hours. >> really? >> i'm told him i'm reading a very important book. >> wow. you might have a problem. you might have to go to the hospital. >> it's a serious -- it's a
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problem right now. >> do you think you're addicted to it? >> yeah. i get very psyched to go home. >> really? i could see -- >> at least jerry likes it and i like it so we can do it together. >> yes, you can sit side by side, mindlessly playing pretend sports together. >> very exciting life. yeah. >> really, that's going to last you well into your old age. >> i like it. >> hey, whatever works i guess. well, congratulations. say hello to jerry. "entourage" airs sundays at 10:30 on hbo. jamie-lynn sigler, everybody. we'll be right back with sean patrick mcgraw. 7
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12:58 am
hi, we're back. hey, this is his new self-titled cd. making his network television debut, with the song "dollar ain't worth a dime", sean patrick mcgraw. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ well, i'm a straight-laced, straight a always walkin' ♪ ♪ the line kinda man lookin' back now looking back now i'm wondering ♪ ♪ how things got so out of hand no criminal record, a gulf war veteran ♪ ♪ a wife and two boys at home a big stack of bills and things at the mill ♪ ♪ is more than just a little slow ♪ ♪ well, the gas man come and turned off the heat ♪ ♪ and the line man cut my phone so i walked down to the in-laws ♪ ♪ and i begged 'em for a loan 'cause you can't go nowhere when you can't buy gas ♪ ♪ and you can't get blood from a stone ♪ ♪ when a dollar ain't worth a dime ♪ ♪ i got some crazy ideas running through my mind ♪
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♪ if a man don't turn to jesus he'll turn to crime ♪ ♪ when a dollar ain't worth a dime ♪ ♪ two shells in the breech of my side by each ♪ ♪ i hit the pawnshop down on pine ♪ ♪ get back the wife's rings and a couple of things ♪ ♪ that i know damned well are mine ♪ ♪ i go down to the bank and make sure to thank ♪ ♪ that fella for the subprime loan ♪ ♪ i have a handful of cash and the jack from the gas station ♪ ♪ singin' an outlaw song ♪ i'll be good as gone 'cause a dollar ain't worth a dime ♪ ♪ doing desperate things in desperate times ♪ ♪ if man don't turn to jesus he'll turn to crime ♪ ♪ when a dollar ain't worth a dime ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ when you're livin' in red and the kids need fed ♪ ♪ you'll do whatever it takes so i'm dropping to my knees, lord, won't you please ♪ ♪ just give man a break and a dollar ain't worth a dime ♪ ♪ you'll do desperate things in desperate times ♪ ♪ if a man don't turn to jesus he'll turn to crime ♪ ♪ when a dollar ain't worth a dime ♪ ♪ if a man don't turn to jesus he'll turn to crime ♪ ♪ when a dollar ain't worth a dime ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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all right, i want to thank sam jackson, jamie-lynn sigler and our apologies to matt damon, we ran out of time. tomorrow night, larry king and marisa miller and chester french will join us. this is his self-titled cd. playing us off the air with "my so-called life", once again sean patrick mcgraw.


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